Planet Earth III (TV Mini Series 2023–2024) Poster


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pjdickinson-2782222 October 2023
Once again the BBC and its co-producers leave no penny unspent as the audience is taken on a beautiful ride to see our wondrous world. The cinematography is nothing short of spectacular as it shows us our natural world. The beauty of it is mind-blowing and yet again there is David Attenborough to guide us. The man is 97 years old and he retains both his gravitas and his warmth. In the making of segment which will be missing in most countries in which it will be broadcast we see a glimpse of how special he is to shows like this as we get to see him 66 years ago and see then what we can see now. It's magical to watch what modern technology can capture. Once again, this is magical TV. The crews across the planet who worked over years to create this deserve absolute respect. Wonderful stuff.
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A new benchmark in documentary making!
danielaustin-735-48449711 November 2023
Everytime David Attenborough has a new TV show, it's a must watch!

There has been many fantastic series such as blue planet. This sets a new level is natural history documentaries.

It is breathtaking, upsetting and enlightening all at the same time. The camera work is truely outstanding. The musics and narration really makes you feel like you are in the show.

I can't say good enough trying about this series. It is simply outstanding!

I'm on episode 3 and each episode is slightly better than the last. How this is achievable is beyond me.

David Attenborough is a national treasure who has and does so much for the natural environment. We can all learn somethings from his attitude as us 'humans' are slowly killing this planet.
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albireo-724 January 2024
Delightful! The cinematography is at a very high level. The work of each of the specialists behind the creation of this series is amazing! 10 out of 10 is the minimum I can give. I can't wait for episodes 4 and 5...hosted by David Attenborough of course! :)

I like how episodes are divided and the transitions between the different stories in each of them are well thought out. The videographers have tried to select perfect moments with wonderful light that paints wonderful pictures.

The music is also delightful. It completely immerses you in the atmosphere of what is happening.

Congratulations again to everyone involved in creating this wonderful series!
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Simply Enthralling
farshidkarimi23 October 2023
What a heartwarming, soul-nourishing artwork created by BBC and narrated by the legendary gem, Sir, David Attenborough. I have been waiting with bated breath for this gem of a documentary series. This is a wonderful respite from all the chaos and destruction (of course by us, human beings) unfolding on our beautiful but tumultuous Planet Earth. This series diverts our mind and thought away from all the turmoil and mayhem that we, human beings, are inflicting upon this beautiful earth. The Earth and the Mother Nature are hurting, they are badly wounded and injured by our evil deeds, negligence and unbridled consumption and waste production.

The scenes are just bewitching and mesmerizing like always, the cinematography does a stunning job of bringing the majesty and wonder of the Planet Earth before our eyes, budging us to think a bit more about what bad deeds we are doing to this beautiful Planet.

I hope such series, while amazingly awe-inspiring, serve as a wake-up call, a warning to us of where we and this beautiful planet may be headed if we do not wake up from the slumber, duped by consumerism, conflicts and extravagance.

Kudos to the crew and salutes to the legend, Sir David, for creating this awesome respite and making us aware of the wonders and pains of our beautiful Planet Earth.
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Attenborough BBC Documentary Praised
masudhusen23 October 2023
The latest documentary series from the BBC, featuring the iconic narration of David Attenborough, is a breathtaking piece of art that touches the heart and nourishes the soul. It is a much-needed respite from the chaos and destruction that humans have inflicted on our beautiful planet. The stunning cinematography captures the majesty and wonder of the natural world, showcasing its many marvels and reminding us of the fragility of our ecosystem. Through its powerful storytelling and imagery, the series serves as a wake-up call, urging us to reconsider our actions and the impact they have on the planet. It is a poignant reminder that we must all take responsibility for our actions and work together to protect the wonders and pains of our beautiful planet for future generations.
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Great-but manipulating
dawnw061211 December 2023
I love these shows about nature and wildlife so much! This is a great series, the only complaint I have is how every episode, towards the 3/4 mark, has some tragedy befall the creatures, only to find a few minutes later that the creatures are fine and well. It is an obvious attempt to emotionally manipulate and I don't like it.

The scenes of nature are beautiful, and the scenes with various wildlife and sea life creatures are wonderful too.

Highly recommend for all ages! I hope the folks that produce this show will lay off the emotional manipulation in the future, it's completely unnecessary and detracts from the greatness of the show.
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kamranlhc2 December 2023
Maybe we will never be able to see this beautiful nature up close. But knowing that such creatures exist on our planet is really amazing. I wish at least by seeing these documents, people would stop fighting and bloodshed so that everyone has an equal chance to live. Our planet Earth does not belong to any government or military. Rather, the earth belongs to all humans, creatures and plants on earth and in the sky. I hope everyone will take some time to watch this documentary along with movies and series. Our nature needs respect. Nature is the only valuable asset. More valuable than a piece of paper called money, which is obtained by destroying trees. Wishing peace to our planet.
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Remarkable series!!!
Kiladee7 December 2023
Planet Earth 3 is an awe-inspiring masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of documentary filmmaking. Its breathtaking cinematography vividly captures the beauty of our planet, from the majestic landscapes to the intricate ecosystems. The storytelling is both informative and emotionally engaging, fostering a profound connection to the wonders of nature. Narrated with eloquence, the series seamlessly weaves scientific knowledge into a compelling narrative. Planet Earth 3 is not just a documentary; it's a visual symphony that inspires awe, appreciation, and a renewed commitment to preserving the precious ecosystems showcased. A testament to the power of storytelling, this series is a must-watch for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of our extraordinary planet.

This docuseries needs to be seen by every single peeson on the globe and the impact we humans as a whole are contributing to the world around us. A truly breath taking and awe experience with an incredible insight to wildlife, oceans, forests and much more.
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jpvtrhmzhd10 November 2023
95% of the African elephant population were wiped out. Not because of hunger or because of food chains but because WE wanted their Ivory. Because WE are greedy and self righteous.

I am sat here in my cosy home, heating on, driving my car and eating meat. Then I preach about global warming but yet I fail to do anything about it. I want to do more, we must do more.

This is the best series yet, I am utterly lost for words at how well this was made. I have been in tears. The baby ostrich finding it's Mumma, the purple octopus at the bottom of the ocean, the baboon needing the water. These were all such emotional scenes,

Thank you BBC and of course sir David.
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Episode "Ocean" is best for Halloween.
rajtiwarib2 November 2023
I watched it during Halloween. Man its better than most horror movies these days.. Masterpiece episode. All actors and actresses performed well..Such a method acting. Hats off to whoever running this matrix simulation as a world.

I hope these episodes are aired in other countries. Though i watched it via torrent, if i have to pay for to watch it, I would love to watch it by paying. Hope they stream in other countries too almost around the world. David voice feels like the matrix man. But he is getting old i hope his timeline continues a bit further in this simulation.

Anyways watch it guys every BBC Earth docu is best. Specially with davids narration.
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All I can say is WOW
ntzc266 January 2024
When I watch any of these planet earth series, I found myself talking to the TV the entire time. "Look at that!" "Would you look at that!" "Oh my gosh!" "Unbelievable ". And most of all "How do they film this?" The cinematography is breathtaking. I have my five and eight-year-old grandchildren watch this. I remember watching all of Mutual of Omahas Wild Kingdom with my dad all the time. We do need to take care of this planet. And good things are being done. I think these series help. If you haven't seen any of these at all, please watch one and you will be hooked. Well done. All I can say is well done.
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Adapt to survive
owen-watts6 March 2024
The original Planet Earth broke the mould for nature documentaries back in 2006 and spawned a long-running franchise across different broadcasters that always has a bit of Attenborough and a lot of beautiful footage. Planet Earth III comes after a glut of them and breaks the once-a-decade pattern, for that it feels like the weakest of the three Earths for me and has a tendency to lapse into predictable and unconvincing animal storytelling (will this tragic lost baby survive? Will this plucky prey escape? Etc etc). That's not to say it's not rammed with memorable and beautiful moments and the "heroes" segment is far less toothless than I'd imagined. Perhaps I have planet fatigue, but I would have happily waited until 2026 for this third edition.
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frith-rob10 December 2023
Was a 10/10 until the last 2 minutes when it started pushing a plant based diet and removing meat and dairy, something that anybody with a triple digit IQ would never do, especially when all of the evidence, both clinical and especially anecdotal, completely goes against it. As one of the many people who was fooled into doing a plant based diet and got extremely ill and depressed from it to the point where I nearly lost my life, and now thriving on a carnivore diet, I have to raise awareness and speak out against this nonsense. Fingers crossed it makes a difference to at least one person and saves them from the same thing.
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Beautiful and jaw-dropping
foreverandever-175424 February 2024
It is beautiful how the cameras catch every moment so close and with such high definitivo that we can really feel like we are there in that moment with the animals and I have only seen the little videos on Youtube BBC earth channel, I would kill for watching all the episodes from the first episodes, the sound track is so epic that looks like a adventure, the only thing that makes me sad is that for my country in South America there is no a streaming option to watch this. I hope the can fix that because this series should be watched bye everybody from kids to elders, to finish this review I d like to congratulate everybody involved in this show.
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Planet Foley III... the worst season so far
0w07 December 2023
This 3rd season of Planet Earth is absolutely infected with foley and CGI. The amount of foley especially is absolutely stupid... it's like the editors just CAN'T allow a single second of silence in the footage, so they end up adding what's probably THOUSANDS of foley sound effects throughout this 3rd season. And ontop of the distracting foley sound effects, this season also has the most CGI that I've seen yet, by far... so instead of just using the footage that they've actually shot, they mix in huge amounts of fake CGI. There's sometimes ENTIRE scenes that are 100% CGI, like for instance in episode 7 where the snake chases the frog, which is entirely CGI.

There's also the giant issue of false facts and lies... I've found 3 instances so far where David Attenborough says something like 'and in the end, it's too late for them', and then literally a few seconds later, it turns out to be false and then you realize that you were just lied to, for the sake of building suspense. This is supposed to be a nature documentary, not a fxckin 'Days of your lives' episode. The fact that they lie to the viewer and insert fake facts is completely unacceptable.

This is by far the worst season of this show yet. If the show keeps on getting worse like it, then season 4 is probably going to be a 3/10 show.
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Talks too much about Climate Change
prestow-935-70766426 November 2023
Watch the series, its beautiful, but be warned it will cite Climate Change a lot more than you were expecting or wanting.

It hurts the truth to see so much focus on the natural changes of climate as if it were caused by men.

Most people don't know for example that every year large forests will expontaneously burn at the dry season, be it the Amazon Forest or the cold Siberian Forest.

So it's unfair to say the Cerrado burns because of people clearing land to grow crops. It burns because it's time to burn.

To conclude the example, there's also parts of the land that have been burnt every year for hundreds of years by the natives so they can plant.

The climate changes, it's natural, and men have little to do with it. And even if we did, nature simply takes other spaces like we also do.
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Spoilt by inane narration
greygalah25 December 2023
It has to be admitted that the filming of this series is exceptional. All credit goes to the tireless camera people who toiled in the harshest of circumstances and due to superhuman patience and dedication, captured imagines that are some of the best wildlife pictures ever made. Such quality of work deserves a narrative that is both informing and entertaining. Alas, the script falls very short indeed.

Criticism should not be leveled at David Attenborough, who narrates not presents the monologue. His reputation is deserved, but as age has advanced, his contribution to later documentaries that markets his name is less and less.

The fault lies with the script writers who present an inane account of what is seen. The words do little more than describe what you see adding, if anything, a cringing emotional anthopomorphism. It does disservice to the marvellous work of the camera crews. Worse, it leaves many questions unanswered.

For those who are too tired to think and want incredible images, this documentary is the ticket. If you want more, you'll be disappointed.
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8 for photography; many repeat shots; sadly 2 for Sir David's laryngitis narration & simply script.
cgtam14 November 2023
I'm BIG Sir David fan but @ 97 yrs old his voice now has permanent laryngitis, has lost its unique "wonder tone" & disserves his own 27 yr unmatched legacy by distracting from filmography. Script is very simple yet he truly struggles with delivery.

Series is short, not the best BBC but VIP to show the remaining areas we CAN preserve for OUR future- there is hope but action must be done now by everyone. HOW?? Eat 1 vegan no dairy cheese meal 1 time per week; change lightbulbs to LED bulbs; weather strip your home by DIY means or if remodeling, use double paned weather strip windows which are affordable. That's it - easy, & consumer power + saving one's $$ instead of paying high electricity bills, reducing globally CO2, & toxic methane.

In THIS series, many few second shots are from previous NG or BBC nature films. Few glimpses of remaining TINY true Eden's left but also VIP, shown are these tiny Eden current & continuing peril, most destroyed via logging & burning them for farms to feed OUR insatiable global desire to eat domestic livestock.

Few new species, notably gorgeous "keynote species maned vegetarian Brazilian wolf", leopard hunt leap clip copy from NG, new 3 mountain lions NOT killed by Disney or from this film crew, all have irritating sound effects or unneeded score bc ppl machinery noises bombards entire planet 24/7.

If U've seen all best BBC planet earth, ocean & spy films, most narrated with Sir David's unique voice,& best NG films , you'll recognize many same shots shown at a different angle, enhanced to HD.

In THIS series, viewers see how much we've allowed to vanish YET there's still WONDROUS areas that CAN BE PRESERVED by consumers choice & demand as I stated above. This series focuses on hope, not enough on HOW average person can make an impact as in "Racing Instinction", " Seaspiracy", or Sir D's "Yr Earth Changed."

Ppl do NOT want to blame themselves for apathy & ruining their own future. This is NOT emphasized in the series. There's few moments of our intentional destruction for farms, 1 modest fishing method = 1 medium size fishing boat with typical huge net & how it catches ENTIRE fish shoal- billions of fish & all marine life around it.. Clip FAILS to show the daily nonstop fleets of thousands of huge fishing factories, as huge as floating cities, with giant multi nets, over fishing in Sea of Cortez, South seas / South Pole- last areas of fish stocks plummet fast. Instead of managing fish stocks, ppl INCREASE fishing. NOT shown in this series.

THIS film FAILS to show relationships of fish, healthy coral, kelp, mangroves, river estuaries & ICE in both poles, ALL requisite for fish & their food to reproduce that benefits PPL. NO healthy ocean = 0 life on land. Period. Fact proved globally since 2005, Yet we choose to ignore.

Fact: 70% of ppl globally rely on sea for fish daily. Not in this film.

Only 1 ep focuses on 3 creatures that survive in INDIA's spreading cities. Missing from this series is VIP message PPL remain the SOLE dominant species & for short term greed, we still think the ocean is magically replenished after continuous generations of over fishing & pollution, that ancient forests & pristine ecosystems are somehow "regrown" by Easter bunny or earth fairies, & slaughtering whales, dolphins,& orcas will increase fish stocks when opposite been proven. Whales Create more fertile sea for herring fish to repopulate. Top mammals are literally the gardeners and source for every healthy ecosystem.

ONLY ppl kill daily Millions of "by catch marine life from blue whales to krill" from unregulated fishing, false "no dolphin kill seal on tuna" global fishing industry buys (proof in Seaspiracy doc in Netflix filmed 2009) . Critically, series fails to show 20 yr known fact abandoned floating fish nets equate to 45% of degrading plastic poisoning all seas, ppl, & all life. No one cleans up these lethal plastic nets, enacts laws or vitally enforces any laws re dumping nets in ocean. It's cheap globally to dump nets but cost is our survival. Again, NOT in this series.

YET, Nature CAN & DOES HEAL via regenerate but keynote species , Must be left alone & given DECADES OF TIME TO RESTORE mass devastation ppl do in minutes. This includes replanting native grasses & trees in abandoned farmland. This series shows few seconds of recovery some episodes.

Fact: Sahara desert has TRIPLED in size moving SOUTH to densely human populated areas. Floods & violent weather occurs everywhere now regularly. Ppl have ruined 10K yrs of stable global climate that allowed HUMANS & nature to evolve into an Eden that ppl take for granted, & choose $$ over quality survival. No human can eat gold, stocks, diamonds, lithium, fossil fuels, any global currency.

FACT: Repurposing mils of acres of abandoned farmland is a very easy & economic method to STOP destruction of last pristine forests, large ranches. CONSUMER power & demand IS THE method that'll STOP destruction. Demand it by buying certain products, those that farmed on repurposed land; stop eating ALL sea life = packed with 10x more safe level of mercury, lead, plus every contagious contaminant since 1700s.

Eat omega greens, NOT fish that got 0 omegas , we squeeze out fish oil, yet omega came from fish eating omega greens. Consumer choice shall change global big corps / agribusiness to truly sustainable methods.

Sadly, this is not emphasized in this series, only few moments of last "Human" ep show experimental methods in few countries- not biggest ones like USA or China.

Message of ppl sharing/ caring for our only home is NOT STRESSED ENOUGH in this series. Our mono cropping mils of acres, loss of pollinators, clearing & burning few last gem habitats for cheap farms & new homes is NOT the answer. These last rare gems that sustain remaining hardiest keynote species & predators are OUR hope to repair our home & guarantee PPL future. Nature works FREE tirelessly IF ppl CHOOSE to allow it.

Note: Ppl seek nature for VIP events, honeymoon, dream vacations, celebrations, revitalization, spa treatments - ALL ADS show pics of pristine beaches & sand, forests, valleys, NOT pics of oil drilling platforms, crude oil spills in sand, factories spewing out C02, nor auto/ plane traffic & streets ; nor cruise ships packed with ppl. This is NOT in series but should be linked.

Reply to those who deny ppl are causing global warming, "blaming scientists" who do NOT have free platform. That's same logic as blaming victim for getting robbed/mugged- why were U there? Why did U bring any type of $ or wallet? U should Stay home & never venture out- then U will likely not be a victim.

NOT IN THIS SERIES: After 27 yrs of spreading free global data Re HUMANS need thriving ecosystems to survive so we must change old ways, global response? Nothing. Esp from richest nations. Instead, we've Doubled our human population, intensified using fossil fuels, & big govts are fighting over sea drilling oil from ice free North Pole, which will cause release billions of tons of encased methane. See Hulu "Racing Extinction" filmed 2009.

Methane caused this planet's extinction of virtually ALL life, incl tiny microbes = foundation of all life in sea. It's not dinosaur / top predator extinction, it's ALL life we are dooming. And there's going to be vast suffering of ppl every where. It's NOT going to be instant extinction like a nuclear bomb, but prolonged global one with billions ppl suffering, likely wars over remaining resources.

As in "Matrix" H. Weaving "Mr. Smith" told captured Morpheus "humans were classified as virus bc humans are only species that choose NOT to cohabitate with surrounding natural environment. Humans same as virus choose to destroy all resources, spread, repeat."

Waiting for "someone else" to save us is long over.

Due to poor narrative by Sir D, it's heartbreaking for filmmakers who risk a lot to film natural behaviors of shyest, last few survivors barely existing in harshest environments, or new cave in Vietnam.

Here, viewer gets tired fast of listening to Sir D's severe laryngitis narration, basic child like script, despite some lovely visuals. Sir D needs to retire with superior legacy. Get Jeremy Irons (NG), Tom Hiddleston (Earth at Night) Charles Dance (SK), Nigel Lythgow (Meerkat Manor) , all Shakespearean actors & Brits who've proved they can perform outstanding Emmy award worthy nature narration /vocal acting & still retain their unique voice today.
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Gorgeous but irritating and depressing
russtilling-2388127 January 2024
Beautiful film sequences and sound effects, which are just on the right side of complementary. Excellent wildlife photography although I admit to fast forwarding through the wild dogs taking down a stag in India.

My main complaint is the irritating and depressing scenes of countries whose governments are allowing their wildlife to be destroyed. For example, the Brazilians destroying their rainforests in order to plant eucalyptus plantations to make....paper!! I know long-industrialized countries have already mostly destroyed their ecosystems, so we haven't practiced what we are now preaching, but why do we have to watch this? Can we do anything about it? The answer is not unless we work in the Brazilian department of agriculture, or make decisions in investment companies as to which paper companies to invest in around the world! We are all part of an industrial-commercial web and cannot easily unpick another part of it. So why show us these scenes? The narrator could just tell us in a few seconds, in order to make the point and move on. We watch these problems to enjoy the beautiful wildlife our planet has to offer, in all its violence and beauty. Not to be sneakily force-fed how other countries are incessantly destroying it to improve their finances!
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Unnecessarily Heart Breaking
michiganrj22 April 2024
I have absolutely loved the Planet Earth series since it first came out in 2006. I own all three of these series on 4K DVD. I love watching how beautiful the world is in stunning 4K, and have the greatest respect for all of these videographers who have spent years and f their lives out in the wild to allow the population to see things we would never normally see.

However, every single episode has heartbreaking video footage of animals, dying, being killed, or their eco-systems being destroyed. My argument is we do not need to see this in every episode. I don't like the way the series has changed into the overly dramatic. We all know that it's survival of the fittest in nature. But I've had multiple people sit down and try to watch this with me, but end up saying something like: "you have to turn this off." Or "can't have my kids watch this." It's way too sad. It never used to be this way.
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