"Stargirl" Summer School: Chapter Thirteen (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Awesome finale
ldamena3 November 2021
Dramatic and scary all in one. Kept me on the ege of my seat. We also saw the return of an another JSA member I'm intrigued where this character goes in the 3rd season. One thing is for sure tho Courtney is gonna have a lot of people fighting over her XD. Friends and foes will prob unite next season too and I can't wait. Esp how Cindy's relationship will be with the new JSA now that she's sorta joined them. Big plus on Mike getting his moment to shine too.
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Strong finale
pauli_gomez4 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Even when some very cliché things, the finale was done, fun, interesting and the premise for next season is attractive. So kudos to everyone involved in this!

I hope the frenemies became actual friends next season, as most of them are not completely evil, and, as Courtney says, there is good in everyone. I feel the two bad girls can be redeemed, they just need to be around good people, to learn from them and their examples. And the boy is not evil at all, so hopefully he will be saved (before he becomes another victim, like the violinist son).

My only major problem was the brushing off any explanation about Starman's return. It was too convenient to have Starman come back just at the right moment. I understand many shows have their ex machina, but at least some hint of an explanation should be provided.

I am not sure I am too interested in Mr. Bones, but I hope to see more of Jade.

Oh, and the best thing of the season will be back for s3! I love the Shade.
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Say What You Want About This Season, but Stargirl Knows How To Do A Finale!
demigodshmurda3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the most bizarre experiment I've ever seen take place. This season has had some high highs and low lows, and on the whole I think I enjoyed it. But I can't just ignore the season's flaws because I enjoyed some episodes. I don't wanna say I've made any unfair criticisms along the way either. This season's certainly weird, but regardless of my thoughts on the season as a whole, the Stargirl writers know how to write a finale!

I'll get the complaints out of the way. Eclipso is still not a good villain. He's a device used by the writers to develop the characters, but he doesn't actually have any real development himself in the process. I get that he's literally the "devil in the shadows" as Pat himself said, but it's possible for him to have an arc about how he wants to defy the role that was forced upon him. Eclipso was born as pure evil, so maybe his arc should've been about proving that he can change. I dunno if that would've entirely worked, and people probably would've criticized it more than Eva McCulloch's heel turn on The Flash during season 7's "Mother", but it is a possible arc, and I think I would've appreciated something executed poorly more than what the writers did here. That being said, it was surprisingly satisfying to see him get his comeuppance. I really thought that Eclipso wouldn't go down in a satisfying way, but while it wasn't narratively satisfying, it was satisfying from a character standpoint. That massive group shot of every character standing against Eclipso was actually really cool because it's every character that Eclipso screwed over teaming up to destroy him. And yeah, there was a ton of other characters there like Jenny, Jakeem, and the Crock family, but the important ones were shown more prominently, so their appearances matter more than the others.

I also think that Jenny was completely underutilized during this episode. I get that there's a lot happening in this episode as it is, and the writers were trying to execute on as much as possible, but I can count the number of scenes that Jenny was in on one hand, and then she just leaves Blue Valley off-screen by the end of the episode. I really wonder what the point of introducing this character was. Did Jenny just get added for woke points, or was it because they had the Green Lantern lying around and nothing to do with it? Because the writers certainly weren't interested in telling her story. Jenny feels like just as much of a plot device as Eclipso most of the time, only she's less important because absolutely nothing would change if you cut her out of the story!

There's also the resurrection of the Shade. I get that the Shadowlands coming to Earth would technically give him his powers back, but we saw him fade away into a literal shadow two episodes ago. Just seems like the writers were playing fast and loose with the Shade all season long. Not gonna lie though, Johnathan Cake killed this role! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing another performance from him next season.

Eclipso merging Earth and the Shadowlands is pretty dumb all things considered. If Eclipso has the power to merge Earth and the Shadowlands, why didn't he just do this as soon as he was freed? Sure, he says that he needed the light from the Cosmic Staff, but then why didn't he just try to take over Starman decades ago with the original JSA? Seems like it would've been a lot easier for him to do. All things considered, Eclipso's "plan", if you can call it that, makes no sense.

Yolanda rejoins the team out of nowhere with literally no buildup, and honestly... That's kinda lame.

Pat's vision that he was fighting was himself, which was kinda dumb in my opinion. I understand that they wanted to save the Starman reveal for later in the episode (and I missed Joel Mchale's name in the credits which actually made the reveal cooler), but that's not a very good excuse in terms of a narrative decision.

And finally, we have to talk about that revelation with Cameron. This man somehow manages to get sidelined for half the season every season. And the reveal of his powers to him by his grandparents is just... So weak. Cameron should've found out some other way, preferably from Courtney, and preferably during a fight where him choosing a side would change the outcome. Cameron learning about his powers from his grandparents like this just... Doesn't gel well with how cleanly written this show used to be.

But hey, I will give credit where it's due. And there is a lot of credit due here.

For starters, I like that Yolanda is the one to help Cindy gain a small semblance of her humanity back. After Cindy having screwed Yolanda over in the way that she did, Yolanda being the one to stop Cindy from killing Courtney is honestly sick.

Additionally, I don't even hate how the writers are treating Courtney as this beacon of light and all that's good in the world. On The Flash or Supergirl, this would feel cheesy and lame, but Courtney's optimism is actually unshaking. Whether that optimism actually fits with her character is up for debate, but the notion itself is pretty great. Courtney entering a room lights it up, sometimes literally with the Cosmic Staff, and that's a fun idea to play around with.

I also like the scenes with Mike in this episode, and I especially enjoyed the conversation he had with Jakeem in the garage. To me, it seems like Mike's never been upset about the fact that he was sidelined. He was upset because being sidelined made him feel useless. It's a small difference, but it's an important one, and it really does do wonders for this character. I think one of the most important lines of the episode is when Jakeem says to Mike "He's trying to protect you." referring to Pat, and Mike replies "He's going in without backup." He's just worried about his dad, and about everyone else for that matter. Mike really does care so much, and this episode really exemplifies that.

The action in this episode was just gorgeous! The writers really were saving up their CGI budget all season long, and it shows! The phenomenal action that this episode has goes on for around twenty five minutes straight! I. Am. Stunned. And the effects team did amazing work here too, because every frame that the CGI is on screen feels fully realized, and the action feels incredibly kinetic as a result! There's never a slow moment during this episode.

Also, S. T. R. I. P. E. dabs. Do with that information what you will.

And then there was that massive group shot at the end of the fight. And yeah, not necessarily every character that was there deserved to be there, namely the Crocks, Jakeem, and Jenny, but they do make the shot itself feel... Full, for lack of a better word. And it looks like I was right about the Cosmic Staff, the Green Lantern Ring, and the Thunderbolt being able to stop Eclipso after all, as they reduce Eclipso to nothing but a piece of burnt toast. Literally. Like, that actually happens in the episode.

Not gonna lie, it felt like they were trying to recreate the "Mike running Icicle over with a car" scene from "Stars and S. T. R. I. P. E. Part Two" a little bit too hard there, but it still worked and I got a kick out of it.

We even get to see both Courtney and Starman using the Cosmic Staff at the same time during that moment too, and the staff glows brighter than ever because of it. Yes. Please. Give me more!

And as for the ending, with the Crocks moving next door to the Whitmore-Dugans, we get the reveal that next season is gonna be called "Stargirl: Frenemies". And that was the point where I got the most upset with the writers that I've been all season long, because it shows that they've clearly learned nothing from this season's mistakes. Guys, look, you can't stretch a storyline like "Summer School" out over thirteen episodes. It just doesn't work as well as you want it too. It just leads to a lot of the pacing and supervillain issues that I've been talking about all season long! It's the reason that Jenny got sidelined for *seven* episodes! And Jakeem and the Thunderbolt were sidelined for *nine*! Not to mention the *countless* subplots that you guys introduced and then did basically nothing with! Leave these season long arcs like "Summer School" in season 2 where they belong, and don't do this again next season unless you're confident that you can fix all the errors that happened here.

Overall, I can close the book on Stargirl season 2 on a high note. Look, this episode's action was incredible, and there was a lot of great character moments here, but there was still a lot that didn't all completley work narratively. And while those issues could be mostly overlooked in an episode like "Summer School: Chapter Eleven", it's harder to do so here since the writers put so much more focus on both the good and the bad here. What was great about the season was on full display here, but so was what was bad. But in terms of renewing my interest in the series, this one certainly managed to nail that.

8 / 10

Also, Keith David is going to be voicing Mister Bones during the third season. I would be really excited about that if Mr. Bones was a threat to literally any member of the JSA, which now has full mastery of a 5th Dimensional Genie at their disposal, and thus making all of them lowkey unstoppable on the low end. I seriously doubt that some guy with super strength and transparent skin can stand up to that.
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What an ending!
GomezAddams6663 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This sophomore season was just amazing, I love the horror ambiance the season as a whole had, and the finale did not disappoint.

Sometimes series finales can tease a big crescendo with many characters that do not pay off, but this one did, this one delivered everything we have been promised, we saw the Justice Society of America fighting alongside the Injustice Society of America, because there is a difference between bad and evil, and in this case, Eclipso is evil incarnate.

Kudos to Milo Stein, who played young Bruce Gordon, and Eclipso's evil child form, he was absolutely formidable and terrifying, with a bone chilling laugh.

But we also got to see the darkness and tribulations of every single character this season, I loved that it paid off Yolanda's trauma from season one.

The finale was just magnificent, seeing Starman wielding the Cosmic Staff or "Cosmo" was just so powerful, in perhaps one of the greatest scenes I have ever seen in a comic book tv series.

I can praise this series, the season as a whole and the finale forever. I just cannot wait for season three.
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Summer School finishes off strong with the ensemble cast together and Geoff Johns having written the episode, it's an incredible season finale of a mostly good season
Holt3443 November 2021
Summer School: Chapter Thirteen is the season finale, it's directed by Greg Beeman who also serves as producer for the show and couple of other well known shows, the direction is improved a lot than the previous episode which was also directed by him, the visual storytelling and overall direction is great. I liked the way he choose to shoot scenes, truly fantastic. The episode's script was written by Geoff Johns and his writing was felt throughout the episode with superb writing and fantastic dialogue as he knows the characters in and out, he's the showrunner after all and creator of the Stargirl character. Great cinematography with impressive sets and locations. All the departments did a terrific job with this episode. Creating a memorable finale and showdown between the JSA and Cindy against Eclipso, it was truly epic.

The episode follows the events of the previous episode with Courtney and the JSA along with Cindy ready to fight Eclipso. Chapter Thirteen follows: Eclipso unleashing the final part of his master plan. Courtney, Pat and the JSA band together to take him down once and for all.

There were lots of good character interactions in this episode, even some really great ones. There are also couple of cameos in the episode but also guest and recurring stars that comes back, making the episode much more entertaining. There's so many scenes that I absolutely loved, and how the suspension and tension exists through the entire episode. Visual effects were great and I see now how they saved much of the budget to the finale, as the various heroes and villains leans more into visual effects thus making it more expensive, everything looks fantastic and seeing the characters use their powers is always entertaining. There weren't time for great performances as it was action packed and focused almost solely on the anticipated showdown that met my expectations. Brec Bassinger and Luke Wilson was the best, of course Nick Tarabay.

In my opinion, this was overall a great episode and a brilliant season finale, being epic and giving us an episode fans of Stargirl could be proud of. Though I liked most of the season, it sadly suffered from poor pacing and some bad writing but not much. I also think Nick Tarabay wasn't giving much to do as Eclipso, the few times we got him made it amazing but the vessel he choose (the child) was neither scary or menacing. But seeing Nick Tarabay in this episode, I feel sorry for him and the audience with the screen time he got as in this episode he truly shined. The finale did a great job with tying everything up but also teasing new things to come, along with the new antagonist and I won't spoil the final minutes but honestly I'm both interested and curious.

Stargirl succeeded yet again with an incredible season finale but saying that the second season is more than good would be lie, it has many flaws but the pacing and some choices in the writing was just odd. But Summer School (Season 2) was good.
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An exhilarating and action-packed season finale
RahulM0074 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The season 2 finale of DC's Stargirl wrapped up its sophomore run with one of its finest episodes to date. It had action, heart, humour, and a feeling that sends shivers down my spine. I have always considered Stargirl to be connected to the Arrowverse, but not officially part of it. It stays in its own continuity and does not have to worry on what is happening on the other DCTV shows. However, I wish that Courtney Whitmore appears to some degree on the Flash and meets Barry Allen sometime in the near future.

The Shade brings out such a natural charisma that immediately makes him a likable character and one of the few antiheroes that I actually root for.

After a whole season of speculating, Sylvester Pemberton aka Starman finally showed up in Blue Valley. His appearance intertwined with him trying to wield the cosmic staff and trying to persuade Courtney to not succumb to the darkness, gave me literal chills. Courtney's memories gave her the necessary boost to revert back to her old self. Her humanity and the love she feels towards her family and the JSA is far stronger than Eclipso's power.

The moment when the Thunderbolt turns Eclipso to toast (literally) was extremely satisfying and hilarious. Jakeem was always meant to be the successor of the Thunderbolt. I wonder if Mike will take on the mantle of S. T. R. I. P. E. aka Stripesy or become Pat 's sidekick.

I was a little disappointed that Pat and Sylvester did not share a touching moment together. After more than a year, the question of how Sylvester survived is still looming.

Rick and Grundy 's bromance was one of the highlights of the season. Grundy giving Rick an apple in jail is sweet and further exemplifies their growth as characters; from enemies to frenemies and how it morphed into an actual bromance.

To conclude, Stargirl concludes its second season with an action packed, witty, heartfelt, eerie, and emotional season finale that wraps up the overarching storyline in a satisfying and rather humorous way. The whole season practically served as a build up to this very episode. It absolutely delivered, and I cannot wait to see what the third season has in store.

*The final moments of the finale teased the DC comics villain Mister Bones and the mysterious Helix organisation.

*Mid-way through the second season it was revealed that Joy Osmanski, Neil Hopkins and Joel McHale would be returning as series regulars in the third season. The Crock family will be the Dugan/Whitmore family's next-door neighbours, hence the new title: Stargirl: Frenemies. I guess that the third season will include more comedic bits and have a more light-hearted tone than the second season. Starman, on the other hand, will be staying in Pat's basement. He will probably have multiple clashes with Sportsmaster and Tigress due to their complicated history.

*Cindy Burman might be joining the JSA in the third season. She redeemed herself this season and showed some empathy towards Yolanda and apologised to her for sending out the pictures to everyone at school. Cindy even came to grips with her mother's death and her father's nefarious acts. At the end, she was able to control her darkness and embrace the light.

*Rick is seen burying Grundy in the forest. The Shade advises Rick to bury Grundy somewhere else, so that he can be reborn. I guess that Grundy will occasionally partner up with the JSA, but not officially join them.

*Beth's parents finding out about her alter ego is exactly what the family needed. This will only strengthen their family bond even more, and the divorce will probably be on an indefinite halt.

*I have a feeling that Charles McNider will return briefly in the third season to assist Beth with a problem.

*Thunderbolt finally arrived back from China (of course, not without a brief stop in Addis Ababa) with Jakeem's Chinese food that could practically feed an army. Zeek's reaction to seeing Thunderbolt was priceless.

*Nick Tarabay's portrayal of Eclipso was menacing and horrifying. The only thing scarier is the kid version of Eclipso. He might be the creepiest kid I have ever seen on television. Eclipso turned out to be a truly entrenching villain and one of the best villains in the entirety of the Arrowverse.

Season 2 ranking of the Arrowverse shows (plus Stargirl):

1. Arrow 2. Stargirl 3. Legends of Tomorrow 4. The Flash 5. Batwoman 6. Supergirl 7. Black Lightning

Final verdict: 10/10.
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Davidaen3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Writers, Directors have done a great job with this series. Each episode storyline leads to this point. The fight scenes are all epic only third to Arrow and Titans, its currently the best CW show presently... Love this, I wish Season 03 will come quicker and it will be better.
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Ending rocks!!!!!
sanjuparampil4 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved how they ended the season. It was a mixture of action and emotions. Especially when the old JSA members returned.

I also liked how the show utilised all the characters appropriately without leaving out everyone. I hope the show maintains this momentum throughout the coming seasons.
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Really good finale
adam_burton-917945 November 2021
This episode's action was much better than the last action episode's. Everything came together well and there were many nice twists. It's a shame much of the season wasn't the best, but this is a nice way to end it.
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Good finale but the season could of been better
AshBoshog3 November 2021
I really like the finale but was lead up to this episode was just way too slow and annoying to watch.

They could of made this season 10 episodes and cut a lot of scenes even entire episodes where they just get "scared" by eclipso.

I really hope they stop with the dumb fillers for the next season but other than that it was a really good finale just like season 1.
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[8.5] Dedicated to Milo Stein for his terrific acting
cjonesas23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 13: Yes, a very good season 2 finale with great acting (Jonathan Cake and Milo Stein among others), actions, humor, emotions, friendship, leadership and just the right amount of cheesiness that you'd expect for a season's wrap-up.

Fans are so enthusiastic that reading their detailed reviews is always super interesting, a great pleasure and kudos to them for their writing.

This season was a little darker, unfortunately full of filler episodes to make it to thirteen and with a big star in the name of Milo Stein. Congrats to him with a warm heart! He shone unequivocally with menacing charisma, deep acting and a terrifying childish laughter.
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wetmars12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yes. It has finally started: the chaos. Jade warns to mother that Courtney is the keg to all of this, but the mother says that they've already gone. Pat, Yolanda, Courtney, and Cindy walk out through the streets to fight Eclipso for once and for all. A weird electricity portal starts to form up in the skies as the four watch. Meanwhile, Rick has been repairing his Hourglass. Once Thunderbolt is back and S. T. R. I. P. E is repaired; they can meet "the demon". The four meets up with Eclipso. Courtney orders Pat to go and find Beth and McNider. The three-fight as Yolanda fights with the Wildcat. Courtney and Cindy teaming up on Eclipso. Pat fighting himself the good old way, fist to fist.

Now, Cindy is fighting with her "younger self" with knives stabbed to her stomach. Courtney uses her Cosmic Staff on Eclipso, but she keeps on missing as Eclipso taunts her that he will merge the Shadowlands with Earth, and become like a God. The fight between the two Pats stops as McNider warns Pat that none of it is real. Now, Courtney and Cindy are up against Eclipso again but are getting the punches this time. Rick decided to fight without his Hourglass. Big mistake. Thunderbolt finally comes back to the Pit Stop. Eclipso climbs the building claiming himself as the edge of victory.

AND S. T. R. I. P. E IS BACK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BUT IT'S MIKE THIS TIME! Yeah, you are six years late buddy... Thunderbolt comes and electrocutes Eclipso, but is only caught and thrown around electrocuting S. T. R. I. P. E. Eclipso comes near the boy but is stopped by Hourglass Man and Soloman Grundy! It is revealed that Rick doesn't need his Hourglass anymore, and his superhuman strength can last up to more than an hour. Sadly, Eclipso uses his powers and dissolves Grundy's whole stomach. About time we won't see that bad CGI character anymore. Eclipso threatens Courtney that he will trust her dad's arm, asking her how do you feel or he will die. Holy, that is sadistic.

Courtney felt for the "old joker gag" (( I'm sorry to reference this, but I am such a big Arkham fan. )) Eclipso eventually possesses the body of Courtney Whitmore. Oh, I've got a bad feeling about this! Well, guys; we did it. THE SHADE IS BACK! Damn, Cindy can heal herself? Starman. IS. BACK!!! He grabs unto his Cosmic Staff, motivating Courtney to fight against Eclipso as she starts to have flashbacks. Ultimately, she is brought back. The ISA also teams up to fight Eclipso. The team throws all of they got, turning Eclipso into a toast. "It's a little burnt." LOL. What a nice touch. I do like how Pat convinces Courtney to stop worrying, and that Eclipso is now destroyed. What a comforting scene. "Superheroes don't need school." Lel, true. (( Unless you count Batman Beyond, based show. ))

Beth tells McNider that her wife is still alive with a 10-year-old son. Aw man, emotions. Here, we see the old man and women we see throughout the whole show reveal to their grandson that has the same powers that Icicle has. Could this be setting up Season 3? Cindy asks Yolanda if she could join the JSA. Yeah, about that. We focus on Rick burying up the beast who killed his parents who are greeted by the Shade. Glad to see the parents not choosing to divorce. Nanotechnology, I hear? Oh yes, "What the-" I'M DYING. But. That's not it. The nurse lady tells a mysterious man the whereabouts of Jade. "Perhaps we should take a trip to Nebraska." According to my research, this is Mister Bones. I have never heard of him. See you all until Spring 2022.


I am partially mixed on this one. I wished that Eclipso did more than fight throughout the episode, and have more dialogue. I was hoping Eclispo to have character development rather than a plot device, but he is 100% evil, so. Overall, it is a finale that is action-packed, emotional, and wonderfully concludes the Summer School arc.

Although, I do have problems with this finale. It is that something just felt off. I don't know how to explain it, like most of the episode was mostly action (( I enjoyed the action, but I wanted the episode to focus on other things. )), and full of forced resurrections.

I still don't like Jade. She is uninteresting, barely does anything in her screentime, has barely any personality, and is mostly a plot device. Hopefully, we can see her character develop in the next season. Even though. I am scared to see what Stargirl will become. I do think that Season One was definitely better than this season, but it was still enjoyable. Although, there were many flaws that you can't ignore in this season. You had a scary, menacing villain with an actual motive who is a wrecking badazz. Everything worked strongly with the presence of Brainwave.

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My First Time Watching This Episode Tonight, but I've Seen it Before.
jamericanbeauty4 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Stargirl S2's finale is a blatant ripoff of better written, better acted and visually superior scenes from better movies. The lazy, unoriginal writers should be ashamed of themselves! Eclipso feeds off the worst emotion of Stargirl - hate. It strengthens his evil powers and abilities to delude and control others. Where have I seen that before? IT. Pennywise feeds off an emotion of children - fear. Minutes later, possessed by Eclipso and thereby turned into Dark Stargirl, Stargirl's Step-Dad Pat tells her to remember the good in her. She has flashbacks of loving, happy moments with her family and friends, and Eclipso's possession of her mind, body and soul is broken. I've seen this before and executed better with Harry Potter's Order of the Phoenix. It's a brilliant, unsettling scene of Voldemort possessing Harry and Professor Dumbledore breaks said possession by telling Harry to remember how he is different from Voldemort despite their dark telepathic connection. Through flashbacks, Harry remembers loving, happy moments with his family and friends and frees himself from said possession. Do better Stargirl writers! And the way they killed Eclipso at the end was juvenile. Burned toast? So hilarious. Not! Why do most Hollywood writers in recent years seem to write like giddy children writing a script for other giddy children? I was about to cancel my series recording, but the final scene caught my attention and I love Keith David (as Mister Bones!!!). CW, please stick to the source material: Infinity Inc. Comics for S3. Where's Dr. Benjamin Love? Who is that nurse? Did CW replace Dr. Love with a standard generic strong female character? I hope not or S3 will be a short run for me.
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An excellent ending to a odd season
wjspears14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As others have said here, this final episode of the second season of Stargirl was terrific, with an abundance of emotion and action.

Watching this season though was a strange experience for me. It seemed like every other episode was interesting and moved plot along. The "off" episodes tended to repeat the same character arcs, over and over again.

The problem was, as I saw it, was that the episodes solely focused on the season length story arc, which was not complex or interesting enough to carry a whole 13 weeks of hour long episodes.

The producers needed to intersperse some shorter sub-stories that involved the JSA members, but could be resolved within the space of an hour long episode.

But the JSA crew were still all enjoyable to watch. I especially got a kick out of watching the Cindy Burman supervillain character (Meg DeLacy) starting to wrestle with her "good side", while everyone else was fighting their "dark side"!
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rabbit_mini10 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Too many subplots and subplots and too many characters!

It was good to see a finale to this uninspiring season because it's too silly even for a teen drama. Kinda wasted some good actors I feel.
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Absolute BLAH season season comes to an end in a BLAH way.
terrylarosa3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First season was excellent with a lot of character development. This season seemed to be one giant filler season with almost nothing happening. Stupid comical worthless villain is finally defeated by some light rays or something and stupidly turned into toast. Minimal action throughout with nearly 80% cases f eps having zero action. What was the point of the villains from last season to appear?? To whack a useless baseball at Calypso?? At least no more terrible CGI Grundy. Forever whining startled Beth is still startled and whining. Everybody dies and comes back with whatever ridiculous plot device that makes no sense happens. At least on Titans they have a reasonable explanation for the resurrections. And again one silly villain for the entire season?? Only thing of note was Shade. Let's hope next season they fight an actual supervillain team but the end credits is already setting it up for just one major villain. This is where the Flash went to crap in most of its seasons......can't believe all the high marks for this nonsense episode.
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