
46 Reviews
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Not quite getting this
1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps this resonated better in the 1960s, at which time this theme would have been cutting-edge. There is not much of a story here. There is a mystery (i.e. The unexplained darkness over the town), but this is not answered in any fashion, other than that the town is filled with hatred which is causing the darkness. (This hatred is seemingly by the white townsfolk against a white dude who killed a racist white dude. And then the killer apparently hated the racist he killed. So this hatred is all a bit odd.) If Sterling wants to say "hatred is bad," then so be it; but we can do that in 3 words, which don't really mean much. (People who hate often don't recognize their own hate, and don't easily change.) And what they describe as "hatred" is in fact meshed with other things such as ignorance and hunger for power; the broader issues the show addresses are not simply explained by hatred. And there was nothing new in the 60s about hatred or ignorance or evil or power-grabbers etc.; that had been occurring for thousands of years. As others here note, this is preachy, and just not much of a twist or ironic ending. It's interesting to watch, and fun to see the evil-Goober, but not getting too much out of this one....
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Good idea - poorly executed
11 November 2023
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The budget was apparently $4,500, and so perhaps the rating should be adjusted upward by 50%. But the problem in the movie is not special effects or poor scenery etc. The dialogue is simply unrealistic, the acting is poor, and parts of the script are too unrealistic. E.g. When the protagonists are tied up, they demand answers from their captor as if they have a right to them. When they must hide for 8 hours in a stranger's house, rather than sitting quietly, they chat about their past. A protagonist gets hungry and saunters off to the kitchen; ever thought of bringing a Snicker's bar? One protagonist cuts a swatch of cloth from the killer's shirt (rather than stabbing him) to later prove to him that he is a good guy; amazing foresight. The vengeful cop teams up with the known killer, who evades justice, to exact his revenge. The protagonist bonds with the murderous cross-dresser by donning a dress himself. Another would-be murderer unnecessarily brings cash to kill the victims. It's not just that the victims do a few dumb things here and there; these things are just unrealistic and weird. But, the basic plot had potential, and there is a big picture message here about the modern thrill-seeking, voyeuristic world.
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Just a bit too realistic
11 November 2023
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This is loosely (but fairly accurately) based on a true story. The true story is of the horrific abuse of a girl by a deranged caregiver. The acting, dialogue and pace are fine. The real problem is simply that this is a bit too realistic, which is perhaps an odd comment to make about a true story. The scenes are rather stark and disturbing. There is evil in the world and horrible things occur, but there is not necessarily a benefit in showing every graphic detail. Some of the depravity in the movie seems to even go beyond the true story. I don't know that we need to see any of the following to grasp that this young girl suffered greatly, her mother was evil, and bad things occur: the beating of a disabled child; etching words into a person's skin; rape of a girl; and "female circumcision." Just a bit perplexed.
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Cobweb (2023)
Another movies veers off course in the last 20 minutes
28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Echoing here many of the comments of others. The beginning of the movie is intriguing and suspenseful. The audience wants to know what is going on with the boy and the noises in the walls and what is going on with his parents. The acting and suspense is quite good. The movie drives over the cliff, however, in the ending. As with many movies these days, they don't seem to know how to end it. It seems that the sound in the wall is not in someone's imagination, and is not a demon, but is a real creature living in the walls. This creature was either born resembling a spider, or perhaps acquired spider skills from spiders in the walls; this is all not quite explained (other than a cryptic comment by the wall-girl that she learned from the spiders). She also has some sort of wacky powers (crawling on walls, apparently great speed and strength), which are not explained. She is locked behind a metal door, but there is no explanation as to why she can't break through a wall (at least one of which already has a hole in it). Ending just falls in to cliches of freaky images, jump scares, and gory killings. And a bit peculiar that the movie is called "cobweb" and yet the spidery aspect is supposed to be an unexpected twist, occurring right at the end; the word "cobweb" seems to have no connection to the movie other than the plot-twist at the ending; perhaps this is explained better in the book. It's watchable, just a big let down at the end unless you like the freaky spider-walk and jump scares and gore.
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The Greg Gutfeld Show (2015–2021)
Quite bad -- Watch if you want to remain in Right Wing echo-chamber
11 August 2023
Putting aside politics entirely, this show is just bad and stupid. It's not news, by any stretch. They typically take a few highly sensational (but societally irrelevant) "stories" and then banter on about them. Their topics are not newsworthy. And the banter is not really funny. Any random pair of drunk guys at a bar would probably be as funny. Looking at the politics of it..., it is sadly yet another right-wing-nut forum that recycles the same mantra. Some people on the right are just going to love the show and find every joke funny and every story relevant, and hence we perpetuate the echo-chamber. So perhaps at bottom whether one likes this or will depend on political leaning, and a mild dose of intelligence and a mature sense of humor.
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watchable -- perhaps not aging well
31 May 2023
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This movie is intriguing enough to watch. It keeps your attention. Somewhat of an action-adventure. The locals turn on some national guardsmen while training in the swampy back-woods. One problem is that the dialogue is very unrealistic. Most of the characters talk in this over-the-top, machismo mode. Everything they say is hyped-up. Then the characters repeatedly do stupid things. Its' like in the horror movies when the victims don't get away from the boogey-man or the stalker. They decide to take/use/steal some of the natives' boats to get down the river; I'm sure that's not in the manual. Then they pretend to shoot at these natives, which predictably draws the ire of the natives. The it's just one stupid thing after another, such as taking a local hostage (prisoner), burning down his house, and lots of in-fighting. And one scene in particular is just bizarre. At one point the trees in the swamp start falling on the soldiers. This really makes no sense. Did the locals know exactly where the guardsmen would be, and then come and cut those trees at the base? Or are these special trees which can be easily pushed over? Perhaps this went over better in 1981. It's OK, and watchable, but just a bit painful to get through thirty years later.
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Smile (V) (2022)
If you want a few jump scares and some cliche horror, then this is for you
21 March 2023
Somehow I got sucked into watching this movie. Acting and directing were fine. The movie was intriguing at the beginning, as most of these movies are. But eventually when the "rubber hit the road" (and i.e. The plot became exposed), at about 60% into the movie, it was a great disappointment. This felt like a slightly poor copy of many other horror films. The movie has an overlay of psychological intrigue (past emotional trauma), but the two themes (true horror movie and psychological drama) never really meshed. And of course numerous other movies attempt the horror-psychoanalysis connection also, and do it better. (In this movie, it just seems that the protagonist is haunted, and by coincidence she has emotional trauma. The two really do not seem linked, unless one wants to assume that the protagonist is hallucinating the whole movie; in which case the plot is even worse here.) Still struggling to see why the same themes keep popping up.... But again -- acting and directing are good; and movie is captivating; just a major letdown at the end.
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Looks pretty good
27 December 2022
On the surface, this is a very good documentary showing the power and bias of the media and of the establishment in determining the outcome of elections. It seems to be fairly neutral and honest. I would like to see any reviews with specific critiques (rather than a broad-based critique) of the facts portrayed in this piece. Absent such a specific criticism, this is an outstanding documentary. Also provides valuable insight into political process and campaigns. And provides fascinating detail on Bernie's campaign and politics in particular. Overall impression is that elections are decided by a few persons in power who control the narrative. Did not want to write quite this much but the box said I needed 600 characters....
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Endgame (I) (2015)
Good enough --
4 December 2022
Overall, the movie was watchable ad enjoyable. Perhaps more geared toward children. The acting and script was not great, but OK. I watched this largely because I am a chess master and was curious. The moves and the positions on the board are extremely well done. They clearly used a good chess consultant to get the positions right, which most movies do not. So major kudos on getting the "chess" part right! Just one side note: In a scene mid-way through the movie, the boy plays a very good queen sacrifice, and checkmates his opponent with a double-check and then a knight move. But later he loses when he misses a simple back-rank mate. Not consistent; but the "chess" itself is right.
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Not so good -- extremely overhyped
3 July 2022
For some reason I'm seeing lots of rave reviews here for this movie. Must be fake reviews. This movie is perfect for children under 13. But otherwise, it has no great plot, no great humor, and no emotionally moving scenes or themes. Fairly juvenile, simplistic humor - suitable for a 10 year old. But lacking the nuance and multi-level appeal as the first movies had.
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Cheers (1982–1993)
Not up to the hype.
8 February 2022
I might be overly biased by the latter seasons, but I find this highly over-rated. The first few seasons may have been good, but in short order the plot became extreme formulaic. The viewer could predict half of the jokes. I would give the latter seasons a 2/10, and so a rating of 6 is an average of the good and bad. Perhaps watch the first few seasons and move on...
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Charlie's Angels (1976 TV Movie)
Pretty good, intriguing, but way too convoluted
20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This pilot is intriguing and well-acted and directed etc. The major problem is that the plot is way too convoluted. It's almost as difficult to follow as a Bond movie, with twists and counter-twists. The first angel goes in under-cover, then her cover is blown (intentionally apparently) and a second angel goes in also under-cover to impersonate the same person impersonated by the first angel. Then the land at issue (mostly a swamp) has been sold to someone (go figure -- people buying swampy land); so somehow the Angels get onto that house to sell it to the bad guys within a day or so. Then the bad guys go to dig up the dead dude in the swamp which allows the angels to catch them. (Also a bit odd because all the angels know is that a dude has been dead in a swamp for years. There's not likely to be much of a body left after years in swamp water.) Then the angels are miraculously saved because Charlie has called some local dude to come out and help; lucky Charlie had his number and the guy was at home and he was willing to drive out to a swamp at midnight... Not really a bad pilot -- but just very complicated and not very realistic....
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a bit painful to sit through
24 November 2021
I did not know quite what to expect when watching this movie. I've got nothing against the director; Grand Budapest was OK. This movie may be very artistic and beautiful and creative and all that, but there is just not enough plot to hold it together. If you want a bunch of random and pretty scenes strung together, then this is your movie. But if you want something that has some cohesion and a modicum of logic, that a normal person can relate to, then this is not your movie. The narration (and much of the dialogue) is just too stilted to follow. There is a tinge of comedy here, but not enough of it nor enough strength to really make this a comedy. The movie consists of 3 stories, and I was praying that there was not a fourth... Perhaps if you love this director and his style, then this is for you. Not quite getting all the love here....
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No Clue (2013)
pretty bad -- barely watchable; Sorta like a Chevy Chase knockoff--with no Chevy
18 October 2021
The feel to this movie is akin to many Chevy Chase movies, except the delivery of the main guy (who wrote the script) is not quite as funny somehow. So we're left with a bumbling, wise-cracking lead actor with lines that go flat. The dialogue is poor, and many of the scenes are just implausible and weird. E.g. Why does the attractive boss' daughter hang out with the nerdy main character? And would the lead actress really use an average Joe to do private investigator work? (And how could he think that she came to him by mistake? -- I mean, ... his business must have its name on the door.) The lead actress is approached by two guys in a bar, whom she spurns, only to have the guys say they will beat up her boyfriend when he arrives; what logical and common behavior. In another scene, the lead actress is making a phone call during the day, but the scene was clearly shot at night... In the opening scene, the lead actor stands up from his desk and bumps his knee, to show us that he's clumsy. Then he offers his client water, only to realize 2 seconds later that he does not have any water. (haha) And there's the nearly constant background music to remind us that we're in a comedy-mystery, just in case we forget. This is not totally unwatchable, but it's close.
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Half Brothers (2020)
funny enough, good enough
13 December 2020
This is not an earth-shattering movie, but it's well-done, has good comedy, has a decent plot, and a decent message. Parts are a bit predictable, but it's unique enough. There was some mild political commentary, but nothing to detract from the movie. Entertaining and meaningful.
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15 November 2020
Provided insight into incident, and profile into perpetrators. Interesting interviews, facts, photos, video etc.
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Project Power (2020)
Not a bad flick; I don't get the hate..
4 September 2020
I did not expect much from this movie, but I found it OK. Not great, but not bad. Compared with any number of super-hero, sci-fi flicks, I don't find this any worse than the majority of them. The basic plot is as good as any. The race aspect was handled very well; neither too white nor too black; it should appeal to a broad audience. Perhaps my expectations were just low or I am grading it lightly, but I give it a 6/10.
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Lost all attributes with repeated nonsense
29 August 2020
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The most common theme of these reviews is that the movie is unrealistic, and that is right. The basic idea of the movie is interesting and it could have been a good movie. But the two main characters repeatedly do extremely stupid things. Anyone can make one or two bad decisions in a crisis, but to make 40 really bad decisions departs from any reality we know. The movie could have presented the basic theme that "good people can be pushed to do bad things," and could have been suspenseful, without having intelligent, normal people do dumb things; the two are not mutually exclusive. One example: he has just struck a; woman on roadway who presumably has life-threatening injuries, he calls 911 (GPS not working), then he puts her in his car; so far so good. But then rather than racing her to any nearby town (or to where he has GPS) he spends 30-60 minutes chasing this other girl. At first he says "you need to go to the hospital," but why? She was not injured, and she is running away. For both moral and legal reasons any normal person would leave her behind and race to the nearest town. As for the girl, at one point he says he'll take her to town if she simply agrees to say that his actions were in good faith; rather than accepting this offer and then reporting this to the police, she chooses to argue with him and fight, leading of course to avoidable and tragic consequences. And these are just two examples of many. (Note too that two girls in that area are going to be reported missing, and he was in that area and reported striking a woman in that area, and the police had his cell number (and address). So from his perspective, this would have been easily traced back to him. Their DNA would be all in his car, and the car itself is not consistent with striking a dog.) If we want to watch a movie about dumb people we can watch Dumb and Dumber and get entertained. I really wanted to stop watching this about 60% through, but I stuck it out in hopes that the ending would save it. But the last 40% was pretty much a waste too. The acting is OK and there is some suspense, but the basic plot self-destructs.
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Adu (2020)
Pretty good -- Stories a bit disjointed
16 July 2020
This is interesting and watchable. It follows three story lines that loosely overlap. This may, however, be the major problem, in that the stories are not really linked strongly; so it's like watching three 30 minute movies all jumbled together. The weakest of these plots pertains to the border crossing guards who are alleged to have used excessive force; this story line is not well-developed and does not seem to warrant its own trail. So you've got (a) boy fleeing from killers, (b) father-daughter tension, and (c) police coverup, all meshed together. But acting is good, scenery good; and enjoyable movie.
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dead average sci fi -- aims not clear
29 June 2020
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This movie is not bad. Basic plot and acting are fine. One extended scene is pretty darn good. But this movies does not seem to have a real plot, other than a very vague visit from space aliens. But as for a space-invasion movie, this was all done 50 years ago. The movie itself clearly references the old Twilight Zone; this would have been a very run-of-the-mill Twilight Zone episode (30 minutes). There are no special effects, no aliens, no spade-ships, no battles with aliens. The movie is more centered on the characters and their reactions to the situation. If this was meant to be a "throw back" to sci-fi stories from the 1960's, then it achieved that. But then again I'm not really sure who wants to watch a re-make of a Bonanza episode, or a My Favorite Martian show. The suspense is good; but I guess the problem is that there is no delivery on the back end. If the point of the movie is "aliens come to earth and take some humans," then we have already seen that better done many times (e.g. Close Encounters). A few devices in the plot seem a bit odd too. For example, that the telephone operator would be so fascinated by that sound is odd. She would just think it's a strange glitch. Certainly in that time period the switchboard technology would sometimes fail or produce static or strange noises. Then, the one guy calls into the radio station to say that he heard that same noise before; but again this noise is not really that distinctive; it's just like radio static and squeaking. But OK: But even then his story does not really make a strong link between that noise and aliens. Then, there is the lady who calls the station to give another story; her story is not related to that noise at all, but is simply a weird story about her son whom she things was abducted (by "people in the sky"--hmm); but this does not in any way tie into previous story, other than that the first caller vaguely suggested an alien-connection with the phone noise, and she has formed an alien theory. This is OK, and watchable, but it seems to be in a no-man's-land and has a somewhat peculiar story line.
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looks like a good made-for-TV-movie
17 June 2020
This was a bit difficult to watch, but not horrible. For some reason this just struck me as a made-for-TV-movie; perhaps it was direction or scenery or plot or dialogue. I had great difficulty with the main character, and whether that portrayal of Asperger's was accurate; somehow it seemed off to me. Others here have said that it's accurate, and others inaccurate. The use of the hidden cameras is a bit odd. They make it seem that he is just doing this to mimic people, with no ill-intent, but obviously he would see all sorts of private things going on there (in the hotel rooms), and it's not as if there is no other source for dialogue if he just wants to practice speaking. Are we to believe that the Asperger's rendered him incapable of seeing how wrong this was? He seems to understand that he would get in big trouble if they found out about his cameras (hence his immediate removal of them following the incident), and he also seems to have some concern for the two females he perceives to be at risk in the rooms. What's up with his inability to see the impropriety of spying on hotel guests? But the movie is OK.
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Kabir Singh (2019)
unrealistic; unlikeable character; not horrible
17 June 2020
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Perhaps this movie caters to the Indian audience. But otherwise, it has major flaws. The acting is fine, and directing. But the plot is just odd, and not in a good way. The main character is portrayed as a cool guy, wildly popular at his school, basically a hero of some sort, but his behavior is inexplicable and reprehensible. He viciously assaults another soccer player (beyond a point of reasonableness), slaps his girlfriend, tells other guys to not date the girl to whom he is attracted (can we say "possessive," "controlling"), takes cocaine (while a medical student), refuses to apologize to his professor, gets preferential treatment for his girlfriend, moves her into his dorm room (entirely against the rules, which does cause problems), runs away from the next girl-friend when she says she loves him, seems to insist that his girlfriend leave her family, then continues to pursue the ex-girlfriend even after she is engaged and then married, and on and on. How can his relationship with the girlfriend be lauded? We should be pulling for her to be with anyone else, or even by herself. And what about the girlfriend who gets married and leaves her husband a few days later??? That's completely bizarre; couldn't she have figured that out before the marriage? Not really an understandable romance.
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Odd Thomas (2013)
OK but not great
13 June 2020
I don't know anything about the book(s). But as a movie, it's OK but not great. Perhaps the book is better. Apparently some characters and story lines are omitted from the movie. Parts of the movie are a bit slow. Plot is not overwhelming. Plot is just a bit odd for a movie; more suitable for a teen book (i.e. the source here). Acting is OK, and it's watchable, but just not great (unless you are already a fan of the book(s)).
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Pretty good movie
3 June 2020
Looks like most people either love or hate this movie. I thought it was great. Terrific pace. No plot problems. Characters well-developed. People say it's loud and yelling; maybe so. (Hard for me to say coz I watched this while on my loud elliptical machine.) Sandler is great. Idina is great. Fast-paced movie. Insight (sort of) into gambling and/or desperate businesses; robbing Peter to pay Paul. But basically well-done. Good serious role by Sandler. Garnett is good enough.
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Very good Movie
22 May 2020
Holy Crap. I put off watching this for about 20 times before I finally broke down and watched it. I expected some stupid, typical romantic comedy, but this was far more than that. Performances are great. Chemistry is right. Dialogue is good. If you want a clinical expose on bipolar disorder, then this might not be right for you. There were enough funny moments and touching moments to make this work, and enough twists to make it original. I'm surprised there are so many highly negative reviews on here. Jennifer did great! (I seriously doubt she's a jogger, but that gets a pass.)
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