He Never Died (2015) Poster


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I think everyone wanted to be this guy at some point..
rushknight9 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One of the reviewers mentioned that this movie is the best portrayal of immortality he's ever seen. I must really concur, this was not a great movie, but it was interesting. And that's what really makes a good movie.

Our hero is an immortal being. Think vampire, then put that idea out of your head. He's worse. Completely unkillable and jaded to the point of blindness, this character has lived long enough to see it all and become so bored with existence that he figures he might as well not exist. And therein lies the interesting part. Henry Rollins plays the part well. He is stone-faced, wooden and cold (which is appropriate for the part) throughout most of the film. Just the sort of behavior you'd expect from someone who is so completely bored with his life that he is utterly uncaring about everything around him. Top that off with his superhuman qualities and you get a figure that simply demands impromptu action.

And of course, you get to see him in action. Action that he doesn't really want, but is willing to deal with. His handling of it is entertaining to say the least. Very enjoyable indeed, the scenes are played through very well and in a manner that seems both real and also a little humorous.

Since the film is entirely character driven, the writers know that in order to make the movie good, they have to make their viewers identify with the protagonist. And they do. The ancient man grapples with barely a shred of the common human needs that normal people deal with, and we see him as a stark contrast. It illuminates our human side, makes our own behavior and feelings that much more real. And even gives us a sort of sympathy for him. We want him to "come around" so to speak. Reawaken the spark of life that we all find so critical.

Devoid of most computer enhanced special effects, this movie relies on good old fashioned blood splatter and fire for the action. It has the distinct air of an old man dealing with an old problem. This is a strength in my opinion. It makes the movie seem much more real.

If there is any weakness, it would have to be towards the ending. Things change up a bit in the protagonist's character that I found somewhat confusing. Essentially, a moral is inserted. And whenever that happens in a film you always bring out the cynicism in viewers who sometimes decide that they "disagree" with it.

I give it a 7 out of 10. Much more entertaining than I expected it to be.
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"A vagina is a like a coupon-book for alcohol" (dialog)
A_Different_Drummer21 December 2015
And, the really amazing thing, is that the above line of dialog was just a throw-away, not even something important enough to build a scene around. That's the kind of movie this is.

Reviewers Notes:

1. The first legitimate successor to the quirky Canadian horror flick, Ginger Snaps, which is doubly ironic because the two "official" sequels to that film were OMIGAWD terrible.

2. Completely insane and unpredictable yet strangely charming. By coincidence, this reviewer just finished a review of Quentin Tarantino's THE HATEFUL EIGHT and, in said review, pointed out how far QT has strayed from the charm and sly humor which demarked his earlier films. This strange little film could almost pass for an early work of QT, that is how offbeat it is.

3. Henry Rollins is great, almost re-defines the "man with no name" anti-hero persona first created by Clint Eastwood in the 60s. He does not say much, he just wants to be left alone, women initially are torn between wanting to date him and/or calling a cop, picking a fight with him is INVARIABLY A REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA, and his mono-syllabic responses to every question walk the fine line between autism and efficiency.

4. Engaging, charming, and generally a fun ride. Deserves a cult following.

((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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It's as hardcore as the man who stars in it.
subxerogravity22 December 2015
He Never Died picked the perfect man to star in this movie. I don't know if Henry Rollins was the filmmaker's choice for the role or the role just fits him like a tailored suit, but it feels so Rollins.

It's a low budget movie about monsters and demons done well. The filmmakers did a lot with what little they had. No huge special visual effects or making up. Usual when movies are unable to fit that into the budget it makes the whole thing cheesy but they came up with an excellent story plot that makes up for it. Plus, the tone the movie was laid out in adds depth (and some cool violent scenes) that takes the place of monster effects as well.

The technical film making does not look cheap like I was expecting for a movie in this caliber. It was a stellar production.

A stellar production that relied greatly on the wonderful acting being done, especially by Rollins himself. An easy task possibly, as it seems he's playing a man he can relate to on a level.

I saw Rollins star in the sequel to Wrong Turn and just like that movie, he was the best part of the experience, but unlike Wrong turn 2, He Never Died has more than Rollins going for it.
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Has Potential of Cult-Movie
claudio_carvalho4 November 2018
The secluded anti-social Jack (Henry Rollins) spends most of the time at home sleeping and watching television. Every now and then he meets the hospital intern Jeremy (Booboo Stewart) to buy blood; he goes to the nearby diner where he is attended by the waitress Cara (Kate Greenhouse) that likes him; and he plays bingo in the local church. Out of the blue, he receives a phone call from his former girlfriend that asks him to meet their daughter Andrea (Jordan Todosey) in a bar. He brings Andrea home, breaking his routine and turning his life upside-down. When she is abducted by a local mafia, Jack is forced to unleash his latent violence.

"He Never Died" is a strange movie that has potential of cult-movie. The dark humor is excellent and Henry Rollins has top-notch performance in the role of a weird cannibal creature that never dies. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Ele Nunca Morre" ("He Never Dies")
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Human Echoes Review: He Never Died is Seriously Kick Ass
hepodcast14 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The last movie I saw at Mile High Horror Film Festival was easily one of the best. He Never Died is a story about a man outside of his own time. An immortal tough guy / bingo enthusiast named Jack (Henry Rollins) is targeted by goons after helping a friend escape an attempted debt collection. If you've seen the trailer, you know that this really doesn't go well for the bad guys.

Jack is a complete social outcast. He follows a routine every day. He eats at the same diner, he walks, he plays bingo and when forced to talk he tries to be as vague as possible. He's completely walled off, and only the efforts of his until-recently estranged teenage daughter and the waitress of his favorite restaurant can get anything out of him.

At its core, the movie is a brutally violent look into a small slice of an unending life. The isolation and loneliness are palpable. Jack tries to blend in and go unnoticed, avoiding all connection when he can since it will inevitably end in pain. More than that, he seems to be the magnet that attracts suffering to those around him.

We follow Jack as he weaves a web of destruction through bad men and the good people in his own life. At times he seems to be completely without empathy. He is selfish, but in an effort to keep those that he would hurt away.

Despite the dark nature of this film, it is quite funny. Moments of levity are sprinkled in with violence and it helps to keep you engaged. There were many times when the theater erupted into laughter, only to be silenced moments later in reaction to the bodily horrors being witnessed. The actual horror comes from the damage inflicted by Jack, but also the damage he takes. At one point you see him performing surgery on himself in full gory detail. The effects are perfect and deliciously disgusting.

This movie stood apart on a weekend filled with revenge flicks and grotesque examples of human nature. Henry Rollins's performance was a clinic on cold anger and silent frustration. His reactions showed a boiling desperation that occasionally overflowed into furious violence. He made a character that could easily be wooden or unlikable into one of the best featured in the entire MHHFF.

I would highly recommend He Never Died to any horror fan. It's not a movie to scare you, but the action is very well done and Steven Ogg (GTA V, Better Call Saul) is a great bad guy. Rumor has it that this will end up being a series of movies. I really hope so, I'd love to spend a few more hours in Jack's world. Lord knows he'll be spending quite a few more hours in mine.

For more reviews like this go to humanechoes.com
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A bit of gruesomeness. A bit of humor. And this set in an original storyline. A surprising discovery at the end of the year.
peterp-450-29871629 December 2015
"My landlord thought I was robbing my own apartment. Really? Isn't your landlord, like, 90 years old?"

A brilliant, original horror. That's what you might say after watching "He never died". A subtle mix of sometimes gory images and clever humor. And this shown in an even surprising way by Henry Rollins, the former front-man of the legendary punk band "Black flag". A bundle of muscles who already surprised in the past with his poetry. And now he shows that he's also capable to take a leading role for his account. His stoic calmness and indifference create hilarious situations several times. And the story on his own is contrived in such an original way. I watched with amazement and after a while I was wondering what the hell it was about anyway. Did it have something to do with vampires? Was Jack a solitary zombie (due to his grayish look) who attempts to remain anonymous? And what about those demonic and satanic sounds he sometimes makes?

Jack (Henry Rollins) seems depressed and drags on through life as a worn out man. The only things he does to fill his days is sleep, eat something in the same small restaurant and occasionally play bingo among the elderly. Waitress Cara (Kate Greenhouse) tries to change Jack's fatalistic attitude. But she isn't really successful in doing that. Jack clearly isn't enthusiastic about her flirting. Most of the time a quiet, nondescript look is his answer to it and then he turns his back on her without blinking. Also, his daughter Andrea (Jordan Todosey), who appeared out of nowhere, can't break down this erected wall of aloofness. It's obvious Jack isn't an ordinary, average citizen. The title of the film, of course, reveals much and isn't really a spoiler. Apparently Jack is immortal and needs his dose of blood on a regular base. When his blood supplier Jeremy (Booboo Stewart) (an intern who works in a hospital, I suppose) runs into trouble with a local gang of criminals, he's no longer able to provide Jack with the much needed blood. After his daughter is being kidnapped, all hell breaks loose with the obvious casualties. Except Jack, of course ...

Rollins is a performer and this movie was the appropriate stage for him. His imperturbable gaze and brute force gave him a Schwarzenegger-like appearance. The limited conversations with brief, evasive answers contributed to the overall tone of this absurd film. A fatal head injury made such an impression on him as a tiny splinter in his finger. Unmoved he uses pliers to treat the injuries. At that time I wondered whether it was meant humorously or creepy. He's an emotionless bloke who storms through a decaying society like a bulldozer, full of rage and aggressiveness. At first Jack seems to be a dull figure, but when his true identity is revealed in the end, his way of reacting and his world-weariness is justified.

I'm afraid that "He never died" will only appeal to a limited audience . And I belong to that limited audience. I appreciate such an absurd horror filled with brutal violence and a special storyline once and a while. The subtle humor was enjoyable. And above all, they made sure it didn't become a parody. "He never died" exceeds all horror-comedy up to now. And probably until eternity ...
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Great B-movie with amazing lead performance
kosmasp3 June 2016
If you didn't know Henry Rollins before this, you will know him after you watch this. Of course your enjoyment of the movie is not a given. You have to have a heart for low budget movies and movies that might therefor have a flaw or two from the get-go. But if you're willing to take this ride, then the story and all its tweaks and surprises (if you haven't spoiled it for yourself by reading too much about it) will more than entertain you.

The title of course is a bit of a giveaway, though we don't exactly know why. The appearance of a character remains mysterious too, as many other aspects. But fear not, most will be revealed by the end of the movie. Also the role of that said character. Sometimes it's clearer than you think. Good action, nice ideas
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he never had reason to exist
aggeloikonomou5 June 2019
2 only because i laughed a little.many things happened but nothing happened,extremely boring and filled with the same scenes,no characters u took seriously,directing was just bad.it was funny how noone reacted logically to him being immortal tho.and his acting.wannabe edgy and interesting,lacked in everything.
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Undeserved low rating
hurricane_san3 May 2016
Netflix has predicted I would like this movie. Because of all the awful reviews I found I've waited for months until I finally played it. I'm here to offset the score a bit.

This dark anti-hero tale has been interesting from the beginning to the end. I found it consistent, unpredictable and well acted. As violent as it can be, I curiously found it subtle on some layers. Reminiscing, I don't remember many special effects which means, in my humble opinion, they were used with measure and when appropriate.

If you can watch a movie without something cheaply exiting or exploding at the screen every few minutes and without every detail spoon-fed you may want to see this one.

I will definitively recommend it around.
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Generally Pretty Good
gavin694214 October 2016
Jack (Henry Rollins) has developed a routine for his life that he sticks to in order to avoid giving into the impulse to engage in cannibalism. He stays away from society other than regular trips to a local diner, bingo games, and to the hospital, where he purchases blood from a hospital intern, Jeremy (Booboo Stewart).

Although there is a little bit of some bad acting (especially characters in the first 10 minutes), this seems to clear up. Rollins is a dominating force, which is no surprise. He has always been great at commanding attention, and this is a character that is well-suited for him.

I am confused about this being listed as a comedy. Some reviewers even say it is "laugh out loud funny", but I just didn't see it. There are some moments of dark humor, but as a whole it really doesn't play as a comedy and I think it would be better if they didn't suggest that it was. Let the film speak for itself.

Most disappointing is how the film is essentially a pilot for a miniseries. I love the characters, love the Biblical themes they were going for, but it was clear this movie was not scripted to be wrapped up in one movie. If the miniseries were to fall through, the movie would suffer as a result. I see that as a shortcoming, though it is one that could yet be rectified.
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Idk were all the great reviews came from. It's ok no more
kianpeterson19 October 2019
This movie is barely okay. No offense but I guess to a mouth breather that doesn't think l, a Neanderthal type person will live this movie. But it's pretty dull, unrealistic, no suspense , no brain required
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First depiction of immortality that I have ever found believable.
microwhatever24 December 2015
I feel that so many people missed the point of this movie. To explain any more of his character or the world he lives in would simply dumb down the story and remove the mystery that makes this story so haunting. This movie depicts an immortal being that is totally detached from humanity. How could any person alive for 1000's of years still care about petty bullshit and after 1000's of years how wouldn't everything become petty bullshit. Henry Rollins has hilarious dead pan delivery that is funny without betraying his characters apathetic nature. This is brought across even in the action sequences which make them even more gripping and realistic.
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different than your usual (anti)hero movie
billdebil-258432 January 2016
I admit, I like different. And the movie is not like the average super-abilities (anti)hero stuff you can see. It's like a weird bridge between Jim Jarmush style and typical superhero movies. (although it almost completely lacks soundtrack in comparison) And Henry Rollins fits into that perfectly. With just few words he can create a character deep and interesting. Other actors don't fall far behind as well. Booboo Stewart, Jordan Todosey and Kate Greenhouse show they got what it takes. to sum it up: it even doesn't matter that it's not quite accurate (quite far from to be honest) to the mythology it's based on. Somehow they make it work.
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slow out of camera action movie
the_real_smile25 April 2020
This movie is 1h37 min. It appears they only had material for 25 minutes and filled the rest with some suspense and talking. Most action is, unfortunately, out of camera. The acting of the main character is comparable with a wooden door. Background information on the main character is very minimal. And last, but not least, the main character repels women, yet he seems to get the attraction of the most beautiful. Worth a look if you're interested, otherwise, you miss nothing.
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A unique, somewhat thought-provoking action film
EitoMan26 March 2016
This film is about a man who is basically immortal and who has lived for thousands of years. There a number of other films/TV shows that have used this plot devise including Star Trek and somewhat more relevant to this film, The Man From Earth (TMFE).

Whereas TMFE was much more intellectual and performed more like a play, this film puts the protagonist in an urban setting in order to facilitate it's action-film tropes. TMFE compels the audience to contemplate the ramifications of human immortality; He Never Died doesn't engage in that exercise, choosing instead to focus almost solely on violent action sequences.

He Never Died straddles a fine line between an art-film and an action movie, and for the most part succeeds. There are specific scenes directly inspired by The Terminator; it is clear that the director was aiming for a more visceral film with some heady elements as opposed to a heady film with some token conflict. Most of the credit goes to leads, including Rollins who (as normal) gives a physical performance and is not required to emote. Kate Greenhouse (Cara) is the emotional center of the film and does a great job portraying an empathetic character.

The film has a smart script and is competently directed. It's a really good "nerd" film in that it is smart enough to make you think but with enough violence and action to make it appealing to viewers who respond to super-hero films.
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Brilliantly Acted Indie
t-dooley-69-38691630 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Jack seem like a loser but we find out early on that he is a man with a past... a very long past indeed, the sort that mere mortals don't have. He has an intern Jeremy (played by the wonderfully named Booboo Stewart) who makes regular supplies visits and to the outside world Jack fritters away his time between visits to the diner and the occasional game of bingo.

Then his daughter turns up – this is a daughter he had no idea he had and all of a sudden things start to happen, but not in the way that you would think as hit men and a legion of nasty types soon emerge from their hiding places and they all want a piece of Jack.

Now Jack is played by Henry Rollins of the Henry Rollins Band fame (saw him at Reading Festival in 94) and what at first seems to be a performance based on lack of interest soon transpires to be perfect for the character that he is portraying. There is strong support across the field here too especially so in Steven Ogg and Kate Greenhouse who both turn in creditworthy performances. This does not have an indie feel except if you are being harsh – I spotted a couple of continuity slips and one sound scene where the levels varied. However, by the end I was so impressed that I did not let those minor glitches affect what is actually a ruddy good film.
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Low budget graphic novel style movie that is actually quite engaging
KineticSeoul3 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this movie was like watching a low budget straight to DVD and Netflix movie that is actually quite fun. What made this movie work for the most part is how it graphs the graphic novel style elements quite well. Well at least with the budget it had, although the action scenes is actually quite sloppy and has been done better in cheap youtube videos. The story and comedic direction was pretty well done, despite the editing being somewhat poor at times. This would have even made a fairly decent TV show if they wanted to extend the story. But I guess, it's better they compacted most of it into a single movie while leaving certain things unanswered. Yeah, certain things aren't really explained and leaves it up for the audiences imagination. This can be a hit or a miss for certain movies, but it didn't take away or add anything to this one by leaving certain things a mystery. The less you know about this movie the better, because the mystery about what exactly is going on is what kept me focused most of the way through. Henry Rollins put on quite a decent performance as a jaded, lonesome guy that keeps a lot to him self and is very awkward in social settings. And learning about why he is the way he is, is what keeps things interesting. Overall, I enjoyed this simple low budget flick.

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A story of immortality that makes me wish I was dead......
s327616923 January 2019
Its an interesting idea, a story of immortality but its horribly slow pacing and bleakly nihilistic overtones are so over baked, after twenty or so minutes, you genuinely wish you were dead.

I know there are some pretentious types who are going to bang on about it being clever and subtle, well no, its just painfully dull and as meaningless as a life that never ends, which in reality means its never really lived.

Amazed that so much awful rubbish gets made into TV and cinema. 2/10 from me and only because its not the actors fault this is such utterly pointless crap.
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Worth watching more than once!
doug-858-46059923 March 2016
Wife and I were cruising NetFlix for a B-Movie to watch and ended up turning on this sleeper. I mean sleeper in a good way.

Honest, if you like a movie that mixes up comedy, horror and drama with an expert casting of characters, you need to watch this one.

The casting of Henry Rollins is only second to his performance. With perfect timing, Henry delivers line after line without breaking character even to blink. He just went up several notches in my "fav"actor category because of this movie.

Add to it a well picked supporting cast, well thought out the script, great pacing and just the right touch of effects, we have a winner that should have been in the theaters. Honest, it could have been well received by a mature audience looking for something with more than just empty violence and snarky comebacks.

Want something to watch that will make you think, wonder, then nod when the reveal comes up? Watch this movie. It will not disappoint.
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Quirky, low-key, strangely charming indie horror comedy
hamish-2585114 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Odd wee film, quite low key, clearly tight on budget. Henry Rollins anchors the whole thing rather well as the main character, a slightly dishevelled man named Jack.

Jack lives a very quiet life. Keeps to himself, doesn't like company. He sleeps a lot, goes to a diner regularly, walks the streets of an urban area somewhere in the United States, and for some odd reason he likes to pop in to his local church. Oh, and he meets an intern wearing scrubs semi-regularly and purchases well-wrapped parcels out of the intern's car boot. He's a man of very few words.

Everything is quiet - the way Jack likes it - until a young woman comes looking for him. Shortly after her, a couple of young men come knocking at Jack's door looking for the intern, and then it all goes to hell, for everybody...

It's billed as a comedy horror. It's light on the horror element, the comedy is infrequent, absolutely deadpan, and sometimes hilarious, but where this movie really works is as a depiction of just what it could mean to be immortal. This is set up very clearly in the opening shots via the soundtrack. It's clear that Jack is plagued by memories, but we never see them. The audience only hears them, and has to imagine what could be going on.

It avoids the usual mistakes found in indie films. There's no dead time, no long, moody shots with nobody talking. Scenes get straight to the point. Every shot is tight, with nothing in frame that isn't needed.

Unfortunately that very tight cinematography is the movie's greatest weakness. There basically aren't any wide, scene-setting shots. The locations just don't feel connected to each other. There's never a wider sense of the city itself, or of characters moving from one location to another.

There's also an awful lot of generic going on in this movie. Locations, bad guys, incidental characters... too many of them are cookie-cutter stampouts. If the movie was a bit more specific, a bit more grounded, it'd make much more of an impact.

Very original take on the jaded immortal storyline, though. Watching Jack waking up to the world again is where this really shines.

Good but not great low-key alternative fare.
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A film about nothing
kuarinofu2 June 2018
This could've been a fun sarcastic little short.

Instead it's a pretty long and not particulary interesting movie. Humor is hits and misses, sometimes it almost works. I guess it works better if you are a fan of Supernatural-like shows.

While watching I came up with lots of interesting ideas about the mystery behind the main character. But it turned out to be absolutely random and not connected to anything. You can replace his background story with any random background story because there isn't really any connection, just a set of random scenes edited by a guy with ADHD (all dialogue is edited with like 1,5 sec cuts).

Random scenes happen, some more random scenes happen, we are shown that he cannot die. I guess with a title like this you are expected to be surprised. Then comes the random reveal and the movie just ends. Nothing really happened so I can't even discuss anything in detail. You can't spoil this movie either.

I love trash movies, but this isn't even good trash. I was surprised to see such high ratings, I guess this has a cult following, but I really can't figure out why.
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The perfect role for Rollins
siderite24 December 2015
I am a big fan of Henry Rollins ever since he was rocking on MTV, but in this film he outdid himself. I cannot imagine a more perfect role for him than this grumpy indestructible man who just wants to be left alone... for your sake.

But it isn't only that. The script made me think of many things and very often made me laugh out loud. Maybe I loved the film so much because I identify with the character, but in so many ways it is a deconstructive story, and I always like what makes me question the way things are and makes me think on how they could or even should be.

Rollins doesn't seem to need to act, he just shows up, but look at the films he chose to be in: Feast, Suck and this to top them off. The movie is one of those rare art pieces where you enjoy every part of the story, every line of dialogue and you don't give a rat's ass about special effects or production values. I loved the movie!
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Poor Ending
trashmail-4338720 December 2021
Pretty good and nicely quirky - until the end. The end was pathetic and I ended up feeling like I'd wasted my time.

My review was too short. Okay, so this guy . . and then woah! . . Then bang and pow. There was this thing and then I could hardly believe it! And at the end it was all - are you serious?!
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Multiple Zeroes Ahead
mohamedkarem-9339215 July 2019
The only reason it got a one , is that a ZERO WASNT AN OPTION :)
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Good Despite Its Flaws
redrobin62-321-20731125 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's been a while since I've seen a movie like this. Usually, films set in modern times that represent old characters such as 'O, Brother Where Art Thou' or most vampire films, eschew Biblical characters in favour of fictional ones, not someone from The Book of Genesis like this does. The reason I begin this review with the major spoiler is because other reviews are already revealing who Jack is, so me mentioning this known spoiler is superfluous. What I really want to talk about is the quality of the film.

Henry Rollins as Jack was good. In fact, his acting, as well as the girl who played his daughter and the Marlee Matlin-lookalike waitress, was pretty good. That helped elevate this otherwise non-believable story into the realm of plausibility. I do wish the filmmakers had more money to show us the fighting scenes instead of alluding to it with audio and the aftermath. Still, this device worked on the same level that 'Funny Games' worked - off-screen violence can still have an impact on the viewer.

I liked 'He Never Died'. It only loses points for the bad acting of the secondary characters and the huge hole near the beginning. That's the scene where Jack yanks a mailman out of his truck and follows the goons, who'd kidnapped Jack's friend, to a warehouse. Jack was only about 10 seconds behind those guys, but when we see that, in the warehouse, his friend has already been tied and beaten up, all of that would've had to happen in 10 seconds. The goons were fast but not The Flash-fast. Anyway, I think this movie is worth watching. If you do miss it that's okay, too. It's not a must see film like 'Begotten' but it is a worthwhile little time-waster.
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