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For Love & Honey (2024 TV Movie)
Honey is not enough
4 June 2024
7.4 stars.

'For Love & Honey' cannot measure up to the usual standards without the addition of a treasure hunt. The story is about a professor of archaeology from Michigan who is teaching courses in Malta. He needs to make a discovery to find something historically relevant and notable or he won't receive tenure as s professor in a Michigan university. He meets a beekeeper on the island and she is a "character" to say the least. They "run" into each other when she almost runs him over with her motorcycle on the narrow streets. As they get acquainted, there is no love between them, although there is definite attraction.

The two of them happen to discover a fresco in an old Roman structure that he soon learns may contain historical significance. The rest of the story is about them attempting to decipher the painting. She is helping him to navigate around the island while she tags along in the journey. Or is he tagging along? It seems he's the one doing the following as she leads. She wears the pants in this symbiotic partnership, but for what? It's really his discovery to be made. They have some fairly childish arguments that I could have done without, to be honest. It's as if he has to act like a kid to get his point across to her. Somehow that makes her character much less sympathetic, so we are alienated from her for half the film.

In the end it's mainly about honey and a little about archaeology. I wish it was more balanced. I really enjoyed the mystery of the painting, although it's a bit strange and feels less organic and more of a concoction of nonsense. The romance is palpable and the chemistry between the leads is alive at times. I didn't really get very acquainted with the lead female at first, she seemed distant to the audience. I'm not sure about her acting style, it's a bit different in some way not completely understood.

The story was exciting for the treasure hunt, but something is missing and I can't put a finger on it. Maybe it's the portrayal of her personality, how she is open and willing one moment, then closed off the next, and his character can only be confused by her difficult mannerisms, which doesn't lend itself to making this a truly entertaining watch. However, I still liked it for the good parts. There are some very nice moments, the kisses were passionate and enjoyable.
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Summer in the City (2016 TV Movie)
Style and fashion
3 June 2024
7.6 stars.

I wrote a good review, it disappeared, whatever. This is the story of a girl in a small Ohio town who is discovered by a big city Manhattan clothing store owner. The owner likes her style and fashion sense, so she hires her to manage her store in Manhattan, on the spot. She accepts the offer and heads to NYC. She meets a lot of colorful personalities, and there is some backstabbing, and her boss turns out to be somewhat more difficult than anticipated.

She meets a real estate guy who is helping her find a place to live. They get into a cozy symbiotic relationship and there is also a lot of attraction. Eventually, they both hit some roadblocks in their careers due to discouraging words from their superiors and the relationship starts to fizzle.

This film is very enjoyable, albeit it's primarily about fashion and the pitfalls of that world, E.g. 'The Devil Wears Prada', but on a much smaller scale and without the same ramifications or level of cutthroat characters.

'Summer in the City' is still very entertaining in spite of the fashion theme. There are a few recognizable actors, definitely more noticeable than the usual Hallmark repertoire, so I know this was a bigger budget production. But, in the end, it's a fashionable love story, with the scales tipped a bit more in favor of the fashion.
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A Dog Named Duke (2012 TV Movie)
Very touching, but sloppy
2 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
6.4 stars.

I think this movie had a lot of potential, but I wasn't able to watch it all. There are some very slow and dragging moments throughout and I got to the point at 25 minutes there was a total lack of progress. The story went flat. The first twenty minutes is a sort of back story. Then we skip forward and things have changed, his daughter and wife are different (I think his wife died, but I'm not sure, didn't see that part).

So the story at that point was about a homeless vet and his stray dog named Duke. Duke the dog is the best and only part of this film worth watching. I usually like Steve Webber, but for some reason his portrayal is just weird.

Now to the incongruence of multiple factors. A stray dog finds a man in need and this dog is well trained and gifted, yet no microchip and no name tag? The level of disability he has isn't quite consistent with his function and his physical therapy regimen doesn't seem quite right. He complains about how the family doesn't have enough money to get by now that he's kicked out of the Marines (for disability). They already live in a slightly ramshackle home and drive an old beat up car and truck. She is a teacher and he's in the Marines. Both of them appear to have been in these professions for at least 20 years. Not to mention, he would be making more money on full disability and Social Security than he ever did in the Marines. When filmmakers are lazy about the details, it reflects poorly on the whole production.

He left the sick dog at the vet, they couldn't find him for who knows how long to let him know the dog actually lived. The vet assistant had seen him, recognized him, knew he was homeless and couldn't afford to care for the dog. It would not have been that difficult to find him.

A shame I have to rip it apart, the story is so emotional and moving and had so much potential. I figured maybe the ending would bring it around, but not really. Too many unfulfilled fragments of secondary characters.
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Surprised by Love (2015 TV Movie)
Hallmark version of rom-com
2 June 2024
7.7 stars.

Funny thing, I've seen a hundred movies like this, although I can't remember any in particular. It's not your usual rom com, blockbuster, roll-on-the-floor, knee slapper; but it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the scent of uplifting and clever. Sure, it's not as memorable, per se, as most romantic comedies, but what do you expect with Hallmark's attempt at mainstream wit?

This is a very light-hearted version of the "romantic comedy" genre, and it has its moments. It's not on par with the great rom coms we all really love and quote from time to time, such as: Harry met Sally, sleepless, you've got mail, Doubtfire, best friends wedding, the holiday, Notting Hill, sixteen candles, Ferris Bueller.... I can go on and on (I looked up the 100 best rom-coms, and these are on the list-seen 'em all, who hasn't?). Like I said, it's a Hallmark attempt at funny and memorable, and it's unique and will stand the test of time. If you asked me for a somewhat indelible Hallmark film from 2015, 'Surprised by Love' makes the cut.

Been recording every Hallmark movie for almost two years straight, old and new releases, and this is the first I've come across 'Surprised by Love' and I'm surprised by that! It's nice to have a hidden gem emerge to the surface from time to time.
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Butlers in Love (2022 TV Movie)
Butling is a science
1 June 2024
7.6 stars.

I just recorded this on DVR, forgot I watched it over a year ago. Obviously it didn't stick with me enough to stand out in my mind, but as I watch it again, I'm figuring whether I've fabricated my own personal revisionist history. What I initially recall is that 'Butlers in Love' did not leave any notable impression. I forgot to write a review at the time (I miss about 1% for whatever reasons). But as I re-watch, I'm startled to find this film is even better the second time around.

Relationships can seem fickle, but the leads have a certain bond that cannot be mistaken and I am totally enthralled by the evolution of their relationship. The lead female stumbles through her training, all the while we realize she is the best student at the butler academy, so she really grows on you with her clumsy, yet endearing nature. The lead male's struggle with his father's inflexibility, how he wants to be a chef, but he cares for her so much that he's willing to risk some of his dreams and sacrifice some of his goals to help her and hopefully win her heart....

This feels like a true butlery sort of tale, you get the feeling of being there, if just a little, as if we are peering in on butlers loving their profession and not being enslaved or burdened by it. I wouldn't mind being one myself, but the film portrays quite sufficiently, butling is not for the faint of heart.

It's truly a wonderful love story.
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A Wish Come True (2015 TV Movie)
A bit pretentious
1 June 2024
6.9 stars.

To summarize my feelings in a few words: a bit pretentious. The filmmaker took liberties attempting to fit too many pieces into a small container. In other words, they took on too much with a limited budget and not enough time to squeeze a big story into a small window of time.

There are too many characters, which convolutes the script and leaves the male lead with too little screen time. I don't feel he was developed enough to be "worthy" of the lead female, although the actor himself is more than up to the challenge. Her performance is hit and miss due to her obliviousness to his continuous hints. I just don't think it portrays a very likable or believable lead female, so it's a bit disappointing. Generally, women are much more intuitive.

Unfortunately, the film doesn't measure up to the script's potential. All of her wishes coming true by her 30th birthday is quite genius and at times it is exciting to see how the writer imagined it all to take place. Some of the wishes are cool and intriguing and for them to happen is really fun. It's a great idea, but they didn't execute it to my liking.

'A Wish Come True' starts off slow, then becomes entertaining, then flattens out, all the while too many moving parts. Oh well, so much potential squandered. If I were a producer, my advice would be: longer run time, more money, a few actor switches.

The lead female is endearing and pleasant, I've always enjoyed her in all her roles for Hallmark. You should see the other Hallmark movie where she's a New Yorker, but she is dating a prince. I kinda like her in 'A Wish Come True' a bit more, but the other movie isn't bad. I didn't like her as much in another film called: 'Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas' (2018), but it was the best movie of the three (the lead male had an amazing performance).
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Perfect Harmony (2022 TV Movie)
Feel good with music
31 May 2024
7.2 stars.

This story was probably the perfect romance for Hallmark. Two lonely adults need a soulmate. They have practically hated each other for a decade, got off on the wrong foot when they met, one of the worst first impressions - went both ways.

There is some really good sound and music in the film, which I really liked. There are several additional characters that share in the romance and the story as a whole. It's nice to see a Hallmark movie where they showcase 5 or more characters instead of just the two main ones.

Was this a 10/10, heck no. I don't understand those inflated ratings. I do understand why this was good, because the acting and the dialogue didn't disappoint. But, for me it was just average for a Hallmark romance. The story and all is great, but I wasn't totally convinced with the chemistry.

The last 10 minutes was fantastic.
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Take Me Home (2011)
Two strangers in a cab
30 May 2024
7.6 stars.

A woman is pretty sure her husband is cheating on her, and a man has recently been evicted. She hails him while he's driving his cab, and these two strangers drive across the country on a whim.

This is a moving story about two people who fall in love through all the adversity that two people can experience. We see each through the lens of the other as they organically become acquainted. As time passes, we catch a glimpse into their innermost being, to the filthy human core. And what we discover is that these two are just about the coolest humans on the planet. I love how this film picks apart our humanity, exposes the skeletons, paints a picture of how rotten we feel about ourselves, but we're just people. Once we realize everyone feels the same, maybe life can be a bit easier.

I recommend this for anyone who feels a little lost.
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Dial a Prayer (2015)
I almost missed the point
30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
7.0 stars.

Entertainment value is my main criteria for a high rating, no matter how deep or touching a film. As you will see below, this movie is very penetrating and meaningful, with a profound lesson that I think most people will miss. Heck, I almost missed it, but as I pondered why did she do this, why did he do that, why is she crying in this situation, why is she hallucinating, why is her mother so I get it. It's deep, but it's not massively entertaining, thus only the 7.0 stars.

This is a story about a saint who made a few bad choices. She believes in God, she grew up as the "little angel" her mother remembers. She went astray, started taking drugs, hanging out with dark souls, torched a church and a woman in the church got burnt or injured pretty badly.

She meets a guy who is a mysterious stranger, come to find out he's the burnt woman's son. She doesn't find out he's the son until near the end and she is angry about finding out this way. They already made love in his motel room the night before. She feels betrayed and she's conflicted in so many ways.

Not to mention her absentee father, who is a high powered lawyer and he's never home and her mom is in denial about the fact that he will probably never show them love and affection as a father and husband should. She is not in denial about her father's neglect, but he did get her off easy from the felony, now she's only required to do community service answering a prayer line.

The theme is about a saint. She is the only person that actually cares about everyone around her. She cares even though she is so extremely troubled and disappointed in humanity and herself. She makes it a point to visit her sick co-worker and nobody else does. She feels bad for the stranger guy, who seems like a total creep at first. He tells her that she changed his life, even though he wanted to get back at her for what she did to his mom. Insteada, he is "saved" because of her genuine kindness. Not that she's kind at first, but he senses that she is special. And her boss can sense she's special too and he wants her to stick around and answer the prayer line longer than required. She is gifted with answering this prayer line, she is the only one that seems to be working real miracles in the lives of troubled callers. And yet, she seems to be the only person in this whole story that is truly miserable. It doesn't help that her mom is disillusioned by the fact she did such a heinous act in burning down the church, but let's face it, she only did it because she's disappointed in life and in God, but isn't that how saints are born?

She has hallucinations or daydreams (not sure which) of people she has helped or could help through their struggles, and she feels so enriched by these visions. We can see that her true desire in life is to help everyone. She really loves people, but she is constantly let down by the disinterest and lack of charity exhibited in all the people around her.

Good people fornicate sometimes, but the story does not reveal if she is remorseful for it. I imagine if she felt bad for this, then this would be a "preachy" film instead of a more palatable catharsis.
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Doesn't feel like a Lifetime
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
7.0 stars.

I was hesitant as soon as I saw this was a Lifetime adaptation of a true story. I expected to have disappointment and to feel an immediate desire to switch to the next movie in my Hulu lineup. But after about ten minutes, I totally forgot this was a Lifetime movie. It's much better than the usual. It's very emotional, but not in a way where it feels contrived or fake, it's actually quite real to life (in my personal opinion).

The main actress conveys a detached 15 year old, but she is also a very dynamic and likeable person too. She does all the cooking and cleaning in a household of 4, but doesn't appear to complain. She is alone at a new school, she's never been to a normal school in her life. She is called trailer trash often, and scorned for being different, yet she has a certain level of poise and self-respect. This teacher picks up on her situation and deftly manipulates her into feeling comfortable with him as her benefactor.

If this is how her situation truly was, kudos to her for how well she emerged from the chaos. And no wonder the teacher found her to be irresistible, risked his career, his wonder everyone thought she was a tr@mp who seduced an older, but very popular teacher. And through all of the complexities of this story, the filmmakers nailed it. It's from her perspective, that's the point, and the theme is effectively conveyed.

I was sympathetic both to the girl and the teacher. He seemed to be a lost soul who let his affections for a young girl get out of control. It happens. It's a crime. He pays for it with 20 years in the slammer.

I personally think if this movie's portrayal is accurate, maybe he is paying a bit too much. Was she manipulated? Yes. Was she acquiescent? Yes. Did she really feel threatened to the point that her life was in danger? I don't think so. Again, this is how it's all portrayed in the film. Assuming this is somewhat accurate from her own account, this man should have been sentenced to half of what he got. If you're going to make a film accurate, then don't create undue sympathy for the criminal. Ten years is still a lot of time. It's not like he killed her. If you are thinking: "this reviewer has no idea what he's talking about, she was kidnapped and held at gunpoint". That's not what the movie shows. I never read about this case, so I don't really know any of the facts, except for what this film shows us, and this movie obviously has a different perspective than the jury who sentenced him.
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Road House (2024)
Lots of face punching
28 May 2024
7.4 stars.

As far as entertainment, I'd have to give this a decent score. The movie as a whole was just okay, the fighting was just okay. What I like most about it is simply that it's my boy Jake. He's always been one of my favorite actors over the past 15 years. I couldn't say specifically why, but just his general aura brings a boat load of screen presence to any movie. I can see why he's a very coveted actor even now, and he's pushing his mid-forties, but taking a lot of beatings in this film. I can see his age just barely creeping up on him, but dang he got pretty beefed up for this role (or maybe he already was, but I've seen him get thin now and then). He gets tanky every few years for a role, why not use him on several similar characters while we're at it? That's what they did here. It's a generic story at best.

This is very similar to the original Swayze film from the 80's. Similar in the basic plot and the fact it's just one big brawl through the whole movie. There is a bit of romance, just a teeny tiny bit, almost enough to please some folks. The bad guy is difficult to pinpoint, there are like 3 antagonists if i'm being honest. They needed to cut out one bad buy, because three was a crowd in this. Statham would probably have been a good pick for this as well and he could've been a good character as the old friend, like in the original Swayze version. I wish they had put him in it, but I bet he's too busy.
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The Bachelors (2017)
Sometimes it's too difficult
27 May 2024
7.3 stars.

A man mourns the loss of his wife so intensely, that he slips into a profoundly severe depression. The son has difficulties too, but they have such a strong bond, it seems they could help each other through anything. They meet a French teacher and a fellow student, two extraordinary, yet troubled women themselves. This is the story of how sometimes the loss of a loved one can be too much to bear. It's a testament to how so many people just can't cope.

It's a fact, many people lack good coping mechanisms to manage the acute mental trauma that accompanies the loss of someone so dear. She must have been one heck of a wife/mother for her death to impact these men so deeply. We don't witness how wonderful she was, the movie begins some months after she has passed.

Father (professor) and son (student) move to a new place, a new school; everything is different. Father teaches at the same school where son attends. Son meets a girl who has many psychological issues of her own, and she is distant and angry, at first. She is also somewhat popular and very pretty. Father meets the French professor and she immediately takes a liking to him. He is a math professor with a notable calmness and his son is very intelligent and charismatic. They have everything going for them, except for the anguish that the father isn't handling well.

The film is moving, but also very troubling and potentially upsetting, therefore it's not an easy to watch if you are currently dealing with similar problems.
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Captive (II) (2015)
Maybe not totally accurate, but good
27 May 2024
7.6 stars.

'Captive' is based on a true story. The best part of the whole thing is that not only is it true, but it caters to an audience of religious people and regular movie-goers who enjoy thrillers and true crime and even drug recovery stories. If there is any genre this doesn't cover, it would be comedy. There's probably not any romance either, however I love Kate Mara just about as much as life itself, so just watching her feels romantic. The woman is wonderful, not just great looking, but she's not a bad actress. I know she doesn't get many accolades, not sure why, probably most critics think her acting skills need work. That's fine, but this movie, while slow moving, is expertly presented in a fashion that tells a horrific story, while omitting the blatant violence and hatred. Was this killer a monster? It doesn't appear so. Was he innocent of the initial crimes? It would seem so. That's the impression the movie makers intended. I haven't read the case files or seen any specials or true crime episodes about this case (that I can recall), so i'm totally objective...and what I see is a man who was probably not a bad man, but he was angry that a judge enslaved him and sentenced him for something he claims he didn't do. Doesn't explain why he shot the court reporter. What did she do? I think he must have been paranoid. The misconstrued character motivation of the bad guy is probably the main reason for the plethora of negative reviews. Otherwise, this is an entertaining and powerful film. Although entertainment is not necessarily the aim of 'Captive', it doesn't disappoint and I was moved.
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2 Hearts (2020)
Touching but tedious
25 May 2024
6.9 stars.

I feel the intention of the director is to provide a moving and emotional story, designed to gain momentum. But it does not accomplish that goal. Instead, it starts off with a somewhat endearing and entertaining tale of two couples falling in love. But as time progresses, the music and the atmosphere become more somber as we are led down a dreary path.

If this was supposed to be uplifting and inspirational, it was a valiant effort to be such. The drama serves to provide an initial exuberant hopefulness, followed by intense sadness and loss, without much hope for "happily ever after".

If you aren't familiar with the true story behind this film, you will be led astray. What you are watching is not fully actual. There is no narrator and no butterflies. Read the facts before embarking on the journey of '2 Hearts', then you'll be prepared.
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Joshua (I) (2002)
Risky sensationalism
25 May 2024
5.7 stars.

I don't give movies less than 6.0 rating, unless they are really bad. 'Joshua' has good production value and is not poorly constructed, but the narrative is too flawed to ignore. The acting and music and sets are great. The script is not bad, although it tends to embellish specific aspects of personalities just a bit too much and plainly. The "evil" priest vs the "good" one, ordinary citizens are too apathetic to see what has transpired before them...all too cliche to be interesting.

This film is obviously not theologically accurate, so it's very much a work of fiction. It was probably made by a Catholic producer, it's surely pro-Catholic. I wonder if people realize that Catholics are not technically Christians in the sense that most people understand. A Christian puts Christ first in all things, and in all ways Jesus is the author of all faith and salvation and truth. Catholics sprinkle a bunch of other stuff in there, like the virgin Mary also being a "supernatural" force, and they venerate apostles as saints, giving them status above mere humans. They have also changed some of the original Pentateuch and New Testament, and last but not least, they immortalize a human as a vicar of Christ himself. Far from "Christian".

Sorry for the theology spiel, but it's important to understand that if you think this is a "Christian" depiction of how this story might occur, it's not. It's a Catholic depiction. We know that Joshua (Jesus) wouldn't come to a small town in America like this. The Bible actually proves it won't ever happen this way. Furthermore, some of the slang Joshua uses and many of his characteristics are way out there. Like, way, way out there. His mannerisms could be considered creepy at times, and I'm fairly certain the real Jesus never came across as a creepy sort, or allow someone to get mixed signals. And the part where he seems to lose his power, because a miracle sapps him of his energy...this is not biblical and implies that Jesus is not God, but only a man. The true Jesus never lost any of his supernatural stamina due to performing miracles. Sure, his human body probably got exhausted, but not for utilizing his omnipotence. Yes, you might say, but what about when the woman touched his garment and he said some of his power had gone out from him? This does not mean he got weak and tired. It simply means someone tapped into his power. There are other miracles performed that contradict the Bible. He would never perform a miracle for personal convenience or comfort, but he does that very thing in this story. Another miracle he does is not in the right manner, so it represents another heresy (if you will). Anyway, there are several aspects in this film that make me uncomfortable, so proceed with caution.
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Priceless (II) (2016)
Shoddy filmmaking
25 May 2024
5.8 stars.

This film has a very good message. Do yourself a favor and watch 'Sound of Freedom' instead.

I rooted for the good guys, but these guys are not smart. Are people really making mistakes like this in their efforts to help the helpless? The monumental errors in judgement are hard to ignore and I find it very difficult to fathom any narrative would follow this particular pattern. The Protagonist (James) makes so many mistakes, he might as well just lock the prison doors and throw the key into the Arctic. I mean, after the stunts he pulls, there's no way this story ends happily ever after. He really screws it up, and yet what are the ramifications of his utterly mindless actions? The traffickers are two-bit morons too. What did I just waste my time watching? If you want to help the unfortunate "slaves" out there by informing the public of what's happening in the world, take pride in your work and present it right. I lost all respect for this film as soon as I realized the writer(s) must have been born yesterday. Exit this movie and watch 'Sound of Freedom'. It's ten times better and tells the same exact story.
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Love on the Air (2015 TV Movie)
Not quite what I had hoped
24 May 2024
7.3 Stars.

Scarfe and Sweeney, Sweeney and Scarfe. Well, this is an engaging story about two radio hosts, stuck in dead end slots on a Chicago talk radio station. She does a dating show from a cynical female perspective, pushing girl power and feminism. He does the opposite, all about men and chivalry and how to navigate the dating minefield created by women.

The two of them eventually learn each other's identity and that they work at the same radio station. Sparks begin to fly, although these are not good sparks, rather explosive and destructive ones, at first. But the producers love the vibe, these two hosts deserve to share a show where they spar incessantly back and forth. They get the chance to co-host a primetime show. The ratings soar, everyone is happy, but if they fall in love, the ratings will likely plummet. They must proliferate the clever and nasty banter and maintain the facade.

We can all guess what happens, right? Nope, they don't need any prodding to keep the ratings sky high, because these two are the best at ad libbing. Even when they start to fall in love, they are both so convincingly volatile that everything works itself out naturally, until one of them has a major misunderstanding...

I don't quite feel Sweeney for this role, and that's because for me she doesn't have the softer female attractiveness and charisma I'm looking for with this particular personality. She has a few good roles, but honestly, she's best in roles that have minimal romance and more intrigue and mystery. Save Sweeney for the less sappy films. We need more of her in Wedding Veil installments. Even though the wedding veil films have some romance, they are primarily about travel and adventure. I really hope they crank out another few of those.
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Loving Leah (2009 TV Movie)
Didn't realize the lifestyle
24 May 2024
7.3 stars.

The movie feels good, so that's a start. The entertainment value is not bad, although it's a bit slow at times, but that's to be expected of a religious oriented romance story. The acting is good. Both lead characters are wonderful and full of life. She is so broken due to her circumstances. And how can this man fill the shoes of his brother? Of course he can, and he does, but it's a journey. I didn't realize looking in from the outside, how it seems the Jewish lifestyle mirrors the Amish in so many ways. At least it seems as portrayed in 'Loving Leah'. There is an obvious contradiction with it all, the mothers seem worldly in so many ways. How these religions and cultures get so mixed up in their traditions, it's really quite sad.
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The Memory Book (2014 TV Movie)
One of my favorite lines
22 May 2024
7.7 stars.

Sometimes a writer captures a truly eloquent statement. This was a beautiful, but rare moment for me, so I had to mention it. She says to him: "Love never works out and the only thing worse would be having it not work out with you." I mean, who writes this stuff? Who says this stuff? But if I had to break off a potential romance for fear of commitment, or failure, there's no better way to phrase it. Fortunately, most people in this world would take the opportunity to fight relentlessly to save the relationship after hearing an obvious "green light" plea. It is a cry for help...the kind of help that only true love can provide. She must be hoping he can fulfill her ultimate need and desire for love; she needs courage and the faith to believe it actually exists. But, as most standard romance films go, his reaction is quite predictable. Otherwise, how can the marvelous drama build up to the wonderful climax of 'The Memory Book'?

This film was obviously released prior to the Hallmark era of "spit and polish" that emerged sometime around 2020. And I'm happy for that, because once in a while a genuine movie comes along without the glitter and fluff we are subjected to these days.

I must say I don't find the history of the elderly couple to be realistic. People don't toss love away like this in the real world. It takes more than one reckless moment to destroy a relationship this solid and I think the writer exaggerated the consequences.
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Everything Puppies (2024 TV Movie)
This film takes two steps backward
20 May 2024
6.8 stars.

While I really like both lead actors, this story fails to entertain in most ways that I would prefer. The romantic aspect is all but non-existent, which I can tolerate as long as the story can rise to the challenge. Unfortunately, it does not.

A woman has created a puppy biscuit shaped like a bone (like Milkbone dog biscuits) and all the dogs and pups seem to love this brand more than the others on the market. It's also one of the healthiest versions. A large competitor does everything he can to shut down her fledgling dog food business. One very charming man at a large pet store does his best to help the woman get the product on the shelves. This is their story.

The charming and good looking man falls for the woman, he's a muscle bound store manager. She is somewhat endearing, but we don't get to see anything special happen between them. There are some misunderstandings, but the drama is lackluster. Her friend (who is a partner in her doggy business) is likable, but undeveloped as a personality. He has an ex-girlfriend (sort of) who is his currently his superior and works at the corporate office of the pet store chain for which he is a manager of one store location. There is nothing interesting about her at all. She's not even antagonist worthy, just a character with no depth.

'Puppies Everywhere' didn't bring me any excitement or anticipation, because it's too generic and limited and there isn't a large variety of puppies in the film. What I described above is literally most of the story. There aren't any real twists or turns, no side story to elevate the experience, no wow factor. None of the supporting cast stand out as being exceptional. This film is bland. I have no plans to see this again.
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A Whitewater Romance (2024 TV Movie)
Stuck in a Busby loop
19 May 2024
5.7 stars.

Poor girl. She has been stuck in the same film for the past 6 years. I will start by saying things were looking pretty good when she was in the Darcy stories, the first one was not bad, but they ended it in 2018 with 'Marrying Mr. Darcy', which was a flop. She has appeared in a couple good Christmas stories, the past several years, but that's about all.

Her Hallmark choices have been a bust since then. 2020: 'Love in the Forecast', felt somewhat fresh, but I had no idea the direction her "wilderness" career would be headed. That was the first taste of her outdoorsy characters, and like I said, it was not too bad. But then they copycat it with 'Chasing Waterfalls' in 2021, which was actually an improvement, but then 'Warming Up to You', same song, third verse, 'Marry Me in Yosemite'-fourth verse, 'Love in Zion National...'-fifth, and now 'A Whitewater Romance'-sixth. Please make this the final attempt at the same character. I actually thought she might actually be the same character, literally, which would have been more agreeable for me. At least it would contain some cohesion and a rational explanation for the repetitive out-of-doors theme. Give Busby a break guys and let her expand her options - out with the outdoors and in with the indoors.
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Entertaining and fun
19 May 2024
7.8 stars.

'The Wedding Planner' is a fun and entertaining film. What more is needed to rate it above 5 stars? I mean, let's be realistic, sure it's cheesy, somewhat of a copycat of a dozen other films about weddings, no doubt, but it's a well made movie and the acting is good and it's not a disappointment. So why the low rating? Oh well, who cares I suppose, but I wish people would be more forgiving, just because they may have such high expectations, totally inflated ones perhaps...sure JLO was no Julia Roberts, and Matthew Mc. Is no Brad Pitt, but they both hold their own quite well. There is decent chemistry, the supporting cast are skilled and charismatic...I rate films based on rewatchability and entertainment. This fits the profile of something I'd watch every 5 years or so. I've seen it thrice, maybe four times. The scenes in the park are classic, with the dancing and the old films. A sound romance this is.
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The Happy Camper (2023 TV Movie)
Nothing better to do
17 May 2024
5.2 stars.

I decided to queue this up as I sat down for a late breakfast. The question quickly emerged: what am I watching? This movie is absolutely nothing original or fun whatsoever. The acting is okay, that's all. But I can think of a thousand different ways to utilize these poor actors than to settle for something as un-entertaining as 'The Happy Camper'. To be honest, I only got through the first 45 minutes, then fast forwarded to the final 15, just to say I watched half of it. It's just not normal for a woman of her talents to be so interested and excited about renovating a dilapidated old camper. This movie is dangerous, because it doesn't warn of the toxic chemicals and materials used to manufacture these trailers. She is ripping it apart, not wearing a hazmat suit? I'm not kidding, the materials will kill you. That was enough for me to shut this puppy down and move on.
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Choose your battles
17 May 2024
5.4 stars.

No production is going to touch this film with a ten foot pole. This was obviously produced by a Christian company who wants to tell the story from the "other" perspective. What I recall in the news was that this baker refused to bake a cake for a gay couple's wedding. I never heard any additional details.

According to this movie, the baker refused to make a custom wedding cake, not just a generic one. Apparently, his bakery specializes in custom cakes, the most creative and amazing ones in the area. So, the fact he refused to make a "custom" cake might not be so bad. Apparently, he did offer to make a generic cake, I don't know, but I don't think so. I just read some article about it, and it doesn't mention the level of cake involved. Does it matter? Well, he feels it's rebellion against his God to make a custom cake for any group or person that represents a lifestyle or ideology that opposes Christianity. He was willing to sell any of the other generic goods to them, however, just not anything custom made. So, what's the difference? Think about it. So what if a Muslim wanted a cake for their wedding? What if he was to make a cake for a very wealthy Wall Street mogul who requested it be carved into the shape of a dollar sign and the occasion was about being rich; and the baker knew secretly that his wealth was from a Ponzi scheme? Or, what if it was for a Planned Parenthood employee party? What if it was for a celebrity that he really admires, but he knows that celebrity contributes to the campaign of a shady politician?

Think long and hard on this. Life is nothing but uncertainty, gray areas and blurred lines. In my opinion, he should have made the cake, as long as it did not perpetuate the type of lifestyle he disagreed with or advertise anything abominable or deviant in its presentation. What if the couple simply wanted a really cool cake with flowers or a sports car? That would be generic enough. He seems to have felt it was sacrilegious or evil to be in a same sex relationship, so he wanted nothing to do with them whatsoever. Again, where do you draw the line? You have to be really careful when you "stand up" for your beliefs, because if not consistent across the board, you are only insulting yourself and frankly, taking your God's name in vain.

Here's something somewhat surreal, I can point out at least four gay actors, beside the gay couple. The pastor, two of the bakers and the drama teacher. Am I missing something? This film is a conradiction.
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A Mile in His Shoes (2011 TV Movie)
Too forgettable
17 May 2024
5.7 stars.

I'm a stickler for playing by the rules of filmmaking. When some independent movie like this one is released, I expect the scriptwriter and director to stick to the system. I was very disappointed in the presentation of 'A Mile in His Shoes' and after 48 minutes, I stopped the movie and removed it from my watchlist on Prime. Where to begin...

This is not an accurate portrayal of Asperger syndrome (I don't know if they call it that anymore, but in 2011, probably still did). Big fat no-no. If you can't get the characteristics of the condition right, DON'T bother making the movie. Watching the actor misrepresent everything about it is an automatic thumbs down. I don't blame him, it's obviously the director's fault. In reality, the character would be intelligent and likely appear to be over-nerdy, yet this guy seems more mentally challenged and prone to odd mood swings and fits, and that's not normally how it goes. He asks the coach if he thinks a tomato or an orange is more round, then he says potatoes aren't round. This is what a mentally challenged person would say, but an Asperger person would think a question like this was juvenile and half-witted. It might mimic autism, and while Asperger may be on the spectrum, they are different.

Next, I noticed the baseball games were not realistic for college play (or any play), I think the score was wrong when the other team hit a homer, the announcer said it was 3-0, and they put 2 points on the board instead of 3. Again, big fat no-no for people who watch baseball and appreciate accuracy. You get the scores wrong, it's time for you to look for another job, not only as a scorekeeper, but as a filmmaker (get what I did there?). Next, the other pitcher was apparently pitching a shutout, yet his team was like 0-12, (zero wins and twelve losses-a really bad record) so what were the odds he would be pitching a shutout if they were a winless team, and why would coach (Cain) replace him with the new guy to finish the game? It doesn't track at all.

Let's rewind to his decision to draft him in the first place. He puts this challenged young man on the team, and can he even catch a baseball? We don't know, but he grew up on a farm and seemingly has zero baseball knowledge or skills, yet he's pitching soon after and if he's never played baseball, NO, NO, NO. He'd have to learn to catch and hit the ball as well. Most pitchers have to bat at some point. It's just LAZY, LAZY, LAZY filmmaking and it's an insult to film buffs like myself.

I feel like the theme is how playing baseball can help people cope with their mental challenges. It helps people focus their special skills on the sport. It's a wonderful idea, so next time let's get it right so the audience can enjoy the movie instead of dissecting it.

This is one of Dean Cain's better performances. He doesn't have the option of being too cheesy or corny in this more serious role. That's the only upside of this experience, but it was short-lived.
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