
62 Reviews
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Them (2021– )
Horror at It's BEST! Do Not Miss!
26 May 2024
Wow! What can I say? If you liked the first season, and how couldn't you?, then you won't be able to help but like the second. Did I say lie? LOVE! The husband and I absolutely loved this. The story was outstanding. The acting was incredible. The "bad guy" absolutely needs to be nominated for an Emmy! He was quite simply outstanding, and Deborah Ayorinde as Detective Dawn Reeve was amazing! Top notch! A "modern" story of a classic style horror story and I will have to watch this over and over. Like "The Sixth Sense," it has stuff going on but I've just got to go back and watch and see again now that I know the twists and turns. And boy there was some doozies. And the Revelation at the end neither of us all coming and where that type that almost always figures everything out within the first 15 minutes. Not this time! I hope I hope I hope I hope there's a third season! I absolutely loved it!
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At Last! The Truth! And Gorgeously Told!
19 February 2024
When I was eighteen I read a book, recommended to me by a new female friend, called "The Persian Boy" by the critically acclaimed author Mary Renault. It was all about a young man in ancient Persia who becomes first the pleasure slave to King Darius of Persia. Then, after being defeated in battled by Alexander the Great. What amazed me was that was discovering that Alexander preferred men when it came to love. I went a did only the tinest bit of research, and everywhere I looked it verified that the two major loves of his life were thus Persian "boy," and Hephaestion. He loved Hephaestion so much in fact that he believed that in a previous life they were one soul. POW!

And now, finally, there comes a docudrama that presents Alexander not only as the brilliant general and conquerer that he was, but as a lover of men. In the first episode we see him show his love, very romantically and tastefully PG, to Hephaestion and my heart soared!

This series shows the history right. The battles right. The way ancient peoples perceived the world right. Religious beliefs right. And the actor chosen to play Alexander was a very good physical choice!

This series, for so many, many reasons is brilliant! Do not miss it!
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Absolutely Brilliant
10 February 2024
Incredible, mind-boggling, and amazing. Each episode builds on the next which builds on the next. Edge of the seat, acting beyond brilliant. Writing is some of the best I've ever seen and I've been watching television for 55+ years. The wait each week for the next episode is just terrible. Every time somebody asked me to recommend a new show this is the show that I'm recommending. Jodie Foster and one of her best performances that I've ever seen her in. I've never seen Kali Reis before but I will be waiting and watching to see anything else she's ever in. The chemistry between these two characters is amazing. This is one of the best television shows since I've seen since the first couple of seasons of Lost. Do not miss this show.
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Howl (I) (2015)
10 September 2023
"Howl" is about the most clever werewolf movie I've ever seen! I prefer it to "An American Werewolf in London."

*Gasp!* I know! Some of you think that's sacrilicious. But except for getting to see the heo's beautiful butt, it was far too silly and goofy for me. Note!! I said, "for me." I think the latter couldn't make up it's mind whether it's a horror film or a comedy. I could have liked either, but not one so fully confused in the middle.

"Howl" is a terrific old-fashioned horror movie, not too scary, not too gory, and great sort of werewolf twist to "Last Train to Busan."

"When passengers on a train are attacked by a creature, they must band together in order to survive until morning."

But besides passengers trapped on a train with monsters, the similarity ends. And while that might be considered a pretty big similarity, it is a very different movie. We're getting something far more akin to the glory days of the Universal golden age of monster movies than that modern Korean flick.

However, before being considered a rip-off, it did come out in 2015 and "Last Train..." came out in 2016!

This movie stars Ed Speleers, who played Jean Luc Picard's son in the triumphant final season of "Star Trek: Picard." He's good too as Alpha Trax train guard Joe Griffin doing a shift on an overnight passenger train, which is scheduled to depart London at midnight. He has no idea what he's heading for.

The movie has a different twist or two on the werewolf legend and I liked them all.

How have I never heard of this movie? I will be getting me a copy for sure!

It is directed by Paul Hyett and also stars Sean Pertwee, Holly Weston, Shauna Macdonald, Elliot Cowan, Rosie Day, Calvin Dean, Duncan Preston and Ross Mullan.

If you like werewolf movies, don't miss this film!
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Sick Movie Created by a Truly Sick Mind
18 April 2023
Fascinating concept but quickly just getting more and more sick. Probably due to the whole concept of once you've done the horrible thing, what is to stop you from going further and further? Why not? You've already allowed this cruel ugly thing to happen, why not just revel in it? The thing is, I really began to feel as if this was just a fantasy of Brandon Cronenberg's. He'd like to murder someone and to do so in a bloody painful way. So after making this movie, maybe his next step will need to be to do the real deed. Because just as the characters had to keep going further to get the same thrill, making this movie won't be get him the same thrill either. Glad I watched this in the daylight. This will certainly cause some bad dreams.
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Absolutely Wonderful!
22 February 2023
Best MCU movie since "Spider-Mn: No Way Home!" SO good and not to be missed. I cannot wait to see this movie again. Totally stands on its own, but is going to be the next chapter. SOOOOO good! The world-building is some of the best I've seen, very believable. So often, when movie create a totally new world, it is silly and doesn't make sense. Not in this case. And the inhabitants are far more than just actors in corny makeup. This is SO much better than Thor: Love and Thunder. Wonderful fleshing out of characters! Kang was amazing, acted wonderfully! I look forward to where the MCU goes next!!
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Bros (I) (2022)
What a WONDERFULLY Refreshing Gay Movie!
14 December 2022
Billy Eichner hit it out of the park on every single level. What a wonderful movie! Yes, it is a rom com and of course there were things I knew would happen -- the classic boy meets boy, boy loses boy, boy gets boy back --but it was a rom com and that happens. How wonderful that it was GAY this time! And the BEST thing about it is that the gay men are REALY gay men! Gay men acting like real gay men. With all the silly cringy hilarious sexy weird wonderful things we gay men do. I LOVED THIS MOVIE! Why didn't it do better in the theater! Billy Eichner, you are a genius! Thank you so much for this movie! I will treasure it forever!
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Well That Was Just As Charming As Could Be!
25 November 2022
"The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special" really was special!

Highly recommended. It was sweet and hilarious and well done and even brought a little tear to my eyes. And that is plenty! Destined to become one of those we watch every year at this time for our family! Wonderful! Loved it!

Plus it has a great rating both by critics and audience scores on Rotten Tomatoes!

From the trailer....

Kraglin: I just saw on the calendar that right now on Earth it's almost Christmas time.

Nebula: We don't have time for trivialities like Christmas.

Mantis: But Peter's so sad about Gamora being gone. Maybe if we go to Earth for a really special gift, it would make him happy. Something he wouldn't forget.

Drax: What about someONE special?

I can't tell you who that someone is because that would be a spoiler. So check it out. You won't be disappointed!
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Smile (V) (2022)
Scared The Crap Outta Me ~ Continuously
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best horror suspense movies I have seen in a long time. Very well done, great acting, great script, great direction, great soundtrack, the "greats" just go on and on. (Warning! Spoilers follow!!)

The movie reminds me of "If Follows," a movie I loved despite its "unhappy" ending. I am not a fan of horror with unhappy endings. But once in a while, and unhappy ending is a pure definition of horror. Once in awhile I will forgive a story without a happily-ever-after-ending.

And I will forgive the unhappy ending of this movie ~ which obviously sets up a sequel because we SEE why (brilliantly and terrifyingly) the people in the story kill themselves and why, as the main character states, the victims don't see to be themselves at that moment. Despite this, it does keep me personally from giving the movie a 9 or a10 ~ a good writer could have figured out how to have the hero save the day!

Highly recommended. This filled me with dread and I had to watch videos like Hanson's "MMMBop" after watching it or I knew I would never sleep. I love forward to a Part Two!
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Star Trek: Voyager: Nemesis (1997)
Season 4, Episode 4
Do Yourself a Favor, Skip This One and Move On
5 November 2022
NOT a fan of this episode. It feels like something written by a barely pubescent boy. It is corny, corny, corny. The author/s made up these words for the "alien" characters, and you could see they thought it was really clever, but it was just annoying. Words like "trunks" instead of trees, and "glimpse" instead of see/saw, "nullified" instead of dead/kill, "new light" instead of morning, "trembling" instead of afraid/scared, "soon after" instead of simply soon, "fast walk" instead of run, etc. The problem is they created far too little words and use these words over and over and OVER and OVER and it quickly becomes so irritating you just want to stop watching the episode and go onto the next one, not caring one bit what happens to any of the characters. The acting of almost every guest star was absolutely terrible and I can only attribute that to the simply terrible dialogue. What were they supposed to do with it? Meryl Streep and Anthony Hopkins couldn't have done anything with the script, let alone all the unknown actors. The slang simply makes no sense. Why would you say "soon after" instead of soon for instance? The big reveal was incredibly disappointing. They fact that it was going to be a twist was broadcast minutes after the theme song. SO boring and this is my second time in seeing it in 25 or more years and it will probably be 25 years before I subject myself to seeing it again.
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Blood Fest (2018)
So Bad It's Good?
18 August 2022
Fun and terrible and silly and bad and I am glad I saw it but I'll never watch it again. The truth is, the script was pretty darned good and I could just see that if that if this had a budget and maybe a better director it could have been a big hit. A spoof of horror movies and not a total waste of time and while there were a few strikes, there were a few hits as well. If you just want some fun with NO deep thoughts, give this a try. Just don't expect any Oscar anything in this little flick.
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American Horror Stories: Drive (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
4 August 2022
Lack luster acting, lack luster story that has been done 1000 times, and the husband was just boring and weak with no explanation of why he would do the things he did and the main character's motivation was just boring. I love this show and this particular episode was just not up to par.
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Firestarter (2022)
Do NOT Pay More Than a Dollar to See This Film
1 August 2022
Have you ever sat down to watch a movie, thinking that it was a totally original screenplay, and as you watched you began to think that, wow, this is just such a rip off of some other book that you've read in your life? Or another movie? I mean, it was pretty much completely totally different, but you wondered how in the world the author or screenplay writer of the other story didn't sue the sh*t out of them?

Well that is my review, sort of spoiler free, of the new version of "Firestarter." Made with a budget of about $500 and with a bunch of actors who agreed to do the movie for about $10 a piece.

I watched the extras in pure stunned foggy headed confusion as to how this movie could claim to be called "Firestarter" when about the only similarity between the movie and the book is that the little girl can start fires. I watched these people carry on about how to terrific the practical effects were (they were not--looked liked something a couple of high school nerds cobbled together), and how amazing the acting was (terrible, simply mailed in performances), and how brilliant the writing was (it was not, Scott Teems needs to be horse-whipped).

Unless you can see "Firestarter" for a dollar, which is what we did, my advice is to run. Run as fast and far as you can to get away from this absolutely terrible adaptation. "The Lawnmower Man" was a better adaptation, and Stephen King sued them. And won.

There was absolutely not one shred of chemistry between Zac Efron as the beloved father Andy McGee and Ryan Kiera Armstrong as Charlie McGee. NONE. Michael Greyeyes (who at least was Native American this time) was dreadful as Rainbird. Gloria Reuben was a hilarious joke as Captain Hollister. I could go on...but I will not.

I am notating the scriptwriter's name (Scott Teems), and the director's (Keith Thomas), and avoiding anything done by either one of them ever again.

They both need to be run out of town on a rail. It was absolutely PAINFUL to watch. There were times I actually cried from what they had done to the brilliant novel and the wonderful characters within.

As they say in the Jurassic Park movies, "Run!!!!"
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I Tried...I Really Did....
20 June 2022
But I only made it 24:20 and simply couldn't get through any more. Music is staggeringly bad, I think my dog could have done better walking over a keyboard. The acting is roughly that of a Jr High School production. NONE of these people are going on to win Oscars and looking aback in embarrassment. I can only imagine the actors were friends of the creator of this show. I hope someone else likes it, but the third time blood the color of tomato soup drooled out of a vampire's mouth for no reason at all, I couldn't bear to go any further....
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Book of Love (2022)
Delightful Different Love Story
24 April 2022
I loved this movie so much. And I see a lot of movies. And I love RomComs, and this one was delightfully different. It has what so many have...Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, boy finds girl again....but I don't think that's a spoiler. Everyone who loves a good romance movie or book knows that trope going in.

The two main characters were delightful for many reasons. Not only were they believeable and acted like REAL people, but they were a little atypical. Sure it was the opposites attract. And it was that subset of romances that is hate at first sight turns into more....but again, see the preview and know that when you are going in. But what I like about this is that they were just so real! They didn't feel like the two-dimensional characters of so many Hallmark love stories.

The two main actors, Sam Claflin as Henry Copper and Verónica Echegui as Maria Rodríguez, took two characters that could have been so boring and typical and cliché, and breathed wondrous life into them. I BELIEVED in them! I felt and I identified so much with both of them, loved watching them fall in love, resist it, and more. I will watch this over an d over again. This movie made me so happy.

And it ended on the perfect note! SEE THIS MOVIE!
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Death Ship (1980)
Truly And Honestly About the Worst Movie I Have EVER Seen
11 April 2022
As I said in my title, this was truly and honestly one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my entire life, from directing, to editing (simply horrible), to writing, to the score (painfully bad), to the acting. What shocked me was how bad that acting was, especially considering wonderful actors like George Kennedy, Richard Crenna, and Nick Mancuso. Terrible, terrible movie. Shockingly stunningly bad. I thought the remake was bad. Now I see that it was Oscar worthy compared to this film!
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I Am Legend (2007)
Worst of the Three
7 April 2022
I was so excited when a version of this movie came out that actually had the title of the original classic by the immortal Richard Matheson. But it is terrible. And spear-heading that is the simply terrible Will Smith who can NOT act. He is exactly the same in every single movie he is in. I could barley sit through this and the only reason I did was to see all three film version of the book. Do NOT waster your time with this movie. Simply terrible on all fronts.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Just Watched The First Episode of Moon Knight And Oh...My...God(s)
30 March 2022
Marvel Studios has done it again. Over and over again they constantly and consistently turning out the highest product ever. DC and Warner Bros just can't figure it out. That these shows are more than fights and chases and costumes, It is people. It is being able to identify with the characters. It is even sympathizing with the "villains." And it is finding the best people in their fields to help make their shows.

Absolutely amazing. Unlike anything Marvel Studios has done with the MCU so far! The writing! The pacing! The mysteries! The acting!!! So edge of your seat. So intriguing! So Oh-My-God(s in this case) I-Have-To Wait A Week For The Next Episode!!! Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawk were fantastic-but then Marvel has a way of attracted some of the best actors who are alive today. Don't miss this show! It is NOT your typical superhero show. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure what kind of show it is. Don't miss!
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Insanely Bad - Couldn't Even Finish Watching It
29 March 2022
I had been warned by other raters here, but one or two went on about how unfair those ratings were (filmchic101 was one of them) so I gave it a chance, thinking it might be so bad is was good. No such luck. Do NOT pay attention to filmchic101! This movie is dreadful and the acting is so horribly bad my back teeth started hurting, especially, Michael Medford as Shane Miller (there are no words to describe how bad he was) and James Doherty (while very cute and sexy) as Zak was just painful to watch. They're the main reasons I had to STOP watching. That and it all is just terrible. Bad specials, bad filming, bad editing, bad bad bad bad. Callie Deering as Nicky Miller was the only one who looked like she could have talent. Avoid "Asylum of Fear" at all costs! Otherwise you just might go insane! Shame on Paramount+ for including this in their offerings. Shame!
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Funny Games (2007)
Stay Away From This Deeply Sick Snuff Film -- Be Warned
11 March 2022
Michael Haneke, director and writer of this sick movie, is obviously a very disturbed individual, and would probably be a serial killer himself, but too scared to go through with it, so he made this movie for his sick entertainment. There is something wrong with this man and I don't know how he got actors of the caliber of Naomi Watts and George Roth to be in it. In fact the latter said making this movie traumatized him and he will never watch it. I wish I hadn't. I'm scarred by it and will never watch it again and will get the out the word so as few people watch it as possible. This is nothing but a snuff film, was badly directed, the cinematography is bad, the editing is bad and choppy, badly paced. Amateurish at best, Michael Haneke needs to be locked up in hospital for the rest of his life before he actually kills someone. The worst slasher movie is more entertaining than this and I'll never see anything the director did again.
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Family Blood (2018)
I Just Didn't Enjoy This
14 February 2022
I tried. It tried. But there was nothing new. It has all been seen before. And it just went on and on and on and on and I found I wanted it to be over. The acting was okay, some of these people might even go somewhere. Heck, so might the director if they learn from their mistakes. It was much. Too many long pauses, too many sudden camera jerks, too many jumps, too much. Too much melodrama. It was supposed to be an allegory of addiction. Instead, it was just boring. The only thing it added to the vampire lore was rotting ugly teeth, which made no sense at all because otherwise they didn't age a day and perhaps looked even better. The "bad guy" was a bore as well. Not scary or threatening or magnetic or sensuous or anything. An utter bore. Negative charisma. Absolutely NO Lestat here! And finally, it's been fifteen minutes since it ended and I can't even remember the ending already. Skip this one.
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Night Hunter (2018)
I Like This Quite A Bit
6 February 2022
If for nothing else, the absolute top-notch acting of Ben Kingsley, Stanley Tucci, Henry Cavill, and Brendan Fletcher (absolutely brilliant as the villain) makes this worth the watch. I did not see the twist coming and when you have seen the zillions of movies I have, being surprised is nice. It doesn't happen often for me. Well written and directed. The movie dishes out the clues, bit by bit, until a edge of your seat finale. I really recommend this movie.
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Loved It, So Much Fun!
21 January 2022
As my title says, this is so much fun and I totally loved it. Especially Lizzy Caplan as Claire Weiss. She brings SO much to whatever she is in. She took this itty-bitty part and proved there are no small parts. This short shows us a bit about what happened after the events of "Avengers." It's nice to have an example of the normal people after these events!
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"Eyes of the Mothman" Sadly Disappoints
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mothman is perhaps my very favorite legendary "creature," even over Big Foot. There are so many witnesses that I find "him" incredibly interesting. So when I saw this documentary, I was quite excited. Sadly, I was disappointed.

When the documentary is on target, it does a good job. But when it isn't, it is boring and rambling and down-right silly. It wanders way too much, often disjointed, and quite a few of the people that were interviewed had no credentials or validity at all. Tim and John Frick for instance, who look like chatacters from "The Big Bang Theory," as well as Susan Sheppard, are credited as so-called "paranormal investigators," but what does that mean? What were their credentials? Their degrees? Anyone could call themselves a paranormal investigator. What makes these people someone to believe in? They did not witness any of these incidents so why should we listen to them? Only one or two of the people interviewed had even written anything, like a book on the subject. People would repeat the same basic story over and over and there was no reason for that. Some contradicted each other. One actually said that intelligent life has only existed for two thousand years of this planet! Even Christians think the Earth is six thousand years old!

"Eyes of the Mothman" could be cut by at least 30 minutes and the lack wouldn't even be noticed. The entire first part of the documentary is about the Native American chief named Cornstalk. There was absolutely no reason for that section to be so long and the visuals were silly. This part could have been five minutes and it would have been fine and relayed in pertinent information. The second section was about the history of TNT plants outside of town. It again is way too long. One section, about the famous collapse of the Silver Bridge, is way too long, and while interesting, is not connected to Mothman. It seems like this documentary should have been called "Point Pleasant."

There are also quotes throughout the documentary that have little to nothing to do what is going on. I love quotes. I love them interjected in books and movies and such, but it was more like the writer simply skimmed the word "eyes" in "Bartlett's Quotations" and picked anything that sounded cool.

Giving this five out of six, because while some of it was interesting, much of it was just a waste of my time. I would have rather watched the movie with Richard Gere even though it isn't entirely accurate. Sorry.
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What an Utterly Stupid Movie
1 January 2022
Ever heard of willing suspension of disbelief? Well, anyone would have to have a hell of one to believe this movie. The first half wasn't half bad and then it dissolved into ridiculousness. It falls completely apart. Rescues, things that make no sense whatsoever. The twist makes NO sense. People doing things they would never do. Science that isn't science. Ret-conning right in the middle of a two hour movie. And once more, a "science fiction" movie obviously NOT written by a science fiction writer or anyone who knows anything about science or science fiction. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. What a waste of time. Even in the end the title doesn't make sense. Author and director should be flogged. Do not watch this film. If you like it, you think that "Transformers" is a great movie. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb!
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