
43 Reviews
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Savages (I) (2012)
it's not terrible, but it is bad
19 June 2022
"I have orgasms, he has wargasms" oh my oh my, what was Oliver Stone thinking?

It's definitely watchable but it's just about 30-40 minutes too long, really drags its heels in the second half.
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WeCrashed (2022)
You forget they're actors.
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The negative reviews on this show because you don't like the people and circumstances they're based off is what's ruining the rating aggregate on this site.

I find Leto hit and miss but if you've ever seen the real Adam talk or present, you cannot be anything other than impressed at how he nails the role perfectly. The same goes for Anne Hathaway, plays the insufferable narcissist wife so perfectly you genuinely feel hatred towards these people.

Well acted, well written and an accurate portrayal of the events. Not quite a happy ending given they're still worth billions after tanking the company but interesting nonetheless.

Ultimately it won't be for everyone but if you like biopic dramas with solid performances give it a shot.
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Demonic (I) (2021)
Brave and unique experiment
12 April 2022
For anyone a fan of Blomkamp's oat studios work you may enjoy this. It's unpolished and ultimately flawed but a very worthy watch and I hope he explores the genre further.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Thoroughly enjoyable if a touch flawed in parts
30 January 2022
Smashed this out in a weekend and to those reviewing a show without even sitting through an entire episode, you are everything that is wrong with skewed user reviews in IMDB.

This is a tidy occult thriller with some solid acting, believable SFX and well fleshed out lore. I gave it a shot out of boredom and as soon as I saw Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead had some directing credits i knew it'd be worth a go. It isn't without it's flaws, but they're few.

If this sits alone as a mini series i won't be disappointed although a second season appears possible.
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meh - it's not a rippa, mate.
29 January 2022
I am confident this movie will not be enjoyed by any adult unless you're using it to keep your children entertained for 90 minutes. I enjoy many animated movies, even those specifically geared towards children, this movie however was truly terrible.

I give one star for being terrible and three for the animation/ the fact I'm not the demographic this is aimed at.
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Finch (2021)
You've seen it before but it's better
27 November 2021
Let's face facts, you've seen similar tropes many times before, mostly poorly done. This is nothing ground breaking but in its essence it's a beautiful movie about one man's attempt to ensure his dog is taken care of when he's no longer able to do so.

The SFX are great, Tom Hanks as usual is believable and Caleb Landry Jones plays a sweet simple robot perfectly.

This isn't The Road or The Book of Eli as it would appear some people were strangely expecting.
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In Fear (I) (2013)
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
25 October 2021
A half decent jaunt in one of my favourite horror sub genres but lacks the plausibility due to too many stupid actions. I can imagine a similar scenario could be possible (See Eden Lake) however, in this case just too many poor judgement calls are required too make this truly enjoyable.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
it's so boring
22 October 2021
I'll admit, I'm only three episodes in at writing this and I shall revisit once I've hit my limit, or should I actually end up liking it (Strong doubt).

I am all for slow burn and methodical set ups but so far this is nothing but a long hard slog. There are just too many character back stories to build up with which is by no means confusing but I just now have four story arcs spanning three episodes and zero care for any of them. It may not be so bad had the acting not been mediocre at best, or if everyone didn't already seem so bloody depressed.

So far; it's poorly written with garbage dialogue, the pacing is all over the plane and there's no likeable characters, all of that's had me reaching for my phone to fill a good chunk of the 58 min running time.
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Foundation (2021– )
5 episodes in and very impressed
22 October 2021
I find it hilarious that people are reviewing this so poorly having watched only one episode. To commit to Foundation you really need to be prepared to be in it for the long haul, those not focusing will surely end up confused and disappointed.

I have no idea about the source material and care little for how faithful it is, I'm taking it as it comes and so far it's a beautifully shot, well acted and thoughtful sci-fi. Those wanting a little pew pew and transparent drama should opt out now, those wanting to add something not so one dimensional to their catalogue need look no further.
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A sloppy mess of murder porn
16 October 2021
For those tuning in for the first time, this movie stands well as a masterpiece of murder- porn practical effects.

For those that were, for the very least, fans of the original, this is an absolute mess of sloppy hack writing, inconsistency and gratuity.

Considering this reboot trilogy is supposed to be a direct follow-on of the original, they sure did rewrite a lot of both what the original was about and how it ended.

It's not the worse horror movie ever made but it sure is down at the bottom of the Halloween leaderboard, regardless of what some of the over-inflated scores on IMDB might indicate.

The score, as always is impeccable, the acting is, well, it's ok but the writing is an absolute mess, and the pacing all over the place. If I was as bad at my job as the creators are of making a coherent entry to the sage, I'd be living on the street.

In the end, the anxiety throughout doesn't come from suspense for what's behind the door, it comes from eagerly awaiting the end of this infuriating wasted of opportunity.
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V/H/S/94 (2021)
Weakest in the saga
7 October 2021
This is easily the weakest instalment in the franchise with no single standout part to pull it through. This entry also has the single highest use of fake grain overlay of any of the movies making it almost unwatchable.

It's like tales from the crypt, only worse, much worse.
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good content, terrible audience
30 September 2021
Jon Stewart is good at what he does and he's back and better than ever, unfortunately though I couldn't enjoy the show due to the audience laughter. Live audiences ad atmosphere, I get it, but whoever if doing the sound mixing needs to turn down the audience mics, it's cringey and painful.

If they rectify the sound issues I'll be back, otherwise I just have to pass.
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Best Sellers (2021)
Meh snore fest
19 September 2021
Was expecting a rival to Kodachrome but all I got was 100 minutes of Aubrey Plaza screaming incoherently. The movie is a mess and wastes an otherwise intriguing plot and decent cast.
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Truly terrible
12 September 2021
I think I've given up on a small handful of movies in my life, this was one of them. Cringey unoriginal and just poorly written.

I genuinely have no idea who's rating this movie so highly.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Third act ruins an otherwise great movie
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie, it keeps you guessing and original horrors are hard to come by, even with a few flaws. This is until the third act.

The movie ramps up to 11 for the final act and right up until the last five minutes it was hitting all the right spots to be a solid 8/10, then that cheap Hollywood ending p*sses all that hard work down the drain.

This movie is definitely worth a watch and there's some solid acting, great twists and even a dash of really well done action sequences but in the end a movie is the sum of all of its parts, not just most of them.
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No idea what anyone said in the intro
12 August 2021
Whoever was the sound mixer should retire now, half the time you can't hear the interviews because the music is so prominent and needlessly loud. Made with passion but absolutely no skill.
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Silk Road (2021)
A sloppy hack job
20 February 2021
This makes The Social Network look like a documentary. I could forgive the use of creative license if the story wasn't so poorly mashed together.

Maybe I'm biased because Nick Bilton's book was so good but short of some decent acting there's little here to make it an enjoyable watch, let alone a half true retelling of the actual events.
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We Can Be Heroes (II) (2020)
A children's movie
27 December 2020
This is not a children's movie that adults will enjoy, but that's OK.... just giving people suitable warning. Also, the selling point of Pedro Pascal is a little sneaky given that he has about 8 minutes of screen time.
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One Day (2011)
Just tries too hard
3 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit that all in all the movie was mostly enjoyable, but I lost interest quickly after the aggressive attempt to elicit emotion in the third act, from there it was just cliched eye rolling mediocrity.

Generally and easily forgettable movie experience.
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What are these 10 star reviews?
12 November 2020
Seriously? How low must your bar be to rate this show a 10?

Rarely does a show come along that I genuinely wish I could bleach from my brain.

A cheap and cringey Kids in the Hall rip off with more misses than hits. I could barely make it through the first episode, it's just, just, really bad.
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We Go On (2016)
What are these reviews?
4 November 2020
I love low budget horrors as long as they have a decent script and acting, I have no idea where all these 8 and above star reviews are coming from.

The movie has a solid premise with some questionable acting, which could be forgiven if the movie advanced in any interesting way. It's not terrible, but it's not good either and I really had to drag myself kicking and screaming to the end.

If you like that synopsis, you'll be let down by what you get but maybe give it a go anyway, different strokes for different folks.
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Spiral (I) (2019)
Tragically frustrating
1 November 2020
What happens when stereotypes, cliches and terrible writing take a road trip? They crash; slowly, predictably and painfully.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
A cliched mess
7 October 2020
How did this even get made? It's recycled, rehashed, cliched trash. I guess we have one thing to be thankful to Covid for, a drop in this type of brain melting garbage in the future..
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Watch it first and then read the trivia section, you won't be disappointed.
4 October 2020
I knew very little going into this movie and it did not disappoint. Originally I gave this movie 6/10 but upon hitting up the Trivia section and realising some subtle intricacies I'd missed and just how much detail was in the movie I bumped up to an 8/10.

One of the best finds I've found in a while
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The Beach House (II) (2019)
Infuriatingly sloppy ending
1 October 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie right until the final five minutes. I'm happy watching a movie that does not give everything away or that has ambiguous endings but this movie was completely ruined by a lazy and sloppy final act that's just unforgivable.
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