
752 Reviews
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Men (2022)
Forbidden fruit.
30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Harper arrives at a rental house in the English countryside for a much needed retreat. There, she sees an apple tree in the front yard and helps herself to a sample of its delicious fruit. As she makes her way to the front door of the house, Geoffrey, the owner, opens it and greets her as his guest.

After showing Harper around the house & property, Geoffrey leaves and Harper sets out to explore her vacation spot.

Harper hasn't come for this retreat just bc she wanted to get out of the city, or anything like that. Harper is in need of healing from traumatic events that have occured in her life. Her husbands death, in fact.

As Harper wonders about the countryside on a walk, she comes across this tunnel, where she plays a wonderfully musical game of echoes (as a music teacher, myself, I quite enjoyed this part). (She does this believing she is the only person in the tunnel) All of the sudden, a man appears at the opposite end of the tunnel,,,

Later, when she's back at the country house, Harper sees a naked man in the yard, picking an apple from the tree.

Harper visits the local pub, and all the men therein seem eerily similar,,,

More oddities and unnerving things continue to happen,,,

A24 has certainly offered up some "interesting" movies, haven't they. Well, this one is definitely "interesting." First off, Buckley and Kinnear are absolutely incredible in their performances. Really spectacular. That being said, this film is not for the faint of heart or someone that watches mainly old Disney movies. It is a true mind bender and quite the allegorical piece.

Now, for a few spoilers -

Harpers husband kills himself after she informs him that she's filing for divorce. (Whether or not he intentionally kills himself or not is left unanswered, seeing as how he falls from the balcony of the 2nd level of their apartment. The question of did him jump, or merely fall plagues Harper throughout the movie) He tells her that is what he is going to do if she leaves him. Then they argue/fight about what has led them to this point, and eventually he hits Harper. This leads her to throwing him out, saying she doesn't care what he does to himself, that he'll never see her again.

In the countryside village, Harper sees every man (and one boy) wearing the same face. They're all slightly different (different nose, hair, etc), but still, they have the same face.

While I was watching this, I knew that much of what happens in the movie was more than likely allegorical, and I was right. Now, whether or not I agree with everything the director/writer was trying to convey, idk. However, this movie is really well made, and makes you pay attention and think. I'm sure everyone will have different opinions on what happens and why.

I cannot give it a higher rating bc of the fact that it is just too disturbing for many. However, if you are a fan of what A24 has done before, or just an actor who wants to see good acting, well then this is one to view.
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Madame Web (2024)
Are you all immediate family?
29 May 2024
Cassandra Webb, known as Cassie, works as an NYC EMT, with her coworker Ben. She grew up in the foster care system due to her mother dying in childbirth. Cassie's mother was doing research on spiders in the jungle at the time of Cassie's birth. This research could've led to hundreds of cures for diseases.

Cassie is somewhat awkward, and doesn't really respond to others in a normal, friendly way. While she cares for those she works with, she is closed off emotionally. All of this changes when Cassie has a near-death experience after drowning (well, she drowned after falling off a bridge during her shift as an EMT). She begins to have clairvoyant visions of the future. All of which involve three teenage girls named Julia, Anya, and Mattie. Along with a man named Ezekiel, who knew Cassie's mother.

So,, this film is not good. It's not bad either, but it's definitely not good. I saw one review that said this movie made Morbius look like the Dark Knight. Lol, well I wouldn't say that exactly, but it's certainly not too far off. Imo, Morbius was REALLY GOOD by comparison (I actually liked Morbius, just didn't think it was near as good as it should've been).

This movie suffered from bad writing, bad direction, no investment in characters or development of them either, and a lot of bad acting. Don't get me wrong, their are some "ok" moments. I just don't get how Johnson is still working. Yeah, she's not hard on the eyes, and not a terrible actress, but that in no way equals good either. Sweeney did a good job of making herself seem like a teenager (I continue to like her more the more I see her in things). The other two actresses were perfectly fine, and of course Roberts & Scott were great. The Ezekiel actor was aslo fine, but not a great bad guy either.

Overall, there just wasn't enough here to make this movie good. I'd give it a 4.9 rating if that were an option.
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Get Smart (2008)
Missed it by that much
23 May 2024
Imo, this was one of the best comedies of the 2000s. No idea on earth why the sequel fell through the cracks.

Maxwell Smart (Carell) works as an analyst for a US counterintelligence agency by the name of Control. Over the years Max has worked there, he has made many attempts to become an agent, only to fall short due to his physical fitness (no, not in a Steve Rogers pre-serum way,, he was massively overweight). Finally, after getting his fitness under control and making high scores on his qualification tests, Max gets his chance to become an agent.

At this same time Control headquarters is attacked, during which many Control agents are killed across the globe. This leads to Max and his new partner Agent 99 (Hathaway) being tasked with traveling to Russia to infiltrate KAOS (Control's nemesis) and find evidence of nuclear weaponry.

Will Max do well and complete his first mission?

As I said, I think this was the perfect way to both honor the original Get Smart, as well as introduce it to a new generation. I so badly wanted a sequel, and then another. They had such a good cast for it. I mean, Carell, Hathaway, Arkin, Johnson, Crews, just to name a few (if they'd done 3 movies, within 10 yrs of the first one, Arkin probably could've been in all of them. He was such a great part of every movie he was in, or at least all the ones I've seen). Such a shame it didn't go that way. I'd give this movie a 7.5 rating, if that were an option.
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Poor Things (2023)
My empathy is creeping towards what I would describe... a contemptuous rage.
17 May 2024
I'm not going to tell you what this movie is about. You can read the plot summary and watch the trailers to see about that.

I will, however, tell you that this film is not at all for the faint of heart.

This is the second film I've watched by this director (having viewed The Killing of a Sacred Deer on two separate occasions), and I can tell you that both films are incredibly different from most films being directed during my lifetime.

The cast is more than superb in their performances, especially those of Stone, Dafoe, Ruffalo, & Youssef. If you are an actor or actress, then you may want to watch this, if nothing else, to study their performances and interactions with each other.

Now, do I think the movie, itself, is good? Well, that's a question not easily answered. Obviously, I think there is a lot of good about this movie (performances, visuals, the musical score), but as a whole I don't think I can recommend this movie to just anyone. It's a lot to take. Not long ago, this would've been rated X for the amount nudity and sex involved in this film (there's a lot). There's also a lot of terrible language. Not to mention the crazy experiments of Godwin Baxter (animals with wrong heads on wrong bodies). So, there's a lot of moral wrongs to deal with throughout the film.

I can't give it a higher rating simply because I found it disturbing in too many ways, despite my admiration for the acting, visuals, and score.
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Eileen (2023)
I live a little differently than most people.
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Eileen (McKenzie) is a lonely young woman who works as a secretary/aide at the local juvenile detention center.

She left college to help to care of her mother who'd fallen ill, and later died from said illness.

Her father (Shea Wigham) is a retired police officer, who spends his retirement drinking himself into an early grave.

Eileen longs for connection and friendship, and often spends spare time parked by the lake, watching couples make out/etc, using this as a mastabatory aide.

One day at work, Eileen meets the new Juvie Prison Psychologist, Rebecca (Hathaway).

The two develop a work friendship, that eventually leads to outside work, and turns both of their worlds upside down.

For starters, the trailer for this movie is deceptive. Just so ya know. It does not go the way you think it will. Now, that can be a great thing for movies to do,, but it doesn't really work in this movie.

Hathaway & McKenzie work together very well, and really are a joy to see onscreen together. That being said, they are the only real good part of this movie, and the only reason I'm giving at a 4 rating instead of lower.

The last 20 mins or so of the film go to a very disturbing place, and then the end just doesn't really fit. It's kind of a mess of an ending, actually. I was left thinking, "for real? That's how this ends?"

If you want to see a blonde Hathaway being a powerhouse of a mysterious kind of seductive character (to a certain extent, at least), and McKenzie showing how good she can be, even at her young age (she was sooo good in Jojo Rabbit, wasn't she), then yes. Go ahead and watch. That part is good. However, the movie as a whole? Not so much imo.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
the rankings can always change
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Whether someone is a pro wrestling fan or not, the name Von Erich is one you've probably heard of at some point.

Fritz Von Erich taught his boys (Kevin, Kerry, David, & Mike) how to be the best at what they do, and what the Von Erich boys do best is wrestle. In the Texas pro wrestling world, no family held higher esteem than the Von Erich family. From Kevin wrestling Harley Race, to Kerry becoming the WWF Intercontinental Champ, the Von Erich brothers personified pro wrestling. However, the family also suffered just as much as they thrived. From losing brothers due to injuries, accidents, or addictions, then to the only surviving brother being Kevin, the Von Erich family may have indeed been cursed. Then again, they may have just been pushed, and/or pushed themselves too hard.

This movie has a lot of great performances in it, especially those of Efron, White, & McCallany. The rest of the cast is great as well, but those three shine the most imo. This story is based on the real lives of the Von Erich family, so obviously some things happened differently in real life. That being said, if this film's interpretation is anywhere close to correct, then ole Fritz needed a whooping imo. It's a good thing to encourage, and yes, even push your kids to do their best, and be the best they can be,, but this guy went way too far. Having your kids ranked as to who is the favorite based on their ability (to wrestle, or perform as an athlete in general), and keeping them in suspense by telling them the ranking can always change? Seriously? I realize Fritz was also thinking about the business in this as well, but come on. These are your kids. Don't coddle them, for certain, but you're always supposed to protect your kids, or at least try. Imo, from this movie's depiction, Fritz cared more about his legacy and living vicariously through his boys than he did about their well being. Such a shame.

Overall, I'd give this film at least a 7.5 rating. If you want to watch because you're a wrestling fanatic, or just a fan of good movies, you'll enjoy this.
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Hail Satan? (2019)
27 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Found this documentary on Prime, and since I've been seeing a rise in Satanism amongst people, I figured I'd give it a look (fyi, I am a born again Christian).

A group called The Satanic Temple, headed by a guy known as Lucien, have become both a religious and political organization in recent years and have chapters set up all throughout the US (also many throughout the world). They say that they don't necessarily follow Satan as an "entity" but rather they see Lucifer as the ultimate opposition to the status quo. The ultimate rebel against tyranny and oppression. They see him as a symbol for rebellion rather than a real being (That, of course, doesn't stop them from constantly saying "Hail Satan!" to each other, or performing black masses and other satanic rituals with terrible visuals, such as full frontal nudity, etc). This group spends a great deal of the documentary's run time in a legal fight with the state of Arkansas (my home state) about whether a 10 commandments plaque can legally stand in front of the capital bldg. If so, they make a case to have a statue of their Satanic faith put right next to the plaque (called Baphomet, a 'figure with a Goat head, and Pentagram behind it).

Now, for my thoughts on this doc. While it is done really well (direction, editing, etc, which is the only reason I'm even giving it a 3 rating), I find the subject matter in it appalling. I mean, I literally felt sick the entire run time. These people have been so deceived. They think they're just rebelling, but they are selling their souls. They're also going after kids through school programs (just watch, you'll see what I'm saying).

Anyways, these people are angry. Looking to fight against the establishment, and whatnot.

This movement encourages them to express themselves and their anger, through lifestyles, dress, protests, etc. However, looking at them, they are obviously still sad, and still angry. It's all just a giant delusion, and they can't see it (or don't want to see).

Watch to be more informed, but be warned that it's a tough viewing.
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Road House (2024)
"That's the joke. It's a roadhouse, but it's call the Road House. Get it?"
26 March 2024
Well, I went ahead and watched this crapfest to save you the trouble.

Elwood Dalton (Gyllenhaal) is an ex-mma fighter, who's notorious in ring demeanor is well-known to the entire world. Once a championship contender, Dalton has fallen far from the limelight.

One night, after a fight, Dalton is approached with a job offer. A Florida Keys Roadhouse owner needs help. Local thugs have terrorizing her place, leaving it in ruins every night.

Not having any better prospects, and in great need of the payday, Dalton eventually agrees. Upon arriving at said Roadhouse, Dalton quickly realizes that the job isn't going to be a walk in the park.

Okay,, now on to my thoughts about everything. This is yet another remake that didn't need to happen, at all. The original is an 80s classic, that stands right up there with all the other good ole action, tough guy flicks.

Now, are the cast in this movie bad? No.

Not at all. In fact, it's got a really good cast. Gyllenhaal, whether he is or isn't a good guy in real life (obviously, idk the guy personally), is one of the best actors walking around today. The guy is phenomenal. I enjoyed seeing Melchior (loved her as Ratcatcher 2 in the Suicide Squad) as Dalton's love interest. Even McGregor was good as the character he played (pretty much playing himself more than likely, but still). What's bad about this movie is writing, the direction, the fact that they made the dang thing. I'm sure there was a way they could've done a remake and made it really good, or even outdone the original, but that's not the case with this movie. It's fine if you just wanna turn off your brain and watch something, but that's it. Nothing good or new going on here. A flat 5 rating at best.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
The driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.
17 March 2024
Late one night in the early 90s (in Lawrence, Kansas to be exact), a young boy races out of a burning house carrying his baby brother in his arms. They are followed closely by their father, who grabs both boys in his arms and hurries them to safety.

In the present day, Sam Winchester is a pre-law college student, who's been preparing for his interview to get into law school. One night Sam and his girlfriend Jess wake-up to hear someone breaking into their apartment. Sam is surprised to find the intruder is none other than his older brother, Dean. After a brief moment of shock, Dean informs Sam that he needs his help in tracking down their father, John. Dean tells Sam that he hasn't heard from their Dad since John went on a hunting trip.

(Full disclosure, I'm only referring to the first 5 seasons here, because that's where I think the show should've ended. Not saying that the rest of the show is bad or anything,, I just never watched all of the other seasons bc I just couldn't stick with it/didn't care for where they took the show/etc.)

Imo, this show is one of the most bingworthy shows out there, not to mention that it completely dominated my tv screen during the mid to late 2000s (along with Smallville). The duo of Sam and Dean, fighting monsters, saving lives, and occasionally stopping the apocalypse, it's all quite the entertaining ride. An 8 rating for certain.

(P. S. - I came up with my own ending of the show at the end of sn 5. That's just me. If you love the entire 15 sn run, great)
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3 March 2024
Dewey Finn (Black) wants to ROCK!! He has big dreams of winning the local battle of the bands, winning 20 grand, and getting a record deal with his band. That is, until his bandmates get tired of his antics and boot him out.

Also tired of bailing his old friend out (and tired of being nagged by his girlfriend), Dewey's roommate Ned (who works as a substitute teacher, btw) demands that Dewey come up with his share of the rent. Having no clue and/or no prospects of how to come up with the money, Dewey takes on one of Ned's substitute teacher jobs when a prep school calls. Who knows,, maybe Dewey will find a new calling (or some new bandmates).

Black brings all of his wacky comedic brilliance in this one, and the kids melt your heart just a bit. It's a ton of fun.
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I, Tonya (2017)
I was loved for a minute, then I was hated. Then I was just a punch line.
2 March 2024
No matter whether you payed attention to olympic figure skating or not, everyone knew her name.

Tonya Harding's story (as told here) is not pretty. As the line in this movie states, she did not come from a "wholesome" American family. She was a bit of a redneck (not that there's anything wrong with that). She had a monster for a mother, she fell for the wrong man, and then she becomes involved in an attack (on a fellow figure skater) scandal referred to as "the incident." All of this in the pursuit of winning figure skating gold.

The Oscar nominations & win (Janney is always amazing, but she absolutely kills it here) were well deserved with this movie. Robbie, Janney, and Stan really delivered outstanding performances in this based on a true story movie. The supporting cast is incredible as well, especially Nicholson and Hauser.

If you enjoy great movies, then this is a must see.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
Damon Salvatore - "I DO believe in killing the messenger. Why? Because it sends a message."
24 February 2024
(Full disclosure, I only watched half of the series all the way thru. Then I watched a little here & there for the other half, until I got to the last few eps of the series)

Our story takes place in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, where Elena Gilbert and her younger brother Jeremy are about to begin their 11th & 10th grade school year. Still adjusting to their new lives with their young Aunt as their guardian (due to the death of both of their parents in a car crash offscreen), the two teens hope to resume something resembling a normal life in returning to school. After reuniting with her best friends Caroline & Bonnie, Elena notices a new face in the hallway of the HS. A handsome young man named Stefan Salvatore.

Okay, if you are at all familiar with the show, or can read the title, you know exactly what's going on here. Stefan is an almost 200 yr old vampire. He's returned to Mystic Falls with the intention of getting to know Elena Gilbert, and little does Stefan know, his older, dangerous brother Damon (also a vampire) has returned as well. What could possibly happen?

I enjoyed the first 3 sns of this show very much. Great characters. Interesting episodes. Then in the 4th season (while still plenty enjoyable, but) I started getting a little bit bored. It seemed like the same story line regurgitated over & over. Nothing terrible, but it didn't keep my attention as well. So for the 2nd half of the series, I jumped from beginning, middle, end of the seasons until the end.

Overall, it's plenty enjoyable (if you're not burnt out on supernatural tv shows yet).
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Bones (2005–2017)
I need subtitles walking in here.
10 February 2024
Dr. Temperance Brennan is an anthropologist who works for the Jeffersonian Institute, assists the FBI in solving murders, and is also a very accomplished novelist (in her spare time). Her FBI contact/partner is Special Agent Seeley Booth, who dubs her as "Bones", rather than calling her Dr. Brennan. These two, along with the other lab techs (Hodgins, Angela, Sayroin, etc) at the Jeffersonian (which Booth labels as "squints"), solve murders, catch bad guys, even nab the occasional serial killer in this long running tv show.

While (imo) the show ran a little bit too long, it's a great show to enjoy. I believe the first 6 sns were the top, and while it was in no way bad after that, it did begin to go down in quality/became stale after sn 6.

(For those who have warched the show, I think it was better before the two leads got together. I think there was always chemistry between them, but they did better not as a couple. Just my opinion)

7.5 rating overall.
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Platoon (1986)
Death? What do you all know about death?
16 January 2024
This film deserved all the nominations and awards received. I'd seen parts of the movie, many times. However, I'd never sat down and actually watched the movie all thebway from beginning to end until now. The words tremendous and heartbreaking both come to mind as I think about how to describe it.

As a movie about the horrors of the Vietnam war, and the effects it had on our military troops who foaght in it, I'd say this film is one of, if not the gold standard of description.

The entire cast was great, but obviously the performances of Berenger, Dafoe, and Sheen stand out.

(Sheen) Taylor's narrative in letters back home really did a lot to drive the story and how each soldier must've felt.

(Berenger) Barnes is a good example of how twisted and hardened a person can become when subjected to war/evil/etc.

(Dafoe) Elias (imo) is a good example of how someone can go through the horrors of war, but still maintain their humanity.

All together, this is one of the best films ever made.
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Bones and All (2022)
The World of Love wants no Monsters in it.
15 January 2024
Maren sneaks out one night after her father goes to sleep. She walks down the road to join some friends from school who are having a slumber party. While there, the girls are painting their nails, and one of the girls puts her hand close to Maren to show her their nails. Then Maren quickly leans forward, opens her mouth, and bites the flesh off of the girls finger.

Some time later (after being abandoned by her father) Maren meets a man named Sully, who tells her that he's like her. That she doesn't have to worry, bc he doesn't eat other eaters.

One day, outside of a roadside market, Maren meets Lee (a young man who's just fed on someone, who has blood on his face). They become inseparable for the most part.

This movie is not one that I recommend to anyone. That being said, I watched it out of curiosity, and I wanted to see if the performances of Chalamet and Russell were as good as advertised. I can say that, yes. The two of them are very good in this.

I look forward to seeing them both in more. I'm not familiar with the actor who played Sully, but he was also very good (he won an Oscar not too long ago).

The reason I would not recommend this movie to anyone is that it's absolutely bonkers!!! It's about cannibals for crying out loud! That being said, Chalamet and Russell were incredible in their roles. I just can't give this a higher rating bc of its subject matter. Too disturbing for most.
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tell 'em Daisy sent ya
15 January 2024
The 8th film by Tarantino takes place in the mountains of Wyoming during a blizzard.

2 bounty hunters, a newly elected Sheriff (traveling to his new post), and a woman set to die by hanging are traveling by stagecoach thru the mountains of Wyoming with a blizzard closing in on them. Rather than braving the weather to their set destination, they decide to hold up at an outpost where they know the owners. Once they arrive, they are not greeted by the owners, but a strange man who informs them that the owners have traveled to the other side of the mountain to visit family, leaving him in charge. The other outpost occupants include an Englishman, a cowboy, and an old army general.

The blizzard is just beginning, and will last for a couple of days at least. What could possibly happen? (Lol,, it's a Tarantino film. A lot is going to happen!)

As with a lot of Tarantino films, this has a who's who of actors/actresses in it. I mean, Kurt Russell/Samuel L. Jackson/Walter Goggins/Tim Roth/ Michael Madsen/Jennifer Jason Leigh/Zoe Bell/Channing Tatum/Bruce Dern, just to name a few. Quite the ensemble, and watching them is one of the best acting classes you could attend. It's awesome 👌
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Jackie Brown (1997)
Across 110th Street,,,
14 January 2024
Jackie Brown (Grier) is a 44 yr old stewardess, working for the worst airline in the industry (making 16 grand a year, with benefits that don't amount to anything in the end). At some point in her life she is coerced by Cordell (S. L. Jackson, a small-time arms dealer) to smuggle his cash to him through her travels to Mexico. Well, Jackie gets caught by LAPD & ATF agents returning to the US with 50 grand in 100s. This puts her in jail, of course, and it sends Cordell to Max Cherry, the Bail Bondsman, to get Jackie out on bail.

From there, heist like hijinks ensue.

Took me almost 30 yrs to see this one,, and it's quite unlike the other Tarantino movies I've seen. It's not flashy, and it is a much slower paced film than the others (to the point where it almost drags at times). That being said, I enjoyed it. Not a movie that I'd want to watch over and over, but it's definitely a must see for Tarantino fans. The whole cast is fantastic, but Jackson, Grier, and Forster really shine in their performances (Oscar nom for Forster). For the movie as a whole, it's not going to rate (imo) more than a 6.8 for me,, but still, it's a great film to watch the actors acting.
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Deadfall (2012)
It's got a great cast,,,
13 January 2024
A brother and sister (named Addison and Liza) rob a casino, but are involved in a wreck as they make their getaway north. The brother decides that they should split up to find a different ride to the Canadian border.

A ex-boxer (named Jay) is released from prison on good behavior just before Thanksgiving. His first phone call is to his parents up north, who ask him to come home and celebrate the holiday.

Hanna Becker works for the Sheriff's department, and daily finds herself undermined by her colleagues for the mere fact that she's a woman. It also doesn't help that the Sheriff is her father (and he does most of the undermining).

How will all these different characters cross each others paths?

This movie had plenty of potential to be good. While it's not terrible, it's not good by any means. It has a fantastic cast including Bana, Kristofferson, Spacek, Mara, (can't remember Charlie's last name), Wilde, Williams,, but even that does not make it better than it is.

The main problems with this movie (imo) are the writing, editing, and direction. (One scene in particular was just laughable in its execution)

I'd give it a 5.2 rating overall.
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Whiteout (2009)
It's the first murder in Antarctica.
13 January 2024
This one takes place at a research facility on earth's most remote continent, where hours before the entire crews 6-month departure, a dead body is discovered. This leads the sites US Marshall to investigate the circumstances that lead to the man's death, and whether or not foul play (or something else) had anything to do with it. While investigating the death, our US Marshall must also face the ever increasing dropping temperatures of the South Pole.

I'll start by saying that this is not a blockbuster movie by any means. It's not bad either. Especially if you want to turn off your brain and watch a movie. Not to mention, you get to see Beckinsale the whole run time. What's not to love about that?!?
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Ongoing adventures in Gotham City.
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Gotham City. The metropolitan birthplace of all manners of greed, villainy, and crimes that no one would've ever dreamed of (well,, no one with a conscience, that is) suddenly finds itself without one it's most eligible bachelors (not to mention, it's protector). Bruce Wayne has left his home, for reasons unknown to those closest to him, and no clue given as to when he may return.

In the wake of his exit, Bruce's uncle (Jacob Kane, a former Colonel in the US Army) creates a security agency known as - The Crows (who will act as the new protectors of Gotham)(Gotham city is basically moving on from the idea of needing a Batman to keep them safe) (We (the audience) are also introduced to Kate Kane (the daughter of Jacob Kane), Bruce's cousin)

Then, who'd have guessed, a new villain arrives in Gotham and reeks havoc. What will happen without Batman there to fight them?

Now, onto the spoilers -

This show is by no means incredible, but it's entertaining enough, and a window to the world of another DC character that you may not know (I certainly didn't).

I really enjoyed the 1st season with Ruby Rose as Kate Kane. I'm not going to say she's an amazing actress or anything like that, but I've always liked her in what I've seen her in before, and I think she was the perfect choice to play Kane (I wish she'd continued after season 1, but it sounds like she was injured pretty badly injured while on set, but who knows the reasons). In sns 2&3, another actress dawns the cowl of Batwoman (A character named Ryan Wilder). At first I didn't care for the abrupt change, but eventually the new character grew on me.

The rest of the characters, especially Alice, round out the cast nicely.

I'd give the show a 6.5 rating overall. Certainly not great, but enjoyable.
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When God tells you what to do, you cannot hesitate.
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After being visited in their home by a local beauty queen/talent scout, a Honduran father named Roberto takes his son & daughter (Miguel and Rocio) to a local talent showcase for the day. Upon arriving, the talent scout tells Roberto that parents aren't allowed to stay, but that the children will be well looked after, and that he should return at 5PM to pick them up. Thinking nothing of it, Roberto arrives back at 5PM, only to find that no one, especially his children, are to be found.

Tim Ballard works for homeland security and tracks down pedophiles. After winning the trust of one such pedo, Tim is able him in order to rescue one little boy from the grips of his abductor (or, rather the man who bought him from those who abducted him). That little boy happens to be Miguel (Roberto's son).

From there, Tim Ballard sets out to bring Miguel's sister (Rocio) home as well.

This movie should win every award possible! Am I saying it's the best movie ever made? No, but it is certainly one of the most important movies ever made!! The director, producers, cast & production team should all feel very proud, and the real Tim Ballard (along with those who aided him) should all receive medals, and then some.

Idk how the cast could've been better. It's possible, I guess, but maybe not. They were all amazing (and yes, I noticed Ali Landry as the nurse 😍). I believed it all. There was no fake/phony acting going on. They made it feel real.

I now see why so many people were championing this film in the last year.

It's a must see.

(whether you can stomach it or not is another question,, but everyone should try to watch it)
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Superhost (2021)
,, the host might be crazier than the people you left behind,,,
28 December 2023
Teddy and Claire are vloggers who host a show where they travel to different places (like Air BnBs) and do video reviews of the place and their hosts. The show is titled - Superhost (imagine that, right?). Their latest adventure takes them to a beautiful, luxurious cabin in the mountains.

When they arrive and try to enter the cabin, the code doesn't work. So they call the host, Betty Lou, who says she'll be right over to check the system. A few minutes later, a very bubbly young woman named Rebecca shows up. When Claire and Teddy ask about where Betty Lou is, Rebecca tells them she uses a fake name so people won't no everything about her before they come to the cabin.

At first, Teddy and Claire think their host is a bit of an oddball, but harmless. However, the longer they stay at the cabin,, the more red flags keep popping up. Is Rebecca the Superhost they expected, or just plain crazy?

If you've seen the trailer, you can pretty much see what the movie is all about. I liked it for the most part (mainly bc I got to see Sara Canning) of the runtime,, but the ending is just not what I was hoping for or expecting. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for twists and turns, even bleakness if it serves a good/artistic purpose,, but this ending was just,, ugh. Not good.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
The universe has sent you a gift, and you have to figure out what to do with it.
27 December 2023
Jaime Reyes returns to his family home after graduating with a degree in pre-law, looking forward to a break before heading to law school. However, upon his return he discovers his family (his mother & father, sister, nana, and his conspiracy theorist Uncle Rudy) is going through a rough time financially, and facing eviction. So, rather than going back to school, he ops to find work so he can assist his family.

While Jaime and his sister are working at a local resort, the lovely young Jenny Kord (whose family owns/operates ones of the largest corporations in world) catches his eye. After coming to her defense, and getting fired for his troubles, Jenny offers her number to him and how she may be able to get him a job with her family's company.

So the next day, Jaime goes to see Jenny Kord to inquire about a possible job. When he finds her, she appears rather stressed/panicked, and upon seeing Jaime, she hands him a box, telling him that his first job is to guard the contents of the box with his life, and not to open it.

Well,, these events lead Jaime Reyes down a path he, or his family, never saw coming.

After seeing the trailer, and hearing bad reviews, I was very much prepared to not like this movie at all. However, I really enjoyed it! It is in no way perfect or groundbreaking, but it is a good, fun movie. Very much a departure for DC (it didn't really feel like DC at all. At least not the one I'm used to. #restorethesnyderverse)

Family is very much at the heart of the movie, and that's a really wonderful thing to see. The cast is really good (George Lopez plays the cooky Uncle really well and brings lols).

There are cliches, and it is predictable, and there are some things said/eluded to that I didn't care for,, but all around it a fun ride, and I'd like to see a sequel.
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Will you be my Clarence?
24 December 2023
Our story takes place in the idyllic town of Angel Falls at Christmas time. Young teen Winnie Caruthers is reeling from the events that took place a year prior when her best friend, along with the friends grandfather, were murdered. Winnie's family is doing their best to put those events behind them & move on, but Winnie can't. All of this, coupled with not getting into the college of her choice, her family's behavior, and discovering her boyfriend's infidelity leads Winnie to wonder (out loud) if everything and everyone would be better off if she had never been born. Well,, cue the Christmas miracle/maniacal prank/granted wish, lol.

As far as a horror/comedy version of "It's a Wonderful Life" goes,, I found this pretty enjoyable. It's not amazing or anything, but fun. I'd give it a 6.2 rating.
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Violent Night (2022)
I steer a little bit, but the reindeer do most of the work.
22 December 2023
Christmas Eve is once again upon us, and all the world eagerly awaits opening presents, spending time with loved ones, and enjoying this special time of year. Except for,, the big man in red.

We (the audience) find Santa Claus in an English pub, drowning his sorrows. While speaking with the bartender, and a mall Santa at the bar, we see that ole Saint Nick has become incredibly disillusioned with and sick of the greed that has infested itself in the world. He even states that he doesn't know why he is doing this anymore, and that this will be his last Christmas.

Jason, Linda, and their daughter Trudy are heading to grandmother's house for Christmas. While most families would be traveling to an all American home somewhere in the US, this family travels down a private road to a guarded estate complex in the middle of nowhere, cause Grandma is the head of a multi-billion company. Jason's annoying sister and her family are also there, preparing to grovel and suck up to the wealthy Grandma, in hopes of getting whatever they want. They are very rude to the house staff and caterers, showing us (the viewers) how upper class and snobby they are (ugh).

As the family is beginning their evening together, a lone man walks up to the front gate, claiming to be lost after his car broke down on him several miles away. The guard, while suspicious, picks up the phone to call a tow truck. That's when the lone man pulls out a gun and shoots him.

Inside the house, all the caterers pull guns (seemingly out of nowhere) and kill the house staff as the lone man enters the complex. They round up the family, tie them up, and all looks bleak. However,, we (the audience) see that someone else has unexpectedly shown up at the complex as well. On the roof, to be exact.

Will Santa Claus be able to save the day for this family?

This is not a family Christmas movie. Let me say that much to begin with, lol. It is a fun departure from those, though. Harbour plays a b.a. Version of Pere Noel very well (what is he not great in? I wish Hellboy had been accepted better. I really wanted to see more of him in that).

You'll also see some other familiar faces (even if you don't know their names).

Apparently this was done by the same people who did John Wick,, so if you enjoyed those, you'll enjoy this. It's more light-hearted, lol.

I'd give it a 6.4-6.5 rating. I'll be watching it yearly/adding it to my watchlist at this time from here on.
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