
802 Reviews
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Painfully slow.....
9 August 2022
This time I'm taking the mainstream critics advice. The Terminal List is painfully slow and cliched.

In spite of excellent acting from the cast, this series takes forever to go nowhere interesting. It drags the viewer along, at a painfully lethargic pace,weighed down by often cringe worthy, pro US military cliches.

I really wanted to like this series, in the same way I did like Jack Reacher. That said, where Reacher was loaded down with thrills and action, this series is defined by an over abundance of the former and a conspicuous lack, of the latter.
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Adamas (2022)
Yet another Eastern gem......
3 August 2022
South Korean series go from strength to strength, for the most part and Adamas is shaping up to be yet another success.

Intelligently written, with well rendered characters and a complex crime thriller plot, Adamas is instantly engaging. Its different enough too, to represent a departure from other series, in a similar vein.

Like a lot of Korean series, you really need to pay attention, as the plot and sub plots are complex and multi layered. Depending on how you approach this, that fact can be a blessing or a curse.

That said, given the poorly written, often simplistic, ideologue ridden nonsense, coming out of the West, I personally find this kind of intellectually engaging, thoughtful entertainment, a welcome respite.

An Eastern gem in the making.

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The Passenger (2021)
A pleasant surprise....
1 August 2022
The Passenger came as a rather pleasant surprise.

This little Spanish horror comedy makes a lot with very little.

The story is predictable but it works primarily because of the great chemistry between the two lead actors. The proxy, father daughter relationship works well in the context of an end of the world style apocalypse. Both characters spark off one another in a positive, hopeful way, as this comedic horror romp, plays out.

In summary, the Passenger just goes to show that a decent story and quality acting, more than make up for a big bucks production. Well worth a look.
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Pipa (2022)
31 July 2022
I managed about half of Pipa before I simply lost interest.

This film plods along, seemingly more concerned with a violence against women theme, than actually telling an engaging story. Regrettably, this is all too common these days, where social constructs, that reflect a prevailing ideology, take the place of engrossing entertainment.

All in all, I found Pipa has solid production values and decent acting but ultimately it comes across as one dimensional and as a result, rather tedious......
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Moloch (2022)
Somewhat dissatisfying.....
29 July 2022
Moloch was, for me at least, on a certain level, a somewhat dissatisfying experience.

Its well acted, with well rounded, believable characters. Its family dynamic is warm and its builds a sense of home and hearth under a supernatural cloud, rather well. Certainly its back story, is moderately eerie.

Where I think it falls down, is it doesn't offer anything, that has not, in one form or another been done before. More than that mind you, its predictable. There's no real build up, no real uncertainty. It suddenly and abruptly wraps up, in a way that is not even remotely surprising. Any any sense of genuine shock and tension is diffused. You saw it coming.

In summary watchable, well acted but wholly expected, too.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Predictable action romp......
23 July 2022
Anyone thinking the CIA is anything other than awful, should in my humble opinion, take a long look at their actual history.

Anyway, putting aside the predictable effort to set up this nasty little three letter acronym as virtuous, there's not a lot going on here.

Its your usual rather heavy handed, cruel, cynical, US action flick.

Exposition is polished but then it needs to be, because there's not a lot else on offer that I can see. Suffice to say, instantly watchable and just as forgettable.

So if you want simple action and can look past the not so subtle messaging, this is an alright watch.

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The Barrier (2020)
Heavy handed.....
22 July 2022
The Barrier overdoses on an oppressive authoritarianism.

I simply could not get into this series. Its so loaded down with misery and oppressiveness that, for me, it snuffed out any sense of hope.

If its reminiscent of anything, I would say its the superb film adaptation of Orwell book 1984. The contrast, of course, is 1984 is film length version and whilst still not an easy watch, is digestible.

Spread over the length of a series, its exhausting and I feel, a little overstated. Whats also inexplicable, is the often spectacularly stupid and/or reckless moves, made by the main characters. I get that they are desperate but desperation, in this environment, needs to be tempered by caution and reason. How they survive as long as they do, is beyond me.

Acting is excellent, top shelf, as are production values, sets, costumes, etc. Certainly there are bleak aspects, reminiscent of the Fascist Franco-ist period of Spanish history, on offer here.

I'm not rating this series down too far, partly because my response is a personal one. That said, I do stand by my belief that the treatment is somewhat heavy handed and the story lacks a certain credibility.

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Painfully boring.....
22 July 2022
The first film in this series was excellent but I can only describe part two as "painfully boring".

Character development is fine but it should not take up two thirds of what is essentially an action film. Regrettably, that's exactly what you get.

Worse still, there are so many side characters and sub plots, it quickly becomes a confusing mess. You really have little idea what is going on, why and who half these largely redundant, side characters are.

This films only saving grace is reasonable acting. That said, so much else simply doesn't work, that means little in the scheme of things.

All in all, an awful sequel to a vastly superior original film. Its weighed down by a lack of pace, bland, uninspired storytelling and an over emphasis on side plots and characters that add little to nothing, to the tale.

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Forsaken (2018)
What price, exploration and knowledge?
21 July 2022
I'm not sure why Forsaken has attracted so many negative reviews. Suffice to say, this is a thoughtful film, not an action romp. I suspect many came to it, with the latter expectation.

What is knowledge, what does it mean to explore? How far will you go it to uncover the secrets of the universe? Is this not at the heart of space exploration? What price are you willing to pay to know?

These are the sorts of questions Forsaken asks, very subtly. This is an intelligent film for the thinking viewer. I loved it but then I was willing to spend the time appreciating what this film imparts.

Acting is solid, visuals are top notch but really its the compelling story, that sets this film apart.

Come to this film if you are in a thoughtful mood. If you are looking for pure exposition and action, keep looking.

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Interceptor (2022)
Intercepts any entertainment potential and ruins it....
21 July 2022
When you come to a movie that calls itself an action flick, you don't expect to be lectured on feminism and toxic masculinity.

Well, after starting off well enough that's precisely where Interceptor takes you. Its got plot holes galore but its entertaining enough at first, until it starts finger wagging.

Get the message entertainment industry, I don't come to a film to be lectured, I want to be entertained. Simple as that.

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Soldier Boy (2019)
Fact is stranger than fiction.....
16 July 2022
Soldier Boy is a tale I initially felt was rather far fetched. A six year old child adopted by a battalion of Soviet soldiers, after the death of his family. In an active war zone!

Well, not only is this a remarkable tale its also true. Some creative license has been taken with the facts but for the most part, this is a reasonably accurate depiction.

The story's a compelling one. Its sad but more often than not, uplifting. Acting is some of the best I've seen and with the lead being so young, his performance can only be described as Oscar worthy.

He's utterly convincing and for that matter endearing. At times too, his childish seriousness is amusing, You can't help but smile. I can fully appreciate why the soldiers enjoyed his company.

In summary, this is a top shelf effort. One of the best films I've seen in a very long time and it comes highly recommended. Its also free to watch on Youtube.
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What resistence and war really means......
16 July 2022
This is not your typical war film. Stones for the Rampart shows us what the price of going to war, in any context, really means.

Whilst old men do the talking, as we are shown, its the young and innocent, who do the dying. They don't always die well, either. If indeed, there is such a thing.

Scenes of death and torture of young WWII Polish resistance fighters in this film, are not an easy watch. The underlying message is a valuable one, nonetheless.

I'm not sure this could be called an anti war film. The cause of Polish patriotism is still promoted. That said, there's enough here to make it plain war is not glorious, nor is it conspicuous.

Whether people die bravely or just die, they are swiftly replaced. Little more than stones in a defensive wall. Nameless and ultimately forgotten by all, except those few who knew them.

Acting is excellent. For a young cast all those involved are to be commended.

In short, a sad, sobering watch, that is not easily forgotten. Nor should it be.

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Rubikon (2022)
16 July 2022
Where do we draw the line between altruism and self interest?

This is the question Rubikon rather astutely asks. It sets up this moral conundrum in the context of a capitalist corporate society. One where money defines one's place, in the pecking order.

Its a reflection increasingly of our own world in the West. One driven by self interest, where altruism typically takes a back seat to "me first."

Its interesting then, to see the interplay between characters placed in a microcosm of modern society. How will they react when called upon to sacrifice? How much will they be willing to give up?

There's no judgement or condemnation here, nor I feel should there be. This is simply a reflection of who we have become.

Well acted, intelligently written, modest in its approach and surprisingly engrossing.

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Visitors (2022– )
Profoundly unfunny.....
16 July 2022
I barely managed one episode of Visitors before I could endure no more.

I get what its trying to do, its a comedic parody, of cheesy sci fi series. The problem is, I found it profoundly unfunny. Its not as if something is lost in translation either. Jokes, for example, about "snot" are childish and not amusing to adults.

Sadly, this over the top nonsense doesn't get better as it goes along. It simply stumbles from one bad joke to another.

I can't recommend this on any level. I generally like French series but this ones a stinker, there's no pretending otherwise.
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Predictable but watchable
15 July 2022
Special Delivery isn't really all that special. That's not to say its bad, either.

This is very much your formulaic action romp, with fast cars and a humanistic twist, to add an emotional component.

It's utterly implausible but then you are not supposed to take this one seriously. Its "sort of" a light watch, if you can look past the propensity for extreme heavy violence, that seems to be inherent in a lot of South Korean cinema.

Acting is competent, with some well known faces from the Korean acting fraternity to balance out the otherwise youthful lead actors.

In summary, lots of over the top action with a heart. Worth a look.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Lost promise......
15 July 2022
The first episode of this series showed so much promise. It was enthralling, different and worked in spite of a few improbable aspects.

Sadly, by episode four, I felt the strong sense that anything The Old Man had aspired to be, was, well, getting old.

The chemistry between the two main characters started to falter, the story line seemed increasingly ridiculous and the sense of momentum and urgency, so cleverly crafted early on, was on the wane.

The anti Russian message is well past its use by date too, adding to the sense that things had gone stale.

In summary, what can I say, "what a shame!". A great premise, an interestingly original story and quality acting is not enough to save this series from being "just another espionage thriller."

5/10 from me.
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Resident Evil (2022)
In what sense is this Resident Evil?
14 July 2022
I'm something of a fan of the Resident Evil franchise, so I was excited to see a new series, bearing the name.

Regrettably, for me, the name is all I could see, that's in keeping, with the franchise. Not only could I see none of the series well known characters but the story line itself, seems to share only a passing semblance, with the original story.

Worse still, the revised story comes across as stilted and awkward. Its not sure where it's supposed to go, which comes as no real surprise. Resident Evil offers plenty of material to work with, why not build on its solid foundations?

Why too, pitch this as what appears to be a youth audience drama? Resident Evil is very much adult fare. Trying to shoe horn it into this demographic, seems like a real mismatch to me.

The result, in my eyes is yet another unmemorable "zombie series" that has little to set it apart from any other series, in the broader genre.

All in all, I found this one a real disappointment, I wont be taking beyond episode one.
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Row 19 (2021)
A slow film with a poignant end....
12 June 2022
Row 19 is a very much a slow burn film. Indeed I'd go so far as to say it could have done and said, a little more. It feels at times, almost as empty, as the plane its set in.

That said, its ending, although brief is poignant enough to make up for the films other shortcomings.

Worth a watch if you are a patient. For those craving jumps scares and lots of action, Id suggest this is not for you.

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Questionable but watchable....
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Viewed as a pure action flick, Attack on Finland is moderately watchable. Viewed in the context of the current political situation between the EU and Russia, I personally found it somewhat questionable.

Lets start with a few basics of ethics. I'd say its not alright to kill a child, nor is it alright to illegally break into someone's home. If they are a criminal, get a search warrant.

Taking that as a starting position, its also not alright for anyone including governments or governmental organizations to do this either. Its also not alright for individuals or groups to kill heads of state, the innocent and abduct people.

So getting that out of the way whats this film like from an entertainment perspective? Its quite watchable. I did like the international vibe it brings and the police/special forces cross over.

Action wise, it flows well and the story although pretty basic, holds together decently enough. Acting is solid but this really runs for the most part, on exposition.

In summary quite acceptable if viewed as an action flick.

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Cracow Monsters (2022– )
Could have been more....
8 June 2022
What to say about Cracow Monsters?

For myself, the biggest short coming with this series is its pacing. Its about monsters but I did not find it terribly exciting. Nor, for that matter, is it especially scary. The story and setting lends itself to terror but the series somehow fails to cash in.

I suspect this is down to its deadpan delivery. I get the "out of place in the everyday" thing but for me, it overemphasised, depriving the series of a much needed, sense of mystery.

Characterisations don't help either. I found the lead character is largely un-relatable and unlikable. The remaining cast of characters don't really lift things either. Everyone comes across as bland and neutral, often unfriendly. Any potential for a sense of comradeship in the face of monstrous terror is, for me, lost.

The acting is of a high standard. Characters are believable and the settings atmospheric if a little over dark. Cinematic's are top notch but special effects, I felt, needed a little more polish.

All in all, not an awful series but I felt this series needs "a certain something". A more upbeat treatment, a sense of hope, comradeship and more excitement could have seen this series really shine. Its material is inherently interesting, the tie in with Poland's mythology, offers a clever twist.

5/10 from me.
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The Boys (2019– )
Can't see the story for the splatter.....
5 June 2022
I really liked the first season of The Boys, I was still moderately enthusiastic about the second season but by the time I'd reached the third, well, I feel I've probably had enough.

Good writing not gory sensationalism, is what defines a decent series. The Boys has always had both but when one overrules the other, which is what I feel has happened with season 3, it gets tiresome, fast.

I was, quite frankly, bored by the first three episodes of season three. For me, it lacked the direction, pace and sense of urgency, of the previous season. Perhaps in an attempt, to balance this out, we get lots of pretty cheesy and at times, downright "yukky", gore. Mixed with outrageous over the top comments, that really do nothing, I can see, to enhance, this series.

As it stands, I'm on the fence about whether I'll take this any further or walk away. My instincts, tell me to walk away, so that's the more likely outcome.

In summary, season one's a cracker, two's still has some punch but season three, to me at least, feels like its spark has been extinguished. Buried as it is, beneath gore soaked, cheesy visual "death" gags, that might, at a stretch, amuse a gormless teenager.

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Who is this series about?
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Who is this series about? In spite of the title, the main character Obi Wan or "Ben", feels to me like a secondary player, in their own mini trilogy.

Overridden and out classed by a precocious Princess Leia and readily intimidated by a relentlessly ambitious, inquisitor villain. All the while described as one of the "greatest Jedi".

In my view this should have been played with the lead as someone with power who is reluctant to use it, given past tragedies. Instead, Obi Wan comes across as weak and bumbling.

In terms of overall story, unlike The Mandalorian, this tale lacks pace and excitement. Its about Jedi but thus far there is no light sabre swash buckling and use of the force is downright anaemic.

Special effects are excellent and this is a well produced series. Acting is predictably of a high calibre, given the strong casting.

That said, in closing, what are we supposed to take away from this? Why no strong male lead characterisation? Why does the story not appear to be focused on Obi Wan?

Suffice to say, after two insipid episodes, I'm pretty confident, I wont be back for a third.

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Memory (I) (2022)
27 May 2022
Like the main characters degenerating memory, this film leaves no lasting impression.

Its sports a decent cast but fails to really cash in on that fact. Instead, it delivers a "by the numbers" thriller that lacks any depth of characterisation and genuine personality, it could call its own.

An alright watch that might help fill in a slow, wet afternoon.

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Eraser knock off
17 May 2022
The new take on the Eraser is not in the same league as the original film.

This knock off has a made for streaming platform feel. Everything is "alright', its competently done but hardly an immersive experience, either.

One perhaps for a slow day or evening, just don't expect anything close to the Arnie original.

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The Northman (2022)
Not a viking saga......
13 May 2022
The Northman seems to be riding the recent wave of Viking sagas, kicked off by the highly successful television series, Vikings.

Regrettably, for me, this is hardly a worthy successor. The Northman, mixes sensationalist, often ugly scenes of violence and cruelty, simplistic story telling and historical inaccuracy.

Its not a pleasant mix and left an impression of Viking life, that was hardy representative of who these people, really were.

Acting wise, its solid and production values are high. Neither of which comes as a surprise. That said, so much else, is skewed, its not a film, I'd personally revisit or recommend.

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