You're Killing Me (2023) Poster

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brionesb27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie overall is a very basic paint-by-the-numbers thriller with mostly entertaining action and fun. What made this a bit lame however is that the main character, Eden, wants so badly to have a congressman to write a letter of recommendation for her so she can get into a particular college, that she keeps pestering his son at school despite being turned down. Nothing really wrong with that right? Eden isn't from a well to do family or filthy rich and wants a small favor, however even after being turned down the first time she keeps pleading & pleading...

She even invites herself to the son's party which is themed devils & angels and even gets her best friend to distract the congressman's son's best friend so she can pester him even more. Sorry, but what an irritating thing to keep doing. Persistence can be a good thing but when you can't take no for an answer, it's a little hard to feel much sympathy for the character once the inevitable chaos ensues.

What winds up happening is that Eden's best friend winds up getting hammered & the congressman's son's best friend finds her passed out in a room and starts taking selfies with her on a phone which has video evidence of a crime they committed and tried to cover up. On top of all that, the idiot friend even accidentally leaves the phone behind which of course leads to the incriminating video to be partially seen.

See what I mean? There are so many little things about the plot & writing that are just so hard to not roll your eyes at. This is the most basic of plots and with a lead character that is hard to root for because she just becomes an annoying pest.

At least the movie is only 90 minute's & doesn't spend too much time patting itself on the back and dragging things out. Overall, when the action happens it is entertaining but the plot just feels a bit contrived. Perhaps if I didn't find Eden to be so annoyingly persistent about getting her letter of recommendation after being told no so many times and going through extreme lengths to get her way, I'd have liked this a lot more. As it stands the movie is ok, but not something I'd recommend unless you are really bored and having nothing better to watch or do.
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Ends better than it begins...
alphamanleo7 July 2023
Just some observations mixed with questions to follow. I don't recognize most of these characters. The lead and her bestie's relationship seem plausible enough. Others however, don't feel like people that exist any place but in a movie. How and why are the antagonists here friends? The sniveling Gooch is completely and stupefyingly inept, getting owned every time by female characters, both enemies and allies, and he loves slapping his head... a lot. He's also easily the most helpless, hopeless character and the movie's (scape)GOAT! I won't bother much with the vaguely lesbian Kendra, and her butterfly knife(?) or the leader of the strangely insular trio Barrett, making(and looking)like an ersatz, young Kevin Bacon. Of greater concern is the linchpin event, at the heart of this story. Barrett is the highly privileged son of a congressman who trolls the streets in broad daylight picking up a familiar, but hesitant young girl, with his number one and two in tow? Really? Who thought this was a winning idea? You'll notice phones are like another character here. Things happen with them that are highly questionable, but convenient to the plot. Dermot Mulroney is on board, in a turn similar to the one he played in this year's Scream sequel, and the late Anne Heche plays his wife and she, well... see for yourself. The lesser known players are solid enough, but some say and do "iffy" things that detract from their performances. One scene has the lead girl, Eden intending to schmooze up to (Barrett) Schroder for reasons known to both, but when it's just the two of them alone, he's doing all the talking while she can barely wait to dispense with the small talk, cutting straight to the chase with all the finesse of Godzilla stomping through Tokyo! While this movie's third act is more interesting than what came before it, it's the clunky stuff that came before that holds it back, as a whole. I actually started this review while still watching the film. I was ready to give it 2 stars 30-40 mins in, before it continued to it's conclusion and I realized that it would be too harsh a judgment. It's simply not that bad, but it also, while competently assembled with a certain amount of flair, has character, dialogue and script/plot issues that keep it firmly in, "It's ok" territory.
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Mediocre teenage stereotypical thriller
jmbovan-47-16017317 July 2023
This film does little to develop any of the characters, and the plot is basic rich/poor at a fancy school. Except the target is entry to an Ivy league school rather than to stop bullying.

So stock rich kids & poor kids engage so the poor one can finagle into a school that her poor friend has a full ride. Rich kids are standard rich kids with all the excess that comes with it.

Oh wait, the film starts wurh a missing girl!

What starts as a standard party to get ahead turns into a heist and hostage situation. All the wrong choices are made, all the obvious signs are ignored, and the revenge is served stupidly.

Oh well. Anne Heche filmed her part soon before she died. She looked as if she was ready to fall over intoxicated. Or she was reeling from chemo.

Tense only due to the stupidity if the characters.
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Bad writing
coreythomas-0361317 June 2023
Acting is ok. Cinematography is ok. Directing is meh. What is really bad is the writing. There so so many times where these people aren't doing anything that makes sense. The choices that are made are bad and illogical. It really is just super bad writing. The acting is ok though some performances were meh. Nothing ever felt scary. I am a HUGE horror movie fan and this was just horrible. It really felt like this was written by young people posing in horror. Do yourself a favor and skip this. It really is meh at best. Again, acting is ok. Cinematography is ok. Its the bad writing and maybe directing that makes this a hard pass.
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kassireneea19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a giant series of bad decisions that make no sense. Even the logical main female character didn't make any thoughtful decisions. The filming was well done. The acting wasn't bad but the plot was sloppy and just constantly questionable. I also feel like it goes without saying that when you're dealing with a family who obviously abuses their power you don't accept drinks they randomly offer while making a questionable deal. I just feel like idea of the plot was there but it was executed very poorly and sloppily. There were also a few holes here and there that sort felt unexplained, making it lose what little sense it had. Lastly, I have to question why the main girl who wanted to take a phone with incriminating videos to the cops would end up choosing to murder people instead, seems counterproductive to me but whatevs. I'd probably not ever find myself recommending this one. Everyone in this film needs better friends and decision making skills.
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This may be the worst written movie of all time
bozzma-7561213 August 2023
There are bad movies because the plot is awful. Then there are movies where the plot is good but the acting is terrible. But then there are rare occasions when the acting is ok, the plot is ok, but the writing is so bad the movie feels like satyr the entire time. Everything that happens is either cliche or written by a 10yo. No wonder there is a writers strike, writing movies like this!l? I could do better and I can barely write my own name. If you want to see a bad B movie that makes you laugh because the characters do everything you wouldn't do? This is your movie. Full of cliches, the drunk girl, the weasel senators son, with the friend who is a constant F up, the hero girl who just wants to get into college and has to go to a party to get in????
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600 words my back : ^
jbyron-0748114 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
!!!SPOILER WARNING!!! There where a few things that i would've changed in terms of acting. I feel like the main antagonist mentions the name of the movie a little too much and for me that's kinda like a pet peeve when an actor over does something that's supposed to be subtle. I feel like it died down when everyone left the party. Her friend was also like no help at all and i would have definitely made two of the female characters fight over the knife instead of having that one girl fall off the ladder. To me, it felt kinda rushed. I've definitely seen worse though. I watched the trailer and it looked pretty good; it just didn't quite play out the way I thought it would. Overall, it wasn't bad. I would recommend watching if you're a murder thriller movie fanatic.
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From Angel Of Justice, To Angel Of Vengeance: A Simple, Yet Effective, Thriller, That's Chock Full Of Tension.
meddlecore11 May 2023
Personally, I'd qualify this as more of a thriller, than a horror film.

But it does have an aspect of ultraviolence, that causes it to bleed into the horror realm a little bit.

The plot is simple, yet effective.

A couple of overachieving, yet underprivileged, high school girls attend a "heaven vs hell" party, thrown by the son of a US senator- with hopes they can get his father to write them a recommendation for the college they hope to attend, under a scholarship.

Though, one thing leads to another...when one of the girls finds a phone, with a disturbing video, featuring the son of the senator, his girlfriend, and his best friend...messing with a young girl- who has since gone missing- on the night she mysteriously disappeared.

Unfortunately, the phone dies before she can watch the complete video.

She does, however, see enough to suspect they had something to do with her disappearance.

So, when the group tries to force her to return the phone...she refuses to give it back.

Which ultimately leads to a wild series of unexpectedly ultraviolent events.

With the group plotting to get the phone any means necessary.

The protaganess finds herself locked in a room with her best friend- who had been roofied by one of the boys.

But, as she tries to negotiate her way safely out of the house- with the phone- things start to get progressively worse.

Not to mention, more violent.

Cue the tension inducing action.

With one thing leading to another, the boy's elite, wealthy, and well connected, parents return...only to get roped into the whole ordeal.

Which now includes the father of the teenager, who has her heart set, on bringing justice to the young, missing, girl...even if it means throwing away her entire future in the process.

Though her friend isn't quite ready to make the same sacrifice.

Either way...the ending is saturated with jaw dropping tension, and packed full of action...fueled by a series of twists, you likely didn't see coming.

Thus, when all is said and done...there's no doubt you'll leave thinking did it get to this.

With the journey being sure to both entertain and engage you.

Kudos to all the teenage actors, for some pretty tight performances (though I wish I could say the same for their parents).

As well as the writers/directors...for fashioning an incredibly simple, yet highly effective...and all around entertaining film.

While not as disturbing as films like The Incident, or Last Stop On The Night Train- it certainly gets the job they set out to do, done.

With the dichotomy they set up between the wealthy villains, and poverty stricken protagonists, really playing up to it's strengths.

So all-in-all, it's a pretty impressive first feature from director Beth Hanna, and second feature, for her partner Jerren Lauder (whose first film was last year's The Inhabitant).

Definitely give this film a shot, because it's certainly worth a watch.

5.5 out of 10.
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Nothing worse than BAD
gmjhwings-95-21036916 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Writing. When the point comes to explaining how the girls are paralyzed yet awake, the bad guy says, "It's a combination of lorazepam and propofol" ,that was PUT IN THEIR DRINKS TO paralyze them. WHY, do writers get so lazy they insult the audience with ignorant dialogue? Propofol is white, IV only and does not paralyze anything. Lorazepam is a sedative and anti-anxiety drug that paralyzes NOTHING. They make a good plot, with decent actors and mildly suspenseful action. Then they add worse than ridiculous statements to make it all less interesting or intriguing. Lazy writing, poor research and really bad editing.
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Pretty Intense Thriller
ashearer-034609 April 2023
What stuck with me about this thriller and made me want to comment is how well it balances the action thrills with the heady psychology as the characters end up going to balance. There is no certainly no lack of clever action bits, but whenever the characters are forced to outsmart or undermine each other, it gives the acting an opportunity to really stand out. That is even taken to the next level as Dermot Mulroney and Anne Heche enter the film, both at the top of their game as well. They make a great pair onscreen with really believable chemistry. And of course, it is definitely fun and moving to see Anne Heche shine.
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Never trust a congressman!
frank-liesenborgs23 April 2023
This movie is a must-see for fans of thrillers that expertly balance action with psychological depth. The film keeps you on the edge of your seat with a series of clever plot twists, intense action scenes, and compelling dialogue that keep you fully engaged throughout. What sets this movie apart is how it seamlessly blends action and psychology. While there are plenty of thrilling moments, the real heart of the story is the characters' attempts to outsmart and undermine each other. This gives the talented cast, particularly Anne Heche and Dermot Mulroney, ample opportunity to showcase their skills and share believable chemistry on screen. Anne Heche, in particular, delivers an exceptional performance that really stands out. Overall, this movie is well-crafted and thoroughly entertaining, with a solid storyline that never drags on unnecessarily. Enjoy and watch this one. RIP Anne Heche.
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Hysterically Awful!
gtrey127 December 2023
Remember the Geico commercial where the teenagers are running from an ax murderer and they come across a running car and the one girls says ," why can't we just get in the running car". They of course decide not to get in the car and go hide right in front of the ax murderer. THAT'S THIS MOVIE!

The movie centers around a high school senior Eden Murphy who is trying to get into a prestigious college. But she needs a letter of recommendation from her classmate's father who is a man of influence. Her classmate doesn't really want to help her so she decides to attend a party at his house to try and get on his good side. This is where the "fun" starts.

This movie gives horror movies a bad name. It's just one implausible decision after another. But it goes beyond that. The story line is awful. I don't think I could s story this bad if I tried.

There's not one redeeming quality in this movie. Horrible script and laughable performances from the actors (but with a script is so bad I'm not sure the actors could do much).

Have you ever watched a movie and hoped all the characters would just die by time the movie ends - and in a hurry. That's THIS movie.

Save yourself the time and pick something else.
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The pinnacle of acting!!!
olcayozfirat27 July 2023
A ridiculous horror movie made in 2023. The characters are all disasters. Each one is like a cartoon type. Acting cannot even be called an amateur. The subject has been done dozens of times. Ah ah ah, if you saw those action scenes, you would cry for the sake of cinema.

There's no reason why you shouldn't say "you're killing me" to yourself while watching this movie.

A rich boy is going to throw a party tonight. His father is an MP. A girl from the same school also asks this MP to make a big deal for a university. That's why she's joining this party. But he learns about a story that this rich boy is hiding.

There is no sex or nudity in the movie. There is nothing in the name of the movie.
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mrtonycali-5889520 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These are minutes of my life I will never get back. Such a bad movie! Every 5 minutes I kept wanting to turn it off. Sadly, it is just that stupid, you need to see how lousy it would end. Glad I waited, there were those last few minutes, I held my breath watching the blood squirt out of her leg, praying she would just bleed out!

So that was the ending? Her father is now the drunk that killed 2 teens and drove into a river. Never mind, that left a perfect cliff hanger for a Part 2.

This taught me a lesson, read reviews before watching.

Think the only thrilling part was the 2 people on their phones in the hallway.
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Not a Review/a much better ending would have been.... Spoiler Alert
TenPin196931 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Scroll down if you've already seen the movie .

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The situation was set up well. Ann Heche was pure evil, but I felt there really missed a chance. Imagine the same movie, but now change it this way-after the car goes into the lake, Eden pulls her friend Zara onto the shore. The mother seems them and walks towards them. Zara looks up and sees the mother then shoves Eden back under the water drowning her. Zara and the mother exchange a look. Next scene Zara on campus at Pembroke. Zara already wasn't 100% of the same mind with Eden; she begged her to take the deal. Tell me Zara turning on her friend at the last minute for the college scholarship and money wouldn't have been a much better; and darker ending-instead of the trope with the rich family sing murderers and trying to covering things up, we get the best friend turning on Eden. Wouldn't see it coming. Much scarier to think of that broken trust.
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How did this get made?!
reasons7830 July 2023
Have you ever watched a movie that was so bad that it made you physically angry? This is that movie. For some reason it was certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. The numbers had to be manipulated. There is nothing good about this movie. I don't know how anyone involved with this travesty watched the finished product and declared "yep, it's ready". The plot is a re-tread of much better movies (young woman gets hunted by a group of killers) but with terrible dialogue and even worse acting. It's sad to see Anne Heche (R. I. P.) who is clearly not all there and the usually solid Dermot Mulrony ham it up, and at the same time, phone it in. This movie could have been wrapped up in about 45 minutes and it would have been better. Most of the scenes seem to be dragged out to fill time. Do yourself a favor and skip this one.
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enjoyable movie that wasn't quite for me
christinagracemorgan28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You're killing me is a well done, enjoyable movie that wasn't quite for me. The intro was a bit clunky, but as soon as the plot got going the movie really starts to shine. The plot is straight forward with enjoyable action and well done stakes. The characters each feel distinct and real with discernible motivations. My greatest gripe is with the manner of a characters death. The Jock (I don't recall her name) falls and land on a pair of gardening scissors, leading her to bleed out and die. While I do think her death was necessary for the story and lead to some very good character moments later on, for such an uptight, rich family to just leave something laying around felt out of character and a little too unexpected. Other than that all the action flowed nicely. I found it more stressful than thrilling personally because of the large focus on the helplessness of the main character as a week teenage girl, which felt a little too personal and real, once again fueling my need to take up boxing and take my German shepherd everywhere w/ me. So tw for that.
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This is SO DUMB it was KILLING ME
petie-3198930 July 2023
This movie is so DUMB! The writing is so STUPID. Every plot point is CRAZY. Every character choice is so ridiculous and makes no sense.

Just when you think the acting could not be more over the top, or the writing could not get more does.

It is supposed to be about the power dynamics between the rich and the poor, but it is a joke. Everyone but the lead are horrible people.

I did not find the plot twists were not shocking, suspenseful ,or just annoyed me that people were so dumb, and made me mad the movie was still going.

Sitting through this movie was KILLING ME!
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Worth watching
d-ramseeey21 April 2023
I didn't really know what to expect but I seen it with a bunch of friends and we all loved it. Lots of plot twists with intense scenes and good dialogue. The storyline was solid and didn't drag out unnecessary. Good talented cast as well that really made this film come alive. Anne Heche was brilliant and was exceptional in her role. This should at least be a 7 on here on honestly. The plot is about a party that Eden goes to hoping for a letter of recommendation for a elite university from her classmates wealthy parents. Things take a serious turn and the plot really thickens from there on in. Totally worth a watching, if your a thriller fan that likes plenty of plot twists this is the one for you.
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Fun and Atmospheric
briarlow18 July 2023
This was a solid YA thriller and an easy watch, being not too complicated of a story while having some fun moments of action. The setting is limited, but it doesn't feel that way while watching. The house is a visually nice location and it's used well. While a good 90% of the story taking place in the house, it doesn't feel repetitive or boring to be caught in the rooms with the characters. The characters are decent, starting with some standard motivations. Eden (McKaley Miller) is faced with a conundrum when she accidentally finds a startling video that might be the key to a missing classmate's fate. She might not even be aware there is a choice for her, as she is the hero protagonist who only wants to do that right thing, even if it brings her - and her loved ones - into a dangerous situation. Her friend, Zara (Keyara Milliner), is her reluctant support, bringing a few comedic moments to the film through the party. Brice Anthony Heller does a great job portraying an unsettling Schroder, who leads the bad apples going after Eden. The subdued atmosphere of a chilly night was aided by the color grading, and the night scenes were enough to see while remaining dark. For being a lower budget film, the efforts were well-placed, and the final product is a film I don't regret watching. However, some areas I found lacking were the script itself (I think the execution covered it well, so fair enough), and the soundtrack (had good moments of score, though I found it mostly dull and forgettable). I would have liked it better if the party theme had been more pronounced in the presentation of costumes, and adding some more bits of humor before the darker action kicked in. A matter of personal taste, maybe! Overall, I enjoyed the film.
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One of the WORST Movies. Ever.
vista00710 August 2023
This was a horrible waste of time. Bad acting, and even worse writing. It was excruciating to watch to the end. And that was bad also. Not a single redeeming quality. Every move, made by every character, had me thinking "...why...". Nothing anyone did made any sense at all. They had a pretty decent plot to work with, and didn't see fit to put the effort into making it work. The slightest bit of creativity could have saved this movie from being a complete disaster. It really felt like they just allowed the actors to come up with their own lines for most of the scenes. And, there was no horror, not even a true thrill. This movie is DOA.
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Forgot to Write an Ending - Again
llboll23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This teenagers-gone-wild story was interesting enough, though not really much different from dozens of others on the same theme except for the performance by McKaley Miller, who holds the whole thing together right until the end.

At that point, the two main characters are looking at each other with "What Just Happened?" expressions. My reaction was the same. And the script apparently provides no answers for anyone. Just move onto the credits and invent your own ending, I guess.

Another case of a script that is essentially only an idea and the parties complete the undertaking without having a couple more discussions to cover how they to wrap the whole thing up.
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I should really read the reviews before start watching a movie
domagojpint14 October 2023
This was so bad that after only couple of minutes of watching the movie I felt the need to see the IMBD ratings because it look suspiciously bad to me. The rating said 4,9 but after watching it I can say after that is wildly overestimated.

After just half an hour I started to read reviews and find out that the movie will only get worst from there. And it did but i stayed till the end just to witness it.

Everything that each and every character does in every scene is absolutely stupid and something that no ordinery person would ever do. Acting is so bad and unconvincing, writting is really lasy, dialogues and actions are just preposterous. The ending was no less than insane. Everything was over the top. How did the crew accepted roles for this?!? It feels like Anne Heche and Dermot Mulroney were doing a favour for some nephew's schooll project.
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You're Killing Me
purpleleo-6807428 April 2023
The suspense in the film was really good. I feel like it had me on my toes and wondering about the many possibilities that would happen in the climax of it. Being a thriller movie the director and producers put a lot of thrill in thriller. I loved McKaley's, acting in this film. The actor that played Barrett Schroeder, did really good in his role. When watching the film, I felt the darkness that he exuded through the screen. Gooch, had a good character arc, I loved how empathetic he became towards the end. When it came to the falling action of the film, it felt as though it was little to drawn out for suspense toward the end. For me as the audience it felt a bit too overwhelming.
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You too can survive a femoral arterial wound without medical treatment...
drenstere17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That, and about a truckload of other implausible happenings (but plausible to the typical B-movie writing sphere) fuel this movie's run to a roller coaster finish. I will say the low key delivering of this as a teen drama will lure you in before it all goes to hell in almost the worst way possible, so bravo for that.

Set aside the campy writing for a second and take the time to appreciate the cast. Jayson W. Smith, Dermot Mulroney and Anne Heche all play bit roles that could have been microwaved from central casting, but are instead legitimized by their performances. Brice Heller is believable as the rich-kid psychopath (bit of a throwback in mannerisms to Wahlberg's 'Fear' instead of Bale's 'American Psycho') and while Miller and Peebles aren't incredibly strong in this flick, the performances they render working off each other really have you rooting for their demise and survival at different spots in the movie. Deusner seems to channel a bit of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker with some success. Overall, not terrible acting or production work. Gore is there and prominent, and no skimping on effects work. The real victim is the script that somehow survived the chopping block much like our female lead, just so we could get to the point where we ask ourselves how she (and the audience) made it to this point.
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