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Nine Dead (2009)
Everything about Nine Dead was average
10 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The movie I am going to discuss is Nine Dead. A film that has been causing me a lot of interest for months because I was interested in seeing Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina, the Teenage Witch) in a different role. The film centres around 9 people, being held captive by a mad men, they all must discover why they are there, or every ten minutes, He will come in and shoot them one by one. Sound familiar? its very much like 'Saw' but its budget is far less and it shows. The film had a lot of promise but I was sadly disappointed by it. The acting, sets and story are quite average. This is a movie that will not ignite anymore interest in Hart's acting career or anyone else's for that matter, but it is a fun, harmless film. I was expecting a lot of gore from this film, but you hardly see any blood.

I won't give anymore away but i do recommend this for any fan of Melissa Joan Hart or the Saw movies. This is a good movie and I would watch it again. Although you will be disappointed by the anticipation and the hype that was surrounding the film.

I give it 6/10 but 8/10 for trying and 8/10 for the acting.
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Twisted Desire (1996 TV Movie)
Sabrina the Teenage Convict
3 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The movie that i am going to review is a little television movie made in 1996 and it starred Melissa Joan Hart and Daniel Baldwin.

The main protagonist/antagonist Jennifer Stanton (Hart) is a typical all American teenager who is feeling the pressure of having such a controlling father (Baldwin). However, when she meets an ex con called Nick Ryan (Jeremy Jordan "Never been kissed") they instantly 'fall' for each other, but Jennifer has a different idea on where to take their relationship. she manipulates him to kill her parents, to protect their 'love' but she just used him to get rid of her parents so she can be with Brad (David Lascher future 'Sabrina' cast mate for Hart). Melissa Joan Hart actually really surprised me with her role as an evil manipulator and she carries the movie well by using her friends and Nick so she can literally get away with murder. The rest of the supporting cast work well and they each hold their own when they have screen time. I also found it interesting that this film was made and released the same year, Hart, began portrayed Sabrina, the Teenage Witch and this shows she can act in my genres of film and television.

Although the film has dated somewhat it stills stands out as some of her best work that involves drama or thriller and i am looking forward to 'Nine Dead' that comes out in November because it shows she can seen as other people that are not called "Clarissa Darling " or Sabrina Spellman"

I recommend this film to anyone that is a fan of Melissa Joan Hart or Sabrina. You can watch this on the internet, so i suggest check it out.
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Employee Of The Month Surprised me ----- A lot!!
23 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Employee Of the Month starring Dane Cook and Jessica Simpson and it was made in 2006 but released in the United Kingdom in 2007. My Friend that lives in the states recommended me this film because shes a huge fan of Dane Cook and i also like Ms Simpson because of her sextons. I couldn't wait for the Cinema release so I went onto Amazon and bought the region 1 DVD. This movie surprised A lot, The reviews were terrible, people slammed Jessica and also they said that i should not see it. The story is about Zack (Dane Cook), he is the worst employee EVER and his arch enemy Vince (Dax Shepperd) has got Employee of the Month for the past 17 Months and the latest Month is victory for him, as he is the only one that will get that many in the stores History! Than Suddenly Amy (Jessica Simpson) starts to work there, and they found out that she only dates the "Employee of the Month" and Zack is determined to straighten his ways and beat Vince. The Story is hilarious and Jessica Simpson has come along way with her acting because she did not suit Daisy Duke at all. I feel that Britney Spears would have played Daisy Better than her because shes actually a southerner. Dane Cook is hilarious, Im a fan of his stand up work and he is just great in this film.

I wont say to much for the people that haven't seen it, but its a really good film and it makes you feel better as well.

The Story- 9/10 Acting: 8/10 Dane Cook- 10/10 Jessica Simpson- 8/10 Dax Shepperd - 10/10

I give the Movie 9/10

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Oh Dear Drew, What Have You Done????
23 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Charlies Angels 2 was made in the year of 2003, and everyone was exited because it had 3 great leads Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and of course the star Drew Barrymore. I didn't bother seeing it in the cinema because i had better time during the summer Holidays, than to sit in a hot cinema, so i got it for Christmas. Oh how i wish i saw it at the cinema because now I'm stuck with this film for all eternity rotting under my big pile of DVDs under my shelf. Drew Barrymore who hasn't had a hit film for a while, perhaps made the biggest mistake of her career by starring in the worst sequel ever. Lucy Liu, shouldn't have done this straight after her amazing performance in Kill Bill, WHY LUCY WHY? Last but not least Cameron Diaz, Who like Drew hasn't had a decent film for a while, (not since the Mask in 1994 thats saying something) looks sexy as ever. The First film was great, it had what you wanted, sexy ladies, great acting, great effects and great villains and great supporting actors Matt Le Blanc (aka Joey) Tom Green and Tim Curry. But Full Throttle lacks that and has Bernie Mac, I give applause for Bill Murray for walking! *claps* Basically the Angels have to try and prevent Dylans (Barrymore) ex boyfriend from getting some silly rings because he plans to do something annoying with them, Suddenly an old Angel returns (Demi Moore) and has got plans for the girls that they don't expect, but its soooooooo obvious! Anyway..... we find out that Dylan was in the witness protection program and Shamus O'Grady (Lame Irish name) plans to Kill her for framing him! He should have killed everyone so that movie finished early. The Effects are lame, in the final scene when the Girls are fighting Demi. Demi Kicks Natalie (Diaz) very slightly and she goes flying across the screen, and its obvious shes being pulled by ropes. and the opening, Dylan is falling to her death and she manages to grab the plane wing and hold on? HOW? wouldn't she get sucked up into the turbines? as well as Alex (Liu)? While Cameron screams and Screams. MCG should be directing Bin Men, not a $50 million film! This money could have fed orphan's in Africa! Anyway...... This Movie was Evil and i felt like i wanted to Hunt down and kill McG and slap Barrymore, Diaz and Liu for being in this film, they are extremely talented and sexy and they should have left the first great film the way it was!.

2/10, bad way for Demi to jump start her flagging career and this film nearly destroyed the careers for Cameron, Drew and Lucy!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!
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The Episode that started a worldwide smash! Friends..........
7 September 2006
Here it is.. the first EVER episode of Friends, Where we get introduced to Control Freak Monica Gellar (Courtney Cox), Newly divorced Ross Gellar (David Schimmer), Hippy Pheobe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), unknown actor and ladies man (Matt Le Blanc and very sarcastic Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry). This is how the scene starts off until we introduced to the 6th and final friend Spoilt kid Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston).

The Episode is better than most people give credit for, like any new sitcom the first episode isn't always fantastic. The acting in this episode isn't great because the cast cannot identify and arnt really believable in their new characters (apart from Kudrow and Perry- who shine).

Matt Le Blanc- Man, his acting was down right dreadful because until later, he gets more confident, but i think he tries to be funny but at most fails.

David Schimmer- Why does he over pronounce EVERY word? he cannot speak normally! but he became one of the funniest characters in later seasons, but he isn't confident. and i cannot sympathise with him Jennifer Aniston- Looks hot, and does a good job as Rachel Green, but we only see the real Rachel later in the 1st season, Courtney Cox- Looks quite anorexic in this episode, its worrying, she looks totally different now, (more healthily), she acting is a little sketchy but everyones is in this 20 minute pilot! Lisa Kudrow and Matthew Perry- I'm doing these two together because their comic timing and acting quality was superb, and for Lisa this was one of her first roles and she is so natural as Pheobe (Pheebs) and Matthew Perry is just Matthew Perry playing himself basically! The episode quality does improve later,,, such as the Sets, they looks dark and creepy in this episode and makes them seem unfriendly, the acting is OK, the characters gain confidence with each new scene and i am proud this is the pilot! I hope we see the Friends reunite! cause they will always be there for us!
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King Kong (2005)
Kong is the king of all movies (well.. almost)
2 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When i went to go and see Peter Jacksons latest adventure 'King Kong', i was like "yeah OK sure". When the film started i thought this is going to be great and i was right, even though i prefer to watch films over 3 hours at home (because i can pause it). Kong was not bad at all, i really enjoyed it. The film is about a pompous film director (the great Jack Black) and he wants to film a love story on an island (which no one has ever seen or heard off). He recruits Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts) a moneyless stage actress to be in his movie. He persuades them because he said they are going to china to shoot the movie but he of course lied about it, in order to get them to go to 'Skull island'. When they arrive on the island, things go down hill from there, and they off course capture Ann (similar to 1933 version). Now they have to rescue her before Kong Gets here, but there is an added twist, Kong falls in love with Ann and tries to protect her with all he can. i wont say what happens because it may spoil it for others....

Peter Jackson, is a great director but i feel that maybe all the attention he got for making Lord of the Rings, maybe went to his head and he maybe thought "I know lets make Kong 3 hours because everyone loves me". But there are some sequences in 'King Kong' that dragged the movie that never seemed to end. like when giant bugs attack Jack and Friends, i think that was added on because Jackson thought Kong was to short WTF? 3 hours isn't long enough??? Sure it was fine for Lord of the Rings but Kong doesn't have enough story to fit into that time slot.

Effects: Brilliant, i was really impressed with it, especially with the recreation of 1930' New York. WOW!

Acting: Acting again was great, Naomi Watts was great playing Ann and so was Adrian Brody, i like Jack Black but after seeing him in 'School of Rock' i cannot take him seriously, because i was just expecting to see him getting out a guitar and beating Kong to death with it.

In Conclusion: i Recommend this movie to everyone who loves Jack Black or Peter Jackson. but i must worn you, near the end of the movie you will be very sore! King Kong 2005 9/10
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Family Guy the Movie, was very funny (through some parts)
1 November 2005
Stewie Griffen the Untold Story, to my opinion was a very good movie, BUT it wasn't great because i felt like they were just repeating things from episodes, and it made the characters boring. i also disliked that they kept on going through flashbacks, almost every time a character said something, it was funny at first but than i felt just get on with the Friggen movie. i also thought that putting Swearing into the movie didn't help at all because i thought that Family Guy without swearing is funny, but Family Guy with swearing was just embarrassing, there just wasn't any need for it. it reminded me off kids, who think its really cool to swear and that is what i thought what Seth Mcfarline thought, i just felt that it made it seem immature and it kinda ruined it for me! although i did find the movie very funny at times and i thought them making fun of other TV shows was very funny and i couldn't have picked a better character than Stewie to make a film about. I recommend this to any Family Guy fanatic and i would watch it again and again until my DVD brakes!
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How Sexy is Sarah Michelle Gellar in this movie?
9 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Cruel Intentions is the best Teen Comedy of recent times, because its Funny, Dark and it has Sarah Michelle Gellar. The Story follows a Step brother and Sister Sebastion and Katherine (Phillpe and Gellar), who enjoy getting pleasure out of other peoples misery and misfortune, Their next target is Cecile (Selma Blair) a sexually unexperienced young women, who is in love with her black violin teacher. Selma Blair is a very funny actress as she portrays wacky Cecile, it makes me laugh when she keeps on spreading her legs, without reasling and makes people uncomfortable. Anyway... Their Plan is going great until they read about a Blonde called Annette (Reese Witherspoon) and now they have a new Victim but Sabastion suddenly turns against Katherine in favour of Annette because hes tired of doing the same thing all the time and he wants to have a serious relationship with Annette much to the displease of Katherine. Things go from bad to worse when Katherine makes life hell for Annette and Sabastion, while making new evil schemes for herself to inflict on people. The is a Brilliant Teen Movie and it shows how far people will go to find true happiness and all the acting was brilliant! Sarah Michelle Gellar, really got our of her Buffy Summers role and really went for the Cordelia-esc role and became an evil Bitch. Ryan Phillpe- was very funny, as the creepy Sebastian and how we was very two faced! Reese Witherspoon- is always brilliant in everything that she does and i enjoyed her being in this movie. and finally Selma Blair- she is so brilliant in this movie and i think she was one of the highlights of the movie.

Overall i give this movie a 10/10 because its very entertaining and i would watch it again and again.
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Duplex (2003)
Drew Barrymore and Ben Stiller have the perfect apartment but with one little problem upstairs!!!!
9 October 2005
When i first saw this movie was very surprised because after hearing about its failer and terrible reviews on IMDb, i decided to check it out, and it was a very enjoyable movie. The Story follows Alex Rose and Nancy Kendrix (Stiller and Barrymore) a newlywed couple, who have decided to set up house together. They Find a perfect Duplex in Brooklyn (new york) and they are love it as soon as they walked in! But... after they bought the house, they find out that a little old Irish lady called Mrs Connelly and her parrot, live on the top floor. This soon causes problems for Alex because he is writing a book and she keeps on asking for favours and this leads to him losing his book to deal. Nancy who works for a magazine gets fired because Mrs Connelly sprayed Pepper spray in her managers eyes during a party and she accidentally put naked pictures of her husband on the front cover. They now start to make hilarious day dreams about killing Mrs Connelly because they have had enough and my favourite was when Barrymore threw her down the stairs, thats makes me laugh all the time. This Movie was very enjoyable and i would recommend it to Barrymore or Stiller Fans, they do have good chemistry but Drew and Adam Sandler had better chemistry, this movie is worth 9/10 because its good, but not the best movie of their careers.
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It's Morphin Time! big screen style!
8 October 2005
Well, Well, well.... what can i say about the movie version of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? in one word.. AMAZING! This Story follows the journey of TV's favourite superheroes Tommy, Billy, Kimberley, Rocky, Aisha and Adam, as they fight their latest enemy Dr Ooze! but they unluckily lose their powers when Ooze destroys Zordons command centre and they need to find the Ninja Powers before he destroys the world, (leading back to the TV show storyline). They fight some baddies on the way and when they get new Powers, Zords, its back to Angel Grove, where they need to finish Ooze forever. The action is great, the effects are great and everything about this movie is great because of the great cast, although i did prefer Zack, Trini and Jason to Adam, Aisha and Rocky but O well! Amy Jo Johnson is as sexy as ever, David Yost (Billy) is always great and David Frank (Tommy) is always an OK character but overrated! this was my favourite movie as a kid and its also a little of a guilty pleasure when i watch it now! this is the best Spin Off to come out the Original Power Rangers EVER! and don't bother watching any other lame spin off, this is the one for you!
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House of Wax (2005)
This was the most disgusting Horror film i have seen in a long time!
7 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The House of Wax, to my opinion was the goriest '15' rated movie i have ever seen. This is an '18' because this is scarier and gorier than Scream and thats an 18. The Story follows a group of teens going to a baseball game and they decide to set up camp. Than the next morning someone stole a piece of car equipment and so they have to go and get a spare. they walk into this strange town and things go down hill from there, than people start disappearing and than they find out the secret that "everyone is wax" meaning that they got kidnapped and turned into wax to be put into a museum (thats also made of wax). I wasn't that thrilled with the performances from these actors who are from teen movies such as Freaky Friday. Paris Hilton was OK, but i have seen better acting coming from Britney Spears in Crossroads. i did find it very scary and couldn't watch some of the death scenes, especially when Ms Hilton gets killed by a spear(YIKES). i give this an 8/10 because it was an OK horror flick, but i think that it should have been a 18 rating instead of an 15! Next time you enter a small town, thats deserted, just leave and don't hang about.
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Sabrina is a very entertaining show (well until College seasons)
6 October 2005
Sabrina The Teenage Witch is a very well produced and funny show because of one good reason, the characters all have great chemistry. The Story is about a young half witch/ half mortal called Sabrina Spellman (Melissa Joan Hart) and she went to live with her Aunts Hilda (Caroline Rhea) and Zelda (Beth Broderick) and their world dominating mad cat Salem Saberhagen (Voiced By Nick Bakey). My favourite character (s) are Sabrina because Melissa Joan hart is a very funny comedy actress and she can make everything funny (plus shes fine), Salem because he makes me laugh all the time i watch him Nick Bakay is a very talented actor and Aunt Hilda, Caroline Rhea is the best actress on the whole show because she portrays wacky Hilda with brilliance. This show was very funny when they had Mr Kraft, Libby Chessler and Harvey Kinkle but it went down hill when they brought in talentless actors and actress, such as that girl from Clueless and Solei Moon Frye who is not a good actress at all.

In Conclusion i give the School Years of Sabrina 10/10 and the College years a 7/10 because i felt that it lost its sparkle after this! Sabrina The Teenage Witch 1996-2003
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Uma Thurman plays the Blood thirsty Bride will get bloody satisfaction when she finally kills Bill!
2 October 2005
Uma Thurman is here telling the story of a Blood soaked Bride and how she wants revenge on one man who did this to her and his name is Bill (David Carrdine). The story follows Ms Thurman as the Bride and how she will stop at nothing to get revenge on him not caring who she kills on the way. Will she have the guts to take out the deadly assassin squad who had thought they killed her on her wedding day 4 years earlier but what they don't know is that she is still alive and the only thing she wants is their lives for what they did to her. Uma Thurman blew me away with her performance as the "Blood Spalttered" Bride and i was actually quite moved because i could understand her pain of 'losing' a child and that everyone you loved was dead. Uma has a big range of emotions and she can go from killing the crazy 88 to being upset about losing her daughter over some heartless assassins. i was also very surprised by Lucy Liu as O-Ren Ishii because i saw her in Charlies Angels and i wasn't that impressed because the acting wasn't that great anyway. I think that she is a very sexy Asian and she brings some spice to the role which makes her great. All the acting was amazing and i think that Quentin Taratino is a genius for making this excellent film. i recommend this to fans of Pulp Fiction or any other Uma or Quentin Film.
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Uma Thurman slays me with her performance of revenge seeker Beartrix Kiddo!
2 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When i first saw Kill Bill Vol 2, i wasn't very impressed because i hadn't seen any Uma Thurman or Quentin Taratino films before, but when i watched this again, i was so amazed by the quality and how much care Quentin takes when directing movies. Also i was blown away by what an amazing actress Uma Thurman actually was and the range of emotions she has from being a murder mad biatch to a loving mother. i wont say to much of what happens in the movie but "The Bride" after claiming victory after killing Vernita Green (Vivica A fox) and O Ren Ishihi (Lucy Liu), shes back and there's only won person left and thats Bill (David Carrdine). Along the way she meets some old friends/Enemys Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah) and Budd (Michael Madsen. Who both want her dead before she gets to Bill. When she reaches her destination she realises the truth about her Daughter and now she wants pay back for what happened to her 4 years earlier. Will Beartrix Kiddo succeed? and will she get the daughter that she thought that she'd lost? and will she finally Kill Bill? watch Kill Bill Vol. 2!
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Imagine having to win over the girl of your dreams....... everyday?? Review of 50 First Dates!
2 August 2005
"50 First Dates" was in fact a very decent film, i must admit! it reunites "The Wedding Singer's" Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore for a romantic comedy in which it tells the story about a Vet called Henry Roth (sandler) and in Hawii he is known for sleeping with female tourists before they head back home. but he has suddenly has enough and goes out on his boat to do some research on sea animals, than his boat crashes and goes to a local café' and thats when he spots a local women called Lucy Whitmore (Barrymore) and he is instantly struck and is in love, they start talking and relies that they have a lot in common, and agree to meet again, but Henry realises that Lucy has short term memory Loss and can't contain new information and so from there he has to act like he has just met her and sometimes he gets rejected because Lucy makes up stories that shes got a boyfriend called Ringo Mcartney or she speaks Chinese to make him go away, so Henry makes up crazy ideas for her to notice and remember him. Lucy than discovers what had happened to her and wants answers and thats when she discovers that she and Henry are dating, to help her remember this she puts all of her thoughts into her diary, but she than decides to end it with Henry because she thinks its not fair on him and deletes him from her memory, shocked by this he decides to leave the island and carry on with his travels, but suddenly he thinks that Lucy remembers him and rushes of to find her. its obvious what happens in the end of the film but i really enjoyed it, Barrymore and Sander have amazing chemistry on screen and should do more movies together! this may not be as clever or brilliant as "The Wedding Singer" once was but its a good movie. The Acting was OK, Not Barrymores best performance, i am a big fan of her but it seemed she has just read the script, Sandler was OK as well i mean he is not the most amazing actor that i have ever come across but he was OK! 9/10 is a decent marking and the supporting cast was good as well!
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Julie James will never forget what happened last Summer!!
2 August 2005
"I Still Know What you Did Last Summer" is about Julie James played by Jennifer Love Hewitt and its been a year since they killed a man and since Helen and Barry were murdered because they didn't want to go to the police. Shes not seeing Ray that much because she doesn't want to go back to Southport to see the festival(which Helen was involved in) and instead her new best Friend Karla Wilson played by Brandy(aka Moesha)wins a holiday to the Bahamas and Julie, Karla, Tyrell and will Benson go on holiday, Julie asked Ray but he say no and he is going to meet her there with a surprise proposal. When they get to the island they find out they will be the only ones there because its hurricanes season. suddenly bodies start dropping and only Julie encounters them and when she tells the others no one believes her until its to late. Ray knows something is wrong with this sudden trip and hurries off to rescue her because the Ben Willis gets her. i wont say what happens because it may ruin it for others. Acting: the acting was dreadful because in the original it had Sarah Michelle Gellar and shes the one that made that movie, but Brandy cannot be a serious actress (or a comedic actress) Jennifer kept this film on its feet and made it seem real. Mekhi Phifer was like Ryan Phillpe screamed at everything and he is a rubbish actor, Matthew Settle he was pathetic (enough said) last but not least Freddie Prinz Jr- once again he didn't have a big part, but he cant act anyway, so not a huge loss.

7/10 thats all its worth. i am looking forward to "i will always know what you did last summer", maybe it has new people in it, if its got Julie than it will be Sidney from "Scream" all over again. It is a decent Watch so watch it!
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Scream 3 (2000)
Scream 3 was an awful way to end a brilliant trilogy!
1 August 2005
When i bought "Scream 3" i was exited because i loved the first two movies, but to my shock, this must have been the worst ending to a movie ever! maybe I'm being a bit to over the top but they cast people with no talent, and nobodies! the only person that i had recognised what Jenny McCarthy but her acting was dreadful, i hate to admit it but Courtney Coxs and David Arquettes acting wasn't all that either, the only person that i think made this movie work was bringing back Neve Campbell because shes the only decent actress/actor in the entire movie. also i didn't like it how they ruined the original plot that we loved, i.e a 3rd person killed Maureen Prescott? WTF? i just didn't like it because they toyed with the originals deaths and said that Billy Loomis didn't kill these people but Maureens son did, thats why i dislike this movie and thinking it should have ended a different way. Why did Wes Craven ruin this other films story lines and motives by making out that Sidneys Mom had a secret life and why didn't Sidney or her dad know about this???? anyway... basically they are making a film called "Stab 3" based on the Woodsbro and Windsor college murders and the cast members are being killed off in order they die in the movie but there are 3 version of the script and no one knows who will drop next, i don't find that is very original! plus the deaths are so random, why kill some whinny bitch's body guard? why? also i haven't seen acting this terrible since "Power Rangers" and other silly horror films such as "Freddy Vs Jason". i would have enjoyed this movie a) if they hadn't ruined the other memory's of "Scream 1" B) cast more talented actors C)killed off David Arquettes character and finally D) never introduced Maureen Prescotts secret life. i think that it could have been about either a group of new teens or a good story evolving around Sidney and her trying to get on with her life but someone from Woodsbro is out to get revenge or something and not murder helpless actors on a set and find out its your brother, BAD IDEA! to summarise they better not do a "Scream 4" and if they do put new teens in it because Neve Campbell doesn't want to be involved (good for you) to finish here are some pointers: Acting was terrible apart from SEXY Neve Campbell who saved the film don't cast people with no careers ahead or porn stars i.e Jenny McCarthy,

6/10 thats all, i only watch it for Neve because shes very HOT!
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Scream 2 (1997)
Its time to "Scream" for a second time!
1 August 2005
Although i did really enjoy "Scream 2" i feel that it didn't have the same spark as the first one. The surviving cast Members return, Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, David Arquette and Jamie Kennedy, as well as being joined by new people Jade Pinkett (smith), Sarah Michelle 'Buffy' Gellar, Jerry O Connel and Elise Neal. The film starts with another Scary opener and its with Jada Pinkett and her boyfriend waiting to see "Stab", its a movie based on the murders that happened in Woodsboro a year earlier, but not much to their knowledge their life will be a scary movie in the movie theatre, In the film "Stab" they are watching Heather Graham is re acting Drew Barrymores performance as Casey Becker. Jada is playing Maureen Evans a bright young Women and hates scary movies. after her boyfriend is killed hes after her but the audience think thats its a funny stunt, but it turns out not to be funny at all when she dies in front of 200 people. When than see a familiar face Sidney Prescott, shes now at college with her new best friend Hallie played by Elise Neal and now Sid discovers its happening all over again. We than get introduced to Sidneys new Boyfriend Derek played by Jerry O Connel and too Woodsboro survivors Dewey and Randy. suddenly out of no where Courtney Cox is back as Gail Weathers and she brought along Cotten Weary because she wants Sidney to talk about what happened the year before, Sid is not happy and walks away. The next scene is about a young blonde Girl named Casey "CICI" Cooper played by the ever sexy Sarah Michelle Gellar. She is alone because shes waiting to pick up her drunk Friends from a party. She is talking to her Friend on the phone when someone is beeping in, its the killer and she starts being harassed just like Casey Becker in "Scream", Gellar was outstanding in this movie as every other thing she does but I'm a huge fan of her work and everything that she does (Buffy, i know what you did last summer) and i was pleased that she was in this movie. after the killer adds her to his death list, he is after Sidney and she is attacked at a party while everyone has gone to investigate the murder of Cici. than her boyfriend goes after the killer and is than put up as a suspect. basically Mrs Loomis has come after Sidney because she killed Billy and she has a student helping her with the murders. with help from Gail and Cotten, everything turns out to be fine! plus the Killer is killing people with similar names to the original victims which gives the film a brilliant twist. although this wasn't as good, it still is one of my favs!

three cheers for: Neve Campbell- Always brilliant in these films! Sarah Michelle Gellar- shes amazing in everything that she does and I'm her biggest fan plus shes HOT in this film Courtney Cox- proved once again that she can play other roles and not be Monica all the time.

David Arquette was AWFUL! i don't know why they don't kill him off, he is a terrible actor and the the way he "Walks" because of his stab wound from the last movie makes him look even worse of an actor.

anyway like i said 9/10! its worth seeing over and over again!

amazing camera work from Wes Craven, he truly is the suspense master!!
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Scream (1996)
"It's a Scream baby"
1 August 2005
When i first saw Scream about 2 years ago, i wasn't expecting much because i knew what all these "Teen" Horror flicks were about (bad acting, bad direction etc) but when the opening scene began with Drew Barrymore playing helpless blonde Casey Becker, my mind was changed almost immediately, words cant describe how brilliant Drew Barrymore was in this opening scene, and i have never scene her act this good fantastic since. it starts of with Casey Becker answering the phone, while shes alone getting ready to watch some scary movies with her boyfriend Steven Orth, but suddenly out the blue, the stranger on the phone starts harassing Casey and this is when she knows something is wrong here, every time i watch this scene my heart still pounds and i still cant watch it when her parents find her hanging from a tree, because without this Drew Barrymore opener, this movie would have been awful. Then we get introduced to Neve Campbell playing Sydney Prescott, a 17 year girl, with a boyfriend who is always trying to get into her pants. Her boyfriend Billy Loomis played by Skeet Ulrich suddenly appears through her window giving her a big fright and the only reason why he wanted to see Sidney was because he wanted the night to be the night (if you know what i mean!) but she says no and he leaves. The next day after Casey and Steve were murdered and Sidney finds herself being swamped by tabloid twit Gail Weathers played by Courtney Cox (Tv's Friends), because a year earlier her mother Maureen Prescott was raped and murdered and Sid blamed it on her mothers ex lover Cotten weary (liev Schreiber) and Gail has been bashing Sidney since Cotten got sent down for her murder. We than get introduced to Tatum Reily played by Rose Mcgowan, Sidneys best friend, Randy Meeks played by Jamie Kennedy and Stu Macker played by Matthew Lillard (Tatums boyfriend). That very same night Sidney gets attacked at home whilst waiting for Tatum to pick her up, and suddenly Billy shows up and he gets arrested because Sidney thinks it was him. This is when Deputy Dewey Riley gets introduced played by David Arquette. its now the one year anniversary since Maureen Prescott was murdered and this when things start getting crazy and more bodies start piling up and its up to Gale, Dewey and Sidney to stop it.we found out who the killers are and their motive is blaming Horror movies and they want to blame the whole thing on Neil Prescott (Sidneys father) to make sure they don't get caught. in Conclusion i enjoy watching this masterpiece by Wes Craven and i want to give out mini awards to the brilliant cast: Drew Barrymore: No words cant describe the brilliance of her performance, she really was amazing Neve Campbell: Neve is always great as troubled Sidney and she was great in all 3 movies Courtney Cox: Courtney proved that she can get away from her "Friends" character Monica Gellar and this showed us she is a mature actor and can do any role Rose Mcgowan: she cracks me up in this movie with her sarcastic remarks "no please don't kill me Mr ghost face, i wanna be in the sequel"

The rest of the cast are brilliant as well but i was disappointed with David Arquette because he was good in this but he isn't a great actor in my opinion i give it 100/10 because this is the modern say "Halloween" and this best Horror Movie of all time.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
They'll never stop the Simpsons have no fear they'll have storys for years!
20 June 2005
The Simpsons is the best semi adult cartoon in the history of television and altho it does appeal to kids, adults love it to, Matt Groening is a complete genius for inventing this amazing show and although the new episodes suck a bit, it doesn't ruin what The Simpsons was: Here i will explain a bit about each member of the family and see where the show went by changing them!

Homer .j. Simpson: Homer is the best character because of his constant stupidity and his lack of understanding Lisa' smartness and always been outsmarting him i.e "Mental note, the girl knows to much" you can see that he is proud of all his family but at the same time doesn't want be in the same room as them! Dan Cassenella is a genius! i don't like the new Simpsons Homer because they have made him smarter and his voice sounds dumber and i cant watch it because its sad, what they've done to him!

Marge Simpson: She is the perfect housewife, does chores looks after the kids and cooks, thats Marge Simpson for you! She may have the occasional murmur but Marge is great, its funny when you that Moe has a huge crush on her and tries to hide it from Homer, but deep down i think that Homer knows! The problem now i have with this character is that Julie Kavner has made her voice sound more screechy and it kinda gets on my nerves because of that

Bart and Lisa Simpson: i want to say something about them together so i'll put them together! Bart and Lisa are a great bro and sis and sometimes i wish that i could be related to them!! Bart has always been my fav because Nancy Cartwright is amazing and even tho she does Chuckie from 'All Grown up!' and 'Rugrats' you can sometimes hear Bart when Chuckie laughs and talks, anyway the problem that i now have with Bart is what i have always hated Lisa for, being a goody two shoes and he never plays pranks anymore and now Bart bores me! Lisa is an OK character but in the early seasons her voice always went through me because it was high pitched and squeaky but over the years Yeardly Smith improved the voice and its a nice voice, Lisa hasn't really changed much except some how she knows everyone in Springfield and shes also a bit dumber as well (whats up with that), the main problem i have with these two is that they never fight as much as they used to which sucks a bit! i wont do Maggie because not much to say, except shes never init anymore she always disappears!! random!

Overall i still love this show even tho the writers have lost their touch and all they do is rehash old story lines and give it a new title, also trying to shock people i.e Making Patty in a lesbian, not very shocking, i can't believe they are making a movie, i cant wait but i think that i may be disappointed as well!

i give this 10/10 because it will always be great and i will never stop watching it!
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Mighty Morphin Power rangers are awesome! Watch this one and this one only!
6 June 2005
when i was a little kid, the only that i loved was this, its the best show ever, yeah sure it may look a bit stupid now, but this is what made me believe in myself and that friends stick together! my favourite Character was Billy the blue ranger because he was cool the way he knew everything about well everything. i had such a huge crush on Kimberley the pink Ranger because come on Amy Jo Johnston is amazingly beautiful and i still have a crush on her now. This show also taught kids that violence isn't a good thing and the power rangers always stopped it, even tho it was obvious who they were because they all worked around in the same colour as their costumes, Bulk and Skull, they are legends hands down! they were always trying to a) be the rangers and win over there fans b) trying to find out who they were. i went a bit off it when they replaced Kimberly with a bloned girl, she didn't have the same attitude as Amy Jo and thats why i switched off, but this show will always be the best kids show ever, i guarantee it, forget the other power ranger series, this is the best one, also it was a shame to hear about the girl who played Trini, she was cool too. GO GO Powers Rangers, the mighty morphin Power rangers!!
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Friends (1994–2004)
i will always be there for my F*R*I*E*N*D*S!!
30 May 2005
Friends is hands down the best sitcom of all time, the main reasons are the chemistry on screen and that they are best friends off screen, which is rare because in most sitcoms, the actors hate each other because one gets overshadowed and has less publicity! even tho friends is like that because of Jennifer Aniston overshadowing Courtney and Lisa, they still stick by each other! lets explore the main characters:

Rachel Green: played by Jennifer Aniston, when we first saw her back in 1994 she was spoilt and was daddy's little girl, but as time went she became independent and into her own after the "We were on a break" and when she married Ross and Vegas, we saw that she was over Ross and stood up and said "we can't stay Married", she is telling him that its over, this is the main highlight, Rachel standing up for herself. season.since she had her baby thats when we see the true Rachel Green for the first time. Plus shes HOOOTTT!!!!! rating 8/10

Monica Gellar: played by Courtney Cox- Monica is the bitchiest out of all three girls because she gets very competitive and never lets anyone win, especially chandler since they got married, she isn't my favourite character but she does have her moments i.e as fat Monica. rating 7/10

Phoebe Buffay- Played by Lisa Kudrow, Phoebe is the funniest female character hands down, her songs, her wit and her blondness makes her such a brilliant creation to watch, i couldn't imagine anyone playing her, also her twin sister is funny because you can see that they don't get along and after the "Buffay the Vampire layer" porn movie incident where Ursula used Phoebes name, you can see why Phoebe hates her.also Lisa portrays Phoebes troubled life with a smile and i think that is what makes Lisa such a great actress. rating 10/10.

Joey Tribbiani: played by Matt Leblanc. Joey is a great character but he is not my favourite because after a while, Joey became a tiresome character and all the other Friends all got married had kids etc but he didn't seem to fit in anymore, i mostly admired the Joey and Chandler relationship, which got built up over the years which is great, they have more chemistry on screen than Chandler has with Monica, because i think that they were closer than he was with Monica. i don't think that his Sitcom will ever be as successful because they main characters bore me, and there is no chemistry on screen.8/10

Chandler Bing: played by Matthew Perry, Chandler the best he really is, my favourite Character because he is always making fun of how slow and dumb Joey is, i grew bored of him when he married Monica because he lost his Witt, Monica kept on being serious all the time and thats when Chandler became serious and thats why i grew bored! but he is still the best! he still does have is moments but Monica took that away and made him more mature which was a big mistake for Chandler Fans.rating 10/10

Ross Gellar: played by David Schimmer. Ross, when Friends started he wasn't the best Character because he was quite boring, but as seasons went on Davids acting and comic timing improved and thats when he became really funny! i liked it when he screamed "WE WERE ON A BREAK" after this he became funny, and as his relationship with Rachel ended, thats when he challenged Matthew Perry as the funniest Friend. I'm glad that He and Rachel got back together and i would have liked this as a sitcom than 'JOEY'. 10/10

Friends will always be the best and even tho some episodes are bad and some are excellent, you cant take the chemistry and great acting away from this great sitcom, the best seasons are 3,4,5,6,7 and 10! also I'm looking forward to the movie that has just been announced! Friends R.I.P 1994-2004
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Joey (2004–2006)
How you Doin? Not very well, - Review of "Joey"
14 April 2005
After a couple of seeing Joey Tribbiani in his own show, i thought that i'd comment!! The basis of the story is that Joey left New York City to pursue a better chance of acting career in L.A! He moved in with his Sister and her Son. The plots, Jokes, acting and on screen chemistry is all weak, because when "Friends" was still airing Joey, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Monica and Phoebe had so much Chemistry it was sad to see them go. Also the Rembrants "i'll be there for you" was a better theme than Joeys, its annoying catchy!! anyway...... to sum of i don't see a long future for Joey maybe one more season than that will be it, maybe the Friends should make cameos! i see IMDb having Joey as 2004-2005 R.I.P
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
I'm Buffy, the vampire slayer and you are?
17 March 2005
Hm.... lets see Buffy the Vampire Slayer is most likely the best Cult Sci-Fi program ever made, the characters, actors, stories, effects are all brilliant! lets explore each character!

Buffy Summers: She is a girl who has been given a special gift to slay vampires, but all she wants to do is fit in and be a normal teenager. She may look innocent but she is tough and could kick your ass. plus shes HOT!!

Willow Rosenberg: Willow is such a strong character in this show and i think that Alyson Hannigan handles her great, when we first met willow she was a loser with only Xander as a friend, she evolved and became more powerful and even on occasions challenged the Slayer at her own game.

Xander Harris: like willow he never had a direction except dating Cordelia chase and being jealous that Angel is Buffys one and only. He is kind of like Chandler Bing from TV's Friends because he makes jokes when is he insecure about something.

Cordeila Chase: She is the bitch you want to hate but instead we all love her and enjoy every minute of her being on screen. From being cheated on by Xander to be drained of blood by Xander, Cordy was missed and Buffy went down hill after she moved with Angel, i also cant believe that Joss Wheadon killed Cordy in Season 5 of Angel (bastard) also liking those playboy pics charisma!!!

Giles: he is brilliant!! he is so British ( i am i) but its funny to see those American kids mix with a English Liberian! i felt bad for him when his only love interest in the show Jenny Calender was killed off, thats when Giles became more aware of what was going on!

Oz: I'm not a huge fan of this character Becca's he didn't seem to fit in at all, he was only there was a background filler and Willows boyfriend. but i didn't like it when he would say such random comments that didn't fit in to what they were talking about, thats why i mute what he was saying. also i don't think that Seth Green is such a great actor to my opinion. but he was OK for a while!

Spike: great, spike is the best, James plays this evil but sometimes good brilliantly, they should do a spin off about him and Drusilla.

Joyce Summers, Anya the demon, Tara Mcclay,Angel and Faith make very good supporting cast and the cast work great together! i couldn't think of anyone better than Sarah Michelle Gellar to fit this role as Buffy i think she is SOOOO good of an actress and her and Eliza Dushku are my main crushes on the show. i was very disappointed with season 7 because she shouldn't of ended like that! I give this show 10/10 because i think its such a brilliant show to watch and I'm definitely going to get them on DVD!

I'm Buffy and your History!!!!!!!!
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The Mask (1994)
This Movie made Cameron Diaz and JIm Carrey stars!!!
18 February 2005
This is the movie that made these two actors famous!! Forget Charlies Angels and Bruce Almighty, this is the film that propelled them to stardom!!! The film is based on a Man called Stanley Ipkiss he is a loser, always late for work and watches cartoons in his spare time! but overall he is a friendly guy who wouldn't say anything bad about anyone!!! but his patience is tested when his car is is ruins and everyone thinks he is a pushover!!! until he discovers a special Mask which brings him special powers!!! than he meets a beautiful women named Tina Carlyl(Diaz). she sings at the Coko Bongo a hip night club for the gambling type and she has a abusive boyfriend who isn't interested in her and is always trying to get her framed she meets Stanley and falls for him but has to keep it secret!! basically The mask robs the bank and Tinas boyfriend wants Stanley dead because he kmew that it was him!! than Tina and Stanley fall in love!! etc!! overall! i really enjoyed this movie! and don't bother with The Mask 2! not worth watching!! BUY THIS DVD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its SMMMKOOOOKKINNNN!!!!!!!
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