
28 Reviews
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Future World (2018)
A B-movie with an excellent cast still fails to deliver
14 November 2018
My expectations were pretty low. I was hoping for a decent B-movie along the lines of Road Warrior and with this much talent in the cast it looks possible.

The opening 20-30 minutes looks promising and is exactly what I was expecting, and then it went on the rails, never to recover.

The acting was solid, but the story and direction were a mess. You'll be glad it clocks in under 90 minutes, but it's still painful to finish.
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Envy (2004)
Simply terrible
16 January 2006
Okay, this movie was simply terrible. I rate over a hundred movies a year, and believe it or not, this is the first 1/10 I've given in years. I like to reserve the worst rating for special movies that really have nothing to offer. To put it into perspective, I'd rather watch Glitter and Gigli again than sit through this again.

*mild spoiler* Man gets drunk and kills horse. That's the basis of a lot of the comedy? I haven't seen comedy this great, since the kids that made their grandmother fall down the stairs in The Pacifier.

Absolutely painful, and such a shame as it had a very talented cast. I like both Ben Stiller and Jack Black. I love Rachel Weisz and Christopher Walken is a genius. I can't believe with all this talent this steaming poo rose. I think anybody who saw the movie should know what to do.
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Repli-Kate (2002)
I liked it
13 May 2003
The Acting was weak, the science was completely nonsensical, but for some strange reason, I still enjoyed myself. It was fun, as long as you weren't looking for a reason to not like it. I mean there were plenty of weaknesses in the film, but I can't believe the makers didn't know that. It's all about just telling a simple fun story.

Eugene Levy looks like he was having fun.
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Great film, with minor complaints
12 February 2003
My complaints with this film probably are more pronouned now, because I'm watching this film for the first time in 2003. I must admit, I'm almost completely ignorant of Cambodia's plight during the period covered, and since I'm watching this movie in 2003 instead of 1984 the topic is no longer in the mainstream media.

Although the human drama told within this story was great, and therefore I still gave this movie a good rating. (8) I did not give it higher, because I felt the movie didn't provide enough background information about the country's plight to us uneducated. You could argue that it's not exactly what the movie was trying to do, but I felt it would have improved my enjoyment of the film.

Also the movie often switches between three languages. Although I speak English and French, I do not understand Khmer(?). This often left me guessing what was going on, and a little confused. This could have easily been averted by using subtitles.

Anyway, an excellent story, told very well, my complaints are minor.
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Hardball (2001)
Movie needed to focus on the intended audience
23 September 2002
The makers of this movie didn't see to consider their audience. There are parts of this movie that would play well to a younger crowd and perhaps ONLY to a younger crowd. However, there were other parts that would be disturbing to a younger audience. If they would have focused on what type of movie they were trying to make they could have had a real winner. As it is, it's okay.
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Shocked to find people think this is funny!
15 September 2002
I can't believe people think this movie is funny. What a piece of crap. Such a shame too, because some talented actors are wasted in it. David Hyde Pierce and Janeane Garofalo are funny, this movie is not. It is so unfunny it is actually quite difficult to watch. I finished the movie, because I like to be fair when rating them, but it was difficult. This thing just outright stank. If you're wondering if you might like it, I think the comment by another viewer who talked about the DVD having an optional fart track pretty much sums it up. If you think that is funny or a good idea, maybe this movie is for you. I have no idea what the makers of this movie were thinking. I can't believe when filming some of these scenes they actually thought there was something funny. This is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time, and I just finished watching a bunch of other crap.
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Scrubs (2001–2010)
Finally a great show, and it's not getting canceled!
10 January 2002
Finally one of my favorite shows is also a success. Too often, the smarter shows are misunderstood, don't do well in the ratings and quickly disappear. Scrubs is obviously an intelligent, hilarious comedy, and somewhat as a surprise to me, also popular! After watching my beloved "Working" get canceled (granted it was ruined in the 2nd season by the network anyway) it's nice to see one stick around. Hopefully they'll make minimal changes to it for next season. Don't tinker, this sucker is a keeper the way it is!!
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Something is missing
10 September 2001
Okay, this movie was beautiful to look at, but to me, there was definitely something missing from the story. I think I lacked an understanding of the girls lives because I certainly could see no reason to even contemplate suicide. Perhaps showing more of their home life or whatever exactly was their problems would have helped out here.

Like I said, the movie looked beautiful but I couldn't accept the girls choices without an understanding of why they chose it.
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Get Carter (2000)
Horribly directed
7 September 2001
Although I rather enjoyed the storyline, this movie fails. This movie could have been a lot better and the main thing that ruined it for me was the direction. It's been awhile since I have seen a movie this horribly directed. A quick look shows the director has several more projects on the way out, and I for one will make sure I miss those...
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26 August 2001
I can't believe the genius behind Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy brought us this crap. I still think Clerks is one of my all time favorite movies. It's witty dialogue is simply genius.

How did we go from such great repartee to farts as jokes. I mean it may be okay to use a fart in some way to build a joke, but farts alone, are not funny.

I am absolutely stunned at this picture. I was expecting to like it of course, as I did with all Kevin Smith's previous films. I did not, in fact, if it were not for the absolutely joy seeing the old characters again (especially Randal Graves, still my favorite) this movie would have been a complete waste of my time.

Sorry, I'm still in shock, some 10 hours after watching it. I can't believe what I witnessed. I just hope Kevin Smith's next picture doesn't blow as much as this one.
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I've been Wooed!
23 May 2001
John Woo has got to learn the definition of subtle. I was getting very annoying by the end of the movie. The chase scenes are too long, and too spectacular to be believable. The fights scenes are too long and too ridiculous. The overly dramatic camera shots interspersed throughout start to become funny after awhile. It's just all overdone. It was otherwise a good action film.
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High Fidelity (2000)
Doesn't really ever take off
2 April 2001
I must say, I was quite disappointed with this movie. It never really takes off. It's not horrible, but it's not great either. I was just kind of bored and waiting for it to end. It has some moments that are okay, so I gave it a 6/10, but that's a far cry from what a lot of people seem to think about the movie, including Roger Ebert.
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why do they insist on spoiling movies?
18 October 2000
I actually really liked this movie, but I felt very cheated by the idiot promoters who insisted on showing 8 different versions of trailers showing at least 3/4 of the movies' funniest bits. This means instead of laughing out loud, you only chuckle because you've already seen it. Sure there were some more good ones, but the trailers stole most of the thunder for me. That was disappointing.

Don't get me wrong, I still really like the movie.
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Too Much Sex (1999)
Nice Surprise
19 September 2000
During a recent bout of insomnia, I ended up channel surfing and landed on this movie. It quickly caught my attention and the next thing I knew, I had watched the whole movie. The fact I made it through the entire movie so late at night is saying something! It was a very pleasant surprise. I'm not saying it's a masterpiece but I did enjoy it.
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Working (1997–1999)
I still miss it
27 July 2000
The first season of this show was the best new TV show I had seen in a long time. Of course, like everybody said, all the changes they made for the 2nd season ruined the show. In what I guess was an attempt to revamp to attract new viewers, they managed to completely ruin the show. Along with Newsradio I think this is one of the best sitcoms of the past 10 years. Of course Newsradio was also under-appreciated and cancelled after cast changed ruined it.
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Excalibur (1981)
loved it
26 July 2000
This is definitely my favorite telling of the Arthurian legends. Although the acting is inconsistent. Some of the actors were quite strong, others like Nigel Terry, quite weak. Despite this, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.
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Not an attack on Christianity
14 February 2000
This movie was not an attack on Christianity, it was an attack on good taste.

There were jokes which were purposely off-color, and that's fine in small doses, but they kept milking them to the point it wasn't funny anymore. For example, the past beauty queen winner being annorexic. If they stopped after showing her in the hospital the first time, it would have been funny, but no they had to constantly parade the sick and weak looking girl around through the rest of the movie thereby "making fun" of people with eating disorders. I didn't find that funny at all, and quite distasteful.

My biggest problem with the movie was that most of the jokes were just not very funny.

The idea for the movie was pretty good though, just didn't deliver very well.
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The Tick (1994–1997)
The Best...
11 February 2000
This was just a perfect show. It's too bad it appealed almost exclusively to a more mature audience. That is why it was cancelled. To stay on the air on Saturday morning you have to be able to sell toys to kids. If only FOX could have realized that this show could have been a huge success if they placed it in a timeslot that the more mature audience could be the target audience for the commercials.
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Not that bad
12 November 1999
Not sure why so many people dislike this movie so strongly. To me it was a fun, romantic story. It was not particularly special, and was a little unusual in some respects, but overall I enjoyed it. I found Sarah Michelle Gellar's character quite appealing, and I'm sure that helped me enjoy the movie a lot. Kind of reminds me of old Disney movies you'd watch as a family, a little cheesy but fun.
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It's a miss
12 November 1999
I didn't find the first Austin Powers movie great, but it was different than anything I had seen before, so I enjoyed it for it's originality and weirdness. Then the sequel came out and was getting good response, so I was looking forward to seeing it. To me it's weaker than the original, not as funny, and it's no longer different than anything I have seen. It's pretty much the same joke as the first movie. I passed up an opportunity to see it for free a 2nd time. It simply wasn't worth my time.
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Cousin Bette (1998)
It's a miss for me
12 November 1999
Well I tried to like it, but it just didn't work for me. To me the most memorable part of the movie is one of the songs Elizabeth Shoe sang. The rest I am likely to forget fairly soon. Not a complete waste of time, but not very good either. I gave it 5/10.
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Lost on me
19 July 1999
This is one of those movies where while watching it, I have to wonder if there's something I just don't get. To me this movie was long winded and boring. There were interesting observations to be made about men's behaviour in war for sure, but certainly there are better ways to show that than this movie.

Also this movie makes a big mistake that has been made before. Casting big named actors in small roles. To me that's just stupid. It brings more attention than is due to a small part. They didn't just commit that mistake once either, this movie is full of them! Clooney of course being the worst. What did he have two sentences?

Overall, this almost three hour movie was painful to watch, it just couldn't keep me interested.
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Cleopatra (1999)
A&E Biography was better
9 June 1999
I made the "mistake" of watching A&E's biography of Cleopatra the night before this mini-series. It was better in just about every way, and even more entertaining than this mini-series. Also it was only an hour. Although it was short it told as much or more of the story.
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Face/Off (1997)
A little dissappointed
2 June 1999
I must be losing my taste for the stupid action movie. I took my time getting around to seeing this movie, and now I wish I took longer...

Let's start with an obviously silly premise. I think I would have bought the premise more if they didn't show the procedure. Showing the procedure just proved how stupid the premise was. It was more believable BEFORE I saw the movie.

Then the action sequences are just all so long and drawn out, that by the end of everything you're saying to yourself, just get it over with.

I guess if you like gunshots, explosions and completely mindless action, you will likely like this movie, because it has lots. The story is obviously lame, and the action sequences are all prolonged to annoying lengths.

All in all, I was pretty disappointed with this film.
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Clockwatchers (1997)
Well named
30 December 1998
That is exactly what I did while watching this movie. I watched the clock, hoping it would end soon.
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