
7 Reviews
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Man of Steel (2013)
Superman is just too Super for reality, or cinema.
20 June 2013
When I saw that Man of Steel had received only a 55% from metacritic, but an 8.4 from IMDb, I was slightly worried. Movies that are excellent tend to garner high marks on both fronts; why wasn't this one? As a fan of Superman, I didn't let it stop me, and I went to enjoy it with my girlfriend in an IMAX 3D theater. She wasn't happy with me by the end of the film.

Different types of fans, different audiences, will love or hate the movie. As a fan, I say it is worth watching only once. The fighting scenes are hard to bare as the camera quickly pans over large areas to keep focus on the protagonists as they quickly and violently move through space. As a viewer, focusing required a proactive effort that left me tired. The visuals aren't all that bad - the scenes on Krypton are quite beautiful, and I read somewhere the Krypton style is Gothic meets Organic/Natural, and I agree.

As for's been done and re-done and it's not what is interesting. The action is more interesting than the story; but what the focus should be on is Superman's development and that... unfortunately... was scattered and shallow. The director tried to explore far too much in far too little time and as a result, the audience is left feeling frustrated. Fans of Smallville will agree with me as they won't be satisfied with the few scenes highlighting the humanizing internal struggle Clark Kent went through growing up.

That being said the movie is worth watching. The director made a valiant effort to bring to life a super-god-super-hero. (the only super hero to go to the edge of the universe and back). It's really hard to convey the amazingness of superman on screen - he is a hero fit only for the comic book where creative freedom is such that one can really explore the limits of the possible for a god.
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Brave (2012)
Not as bad a disappointment as Cars 2
28 August 2012
I went to watch Brave having completely forgotten the last major failure from Pixar, Cars 2. I had hope that the creative talent there would know how to return to the level of engaging creativity as seen in Toys 3 and Wall-E. I was wrong; the film was entirely too formulaic, trying to fit in too much of what typically works in a movie that couldn't bear it all.

The pace is far too fast, the movie is far too unfocused, and major elements of the story line are breezed through without giving them the proper time to develop an importance in the viewer's mind. The random, tasteless and cheap slapstick comedy added to my grievance.

The movie is about a daughter's relationship with her mother and father. That's what the film should've preserved it's attention on, but the director also felt the urge to include a story involving the father and his nemesis.

Truly, the only amazing elements about this movie were the success in digitizing such curly hair and the beautiful natural scenery. Unfortunately, in terms of story telling, there was more failure than success.
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An amazing show of ability and talent from all those involved
24 July 2012
I fell in love with Christopher Nolan's style when I first watched Memento. To find out that he has directed only 10 films in his career, and that of those ten 7 are remarkable favourites, defines a definite place of respect in the roster of artists I know. His latest film, "The Dark Knight Rises" propulses him to the status of legend.

Never before has the creation that comes from the tension between good and evil ever been so palpable. The new enemies Batman has to face define a new level of evil and danger that rival those of the Joker. Batman meets this new challenge with an impressive new level of heroism and strength in his character and physical ability.

The controlled chaos that ensues is quite impressive; especially when one considers the loyalty Nolan has to realism. One needs only to look at the 13 minute featurette on the official movie website to have an idea of the hard work invested in producing every delectable scene.

The movie is 160 minutes long with a steady pace, with each second as impactful as a titan's reverberating footstep. I cannot reveal more without communicating any spoilers, but each actor was amazing in their own role. Catwoman was… nothing short of stunningly appealing and marvellously enchanting.

And the end? I was told that it was the most satisfying ending possible. I cannot agree more. Indeed, it left me in awe of Christopher Nolan for his ability to write and direct such awesome works.
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Fright Night (2011)
fast paced kill
15 July 2012
The movie does not waste time to get to the heart of the action. There is a quick and well balanced introduction to the heart of the subject matter, and the audience is not left waiting to experience suspense. Collin Farrell does a great job at playing a charismatic, but dangerous, neighbor that pulls the family and audience straight in to the action. The cast is well chosen, there's no doubt about it – a collection of teenagers that refuse to accept a nerd's truth about vampires, a magician in Vegas, and a few more.

It has been a while since I last saw any horror film, and I smiled when I felt fear come over me. The fear doesn't come alone though, there is a hefty dose of comedy and an impressive amount of action. The film is definitely fast paced and dynamic as the settings change continuously in a fluid manner, and there's a generous dose of vengeance fueled gory action that would leave any audience with a feeling of satisfaction.

Collin's a sexy guy, but when he's a monstruous mean character, you want to see him suffer. No spoiler intended, but in the confrontations, he takes it as much as he dishes it, and the result is fun.

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The Avengers (2012)
Entertaining, Inspiring Heroics and Technology
2 May 2012
There is something to think about when we think that we have had movies where the characters were already presented to us. We walk in to the movie having knowledge of them, their personality, history etc. This makes for a great time saved in engaging the audience, and the impact is genius. The opportunity to make a good movie was not squandered.

The Avengers is nothing less than the apex of mythology's evolution. The movie does not waste a moment exposing the audience to intense scenes from the beginning. The story is gripping, the enemy (Loki) chillingly relatable to in his human immaturity, and the heroes are a beautiful diversity of awesome. Real humans are fighting next to the superheroes ; effectively elevating Black Widow and Hawkeye to the rank of what Ancient Civilizations would call Gods.

The Hulk is played perfectly and delivered intensely. He was my favorite character, though Captain America was pretty much like Jesus, less the miracles, plus the super abilities. He's the strategist, savior, gallant gentleman hero that's really an inspiring for the rest of the team and even for the audience. There are plenty of moments of comic relief, suspense, petty power hungry jealous Gods are crushed by humans.

Most impressive was how suddenness was perfectly conveyed on screen. Where movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon accomplished impressive feets with wires on actors to make them look like they're flying/jumping, tricks were employed to make everything look as real as possible. At one point, Black Widow jump kicks a man with both feet landing on his chest and she fell on her back the same way you would if you tried in real life. When the Hulk punches Thor through the wall, the timing of the impact's shockwave is perfect and it looks freakishly real. It's a small detail that makes all the difference, the extra juice that makes the B grade an A.

Of course, the scenes of destruction were beyond impressive, creative and awesome. I hadn't been so astounded in a very long time. Not since Die Hard 4!

I also loved all the technology they used. Their daring vision is an inspiration for what we would like to atteign, if only in the display technology used by Stark and Banner!

The movie was inspiring; I want to be a hero in my everyday way of being. Not that I am going to go and build an Iron Man suit (though I'd die for one), but the chivalry, nobility, and honor in being helpful, considerate, and empathic is very appealing.

I don't want Director Fury's words of despair to be real for our world. "We need heroes… but ah, its an ancient notion".

Do yourself a favor, go watch the movie, be inspired, be entertained and maybe we - the new generation – can become the avengers of earth and her inhabitants, for all the brutal treatment she has undergone under our auspices before.
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A Film of True Humanity : Comedy in the Face of Hardship
28 December 2011
It has been 9 weeks now since Intoucblaes has come to the movie theaters. I did not give it much thought at first, but the universal acclaim I have heard convinced me to go see it. I don't over-stating the universality of the acclaim, people of various races, classes, colors & countries told me it was a must see. I had no expectations, and I was floored.

Intouchables, directed by Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache, starring Francois Cluzet and Omar Sy is possibly the best French movie of the year. This is not because of a lack of worthy contenders, but truly because Intouchables is that profound. It touches on themes of presumptions, social class difference, health, and as naïve as it may sound, the universality of humanity.

The story is not as important as is the relationship that is displayed between the two protagonists. Philippe (played by Cluzet) a rich aristocrat that loves adrenaline rushes finds himself a paraplegic after a paragliding incident. Driss (played by Sy) is, in appearance a typical hoodlum from the ghetto. The two are brought together and wonders happen.

The audience then sees how the men affect one another as they engage in a truly honest relationship. Driss is charismatic, lighthearted and funny, helping make Philippe's life enjoyable again. In the process the traditionally cold French aristocracy around Philippe warms up and lightens. He is like a hot knife through cold butter.

Again, it is not so much the story that is important as is the social commentary. The commentary is not judgmental and is very subtle, revealed only in the contrasts the director chose in the story and its contexts. His method reminded me of a sort of Zen approach to comedy. One example you can catch from the trailer alone is the contrast between the able bodied black Driss and t the crippled white man, etc.

The audience is also given wonderful sights of Paris and France as we go through the Pyrenees, Cabourg and the various streets of Paris.

On paper the review does not make the movie justice. It is hilarious in a way that is true, honest and by which anyone can relate to. Most importantly it is revealing and comforting in its reminder of the essential in life : love. It's approach is simple, pure and honest and that makes it worthy of the title of "best movie of the year".

I cannot say more; the film must be experienced. My friends tried, they failed, so I trusted them and I saw it. It floored me. Go and be floored.

PS - I heard American studios have purchased the rights for the film. They will need a brilliant director, screenwriters and perfect actors to make the original justice in the way "The Departed" did for "Infernal Affairs".
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dialogue language visuals homage to cinema
31 July 2009
I have been feeling a little disappointed by Tarantino ever since death proof. But i insist it was only a little, because i can appreciate the amount of work in producing such an homage to stunts people. Inglorious Basterds has definitely propelled Tarantino to the top ranks in my universe. This movie can be summed up (albeit inadequately) in one word : "RAW".

There is an intense emotion in every scene. Revenge and justice seem to be the main themes, From the start of the movie one feels compassion towards the victims of the Nazis, and is placed in Tarantino's fictional dimension of the WW2 historical context.

Characters are unpredictiable, fun, scary, brutal, sexy, and other adjectives i am sure are escaping my mind that are just as fitting and positive. I won't go in to an appreciation of each character, but the other comments by fellow users sum up the appreciation of the various performances.

Dialogue has evolved from the classic Tarantino "bad ass" provocative style as seen in Pulp Fiction and Death Proof. One can feel in the dialogues that Tarantino is making more open references to other movies. Indeed, many dialogues were near lessons in cinema to the audience, the setting partly takes place at a movie premiere ; a reference to a movie is close around every corner.

It is nice to see that each language presented (German, French, and English) is employed rather equally and naturally. I speak both French and English very fluently, and am frequently disappointed in how English speaking characters in french movies act poorly, and how french speaking characters in English/American movies act poorly. Amazingly enough, Tarantino managed to make his actors pull off a natural and graceful performance from his actors. It helps put the audience in context of the historical context. Indeed ; soldiers, spies and civilans rarely understood soldiers/spies/civilians from other countries.

The visuals/photography are beautiful, with sceneries convincingly conveying a 1940s WWII Europe. The outfits are perfect, and the violence orgasmically/realistically conveyed. No punches are held back, and the Nazis are often shown being tortured. This makes the movie not open to all audiences ; the graphic violence can shock the more sensitive demographic.

volumes can be written about this movie. But the movie is so good, that during the North American Inglorious Basterds premiere at the Fantasia Festival in Montreal, i had to pee, but refused to go so as to not miss one single scene. I hope that image conveys how strongly i feel about this movie, and i'm a hard audience to please.
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