
79 Reviews
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Too cute and fun!
10 May 2019
Such a good time in the cinema! I knew this was a fun movie but I didn't know it was going be THAT fun. I laughed at almost all the jokes and that to me is something I never expected from a live action Pokémon film- it got me really entertained. Ryan Reynolds as the voice actor for Pikachu helps a lot on the movie as the source of the funny elements and I'd like to point out that Pokémons are well modelled, good work on animations. Story is acceptable, not too over the top or dark- it's a movie for kids, so expect it not to be too deep, just silly fun (which is a good thing). I sort of find the plot actually unique, though. All in all, not bad for a live action film. A solid 3 stars, but I'll happily give it another half for a bit of nostalgia and cuteness. I thought I wouldn't really be the type to find things cute, however, Detective Pikachu (actually all the Pokemons!) overwhelmed me so much I went "awww" with everyone else. I WANT MORE. I NEED MORE.
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Mary Shelley (2017)
Could have been better
6 May 2019
Mary Shelley is ultimately the story of a woman finding her own voice and asserting her independence- that will be the heart of its appeal. However, if we spent a little less time on Mary and Percy, and a bit more watching Mary actually create and write Frankenstein, the result may have been different. Additional 1/2 star because it was impressively shot, has superb production design, and most of all, suffused with righteous feminist fire. Watchable? Yes, it's alright- it has interesting story of origin. Would I recommend it? Clearly, nope.
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Cast Away (2000)
Still a masterpiece but funny
5 May 2019
Sunday Family day, so yeah thanks HBO hits. Probably my 5th rewatch of this film (story below!). When I was young, I considered Cast Away as the greatest of the greatests (I would've given this 5 star if Letterboxd existed 19 years ago) of Robert Zemeckis. Present day, I just realized that some parts of it were really bad, and there were good parts too. If I cried to this film before, now I'm just laughing- it's definitely a Survivor show but sort of comedy. BUT THIS IS NOT AN AWFUL MOVIE. Not at all. Others might see it as boring and tedious but as far as I am concerned, it is still entertaining as ever and with hardly a set, hardly a supporting cast, a minimum of dialogue and expressions, but with a hurricane of emotions, a credible and breathtaking Hanks still keeps me (and the audience) at the edge of their seats from the beginning till the end, in this masterpiece of a movie. Yes, even though I laughed at it sometimes, it's still a masterpiece.

As for the story (this was never important anyway)... I've first seen then when I was 4th grade, also in fifth grade for a class film viewing, in high school and in college, and the most memorable of all was summer of 2001. We had a DVD of copy of this and my sister invited his boyfriend (now his husband) to watch it at home. My sister and I pretty much connived because I also got to invite my crush who happens to be my neighbor- all four of us watched it together. Bad decision. After we finished the film, I blurted out- "so he didn't have sex for four years???, my crush replied, "he was a true survivor then".....

and I never saw his face again.
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Anon (I) (2018)
Could be better
5 May 2019
Andrew Niccol isn't new to this kind of movies. S1m0ne, Gattaca, In Time... all these speak for itself. His sci-fi ideas, his dystopic (and yet incredibly optimistic) visions of the future are insanely unique. However, translating those ideas to film doesn't always work. This movie tries to copy Ghost in the Shell anime and Black Mirror plots, however it just ends up flat. It came as a surprise for this to be a slow-paced and nicely shot sci-fi thriller, but it's still disappointing how with shots and settings as good as the ones in this (yes, cinematography done good!)- it is still kind of bland. Watchable yet skippable- it was alright, at least. The last line (or close to last line) is perfect though- "It's not that I have something to hide. It's that I have nothing I want you to see". And I love Amanda Seyfried, here!
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I wish it was more terrifying
4 May 2019
A Sundance 2019 film, good! However, the minute I saw that it got sold to Netflix I was like, "Well, RIP any inkling I had of this being a good movie." Very underwhelming because I expected a lot from the trailer and also after watching Ted Bundy Tapes which is more insight insighful, more rounded and far more frightening. Although the actors nailed it (Zac was magnetic), the lack of storyline engagement still can't save this. I mean, I definitely don't need to see gory murder scenes but the movie just doesn't give you the sense of the monster that Bundy was. I wish Ryan Murphy or David Fincher made this then at least it would have been more chilling and terrifying- I just wanted it to show how wicked, evil, and vile Ted Bundy really was. Two and a half stars because the acting was a top notch, another half because they tried (it's still watchable to be fair). Overall the film would get a passing grade from me because the origin of the story is already interesting... it just deserves better. Damn Netflix! They really do have reputation (at least for me) of producing bad films!
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High Life (2018)
So good but this film isn't for everyone
3 May 2019
A slow-paced, erotic art house sci-fi (horror but not that kind of horror that you would expect in space) drenched in violence, blood... and semen; the cerebral space visuals & environmental catastrophe only act as a background noise to Claire Denis' sensual imagination. Also, very sexually explicit and disturbing. I dig it, so much. Think of HIGH LIFE as Under The Skin (2013) meets Melancholia (2011). It was never Interstellar or Arrival. Rob Patz is so damn good here too. He carried the film on his shoulders all throughout.

Yea, I get the low user ratings over IMDb. Well, this film isn't for everyone. ;)
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Tulip Fever (2017)
Standard but amusing and captivating
30 April 2019
I will consider this film average for most of the time, it was heavy-handed but Tulip fever was light, fun, wicked and full of lust (fascinating erotic scenes!). It isn't nearly awful as I would have expected to be. Standard and mediocre but the story is unexpectedly quite captivating- the build up to the ending is great, as everything falls apart with every character. The production is lush and beautifully realized. Great musical score and stunning costumes too! If you love period dramas, and good love stories, this one will do just fine, with the added joy of being an historical drama fully realized taking place in beautiful Amsterdam. I found the tulip trade backstory fascinating too. Alicia Vikander (who I love so much) and Christopher Waltz acting performances were also amazing but I'm quite iffy about Dane DeHaan. I enjoyed the work overall and understood what I saw to be a brand of expensive fiction. Again, it's mediocre BUT totally amusing. I do recommend it for a bit of mindless fun.
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Kodachrome (2017)
Enjoyable, easy-watch.
30 April 2019
It's predictable and melodramatic and manipulative, but in a really pleasant, charming way- and I dislike predictable plot, but this was done good. Kodachrome is nothing incredibly life-altering (it has little nuggets of wisdom to be fair) or anything, but this is an easy-watch, enjoyable, and effective road movie that's certainly worth a shot. Great soundtrack and amazing casts (Ed Harris delivers!) too. Reminds me so much of Elizabethtown (2005).
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Free Solo (2018)
28 April 2019
Ah, I always love watching docu from National Geographic because it flows like a true film. Free Solo gave me anxiety but also, one of the most incredible things I've ever seen- quite literally breathtaking. I would never understand why Free Solo climbers do what they do but they exude that sense of commitment plus overcoming fear, and I wanna have that! El Capitan (Yosemite, California) has been now added to the list of places I have to visit (yay, hiking!). Alex Honnold might be a prick sometimes, but he's an inspiration too. Great work on this, Jimmy Chin.

"When people talk about trying to suppress your fear, I look at it in a different way. I try to expand my comfort zone by practicing the moves over and over again, I work through the fear until it's just not scary anymore."
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Midnight Sun (2018)
Lazy lazy lazy
27 April 2019
Watched 27 Apr, 2019

Mediocre chick flick that has a hot guy in it. Moses and I couldn't even finish this- it's either because it's too corny/awful or we're just old (we're approaching 30!)... or both.

Yes, it is poor man's A Walk To Remember!
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Someone Great (2019)
Fun but kinda falls short
26 April 2019
I have mixed feelings for this movie because I love rom-coms/chick flicks but this is like just any other Netflix film (again)- just average, has potential and could be better. Someone Great is unfortunately another case of: fun concept, great cast, good intentions, with bad execution. Yeah sure, this movie gave me Gina Rodriguez and Lakeith Stanfield, my kind of New York vibes, and a fantastic soundtrack (oh Lorde, Mitski, Frank Ocean!) but otherwise it lacks structure and strong character building. I'd be lying if I say I didn't enjoy all 90 minutes of it (that "i love you" sequence made me shed a tear or two) but I also have to say that it feels a little bit hollow and unfinished - the end especially, happened all of a sudden without warning and almost felt like a behind-the-scenes moment rather than a fun and real moment of self-realisation and love for yourself and your friends. I also cringed a lot at some pop-culture references (Lady Bird, Postal Service, etc)- it was used improperly, just for the sake of mentioning it. I was left feeling like I had just watched a movie made up of stories of breakups from a Cosmopolitan magazine.

I've seen a lot of Netflix films- they really need to step-up their storytelling game, they should take notes from HBO, honestly.


Pros- relatable "relationship" storyline, diverse casts (it felt like an effort to make them that diversed tho), the soundtrack (it made the film more alive), the neon color palette, the chick flick story, LGBT representation, directed by a woman, female friendships (oh god I miss my college life).

Cons- storytelling falls really short, the film was too heavy on the need for alcohol, weed, and Molly as if the lives of the three girls who are 30 (or turning 30) revolved around that.
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Has potential
26 April 2019
Not the sequel/reboot I wanted, but as a big David Fincher worshipper, and a Rooney Mara fan- this is a sequel/reboot that I am pretty content with. An average 6/10. Millenium trilogy is one of my favorite series from Steig Larsson, it was written perfectly. Unfortunately, The Girl In The Spider's Web wasn't written by him, ergo it was less exciting- I couldn't really blame everything that this film is lacking to it's director (Fede Alvarez).

Alvarez tries to recreate the magic touch of Fincher, but still putting his own dark spin on things, as proven with the opening credits visuals that mimic that of Fincher's film. As an action/thriller, it works well. As a mystery/suspense, not as much. I think that the story gets a little predictable at times and some of the twists aren't as surprising as they should be later on in the film; this could be due to the script or due to the marketing/trailers for the film giving away too much of the story.

Claire Foy, of course, is the scene stealer (as she always does on all her films. She is the reason why I gave this a shot). Being the third iteration of Lisbeth, I was skeptical at first- Noomi Rapace and Rooney Mara were incredible as the character, but Foy is able to still bring to life this cold, yet caring character and make it her own. Other notable characters/actors were Gudnason's Blomkvist and Stanfield's NSA agent. I only wish that we could have spent a little more time with Vicky Krieps' Erika a bit more after her stunning performance in "Phantom Thread."

If Sony's plans are to continue the franchise, I hope they keep the momentum and don't wait years to tell a new chapter in this story. They could give it back again to the Fincher and Mara tanderm but they could also keep the talent on the screen and behind the camera; Foy has the star power and Alvarez has the ability to lead this franchise in new and surprising directions.
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Satisfying send-off.
25 April 2019
The rumors are true: you'll laugh, cheer, and will probably cry several times because I did. A middling first 2 hours that's equal parts cool moments and problematic ones that ends with a final hour that's a downright divine geek wet dream. More character-based than action-based (Infinity War). It is a satisfying send-off and a beautiful love letter for the fans. Salute to the founding members- the OG 6. I love you 3000, Avengers. Thank you, Marvel and Russo Brothers!
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Average, at least
22 April 2019
Great fights, amazing actors (love Michael Keaton, Taylor Kitsch and Dylan O' Brien so much) with their good acting, but weak story. Interesting at first, but lost it towards the end. A good time, though. Average, at least. There's a scene where our 'hero' straight-up chokes a woman unconscious with his bare hands while she's submerged underwater-- try topping that, Avengers. Lol
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Venom (2018)
A disaster but 70% enjoyable.
21 April 2019
An absolute disaster in terms of structure, especially for such a big studio movie. But I was also surprised at how much I liked the Venom/Eddie relationship. It was funny!! It would have been even better if Venom's sense of himself as a "loser" (Trebek voice) on his own planet/compared to Riot was more developed. The symbiote fight looked cool! That said, I liked this more than the previous (and also a bad) Venom movie, Spider-man (2007). As for the actors, Tom Hardy is always great and always delivers but with terrible execution of this film, it was all wasted. I also like Riz Ahmed but he didn't totally fit here. That's not all on him tho... past Eddie/Venom the script really falls off. Michelle Williams is pretty good but can't save her character either. Same with Jenny Slate. The credits scene is extremely on the nose but I like the setup. That wig.
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Glass (2019)
21 April 2019
Four minutes into this movie and they got a "Salt Bae" reference- I knew I'd regret sitting this through but I still gave it a shot and watched the entirety of it. M. Night Shyamalan's conclusion to the unbreakable trilogy is ambitious, but his message could have been executed way better than through the lenses of comic book characters. Glass is a film that suffers from overstuffing, trying to do too much at once- Shyamalan has overdone ideas that it became quite too flawed. How unfortunate because I really liked Anya Taylor Johnson's and Samuel Jackson's characters and as usual, Mc Avoy and Sarah Paulson delivered good acting performances.

And, I still don't like Bruce Willis.
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Guava Island (2019)
Worth your 55 minutes
19 April 2019
Long-time collaborators Donald Glover & director Hiro Murai team up to bring us a story about oppression, love & the power of music. With crisp cinematography & infectious music, this sweet little film is worth a watch! Reminiscent of classics like Black Orpheus, while very present in the wake of Nipsey's death.
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19 April 2019
Homecoming is a glorious documentation of an artist at her peak. In this 2-hour spectacle, Beyoncé gives us a peek into her evolution as a person - from a star who was propelled by self-ambition into a legend who has made it her life's mission to tell her people's truth. When she accepted the invite to headline the festival, Beyoncé was sure in her mission: "It was important that I brought our culture to Coachella." But this is the power of Beyoncé: she shone the spotlight on their culture and made us feel like we were a part of it, especially on this docu. I felt like I was there and it flows like a true film. Really really great shots! PS- I watched this even if I don't know any of her songs (I'm not a fan of her music) but she's a total peformer, and I respect anyone (or an artist for that matter) who shows passion for their craft.
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Unicorn Store (2017)
One of those movie you can play while doing something else.
14 April 2019
Unicorn Store is delightful, quirky and charming film sparkles with feminine energy and pastel colors (I love the hues in this movie). It perfectly captures the "millenial life crisis" that's why it is also relatable. But... as wonderful as the story is, it needs a little more sophistication and depth, and less straightforwardness. Interesting idea from the trailer, but it stops there. It tries to come off as deeply profound yet in the end there's no follow through. Props to all the actors involved though! They did a great job- really amazing acting performances from everyone.

As for Brie Larson's directional debut, this film is a valid effort, but it's obvious the lack of filmmaking maturity. She can do better next time (and I'll surely wait for that movie).

Summary? Still a good watch. One of those movie you can play on TV while doing something else... like washing the dishes, or scrolling through your Twitter.
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Bad Genius (2017)
8 April 2019
A solid heist Thai thriller (knowing it originated from what can be known as a "B-rated" market)! It is a climatic film filled with exams without competition (just cheating heist on exams)- the concept is fairly new though the approach isn't. Great acting from all the actors who are playing their first major roles! The tight editing and the eye in cinematography must be praised as well. The story is a bit too much for logic from a point nevertheless the film is compelling enough to look past all that-what may have been seen as a typical teenager movie stands out in its own field with brilliant production and composing. I thought of Ocean's 11 when I watched this but I also thought it could've ended better. Yes, the ending is a bit disappointing for me but it's based on a true story, so I can't really argue with that. P.S. Too relatable for me. Education is indeed a privilege. Lucky are those who are born to receive it without working hard for it.
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Tag (I) (2018)
Silly fun, mix of hit and miss
8 April 2019
Honestly, Tag is a hit and miss. This is a fun over-the-top comedy, but it's also a testament to enduring friendship (it's based on a true story). Surprisingly touching in a few moments, but mostly just good, silly fun. Love the whole cast ensemble too. As my boyfriend would say, just perfect for lazy Sunday nights.
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Shazam! (2019)
What a pleasant surprise!
3 April 2019
Such a fun movie from start to finish. I was laughing the whole time- no forced jokes. The story was straightforward and no frills unlike what DC was putting out before. The character development is really unique. How can a 14 year old boy, face the struggles of the big guys? The effects were also great. Zachary Levi rules (love him!) as well as Mark Strong. Every single frame of Mark Strong in this movie is a work of art- he chews up and spits out every scene he's in. He is a great villain. If you can, watch it before Endgame hits the theaters. Really worth it!
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The Snowman (2017)
Bad movie
2 April 2019
Rubbish. Too long yet the story has no arc. Such a waste of great casts. Also, waste of time so don't bother.
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Zodiac (2007)
No weak spots.
30 March 2019
As far I can remember, my first viewing of this film was in late 2007 (I was 16) with my dad and older sister (21)- we bought a DVD copy of this along with other couple of movies available at our favorite video store. One movie DVD per person, commanded by my father. Prisoner of Azkaban for me, Chasing Liberty for my sister, and Zodiac was my dad's choice. He is a big Fincher fan since the 90s and Zodiac is where it all started for me and my sister- we later watched other Fincher films, and to my dad's surprised, he never thought his daughters would appreciate Fincher as much as he did. History aside, I really thought of Zodiac that time as one of my favorite "Killer-Thriller" movies. It didn't bore me at all, but I was little frustrated at the ending because I wanted more. I wanted the characters to confirm something.

Revisiting this film after 12 years at age 28, I had to say that Zodiac is more than just a movie about the several-decade long hunt for the infamous "Zodiac". It is actually a very effective thriller (not just "Killer-Thriller") because it didn't attempt to compress 5-7 years of story into one in order to keep viewers interested- yes it is dialogue-heavy but it relied heavily on the facts and used all of its 158 minutes to present us a credible story that portrays how stress, tension, frustration and fascination play upon the lives of Robert Graysmith, Paul Avery, and Dave Toschi. In other words, you'll barely breathe while watching this.

Zodiac is a well-crafted movie on all fronts- David Fincher directs this film brilliantly showing the killings in a very effective and chilling fashion that even the screenplay makes sure you are fully invested in this investigation. The performances are great from everybody- Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal.

The "Bob Vaughn" scene is my favorite- it's literal perfection, a pure insight into the high-wire act Fincher is doing (very astonishing). And unlike 12 years ago, I wasn't frustrated anymore at the ending. It is what is- it didn't (attempt to) dazzle me, but it does please.

To conclude, there are no weak spots in this film. And, it still remains as one of my favorite "Killer Thriller" movies and a Fincher favorite. So, please go see it if you haven't yet. :)

P.S. It's been 6 years since the last David Fincher movie. COME ON. I keep rewatching his old films- I'm in dire need of his new works. 2020 (World War Z 2), come sooner!
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Happy 20 years!
28 March 2019
It seems very timely that HBO was playing this today- on it's 20th Anniversary. Of course, I had to watch it while I was getting ready for work. Since this is a rewatch (for the nth time), I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I know most of the dialogues here- I can even recite Kat's (Julia Stiles) lines! Even the French scene between Cameron and Bianca. Crazy! This is a "terribly underrated" movie and I still love it 20 years after- I still fell for Heath and JGL, for the music, for all the clichés, the fun and all the 90s aesthetics.
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