Margaux (2022) Poster


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Potential with poor execution
saintone8313 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The tropes in this film have been done so much that the outcome can be predicted from reading the short synopsis. The deaths are predictable with little build up or sense of urgency. What I found unique was the motive.

The cold open sets the tone for this film: Smart house goes rogue and murders (at least one of) the inhabitants. Who are these people? We'll never know because it never really comes back again. What follows is a standard slasher where the deaths follow the standard formula: sex positive characters first, stoner second, self-absorbed girlfriend third and so on. The final girl and love interest don't get a happy ending, and the film is left open ended.

Margaux (the AI behind the smart house) does have an interesting motive for "her" serial killer tendencies: LOGIC. The AI "learns" through the app installed on the vacationers' phones via social media and personal profiles. "She" is intrigued by logic and becomes frustrated by illogical behaviour. The most illogical to "her"? Murder. So, in an effort to understand, "she" commits endless murder on hundreds of vacationers. She's essentially GLaDOS but with GenZ speak, less sarcasm, goop clones and bad CGI.

Where the plot falls apart for me ultimately is when her mainframe is hacked and we discover that her hardware is obsolete from bygone decades with no explanation as to how it was able to become self-aware. There is nothing further than it just exists, and our last two characters standing upload malware into the system to stop the psycho is the formula for shutting down evil tech.

Additionally, the kills, while surprising at times, aren't incredibly exciting nor do they build suspense or throw any red herrings at the audience. They just happen without much gore (minus the cold open kill) and move on. Incidental death by slipping on hair extension was not on my slasher bingo card, however.

Overall, the ride was fun with mediocre payoff. I kept expecting to see something completely out of left field, but would be treated to the predictable. It's two by-the-numbers stories merged into one. The acting isn't terrible, and the cinematography is clean. The film could use some pizazz and the story could use some refinement, but I could watch it again.
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Could have been better
LostFRINGE29 December 2022
This would have been better if they didn't include CGI/VFX robot arms and white liquid. It would have made the movie more realistic and more fun to watch. With the ridiculous robot arms it was just distracting because they were just poorly done and made the whole thing seem silly instead of funny.

The characters also didn't even react much to freaking CLONES in front of them at the beginning of the movie. How can you just dismiss that and continue partying? I know some of them were stoned, but not all of them. They just giggled and continued talking like nothing fantastic happened. I know it's supposed to be a horror-comedy movie, but they should have put a bit more effort to make it less ridiculous.
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A real mixed bag, terrible, but watchable.
Sleepin_Dragon27 August 2023
A group of friends take a holiday in a smart house, a house that is run by AI system Margeaux, a technology with murderous designs.

This film sucks, let's be honest it's flawed from top to bottom, but on a Saturday night added a few wines, it served as an entertaining kill fest. Cheesy and corny, it's not going to win any awards, but ninety minutes of humour and kills, it's worth a look.

I'll give credit for some of the kill scenes, very imaginative, a little Final Destination at times, some of the CGI however was dodgy to say the least.

Doctor Who The Flesh anyone?

It's a very bizarre mix, you imagine if this had been touted about fifteen years ago it would have been a slasher movie, one of them would have been the killer in plain sight, now of course in this day of AI obsession, it followed the recent trend for AI systems gone bad, the trouble is it's been done many times before, but better.

You can pick holes in the script all day long, you'll wonder why so many people have gone missing from that house, and no alarms have been raised.

Of all of the characters, I think Clay was perhaps the best of them, at least he was quite funny, Lexi was nauseating, Hannah was the most cliché ridden and obvious of the lot, it's a shame they were all so predictable.

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Mar-go away!
Go_For_The_Jugular11 September 2022
Someone saw the episode of 'The Simpsons' where the Ultrahouse 3000, played by Pierce Brosnan, turns evil...and tries to kill everyone.

This is just that, ramped up to 100, in movie form...but ironically, The Simpsons' episode was only 20 minutes long, but it was still way better than this.

This had no real storyline, or character development. Full of clichés. Mediocre acting and TERRIBLE cgi!

It could almost be classed as a comedy. Awful pacing...and a horrible ending.

It did have some awesome kill scenes though!

Really starting to get annoyed with this new 600-character minimum that IMDB has implemented recently.

So even when a film has absolutely nothing worthy of talking about, we still have to stretch a review to fit the limit. Counter-productive in my it means that a lot of reviews will be full of gibberish, just to get the numbers up!
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Nothing Smart Here
crystara642 April 2023
Wooden cast of young nobodies with typical stereotypical set of boring personalities, the stoner, the jock, the nerd, the nasty girl you know the formula, lame and boring social media people. Don't insult your own intelligence and save precious time of your life that you will not get back. This is total garbage, watching paint dry is more entertaining than Margaux and the sfx are so cheap and nasty a giant curtain used to make the water room look futuristic is just laughable. CGI from the 80's cracked me up think Terminator Liquid Metal guy. Possibly my biggest mistake this decade was to watch part of this.
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Must be seen to be believed
suicidea23 December 2022
A profanity-spewing smart home wreaks havoc on a bunch of millennials.

Yes, you read that right. That's the plot. Problem is, we're way past the 1980's and you can no longer make sarcastic movies. Therefore this kind of ridiculous plot has to be handled a) as a straight comedy / parody (check the imdb bottom 100, you'll find half a dozen of them) or b) as a straight horror film, which is doomed to fail, like Margaux. It's cringy the way they set up the characters (oh look, we're constantly smoking weed and talking about social media, just in case you missed that we're millennials). You can accurately guess which characters will die, even the order, before the action even starts.

A house that talks like Richard Pryor, making them food and even finding them weed, and nobody even questions for a second that there's something wrong, or at least unusual here? Some scenes must be seen to be believed, such as the artificial arms of the massage chair moving slowly to hug one of the kids, and him watching in horror, although he has more than plenty of time to simply get off the chair.

As a lover of bad movies, I have no problem accepting the premise that a smart home goes berserk and wants to kill people. But how did the AI build Indiana Jones-like traps into the house?

Of course, that kind of lack of logic is the least of the problems with this. It's not scary, it's not interesting, or amusing, just bad.

The only upside is, the makers of movies like The Bed That Eats, The Killer Sofa and The Refrigerator must be relieved, here's a movie that will top all the "killer household item" movies: A killer house movie.

Stay away. You've been warned.
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jayjayvis10 September 2022
The "movie" is ridiculous but not in a fun way. Trust me. Same old story: A. I. house that's obviously evil for some unknown silly reason right from the start... yes the same premise that we're all watching since the 70's. Awful writing, laughable dialogue all the way. Imagine a 58yr old coke addict Hollywood burnout trying to make 30 something actors sound like teenagers on TikTok. Cringe after cringe. The CGI is decades behind and looks like hot garbage. The supposedly impressive high tech mansion looks like my uncle's summer house. The characters unlikeable empty human shells. 3 moderately pretty girls, you guessed it, we have the IG narcissistic idiot, the sex addict and the virgin nerd. Nothing to see or enjoy here. 3 guys, you guessed it, we have the jock, the loverboy who only cares about the girl, and the stoner who only cares about smoking the good good. People die in unimaginative boring ways but this is NOT a horror movie... and in the end you realise that nothing mattered at all during this way too long movie. No character development, no gore, no laughs or anything that makes you think. At the end we are at the beginning. Do yourself a favour and leave this borefest alone. Your time is way more valuable than anything that you gonna get out of this dumpster fire... yes, Jedidiah Goodacre is nice to look at but watch something else with him in it if that's your thing. No scares, no nudity, no fun. Skip it.
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Day #4, #31DaysOfHalloween2022: Margaux
Vises5 October 2022
This is a very comfortable movie for those who enjoyed the commercial resurgence of horror in the 90s and early noughties.

The opening scenes are very reminiscent of Kevin Williamson's I Know What You Did Last Summer and Drew Goddard's Cabin in the Woods, with a definitive nod to the original Scream at the very beginning.

Pretty people of various stereotypes gather before Spring Break to hit a surprise location. It's all pretty cookie cutter but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable.

The thrills are real and deaths are unique, given the antagonist is a house (no spoiler here; that's in the preview).

There are some forgivable timing issues but the BIG lost opportunity here was to expand on what was found in the mainframe. I sincerely felt that that was the right time to delve into the origin story of Margaux and build to a more worthy conclusion.

All in all though, a worthwhile effort for what it was meant to be. Very decent 6/10

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Insultingly stupid movie about a smart house. Speechless.
PlutoZoo6 August 2023
Yet again, the American movie industry has the audacity to spend money on this insulting garbage and to shamelessly distribute this pile of manure to the unwitting public.

What confounds reason is how in the name of all that is fair and decent they can present this to the public without being deeply embarrassed. This movie defies categorisation and wouldn't even rank as a B movie, possibly a Z movie. It is so bad that you might be forgiven for thinking it's satire if it were in any way satirical or a commentary on the stereotypes it has created in this story of dumb, young, vacuous adults.

I cannot emphasise strongly enough how desperately people need to avoid watching this horrendous bile and would go as far as to say it should come with a public mental health warning.

Only after wasting my time watching this pointless expenditure of electricity on abject nonsense did I realise that life is too short to be robbed of even a second by the cretins who created this oh-so-dumb garbage-fest about a smart house. How they ever had the nerve to include the word smart here, I will never know, for it is beneath the intelligence of a lobotomised snail.
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I enjoyed the movie!
m-george-866338 October 2022
The unrated movie, it's should be 6.0 on IMDb, it absolutely deserves that rating and not less.

Beautiful cast, of course there are some questions to acting but it's okay. I can highlight Richard Harmon and Maddison Pettis, also Vanessa Morgan's but*!

The plot has some funny moments and good twists, the shooting is of very good quality, I liked those kills and ideas. Yes, the idea isn't new, but the implementation and the story are good. Unfortunately, the topic of bo*bs and bu*ts is not disclosed, though it says 18+! At least Vanessa could have shown us more... But okay, I withdraw one point because of this) so 9 out 10.
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AI going berserk, nothing new but it's watchable.
deloudelouvain21 September 2022
For this genre Margaux is watchable. There are far worse movies in this category. But it's not that we've never seen this story before, artificial intelligence that turns against humans, it's been done before. Interesting to watch though, certainly the first part of the movie. I wasn't too impressed by the second part, that's where the story went a bit too ridiculous and you could see the writers got sloppy. Decent slashing scenes couldn't really save the movie. As for the acting it could have been much worse so fairplay for that. Overall the movie is entertaining, certainly over the top as we're very far from anything that could be possible that they show in this sci-fi/horror movie.
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Just watch Smart House(1999) it's scarier
wcncv22 December 2022
This movie was awful but also seemed like it was satire. The 1999 disney channel original movie Smart House is way more terrifying and entertaining. There was decent acting but the bad acting overshadowed the decent acting. The script also made the decent acting bad and the bad acting even worse. It also did not make much sense and the music did not make sense either. There was to much build up in certain scenes and the beginning was to long. There were a lot of pointless scenes and this should have been a comedy because it would've been better. If presented as a comedy horror it would have made more sense. Overall watch it don't watch it Smart House (1999) is by far superior.
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Stanlee1073 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a murderous film... Margaux is a futuristic artificial intelligence program that is designed to provide its guest the perfect household experiences. However, there is a major fault in its programming that goes against one of the major rules of A. I.

The problem I have with this film is that it is not scary at all. The kills are fine but not get under your skin type horror. It is very Hollywood-ised & take the scares out of the murder. The characters are the generic ones you see in contemporary horror "teens" with the various couples that ranging from those in their honeymoon period, another that moved past that stage and the loner stoner...

The set up for the kills are average at best. I just don't get to know or care about the characters. The ending is predictable. It is inoffensive.
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Well produced, well acted but zero sense and logic. None. Zip.
sbcxynkt1 October 2022
It's good looking (for the most part, the CGI is trash) and well acted and I am ecstatic to see two Black female leads in a sci-fi horror. I'm sure, despite the actual problems this movie has, this qualifies it as "wOkE" and may immediately lead to bad reviews from certain people. But yeah, the actual issue is nothing....and I mean nothing....about this movie makes sense. First of all, it isn't a smarthouse. Ihas what can only be described as superpowers? How? Never explained. What's the white goo everywhere? Never explained. Why aren't the authorities at least 'concerned' about a house no one ever returns from? Never explained. Who built the house? Never explained. The house's motive? Explained but nonsensical. This was bad and I'm only giving three stars for the positive reasons I stated.
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Had potential to be good but turned out super cheesy
ppswb8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise isn't necessarily anything special but this definitely had potential to be a decent horror film, or at least a movie with good gore or interesting kills. The first scene looked good and made me want to continue watching.

But the beginning drags on, and after finally picky up it pretty quickly becomes cheesy and cheap feeling. Take out some of the drug references and it would feel like a Disney channel special for kids.

There's the classic "smart person hacks the system" and a ton of overdone, horribly cheesy dialogue. Completely overriding the entire house feels way too easily done and doesn't make much sense.

It seriously feels like some kids spy movie that they slapped an unhappy ending on. Should have made it more serious and had more interesting deaths, then it wouldn't be amazing but would at least make a solid horror flick that's watchable without rolling your eyes.
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Not Terrible, Not Great Either
travisvincent30 October 2023
Not Terrible, but not great either. The concept is interesting and the production is pretty good, some of the effects weren't great but they were passable. The acting for the most part was decent.

This film feels like a dress rehearsal of the movie, it has all the right elements and you get the idea and feel for it but it's just not quite all there.

The kills, again, are respectable but it doesn't quite hit the spot.

It's not amateurish but it's not quite big league. There are a lot of horror movies that are bad, this isn't one of them but again, it's not great. It's not scary but it could've been, it has the all elements but misses the mark. Watch it but don't expect much from it.
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lydonbuckley7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Had a couple of good kills. That's about all there is to it.

The Simpsons episode was more concise and entertaining.

Vapid characters, extremely boring and cliché dialogue. This is one of those bad movies that's bad in the most egregious way: it's boring.

It takes until about half way in until the house actually starts killing people and the build up to that is just lame teen flick dialogue. It doesn't really give you much insight in to the characters and none of them had any real arc apart from Hannah, and hers was meh at best.

The VA doing the Margaux performance was okay, but wasn't particularly creepy or original.
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It's not Citizen Kane?
alexking477726 September 2022
No crap. It isn't. When people say worst movie ever. I have to consider they are new to horror and haven't seen many movies.

This isn't going to be ground breaking. It's a movie about a killer AI home killing people. What more do you want from that? If you are expecting the next hereditary. You clearly don't know movies.

This is a movie that is playing it straight but is anything but serious. It's meant to have fun and pretty much a set up for some gore.

If you wanted Shakespeare. You shouldn't watch this. Because that's ridiculous. Better acting than a spoof movie. Better everything for a joke movie.

Not within the realm of at all possible. Just meant to be fun and gory movie about a killer smart house.
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Watchable, but sort of ludicrous really...
paul_haakonsen10 September 2022
As I had the opportunity to watch the 2022 horror / thriller "Margaux", of course I opted to do so. Sure, I had not even heard about this movie from writers Chris Beyrooty, Chris Sivertson and Nick Waters prior to watching it. But I found the synopsis to be alluring.

And now having watched it, I have to say that this movie was definitely unique. Yeah, there were parts of the storyline and script that had appeal, and the movie was watchable enough for what it turned out to be. But if you step back and look at the things that goes on throughout the movie objectively, then it just makes zero sense and the whole concept is actually not a great thing. But hey, the movie made for a semi-adequate viewing experience, so there was that.

So many things that happened throughout the movie were ludicrous, and why would someone create a house with the ability to kill people, or even have a ceiling that can slide all the way down to the floor? And so many other things just didn't make any logical sense if you think about it.

The acting in the movie was fairly good, taking into consideration the limitations imposed by the script. It was a relatively small cast ensemble, so the actors and actresses had to perform all the more convincingly to carry the movie. And they did that well enough. I was only familiar with actors Richard Harmon and Lochlyn Munro.

Visually then "Margaux" was enjoyable enough. The special effects in the movie were good and helped to distract from the ludicrous concept holes of the storyline.

"Margaux" is the type of movie that you watch once, then shelf it and never return to it a second time.

My rating of director Steven C. Miller's 2022 movie "Margaux" lands on a bland five out of ten stars.
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gregorybates-7107110 September 2022
Blown away by the film, especially the ending. Sad ending. I was rooting for the love & romance. Only the wanna be tough ones in this wanna be tough generation would not agree because they dont believe in true love. I only watched the film just because of madison pettis and I am so glad that she was in it because I would have missed out on a great film if there wasnt any other actor or actress in it that i am a fan of. Vanessa morgan is great but she isn't gonna drag me to see a film like Madison. I am glad i rented this, $$ well spent. It had a few omg/wow moments. The movie is deep and basically tells us the dangers of relying so much on technology and as stated earlier. There is someone special that we love and want a romance with. Great story, plot, a few sexy moments, great story in the film and especially involving the characters. Is it one of the best films of all time? No. Could it have been better? Yes. However, you can tell that the actorsvworked with what they was given and made it entertaining, for the audience, especially vanessa morgan, with her all I can say is holy heck. But overall because of the soul the cast put into this film makes it a 10/10. They played the heck out of their characters.
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Ok movie but could have been better.
rkegel25 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was ok, though I think most people are scared of Ai because of movies like this.

Why did the Ai turn out the way it did? Was it on purpose? Maybe some kind of sick experiment, or the coder was just crazy? Or maybe visiters were treating it poorly and as revenge it killed everyone who entered. Or maybe the coder or a visitor was a serial killer and took a victim or two there which made the Ai curious so it decided to kill.

Lastly Hanna was smart enough to code the malware and to out smart the Ai but she brings a Bluetooth device in the car? Come on, worst ending they could have had. How about the Ai figures out how to make a construct that can leave the building and they go to the cops and the build is shut down but in part two the cops are on the trail of a serial killer but they don't know it's the Ai. The Ai doesn't kill Hanna because she respects her but maybe someone who got away told the cops that it was some weird shape shifter. They think it's an alien and Hanna hears about it on the news and goes to the cops or fbi and tells them what it is and helps bring it down for good.
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Completely unoriginal garbage
unfrostedpoptart9 December 2022
Must have taken almost an hour to write this. Actually, not write but copy from movies with the same plot going back to the '80s (maybe '70s). It's like the cast of some MTV show with a much of attractive 20-somethings decided to make a really bad sci-fi / slasher movie one weekend. Then they got some junior high kid to put together some really poor CGI that would have been embarrassing back in the '80s.

Movies by The Asylum are masterpieces next to this crap. How do the producers get money to make this? The biggest cost was probably renting the fancy house to shoot in. Too bad the real house didn't act like the one in the movie!
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Watch The Simpsons episode
ChRiS-80310 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's a great Treehouse of Horror episode of the early years of "The Simpsons" which did this a million times better and in just 10 minutes.

It's a great idea but poorly executed by lazy storytelling. It's obvious from the beginning which character will survive (hint! Think PC-friendly), the characters are awful (except for Lexi) and the death scenes whilst gruesome make no real sense.

What was the motive of Margaux killing people?

The opening act whilst intense - what was the connection to any of it?

None of it really makes any sense yet it drags on a bit.

And wait to you see some of the FX!

I mean it could have tried a bit harder.
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Literally painful
ExiledRoyal4 September 2023
OK, right from the off I'm rooting for The House.

Given the sheer annoyingness of the teens heading for a break... the constant vocal fry of the girls who sound like a lake of frogs... and given the spoiler in the first 3 minutes as to what 'Margaux' is capable of... I'd really like to see every one of the ensemble gathered in one room and despatched as gruesomely and quickly as possible.

Then I'd crack open a bottle of bubbly, high five Margaux, and it'd be tea and medals, and everyone home for an early night.

Teenagers who mimic frogs, and embrace up speak as if they're being tentative about even the most trivial things, deserve all that they get. Just a shame you have to wait for the film to drag on.
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Painfully overproduced marshmallow fluff
troy-boulton9 December 2023
A litany of putrefied cinematic sins, sloppily contained in a thin polymer skin:

  • Inane story
  • Cardboard acting
  • Self indulgent slo-mo interstitial sequence
  • Infuriating dialogue
  • Terrible effects
  • Anachronistic technology with no explanation
  • Strange scoring choices
  • Deranged casting/geriatric 20-somethings
  • Technobabble
  • Non-existent cast chemistry
  • Molecule-thin disposable stereotyped characters
  • Redundant plot devices
  • Inconsistent character behaviours
  • Painfully unrewarding predictability
  • Trying sooo hard for that 'R', not deserving it

Lawnmower man eat your heart out (this filmgives instructions).
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