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Hot Skull (2022)
Fast paced start, abrupt halt
11 December 2022
Starting off with captivating protagonist and promising story that delivers to some extend but not all. Epidemic, societal decline and government control are main themes. Beautifully shot with grim city scapes. Reasonable realistic character development but it crumbles a little at the 5/6 episode mark where the story takes detours. The biggest fail and why it is not high 8s for this review is the lack of explanation around this epidemic, the mortality and symptoms for example. Without this, it is difficult to feel threat or urgency which also sends other storylines a drift. It feels like the story is searching although the cinematography is excellent.
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Moonfall (2022)
This decades' Deep Horizon
17 April 2022
From the word go it's not going well for this bravado piece. Using a rather deep idea with great potential, tearing it up and the remnants that come floating up is pretty much this movie.

Wise cracking themselves through a plot that's even more unpredictable than the weather in this movie. Waste of money, yes certainly. Although from the amount of studio generated and green screen shots, is nothing earth shattering (no pun intended).
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French Exit (2020)
Interesting story with unlikeable uninteresting characters
11 July 2021
There is a Wes Anderson attempt in this movie which falls flat in this production. Big expectations. It was however very flat and uninteresting. Many gaps and little explanation about the characters background yet a of over engineering in dialogue. If feels forced and archaic at times. Michelle Pfeiffer can only be magnificent. However there is no role for the son character. Malcolm, does not ad anything to the story. It feels like more and more characters are dragged in only to fill the voids in this empty plot.
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Cake (2019–2021)
Deep ocean convos, trolls and influencers - gets better per season
8 May 2021
Season 2 is the only season that didn't resonate well with me. It's comedy and cartoons from a wide range of different styles. Drifters, deep ocean conversations between fish, Dick town but also funny weird stuff like cockroach calesthenics. Shorts from 10 sec to a few min. It features many different styles and it's unfair to say that it's good or bad. Season 2 for me was disappointing. Seasons 3 & 4 brilliant.
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Gary and His Demons (2018–2023)
Line between knock-off & tribute is little thin but still original enough to stand on its own
25 December 2020
Does with several decades of cartoon experience will see that this show resemblances Rick and Morty. Let's get that out of the way right away. Still has enough original ideas to stand on it's own and deserves the credit and critical acclaim. Some things spoil it though such as Gary's voice and abrasiveness with side-kicks which are almost completely taken from Rick Sanchez.

It's a bit of a shame that Canadas most successful cartoon today could be knocking-off an US cartoon. But good storylines, nice characters, good voices and enough originality we can write that under tribute instead of a duplication.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Because the sun wasn't enough.....
9 May 2020
The source of life on earth turning against us wasn't enough apparently. Instead of building on that scenario and exploring cause and effect, this digresses to a variety of plotlines. The few people that made it on the plane all have a oneinamillion backstory clearly meant to provide a vehicle for ethic dilemmas. Its a Noahs Ark of cliches. Besides the sick child on his way to surgery, a nurse and a social media influencer, more criminals checked in on this flight than on conair.

For a show with this short a runtime (6 40 min episodes) it takes to many avenues away from the main plot.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Great performance... Weirdest music ever
22 December 2019
Sandler is doing a great performance, one of his best since punch drunk love. The dynamics makes you feel that you're in the room with him. A genuinely unlikeable personality makes that even more real.

Having said this, the soundtrack is distracting, loud and flat out horrible. I'm sure there is a deeper meaning to it but for me it's got annoying to no end.
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Off center
8 November 2018
Although wildly intriguing this movie is unbalanced. A little more thriller and less drama would have done the plot good. It leaves too much of an open ending. Nothing gets resolved. If you're looking for a woman so blown away by unexpected events that she adopts the most unconventional of grieving mechanisms than this film fits the bill. For some reason the marketing and trailer don't convey this and through out one hopes for a little more about the missing cases. Sous les sabre did this very well. To bad, the cast and characters otherwise are excellent.
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Kingdom Come: Deliverance (2018 Video Game)
Astonishing open world, graphics, storyline and quests
8 August 2018
I've played this game 3x, and that in my opinion makes me qualified to say that this is, bar none, the best game in a decade. Beautiful created open world, solid storyline and tons of side quests. Its many different skills that need developing make it continuously interesting. Historically accurate to the t., no fantasy - thank God- and still fully engaging and challenging. Cut scenes are breath taking. Storyline and characters are rounded. It brings you a few of the best written game characters ever (My favs beside Henry: Hans Capon and Father Godwin). The love that went into making this game shows everywhere. The alchemy procedures, the tabs with historical stats, the food, learning archery and all medieval weaponry from scratch and the use of Shakespearian English to give it the right feel.

You ask: If this game is so historically accurate, is this game then still hot? It is sexy? Ffffff....yeah! Henry is a humorous likeable hotty with an amazing voice who's character development is convincing and believable. My favourite of Henry's lines?: "My insides are all shrivelled up with the hunger!" and "I would like to use theeeee bathhouses' services...?".

This game is bang for your buck for sure. Get it! But.....Groschen first ("These are harsh times".) If there's a perfect game out there, this is it.
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Dr Frumpy
1 June 2018
I expected a thriller situation, some deep underlying secrets, international intrige and I would have even put up with ' he's a sleeper cell terrorist' but none of this. The Dr is frumpy, needy, sad and a smother to her son. I can see how everyone wants to get away from her. What I not see is a show. If you are looking for some suburban 50 Shades of Boring, this is for you. I gave up after starting the second season. Just felt embarrassed really to watch this.
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Series of scenes strung together without substance
1 September 2016
Mulholland Drive, yes that is what it reminded me of but that was not a good thing. The movie consisted of no story and was mainly a series of scenes that seemed unrelated. The same here, Elle Fanning is sweet but not convincing as a stunning mesmerizing model threatening her surrounding with her beauty. The soundtrack consisting of throbbing bass, twinkly sounds and industrial metal clanging would make this series of impressions suitable as a music video. If any review needs 4 paragraphs of 20 lines each to explain why this is a new exploratory piece of art it probably isn't that good. Unless you were born in 1996 and missed the entire Lynch area and Scandinavian dark cinema this can be thought provoking. I still keep it open that this could be a spoof with all the caricatures and cliché depictions of the fashion industry. Not impressed.
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Tender drama with great performances
1 August 2016
Expecting a middle of the road comedy but it turned out to be almost an coming of age drama, for 50 something's.

Hanks is formidable as a man who failed against his will. Only at the end I found out this to be a Tom Tykwer movie and I have been a follower of

his work since Lola Rennt. The story moves slowly but steadily zeroing in on Hanks as a burned out salesman but more so as a lovable endearing character finding a new purpose in an unfamiliar place.

It has a lot more layers than appears at first and I might watch it again.
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In a post apocalyptic scenario your biggest concern is.....Mold
31 July 2016
If Teen Vogue made a remake of Temps Du Loup, this is what it would look like. It's not bad but for an connaisseur of dystopian & post apocalyptic fiction I tell you this will not be a classic. For a film about two sisters, one Lycra clad and fashionable, the other boyish living in a glass house in a forest in the midst of a disaster of world wide proportions the film is lacking the sense of emergency and impending doom you would expect in this scenario. When disaster hits one has major issues to solve (like bickering about music, ballet audits and mold) before even finding out what kind of disaster has occurred. After fighting off intruders, living on rations for months you know what will finally drive you out? Mold!
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Allegiant (2016)
Insult-iant or how moisture wicking sports gear saves worlds
24 June 2016
In a world barely surviving apocalyptic devastation.....a society thriving on it's last technology.......a planet dry and apparently is able to still produce a surplus of Dry Fit Moisture Wicking sports Gear in the crisps of white.

While NO story unfolds the mind just wanders off how this logistically is even possible.

If you are over 12, and intellectually on full capacity then there is nothing to get from this tediously sentimental story. It's just heavy duty to write 10 lines about this entire franchise except that I would like to have the tops for my next yoga class.
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Angie Tribeca (2016–2018)
Female Frank Drebbin
28 May 2016
If you didn't grow up in the 90s with PoliceSquad and Naked Gun this might be new and innovative. It's so close

to both that I suspect a tribute more than a knock off. The deadpan humour still works. Maybe not material to fill 10 seasons; it definitely is a good laugh.

Jones will always be hilarious. The drawback of these kind of shows is that the style becomes a one trick pony of situational humour and word games. Once you figured it out it becomes predictable. Until then it is absolutely still worth it as a 80ies tribute.

Having had my share of Flying high, naked gun and police Squad it's a little too obvious.
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Very original concept, material for a blockbuster.
17 April 2016
This is by no means a bad Bmovie.

It's very good for what it is, a low budget mystery.

What's with the hating on this film? If you need a reference, it's more Lost than a Walking dead action flick and it relies mostly on little dialogue, scenic shots and suspense which is good because the casts acting talents are a little cringe worthy.

I was oddly drawn in by the story line and the original concept. If you are looking for a high paced scream fest, than this is not for you. If a enticing original story is this is absolutely a very original concept and I can see someone picking this up in the future with a blockbuster high budget, Fassbender featured, remake. Mark my words, I could be very right.
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Room (I) (2015)
Just because it happened to people doesn't make it good movie
20 February 2016
The first 45 min are not bad. It gives idea of the claustrophobic situation and the desperation of it, although very little. After the escape (hello! No spoiler, it's in the description the movie) the story becomes unbalanced and drags on as a lifetime drama. Nothing about the investigation. Just many scenes of getting back into the real life and mundane grievances. The narration by a boy who is far too old to be a 5 year old is about as irritating as it can get, but I can cut some slack with American child labor regulations. The story is rather flat, in dialogue, in relationships, in story line. Horrible what happened to victims like kampusch but that fact just isn't enough to make this particular one Oscar material. It certainly doesn't compensate for poor directing and flat writing. Not impressed.
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Another Ballet Cliché
2 January 2016
After 2 episodes I was already bored with this plot less cliché dancing Bambi drama. Every single cliché is milked to the t. Small town girl runs off to the city, angry flamboyant gay ballet director, bitchy dancers, Russian dance teacher holding a pooch, slutty room mate, innocent doe-eyed protagonist,French sexy 50 something wealthy benefactor. It has no end.Even the dance company is called American Ballet Company. ABC... Really?

There is no story here except the Cinderella one for teens except that it wasn't meant for that audience per se.

Would surprise me if there was a second season, but then again Vampire diaries has 4 and Smallville keeps going for ever and Pretty little liars never stops.
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The Affair (2014–2019)
Entertaining 1st season, drags on into the second. Chick series
9 November 2015
Lots of promising plot lines. Majorly aiming at women, hence my disappointment because I got a little more than bored when the crime mystery took a back seat to steamy love scenes and jealous wives. Young woman with little prospects falls for narcissistic writer with 4 kids and a wealthy wife he lives off. That could have been a classic and I did enjoy the first 10 episodes until it was mostly the misunderstood writer and his hot waitress girlfriend getting into long dialogue about commitment. Half way season 2 instead of a criminal court case its custody battles. Too much Days Of Our Lives and too little Twin Peaks or The Bridge or what have you, where a small town is the back drop for insidious crimes and secrets. This is not it. Ps: when we hear parts of his books, he is more of a cheap romance novel writer than literature. Very unbelievable.
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You're the Worst (2014–2019)
Comedy with sincerity tanking in season 3
8 November 2015
The first time I watched this I thought it just to be hilarious. Watching almost two seasons now I find some aspects of it extremely sincere and mature. Geere and Cash are endearing as a couple but YTW relies most, if not entirely, on the Gretchen character and Aya Cash's performance. If she was not personifying Gretchen this entire show would be missing almost all depth. The supporting cast is of far less importance and basically are caricatures. It seems like this was deliberate to keep the focus on Geere/Cash and not digress into a Friends like scenario. It s absolutely one of the best shows I have ever seen with the most lovable on screen couple ever. Update: Season 3 is tanking this one for me, the main reason for it is the up playing of Donahue. Her pouting wining character is becoming quite a bore and highly irritating.
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Spoiled entitled housewife dupes goofball husband
13 October 2015
Am I the only one that suspects Ranaut wasn't born in 1987? She looks old and tired in this pretentious mess.Maybe because her character Tanu is a demanding shreeky entitled spoiled housewife who not only leaves her friendly doofus husband for no good reason but gets him admitted to a psych ward. She then goes back home to party it up with her sleazy neighbour and offend her family out of ...who knows...spite. This unlikeable character can hardly pull this movie past the midline. Then we have another hour to go with unlikely off the wall plots. You can stop rubbing your palms together if you're thinking that this would lead to some major comedy or twist doesn't. Ranaut was okay in the first edition of what I might hope is NOT going to be a franchise, with her rebellion against her upcoming arranged marriage. The sequel should not have been made.
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Results (I) (2015)
Story line fizzles out, waste of Pearces talent
5 September 2015
Pearce is phenomenal, as always, If it wasn't for him there was nothing to review. It is not the lack of talent but a dwindling obvious storyline. Smulders character is rather irritating. Her confrontational whimsical personality does not at all gel on screen with Pearce. Smulders plays her part without any subtlety in a storyline that relies on small developments. I get that this is the whole plot line, contradicting personalities etc, but it moves along choppy and forcefully in an effort to match Smulders and Pearce together.The part with the client could have been more useful but it became rather redundant.
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Trainwreck (2015)
Funny only the 1st 20 min
31 July 2015
Tilda Swinton is phenomenal....and with that I have summarized all the strong points of this movie. Amy Schumer is somewhat funny in the first 20 minutes but that dives steeply when the story becomes a sappy romance movie with 90ies narrative in the second half. Close to the ending this 2+ hours dragon features about 30 minutes too much of schmaltz and clichés. It gets tedious watching it dragging on to the point where embarrassing bad fetish sex scenes and cheerleader performances are killing the last of what could have been good. There is nothing special about this movie and I was rather disappointed, trailer was promising and the general rating of 7.5 on IMDb at the time was pretty good. Not recommending this. Tilda is hilarious though, watch the first half and hour, then just turn it off.
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Return to Sender (I) (2015)
Uneventful, boring movie with great wardrobe choices
16 July 2015
Second all of the above, boring, illogical, aimless. I came with low expectations and left disappointed.For a second I thought it might explore the situation where she developed real feelings for the attacker (Lars von Trier style) or some other plot twist. Although it is horrible what happens to the protagonist, you kind of feel detached at some point when she executes on a lengthy plan to get her revenge. It is a waste of Pikes talent. When I started to take more interest in the selection of cute summer dresses Pike was wearing I knew the story was lost on me. Do not bother with this movie, there are equally good dresses to see on pinterest without having to sit through this disappointing drama.
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Shamitabh (2015)
An alternative ending...
12 July 2015
This movie is not using it's full potential. Where there are almost endless chances for major cluster comedy and hilarious screwball scenarios it stays timid. A little out of sync here, a little tension when a journalist finds out the truth there, a little conflict but it ends there. Beautiful concepts that did not follow through. The storyline contains many forceful unnatural conflicts. It would have been so much more fun to have Shamitabh team up together whole heartily to make this voice double thing work.Instead Bachchan's character is forced to sabotage his own chance of success. However the worst is the abrupt, over dramatic misplaced ending of this film. How have they missed a brilliant comedic ending? If Danush lacks charisma or if the storyline didn't provide the opportunity is hard to tell but he fails to be convincing in his role as new mega movie star. Obviously Bachchan is a god and even in this uneventful script he does nothing less then a great performance.
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