Ballers (TV Series 2015–2019) Poster


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Pretty Good!
Rob133128 September 2022
I really enjoyed Ballers as it was such a fun show and I already miss it! The Rock and Rob Corddry lead an excellent cast with a lot of amazing cameos throughout the series! It's about a former superstar football player named Spencer Strasmore (The Rock) who becomes a financial advisor/manager to other NFL players. Along with his partner Joe (Rob Corddry) they become very successful and start their own company in Miami. Even though Joe warns him not to he becomes much more than just an financial advisor to his players and helps them with their lives and all the problems they get into to. It's a lot like Entourage and even though it wasn't quite as good as that it's still absolutely worth watching!
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Really enjoyed this show!
Supermanfan-1314 December 2020
Ballers is better than what the mixed reviews would have you believe. It's a very watchable series about the world athletes live in and the agents, financial advisors and other professionals who help them get through it. The best thing about this series is the strong cast and writing. Dwayne Johnson and Rob Cordrry have great chemistry together as the leads. There are also plenty of big name cameos that pop up all the time. The music is also top notch, bringing even more excitement to each episode. This is a very easy watch with the perfect amount of drama and comedy for a show like this. If you're looking for a new series to binge then give this a try.
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Great first couple of season BUT
jamestkelly-932661 July 2020
I wanted to like the show right off the start. I dam into the show a little late but thanks to being able binge watching, I got catch up in no time. First couple of seasons were great. Just enough drama mixed with some real funny moments. During season 3, they mixed in some social justice issues. Played well, but you knew what was coming in season four. Full court press of Hollywood liberal BS. Season 5 is terrible. The time lines between seasons 1-3 are fine but between season 4-5 aren't explained. Season 5 is only 8 episodes long and they skimmed over some character issues, dived into areas than made no sense. Wrapped up some items forgot about others.
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I liked this show but...
lonelornfr-103-74362522 November 2019
So i watched all 5 seasons of Ballers, and i really liked this show but... it's also a show that doesn't know what it wants to be.

It started as a comedy, and it was good but at some point it became much more serious and darker.

I don't mind that they wanted to tackle some more serious issues, but i think they lost a lot of their audience at that point because that's not most people were watching the show.

Also, i really don't like how so much happens off the screen between seasons. I like it more when a new season starts when the last one ended, or it's like you've missed a bunch of episodes.
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Quite enjoyable even for Non-Sports fan
UniqueParticle26 August 2019
Glad Ballers is back I don't mind so much of it! Also Rob Corddry is one of my favorite comedic actors for many great movies! The business aspects are very good and done so well; I understand why it's been nominated a few times. It's cool that it's been going strong for a while that's good for everyone involved and to whom enjoy it!
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It's pretty good actually and VERY realistic !
sergio-kreeft20 July 2015
I really enjoy this series, i truly do ! Why ? Not because i want in-depth scripts and complex personalities and such but genuine laid-back real-life drama. A TV series that you can get into from the first episode and by the end you know what's up. No need to watch the first 5 episodes before it all starts making sense. It's realistic and therefore it appeals to a lot of people even though most people haven't lived that sort of life or know celebrities for that matter. We know enough through the tabloids, TV, news, internet, etc etc. to know how some people can't carry the weight of success and they end up on the wrong side of history. We've seen many examples and of course we have also seen people that handle it pretty well too.

Whether they are athletes, actors or singers or whatever, they are all subjected to all sorts of seductions, schemes, paparazzi, and of course freeloading people around them. In that respect the series is very realistic. It is of course laced with predictable outcomes by that's all fine as they still make it all very enjoyable and easy to watch.

The actors they picked are very good for the roles they play so i don't see the negativism that some people have. Maybe they expected Grammy award plots, i don't know ...

It's just great entertainment, beautiful people & cars, good music, tight dresses and tailored suits and no psychic bloating.

My only point of criticism is that each episode is too short. It should be twice as long (50 instead of just 25 minutes).
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Great Show
offsmith13 January 2018
Great show with some great dialogue and characters. The show is entertaining from start to finish. Character relationships and dialogue are hilarious at times while still maintaining the seriousness with one another.

The continually growing plot and development of all the characters keeps you invested and wanting to watch more. Cameos from big stars and athletes is a bonus for the show.

I recommend this show to anyone.
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Fell off a cliff
MAYESY-4426 May 2020
I thought the first 2/3 seasons were really good, a fun show and something different to watch. I love Dwayne Johnson and watch most things he is in but I do think this lost its way in the last couple of seasons and I was disappointed with the end. Worth a watch though if you have nothing else to get stuck into.
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It's a Good Show Worth Watching & Love The Actors
aaronrseahawks25 June 2015
This is a show that deserves at least a 7.5 - 8.0. There's no show out there like it really right now. The actors are good, im not just talking about Dwayne Johnson but everyone else. They just go good with this show & what its about.

I like shows like The League & I do like football so this does interest me but I do truthfully think even if you're not totally into football you would still like this for what it has to offer. It does obviously take a certain taste but its pretty common comedy so a lot would like it. Its not amazing or a Must Watch!!! but its worth it in my opinion. They cancelled a show that I did like the pilot of which was The Rebels which is also about football & its funny. It's good to see another one come along & hopefully it can remain around.
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Political agenda
unionjack31-110 October 2018
Loved the show until season 4. The writers political agenda Is so obvious it sickens me.So I deleted the series and won't watch it again
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Phone Calls
sjack1911310 September 2019
The show is just ok. It should be renamed "phone calls," because literally 80% of the show is the main characters talking on the phone or Skype. Took me four seasons to realize that.
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Excellent Show!
tremice5 August 2015
This is show is a fast-paced romp that clearly draws from it's Entourage roots both in styling and format. While it may not be ground-breaking TV it is extremely enjoyable with Dwayne Johnson being a superb choice for the lead. The supporting cast is also well chosen with strong performances by John David Washington, Omar Benson Miller and Donovan W. Carter II. Really, the show is very well cast all around. While it will be interesting to see how all the characters evolve, I'm particularly curious to see how Dwayne's character develops and understand what motivates his financial choices. For the complainers, lets try and remember this is entertainment, not nuclear fission. I personally look forward to watching this show evolve and mature over time.
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Great show
otnememento-21 August 2020
If you like sport movies this is a must see. Don't get me wrong, this is not any given Sunday and there are no scenes involving matches or actual sport but it delivers in show the inner world of sports. Redemption, ambition and loyalship are some of the topics developed here. Johnson deserves credit because he does not lower the level of acting compared to the rest of the casting. It can't be easy to change from wrestling to acting. The acting in general is pretty good, especially Andy Garcia and Washington. This guy is a really good actor. taking into account his father is one of the best actors ever it is admirable to make you forget about it. The dialogues are pretty good too and it is really entertaining. If you are looking for something new and fresh to watch give it a chance.
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The first two seasons were good. The last two were barely watchable.
whosurpopi17 October 2018
The first two seasons were good. The last two were barely watchable. The racist stuff gets old also.
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Didn't think I'd like it...but I do!
angelsmit8 December 2021
If you push through the first couple of episode this becomes an amazing show. Funny. Easy. Entertaining.

The Rock really stole my heart.

All the characters were so real, so human.
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When I get sad after an episode ends, it's gotta be good!
wingman111123 August 2016
I must admit being from the UK I know nothing about American Football accept for the fact that it'd be better game if the players wore less padding! However that being said I love this series. It's injected with some great dry humor, realistic sets and locations, sharp colorful photography, great scripts, and I must say top class and very fluid acting. It seems the actors are actually having some fun with their roles and have been given an element of freedom to develop their characters. I'd like to think Ballers is a realistic insight into the world of American Football but to be honest I don't know, and I'm not sure I even care. What matters is Ballers works for me, is believable and in a nutshell makes for great entertainment and is a pleasure to watch each week!
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Good show
dannyolivercampbell23 June 2015
I honestly think this is a good show. I know it's on HBO and shows like True Detective and Game of Thrones have writing, directing and acting that are all on point and set at such a high level. So everyone expects almost perfection from an HBO show. Let me just say that this show is a good show and better than most shows on the air right now. It's not quite on the level of production as the best HBO shows. But I would say it's a higher quality show than Entourage, which was also an HBO show.

The driving force of the show is Dwayne Johnson. And it seems like he was always just out of reach of greatness and his true potential. But he gives a strong performance in this show. Probably the best acting he has done. Although he gave good performances in Pain and Gain, and Snitch (even if the movies themselves weren't the best). Some of his other roles have been just okay or decent. But he definitely is in a new level of acting for this role.

It's a good mix of drama and comedy. I really like the intensely serious shows on HBO, but it's nice to have something a little lighter, but not be a joke either. It has a good balance. This show does feel more like a showtime or starz show than HBO. But I'm not going to deduct points from it just because it's on HBO instead of another channel. It's a good show, regardless of where or how I watch it.
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Underrated Show
emailcebrin9 October 2019
The cast is spectacular, and the show delivers. Is it campy? Yes. That doesn't stop it from great character development, and a well delivered story line. It's not Breaking Bad. It's not the Sopranos. It's just a solid series. As much as you'd naturally want to dismiss it, it's actually a really consistently good show.
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Politics ruined season 4
lanna-sousa22 May 2020
For those who love the show and watch it since episode number 1, getting to season 4 and seeing everything changed is a big surprise.

For three seasons you won't see anything about politics. But on season 4, out of no where, the plot brings strong statements about feminism, racism, political views and etc. Don't get me wrong, I like political shows and the visibility they bring to important conversations. BUT the way season 4 approached those subjects was too forced and out of nowhere. Politics had never been the point of the show, and from that point on it became the center of the plot.

Besides that, I hate how unbalanced the show was, not portraing a single good Republican or a strong conservative figure.

Just pushing too much the bar for nothing at all.
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Would like to see more investment into this show
laaren1126 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like football, but I really like this show. I just finished watching Season 3, and wish there were more than 10 episodes. I like Dwayne Johnson's movies, but I really like seeing him in something that calls for more depth of character. I was pulled into Season 1 right away by the storylines and the characters. I really enjoy having a behind the scenes look at the business side of football and the personal lives of the players on and off the field. I do have my criticisms as well, thus the headline. I think story and acting are awesome. The writing has been criticized as having too many cliches and stereotypes. In Season 3 I definitely caught some mistakes - the financial numbers of the characters' business deals didn't seem to add up from episode to episode, and the storylines about medical issues were really lacking. I caught some mistakes in how the actors said their lines more than once (if that was intentional it didn't work for me), and sometimes the scenes just seemed rushed, could have been edited better, or something. Also, there are comedic elements, but should it really be classified as a comedy? Whatever would make it better - consultants, better continuity, increased budget, more time, I would really like to see the quality increased and more episodes in future seasons. Despite my criticisms, I definitely want to see more seasons!
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Cancel it already
greatone_iw14 December 2018
Show was good in couple of first seasons but writers should know that the propaganda wont work in 2019. It's not 50s. Such a waste of so many talents. Please don't make nothing about the flag, its just stupid, if you know what I mean..
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A damn good show
jahmeljones5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to watch this show for years and I sat down and watched every episode in 6 days. Dwayne Johnson was pretty terrific in this show and leads a great cast. Rob Corddry redeemed himself for me after not really liking him in Hot Tub Time Machine.

John David Washington was very good in this series as Ricky Jarret. His character's journey from beginning to end of the series was one of the things that I was most interested in at times not meaning every part of each episode was boring.

I will say that the show could have been better off ending after its 3rd season because I will say that the show does take a slight downfall but is able to bring itself back up in its final season with the whole gaming storyline.

The show's fourth season is one that I will say I enjoyed the least out of them all due to it feeling like what are they gonna do now after the character were all set on certain paths in the 3rd season finale. That don't mean you can't enjoy the 4th season for yourself.
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More dragging politics into everything
kingmbj25 September 2018
Political crap has taken over this show like most sports in general these days....and this is from a black man. Not a fan of that mess. No man can fix or political part can fix mankind problems, only god and his kingdom can
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Was good now trash!!!!!
honestguyreviews24 September 2018
This show was good in the first couple of seasons but now it is an endless cycle of trash. I used to love it when this show came on as it was like entourage where you see some celebrities mixed in with some humor so it was great but now it went to total trash. I understand that Rashard Mendhenhall writes this but come on after last night making it so political I had to get this off my chest. Also the term "Ballers" is referenced more for people who succeed and this show is a consistent bunch of losers who keep losing which is super annoying. Call it "Former Ballers". How much trial and tribulation of ongoing crap can Spencer take? This show has gone to crap.
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Killer show.
tonydylan-765889 October 2020
Dig the tunes! Just wish the show was longer than 30mins an episode.
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