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Not what is pretends to be
16 May 2023
The premise is really great, but the story soon gets caught in the wrong genre and the wrong narrative. After first two episodes I realized this series wasn't what it was selling itself to be. I was hoping for something more mature and less teen drama. I generally enjoy Eastern European Films for their depth, but this here it is lacking. It's actuary well produced and the acting and cinematography is good. But I suspect the audience that should be watching this, which is the same audience that watches series like Riverdale won't be seeing it. And the audience that is attracted to the premise will be disappointed.
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Blonde (2022)
Missing any humanity
18 October 2022
Though well shot, the characature pprtrail of Marilyn is like a character from a Marilyn film. The lead character has been stipped of any 3 dimentional humanity and rather plays like a cartoon character. Though I enjoy a stylised film, it can be done without stripping it's life. Marilyn is a but a shadow of a moaning Mystle that never tales off as a character. Despite it's exhausting length, Blond never gives insight into the inner world of the character, but rather surfs the fringes of cine-noir and breathy intakes of torturious dialogue that feels hollow and without substance. The film is a great disservice towards towards a well envisioned concept. This is what happens when a good director is stuck with a shallow script.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Not bad for a sensation based series
15 November 2021
I am seldom one to follow the masses and I am not probe to popular opinion. At first I was of two minds, but as the story develops it becomes more complex. The characters who seem likable and reasonable becomes more questionable. You become torn between their motivation and which is the real driver - survival or greed. Or are they possibly the same? In a world where ownership is survival what defines a fair game? If there is such a thing anymore... This is very good storytelling even if a bit extreme. The lines between good and bad gets blurred. The walls between ethical and immoral is broken down. The subtext is phenomenal and though the violence feels somewhat unnecessary (it could have been done less graphical), it is driven by very strong narrative threads. Highly recommended! This is Money Heist, but with an actual story.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
Complete mess
25 October 2021
Even after reading the book and watching the original miniseries this was a strain to follow. Either the director or the editor messed up. A bleak series of incoherent performances with lacking emotional character archs and plot holes the size of the Bermuda Triangle. Just a complete mess that makes it hard to even judge the technical standards of the series.
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Wonderful homage to our older actors
12 September 2021
I absolutely loved this film. A very simple story that has such incredible deep meaning and such an important peace of work. Directed with a lot of finesse.
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It's not called He-Man
23 July 2021
And it never pretended to be. Reviewers clearly can't read since the show delivered exactly what it promised. All the pre-release publicity said this was going to be female focused and that is why it was only called Masters Of The Universe and not He-Man. So now that we have that out of the way, it actually delivers very well on modern themes and stories. It was exactly what I expected and did it well. It made the characters three dimensional and real. I enjoyed seeing my childhood series given depth and character. It would be great if they did an actual He-Man show in this style as well.
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Solos (2021)
Theatre comes to the small screen
11 July 2021
This is a fascinating and superb piece of experimental drama. I recall the first time I ever saw something similar as a child. Whoopi Goldberg did The Telephone in 1988. I was mesmerised, as a love of both screen and theatre, it was the perfect presentation and merging of both mediums.

Then in 2002 Johanna Lumley did Up in Town. It is seldom we see performers of this calibre doing theatrical work on screen like this and living in South Africa makes is difficult and expensive to travel. So now we get to see these performers at their best as well. This might be a product of Covid, but I sure hope that we get to see more of this in the times to come.

This series is not for the average audience, but for an audience who are more discerning and enjoys higher end drama. If during these times, if we can't have anything else, we can at least have some culture.
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A Flamboyant Feast of Thematic Splendor
25 May 2021
This feature is a good example of, why more and more these days I go against the onslaught of layman reviews and ratings of IMDB .

The sheep of the general populous has become addicted to the grain feeding of Hollywood branding and cinema that is nothing more than another sip of the "new Coca-Cola" addicted generation of Political Correctness. It's an invasion of entitlement and unoriginality of repeated Marvel narratives over and over like drooling zombies staring at the 8K HDMI screen of gory and bland repetitive jumps, naked breasts swinging while another rendition of Michael Meyers drags his feet toward their inevitable doom.

And then there was Zack. A director who understands that a film needs a thematical narrative which goes beyond the brains on the wall and the naked woman and six-pack obsessed gay men (no offence - I am gay myself) and trying to please the eye rather than the mind.

As simplistic as it might seem, setting this film in the zombie environment of gambling culture to tell a story about greed, and the ultimate price there is to pay for profits are sheer simplistic genius. Occom would be proud.

Then Snyder proceeds to honour all the conventions without being clichéd. Well maybe some people prefer their horror to be another sequel of the same monster doing the same thing for the umptieth time repeatedly. And I can respect that. To each their own. I mean cows eat the same grass every day, so who am I to argue.

What I find a shame is the myriad of negative reviews with absolutely no substantial argument towards why they did not like this piece of horror-art. Okay sure, I hear you. Comparing horror to art is like comparing country music to Bach, but hey, I like horror. And I love country music. And I'm a filmmaker. I do get to be both, okay...

So, if the mindless repetition of Hollywood trope is your thing, hang in there kid, another Halloween is coming soon. But if you actually want to sit and watch something original and new with thematic excellence and are not offended with critique on modern day greed and capitalist extremism.... Don't read the bad reviews and watch this film.

And PS. I am not a communist - I also want to be able to buy a yacht one day, so that has nothing to do with this review. And remember, The Rocky Horror Picture Show was also ahead of it's time....
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If only they gave it more time
15 February 2021
I always rate a movie 5 when I am glad I watched it, but it did not impress me. There is enormous potential to this story, but it feels like the creative team did not give it the attention needed. This could have been the Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? of horror if they did. It explores some very good themes and was shot with great care and precision, but the script is very badly written and the tone of the emotional beats monotonous. The reveal feels like a school play that is overexplained and drab. It is definitely worth watching, but be warned that you will be left sad that they did not do more with it.
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Serious reflection on our community
13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The show has a lot of bad reviews on here which only shows me that it hit a nerve with the very people that this program is warning you about. I live with a mental heath issue myself and it is incredible how the rest of the world still denies that mental illness is not less destructive or powerful than cancer or diabetes. It seems so many people completely miss the point of this series, or they review it after only watching the first two episodes. It explores how the story of someone with a mental health issue can become a victim of conspiracy and social media when the simple reality is that they needed help in that one moment that led to their death. It debunks all the BS that comes with an incident like this and that a life could have been saves with a little more awareness, rather than going on a tyrant of speculation. If this show does not touch your heart, you are part of the problem. And if so, watch it again and try to see what they filmmaker is trying to show you.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
Terrible and pretensious
10 February 2021
What a failure. Just tell the story guys. Trying to be clever never works over telling a good story. You had a good story, but by trying to be supremist, you lost the plot. Literally.
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Hellboy (2019)
Ripoff cliche
28 November 2020
A complete series of ripoffs from great classic moment in many other brands and to boot done with such vulgar obvious crudety that it's shameful to watch. If you are going to use mythology, at the very least honour it's soul of the mythology. The narrative is non existant which they try to mask with several replication from other popular films. Even Gremlins has a 2 second feature. It's a feast of badly presented and incoherent fanfare that is only useful for fanboys with no sense of cinematic value. It was fun to watch while I was cooking and reading a book on the side. Maybe if I was 12 it could have been better. If you want to be vulgure go for it, but the least you can do is give me a good story to boot.
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27 November 2020
That whomever chooses the scripts for new movies don't have a clue. I've read better newspaper articles.
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Worst of 2020
9 October 2020
No story. No narrative. Badly directed and the performers are clearly lost throughout their performances. Whoever put the money down should demand it back from the filmmakers.. They don't only disrespect their audience with the low lever of offering but also their funders.
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Lighter than expected, but carries it with sophistication
21 October 2018
Really phenomenal acting, directing and cinematography. The music blew me away. The costumes needed a little work. Loved the Judy Garland (which for those not in the know did the first remake) easter egg as well as some of the reference to the styling of Cabaret (1972). A little melodramatic and though I did shed a few tears, this is not a movie that I think will go down in history as something that changed the course of cinema. I do think though that it once again proves what a phenomenal artist Lady Gaga is and will be remembered as one of her career highlights. Admittedly an absolutely incredible directing debut for Bradley Cooper. If this is where he starts from, there is a lot of amazing potential for us to see amazing future projects. It was a little lighter in its presentation than what I expected, but definitely worth the time, money and effort to go see on the big screen.
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Barely Watchable Ripp Off of David Cronenberg's Scanners
9 February 2017
If this feature stood on it's own, it might have made a weak 4 on my list, but as a rip off of the 1981 classic it barely gets a 2. So let's settle then on 3.

Though the story line deviates from David Cronenberg's Scanners, this feature is a clear rip off from Scanners with very obvious parallels – even a classic reference to the forced veins on the face of Michael Slovak, the deranged scientist.

Someone clearly forgot to tell this movie maker though that if you are going to try and emulate the style of a legendary director like Cronenberg, one should probably at least try and come up with an original idea or study the thematic content of that particular director before putting out a half-bred attempt to cash in on a new generation that would not know the classic.

But with a very weak story line, a complete lack of thematic content, an over obvious choice to emulate Cronenberg's style and an insulting lack of innovation and originality, the best thing about this film is the B-grade special effects that is slightly nostalgic of early Rob Zombie films.
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True to Ghostbusters 1984
15 August 2016
With all the movie doomsday prophets/critics that we have on open media these days, it becomes very easy for personal taste and offence people take to "an old favourite" being "rebooted". For some perspective: Ghostbusters was the first film I ever saw in a cinema back in 1984. I have rerun my own copy of this film (along with Supergirl which I saw in the same cinema the same season) probably more than 30 times. It sparked my interest in cinema and the performing arts of which I would eventually become a custodian. Let's immediately cut past all the fluff of reviews which tends to be full of either unsubstantiated criticism, personal preference references or elation based on their own framework. Yes, there is a lot of CGI – but then again so was there a lot of CGI in Avatar. Yes, the cast and characters have been completely turned on their heads (there is more than ample reference and nods to the original) and yes, it follows a very stylized and structured formula (well, that is why it is a franchise). If you do not like any of these concepts, you would probably be better suited not to watch a sequel of any kind and it would be advised to stay away from anything that follows suite of an original idea. And please avoid Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror and most other genre's outside of art-house, drama and thriller. I have never been a big fan of remakes or reboot attempts of big successful classics. With the exception of Star Trek, Superman and a few others, it has seldom proved to work. My main criticism of Ghostbusters 2016 will also be that this film should have been Ghostbusters 3 and the story was perfectly believable to be adapted into a follow up of the original. Why it had to be produced under the banner of a reboot makes absolutely no sense from either a brand point of view and neither does the premise of the new cast and their journey deem it necessary. Getting to the actual movie, it would always be close too impossible to recreate the original first installment. So what do we expect from a sequel then? Definitely a little of the same, yet something a little different. So we definitely want "something new" but to remain true to the soul of the original. Without a doubt Ghostbusters 2016 delivers on this. Though there was ample CGI giving a really new modern feel to the film, it has absolutely no lack of gadgets and science paraphernalia that was VERY TRUE to the original in looks, style and function. The humour of Ghostbusters must be one of the elements that has always set it apart from other productions in its category. Again here the film does not let you down. There is Easter-Eggs galore and Ghostbusters 2016 definitely has the same fine, sharp and undertone humour of its original 1984 installment. I was never a fan of Ghostbusters 2 and Ghostbusters 2016 definitely delivered, for me, a better sequel to the original that the second installment ever did. The acting style is 100% spot on, the directing is fast paced with slower moments to allow the viewer to breath in just the right places. All in all, through impeccable timing, respectfully honoring the original, loads of breath-taking creative CGI and themes that have clearly made some critics uncomfortable, Ghostbusters 2016 definitely hits most of it's marks.
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Identicals (2015)
Takes me back to Jules Verne's Centre of the Earth
2 June 2016
I completely understand the frustration and the sense of feeling lost most people have experienced with this film. It is not going to be everybody's cup of tea and I would almost dare say this is a film made for a film student to analyze.

Identicals, not very aptly titled, is like a slow hand that keeps testing your borders as a viewer with its sensual cinematography and a very intense focused story-line that plays away from the usual action based plot lines, but rather becomes a cat and mouse of reactions. It sits very difficult from a psychological point of view since it uses very subtle nuances in film making to keep the viewer feeling uncomfortable and I think this discomfort has probably been experienced by many to be "boredom".

We are uncertain throughout who is the cat and who is the mouse while the story unfolds and the two main players keep pushing back and forth testing boundaries and trying to find each other's " you" factor.

It is The Nines (2007) meets Melancholia (2011) meets Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004).

Far from perfect, I felt that this was a story that could have either be told as a short film in 30 minutes or that left a lot of room for additional story creation, yet at the same time's it's slow pace and sad melancholy allows for the very deep complex and delicate themes to work its way down and make it a little bit easier to ease into it. Bottom-line is that here we have a C-story-line that is being told as an A-story-line with all the emotional subtleties and the quiet/slow timing that a C-story-line require.

Definitely an existential film that questions the process of reinvention of the self and the how much control you have given the influence of external factors (including your own addictions – aka addiction to another person) and co-dependency on a certain reality that you have come to depend upon as "real". The film's biggest flaw is that it was classified as a Science Fiction rather than Experimental or Surreal.

While watching I was reminded of the firs translation I ever read of Jules Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth, which has been seen as the first Science Fiction novel ever written. Also, similar to this film, it lacked a definitely story definition, but rather presented the "experience of" a certain journey.

I would, for myself, give this film an 9 star rating, but down this to 7, because I think that in presentation, it does not allow itself to reach as wide an audience as it could.
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Near Perfect
18 April 2016
I felt so deeply moved after watching this lightly treated, yet deeply moving film that I could not wait to recommend it to my friends. The writing is eloquent, the production value is simple yet graceful. The stories are flawlessly emotional, deep and meaningful without being sentimental and clichéd. Lighting, camera work costume and sets all contribute to making you feel you really can be part of these stories. The reality is solid and the characters are humanly real at just with just the right touches. There is something that anyone out there will be able to relate with in these characters.

The story centres around 5 different couples and they are weaved together seamlessly without you feeling at any point that you are being raced around to different places and yet at the same time you do not feel that they have been forced together.

Sex and sexuality has become such a headline in topics in the media, film and just about everywhere today. I have never seen it dealt with with so much taste, sensitivity and respect. A gentle approach to that little death that sits deep within us all.
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Mercy (I) (2014)
Not THAT bad - actually quite watchable
21 November 2015
If I had read the reviews on IMDb before watching the film, I probably would have expected much worse than what I got. It is not good enough for main screen release or for any Top 100 lists, but contrary to most of the reviews I have seen here, I actually did find the movie quite watchable - I have seen MUCH WORSE with much better ratings. The story runs at a steady pace and I never found myself distracted or watching the clock. I probably would not have been happy if I had to pay at a cinema to watch this, but as an online release, I was more than satisfied with the film's 1970's feel and subtle dramatic undertones. I can't really say that I ever felt scared as such, but though the film does play out like a horror version of a Hallmark Movie, it definitely did have a sinister creepy quality. In all, the production value was worthy of a straight to internet release. I did not expect more. I think a lot of bad reviews can be attributed that people expect much more and then feel disappointed that they did not get it. When such a short piece if prose gets adapted for screen, we can hardly expect The Shining. Maybe it helped that I did not read the short story before seeing the film. Maybe I just sometimes enjoy to watch something uncomplicated by weaves of b and c story lines. Be it what it may…I found this far more enjoyable than many other horror flicks that has made it into mainstream release.
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Cons aside – this is actually a very good addition to the series
15 November 2015
Let's honestly put our bias aside and look at this film not from a Terminator 1 fan or a franchise or comicon fan. Without a doubt, the producers remained true to the franchise – much more so than they did in Terminator Salvation and this instalment is a very creative tie up and, I hope, ending to the saga. Being the fifth instalment, things could have gone way bad by now with really bad production values, ridiculous scripts and inappropriately cheesy lines. Instead Genisys stays true to the essence of the franchise, considers its cheesy moments very carefully (I still here Pops saying "I might be older, but I am not obsolete") and gave us a really good tie up of events – even if the base idea was stolen from the Star Trek reboot. Let's compare it to many other franchises like Batman and Superman and Alien, which by movie 4 really went off the rails – not even Uma Thurman could save that script... A lot of reviews complain about Salvation (which I also did not enjoy either) and Genysis (which I though was a good recover). The film is filled with Easter Eggs of moments referencing other popular Arnold Schwarzenegger movies as well as the original three films. And to be honest…this is Terminator we are talking about – we are not expecting the Bond flick. So the fact that the film is flawed from a critical point and often does not cover its own continuity aside – it does stick to the reality it created and the time-space discrepancies are easily forgiven. All in all it is well worth the money I spent on the movie and the popcorn, for the awesome use of effects, revisiting old favourite moments from the series and a story that actually is not that bad – come one, I can hear someone saying that it was a weak storyline….but I repeat…this is Terminator we are talking about
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Pitched just right
15 November 2015
I really expected something quite different, but what I got was a beautifully crafted fantasy that pitched each and every moment just right.

The thematic weave is extremely subtle and every single moment very carefully placed with an incredible sense of sensitivity for the human condition. The movie is delightful and deals with such an enormous amount of delicately sensitive human themes that I am awestruck at the director's ability to treat them with such a light hand that you never get the feeling that you are working to get through the story.

A Little Chaos struck my nerves and my heart with quite a few story lines that I recognized from everyday life in the 21st century and managed to tell a story of our day to day lives, lived in a period knows for it's decadent overindulgence and careless waste. Very much like today but not with the political baggage of libertarianism, capitalism and human rights that has come to burden out every decision just like form and pompous did back in the good old days, when times were bad...

Thus they place themes what many of us chew on, in a time that, even though it seems so far away, we can relate to. And within this they succeed in touching your heart as an viewer without striking a painful blow. The cinematography is brilliantly simple and exceptionally effective for a complex story made watchable, easy and fresh.
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
A pleasant surprise for the not so faint of heart
11 November 2015
After one episode I was unsure weather or not to continue with this series. It seemed at first glance to be unmotivated violence and pretense covered with sensationalism and violence. But after episode three I started becoming more and more interested. It was only because of a few good reviews on IMDb that I decided to continue up to this point and once I got past episode three I was hooked. Some people try to compare it to TWD, but anyone that has any interest in film and TV will know that one does not compare a series or film on the base of genre, but on the thematic content, the style, the technical production and the script (incl plot, character, etc.).

That said…I feel compelled to say that Z Nation is in a sense the antithesis of TWD. And in this it is hugely successful. Whereas TWD has really brought the genre into the 21st century, in the same way that True Blood did for Vamps, Z Nation is styled completely different, merging some of the old style zombie genre (think White Zombie) with this 21st century sense of "ultra" everything.

A great misunderstanding seems to be that ZN does not have the "moral dilemma" thematic content if TWD. Well, it has, but has taken these themes on in a much more violent and sometimes humorous manner (think Return of the Living Dead).

I have been a fan of the horror genre since a very young age and to be honest, zombies has always been my least favourite of all the horror monsters. But both these series has captured my attention and ZN definitely is now on my viewing list. It seems that they will be going for quite some time with good ratings and an increasingly good production value. The story developed at a really good pace and the development if Murphy really is a very interesting, original and exciting twist on the genre – much more in my line of interest.

I still remain a loyalist to TWD, but will score ZN as a series that is well worth your time with all the bells and whistles that come with good entertainment that will not just leave you with a sense of fulfilled enjoyment, but also a sense that it has moved you (even if only sometimes).
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A film with false pretences
19 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Reading about this film and it covering a topic that seems to be very active the last few months on social media, I decided to give it a go. It started really well, was scripted properly and the content came across as well researched and it was not just another "he said she said" melodrama. But this unfortunately did not last long. Although the first half of the film really made me think that this story had something to say and it was well presented, produced and constructed, it ended up concluding into just another religious propaganda and a sad let down. Though the main character sets up a flawless arguments for God not being dead and the film takes off on an intellectual high, by his final argument, he fades into an emotional dead pool of opinionated statements not based on any solid platform and the film disappoints gravely on its promise of offering any philosophical insight. The atheist professor starts off as strong and somewhere the scripts just leaved him behind and he becomes a weak caricature open for attack and to be used as a propaganda tool – and not even a good one! It's a simple set up and anyone can see it. Sadly also the movie gets high jacked by an assumption that Christianity is the only true religion and has some sort of trademark on the idea that God really exists. Without being in your face it does this in many subtle ways – especially looking at the story of the Islam girl converting to Catholicism – it wants to suggest that they "own God". And what is all that soppy business with the car that does not want to start – till you pray about it! REALLY! Just plainly a c-story-line rip off of the amazing film - "Conversations with God." As someone who have interest in all forms of theism, I found these moves by the film irritating, bias and prejudiced. It is insulting that it sets up a premise to haul you in as an educated and intellectual viewer and then slaps you in the face with a bunch of evangelism and a conclusion that is unmotivated and weak. I am not saying there is no place for evangelistic films – I believe to each person their own entertainment – but beware that when you enter this film, it is not what it pretends to be... That said, Josh's line "How can you hate someone that does not exist?" offered at least a glimmer and a clue towards what I think this movie was ACTUALLY supposed to be about - was it not whitewashed with all the desperate clutter of meaningless preaching.
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Endless Love (2014)
Gentle treatment gives it its magic
13 November 2014
Many reviews criticise this title for being a cliché or being unoriginal or being too normal. And that is exactly what gave this movie it's magic.

Sometimes being human and being in love is much less that finding some deeper insight and more about just struggling though circumstances as best we can. There is a movie for everyone and not all stories needs to be grossly intense and over engineered. The production value was of a good quality and I fail to see why so many reviews would give this movie such low scores – maybe because they were not able to appreciate the simplicity of this film?

It is in its lightness and simplicity that its ability to reach an audience lies. It is true to itself and though yes, it can be too soft at times, I suspect that is exactly what the viewer wants when (s)he takes a title like "endless love" off the DVD shelf. The story moves at a very good pace, the acting is placed just right and all the elements works together to make a very engaging experience. It is not quite a chick flick, neither is it a film that is going to race at the Tribeca Film Festival. But I think it was written with gentleness and care. It was directed and acted with a sense of maturity and the viewer do get the feeling that the film maker understood the subject very deeply and if merely by that he reached an audience and gave them a deeper insight into the issues they are dealing with in their own lives, it is a successful piece of work.

There is absolutely NOTHING offensive about this movie and though I was not moved to tears, it did not fail to touch me none the less. I can say this many times – not every time I watch a film, do I want to step away with the heavy emotional content of Schindler's List and neither do I want to start awarding Oscars for best performances. Some days all I want it to walk away and feel that I have seen a story worth watching, that was done with respect and that understands life.

And that Endless Love surely does.
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