The Sublet (2015) Poster


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Cerebral thriller that does not disappoint
stephenw-3018028 July 2017
I have to say I was not expecting much from this film. After watching it, however, I was really surprised at how well done it was. The low 5.9 rating hardly does this film justice. It's much much better then that.

Sticking to my "no spoiler" rule, I will only lend my opinions of why I thought this was a terrific sleeper Psyche/Thriller.

The film is a bit slow moving but don't let that lull you into a sense of nothing happening. This film makes you think and question yourself at many points throughout, as though you missed something important about the plot. Each act gets more and more creepy regarding who is sane and who is not.

The acting was very good and the score was spot on during the most important and disturbing scenes, illustrating how the timing of editing and Direction was excellent. There seems like a lot is going on but at the end the film comes full circle, thereby leaving you fulfilled and quite alarmed.

If you are a fan of Psychological Thrillers but are sick of the typical Drek that seems to be constantly regurgitated so often, you are in for a treat And will thoroughly enjoy "The Sublet"....

I would say this could have been a film Hitchcock might have directed had he read the script. As Hitch once said...."there are only three things that matter in making a great film, Script, Script, Script"....! Hats off to the writer, Director, sound and cast.

I give this film a Big Thumbs Up!
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Wasn't a particularly impressive movie experience...
paul_haakonsen23 August 2017
I didn't know anything about this movie prior to sitting down to watch it. I didn't even read the synopsis. All that I needed was knowing that it was a horror movie.

However, it turned out that "The Sublet" was somewhat of an ordeal to sit through. It was a rather slow paced storyline with very little happening throughout the course of the story actually. Director John Ainslie actually did manage to construct a movie that built up a suspense in a good way, but despite the build up of suspense it didn't climax into anything worthwhile.

The acting in the movie was adequate, and people were doing good enough jobs with their roles and characters, despite the limitations imposed by the script and storyline.

"The Sublet" was not a horror movie that was big on special effects or practical effects for that matter. Nah, this type of movie is the kind that makes good with mood and atmosphere. Was that a good thing? Well, yeah sort of, as the build up of suspense and keeping the audience in the dark was good.

This was a less than mediocre foray into the horror genre, and "The Sublet" doesn't really offer anything to the genre that hasn't already been seen before in other horror movies. So don't expect anything overly innovative here.

I must admit that I found my interest and attention span ebbing as the movie progressed and I was actually tempted to just give up and eject the DVD with only 15 minutes left of the movie. I did, however, decide to finish the movie. Which wasn't a particular improvement to the rest of the movie.

There are far better horror movies available. And the few scenes and ideas throughout the movie that actually were nicely constructed was hardly enough to make it up for the rest of the movie. "The Sublet" scores a meager 4 out of 10 stars from me.
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Watchable but not impressing
RandomTard2 June 2021
So the story was ok, there were some issues but mostly it was fine. Budget clearly wasn't huge but it was used ok - the movie looks decent. Overall the movie was a bit too slow.

The problems then: First we get the bad acting. The female lead was not as bad but with no chemistry with her husband it just doesn't work. And the husband was just horrible - very amateurish. And that's basicly all the actors if you don't count the newborn baby.

Second big problem was the sound. Too much loud banging on walls and doors. And because of that you can't hear anything else because you can't have any volume without having your neigbours calling cops on you.
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The Sublet zzZzZ
ejuopperi6 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Warning for some small spoilers, nothing important that will ruin.

The script was there, but it was done so wrong. This movie could be so much more. It had such a potential but it was all a waste. The acting was poor and dull except from the two main characters who was decent. Some holes in some scenes that made no sense at all. Some of the interesting scenes that got you hooked for a moment did fast disapare thanks to bad writing or acting. I was close to turn the movie off, but decided not to. I do regret it a bit. 1/5 stars
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Time wasted
nevermind-0740731 August 2017
This movie tries to recall, in some weird, ugly and boring way, Rosemary's Baby by Polanski. It doesn't succeed, it's just a very bad imitation with a twist in the plot, a twist you can easily expect since the very beginning. It tells the story of a couple and their child moving to a subleased flat where, of course, strange things start to happen. However, these "typical horror movie things" happen way too slowly and they are easily foreseeable. I don't even want to spoil my time further, but I feel the need to remark the ugliness of this movie by warning the future audience that they are going to witness one of the worst acting they have ever seen.
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Don't waste your time.
zomzo27 October 2018
If you are looking up the reviews debating whether or not to watch this film then don't bother.. From start to finish this film was boring unsuspenseful it's labelled horror yet there was nothing scary about it not even jumpy.. find something better :)
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A superb psychological thriller
rks-7496914 April 2021
A very well-acted psychological horror/thriller following a couple and their little baby.

The atmosphere throughout the movie is haunting and chilling, and early on gets you in the right mood.
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Unscary, slow, contrived
me-here-email29 July 2017
There was never a scary moment in the movie, even the scenes that were supposed to be suspenseful or scary just did not work.

Directing was bad, writing was awful, acting was bad except for Tianna Nori (Joanna) whose acting was natural. Even the baby's cries sound fake and dull.

Overall, Tianna Nori couldn't save this movie.
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Better than the reviews.
KevinCoull31 December 2017
Well worth a watch, don't let the reviews put you off.
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so many questions
sjarja3 January 2020
  • why was that movie approved when the story has been retold so many time?
  • why is the acting wooden and unnatural?
  • who wrote those dialogues?
  • was that movie supposed to be .. scary?
and also ...
  • why is that movie?

To elaborate .. the story is very predictable and very, very old. Dysfunctional couple (of course, they need to have a baby, because .. you always decide to have a baby with a partner you feel estranged with) - very odd way to move to a new home (with approval on a posted notice?!) - the couple DOES NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER - one of the main tropes of such movies. A real couple communicates - those two .. dont! Usually movies that skip time allow for chemistry to develop, so that the viewer at least believes that they socialize in the time that is not shown. Here ... they just drop one liners. The only "chemistry" they have .. or that is supposed to show that they have is the sex they have early in the movie.

Much of the acting is bad - just bad. Wooden expressions, emotionless dialogue. Also, what they talk about just sounds fake - as in .. no normal couple speaks like that.

There are no real scares. And how could there be? There is no suspense. There cannot be suspense because there is nothing, no one to care for. The protagonist is just an empty shell, the husband a moron .. who should the audience feel with them?
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There will be blood!
grimdan-71-5309015 July 2017
The film follows a young mother as she stays at home, caring for her infant child. She finds herself unraveling a disturbing mystery, which surrounds her new apartment and begins to test her sanity. I try not to compare films, but this film really has notes of Rosemary's Baby and reminded me a little bit of The Shining. I think it was the claustrophobic feel of the film and the constant wondering what's real and what's in her mind. It probably also helped that the film's decor was very dated, kind of 70s. It's because of this constant wondering and putting the pieces together that reflects good story telling, the mystery unraveled nicely and wasn't spoon fed to the audience. The film is atmospheric with lots of drama (some people might call this 'slow'), but it builds the tension nicely until it breaks you. This was certainly helped by Tianna Nori! I was gripped by her the entire film, it was a very engrossing performance. If you like your psychological horror, I would definitely check this one out!
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Living the dream ... nightmare
kosmasp6 April 2023
No pun intended - having a flat, having a roof over your head as they say, is important. But how important is it? As in, does any house/apartment/loft whatever else you find, work for you? If you are affected by the neightbors or they are by you .. talking to and about the issues should help, but there is more than meets the eye here.

And while I don't assume to have gotten all the between the lines psychological things that are in the movie. But you can get what the movie is about - the last scene is hammering it home too (yes another pun for free). The acting is good, even though you may be annoyed by the characters at times. You are supposed to - and the movie knows about it. That should not break it. Still this may not be up your alley ... or yard ... but it surely is decently made.
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Haunted sublet
TheLittleSongbird10 June 2018
Saw 'Tonight She Comes', being fond of horror regardless of budget (even if not my favourite genre) and being intrigued somewhat by the idea. Being behind on my film watching and reviewing, with a long to watch and review list that keeps getting longer, it took me a while to get round to watching and reviewing it.

Giving 'The Sublet' a fair chance with being interest and apprehension, it turned out to be a little better than expected, having seen a lot of bad films recently. Won't say that 'The Sublet' is a great film (mediocre actually) because it isn't and the potential, while not wasted, is not fully lived up to. Considering the large number of films seen recently being mediocre and less and wasting potential, was expecting worse and was relieved that while wanting in a fair few areas it was actually one of my better recent low-budget viewings.

'The Sublet' started off quite well, the first part starting the film off on a promising, unsettling and atmospheric note that really does intrigue.

Production values did have some eeriness and nowhere near as cheap as expected.

The setting is effectively spooky. Initially, there are spooky and suspenseful moments, it isn't dull, and the storytelling initially does intrigue. The acting generally was not bad, Tianna Nori carries the film very well.

However, the story was severely wanting in the second half after starting off promisingly. It is very disjointed and after the promising start the final third especially loses atmosphere, one loses interest and things start to not make sense. Too much of the film is vague and doesn't explore some elements enough, some of which go nowhere or serve much point. It also is uneventful too much of the time and the pace drags.

Ending is unsatisfying, on top of feeling hasty there are too many loose ends hanging in the air and it all felt abrupt. Got the sense that the writers didn't know how to end the film. Would have liked much more tension and suspense (where there is barely any of either in the latter stages), scares could have been more consistent (again nowhere near enough) and some weren't surprising enough and had no atmosphere, the over-obvious sound not helping. The psychological parts of the story were more odd and undercooked rather than creepy and intriguing

Found too the script to lack natural flow and with a fair bit of cheese and blandness going on, and the characters bland with some adopting some annoying and not always logical decision making. There is very little menace or urgency to the conflict and the direction is phoned in.

Overall, mediocre. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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the writer should write diaries instead of movies
sqdnb29 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
just in case anyone is lost in these other 2 reviews. as someone who knows and loves psycho thrillers and shocking horror movies. this movie is not brilliant at all.

a good horror movie might just shock well without a good story. this doesn't. you see pictures flying around. knocking over and over again, doors opening, chairs moving. so when you do s**t like this it better be scary or it will later explain the story. but it doesn't either.

it all doesn't make sense in so many ways.

don't think the acting is bad. i think the directing and writing is bad. seems like they were supposed to behave totally irrational for the scenes. the dialogues wouldn't happen in real life.

for the good parts, the screenplay and sound was OK, which doesn't change a bad movie into a good one.

for anyone who wants to see real good psycho horror, go watch session 9, orphan or tales of two sisters (korean original). real masterpieces.
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eventlaunch29 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
WTF was this i mean where was the supernatural horror element? Seemed like the whole movie until last few mins was playing in patagonists head
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Really slow
aronharde28 October 2023
A young couple with a child try to settle in after moving in their new apartment, but after some time the wife (Joanna) is haunted by paranormal activities. Her husband (Jeff) doesn't believe her and at some point she finds an old journal from a woman that lived in the same apartment before. The journal reveals that the woman's husband was abusive and that she wanted to escape. The movie is really slow and the general premise was really generic. You have Joanna that sees an hears things and you have the overworked Jeff that is annoyed and won't believe her. While reading the journal Joanna starts seeing the same things that the other woman depicted in her writings. In the final act the movie has its climax as expected and picks up some pace but in general there is nothing redeeming about this movie that makes it stand out. It's slow and forgettable and similar things have been done before. [4,1/10]
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Not entirely bad, just unoriginal.
becky-9234624 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Sublet (2015) follows Joanna, a mother coping with her baby alone in a seemingly haunted sublet apartment whilst her husband neglects her to focus on his career. The film had a lot of potential, and was interesting in a lot of parts, it certainly succeeded at being psychological. However, the last half was a let down.

The movie managed to set the characters up very well, and the acting was fairly decent but nothing too special. I noticed a few slip-ups too unfortunately. The characters were somewhat well written though and enough to keep me intrigued by them!

Visually, this movie was quite good! There were some pretty nice colour palettes. The sets designs were good also and very eerie! I liked the gore because it really caught me off guard, and it looked well too, enough to make me cringe at points.

The score was overbearing at times, and I found myself constantly having to switch the volume up and down. However, some parts of the sound design were good, and added to the ominous tone and atmosphere that the film was trying to portray.

The film was very good at the psychological aspects as it was confusing and mind-bending with some very cool twists and turns that I genuinely didn't expect. The reveal of Alex's dead body near the end was subtle and provided some pay off for the psychological tension. These psychological aspects reminded me of the short story The Yellow Wallpaper and I really liked this!

Unfortunately, not much else was pieced together by the end. The pacing was slow, and I did like the narrative of it being split up into weeks. The movie as a whole wasn't always engaging as it just lacked originality, and things only really started happening 20 minutes from the end. All through the film I was expecting a twist at the end, but the payoff wasn't satisfactory. It didn't explain much at all, but the movie wasn't smart enough to pull this off so it just ended up leaving too many plot holes.
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Familiar horror story, but well executed.
parry_na17 April 2021
You've probably seen film like this before; I know I have. However, if you're in the mood for a haunted house-type horror, we could both do a lot worse!

The acting is excellent, the scares are carefully piled up, the characters are flawed but appealing - even the caterwauling child is a genuine cutie. When the relationship deteriorates between the couple, it's actually effective because as the audience, we are made to care about them both. Tianna Nori and Mark Matechuk are believable as Joanna and Jeff, both imperfect, but both likeable. There's not a bad performance on show, but this story certainly belongs to the couple.

Possibly as the end credits roll, you'll be struck how this fails to break any new ground, but events are unravelled so expertly, you'll have enjoyed the ride anyway. My score is 8 out of 10.
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it's an awesome movie
prakashgupta29 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have the felling of sinister movie while watching this one. Everything in good in this movie. You will not see any ghost but you we it's its full impact. The main centre of the movie is the girl because everything thing is happening with her and her behaviour is changing day by day. It's an mixed emotional movie which will keep to sit from the starting to the end.
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Harrowing experience....
juanmuscle22 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It starts off really sweet and it gets only sweeter but dark! I get the same feeling from reading Dostoevsky, I have read his famous novel and felt this gathering choking feeling and it was awful all the way through, and this parallels that same feeling! And although it does feel appalling or ghastly , this has a terrific ending which explains everything and puts it all together nicely , I have never watched something with an antagonist as a ghost and it made sense like this one, perhaps I have but not that I can recall it's been a long long long time, maybe M. Night S , ghost flic which had a good explanation in the end or the one with Nicole Kidman when she was a creepy ghost with some kids! Lol but that out of the way, I cannot believe how good of a job they put this together without having a huge production behind it. I say that not knowing what went into it because it looks like not your typical B movie, not at all! With a few directing clever maneuvering but without making it obvious, (and which I enjoyed because I don't really need to see a snuff film) I'm here more for the writing and this delivered one hundred percent! Thank you , this was a terrific Indie masterpiece , not that I can stand to see it again because like I said both the harrowing and choking sensations, but otherwise , as a terrific write , it was wonderful, very very smart! Loved it, would love to see more from this person , I actually came here first before watching her new one "The Retreat" because I watched five minutes of that and found myself looking for the person who wrote it, and I found this one online so I watched it first, very very very nice job!
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