Batman: Bad Blood (Video 2016) Poster

(2016 Video)

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Meet the family
crimson_knight_722 January 2016
While on a routine patrol of Gotham City, Batman (Jason O'Mara) encounters a mysterious new villain known as Heretic (Travis Willingham). However during his investigation of this new evil, Batman goes missing and Batwoman (Yvonne Strahovski), a new addition to the Bat tree, was the last one to see him alive. Due to the absence of Batman, Gotham plunges into chaos and Alfred is forced recall both Damian (Stuart Allan) and Nightwing (Sean Maher). In order to fill the void of the Bat and restore order to Gotham, Nightwing must wear Bruce's mantel. In addition to temporarily being Batman, Dick must not only solve the mystery of his former mentor's disappearance, but keep his crime fighting family cohorts together.

Though Batman was fairly absent throughout this movie, I thoroughly enjoyed the new roster of crime fighters added to the roster. As many of us know, Batman's vast universe is constantly evolving as well as expanding and Jay Oliva masterfully presents us with a daunting dangerous universe that requires more then just the presence of Batman. That being said, it would be nice to see a future Batman movie that primarily centralizes on just Batman. A great area to focus on for such a project would be the Arkham atmosphere portrayed in the video games. In the end, the story, animation and music of Batman: Bad Blood made this animated Bat film an excellent addition to the DC animated film series.

7 stars.
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Good Film with flaws in character-handling.
hahu14012 February 2016
First things first: this film is good but some major flaws stop it from being among the best of its kind. If you enjoyed the other films DC's released since its universe restarted, this one is definitely a nobrainer.

The pros are definitely good animations with some really strong pictures, crazy ideas and an interesting story that allows some character development.

You could say the film tries to be an action film with story - unfortunately the fusion doesn t quite work. One reason for this is, that the film favors action over story. This wouldn t be as bad, if the protagonists wouldn t turn to punchline-swinging clichés while fighting, just seconds after they had some actually interesting conversations that drive a plot that is supposed to give them depth. This luckily applies a bit less to Batwoman and not at all for Robin.

The second major flaw for me is that I feel like the writers don t respect the motivations, aims or morals of the protagonists. Some other reviews also mention the ridiculously accidental dying of super-criminals. Your protagonists can t kill someone, so Karma has to do justice or what? If Batman would take his code of honor seriously, he had to kick all of them, due to them being unable to watch out.

A last minor flaw for me was Batwing. This guy got some clichéd background and then continued to just being there, well and kick major ass. Maybe he marks the point where the writers didn t have time for more plot, since Batwing really misses some dialogs to make his integration into the Batfamily somehow authentic.

On the bright side of characters there is Robin, who gets just little screen time but I think they got really a lot out of it. I think Batwoman also deserves a character-development shout out, even though I feel like she would have been more plausible if she wouldn t be the clear loser on the "Kick Ass-O-Meter".

I personally feel like if the film had given the story more room, it would be a contender for the likes of Batman and the Phantom. This way it s "only" a good film.
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There was a lot going on in this movie.
Animany9417 September 2019
I liked Batman: Bad Blood, but it could have been tighter in the writing.

The many subplots dragged the potentially strong story down, because the summary of the movie sounded hell of a lot interesting. Instead we get a rather unfocused juggling of way too many characters in a way too short movie.

But I will say that I enjoyed a lot of what was presented in here, but after thinking about it one more time after finishing the movie it just felt like it lacked something.

Not a bad movie, but far from the best executed Batman movie I've seen.
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Could have been better, but not bad. Sad that most reviewers think of Political Correctness when they review this.
smnbee-1158611 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay first off, the movie was alright, not brilliant like TT: Judas Contract or Batman: Under the Red Hood, but good and somewhat enjoyable. The VA was okay, I exceptionally liked Damien Wayne's 'worried kid but trying to hide it' portrayal.

So, Luke Fox/Batwing. And original character, the son of a long established African-American character, who happens to have military training and able to utilise a prototype Batman themed 'Iron Man' suit. Although I question the use of his name (Batwing is the name of Batman's jet... I'd have personally called him something else such as Flying Fox) I quite liked the character, he and Nightwing would make a good team. His race would quite well be obvious seeing as has father as far as I know has always been portrayed as African American.

Kat Kane/Batwoman. She's been a lesbian since her inception, so what's the issue here? I would have been majorly pissed if they portrayed her as straight.

Truth is, this movie isn't a PC lickfest, it's just what it is. Good, but not brilliant.
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From A Die Hard DC Comics Fan all I got to say decent Batman Movie that DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.
michaelalvarado7730 January 2016
REVIEW FOR THE FILM: I have been a huge DC Comics fan for about 15 years. Read a ton of comics, read all the acclaim graphic novels, seen all the live and animated shows and movies, and have played all the video games. So I obviously have seen all the Original Animated movies from Doomsday to this. After the launch of the new 52 the original movies have taken elements from that. This has resulted in some okay to meh movies. So what about this movie? It's decent. Nothing too special but enough to keep me entertain and left me somewhat satisfied. This movie isn't anything new or groundbreaking like Under The Red Hood or Mask of the Phantasm but it is an improvement from Throne of Atlantis or Son of Batman. What are the pros? Good artwork, great fights, and was good to see characters from the comics make it here. Cons are somewhat poor story and villains, new characters could have been establish better, and the lack of Batman is disappointing. Over all it's was good. Again nothing to impressive but with this and Gods and Monsters it's an improvement from DC recent movies.

RESPONDS TO THOSE SAYING THIS MOVIE IS BEING POLITICAL CORRECT: For those complaining this movie being Political Correct READ SOME COMICS. Batwing has always been black since the new 52 and he was completely original character (like Batman Beyond Terry McGinnis) added to the Bat family. They didn't turn Dick Grayson or Red Hood black. Same thing can be apply to Kate Kane Batwoman except she was an already establish character who now just happens to like Woman. Seriously what a crime (Sarcasm). Some people have different traits and the creators decided to experiment around with that. Their traits does not push some diverse or LGT agenda. Batwing being black and Kate Kane being lesbian does not make affects this movie or story what so ever. They didn't have some transgender main character or some gay sex scene. An example of Political Correctness was turning the Human Torch from the most recent Fantastic Four movie black. He was an establish white characters and they turn him black for no good reason but for the sake of diversity. But Batwing being black and Batwoman being lesbian has nothing to do with political correctness. Hardly anyone is complaining about Cyborg or John Stewart being black because they were establish as black characters before Political Correctness was a thing so this should apply to Batwing or Batwoman. Complaining sounds idiotic and stupid. So stop complaining and being salty.
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Not one of the best
Finfrosk861 February 2016
I wasn't very impressed by this one. I like the look of the characters, for the most part. They don't sport the enormous jaws that a lot of the animated superheroes have. That's perhaps the best thing I can say.

The movie was OK, but not great.

The fighting and action didn't really look that good. Especially the fighting, was just too quick, lacked any real impact. The story is, well, it's OK. The voice acting was decent, but nothing special.

Some of the animation was a little sloppy, I caught a few mistakes here and there, but nothing too serious though.

Too many of the heroes are just normal people, with all kinds of gadgets. Now, that can be cool, but it was just a little too much for my taste. When characters can fly because of some kind of technology, I just don't like that. Also holograms are stupid.

A lot of these animated superhero features have a lot of cool stuff in them, awesome scenes, cool characters, but Batman: Bad Blood just lacked stuff that make you go: awesome!

With that being said, lots of cred and respect to the animators! I know how much work it is.
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Overstuffed but still really good
masonsaul3 March 2022
Batman: Bad Blood has way too many characters, specifically villains and has two separate third acts but it's still a really good continuation of animated Batman franchise with an enjoyably epic sense of scale.

Sean Maher gives his strongest performance yet thanks to a more depth and screen time. Stuart Allen is reliably determined and cold and Yvonne Strahovski is an excellent Batwoman with the required charisma stoic nature.

The animation has once again improved on it's predecessors and the fights are a standout as usual. The music by Frederik Wiedmann still lacks any memorable themes but sounds great in the moment and fits the tone.
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Ok, but some things don't compute...
mini-417374 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's an ok movie but it doesn't really make sense how batwoman and batwing are pretty much set to be on the same level as Grayson as they were just part of the military, both no outstanding accomplishments during their service and batwoman got kicked out.

Batwoman doesn't have the money to be able to afford the equipment she has and just randomly decided to copy batman and Dick wanted her to join the family even though they don't know each other that well ? She also holds her own against talia al-gul who is now the leader of the league of shadows.

Batwing makes a bit more sense as he is good with tech as lucius his father explains but he instantaneously knows how to use the equipment and just becomes a part of the bat family. Barbra was in the final scene but she could have just replaced one of these two characters and add either Jason or Tim into the universe.
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The bat family in action
ozed_opia17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't see how anybody could not like this movie, the plot is great and the inclusion of the bat family is great as well seeing as most batman films are solely centred around batman. It's fun to go into other ideas. This movie is also rated 12 which means IT IS IN FACT DIRECTED TOWARDS A YOUNGER AUDIENCE so I don't see why some people are annoyed at the level of political correctness. Good script with which a twist caught me off guard. Good portrayal of ta'alia as not many people know that her true goal is to be the head of the league of assassins and she only cares about herself, that's why she didn't let Robin put Ra'as in the Lazarus pit because without Ra'as dead, Damian (the coolest kid ever) is next in line. She has also always obsessed over batman which is shown here as well. Good watch, and I would recommend it along with the rest of the DC animated universe
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Another fantastic batman movie
robert-793-67192719 January 2016
Thank you DC Comics for another fantastic batman movie. I hope we get more of these kind of movies in the future. But of course, I would still prefer the Justice League movies to be added too in future projects. The movie was great as expected, I like all the characters and the story. The animation is great also like the other recent DC comics animated movies.

I would suggest to make another batman animated TV series that is related to the storyline of the movies. Again, bravo DC comics. I really enjoyed watching all DC Comics animated movies and TV series. Can't wait for the movies.
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The conclave of bats is splendidly assembled.
quincytheodore19 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One of the many appeals of Batman franchise is its vast universe. His large array of allies and foes is more developed than many other superheroes'. While it's a risk giving them leading roles instead of the titular characters, Batman: Bad Blood succeeds in presenting the story of a team, a family in the business of fighting crime, dysfunctional it may be.

The movie follows the events from Son of Batman and Batman vs Robin. Its main story involves the disappearance of Batman, while his prodigal and literal son substitute his place in the meantime. This is several subplots joined together and admittedly the different angles might feel overwhelming, especially when the movie itself has relatively short playtime.

However, it handles itself well. There's barely a moment when it dawdles too long on one perspective, shifting between the characters with fast pace. It also gives light to their pasts, even for returning characters. This makes sure that everyone gets ample share of screen time, especially the newer member Batwoman. It's nice to see a strong female character who can carry herself and still with fragile side as well.

The villain's side is slightly less developed. They could've been utilized more and better, Talia is a unique enemy as she's also the mother of Robin, which could've created a deeper connection. She has a strange bond with the protagonists, bizarrely alluring one. It's nice to see if it's genuine affection or merely excuse to enact her ambition. Alas, the movie seems to take a safer approach with the character.

This translates to the other henchmen who, aside from some, have rather short spotlight given to them. Nevertheless, confrontation is portrayed with quick and delicate showing. Action choreography serves the purpose, fights are aplenty, visceral and highly detailed. Dubbers do a fine job on giving the characters their voices, the personalities are delivered fittingly. Still, some parts of the script are corny and relying on puns, yet they are strangely amusing.

Batman: Bad Blood is, in heart, an animation about misfits working as a team, rather similar to Assault on Arkham. While this means Batman works as secondary character, the production value and interweaving narrative have assembled a suitable team.
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The best new 52 film so far
Brevin_Campbell6 February 2016
Firstly a disclaimer. I have not read the comics this is based on. I have wanted to pick up Batwoman but I never did. I own one volume of Batwing.

So I am judging this film on it own merits. Not as some comic book pulled right off the page. That being said I do feel this film stays true to what I know of what is in those comics.

I mean I really enjoyed this film. Jay Olivia seems to be having his own plans for this new DC new 52 slew of films I really do like what he is trying to do here. Though I will admit it would of been better if he separated everything with a Batwing movie Batwoman movie Batman: Battle for the Cowl.

It would of been great if these all were kept separate instead of merging them, but I felt the way they merged them all together was good. I didn't feel to overwhelmed by everything and overall I had fun with this film .

I like how it held back too, It wasn't as needfully gory as Batman vs Robin or Justice League: War were. It used blood only when it was appropriate and I liked that a lot.

I do wish there was more story over action, but the action was directed well and had weight to it.

I liked all the characters here too. Damien Wayne seems to be calmer and less bratty. He seems to care about his father more and still love him. Talia even notes this.

I also liked Talia in this movie. I thought she had did a really good job in this movie.

Batwoman was great too. I was surprised they kept her lesbian origins in tact. Especially with the whole marriage thing in place.

Dick Grayson was also handled well in this film and had a lot of nice nods to him being Batman.

Actually I wished we saw more of Dick Grayson being Batman. Which is why it would of been nice if they split these stories a part more, but it is all good in the same.

The worst things this film had was the 3d animation and the villains. Aside from Talia none of them were really that compelling. Which kind of sucks being that some of these villains could have been interesting if they got more time to be fleshed out.

Overall Batman Bad Blood is the best of these new 52 animated films, but it isn't perfect. It does have a few issues here and there that I do wish could have been more fleshed out, but overall still really enjoyable.
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The Legend continues
Hassan_Scarborough31 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I truly enjoyed this animated adventure. It's rare I am disappointed watching a DC animated product and this one was no exception. Not quit cannon to the books but it included elements I thought were important. Batwoman being ruthless starting out and that she was a lesbian were elements I thought were important to this story. I thought it was handled very well. And Finally we have a female villain as the boss. Talia Al Ghul is a great villain and great addition to the animated universe as the lead antagonist. The voice actors chosen were great and often I wonder if they would be good actually portraying these characters in live action. Yvonne Strahovski especially.

It's still hard not to want Kevin Conroy to be the voice of Batman forever, but we can't all have our wishes come true. Jason O'Mara hasn't been bad so far and adds a darker tone to Batman's voice. The beautiful Morena Baccarin was an interesting choice for Talia. Again just great casting, as always.

My only disappointment was that the surprise at the end wasn't more involved with the whole film. Otherwise Batman proves why he is the most solid character out of the DC family. I enjoyed this from start to finish.
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I don't get Talia al Ghul's character
warayklan-46-50518724 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I have watched the previous movie Son of Batman and Talia al Ghul was a different character compared to this movie. I just don't get her motive here. In the previous movie, she would risk her life for her son and her beloved(Batman), and after watching this movie, I am baffled and curious to what happened to her that made her decide to make a clone of her son Damian and recruit a gang of villains and try to kill her family? I'm like, why would Talia kill her family that she loves and tried to protect in the first place? She said "not even our child could bring you to my side. I know now, I will never have you in this life". I don't get it. In the previous film, she chose to leave them and went back to the League of Assassins and she made Damian go with his father so that he can be trained so I don't have a clue with what she thinks. And then, she kills the Damian's clone(Heretic) coz he tried to steal Damian's mind coz he fell in love with her. That death scene was stupid. Onyx, who seemed in love with Heretic, saw that and got her revenge by killing Talia during their escape. Overall, the movie was suppose to be good until Talia's stupid storyline.
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One of the best Batman animated film.
sahildograsd6 February 2016
Story- Really nice with some clever twists which you won't be expecting. Dialogue- Good sense of humor. Intelligent puns. Characters- Awesome. I loved it. However, the voice over is not that good. Everyone has same kind of voice. Music- Nothing new or catchy. Like every other Batman animated movies. Editing- Perfect. Well-edited. Overall- This movie is fun to watch. There would many plot twists which you will like. The animation quality is good. You won't get bored during the movie. I give this 10 because it deserves it. . This is a movie you will watch again and again. Go DC Comics. You rule ! Waiting for the next animated movie. Hope it will be as good as this.
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Good, if unexceptional
neil-47630 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After Batman goes missing, the Bat-family has to pull together to a) solve the mystery of his disappearance and b) prevent Gotham from going to the dogs. This puts a burden on Dick (Nightwing) Grayson who has to don the Bat-mantle, tests Damien Wayne's loyalties, and does newcomer Batwoman really merit a place in the Bat-family?

JM de Matteis scripts a Batman story which hardly features the titular character (not the first time this has happened). It's quite a good story and neatly balances plot, mystery, character and action. The characters are all well-voiced and realised, and this is not as violent as some of the DC animated features.

Overall, this rates a decent above average.
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For people 'not getting' Talia al Ghul's character
OmisaurusX19 August 2019
If you've really watched Son Of Batman(2014) you will know that after Talia gets seriously injured, Batman heals her in the almighty Lazarus Pit. And of course Lazarus Pit doesn't come without 'side effects'. Using Lazarus Pit makes a person very aggressive(among many other things), this changed Talia's personality from caring to murderous considering she was already very hostile towards everyone except Damian and Bruce.

As for the movie, it's alright. It has really good animation, okay story and great action! And watching Bat family fight together to save Batman was great. Overall it's a decent film.
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Lot of deaths.
duben-080665 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty decent flick, a whole Batman's loosely tied into the story. Could done a better job explaining the background on a few of the villians for those who aren't familiar with lesser known bad guys. Still not to bad didn't expect the mad hatter's head to explode!!! Lol
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Bat Family!
tankace12 September 2016
Batman Bad Blood is the ending chapter of the "trilogy" about the new Batman team after the start of the New 52. This video film takes elements from the Battle of the Cowl story-line. In general the story is like this: Bruce is out and the rest of the Bat family has to deal with out his guidance and we see how much of an impact his actions had.

We also get introduced to two lesser known Bats ,Batwoman (not this from 2003 Mystery Woman) and Batwing (not the jet ;)) and I think they were good, considering what happen later with BvS and The Killing Joke. Yea let's leave that behind for the best. As for the plot is OK, not great. If you have seen enough action thrillers you will definitely recognize it and be bother by that. Never the less it works for the flick so I will give it a pass.

As for the voice casting and animation, we get a decent job and as I have wrote about it in Son of Batman, they have some big shoes to fill and the whole team does its best every time.

And now for the future Batman film:

I don't want to watch Bruce any longer. It isn't that I don't like Batman, far from it, but this film was a proof that the rest of the Bat-Family can carry a film with out Batman and they have to get their own time in the spotlight ,for example I want a solo Nightwing movie and or see the famous black sheep of them Red Hood either in a stand alone project or in contrast with Nightwing.

For least be honest comic comrades the Dark Knight has get more than enough screen time in both films, TV series, video movies and video-games. It has been almost twenty years since the last appearance of member of the Bat-Family and the was in the infamous Batman and Robin! Since 2005 when Batman returned to the big screen we had ourselves full with him, but close to nothing from the rest of the Bats.

If anything is to be said about this recent animated trilogy is that is time to see what the rest of the members of the House of Bats has to offer. As for the Bruce himself put him in supporting roles or small cameos, that's more than enough nowadays!

And this project of mine has ended.. WOW. I had my full of the Caped Crusader for good for the rest of the year. My hope is that Warner Brother CEO read this or other reports or watch video on Youtube about the Knight of Gotham and DO IT, just do it!
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Better then Batman VS. Robin at least
WeAreLive7 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Considering how much negativity this movie has got it is actually better than Batman VS. Robin but there are facts which I don't get like with Talia she let Damian go to his father so he could train him but in this movie, she created a clone of an older version of her son to kill the Batfamily? It is not as bad as everyone says but it could have been better in a way. I also liked the bit with Batgirl at the end I hope they add at the end of the movie I hope she gets more movies.
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Good Movie ! Bat-Family = YAY !
iranjithgod19 January 2016
well directed as always by Jay Olivia and the series is getting better.

Son of Batman was OK Batman vs Robin was good and this is slightly better than BvsR in my opinion, story is little flawed and rushed but an interesting plot.

possibilities are endless ! they should introduce Jason Todd aka Red hood and Tim Drake ! they are all part of the bat family

PS - Did not like Talia in this series! any way looking forward to the next installment Justice League vs Teen Tatans ! and Killing Joke from Bruce Timm

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Focus on the Bat-Family
Mysterygeneration17 March 2024
A DC animated movie that delves into the world of Gotham City following the mysterious disappearance of Batman. With the Dark Knight missing, the film places the spotlight on the Bat-Family, a group of vigilantes trained by Batman himself. Nightwing, Batman's former protégé, takes on a leadership role, while Robin, the current Boy Wonder, grapples with the uncertainty of Batman's absence. Batwoman, a mysterious newcomer to Gotham, also emerges as a key player in the search for Batman and the fight to protect the city. This focus on the Bat-Family is a major strength of the film, giving fans a chance to see these characters step out of Batman's shadow and into their own. It's a thrilling exploration of their unique skills, their complicated relationships, and the bond they share as a surrogate family united by their commitment to justice.

While the action is fun, some viewers may find the plot itself a bit thin. The movie introduces several characters but doesn't give enough time to fully develop their motivations. This might be a turnoff for some, as the film is titled "Batman" but features the Dark Knight himself in a limited capacity.
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A solid entry in the Batman series
MasterFantastic23 January 2016
Although Batman was largely absent during the course of the movie, it was a wise idea to let the new blood take over, at least for a while. Following Son of Batman--which I didn't care for--and Batman vs Robin, this latest installment of the 'family saga' involves the disappearance of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Nightwing (Dick Grayson) and Damien Wayne (Batman's son) fill in and try to solve the mystery of the Bat's vanishing act, and two new additions also make their appearance, Batwoman (well voiced by Yvonne Strahovski) and Lucius Fox's son, Luke. There's also a very nice cameo appearance at the end by Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) and her outfit is pretty decent. In fact, all of the outfits are solidly drawn and Batwing's armor--shades of Ironman and War Machine--is pretty cool as well.

Capably written and voiced well by the entire cast, the plot of the movie has Batman disappearing at the hands of a villain known as the Heretic. A number of other baddies make their appearance--the Mad Hatter chief among them--and the leader of the gang turns out to be none other than Talia Al-Ghul, daughter of the late (maybe, always hoping for a retcon job) R'as Al-Ghul. It seems they're into mind control, and without giving too much of the plot away, they're out to get their piece of the world and need Batman in order to achieve their goal.

While fans may be disappointed at not having Batman keep the lion's share of screen time, it actually works better having the replacements try to find their way in a Bat-less world. Nightwing has the hardest job of all, keeping the disparate elements together, and to Jay Oliva's (director) credit, he manages to make it all work.

The pluses of the movie are many. Although I miss Kevin Conroy voicing Bats, Jason O'Mara does a solid job. Yvonne Strahovski is excellent as Batwoman, and Sean Maher as Nightwing lends a nice touch to the proceedings. There were no drawbacks in the voice casting from my point of view...fine work all around, and Robin Atkins-Downs as the Mad Hatter is appropriately creepy.

The music was good, the direction by Oliva kept things hopping, and the animation, much like in Batman: Gotham Night, was solid. Maybe not the best ever, but not weak by any means. The only drawback was a certain coldness to it all, a lack of depth in the emotions of the characters. Other than that, this is a movie any Batman fan would be proud to have.
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Better Than the First, Not as Good as the Second
koltonbrett6 January 2022
We get a whole Bat-Squad in this movie. Batman played a more supportive role in this third installment of the Son of Batman saga. This gives the other bat heroes of Gotham a chance to shine. Nightwing has gotten better with each movie. Damian has matured and is much more tolerable. Batwoman and Batwing are fun additions. The only problem with this movie is the primary villain. It's a character we are familiar with from Son of Batman, but this character's portrayal seems off this time around.
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Batman: Mediocre Blood
TheLittleSongbird7 January 2018
Love animation and have really enjoyed to loved many superhero films, animated and live-action. Justice League has always interested me too. Of the DC animated films, there are some good ones out there as well as some disappointments.

'Batman: Bad Blood' is one of the bigger disappointments and towards the weaker half of the DC animated films. To me, it is not as bad as has been made out, there are some good qualities here, but agree with a lot of the criticisms made and feel it could have been much better. There was actually a good idea on paper here, this good idea just on the most part didn't make it on screen and this is a big shame.

Starting with the good things, the best thing about 'Batman: Bad Blood' is the animation. There are some very nice detailed backgrounds, the characters are designed well and the colours are dynamic and atmospheric. The music is both haunting and rousing, a good fit for the film's mood.

Alfred is awesome as one can hope, just wish there was more, and Dick and Nightwing are also handled well. The voice acting for the heroes is pretty decent, from especially Sean Maher, Stuart Allan and James Garrett. Jason O'Mara is credible as Batman, but has little to do. Morena Maccarin actually does a quite good job as Talia Al Ghul all things considered, that the character is disappointingly written does not rest at her door in terms of blame, it's the writers' fault entirely. Some of the action is well animated and has its thrills.

However, 'Batman: Bad Blood' does have a lot against it. Namely that it has too many characters (most of them handled in a way that underwhelms), trying to include too many subplots of very variable quality, crammed into a far too short running time, meaning that the film . As said, few of the characters are satisfactorily handled.

For a title that indicates that it's a Batman film, even when one is reading the film's summary, there is far too little of Batman and far too much of the significantly less interesting Batwoman, who is not an interesting or well explored character at all and is instead one-dimensional, clichéd and very difficult to like let alone engage with. Saw absolutely no point to the inclusion of Batwing, whose character suffers from all the problems with Batwoman except the screen time issue. A much better job could have been done with the villains, devoid of much menace or complexity on the whole with very vague motivations. The exception is the suitably mysterious Heretic, but needed more to do. Meanwhile Talia Al Ghul is particularly wronged here.

Writing on the most part takes simplicity to the extreme and becomes simplistic and feels stilted as well. So many cringe-worthy lines here. The main story was potentially interesting but wasn't gritty enough or focused on enough, even getting lost amidst the attempts at developing the new characters that come off unsuccessfully. It is agreed that the male villains' voice acting is too similar, mainly because at least three of them are in multiple roles that they all sound too samey in, John Di Maggio a particular example and usually Di Maggio is very good at voicing villains. While Steve Blum is a very talented voice actor and has often excelled in voicing villains, he's over-parted. The action on the most part lacks tension, and the far too easy, abrupt and insulting dispatching of some of the villains does them no justice.

In conclusion, disappointing but not unwatchable. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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