What Is a Woman? (2022) Poster

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Those who call it transphobic haven't watched it
omega_work9 June 2022
I was quite surprised to see the level of respect this film had for the subjects, at many points reflecting on the sympathy for children suffering with gender identity.

I think what I appreciated most was that these weren't trick questions, the presenter asked very basic and honest questions - the fact that a univeristy professor was unable to answer simple questions in his own field was very telling. It was a running theme that those who wanted honest discussions were being shut down, lose their careers and even faced imprisonment.

Speaking with an African tribe was also an interesting juxtaposition of societal ideals.

My one criticism is that I wish he had not been able to open the jar of pickles.
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Worth Watching
drael643 June 2022
This documentary is affecting. It starts with emotions of confusion, humor and fascination, and journey's deep into a place of disturbance and despair. It has some mild trolling at the start, but it genuinely gives everyone a chance to speak and doesn't have any dishonest cuts. It handles a topic that's managed to become controversial in maybe the last five years. But it also asks questions, that no matter where you stand we should be asking if we really care about people - are the procedures successful outcomes? Are there lasting after effects or issues? Are we influencing people and in what ways? Do children have a clear sense of self and consent?
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Just watch it.
ranentrudgett3 June 2022
An incredibly important and insightful documentary for our time and surprisingly funny at times.

Highly recommended to anyone who is interested in the topic and wants to learn more about how gender has become politicized including what different people from various fields and communities have to say from both sides of the discussion. 10/10.
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AdrienneGrayceMusic9 June 2022
Its hard to believe that a documentary actually had to be filmed to get this question answered. I'm not usually a documentary fan because most of the time they're usually propaganda bs but this is not that. It asks just a basic question that the "alleged" specialists in the film just could not answer, or avoided answering. Definitely give it a watch so you can get a real life look into all the lunacy such as this.
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An Actual Documentary
jerrycoliver3 June 2022
So, its fairly well produced, it looks good (certainly comparable to other documentaries out there.) All of the technical aspects of the film are in order. Nothing truly stands out as exceptional, but everything is very much professional.

From an approach perspective, it really is more of a documentary than most "documentaries" in that, the main character (Matt Walsh) is asking questions to try and understand the opposing opinion. Most "Documentaries" have a side and then only interview supporting perspectives of the thesis. In this case, Walsh actually interviews the opposing side a lot. For that reason alone, this a more honest documentary. Now, fair-is-fair, I don't like the subject of documentaries to be the documentarian. I believe that would classify it as more journalistic or activist (a-la, Moore or Spurlock.) But it is a common documentary style.

That said, I guess we get into the meat of it and why people love it or hate it. As before mentioned, there is a lot of exchanges with opposing view points, and those view points did not make strong arguments. Did Walsh interview the actual leading experts on the subjects? Maybe, maybe not. They do have considerable credibility, but Walsh himself is by no means an expert in the field, so even if the people he's interviewing are not the leaders, it's not like it's an unfair fight.

I think if you're for or against this subject matter, it's probably a good film to watch. It's always good to know what the opposing arguments are, but for some reason this topic people get very passionate about. From a purely creative standpoint, I think it's great, not exceptional, but if you like documentaries, it's going to be one of the best ones this year.
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hampersnow-413697 June 2022
This movie, which is basically Matt Walsh trying to get a simple answer to the title question is very well done, while also being frightening, upsetting and sickening in proving how far our society has fallen. It's a must watch for parents, but also anyone horrified by what they see and read in the world today. He talks to both sides, right and left, people on the street and even people in Africa, in a segment that really puts this controversial subject in a different light.
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Enjoyable but one-sided
alexischristod8 June 2022
Very enjoyable to watch, but too biased to be called a documentary, and is well designed to support e certain narrative. It cherry picks interviews with stupid or dangerous people in the LGBTQ+ community and well grounded/sophisticated people on the conservative side to present a reality with lunatics vs pragmatists. There are bright minds, like the ones that have helped society move forward the last 100 years, that could provide the real arguments on why gender as a term is a valuable tool in order to study social behaviours and understand ourselves. These bright minds were not presented.
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A missed opportunity
keithbolton24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was so looking forward to seeing this doc, as I had imagined an even handed, serious investigation into a very complex issue.

What we got was a film maker who obviously knew what he believed before he made the film, and went out of his way to slew the interviews and commentary to his own view.

The interviewees he agreed with were obviously given the time and backing to represent their own views. Those who he knew would disagree with were obviously there under false impressions, as can be seen in the confusion on their faces.

What is worse, it embraces falsehood such as the 'fake news' of the pupils identifying as cats. (they didnt. Its old news. Please move on)

The ast 15 minutes shows how seriously he was on the documentary as it was basically a rant which he could probably have filmed before he even started filming this.

This topic needs a serious, baolanced review of this vfery serious topic - this film is not it.

I give it 5 stars for at least starting a process of discussion, but the second hanlf of the film displays what should have been stated at the start. This is a rant by a person who already knows what he believes. This topic needs a balanced, less aggressive approach from someone who hasnt made their mind up in advance.
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What is the Truth?
lanierys7 June 2022
Despite the ruckus and waves this movie has seemingly caused, I think that before one judges it, one should give it a view. Perhaps there's a reason it's caused a fuss.. As with nearly any documentary, the writer does have a side he leans toward; however, that does not mean the information within is invalid. Both sides are interviewed and given a platform to speak "their truth." Both sides were also given a list of questions that would be asked. The difference was the answers given..or not given.

I must encourage a watch. It is a great wealth of information no matter where you fall.
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What a hard question!!
ceqkvejc3 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I never would have thought asking "people of science" a question would lead to such anger and disdain. I've seen videos of scientists reacting to "flat earthers" and this is the exact opposite. No attempt to educate or show the science behind what they say! I can't believe this is actually a something that is up for debate.
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Equal parts hilarious, eye-opening, disturbing and powerful
Christopher_Reid28 June 2022
Matt Walsh is great. In a time of ridiculous ideas and terrible logic, especially in politics, he's consistently a voice of reason. I disagree with him on only a few relatively minor things, but most of the time, he explains himself very clearly, step by step, and with a very dry sense of humour.

Here, he does the right thing in patiently letting us here all the sides to this issue without instantly blurting out his opinions and reasoning. He just listens. He plays dumb, but not rudely. He asks sincere, relevant questions. He plays devil's advocate on both sides.

The interviewees include regular people, experts, academics, authors, professionals of various kinds and even Africans (I think it's a Kenyan tribe). The Africans were hilarious. They have more common sense than most Americans it seems, probably because they have no time for delusion.

Parts of this documentary are disturbing. There is evil in the world. There are insane people. And sometimes insane ideas become massively popular. Mental illness can become celebrated. Speaking common sense or even *questioning* certain ideas can get you labelled all kinds of horrible things. That's how much the movement matters. The truth is the first casualty.

The only thing is, the people who need to see this won't. And even a sharp movie like this can do little against years of indoctrination. In a world where the ability or even motivation to use logic is so rare, you can barely try to convince anyone.

But Walsh is doing a great job. And I learned a lot from this, especially about the underpinning of modern "gender identity" theory. I hope he keeps fighting the good fight.
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Much needed!
sunny_wells3 June 2022
This us one of the best & most needed documentaries right now!! EVERY PARENT needs to watch this documentary! Yea, it pokes a little fun and is funny at times, but this is a very serious issue! The fact that doctors Matt interviews are unable to clearly say, what a woman is, is astounding! I am not a doctor, but I did take basic biology in high school.. a woman is an adult human female with a XX Chromosomal make up! See, easy!
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Very insightful
tiffanyrdow2 June 2022
No matter where you land on the political spectrum, I really recommend giving this a watch.

It's very eye opening about today's culture and some of the things that we may not want to look at.
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As a feminist and as a "leftist" - Thank you!
sewi-kadr1 August 2023
I saw the trailer a couple of times during the year and I never really knew what this documentary was about. It peaked my interest but from the trailer, I thought I would just see an angry, trump loving far right winger who has no interest in finding out the truth but to just ignite frustration and drama.

Boy, was I wrong.

This movie, opened my eyes even more. It did confirm a lot of the thoughts and feelings I have towards this subject and honestly as a feminist, a liberal and a socialist, I agree with him fully.

The documentary was well done but I wish they would've given them more budget because this deserved more. More interviews. Panels, discussions, and personal stories. Plenty of good information but a lot more could've been done.

It deserves 10 stars because it tells the truth.
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Sound but manipulative
maros61231 October 2022
Even though Matt starts asking good questions, makes many valid points, and even manages to come up with witty ways to poke fun at absurd views and statements, the narrative soon enough changes into vehicle of biased, ideological propaganda. Even though I agree that the "woke" approach to gender is insincere, notably dishonest, it does not allow free discussion, it does not correspond with the actual findings of genuine scientific research, and thus is biased as well, the documentary paints the picture that all people willing to accept anything beyond "fox-news" definition of gender, are basically idiots with malignant agenda. Conservative interviewees chosen for the documentary are educated and sound, and those selected to oppose happen to be confused, clueless or completely derranged. Even though I do agree with the message, the way it is communicated is suggestive and manipulative, which does not meet the standard of a honest documentary. I rate it 6/10.
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Not honest and manipulative documentary
khoniafm29 August 2023
I found few interesting moments and few subjects to think deeper during the film, but overal this film is manipulative and have clear direction. The fact that he want a globally accepted definitation for "What is a woman" is also a fail attempt because some enetities are not defineable. Like "what is an art ?" you can not simply find a defination that globally accepted for all cultures. It had a defination in history of art but now we pass this kind of global definations. In contemperary era we seek definitions in individuals. Like "What is a woman for you ?" or "what is an art for you?" instead of "what is a woman" or "what is an art". You need to change your mind Matt.
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Based on reality
usmcakief6 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary. It shines a necessary light on the insanity of the leftist gender ideology. I am a moderate politically, I do not consider myself a hardcore Republican by any means, and I disagree with some conservative beliefs. However, there is no doubting the accuracy and concern that is brought about by this documentary. Not only did I find Walsh hilarious and commend him for keeping a straight face in some of these interviews, but I can only imagine how hostile some of them got, especially at the women's march. Where none of them could define what a woman is. Truly great documentary and I'm glad I watched it. Highly recommend this, especially for confused children.
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Its very interesting. Its not in any way transphobic. The very proof that this is a great film is that if you read the few negative reviews, none of them can define woman eith
shamzin-3512722 June 2022
This was an interesting movie, and I would encourage anyone to see it. If you feel like you would like to criticize this, then at least see it first. Its not pushing anti anyone agenda.

No one anywhere has suggested we force kids to learn that being trans is bad. However, because so many parents are forced to hand their children to a public school, there have to be strict boundaries. No, a parent shouldn't be put in the position of having to fight what their kids are being taught on a daily basis. All parents are free to teach their kids whatever they like. If you want to teach your kids that gender is a spectrum, no one is stopping you. But it must not be done at school. Anyone who doubts that it is being done at school, I suggest you visit "libs of TickTock" who opened my eyes to what my children experienced. So many 1sr grade teachers proudly self affirming at the expense of innocent children, telling them that you were not born a boy or a girl.

Its amazing what nonsense is occurring in our academia, and the negative effects on children are very clear. Since our schools have been run by the Department of Education and the Teachers Union, good teachers have been pushed out, and very ignorant activist teachers, who put no value on actual discipline and learning have been installed. This needs to change. The legislation to keep teachers from talking about explicitly sexual matters in the classroom is just a. Good start. But we need more. We need cameras in schools at the very least. Policemen wear body camers, so there should be no objection to having cameras in schools, so we know what teachers say. They should be unable to hide anything they do to our kids from their parents. Thats only common sense.
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Evoking the word truth
annapearlb2 June 2022
The truth is why this documentary is so important.

Matt Walsh gets asked more than once "why do you care so much?" Truth. Keeping dignity for womanhood while it's being mocked openly is why it's important to care.

Well, done Matt Walsh.
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Well done.
amlykor5 June 2022
At times this documentary is funny, sad and infuriating. Asking a simple question, "What is a woman?" is beyond impossible for the "experts" to answer without destroying their entire ideology. The infuriating part comes with the excuses and non answers they present.

It's incredibly informative and should make any parent sick to their stomach. The eagerness of the doctors in the film to preform surgeries on children can only be described as sadistic. This is a must watch for all parents.

Side note, I find it extremely offensive that a woman is described by people in the film as a feeling or a look. We are not costumes meant to be worn and removed whenever it's convenient.
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A light in the middle of darkness
zensatva-16 June 2022
I'm a big fan of Matt Walsh after seeing him on the Dr. Phil show. He makes his undisputed point across in a very clearly and stable manner.

A must watch!!
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Good but could have done better
edlaxton3 June 2022
On the plus side
  • interviewed a lot of solemn, pious academics who could not give a non-circular answer to the question "what is a woman?"

  • not much investigative zeal; very partisan
  • did not present the evidence from the UK, Swedish, Finnish and French medical regulators who are raising doubts about treating adolescents with puberty blockers and steroids. Lost opportunity to challenge American gender zealots.
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An adult female
sateigdraleah10 July 2022
The fact that we live in a world where a question like this is not only asked but people, especially many women in this documentary, can't seem to be able to answer is mind blowing. Great documentary. The truth sets people free.
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Powerful documentary
bnoodles-459835 June 2023
I've waited a long time to watch this, and finally got to it once it was made free for the weekend. They do such a good job interviewing so many different kinds of people. I was amazed how hard it was to get a simple answer for a simple question. It really opens your eyes about out world. I think that there's a lot of people leaving reviews but haven't actually watched the film. I do appreciate the thorough journalism and investigation with qualified individuals, people that are to really know about this subject. I think Matt Walsh and the team did a great job with this one, I look forward to seeing more of their work.
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The Emperor's New Clothes : Gender ideology
When the dust has settled, and truth once more is valued as the only way to describe reality and a precondition to thrive as a society, then people might look back at this particular period of history as ultimately disturbing and trying to understand how it came to be. Matt Walsh successfully shows how proponents of so-called gender ideology are not able to answer the most simplest of questions, which across history and culture were well understood by experience and common sense: "what is a woman?". It's not that people do not know the answer, it's that they don't want to admit to its truth, but rather cling on to a hopelessly cluttered and contradictory web of self-delusions. And they go to great lengths to terrorize everyone who does not agree with them. And people recognize that and comply, out of fear of being "cancelled". Only very few people won't bow to such terror, and value truth over personal comfort. Matt Walsh is such a person, and so are some of the people he interviews. This documentary does a good job shedding light on the madness and intolerance. What is a woman? Matt's wife knows: "an adult human female"
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