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Dirty Teacher (2013 TV Movie)
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is an enjoyable movie with some flaws. The acting is good. Whenever I see Josie Davis starring in a Lifetime/LMN movie, I know she is playing the psycho. Her characters are never likable.

There was such shoddy police work.

They didn't check all of Danny's and the teacher's text messages. They could have subpoenaed the records.

Forensics would know the blood was smeared on the car's bumper, and it didn't match the victim's wounds.

Although the teacher purchased a ticket for the eight o'clock show, the ticket should have been stamped with the date/ time of purchase, I would think.

They could have checked the teacher's vehicle and would have seen that her grill was newly replaced.

With all its flaws, it was still entertaining. I would have liked the ending to include an apology from Danny's parents to Jamie.
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Mannequin (1937)
Always and Always
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love the old black and white films, and I am a diehard Crawford fan. I thought I had seen all of her films multiple times. I don't know how I missed this gem, the only movie in which she and Tracey starred in together.

The movie is the typical movie of a young woman eager to move away from her meager existence. The difference here is that Jessie (Crawford) isn't looking to be rich or famous, she just wants a decent man and food on the table. Of course, before meeting that decent man, Hennessy played by Tracey, she marries her childhood sweetheart Eddie, played by Alan Curtis. Jessie is blind to the fact that Eddie is a conman, a schemer. He has the very character from which she is running.

Jessie's and Hennessy's paths diverge when they happen to be at the same restaurant. Hennessy is the complete opposite of Eddie. He's successful and kind. He falls in love with Jessie at their first meeting.

Tracey and Crawford didn't light up the screen like Tracey and Hepburn. But they were good together. They are convincing as a couple. They both gave top notch performances. Alan Curtis is excellent as the no good husband.

I enjoyed this film very much. I liked the song Ms Crawford sang, Always and Always. A beautiful song. This was a great find. It is another Crawford film that I will probably watch multiple times.
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Nobody won
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was one of SVU's best episodes. It calls attention to CTE in NFL players and teenage prostitution. Although, teenage prostitution kind of gets lost . I think there should have been a little more focus on how teenagers, especially runaways are manipulated into prostitution. It's very sad.

The story is well written and well directed. The late Treat Williams gives an Emmy worthy performance of an ex NFL Quarterback who is suspected of suffering from CTE and/or pugilistic dementia. The late Andre Braugher returns to give a powerful performance as his attorney. I found this to be an emotional and poignant episode. Yes, it brought tears to my eyes. The ending is heartbreaking. No. There are no winners in this episode.
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The Walking Dead: Here's Negan (2021)
Season 10, Episode 22
Beautiful and heartwarming
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! What a comeback after the last few episodes. This history of Negan pre apocalypse was fantastic. Negan a high school gym teacher. Yes! I can see that. This is why he would never ever hurt children post apocalypse. This is why he so easily related to and loved Carl and Judith.

I can't even imagine his guilt after cheating on his wife with her best friend and then finding out she had cancer. But he stood by her and cared for her. I'm still trying to understand why he burned her up in the house after she committed suicide rather than just killing her Walker existence. But after this episode, his fondness for his baseball bat makes sense. Great episode.
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The Walking Dead: Diverged (2021)
Season 10, Episode 21
9 April 2024
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Carol makes dandelion soup in nasty gloves that she's used for digging and killing, and with blood and dirt all over her. Yuck! No thanks! Carol, who use to be my hero, is now my most disliked character. I get it that she's suffering from PTSD or something. But she seems to be devoid of any real feelings, except towards Daryl. She walked away from her relationship with Ezekiel without even trying to make it work. She is almost a psycho. I don't trust her.

This episode was truly boring and hard to get through. I don't need a character study about Carol. Enough about her. However, I did enjoy seeing more of Dog.
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The dancers are unbelievable
7 April 2024
I feel like I waited an eternity for So You Think You Can Dance to return. After my long wait, I am disappointed. I am not disappointed in the dancers who are auditioning. They are awesome, as always. I think the dancers get better and better with each season. Elimination becomes more difficult with each season. With that said, my disappointment lies with the judges. I loved watching the judges Maksim Chmerkovskiy on Dancing With The Stars, and Comfort Fedoke and Allison Hoker when they competed on So You Think You Can Dance. I'm happy to see how their careers have blossomed. But as judges they are boring. They seem like robots. They don't seem genuine. Hopefully they improve as the show moves on. I want to stay to watch these amazing young people dance. But the judges are driving me away. Even Host Cat Deeley seems lifeless, like her heart isn't into doing this show. Even with all these awesome dancers, the show doesn't have any life in it.
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The Walking Dead: Home Sweet Home (2021)
Season 10, Episode 17
7 April 2024
What was this! I am bing watching this series. Normally I can watch five to ten episodes daily. When episodes are exciting, the go by quickly. I couldn't wait for this one to end. This one was definitely a filler. It added nothing to the story. I really had mixed emotions about Maggie's return. She's been gone an entire season. I almost forgot her. The only entertaining things about this episode were meeting young Herschel, and listening to Anita Lester sing the song at the end of the episode You Want it Darker. Great song. In the past few episodes, Judith was the star to me and kept me entertained.
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6 April 2024
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This is a horror show. To watch an intelligent, successful woman who is at the age where she can sit back, relax and enjoy the life for which she worked, mentally decline is heartbreaking. I have never watched The Wendy Williams Show. So I don't know her personality prior to her illness. But I have been around alcoholics. So I know they can be mentally and emotionally abusive. Most of her staff seem to turn a blind eye to the fact that her behavior is spiraling. She is confused and dazed most of the time. Her family seem to really care about her health. But I'm not sure that they weren't being handsy with her money. I think her nephew said that her son Kevin's Uber eats was $100,000. Even if that's annually, that is quite excessive. Ms Williams is very thin, so I doubt she eats much. Anyway, this was hard to watch. But I think it's important to show how addiction ruin lives and families. Ms Williams denies her alcohol addiction and keeps drinking. So it will be difficult to get her to take rehab seriously. Until she admits her addiction, she will always relapse. No one can help Ms Williams but Ms Williams. I hope for the best for her.
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27 March 2024
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I gave this series a chance. I watched all the way up to episode 13. Then Julia and Trey ask Julia's ex husband Jim to give them pre-marital counseling. Of course Jim agrees to do it. He starts the first session with a prayer and a ridiculous speech. This really bordered too much on the ridiculous for me. I stayed through thirteen episodes of this ridiculous story that would never ever happen in real life. I had a few laughs. But this isn't worth thirty minutes of my time weekly for a few laughs. There are much better programs with more substance. I saw more chemistry between Julia and Jim than I saw between her and her fiancé Trey. I'm done.
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The Walking Dead: Service (2016)
Season 7, Episode 4
Already tired of Negan
25 March 2024
Why on earth is Negan still breathing. It's clear that some in his team don't like him and don't want to do the things he makes them do. He's one man. They are many. After hearing what he did to Dwight and his wife, I would think that Dwight would be willing to devise a plan with the others to oust him. They are the ones who are giving him power. He has no power without them. Certainly there are many of them who would join a plan to kill Negan.

I'm also very disappointed in Rick. Why is he so weak against Negan. Negan has become nothing but an annoying clown, not a strongman, not a leader, just a clown. He's disgustingly vile and vulgar. His cruelty has no bounds.
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Terrifying, Cruel
22 March 2024
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This episode was hard to watch. The cruelty is beyond belief. How does one say this is one of the best episodes when there is so much depravity. But it is a great episode. The acting and the directing are superb. This episode turned my stomach and made me want to puke. It also brought me to tears. It touched all of my emotions. Negan goes way beyond the description of madman. He is completely deranged. He enjoys and relishes in causing fear and pain and destruction. He smiles as he tortures and kills. He asserts power by causing fear.

I was so sad to see Glenn, one of my favorites and Abraham who I had started to love, die, and so brutally.

Hats off to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan for their brilliant performances. I bow to the writers. The scene, showing what could never be, the group sitting together at a dinner table with their significant others and Glenn holding his son, was both beautiful and sad. Well done.
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The Walking Dead: The Same Boat (2016)
Season 6, Episode 13
Didn't enjoy this episode
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am binge watching TWD. This is the worst episode so far. It was frustrating and made no sense. Especially after the previous episode was jam packed with action and excitement. Alicia Witt (Paula) is awful. She is not at all believable as a strong woman. Did they think it made them seem tougher to constantly refer to Carol and Maggie as the word that rhymes with witches. Was Molly suppose to look tough because she is chain smoking while apparently dying from lung cancer. Why did Carol suddenly hesitate about killing people who have made it clear that they are going to kill her and Maggie. Why was she hyperventilating and crying. This episode was boring with bad acting.
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The Walking Dead: Too Far Gone (2013)
Season 4, Episode 8
Well done
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I want to comment on this episode and the other episodes in Season 4 that featured the Governor. The Governor was more frightening to me than the Walkers/Biters. What a sociopath. He had no soul, no conscience. He was evil incarnate. He used charm to manipulate women. He cajoled, threatened, killed to get what he wanted and called it survival. I thought my heart would break when he decapitated Herschel. That was one of the most horrific deaths in the series because it was done by another human for no reason at all except cruelty. He was killed as he should've been killed. This episode touched all my emotions.
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11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Made absolutely no sense. The first annoyance is when Monica writes the story she is to give to her boss by the next day, Simone manages to get Monica away from her desk. She then goes into Monica's office and deletes her work. Monica returns and her work is gone. Really! You are a professional who constantly write news stories and you don't back up your work. Second annoyance is why aren't there surveillance cameras in the building. A security guard is paid to sit at a desk, but they didn't bother to install cameras. This is my biggest annoyance. Simone goes over to Trevor's home pretending to be Monica. She is wearing a mask. However, Trevor has spent time with and slept with Monica. So it is difficult for me to believe that even wearing a mask, he couldn't tell that this woman isn't Monica. Simone's skin tone is lighter. She weighs less than Monica, and she is shorter in stature. I'm also sure that the scent of her hair products and body products would be different. The feel of her would be different.

Finally, did the police even investigate all the murders. Simone decapitated Monica's neighbor and Monica's ex boyfriend was also found murdered in the neighbor's home. The police made no mention of these murders. I would think a decapitated body would be front page news with all hands on deck investigating it. Surely they won't try to pin these murders on Monica. Did the police even look for evidence, fingerprints, murder weapon, something before so far charging Monica with two of the murders.

Now there is probably a part 3 in the future. Hopefully part 3 puts Simone where she belongs and all these ridiculous movies are put to rest.
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10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had difficulty getting through this movie. I love these old Black and Whites. However, I am not a big fan of either Mr Holden nor Ms Kerr.

Both of them kinda rubbed me the wrong way in this movie. Mr Holden ( Colonel Black) is part Blackfoot Indian, and is not at all proud of his heritage. He is also uncouth, abusive, inhumane. He hated his parents because they were poor hardworking people.

Ms Kerr (Lee), a Red Cross worker, was not convincing as either a Red Cross worker or as Colonel Black's lover. Even in her Red Cross uniform, she looked like she was prepped for a photo op. But, surprise! She wasn't there to be a Red Cross worker anyway. She was there to find out what was going through her husband's head the day he was killed in Guadalcanal, and if he died courageously. Weird. But she falls in love with the irresistible (sarcasm) Colonel. One wonders how such a delicate woman, who was married to a delicate man, falls in love with a brute.

Thelma Ritter (Kate), the supervisor of the Red Cross canteen, did not disappoint. She was the lovable, charming and charismatic character as always. She is delightful to watch.

In the end, we do see Lee buckle down and do some real Red Cross work.

This movie did not meet my expectations at all. I thought with two of the best of the best of actors back in those days, this movie would touch some emotion in me. It didn't. The lead actors had no on screen chemistry. They just seemed to be going through the motions. They shared one kiss in the movie and they looked like statues. There was no passion. This is a contrived and unromantic "love" story.
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Sins in the Family (2023 TV Movie)
Sins in this movie
8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie might have been better with better casting. Rose is suppose to be an eighteen year old and she looks thirty. Natalie Sharp is totally unbelievable as Rose. Rose's biological mother Haley, played by Meghan Heffern, shows up and she and Rose look more like friends than mother and daughter.

Also, why would the school principal get involved in a family matter. Why would she agree to hire a person who tells her she's only there to meet her daughter.

The acting is what you would expect from an LMN movie. It's bad. So that's no surprise.

Why was Max, Rose's father, so intent on killing Haley when the truth was already out in the open. That made absolutely no sense. It amazed me how quickly Rose turned against a man she supposedly loved her entire life. This movie didn't come together for me.
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The dangers hiding in social media platforms
14 February 2024
First I want to say that this is a messed up world where perverts pay to watch children being abused.

I found this movie difficult to watch, but important to bring public awareness of catfishing. I knew going in that it would be hard to watch. So I tried to brace myself for things I would most likely see, or things that would be implied. But there is no way to prepare yourself for knowing that a child is being abused. It's just heartbreaking.

I've followed Cush Jumbo's career since her role in The Good Wife.

She plays Krissy's (Tia May Watts), the abducted girl's mother. I thought she did a good job. I think I heard her British accent creep in just once, very slightly.

I thought everyone was good in their roles, and the acting was above average for an LMN/Lifetime movie.

I don't care how savvy we think we are, catfishing is getting more and more dangerous. We must all be vigilant.

The ending made me emotional.
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Not interesting at all
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had to force myself to stay until the end. This movie bored me. I thought when Julian (Matt Cedena) found out about Toni's (Denise Boutte) past, the movie would pick up and get exciting. Well, that didn't happen. The movie just kept plodding along with Toni hollering at nurse's who she deemed as part of the plot to steal her baby. Ho! Hum! Yawn!

The actors' acting skills were a little above the mediocrity of the usual LMN/Lifetime actors' skills. They weren't bad, but not real good.

I felt like I was watching something written by a child. I did finally make it to the end. There were no details on who had Toni's baby and how the law enforcement got her back, after learning what the hospital was doing. This movie is disjointed.
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Extended Family (2023–2024)
Each episode gets funnier
2 February 2024
After the first few episodes, I thought no, what were they thinking, this is ridiculous and will never work. But I have loved Jon Cryer since Pretty in Pink, and I fell n love with Donald Faison in Clueless. So I hung in there, and I'm so glad that I did. It is a very engaging story about exes who remain good friends. It's a light hearted comedy about family life. It's fun for the entire family. I think it's a well written script, and a good cast whose comedic timing is flawless. Does it get a little cheesy sometimes. Yes. Does it go overboard sometimes. Yes. But that's what makes it fun to watch. Cryer isn't afraid to step outside the box and be a little cheesy. I think it makes for good entertainment.
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Medium: Sweet Child O' Mine (2006)
Season 2, Episode 15
Didn't like this episode
16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode left me with more questions than answers. For example, Dr Andrews (Gina Hecht) is the attending physician at Jessie's (Noel Fisher) birth. Jessie's birth mother is an addict who does not want the baby. So Dr Andrews tells her the baby died and the birth mother is relieved. Dr Andrews then steals and raises the child as her own.

Fifteen years later the birth mother sees Dr Andrews in a coffee shop where she is now employed. She tells Dr Andrews that she is clean and can take care of her child. She threatens to call the police if Dr Andrews doesn't return the child. How did the birth mother know the child was alive? She had been told that the child died at birth. My other question is that after Jessie is arrested for the death of his birth mother, Allison discovers that Dr Andrews actually killed her, and the good doctor confesses. She tells Allison that she let Jessie take the blame because she wanted Jessie to have a home to return to and not have to go to foster care if she is imprisoned. She implies that as a mother Allison would have done the same. After her confession, Allison sighs and tells her that she'll be right back and that's how this part of this story ends. Did Dr Andrews manage to convince Allison to let her go free so she can be there for Jessie when he gets out? Did Allison tell the DA that Dr Andrews committed the murder? The audience is left with deciding how this story ends. The story in this episode about Bridget and Angus the dog, is what redeems this episode. The other story lacked too much information and frustrating.
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10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a ridiculous soap opera. A kind man, Mark Sabre played by Walter Pidgeon, lives in a town filled with small minded people, who for some unknown reason hate him.

The story doesn't clarify why many in this town hate this good man. His employer is desperate for a reason to fire him. Again, the story never tells us why the employer hates him and wants to fire him.

A young lady, Effie played by Janet Leigh, becomes pregnant out of wedlock and her father kicks her out of the house and disowns her. Because Mark Sabre has always been kind to her, she turns to him for help. The townspeople who have seen them together, lies about their relationship to place suspicion on Mark as the father of Effie's child. The story is unbelievable because Mark Sabre is old enough to be Effie's grandfather. I assume since all of the young men have left to go to war, Mark is the youngest man left in the town to blame for Effie's condition, and he looks to be close to sixty years of age. Effie looks to be in her late teens. The story is preposterous and a little disgusting. The ending is not a decision I would have made.
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The answer was simple
10 January 2024
Husband leaves wife for a younger woman, who then leaves him and returns, and husband tries to get ex wife back. Yes. It was complicated. The romantic in me kind of hoped they would get back together, even though Jake (Alex Baldwin) didn't deserve it, or maybe I just wanted to see a man leave a young woman for an older one. In any case, I liked how the story ended. I think the story ended as it should have.

I normally don't care for movies where adulterous behavior is handled as being funny. There is nothing funny about adultery. But I enjoyed the movie. The acting is as great as you'd expect it to be. It's Meryl Streep. It is a light hearted comedy with some humorous scenes.
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Ho! Hum!
6 January 2024
The highlight of this movie were the skating numbers. The skaters were the real stars. The numbers were beautiful, funny, corny, amazing.

The skating saved this movie.

Two newlyweds who love each other let their careers get in the way of their marriage. They leave their marriage to pursue different careers. With James Stewart, Joan Crawford, Lew Ayers and Lionel Stander, one would expect a blockbuster movie. The acting was as terrific as one would expect. But the story is a yawn. The movie is worth watching to see the skating and to see Joan Crawford in technicolor. She's in her early thirties and she looks fabulous.
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Perfect Timing
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it would never end. I thought it did a pretty good job of keeping you guessing about who is the catfish killer. I guessed the gender when I saw the catfish killer assault the janitor and again when Eli (Jason Marrs) was killed. But the story did a decent job of deflecting to Scott (Daniel Grogan). Scott did indeed show all the signs of being the stalker/killer. A blind person could see that Scott wanted to be more than friends with Hannah (Nicolette Langley). Don't know why neither she nor her mom could see that.

The acting wasn't real bad. I have seen worse on Lifetime/LMN. In fact Jane (Emary Simon) did a good job of concealing her jealousy of Hannah. She also hid being a psychopath well. It ended how you would expect it to end. The story just went on too long for me and I was glad when it was over.
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Saving Grace (2007–2010)
She loves those around her more than she loves herself
8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All of the supporting cast is brilliant. The acting is superb. Ms Hunter gives a fine performance. Lorraine Toussaint (Captain Perry) is believable as Grace's captain and friend. Laura San Giacomo (Rhetta) is outstanding as Grace's best friend. Kenny Johnson as Ham, Grace's true love, gives a breathtaking performance. Even Gus, Grace's dog is charming in his role of barely moving.

The story moves kind of slow sometimes and is sometimes silly. However, the synergy between the cast produces a watchable series. They really seem to enjoy working with each other. I was always wondering what or who Grace will do next. Did she really eat a roach in Season 1 Episode 13 and call it protein!

In Season 1 Episode 13, the story starts coming together and we find out why Grace is so self destructive.

It's a hard hitting episode but Ms Hunter adds humor to take off the edge.

Yes. It is a little over the top sometimes.

Grace's lifestyle is hard to watch. But I started to understand why she lived as she did. I think she felt she was unlovable. But she had no problem giving of herself, giving her heart to those she loved and trusted. Grace has so much love in her heart for others. Too bad she couldn't love herself.

This is a really intense series. It's raw, hard hitting and not for the faint of heart. I don't think I would have lasted through a fourth season. The ending is understandable but sad.
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