No Deposit (2015) Poster


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Terrible In Every Way
gregberne1112 December 2018
This movie is tediously boring. The acting is terrible. The writing is terrible if there even was any writing, it seems like people are just making up crap as they go along. The directing, lighting and sound is bad, in fact the sound is so bad you sometimes can't tell what these people are saying. Worst of all is Frank D'Angelo who is responsible for making this crap but also is one of the stars, giving one of the most awful performances of all time. He gets shot in the arm and isn't even hurt, but then kind of is hurt, but then is using that arm and isn't hurt at all... Props to Michael Pare for his screams of anguish, at least he was trying and gave us a bit of a laugh there. There's lots of characters in this that don't even need to be in this. Who are all the police agencies etc who show up outside the hostage situation? Why would we want to watch three reporters blah blah blah about what a hostage situation is for like ten minutes at a time? What year is the movie supposed to be set in? Is the crawl in the news scenes supposed to be a funny joke or is it really that stupid? Why does the mayor show up and why is he wearing a huge flower and missing teeth? Why is everyone at the scene so completely calm and 100% unworried about being shot or in danger? This movie is just stupid, and not even stupid in the way that makes it entertaining because you can laugh at it, it is just a stupid waste of time and everything in it is terrible.
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He's A Legend In His Own Mind
refinedsugar24 October 2023
After getting a taste for bad vanity projects, I went searching to find some Canadian grown content. This led me to Frank D'Angelo. A name I wasn't familiar with. At first glance, he appears to be a successful businessman with money based in Toronto. Then the further you read into him and his ventures the murkier the picture becomes. 'No Deposit' is one of a handful of films he made. It doesn't take long for the ego elements to emerge.

Mickey Ryan (Michael Pare) loses his house when the bank calls in his "demand loan". This is the straw that breaks his wife's back. She leaves him taking their son with her. Emotionally crushed, he starts hanging out with two losers (Michael Madsen & Daniel Baldwin). A friendly bartender (Paul Sorvino) tries to warn him, but to no avail. Now homeless & without a family, people he once helped out during better times turn his back on him. So head shaved, a bad neck tattoo later, Mickey's onboard with the two guys to rob the bank that took his house. Oh yeah and successful CEO Jimmy Valenti (Frank D'Angelo) happens to be there at that very moment to verify an 8 mil transfer. You've seen him throughout the tale being nice to everyone around him. Giving away money to charity. Driving a Mercedes Benz. Wearing expensive jewelry.

Eric Roberts plays the bank manager. Robert Loggia is a customer. Peter Coyote the Chief of Police. Doris Roberts (Everyone Loves Raymond) a bingo playing friend of Mickey's mom. Canadian actors Tony Nardi, Tony Rosato, Jason Blicker & Sean McCann play cops. Art Hindle is Mickey's brother. Margot Kidder his mom. However here's the best; Story by Frank D'Angelo. Screenplay by Frank D'Angelo. Directed by Frank D'Angelo. Executive Producer Frank D'Angelo. Casting by Frank D'Angelo. Music by Frank D'Angelo.

If you want to see someone bump shoulders with B movie stars taking easy paychecks, 'No Deposit' is your film. Perhaps any one of D'Angelo titles will do the trick. He's a great man. He's the hero in the final moment. Don't come here for the flimsy story about redemption amidst the financial recession of 2007-09 meant to draw emotions. It's not ridiculously made, utterly cheap or insanely over the top to be funny. This is a vanity project looking for an air of respectability and it fails miserably.
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This movie is great
georgettabolan6 May 2015
Hi Guys, I watched the movie No Deposit last week and it was not bad at all. It is an independent movie and you have to remember that when you write a review, so please take that into account when you read my review.

I think this movie is very good. It was entertaining and captivating. I enjoyed the cast. Loved the script and extremely enjoyed the music. I would have liked to have seen more action, but the film as a whole was quite good.

For an independent movie, this movie is great, yes… you can see the low budget production here and there, but once you ignore it the movie is 80 minutes of pure entertaining.
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The greatest movie since Man Getting Hit By Football
gerry-6442819 June 2015
If I could give this movie a zillion stars I would, because maybe the combined weight of all those stars would create a black hole big enough to absorb Frank D'Angelo's ego. In case nobody has noticed, all the 'positive' reviews here are written by accounts that suspiciously have never commented on any other movie, except Frank D'Angelo movies. Look, the man makes a good energy drink from what I understand, but his movies are more unwatchable than a Steve Buscemi/Nancy Grace/John Madden threesome. I watched the trailer for this and got pink eye. If there is a Hell, this is the only movie they play. You know that verse in the Bible that says, "Jesus wept"? It's because he predicted this movie.
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Worst Movie I've seen for Over 10 Years
chrisduwe21 November 2015
This movie sucks, not just on one level, it sucks right across the board. the soundtrack is like it's been stolen from a cheesy 1970's sitcom. Despite the cast containing some names that are well known and have decent bodies of work. Quite what they thought when they were making this steaming pile bull waste will remain a mystery I guess. I can say it's only redeeming feature is that it wasn't 1 minute longer than it was. I wonder if this was made as a dare or a bet, it is a little like a cheap porn movie with all the sex scenes removed. The plot in theory sounds OK but 10 minutes in you don't really give a number two, all the characters seem to be miscast. The cast contains some character actors that have made great villains, they're all playing the cheesy roles. The lead character being being a nobody with a huge comedy wig doesn't help take this seriously. Steer clear, cleaning your oven would be more fun.
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Oh, my, what a lousy B movie! You guys are bunch of liars...
MovieIQTest17 November 2015
Updating my unfinished review of this super B movie:

Terrible screenplay, bad directing, bad mindless soundtrack, bad....bad, everything is bad about this film.

What we saw is a bunch of B movie has been, have been and had been. They were assembled by the call of the wild to participate in a cynical farce. The screenplay is just so weak and loose, every one of them who played a role in this film are either walking stiffs or going to bes. We saw lot of certified bad B movies icons in this film, those names need not to be mentioned here one by one or again and again, because once one of them showed up in the cast list of any film, just one of them, you'd know you're screwed through and through, and your precious life gonna be wasted again, albeit a bunch of them showed up in ONE movie! The problem of this B movie not just because of these have beens, the scenarios and the plots are like jokes based on the American Broken Dream, the financial crisis, the housing market crash, the foreclosure disaster, the financial catastrophic status to all the working class, the unemployment, the job loss, the divorce coming after. Then a lame plot crafted up: to hit the bank as a payback and the plan gone sour...blah, blah, blah. We got a guy who played the CEO as a tycoon, but actually looked more like a Mafia guy, even he tried so hard to be civil, but his act was just not there. -- Hey, you guys who gave this bomber 8 to 10 stars high ratings are proved and certified telling a white lie, you guys are definitely friends of this film's production team, trying so hard to fool people to rent this DVD. You guys are the worst kind. You guys are ruining the authenticity of IMDb.COM by constant giving false reviews to market bad B movies.

After browsed all of the reviews, I cannot but not to wonder are all these reviewers friends or family members or even investors of this film? The other thing makes me wonder is most of the reviews are very short and not quite met with the basic requirement of 'must be at least 10 lines or even longer". I've counted these reviews words and their length, how could it possible they could be accepted by and allowed to be uploaded? Are these people like those political animals in the Congress or the Senate knew how to goofy a loophole of basic requirement? Are these viewers are in the new business of "Movie Lobbying"? They are all Movie lobbyists? Typing so far and I think I should meet the "10 lines requirement" already. I don't have girlfriends like most the reviewers claimed that they watched this "GREAT, FANTASTIC" film with their girlfriends.

I'll update this preview later when I have watched this film and will try to prove I am wrong or it's just a scam.
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Great film!
mjameson74018 June 2015
I just watched the film No Deposit at the ICFF Film Festival in Toronto, and was really impressed with this movie. I especially liked Michael Madsen, haven't seen him in many movies lately, but this is a role that he owns, probably one of his best roles to date next Reservoir Dogs, very gritty and complex. It's a simple movie with a great story, fantastic plot and a great cast of characters. It just goes to show you that independent films is where it's at, you do not need a lot of money to make a great movie. If you get a chance to watch this movie do so, it's coming out at Cineplex Theatres in Toronto June 19th and it's a must see!
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Such a cool movie!
lindsey-121511 May 2015
Such a cool movie! This movie was raw, emotional, heated and passionate. I thoroughly enjoyed the cast and appreciated their realness. The acting seemed effortless which is what makes for an entertaining film.

I also enjoyed the story. This is a beautiful story, with a good structure and development. Having said that, I must admit I didn't understand why D'Angelo has decided to use Jewish, and anti - semitism for the reason of the siege. The connection was not very clear and I had expected to see any development in this direction.

All in all, the movie is great. Really enjoyed it and recommend you to watch it too.
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Great story. Loved it!
freddegarmo11 May 2015
So I have also watched No Deposit and like many of you, I also think this movie is very good. I have watched it with my girlfriend and we both enjoyed it a lot.

First – the story itself is good. I like the way it is built, very realistic. Stories like that can happen to everyone in different kinds of levels and I felt sorry for Mickey when all his family turned him down when he needed them the most. I could feel his emotional state, and thought about his son and wanted to cry. I think he is a great actor. And talking about actors… then the whole cast was great. Last but not least – Loved the music.
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Highly recommend!
marianncollinson5 May 2015
I watched No Deposit last week and just loved it. This movie had me going from the very start and I wish it was longer.

The cast was incredible! I mean how can you go wrong with a cast like Daniel Baldwin, Michael Paré, Doris Roberts, Robert Loggia, Frank D'Angelo and many more… they were amazing.

I loved the story and despite what other have wrote here, I don't think it is incomplete but exactly the way a good story should be. You should leave some room for your imagination.

If you are interested in seeing a good movie then this one delivers from the moment it begins all the way through to the end. Highly recommend!
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Liked it, but think the script needs some improvement
sherylespiritu4 May 2015
So I watched the movie No Deposit at the Quad about a week ago, and pretty liked it. Well, it is not perfect, and I have some comments, but all is all I liked it.

So let's start with the good comments… The cast was a great mesh of talent and realness. You could feel the chemistry between them. Wow. I also appreciated the cinematography throughout this movie. You can't believe this is a low budget film. Very rare.

However, I didn't like the story. I mean the story itself is good and entertaining, but I felt that it is not completed. Too many questions have crossed in my mind during this movie (I won't tell as I don't want to spoil) and I felt that the script need to be improved.

Yet, I liked this movie and I recommend you to watch it.
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I enjoyed watching this movie, but not its ending
No Deposit is a great movie. I watched it about a week ago, and enjoyed it a lot. I found that movie as well shot and the fact this is an independent movie didn't bother me at all. Maybe this is due to the amazing cast or the story itself that had captured my attention, but I couldn't tell this is a low budget film.

I have read some of the other reviews here, and it seems like some viewers were not happy with the script and felt there are some unsolved issues, I can understand where did it come from and it bothered me too, however I understand that in movies you have to leave some room for your imagination.

All in all, I enjoyed watching this movie and think it I a great movie, yet – I didn't like the ending and think it could have been even better if there had been a different ending
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I loved that movie, but hated the ending
Hi Folks, I loved that movie, but hated the ending! I don't want to spoil, so I won't tell why, but I don't like movies that end like that. Hate it.

But, apart for that, I pretty enjoyed the movie. This is a raw, emotional, heated and passionate movie with great actors. I watched it at the Quad last week (I also met Paul Sorvino there like the other reviewer) and enjoyed it a lot. The plot is beautiful, the cinematography is good and the music is fantastic. I did not know what to expect, since this is the first D'Angelo movie that I have watched, but the film is definitely worth a view
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Like the movie, but not the ending
georgiannekenan30 April 2015
I watched the movie No Deposit it in NY at the Quad last week (even saw Paul Sorvino there) and I just loved it. The story is beautiful and left me with plenty of thoughts. I recognized a lot of the actors and enjoyed their characters and their performance.

I appreciated the cinematography throughout this movie I also enjoyed the cast very much, but the hostage scenes were my favorite. They were so dramatic and yet very convincing, especially these with Robert Loggia. I am a Jew and I felt a lot of sympathy with the characters during these scenes.

The plot itself is nice, but I hated the ending. I wish this movie had a different ending. I also think this movie could have been a little bit longer, but overall it was great.
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Love this movie
savannahdismukes4 May 2015
Hi Folks, I think this is my first review ever, so please accept my apology for some minor mistakes regarding the "movie jargon".

I watched the movie No Deposit last week, and the reason I wanted to write my first review ever, was that this is the 3rd movie by Frank D'Angelo that I have watched recently. I may not be an expert regarding movies, but I love watching movies. And in my opinion, a good movie should have the following – good story, good actors and excellent director. I think that when you have these 3 conditions, the audience gets pure entertaining and that is what I'm looking for.

General speaking, I love D'Angelo's movies because they excel in these 3 conditions, but since the review is for No Deposit, I will only have to add that D'Angelo is getting better within time and that movie in definitely the best so far. Can't wait to watch the next one.
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Movie Night Out! =fantastic gem of a movie
marywil2 July 2015
Caught this gem in theatres the other week and while I didn't know much about what this film was even about, my friends and I were impressed! We really enjoyed this film full of a pretty fantastic cast! I really enjoyed seeing some actors that I haven't seen in a while and wondered why!! Michael Pare was fantastic! His character was convincing and authentic. D'Angelo did a great job too! Was nice to see some greats in this film, like PETER COYOTE and MICHAEL MADSEN!! This film had so many well known actors in it and the story line itself was realistic and well executed! Highly recommend anyone to see this film, especially if you are into small independent films that are Canadian and overall awesome!
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Very Nice!
jcolley15218 June 2015
I'm a great fan of Frank D'Angelo and I just seen his latest movie No Deposit at the ICFF film festival in Toronto. I gotta tell you it is one of his best works to date. What I love about his films is the realness, that he delivers through the story and characters that he builds. It's a beautiful piece of dramatic cinema with a super cast of talented actors. Daniel Baldwin and Michael Madsen, these guys can play the meanest scariest guys ever and they pull off their roles incredibly well. They take no prisoners. And Paul Sorvino, he brings his a game to every movie he's in. This is a film that makes you want to see it twice its so good, well worth the money.
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I absolutely enjoyed this movie
fletashotts30 April 2015
I absolutely enjoyed this movie. It had me going from the very start. I watched this movie at the Quad (NY) and was impressed. This is a gangster film at its finest.

I had decent expectations for the film with a stout cast the likes of Daniel Baldwin, Robert Loggia and Art Hindle. I loved Michael Paré's acting and have to admit that Frank D'Angelo did a better than expected job on this movie from his acting to his directing (Can't wait to see his next movie).

The story line itself was good, not the absolute best but when you bring it together with a great ensemble of talented actors it makes this Film festival film a must watch it my eyes.
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I enjoyed this movie and probably will watch it again.
alphonseobrien12 May 2015
No Deposit is one of the best independent movies I have watched this year. It very well shot, visually enticing with good acting. The plot was captivating and the story itself is good. I enjoyed the cast very much, they were natural and convincing, so much talent and a lot of heart within this film. Yes… how can you be wrong with such a great cast like Daniel Baldwin, Robert Loggia and Michael Paré, and yet I was impressed. Frank D'Angelo also played amazing, he is getting better from movie to movie and this time he was really good. I could tell this is a low budget film, but due to the great cast and the cinematography it didn't bother me at all. I enjoyed this movie and probably will watch it again.
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Pretty great and thoroughly entertaining
ozieschindler1 May 2015
I watched the movie No Deposit in New York last week and really liked it. I am a Canadian that only have visited in NY and I must add that the reason for me watching this movie was D'Angelo other movie - Big Fat Stone that I have watched the week before on Rogers On Demand…

Anyway… call me crazy but I liked D'Angelo's movies. They are not Oscar movies, and D'Angelo has so much to learn, but I like these movies because they are so simple and plain. The stories are always interesting, the cast is my favorite and it is usually well shot. Perfect entertaining movies.

So, talking about No deposit – I liked it very much. Would have liked the film to be longer and tie off some loose ends for me, but overall it was a pretty great and thoroughly entertaining
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sandrellicarlo18 June 2015
Took my girlfriend to see the movie No Deposit at the ICFF Film Festival and I enjoyed it immensely. Great story, great casting and real drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. I loved Michael Pare in this film, probably his best role ever. He owns the movie along with Frank D'Angelo. Although it's a serious movie there are some very funny moments between Tony Rosato, Tony Nardi and Peter Coyote that made me laugh my pants off. In the end this movie really opens up your eyes to how banks treat people when it comes to money. If you get a chance to see No Deposit, do so, it is a great movie experience.
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Loved the movie
gingerkowalsky30 April 2015
It is with a great pleasure I am writing the first review for this movie. I watched the movie No Deposit it in NY at the Quad last week and enjoyed it a lot.

I thought it was absolutely fantastic. I have watched the other D'Angelo movies and I think this is definitely the best. The storyline, the cast, the script and design were all great. I liked the combination between the "soft emotional" plots next to the gangster scenes. I cried a lot during this movie… but this is just me…

I think Michael Paré performance was amazing. He played very well, not overdone, very natural and convincing. The other played great as well, but he is the one that made me crying…

There is just one thing that I didn't like about the movie – I felt that the story is not finished and that some information is missing. Other than that – the movie is great
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