
22 Reviews
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Telenovela (2015–2016)
really funny
4 June 2024
I had always been meaning to check the show out over the years but never got around to it and recently I've been watching a lot of comedy shows that have only lasted one season and this one was really funny. I understand why people didn't like the concept of a very Americanized or English speaking telenovela star it really didn't embrace the telenovela reality, buts its a super cheese sitcom. They make a lot of jokes about the tropes of the telenovela shows and I would have really appreciated seeing more of those evil twin style episodes. There's nobody that's annoying in the cast. I wish there were more episodes.
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Clone High (2023– )
a former satire is now a social commentary too afraid to take risks
1 June 2023
Clone High 2023 is clone high neutered. Ghandis gone a long with his comic relief. Christa Miller was racis tly removed from her role as Cleopatra and gone with it is the hilarious over the top sultry voice of the original. The new voice actress sounds so flat that I thought she was a substitute voice actor. The jokes dont reference teen drama cliches as easy or as often. The animations and designs look lower quality. The new characters are bland. The new actress for Cleopatra isn't even Egyptian, proving the dis criminatory intentions were the real reason for the recasting. The new boss Christa Miller plays isnt funny. Definitely shoehorned.
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Worst acting and writing i think ive ever seen
14 October 2022
This is worse than porn writing/acting. The dialogue drones on and rehashes the same points over and over. It was like it was written by kids. The acting is just as childish. I cant believe this guy was in a major motion pocture. There is no charisma or expression in the main characters acting at all. Its a cool concept and i like the casting but the terrible acting from everyone on the show ruined it. Theyre all somewhat monotone. Lots of run on sentences. They could have easily cut out half of the meandering dialog and made a better 23 minute show. This is efinitely a 'lets hate watch this' kimda show you roast with your friends.
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Solar Opposites (2020– )
Season 3 is way worse than season 1 and 2
13 July 2022
The first 2 seasons are great. Its clever, visually stimulating, extra violent, and have an intriguing side story. Season 3 the tone really changed, like they brought in younger 'basic' writers. The jokes in season 3 are so bad. Lots of crappy modern slang like 'stanning'. They sneak in at least one spiteful (and not funny) democrat joke in every episode, which is like the number one no-no in comedy, and its happening in every other show now which is dating and toxic. The new writing has that ghetto tone peppered throughout the jokes and dialogue which is out of place and indicative of hiring writers because theyre black, and not cuz theyre funny and black.
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Maggie (2022)
Light hearted comedy, very chill.
7 July 2022
The show is a perfect example of a fun concept not taking a show too seriously. Almost all the characters are pretty likable. The humor is laugh out loud which is great. I find the show to be pretty relaxing too. The women dont make the men look stupid. Theres no propaganda or subliminal political influences which is almost unheard of in modern comedy. Its a campy show so if you dont like corny jokes its not for you, but if you think banter is cute then youll like the show.
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Bob Hearts Abishola (2019–2024)
31 May 2022
The characters have no chemistry. Abishola seems snobby. They say racist things towards white people. It honestly seems like 2 separate shows put together in one. And then they have dinner together to kind of make it seem like they interact.
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United States of Al (2021–2022)
Having an indian man play an afghani as strange as an asian man playing black. Its just weird and unnecessary
21 April 2022
I love the actors and the concept seems cool. The network and the sitcom style are great. It has all the pieces to be a great sitcom. Yet the one miscast ruins the show. Indian people dont look middle eastern. I dont understand why they cast al with a great but unfitting actor. If it was just hist backstory then it could be over looked but they have him talk about being afghani the entire time.
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Shining Vale (2022–2023)
Slow start, cool funny scary and mysterious.
20 March 2022
I've seen 7 episodes and this shows awesome! Its a slow start but its worth the investment. I appreciate when a show takes risks instead of relying on a formula, and this show isnt predictable. Its pretty funny. The mystery is engaging. The characters are cute. It has a Silent Hill theme of not knowing if the main character is crazy or if theres a supernatural threat. Its my new fav.
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I hate this movie more than anything ive ever seen, ever. No Rockin Roadster!?
27 February 2022
They ignored the cool outfits, personalities, songs, the orphanage, Jerricas deranged jealousy of Rio cheating on her with her own alter ego, jerrica losing the record label and being Jems manager, Synergy, The Misfits, Ba Nee, no fantasy visuals. Its seriously the most insulting and bland rendition ive ever seen. Its like filming a movie about rainbows in black and white. Absolutey ruined. Seriously this series was so rife with originality and this wasted something special.
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Its just not funny
30 January 2022
They try but its not funny. Some of the sketch ideas are cool but theres no jokes. It just is kinda weird. I prefer the weird al variety hour. If you are looking for some classic skech comedy from the 90s try something else.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Drags... Episode 10 should have been like episode 3 or 4
16 January 2022
This series has a fantastic pilot, but the rest of the series is filler. If they had consolidated all the subplots from episodes 4~9 and had the finale be the halfway point it would fix the glacial pacing and repetitious foreshadowing. This is one of those show seasons that feels like its just setup for the next season.
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The Eric Andre Show (2012– )
Total failure at bizzarro humor
8 December 2021
He tries to to the weird unpredictable tim and eric style comedy but it comes off as nuance-less. It's weird because he seems to be charismatic when hes does interviews on other shows, but when he tries to be funny on this television show he just completely falls flat. Wish it was better but its just shrill. Definitely tries too hard and not original.
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In the Dark (2019–2022)
1st 2 seasons are great
25 November 2021
The 1st 2 seasons of the show are really cool the 1st season is light hearted and mysterious the 2nd one gets pretty intense but at the end of the 2nd season the writers wrote themselves into a corner. The whole 3rd season is completely sloppy and there's a ton of filler episodes where they just hang out at some lady's house, And the mystery of season 3 is convoluted and stupid.
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Free Guy (2021)
Chick flick. Not funny at all and the actors ham it up
25 November 2021
The concept is cool, and the 2 leads are meh, but the side characters are lame and the humor is nonexistent. It's definitely more of a chick flick. It's more visual gags and and cheese then it is clever dialog and and creative writing. Even poor treating it as a video game it seems like the people who wrote it haven't really played a game before. Just watch Robbie Amel in Upload.
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Bad Cg, bad acting, ruins a cool characters design, CHEAP
24 November 2021
This movies is for like ages 9-12. There is nothing redeemable about this movie. Sloppy fight scenes, special effects are non existant, everything made with jarring and low budget CG. Shrieks cool outfit and star tattoo are replaced with a generic outfit and personality. Ed hardy is super fat and harrelson looks 100 years old with a ronald mcdonald wig. The whole point of these movies is to indulge in fantasy but they lean more into realism. We want the cool costumes instead of the leather jackets. They cast a white character with a black actress for no reason, and its becoming too common and one sided (we could never have a white storm, or a male emma frost) and race is part of a characters identity.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
People only like this cuz Jennifer Cooladge is popular. So over rated. How not to do cringe 'humor'.
23 November 2021
This series is all buildup and no pay off. The whole cast complains the whole time, jennifer cooladges comedic talent is wasted on her just making scrunchy faces, the writing is just not creative or clever. It was just the most boring thing ever. The end of the final episode is a little interesting but you dont even have any time to enjoy it. Nine Perfect Strangers was very mediocre but it was better than this show, but thats not saying much. I think the writers thought awkwardness = cringe humor but it just falls flat.
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3-South (2002–2003)
This show is hilarious. Deadpan humor
17 November 2021
The art is bad and the characters are weird. I hate too stupid to be believable sitom characters. But damn this is a funny show. Brian Dunkleman as Sanford is my favorite. The ways they make the characters misunderstand this is so creative. Why did the USSR break up? Their drummer died?? Lol.
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Work in Progress (II) (2019–2021)
Lectures and tantrums
16 November 2021
This show spends alot of time preaching, but never provides any counter viewpoints that substantially add to the dialogue. Its all just soapbox finger wagging. Anyone that goes against the status quos gets 'educated' by Abby and has to apologize. No agree to disagrees. Abby is a narcissist that thinks she needs to educate other grown men and women about what they can say, and how they can say it. She uses no tact when confronting people she supposodly cares about, and has guilt tantrums to emotionally manipulate her friends and family (behaving worse than the children at a party).
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Big City Greens (2018– )
31 yo man think the writing is top notch
6 November 2021
I was apprehensive about watching the show because I'm an adult and it's on Disney Channel but it's actually really well written it's very funny I've laughed my ass off at least once per episode.
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Idiotsitter (2014–2017)
immature/silly humor isn't for everyone
11 March 2016
the show is "my type of humor" its silly immature and "stupid in a clever way". every episode has given me 2 belly laughs. while i can understand someone seeing their obnoxiousness as forced and shrill, its never annoying for more than a moment before it makes you laugh again. the budget seems to be pretty good. the character acting stupid (gene) isn't really that stupid, its more schticky. the two girls really act like a caricaturized version of me and my best friend. the show has great guest characters. this show is one of the best things to come out of comedy central in a long time. this isn't going to appeal to the masses but if you like friends giving each other a hard time and acting like grown up kids then its for you. i cant even compare it to any other show.
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Marry Me (2014–2015)
massive increase in quality after episode 3
8 May 2015
the first episode was pretty funny, the second was stupid. the third wasn't very good. consider those episodes working out the kinks. episodes 4-17 are hilarious. if you liked happy endings then consider this the successor. the biggest problem with the show is the character Gil. hes immediately uncomfortably weird, they don't ease you into his character. he has a flamboyance that would work better with a gay character. his crazy, and general character usage is reduced after a few episodes which improves the show. he is off putting but if you stay with the show he grows on you. Gil and Denna's platonic partnership is awesome. the show is now dead, i blame it on a rocky first few episodes. but this is definitely a great show that's not to be missed.
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Tosh.0 (2009–2020)
for people with nothing between their ears
13 March 2013
the show is the worst of the worst. its like watching a show made for fourth and fifth grade boys, by fourth and fifth grade boys. its is obnoxiousness at its maximum and the images they show are vile. the show is so bad that if I'm at someones house and they turn it on it makes me leave the room or building. they show videos of people popping pimples, body parts getting seriously mutilated, and lamest viral videos pull straight from your Facebook feed. I'm all for gross out comedy but its all about context. just showing a bunch of gross stuff and commenting on it isn't good enough. the funny needs to be bigger than the grossness. and for everything else that isn't aesthetically disturbing, the jokes are just plain corny. its like a collection of all the viral videos that your friends force you to watch despite you telling them no thank you. its is a Bro Show in lieu of entourage, the newer south parks, two and a half men, call of duty (i know its not at TV show), and garbage. not the TV show "Garbage". just actual garbage.
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