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Maigret (2016–2017)
A great telling of Maigret
30 October 2021
To see Rowan Atkinson in a serious role was welcomed & this show was perfect to display his talents aside from comedy. I just wish there was more episodes or some specials. I put off the last episode just because I didn't want it to end. I'm not a huge fan of crime dramas but this one takes you in & grab your attention till the very end.
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3 Let downs in one week!~!
23 January 2020
First Everything is Okay, then Avenue 5 & the 3rd time makes the final turd in the toilet is Nora from queens. I get there's humor here somewhere but it's totally missing on the sad fact that people are stuck at home trying to figure things out & instead there's this rambling slacker. Then there's the awkward humor. Nora is kind of annoying & just rambles. What's happened to writing? I love Awkafina but the writing on this doesn't fit her.
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Absolutely Blown Away
8 August 2011
So having loved music videos from India for a long time & seeing bits & pieces of Bollywood style films I was not surprised that after seeing the trailer for this film last fall that I made it my mission to see it. Literally I tracked this film to several theaters & then finally to DVD. Waited "Patiently" for netflix to get over the rush of so many people wanting this video & finally got to see it. It was amazing on so many levels. The chemistry alone from Maneesh & Ranveer was so enjoyable to watch. They just fit so well together on screen like their characters do in the film. The music which I now own as of five minutes ago (DVD soon to follow) is amazing because you get a little bit of everything. Dance, Rock, some slow but quickly picks up tempo. I am still reeling from how much I loved this movie but I knew I would from the second I saw the trailer. If you love a good story, great music, wonderful acting, beautiful weddings & just a really good film then you will love this one. The director right from the start has you pulled in to this film. The shots he gets in this film are just nothing short of amazing. I really like his style & the way he did his montage scenes. Recommended for anyone who loves an amazing musical style film!~!
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Oh my Gosh...Incredible!~!
11 February 2011
At first I wasn't sure where the movie was going. I knew the tiny bit of synopsis. Josh is upset about losing her girlfriend ten years ago. His buddy Russ comes back in to town and then you see how things unfold. The story was great, so many things now make sense after seeing the ending. I was not expecting the cast to be this good. It really added to the story so by the end everything makes since. Of course my true motive to see this film was Chad Lindberg & it only took me three years to see it but it was definitely worth it. The entire cast made it, and the story at first will seem a little confusing but the cast flows it right a long. The soundtrack was great a lot of awesome music to be heard through out the film. I recommend this film to anyone who loves a great cast and a great story!~!
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Alice (2009)
Did not expect to love it!~!
7 December 2009
Yet I did. First and foremost Andrew Lee-Potts. That is all that needs to be said. Just take one look and the beauty and utter gorgeousness explains it all. Plus his amazing acting talent. Caterina Scorsone I have seen in numerous things but it was awesome to see her in a role like this. She was so phenomenal as was the rest of the cast. You could have expected more because the roles were casted wonderfully and everyone so believable. Matt Frewer shocked me in this role because Honey I shrunk the kids is what I best know him from and he was surprisingly great and wonderful to watch. Philip Winchester was not on scene enough but the time he was, was terrific and he had you questioning him the whole movie. Kathy Bates, Harry Dean Stanton, Tim Curry, Timothy Webber and Colin Meaney all lived up to their wonderful talent and long standing careers. Zak Santiago was awesome and this was a great role to see him and was surprised when I first saw him in this kind of film but loved how well he portrayed the character. The storyline was wonderful. I did not expect any less from director Nick Willing (Tin Man). What I did enjoy though was the fact it was not as dark as Tin Man. This film went more storyline and was creepy and kind of dark without over doing it. Also the lack of makeup and costumes which were used more in Tin Man and less this one helped by not taking away from the story. All in All great film definitely a family film but some scenes may be a little scary or confusing to young children say under 13. Wonderful film recommended to those that are a fan of the 10th Kingdom or just any fantasy type of stuff. Once again Andrew Lee Potts!~!
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Very Good, It's like being at a show!~!
28 February 2009
So going in to this film I really did expect the same format and Miley Cyrus's film. Behind the scenes and concert footage, but the boys did it differently by mostly giving you an inside look in to one of their shows. The behind the scenes stuff its mostly montage and there are a few scenes that are "behind the scenes". I think with this film it was more show though and that's what made it enjoyable, if you love the music and have not been able to attend one of the concerts you get a front row seat. It was just a lot fun to watch and the boy's are amazing and their career is well deserved and the haters exist because they are doing so well. This film shows that they are normal and like to have fun and put on one hell of a show. I can't really explain it but this film was just a treat and I came out thoroughly pleased and wanting to watch it again. If your a fan definitely go see this film and enjoy it, or if you kind of like their music then just go check it out to see them and what they are like live. If you don't like them, then why are you here? Recommended for OJD, The Fans, and anyone who realizes these guys are amazing!~!
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Such a Sweet Film!~!
23 January 2009
This was such a genuine film with a lot of heart. I loved the story line for one. It was not over the top or extremely dramatic. Not only with the script but I did not expect those performances from either one of the main actors. Dustin Hoffman who I within the last few years have discovered his genius and wonderful acting talent. His smile just lights up the screen and you feel so sad for his character because its like you want to fix everything for him because within 48 hours you see things for him fall dramatically. Emma Thompson can do no wrong. Every film she does she plays her character to fullest whether it be a house wife, nanny, or crazy teacher she can do it all. This role for her seemed like it was a fun one and with a lot of heart. I especially love her line "Shall we walk" because I think to find someone who you can walk with and talk for hours and you don't care where you are going because you are so caught in the conversation that nothing else matters. That to me is so romantic and its not overly done, its simple and sweet. All that was missing was a song from Benton Paul called I only see you at the wedding. That would have been so wonderful. The cast though small was great I especially loved all scenes with the mother because I seen her and several of the cast members in many films and television. The daughter was great and she is like me, I want to make sure I am not hurting anyone's feelings and that everyone is OK and happy. The end was perfect and it ended it simply and sweet. Just go see it and enjoy, I recommend for those who are in the movie spirit!~!
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Inkheart (2008)
Shows just how amazing Books can be!~!
23 January 2009
The first question I was asked after I saw this movie. "What book would you bring to life?" I just started books left and right and the thoughts and possibilities are endless. Brendan Fraser is so well known with of course action films and what not that seeing him doing family films is really enjoyable not only because he is very believable and talented but he chooses very good scripts. This film especially brings out the most fascinating and wonderful things like just all the books with Library and the old fashion bookstores. I honestly wanted to just go and pick a book after this and get swept up in to their world just like I always do. Paul Bettany I never expect anything less from him and he is just brilliant with everything he does. Rafi Gavron added the comic relief to this film along side Jim Broadbent and Sienna Guillory was just a phenomenal actress. Helen Mirren is just fun and a delight to watch on screen. She played her role perfectly as did everyone in this film. The special effects were beyond belief and all the stories brought in to this film, it was so neat to see characters from them. I would really love for them to continue on and maybe shoot the next two films back to back and give us InkSpell and Ink Death. InkHeart as a book looked amazing and I really wish I could have known what that story was about. This is really just a feel good family film and you can't go wrong with it or even a book.
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Such a Great Movie!~!
16 January 2009
Aside from Kevin's stand up comedy being hilarious this movie definitely showed his true comedic talent. The storyline was believable and the cast was perfect. The little girl who played his daughter Raini Rodriguez was so cute, very talented and believable as his daughter. This movie had so many twists and massive amounts of great comedy. It was so cool Mike Vallely had a cameo and of course I recognized his skateboarding skills and then who he was. Jayma Mays was so fantastic and hysterical. The bad guys were so believable and moved like it was nothing. The mall was perfect and extremely cool for shooting this movie and gave a lot of room to play around with the film and expand shooting scenes. I am so buying this when it comes out on DVD and I love Paul's Cell Phone!~!
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Really Good!~!
14 January 2008
I was really impressed. At first I was a little skeptical but I kept thinking I have been wanting to see this. It was really funny and just enjoyable. I just kept wanting to see what was going to happen next. I love this kind of comedy because its not forced down your throat to where you choking on it or totally disgusting with crude humor or jokes. They really put a lot of fore thought into this and the appearance by Williem Dafoe made it just perfect. I loved how everything fell in to place and how the story just flowed. I really enjoyed Max Baldrys character and him and bean were just perfect. I really like Rowan Atkinson since I saw him in Johnny English and I always saw the previews for Mr. Bean and thought they were funny but this movie was just funny and a real delight. Recommended for the Family!~!
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
So Amazing and Murderer of Love!~!
21 October 2007
My sister and I both wanted to see this but were debating on going to the sneak preview or not. We were so glad that we went because it was really laugh out loud funny and it's one of those romantic movies that really is just wonderful. It's not all gushy and boring. It is really romantic and funny. There was a couple next to me and her boyfriend was laughing out loud and enjoying it because let's face it, It's Steve Carell's year and he can do anything and do no wrong. I'm not a big fan of Dane Cook but I really enjoyed him in this movie. He was so good in it. Norbet Leo Butz who's my sister's favorite and the other members of the family were casted perfect and they all did a wonderful job especially Diane Wiest and John Mahoney who looks great by the way. The daughters I was extremely impressed with. They casted them perfectly and Alison Pill who I've seen in so many movies is so talented and Brittany Robertson and Marlene Lawston were both wonderful to watch and were perfect. No characters were overlooked or two small but Steve was in his element and came through so amazing. Juliette Binoche who I loved in Chocolate was amazing and this was no exception. She did so well in her role and Emily Blunt was a big surprise but she was fantastic. The movie is really a family movie, there's nothing bad in it words, sexual content etc... but it's one where you would enjoy at home or in the theater and with the people who you love and like to spend time with. Recommended for anyone who loves a good movie!~!
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Evan Almighty (2007)
This was so much better then I thought!~!
15 October 2007
I did want to see it because of course it looked funny but it was actually just a wonderful story and a real treat to watch. I enjoyed the cast and the storyline. To be honest I actually enjoyed this more then Bruce Almighty, I think that it was an OK movie but it's not something I would want to watch again. Also I guess because this one had more of a story line. Like it was going somewhere with something. Steve Carell has come in to his own with the movies he's done and now people are really looking at him. It's still hard to believe he was a rent a cop in Sleepover and now he's making million dollar films. Lauren Graham is always a delight to watch on screen. She's very natural and funny and just plays it so real. They casted the kids great and their characters were not overlooked. The animals were adorable and you can't just go in to this movie thinking it's all about religion. It is but there's a bigger picture to it. If you didn't like the movie because of whatever reason then fine, no ones asking you to like it. Myself and several thousands others did enjoy this film and saw it as a true jewel. Definitely recommend for the family!~!
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Gracie (2007)
One girl fought back and won!~!
15 October 2007
Judging by the trailers you know this movie is going to be a tearjerker. It did not let down. They did not though dwell on certain subjects forever meaning the story progressed and in doing so kept you locked and wanting to see the rest of it. I was really impressed and shocked to find out the family aspect behind the creating of this movie. The story was just brilliant and I've watched Carly Schroeder grow up on T.V. in Lizzie McGuire. Mean Creek is a movie that showed she can do dramatic and can do something different then Teen Television and this movie sealed the deal. Dermot Mulroney as the father was by far one of the best castings in this film. You saw his give and take and his struggle to either help or be against the obstacles in front of him. Elizabeth Shu can do no wrong. This was a the perfect role and she did not over play it. She really did have the believability of a concerned mother in the 70's. Weighing everything around her. The siblings especially Johnny were casted great as well as Kyle and Peter. They gave such a believability to their roles that you loved and hated them at the right times and you really struggle for Gracie in the since where putting yourself in her shoes and saying well I would have done this but your not Gracie and you have to stick with her and watch her triumph. I recommend this to Anyone and Everyone especially families or just mom's and daughters to watch and enjoy!~!
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Yes it's another book to movie but I loved it!~!
5 October 2007
I never read the book but I was pretty impressed with this movie. The cast was phenomenal especially Alexander Ludwig. I believe they casted him perfectly for the role of Will. The first time I showed my mom this trailer she said were seeing. the story was great and both my mom and me were slowly getting in to it and a tad confused but you kept wanting to know what this all meant. Everyone did such a great job and the movie was exciting and a nice treat to the movies on a cold Friday. I recommend this movie to all especially kids but there is some scary parts so I wouldn't vary on the age but if you think they can handle it. It was a lot of fun and you will fall in love with the cat!~!
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The Game Plan (2007)
This was wonderful!~!
1 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone knew the Rock could act but this was a major stretch that he handled amazingly. The cast was terrific and the chemistry between him and Madison was adorable. I think what I liked best was the story line. Disney actually branched out with something different and gave it a wonderful cast. There's a lot more to this then meets the eye so don't just judge it but the trailer or reviews go decide for yourself. It was a treat to sit there and watch this. It's one of those movies you look forward to seeing and it doesn't disappoint. The dog especially is one reason to see this because it's adorable and played a big role in a way. The music was great Elvis all the way and Yes the Rock can sing. Recommended for anyone who likes a great family movie!~!
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A major Trip but the best kind!~!
1 October 2007
The trailer alone made me feel like I just had to see it. I was not disappointed and I was amazed at the final result. This movie at first with the singing was different but by the end I could not wait to hear another song because they all helped tell the story. The special effects were mind blowing and the cast with perfect. Evan Rachel Wood is talented and she really showed off her talent. The newcomers were great they were enjoyable to watch on screen and made their characters so real and so believable. The music for one is of course the Beatles but I think more films sound be made like this one but with different artists telling a story just like this one. If your a fan of the Beatles music then see this, if not and you just love musicals then seen it. If you like an epic love story taking place in one of many difficult era's then I recommend this movie those people!~!
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Chuck (2007–2012)
Was Skeptical but I freaking' love Zac!~!
24 September 2007
This was amazing and he's so brilliant. The story line was not at all what I thought it was going to be. I thought he was going to know nothing about it and be oblivious to everything around him. When Matthew Bomer did all those incredible moves and then blew up that room I was hooked. It's actually a wonderful story line and Zac is just the guy to carry on his own show. Less Then Perfect was a great show but this gives him a chance to shine and really show his talent. One person wrote that the relationships are not overdone and I agree. Their believable and that makes it even more enjoyable because you will find yourself laughing and being excited all at once. It was brilliantly thought out and his flashbacks and how it all happened were in sync. It all just fell in to place. This was definitely something different and I recommend this for anyone who's looking for something new!~!
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Traveler (2007)
Great Show. It deserves way more!~!
24 September 2007
Why plug a show for the summer that turns out to be wonderful and saves the summer and then less us in the lurch with only 8 episodes. That is incredibly unfair. The show has a great story line wonderful characters and a definite something that makes you stay hooked and on the edge of your seat. You wanted just as much as Jay and Tyler to prove their innocence and to find out who Will Traveler really was. It left to many questions and enough stuff for another season. I really think that fans of shows like 24 and Prison Break will enjoy and if it still has the none stop action that we got with just the first 8 episodes, then Traveler could definitely be one of the hottest shows of 2007. The creators and ABC knew what they were doing when they decided to give us an action packed drama with a wonderful cast. Some faces you may recognize from X-Men and some are new faces who you will know and get to love them. I recommend this show to anyone who likes good television and is looking for something fun, good and different!~!
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Rollercoaster (1999)
I don't understand why I didn't review!~!
17 September 2007
The trailer alone gets you involved to where you can't not want to see it. The acting was amazing and the writing was brilliant. You can have terrible actors and bad writing or vice versa and this had neither even the location they choose was perfect and through out the movie your so engrossed with the whole thing and the park itself is so eerie it adds to the effect. It's not a movie for the faint of heart. It deals with real issues and emotions which are differently portrayed. I remember I wanting to see this because Kett Turton was in it and I am familiar with Brendan Fletcher as well. I would see this at blockbuster from time and to time and never knew that one day I would be watching it. I watched it for the actors but was blown away by the whole thing. The movie really takes you in and you stay put and follow them through with the emotions and literally the Roller-coaster that their on till the very end. Recommended for any one who wants to see something different and with more thought!~!
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It's a tear jerker but lighthearted!~!
21 July 2007
I really hoped that this film would not be like the others where it's another family loss and then the relative takes care of them. In other words those films were good but I didn't want the comparison and with those I don't know but it didn't really click for me. This film was brilliant on some many levels. First with the cast because Catherine Zeta Jones has yet to disappoint me when it comes to her picking films and acting in them. Abigail Breslin came from Signs to this and she is incredible. I believe she will be the next Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, or Joan Cusack. Aaron Eckhart now there's a cutie to the fullest. He was just incredible and so likable. This film was beautifully written and you will shed some tears so for the easy sensitive criers or for those who have "over productive tear ducts" bring tissue and a mom, dad or good friend who you would like to share this with because it was truly a delight. I recommend this movie to those who love to life, cry and watch life unfold on screen. Bring Tissues!~!
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Been Along Time since I've wrote one of these!~!
20 April 2007
I don't give 10 out of 10 loosely. I have seen several movies since the last time I have wrote one of these but they have/haven't sparked my interest like this one. This movie is just brilliant and I wish I could explain my reasoning to the readers if any but it's definitely one of those movies where you have to watch and make your own opinion. This is Adam Brody we all knew he was capable of this but was a teen drama (I was a fan) But now that, that chapter is over, hopefully more wonderful movies like one will spark up. The story was fresh and original and what I got from it was pure true human emotion and that's what makes me love it even more. Next was the cast, I love Meg Ryan, she can do no wrong. Kirsten Stewart once again proves to be amazing like in Speak. Something different but she can pull it off without even having to try. Makenzie Vega, and Dustin Milligan I was so happy when their characters came on because their roles were no huge and but they were no insignificant and that's what I loved. Not every character had to be on screen for you to love them. It was brilliantly written, acted and Olympia Dukakis the name just says it all. I was so impressed and not let down in the slightest. Recommended for anyone with True Emotion!~!
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Accepted (2006)
Not what I had expected!~!
19 August 2006
I went in to this thinking another gross movie with gross humor. Telling from my first sentence I don't like that humor and this movie had it's moments but I loved it. Justin Long has really never done comedy like this, where he's sarcastic and clever and I loved it. Lewis Black....enough said. The ending I really did love because It had to take itself seriously I mean how else would you end it? Yes it's another underdog story but not in your typical format and the movie wasn't their ups and downs, it was people coming together for one common goal, To go to college where they were accepted. The cast was amazing and yes I did laugh at loud when I didn't think I would and the laughter lasted longer then I thought to. The parents and sister played their roles well but their characters are put in when necessary. The movie was not focused around them but at the same time they showed up when you expect and not expect them to. They played in to the story very well, and I loved the familiar faces Anthony Heald(Boston Public), Jeremy Howard (I) (Galaxy Quest with Justin Long) Ross Patterson (The New Guy)and Sam Horrigan (Brink). Blake Lively added her certain something to the movie which made it even more enjoyable, as well as B's Friends. I recommend this movie to whoever hated those gross comedies of the last 4 years and really want something with humor and an actually story line!~!
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Complete Savages (2004–2005)
To good...I love this show! ~!
22 October 2004
This show is so funny and it gives me and my mom a Friday night line up of great shows. Keith Carradine couldn't be better on this show as a dad who doesn't act like a typical father. I mean he shows safety videos. I love the sons they all have their own personality and they stick by each other when necessary. The writing is great and me and my mom laugh a lot and the guys play their characters so well and make the show really flow on its own.

The story lines are good... its not your everyday written crap. This is a great family show you just have to view it as that not Ebert on a movie. I recommend the show to anyone who wants a good Friday of t.v. and to laugh and enjoy themselves! ~!
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Veronica Mars (2004–2019)
Great show...But its not reality T.V. so people don't like it! ~!
5 October 2004
This show is awesome and well acting. I love the story lines and i love the characters. I watched the first episode a second time that's how much i love this show. It's great how they unravel certain things slowly about the past and future. I love how she was once in the "In Crowd" and is now looked down upon due to previous occurrences. The storyline is new and original and something fresh. The show was cast very well. Everyone is so good and perfect for their part. If the network chooses to cancel it and people don't tune in to a great show then thus proves my point above. If you don't like the show then don't watch it. But if your willing to give a great show a chance something new and fresh and not like any other show then tune in. If you like shows that are like every other show and have been done a thousand times then this show is not for you. Recommended for people who love a great show! ~!
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To cute! ~!
23 September 2004
I watched this movie with my family. My mom started to fall asleep because she was in her night night chair. Anyway's we wanted all to watch it but decided to stop because of my mom. Well we finished it tonight and it was amazing. They casted so well for this movie and the extras as far as the voice-over people and seeing them doing it was awesome. I loved the music. K.D. Lang's was so good and up beat and Bonnie Rait's made me want to cry. I laughed so hard every time and Buck the horse cause he was hiliarious and Roseanne, Jennifer,Randy,Sam and Judith and pretty much everyone involved in this movie are too cool. I liked and loved all the characters and will be soon purchasing this movie because it was to cute and just a great movie night movie or when ever you have time. Recommended for All! ~!
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