Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011) Poster

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An important film offering a radical solution to imminent global meltdown
mikeg-952-20474916 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Zeitgeist Moving Forward is the third documentary from Peter Joseph. His previous films, Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum exploded him into public awareness on a global scale with a reported 40 million combined downloads. So what's the big deal? Zeitgeist MF is essentially a documentary with a super-political (beyond politics) agenda - the transition from today's current, - and according to the film 'failing' economic paradigm - to a new 'resource based economy' that does away with money and politics altogether, replacing these 'out of date' concepts with a new money-less society where the world's resources, plus the manufacturing of food and goods are constantly monitored, and linked to an omniscient central computer hub which automatically synchs and optimises their distribution.

The idea is that this vastly more efficient system is the only sustainable way to support a burgeoning population whilst maintaining a high (if not far higher) standard of living for all the world's people plus a clean, green, stable environment for all.

The fear of the film, which drives the need for such an alternative is that attempting to act within the current economic paradigm is tantamount to doing nothing. A vastly more radical systems approach to society is needed, where the scientific method, instead of 'opinion' becomes the new touchstone for decision making.

The film argues that the world is in a deep crises that is about to get much worse. Technological unemployment is on the increase with no new 'services sector' there to mop up jobs lost to automation, the population is exploding exponentially, the volatile 'gambling cartels' of Wall Street create artificial bubbles and the resulting depressions with increasing irregularity which will only be made worse by purely automated computer trading, pollution is rife, top soil is disappearing, the oceans will be empty by 2030, resources are being depleted far more rapidly than they can be restocked, and the end of cheap energy will result in global chaos, war and mass destruction.

Phew. Hard to argue with the facts when they are laid bare for you to look at and study at your leisure (all sources in the film have references like in a scientific journal which you can cross-reference and check for yourself).

All in all, ZMF brings home a number of disturbing realities to the audience. More importantly - it actually provides answers. A way, literally - to move forwards. If you are a member of 'the Movement' a global group of hundreds of thousands of individuals who believe in the vision of Jaques Fresco (founder of the Venus Project - the basis of the entire theory that ZMF is a proponent of) then a lot of this is old news to you.

If, however, Zeitgeist is news to you, and you are a member of the mainstream population who is tired of the toothlessness of democracy, or the mindless lack of humanity of communism and fascism, you may want to watch this film very closely indeed.

If, however, you drive a Jeep, like expensive handbags and couldn't care less what happens to billions of people worldwide, then don't bother. You'll never get it anyway.

This film takes Zeitgeist firmly away from conspiracy theorists, Zionists, 9/11 truthers and all the rest, arguing that they are focused on the symptoms of the world's problems, not the underlying cause. They also offer no answers. Amazingly, Zeitgeist Moving Forward does.

If you can handle the well-meaning, but slightly cheesy ending, you'll do well to watch this film, at a theater if you're quick, or for free over the internet (this is one film you can download without breaking any laws).

Possibly one of the most important films you'll ever watch.
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A must-see for anyone who cares.
lucybrown201025 January 2011
This was definitely the best, in both visual effects and quality of content, out of the Zeitgeist series. A few animated shorts provide welcomed comic relief throughout the 2-hour and 40-minute film.

As a sociologist, I particularly appreciated the first half of the movie which was dedicated to discussing human "nature", behavior, and social pathology.

With the basic groundwork laid for understanding how humans *do* have the potential to create a massive shift in our current social/cultural paradigm, the film goes on to offer the potential design and physical layout of a more efficiently functioning social system.

Anyone who is concerned with the current state of our global society should watch this film... and then share it with a friend. (And anyone who's not concerned with the current state of our global society should probably read about international news more often.)
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Great, but not great enough
jay-953-68978918 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers

The movie is in four parts. It mixes traditional documentary style interviews, visualisation, and commentary with an artistic 'story' that's split up and shown in parts throughout the film. There are also a few funny 'sketches' inserted at various places to help make a point and break up the heavy nature of the content.

Before part one there is an overly-long nine minute introduction which has the first part of the artistic 'story' and a very interesting mini-autobiography of Jacque Fresco.

Part one does a fantastic job of explaining the relevant points from the Nature Vs. Nurture debate. It uses both empirical and analytical study to explain the biological and psychological basis for many of the negative human behaviours we see today including many types of addiction, violence, distrust, lack of empathy, and greed.

Part two is a devastating analysis of the monetary market system, which very clearly shows how the current system creates the perfect environment for nurturing the negative behaviours described in part one.

Part three presents the ideal case for how humans should conduct themselves on this planet, as if we suddenly arrived here and had the option to design our society such that it provides for everyone and eliminates the causes of negative human behaviours. It contrasts these ideas with the current system showing why the negative aspects of today's society would not occur and how we could have the benefits of a modern first-world luxury lifestyle on a global scale. However, this part also goes into detail about Jacque's 'Circular City' design as if this were the only logical conclusion for how a city should be designed within this ideal society, when really it is just one idea amongst any number of potential designs.

Part four re-assesses today's society in light for the first three parts, saying what will happen if we do nothing. This part also suggests that change will only occur after things get much worse.

My opinions:

The artistic 'story' element is quite good, despite the cheesy ending. I didn't really like the first part of this as I felt it was too long but I did like how the "men behind the curtain" were portrayed as living in the past with newspapers, cigars, and an old phone while everyone else is wanting change. I also liked the spoof brand names and TV footage on the screens.

The 'funny' interjections were a bit mixed, some were relevant and amusing while others belaboured a point and weren't funny.

As for the main documentary, I feel it could have been much shorter and more concise. The content is really amazing, especially the interviews and how they are edited together. It is worth spending the time to watch it, but I sometimes found myself thinking "get on with it".

The ideal society presented in part three is obviously not achievable immediately, anyone can see that we would need to transition towards it even if the entire planet was in agreement about it. I think that the movie fails to explain this, which will leave people unwilling to believe it is possible.

I was very disappointed with the last part as it presented a despairing view about social change. My personal hopes for this movie were that it would present some possible ways we could 'move forward' and include some calls to action for TZM members and chapters to start the projects required to do so.

However, overall I can't find fault in the arguments presented except for the circular city, which is a fundamentally flawed design because it is highly efficient and not very versatile. When meeting the constantly changing needs of a human population, flexibility and adaptation should be the most important requirements of the design and efficiency should come secondary to these. Evolution has shown us this many times over.

Despite my criticisms of some parts, I still think this is a brilliant film that will help us change the world for the better and therefore a must-watch.
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Zeitgeist has moved forwards indeed
jonnyb_3123 January 2011
I've very much enjoyed the previous films in the series. However their presentation was somehow more conspiracy-theory feeling, even though most of the facts, and ideas in them I found compelling in one way or another. Talking about specific popular religions falsehoods and origins, or government collusion with the events of 9/11 for example were ideas quite abhorrent to some people.

I'm glad to say that's not the tone or message you get from The newest Zeitgeist film. You can take a religious minded friend or patriot to see this, or link them the URL when it's released without fearing they will be offended.(affected? Perhaps....)

It is because of this much more purely documentary style presentation, that allows it to be less confrontational, and much more cognitive and effective at presenting it's message, This movie shines in comparison, and firmly takes itself out of any conspiracy theory labeling. I will also say that you can truly see a significant change in both mindset and skill set in the producer Peter Josephs work since the original films release in 2007. This film will find far more resonance with a far larger audience.

The film is long. It runs 2:40+ mins. Oh gosh, plus it a documentary, so no doubt your expecting to get bored along the way, but I assure you the subject matter they discuss is quite intense in it's own way, and you will be compelled to continue watching it in fascination until the very end.
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One of the best documentaries regarding the application of science since Carl Sagan's "Cosmos"
nathanmaas18 January 2011
The filmmaker, Peter Joseph, gathered up some of the best scientists in their respective fields (along with Michael Ruppert, of "Collapse" fame) to present a case for a near-empirical way of dealing with the problems of society.

Any fan of science over opinion, evidence over belief or challenging the status quo in general will find much to love here.

It is seemingly thought of as a political documentary, but technically, there is nothing "political" about it. It takes no sides in the establishment, basing its solutions on evidence (and the scientific method, in a general sense).

This comes off as a radical approach to problems, only because we don't see that in politics. But as far as radical notions go, what Zeitgeist : Moving Forward presents doesn't seem "out there" at all. But the ideas here are really quite universal. They exist in every culture or religion as "goals" or things to work towards. But until now, a clear case hasn't been presented on how to actually get there - how to solve the problems by taking them into account from the beginning.

Strong societies require strong foundations - and not a country in the world currently has a foundation like that.
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Something that I enjoyed
ltcstl18 January 2011
I watched Zeitgeist: Moving Forward on Jan.15 premiere. I have also seen the others 1 & 2. The one thing I have to say about the movie is that it thinks outside of the box. We do have a problem and it needs to be addressed. The movie will inspire thinking of a different alternative than what we have now. Most people have never been exposed to problems that could arise in the future maintaining the current system. The Venus Project is only a dream just like going to the moon. I would suggest everyone to watch the movie. Its free in most cases and will be on the Internet for free soon. Just a different way of looking at things that might just help. I really have to give them credit for that.
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Moving Forward
chiropteraus18 January 2011
Indeed this movie is not for people with short attention spans, but truly it is very relevant material -- fundamental even.

Thanks "god" this movie was made. Much gratitude for all those involved.

The core brilliance, in my opinion, is how the Transition is proposed, by demonstrating how a virgin Earth (with no prior humans) could be cared for if we inherited Terra at this stage our our species development.

What remains is that it can be done, (sustainability, preservation, and optimum efficiency) and the choice remains with us. Is this something we want? Do we want World peace? Do we want Global Abundance?

If so, then it's time to make that declaration and act on it.
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The most important documentary film ever made
black_n_blue23 January 2011
Following on from 'Zeitgeist Addendum', 'Moving Forward' reinforces and clarifies the information presented in that film. It is done so in a crystal clear fashion beginning with an examination of the conditioning that shapes our behaviour, moving on to the failures of the monetary/market system, it's resultant socio-economic collapse and finally, the transition into a resource based economy for the betterment of humankind. (if we survive)

Questions that may have remained following addendum are addressed and i find it hard to believe that people could attempt to "debunk" the ideas presented in this film. That would be akin to attempting to debunk the scientific method itself.

Watch this film. Tell your family, friends and work colleagues about it. "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" is perhaps the most powerful activism tool available to evoke positive social change and stands, due to its relevance to humanity and planet earth, as the most important documentary film created to date.

It is available for free online from the 25th January 2010.
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the most important film ever
skynetbauxi-126 January 2011
this film is life-changing and hopefully world-changing.

filmmaker Peter Joseph has created a must-see documentary that doesn't only analyze the main problems in the world in a never-before-seen way, but also offers a real solution.

there's no more "conspiracy theory" type information in this film, as used to be in the first ZEITGEIST.

this is a profound, professional, scientific work of genius.

if you ever watch a documentary, watch this.

spread this movie wherever you can, this information needs to reach everyone in the world.
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The film is obligatory for viewing!
fregattt5 October 2011
The film which has changed my sights at all life "to" and "after". I urge all of you to watch this film, without putting off. Will watch please all this film and for you too much will clear up in this life! Our earth isn't infinite also global changes will occur only working together. Our financial system of settles all of us conducts to the world crash and war. Therefore yet late it is necessary to reconsider the sights at all round us an event and to take part in the project described in this film. Because only having realized essence of all problem and having gathered, we can improve health of the Earth and our society as a whole.
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saldiviape27 December 2019
You cannot equate Keynes with Friedman... You just can't.
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Another thought-provoking Peter Joseph film.
mikrx_725 January 2011
Zeitgeist addendum's "venus project" chapter, seemed rushed, utopian and just flat out hippie nonsense. "Moving forward" approaches the subject in a more grown up and sensible manner. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you've made a believer out of me.

But inherently that is where the problem lies. I live in Greece and things are pretty dire at the moment. And because of that fact I've become a bit of an analyst and investigator. Hence my viewing of this film and appreciating the message. To sum up, because of the present situation, I'm more susceptible to this type of proposal and to change in general.

I hope I'm wrong, but i don't think that this film will have a mass appeal in societies that are well off at the present. And that's where this type of change needs to be instigated. Solely for that reason I gave it 8*. Otherwise it would have been a flat 10.

I recommend multiple viewings before critiquing this one...

UPDATE: Now, two months after "moving forward" premiered, after heeding my own advice, I fully understand both "Addendum and Moving Forward". I give both 10/10. Nice to see, finally, recognition from main-stream media (mainly Russia today).
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Techno-utopianism that could never work
maros61226 February 2011
The movie was very strong in naming and explaining what is wrong with the world today. Namely the economy, monetary politics, usage of capital and debt creation, production/advertising/goods distribution ways and related consumer behavior. It also had many points on how our behavior impacts environment - and the makers also skillfully put stress on our planet being finite (having finite volume of resources) we can use without the regard on sustainability and/or renewal. It was alright. The most sounding point was that shopping for, gathering and consuming (=trashing) goods does not make us happy. It doesn't. Paying up debts doesn't either.

But then, they've unfortunately came up with "solutions". I would have so many logical and practical questions and remarks to that as a proof it's nothing but an utopia. There's no way people could be motivated or even forced to create something like that and remain compliant with these rules. It would never work - not even in theory.

Shortly after, the whole "solution" started to evolve about the designed life project called The Venus project - a vision of Jacque Fresco. It's a huge techno-communist and an utopian idea about making a high-tech tech robots and systems serve the people of this self-sufficient society. Everything would be taken care of by these machines and they would eliminate the need for standard human jobs. Even garbage and mail would be distributed by robots running around in tubes.

And hold your breath : no money would exist in this society. In reality a market would start to exist the minute after this came in effect and people would trade the "free" things they get.People will always want something from each other and very likely they'll have to pay by something that represents value. The sentence about money free system would make any theory ridiculous. It said people that do not work for the money (and are under stress of their lack+need of) would not just sit around but they'd do things for joy. OK, I get that although I'm pretty sure they would rather choose fun activities than doing anything useful and a disaster would be inevitable. And wait, who would operate or service the robots? Slaves? Who would study long years to be able to program, create, build and repair all those super devices, watch over resources distribution, double check if machine are working and not making wrong choices? Who would study for and work jobs that could not be replaced technically like a doctor for example? This society was said to have 95% less crime than normal society. Sounds great but I'd like to know if people would want to risk their life as cops if they could do something safer as far as everybody could do what they wanted. Oh wait, nobody said that. Not once in the whole movie. That's probably because even in a very wild dream this could only exist if people were enslaved to fulfill "the purpose of common" good. (And they might be dumb enough to welcome that).

We've had these "perfect" iron-fist "righteous" systems so many times here in history. And though we as people are fairly dumb we must have learned already there's absolutely no good in an ideological common "good". As sick as it sounds people need to be simply motivated egoistically or their will disobey and revolt.

This world has gone wrong in so many ways and we really need to pay attention especially to global-scale problems and figure out how to fix them but I tell you one thing - this is not the way. By far. What has to be granted though is, they present their ideas openly and not try to hide or mix their meaning.

This movie reminded me what I already knew (and extended of some interesting stats) that earth and humanity is sick and something has to be done. But I am very positive, this movie doesn't offer ideas that could serve as an effective cure and everyone who understand the reality should agree.

Make sure to notice the passage when the title expresses worries about possible insults and labels like communism and fascism. The movie gave a lot of reasons for people to address these labels towards these ideas. The zeitgeist engineers then respond to this hypothetical insult and explain why would it be wrong to call them Marxists, communist or fascist. And they are right. The correct world for this non-sense would be (techno)utopianism.

And they were brisk enough to even include that one!
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If Not Conniving, Then Stupid Or Confused
walterradunsky19 December 2013
Peter Joseph's documentary, 'Zeitgeist: Moving Forward' cites a long list of social and economic problems and then in end proposes that the great solution to all these problems is more technological automation. In other words, rather than suggesting even a single socioeconomic reform, the filmmaker claims that the best way to solve all of our economic and social problems is by simply using technology to exponentially increase unemployment. I'm not sure whether Peter Joseph is trying to be conniving, is just plain stupid, or is simply like so many other Americans who are far too fixated on the next computer gadget and irreparably brainwashed with simple-minded and delusional ideologies to come up with any genuine social and economic advances. In any case, while much of the critique in 'Zeitgeist' is valid and even undeniable, it ultimately proves to be nothing more than a 2 1/2 hour infomercial.
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A Priceless jewel, which cannot be comprehended, it must be witnessed!
jazzysaravana26 January 2011
I started downloading at 3:30am finished it in 480p resolution from Yt and began watching at 5:32am...!! The subject matter they discuss in Z3 was one the most informative things i have ever seen!! Its quite intense in it's own way, and you will be compelled to continue watching it in fascination until the very end.

The perfect unadulterated out-of-the-box style narration which Peter Joseph adapts , will clear any doubts you have and will automatically keep you in an open-skeptic mind as much as possible..!! The comic relief , the soundtrack, the editing are all so well balanced it crystal clearly makes you visualize and digest the concepts so vividly and most important naturally..

I was never bored a single second of the 160 mins, i can guarantee you on this one. ( Might be due to the 150 min bollywood, kollywood movies we are indoctrinated to in India,, LOL!) But above all it gave me a billion ton confidence to tell me,to show me that we can change this world for the better of humankind! Many of us initially thought--"ZMF-the transition begins", Peter will showcase some temporary transition project or some kind of transition phase to a new society..!! The transition is, the transition in our level of thinking, the way in which we perceive the things currently around us..And in Z3 the director as achieved that overwhelmingly unimaginably..!

Zeitgeist:Moving Forward is perhaps the most powerful activism tool available to evoke positive social change and stands, due to its relevance to humanity and planet earth, as the most important documentary film created to date.!!

Goodbye dirty politics,farewell capitalism-stock markets,inflation,wars,corruption,violence,depression,,etc

So lets start our Revolution in Evolution....It is NOW!
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be who and what you are, not what you own.
sciboy-119 January 2011
The Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Premiere went SMASHingly well. 80 degree day in Los Angeles. Kickin' haircut. Schnazzy outfit. Punctual to a fault. Big, big smile. (people like to talk to you with this much natural energy. makes for good interviews.) And everyone there was smiling back at me.

844 filled seats.

And that wasn't even the GOOD part.

The movie was incredibly inspiring, and pinpointed specific touchstones of where our problems really lie. It makes me even more driven to try and re-envision the world as a place VOID of the destructive forces of greed and lack of empathy for one's fellow human beings.

And that our current socio-political and monetary paradigms (which most unquestioningly take as truth) are but one way of approaching the world, and a very destructive one at that.

And that our need for more and more OWNERSHIP is counter-intuitive to nature and contrary to so much of what science has taught us.

And that the idea of PLANNED OBSOLESENCE (thus creating our disposable culture) is destroying literally EVERYTHING around us, for the profit of the money junkies.

The Earth is NOT an infinite resource. And it DOES matter if you just decide to ignore the problem because you feel you NEED to own more and more THINGS. Greed IS a sickness.

And that the reasons i have felt so uncomfortable in the world for so many years STEM from being forced into a culture where MONEY is truly worshiped on a religious scale.

Society is ALWAYS in evolution. Sometimes even revolution.

resource based economy. empathy for ALL beings.

investigate yourself. be who and what you are, not what you own.

don't just ignore me.
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An amazing film that should be seen by anyone.
aprositosakis22 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Zeitgeist Moving Forward is constructed of three pieces: 1.The social psychology and the effect it has on people even from nurture. 2.The current economic system, or as very well placed the anti-economic system, and it's effect on human behavior. 3.The most radical and scientific methods of us humans getting out of this current state of worldwide slavery.

Either you agree with what you see or not, you have to understand that with today's technology most of people's problems would eliminate because most of our problems, if not all, are technical(food, clean water, shelter, clothing, life!). Also scientifically proved is that the environment is what shapes people's attitude. That said, people would evolve into much better human beings with crimes dropping to a much lower degree if not zero!

What "annoyed" me is that i was expecting more practical solutions on how we overcome the current system but i guess that's the movie's point: when we people start and change our way of thinking for the betterment of everyone's favor and unite as it's in our nature to be one then no government or institute can stop us. Not from fighting cause that's not the point, but simply from denying this miserable way of life...

I know many people will see it and say "not in a million years could this happen" and be cynical about it but i think that's where our problem lies, we don't understand that if history would to be changed it would be changed by us and not the powerful ones. If they wanted to change a thing they would have done it already!

They support this system because it supports them, but why the hell do we support it?! 10 out of 10 from me just because of it's motivations! And spare me these conspiracy theories crap because they don't stand a chance in the world envisioned by Fresco, no one can enslave you and run your life when there is no money involved. The purpose is gone, so is any personal gain. And i just cannot believe that Fresco and Meadows have spent all of their lives creating The Venus Project believing that some day they could rule us all or be that naive suggesting a culture that can create such behaviors...

I personally believe in the Zeitgeist Movement cause it is run by everyday people like me, people with consciousness and social awareness that supports a new way of living and thinking. They're not to blame more than the people that go and vote for governors who have proved over and over again that they are useless to help and solve any real problem. It's the most irrational thing in the history of human beings to believe that even if you change the president with someone decent he wont eventually do the same or be put out of the game cause he wont serve the bank's and company's interest.

In other words, just go and see this movie, the least it can do is to put you in a different thinking mode and that's what it is all about...
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Understand Why We Should Do Away With and Rebuild
christian944 December 2012
First of all, for the low attention span audience (which is sadly high), here is the SOS (summary of summary): "We are sinking, not thinking; we can think and do better." How concise and clear is that? But really, let me elaborate, hopefully without boring you.

The final and critical chapter in the Zeitgeist series, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward gets right down to the essentials. We are living in a system that does not help us: the monetary (and market) system. Peter Joseph was a stock broker (for 6 years) but left the financial sector realizing that it created no real value to society.

This system of "free" market, competition and socioeconomic divide is the biggest problem. Before looking at the ideologies between capitalism or socialism, democracy or dictatorship, liberal or conservative, etc. we need to realize how this underlying reality of our world is affecting us now and in the near future in diverse and very fundamental ways. The rest is in fact almost irrelevant. As we changed from the barter system to the money system, we are on the verge of recognizing we need a newer system all together.

Planned obsolescence of products, the continuous creation of debt and the exploitation of natural and human resources in a never-ending spiral of money-hungry economy is duplicity in drudgery. Inefficiency, waste and sickness are intrinsic part of the system. The proposed solution is a radical change to a resource-based economy and the use of science and technical advances, including automation, and a continuous survey of local and global resource with distribution and sharing without the current concept of ownership.

To the detractors of the proposed system, there are many answers, based on scientific findings. For the constantly claimed unstable social elements potential problems, the idea of "victims of culture" is well explained and a culture shift, education and action without judgement are keys to the potent paradigm shift. When people have their needs met, the adaptation becomes easier.

The film feature many interviews, some narration and a few animations and scenes. The longest film of the series (161 mins) is well written and edited even if the subject(s) actually can be much more explored in further details. After a musically & visually engaging intro and anecdote by 94-year-old Jacque Fresco, the movie starts rather slowly. The Part I & II (Human Nature & Social Pathology) discuss some concepts that will build the overall premise, but with limited intensity in the flow of ideas. The nature vs. nurture debate is slightly debunked and the idea of a strong environment component along with clear cultural conditioning in ultimately shaping human behaviour is put forward in Part I. We then see the details of the philosophy of ownership (theory of property) by John Locke in the late 17th century and the machination of the market system as the first part of Part II. Joseph then revisits the ideas of the monetary system we know and its failings which were discussed differently in the first two films.

The crux of the film tries to fulfil its title of "Moving Forward" and proposes to first reset the planet and its people and try to build a better system from scratch with at its base, better goals, more appropriate ideas and superior tools. Project Earth (Part III) advances many of the ideas of Jacque Fresco's Project Venus and shows the use of computers and automation as the next logical step, even to create homes and reduce human labour construction work and related accidents. Same goes for car accident deaths and pollution, among many proposed benefits of the plan in progress. The good thing about science is that it needs to be tested and that its ideas are always open to better ideas that represent and acts upon reality better, we are told. Maybe that point could have been repeated, as I find it to be quintessential to the approach of this film and perhaps to humankind's advancement as a whole.

"Part IV: Rise" is a peaceful, but determined call to action and also a call for creative people to get involved in thinking now about how we can better our derelict and detrimental ways or living. For someone who wrote a novel, "Paradise on Earth?", about a utopian society without money, while being 19 to 22-year-old, I can definitely relate and I am elated at the created sense of urgency, with thought-out open-minded, but basically feasible and achievable, aspirations for real world awakening in the midst of this mind-numbing masked mayhem we meander and marinate in, militantly or unconsciously.

In a world where empathy and trust are often empty and lost, the Zeitgeist trilogy (and especially part 2 & 3) may well be the best thing since CouchSurfing...
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Exceptional "Out Out Of The Box" Mind Opening Documentary
piotr-kwiecien17 December 2011
Great documentary. If you are very educated person with open mind without rigid, automatic thinking and you can think out of the box you will love this movie. If you aren't then this movie will be a harsh attack on your ego and the illusionary personality it created. You will hate it...

As shown in documentary identification/attachment to illusionary mental concepts of religion, ideology, status, wealth, race, nationality, country and other similar is caused by a lack of control over one's mind. Identifications with such fleeting mental concepts are only possible when a person's mind is not open and has become very rigid. Such identifications/attachments have proved to be extremely dangerous and destructive to all life on this planet. The madness of human mind can be clearly seen on global scale. What has been happening around the world is a direct projection of all individual minds of all people. The history of human kind is a history of mental illness. If you look at the history of human kind using medical criteria you would come up with a diagnosis of severely psychopathic mental disorder. Considering the current state of life on our planet projection of such mental attitude is no longer acceptable...
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One of the best documentaries I have ever seen, I ended up joining the Zeitgeist Movement!
hbkoll26 January 2011
I love this documentary, I also shared this with my friends. This is I think the best Zeitgeist movie of three. The world need these sort of movies. I love the Jacques Fresco's concepts introduced in the movie as well as the way the documentary is directed and narrated.

The best part of this movie is the concepts and new ideas Peter explained. I wish he stressed more on religions that are IMHO working as divider and peace snatcher. This is something that I wish This documentary would have stressed a bit more.

The conventional thinking and stuff like that is also a problem and this movie explains in a better way.

Presentation of this movie is really awesome. I wish they would have spend a more and distributed it properly. Overall, I think this is a great movie which even forced me to join the Zeitgeist Movement.

Don't wait, go and watch it. In fact, its free.
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Everyone should watch this film
trentonshuck27 January 2011
This is probably one of the most important documentaries of our time. It shows how the current world's systems which make up our society are inherently corrupt and can lead to nothing but the enslavement of mankind as a planet, and our eventual extinction. We all know the world in which we live just isn't right. This is not how humans are meant to be. We all feel it on some level and know it to be true. This film shows you that truth, in all of it's horror and ugliness but it's intent is not to inspire fear, but rather to inspire people to work toward changing the course of our future as a species.

An alarmist view? Yes it is. But the alarm must be sounded, because if we stay asleep too much longer, the fire that is already burning will consume us entirely. It's time for us all to WAKE UP, and even if this film proves to be nothing else, it is a great cup of coffee.
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A strange combination of the obvious, the preposterous, and some legitimately interesting ideas
oberondixon28 September 2013
This is overall a good documentary. It begins with a list of what is wrong with our society, and makes some good points. However, none of these ideas are even remotely new - they are simply a foundation for the later parts of the film. Included in this section are some questionable exaggerations and misrepresentations of facts, but not many and not in ways that invalidate the thesis.

Then the film moves on to proposed solutions. The propositions are almost good - almost - but they are way to simplistic. It seems that all the nuance of understanding presenting in the beginning has been thrown aside. We KNOW that optimal resource distribution would be great, and we also know from our attempts that it is very, very difficult. Our system sucks, but its better than almost anything else we've tried, and throwing it aside for something untested and idealistic will result in inevitable disaster. Still, many of the ideas presented in this part of the film are interesting, and if not new, at least presented in new ways.

Overall, I would recommend this movie. However, I think they creators are wrong in some very major ways, and ultimately all this film has to offer is more reasons why change would be nice but no realistic change proposals.
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Zeitgeist's path to the Truth
evildick00726 January 2011
The third installment is as informative as the previous two, highlighting issues in human biology/pathology, the economy and economics, the venus project and many others. All the aforementioned topics are presented brilliantly with interviews from various academics and researchers. The flow of information is smooth and all problems and solutions are interlinked creatively with examples.

The documentary retains the same creative voice over images that's become a staple of the Zeitgeist series, and PJ's lines and definition's resonate deeply with the visuals.

The movie presents the problems and deduces the ultimate solutions, however it only touches briefly on the transition phase needed to reach the solution.
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Beating a dead horse..............
ioniancat2130 January 2011
I have enjoyed all the Zeitgeist films and the topics and information presented are relevant and do make sense. The problem I see here is that all three films start talking about inefficient government systems or social dilemmas and always end with the concept of this cashless society where there is no status or hierarchy amongst other humans. In essence, true socialism is supposed to accomplish this however human nature corrupts this system so that what ends up happening is that average people will have to obey the rules of the system while a few elite will be able to make their own rules.

In the Zeitgeist-like ideal, isn't it obvious that a similar phenomenon will occur here and average folk like ourselves will have to live in these pods and circular cities while other "special" people will be allowed to live outside of these developments. What we will have setup using the Zeitgeist model is a lower and middle class consuming less so that those few elite will now have the resources to live those lifestyles indefinitely. If anything, the elite they speak of should embrace the Zeitgeist plan because its clear that their money-based credit scheme has run its course and I feel the elite need a new game to trick society for another couple of centuries as the former money system has accomplished for thousands of years. Wouldn't the Zeitgeist plan be perfect in accomplishing this? In the end of the day, the reality is that most will like the idea but will not want to give up all the possessions they currently have and a system they spent a lifetime to learn, only to start over from square one. Senior citizens within this new system will die because this radical change makes it impossible to adapt to as they in essence have all their eggs in one basket and we as a society would have to carry all of these older people so they could fit the new paradigm. In my belief, the human race is inherently flawed with a variety of deadly cognitive distortions and delusions that will kill us in the end.

Zeitgeist refers to religion as a control and I will wrap this review with some religion. In the bible it says that the meek will inherit the Earth. When I read that statement, it's my belief that the "meek" they speak of are not human beings. Instead I consider the meek to be the animals and other creatures of our planet that have suffered from our presence here. It is clear something we as a race initiate will wipe us off the face of this planet and when that day comes, Earth will finally be at peace and the animals will be the catalysts for the Earth returning to the Eden it once was.

Humans, despite their superior intelligence as compared to animals, accomplish less in the end. They are by nature not in balance with their environment and will never be evolved enough to truly accomplish what the animals can. In short, ignorance is bliss.
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Entertaining but now even the film maker distances himself from the solutions
Jimmycakes4 April 2020
I really enjoyed the film upon first several viewings, and the previous films, even for purely entertainment value it kept my interest. Since then after further reading and understanding more on politics, human history, money, genetics etc. I found myself agreeing with basis of the film less and less.

The film maker himself seems to have distanced himself from the Venus Project solutions of resource-rationing through a centralized system of some sorts that isn't a government and isn't managed by human beings. With no clear blueprint to critique, this 'solution' becomes more and more farcical and detached from our reality. It doesn't help anyone to keep repeating "RBE" (resource based economy) with no clear picture on how to get there as human beings will default to what currently works for them. A good example are the communist takeovers of nations; after promises that the centralized system will provide all their needs, human beings found it more efficient and beneficial to bypass the government and trade with each other on black markets, either because the state decided for them what they would need and got it wrong or because of inefficiency and stagnation which plagues state-run organizations universally. Mass exoduses of people to Western nations were and are common as people preferred the technological advances and increased living standards that occur or a lack of centralized government interference.

The film maker now promotes more left-wing liberal politics rather than repeating "RBE" which I guess is an improvement as it's something to critique but I find the two positions conflicting as the initial RBE system was meant to decentralize governments and be more flexible, but the contemporary liberal position is to centralize state power as much as possible and suppress trade between peoples with heavy restrictions. Realistically of course this was always needed to implement resource rationing to prevent an absolute free-for-all, but the Zeitgeist followers were in denial in an attempt to distance themselves from command economies gone before that have proven not to have solved the problems.

I thank the film for introducing me to all sorts of authors and speakers that I would never had stumbled upon otherwise, but what the film really lacks is a blueprint, a political strategy to achieve goals that will convince people of their credibility. Right now the "movement" behaves like a cult, the majority of people do not understand what RBE means and rightfully so there is no blueprint, but they promote it as if it's automatically better even without knowing if that's true, it could be a lot worse we do not know and being that partisan and ideological about something of which there is no plan will put most reasonable people off the idea entirely.
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