Watcher (2022) Poster

(I) (2022)

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Slightly short of being a great thriller
kuarinofu8 July 2022
Wow, just wow. I had no expectations about Watcher, but it turned out to be really good.

Like seriously, everything worked so well up until the ending, which felt somewhat disappointing and didn't make much sense. It wasn't the worst thing they could've done though, so thanks for that.

Actual care was put into the film and it shows. All the elements they have are nothing new, really, but these blend quite well. The unfamiliar environment, the language barrier, the fear, and the feeling of being misunderstood and left alone by the careless close ones. Great acting, great atmosphere, great music. Just overall a solid thriller that tried to step away from cliches as much as possible.

I can agree that the pacing was relatively slow, but it only helped absorb the atmosphere of what was happening.

A split 7.5/10 could've been an 8.5/10 if not for the ending that felt a little too much, although I get the message.

I am looking forward to new movies from the director.
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Modernized Hitchcock done right
nicolasroop6 June 2022
This was a fantastic paranoia thriller. Maika Moore is fantastic as the lead actress and the villian was also perfectly cast, he was quite menacing. The story here is very well done, albeit derivitive and at times you must suspend some levels of your disbelief, but it provides just enough twists and turns throughout to keep it from getting stale. With that said, the movie can also be kind of slow in parts, but I feel like it was a slow burn done right. Hitchcock would be proud of this film. The ending does it right, however I would've enjoyed an extra five minutes just to know what ended up with these characters, but I think I got the jist of it, so I digress. If you're looking for a good paranoia horror/thriller, this would be a great choice and you could definitely do worse. I recommend to people who enjoy a go slow burn that leads up to creepy conclusion. 3.5 creepy creepertons out of.
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Nervy take on a well-worn concept
drownsoda903 June 2022
"Watcher" follows Julia, an American who moves to Bucharest with her husband, Francis. While Francis is fluent in the language--his mother is Romanian--Julia is not, and struggles with the language barrier. Even worse, she also finds herself being watched by a man in the adjacent apartment building, and comes to believe that not only is he stalking her, but that he is a serial killer.

It goes without saying that "Watcher" is playing with a familiar concept--this is a premise we have seen in a large number of films, most famously in Hitchcock's "Rear Window," but "Watcher" also pays respects to Roman Polanski's "apartment" films, most notably (and effectively) "The Tenant" (the other two being "Rosemary' Baby" and "Repulsion"). What makes it stand out, however, is that it is well-acted, visually elegant, and at times throttling in its suspense. There are a number of scenes in this film that (no pun intended) grab you by the throat.

"Watcher" is the breed of film that toes the line regarding whether or not the fears and paranoias of the protagonist are legitimate, or the product of something else, but director Chloe Okuno telegraphs it intelligently by positioning the audience in tandem with Julia--as we watch her sink into her isolation, we are isolated alongside her--and it is because of this that her fears play out as believable, despite her husband's skepticism. The writing here is both subtle and smart, and there are a few key moments that are as dislocating to the viewer as they are to the protagonist; the screenplay is multi-pronged in a way that makes the audience question not what they are seeing, but rather, what it is indicative of. Julia's disconnect from the language only helps to reinforce a sense of suffocation, and the gloomy, rain-soaked Art Deco architecture of the city only amplifies the sense of unease.

Of course, none of this would work without a believable lead, and Maika Monroe plays this character very effectively. Burn Gorman is also extremely effective as the mysterious creep across the way. The film's finale, though tense, is still fairly downbeat (which is the status quo in this film), but it offers enough grand guignol to be memorable and shocking. In the end, while "Watcher" is not necessarily revelatory, it is a well-crafted, nervy take on a well-worn concept. There are some standout moments in this film that make it worth watching for any genre fan. 7/10.
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Neat little thriller that borrows from Hitchcock's works! [+67%]
arungeorge133 September 2022
Having enjoyed Chloe Okuno's segment in V/H/S 94 to some extent, I was exciting for her feature debut. Watcher is a film that reminds you of some of Hitchcock's works, be it in building a slow-burn suspense drama set in a mysteriously new atmosphere and in the way the lead character is established. Chloe also extracts an excellent performance from Maika Monroe who portrays the "fish out of water" protagonist. The best thing about her portrayal is that she manages to induce the same levels of anxiety in audiences too. She effortlessly makes you step into her shoes - the confusion she feels by not fully grasping the local language, that feeling of loneliness when you're in a new place spending days mostly by yourself, the burgeoning dread of having a stalker - all conveyed remarkably well.

The script doesn't have any major twists or surprises to offer, but it keeps you invested in whatever Julia is up to. The only trope I didn't enjoy is the indifferent husband, which gets repeated to terrible effect here. I truly enjoyed the film's aesthetics - be it the use of space, color grading, choice of camera angles, and sparse lighting. Cinematographer Benjamin Kirk Nielsen uses extended shots to convey a sense of paranoia. I'm pretty stoked for anything Chloe Okuno does next!
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Husband is the worst!
smssatts9 July 2022
Great visuals. They did a good job of filming every scene to make everything look super creepy. Acting is mostly good, but I absolutely hated the husband's character. I get that he had to be that way to keep the story going, but man it's frustrating.
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A tense, slow burn
spiritgrave22 January 2022
I found this thriller pretty enjoyable. The acting was phenomenal, particulacy from Maika, our lead. Some of these sequences were so anxiety-inducing, even when our lead is just walking down the street I couldn't help but tense up.

My only main disappointment was the ending. While it was building towards a satisfying conclusion, it just ends abruptly. I wanted more from it. But maybe that just shows how well everything was before hand. Also some awkward dialogue but that's just me nitpicking, it's not that big of a deal.

Overall, while I don't think I'll just check this one out again, I had a good time with it and I'm excited to see what else the director while be making next!
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They don't have curtains in Romania?
radhrh22 June 2022
Above average thriller about people looking out of windows. I wonder where I've seen that before? Of course the entire premise would fail if they'd only buy some curtains like normal people but they don't. Maika Monroe plays the damsel in distress but her character is a bit of a misery guts and spends most of the movie scowling, sulking or frowning. Burn Gorman is perfectly creepy. The movie itself is low key and by the numbers as if it was written and directed according to a check list but it's effective for all that. There's quite a lot of Romanian language so if you watch without subtitles you miss some dialogue but I'm not sure if you miss anything important.
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This is a quality thriller.
Sleepin_Dragon21 June 2023
American Julia follows her Romanian husband Francis back to his home country of Romania, she's quickly aware that a neighbour is watching her, and following her, Francis believes she's imagining things.

This is a quality thriller, it has an almost vintage feel about it, it's a straight up story of a woman being stalked by a sinister being.

It's not a complex story, but Julia's conflict is what's interesting, is she simply paranoid, is she unfairly maligning the guy living opposite?

I loved the ending, that was such a good, dramatic scene. I know what I'd have said to Francis.

Maika Monroe is excellent as Julia, you truly get the sense of the character's loneliness and total frustration.

Burn Gorman is very good as The Watcher, he plays these creepy, sinister parts so well.

This film held my attention from start to finish.

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A Minor Curtain Call...
Xstal3 November 2022
What would you do, some blokes looking out at you, in a place that you've just moved, leaves you a bit more than bemused, seems to follow you around, when you're wandering in town, you're keen not to lose your head, though it's making you see red.

Julia becomes increasingly concerned about the attention she's receiving from a mysterious neighbour, although her pleas go unheard by both the local constabulary and her partner, leaving her increasingly isolated and psychologically challenged.

Not the most original thriller you've encountered but well made and performed and Maika Monroe may well be an actor going places.
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If you want to get yourself eliminated, act like her
easierlifeall23 June 2022
In addition to other types of work, I teach self-defense to women. I don't know what world Julia thinks she's living in, but she behaves as if it's the world she thinks it should be rather than the world that it actually is. (a) In the grocery store, she isolates herself in a store room instead of going toward other people. (b) Instead of being patient and waiting for a taxi, she goes underground to a dark, isolated subway platform. (c) She lingers alone near the apartment of the person who she believes is stalking her. (d) She leaves her apartment to go to another without locking her own door first. There are others...People have to live in the world that is, not the world that "should be".
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Excellent old school thriller
sgriff225555 June 2022
My mind is kind of boggled at the people calling this film slow or saying that it's not scary. Sure this film isn't supernatural horror but as far as real life situations go this one is pretty terrifying. I also did not find this film slow at all. It expertly builds the tension (and your anxiety) and successfully puts you in the mindset of the main character. She spends her days completely alone in a new country and doesn't speak the language. Watching this you can feel her loneliness, isolation, and downward spiral that leaves us questioning what's real and what isn't. This film is also stylish and has a very traditional Hitchcock feel to it that makes it all the better. This is all complemented by incredible performances all around leading to an extremely effective psychological thriller.
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Subtle thriller - Includes references inferred from trailer
parasolspetticoats2 September 2022
I dug it. Yes, it is a slower pace by conventional standards, but I was never bored. I have no problem with, and often times enjoy "slow burn" horror films. If I can connect to a character and the tone suits the pace (which I feel this movie accomplished) I can be patient and remain engaged. It's also possible that I am biased towards Maika Monroe, exclusively because of my love of "It Follows."

On a technical level, I have no complaints. The photography and acting were solid. The sense of isolation amongst humanity, obviously driven by a language barrier/fish-out-of water aspect was effective and it accelerated my connection to the protagonist. What would you do alone in an apartment, in an unfamiliar country where you don't speak the language, and the unidentified person across the alley is staring at you every night?

What I thoroughly enjoyed about the movie is the potential for subtext. It made me consider what it would be like to be misunderstood and thought of as delusional; hysterical and foolish. I have zero clue if the filmmaker had intentions to convey a deeper meaning than, "how can I make a 'Hitchcockian thriller?'". And I love that. I love contemporary horror that can elicit thoughts of themes and messages, rather than hit me in the face with blatant, directed symbolism and commentary.

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FeastMode3 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts off so slow, taking forever before anything interesting or intriguing happens. Then when it finally does, we get our first dose of many idiotic decisions that make it difficult to care for the character. We see more annoying tropes and very little payoff in this slog of a movie. (1 viewing, opening Thursday 6/2/2022)


Was anyone else annoyed by the extensive amount of dialogue in Romanian without subtitles? I understand they are trying to make us feel as isolated as the character feels, but it's aggravating.

When the first "scary" moment happens in the grocery store, I'm thinking she's perfectly safe here in the open with people around. But she decides to go into a poorly lit backroom with no one around. And even after knowing there is a serial killer on the loose, she repeatedly walks alone down a dark alley. I know they are trying to build tension, but you can't do that at the expense of the character's credibility.

Then we get a HEAVY dose of one of the most annoying tropes in thrillers and especially in horror: the boyfriend/husband doesn't believe her. He starts off seeming very supportive, to the point where he suggests going to look at the footage from the grocery store. But he throws her under the bus and claims she's the one staring at him, when we haven't seen anything to warrant this conclusion.

He spends the rest of the movie being the worst husband ever. By the time we reach the climax, I cared so little about the lead character (I can't even remember her name) and hated the husband so much that I really wanted her to die just so he feels like a piece of garbage. I don't think that was the intention of these filmmakers.

The ending is laughable. I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure slicing the carotid artery doesn't prevent you from breathing or screaming. Then she crawls towards the gun and plays dead. Once he leaves she gets the gun and shoots him. But why would she play dead in the first place? She could have easily reached the gun before that. What if he stabbed her more or cut off her head?

And apparently he didn't slice the carotid artery, otherwise she would be dead in minutes. Apparently he sliced a different artery that gushes large amounts of blood but doesn't kill you. Give me a break, movie.
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Worth a watch
lynseylinzlu19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's an interesting film and the tension level is high throughout. The cast are good and it looks nice and atmospheric. You really do feel her isolation and growing unease. I feel there are a few issues with the film. Firstly, we don't get enough to potentially consider that there is another explanation other than she is being watched. The husband also becomes a bit of a caricature towards the end with his at least she has company line. Talking about endings, that for me was the biggest disappointment. I really don't buy into this American need for a happy ending. I felt we were getting something different which while sad was realistic and more memorable...until we are thrown a final twist to make everything all nice and happy. That isn't life and takes away from the reality as well as making it overall a less enjoyable watch.
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Yeah, it's Romanian Front Window.
Otkon24 June 2022
But Bucharest plays a huge part in the atmosphere of an American stranger trying to fit into a foreign city besieged by a decapitating serial killer.

Is she just misreading the culturally-peculiar nature of her neighbors? Or is one of them really chopping the heads off local ladies?

The movie plays up her paranoia very slowly - like zooming in on that bag on the subway. Her overworked husband doesn't help, leaving her alone to dwell in isolation or to wander the streets barely knowing the language.

The movie is not revolutionary but it is decent. I found it entertaining.

Burn Gorman plays ambiguous so well.
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cat and mouse
ferguson-62 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. It's tough being the new kid. Moving to a new city with no friends is always a challenge. That's especially true for a grown-up when the new city is in a country where you don't speak the language - and you gave up your career to support your spouse who got a promotion to his home country. The first feature film from writer-director Chloe Okuno and co-writer Zack Ford is a bit of a throwback thriller that reminded me of some of Brian DePalma's work in the 1970's and 1980's, while also recalling other genre films.

Maika Monroe (IT FOLLOWS, 2014) stars as Julia, wife of Francis (Karl Glusman, LOVE, 2015). Their new apartment has a large picture window that overlooks the run-down tenement located across the street. Julia immediately notices the shadowed figure of a man who appears to be watching her. Yes, the set-up reminds us of Hitchcock's classic REAR WINDOW, though this one heads off in a different direction. The pressures of Francis' new job keep him working long hours, which means Julia is left alone a great deal of the time. As a former actor, now 're-evaluating' her career path, Julia spends the days walking the local streets and listening to language tapes. See, their new place is in Bucharest, Romania, and the language gap plays a huge role in casting her as an outsider in all social interactions.

But wait, there's more! Local news reports detail a serial killer nicknamed "Spider" has been murdering and beheading women. So when Julia begins seeing that shadowy figure from the window everywhere she goes, she assumes he's following/stalking her. Is he the serial killer? Perhaps the question is, who is the cat and who is the mouse? While making the point that the film so desperately wants to make, it does so in the least believable manner. Husband Francis dismisses her paranoia as that of a lonely woman - a reaction that seems absurd given the presence of a serial killer (Grace Kelly believed Jimmy Stewart!). Fortunately, filmmaker Okuno and the performance of Ms. Monroe prevent this from becoming an eye-roller for viewers.

As Julia and the "watcher" (played with a creepy stoicism by Burn Gorman, CRIMSON PEAK, 2015) continue to cross paths, Francis asks, "Is he watching you, or is he watching the person who is watching him?" It's this attitude that every woman will recognize ... being accused of having it be "all in her head", and having concerns minimized by men (spouses, cops, doctors, etc). Ms. Monroe gives a subdued, quiet performance that works terrifically in this setting. She kind of glows on screen and excels at conveying the feeling of isolation that Julia experiences, some of it enhanced by her husband's approach.

There are a couple of terrific scenes featuring Julia and her neighbor Irina (Madalina Anea), a single woman who understands Julia's trepidation. Other excellent scenes include Julia going solo to the movie theater to watch CHARADE, a film from which Okuno obviously draws inspiration; and best of all, a scene on the train where Julia and the watcher come face to face and have one of the more uncomfortable conversations (with a wonderful prop) we'll likely ever see on screen. Both actors are superb here.

The cinematography of Benjamin Kirk Nielsen and the score from Nathan Halpern perfectly correspond to the slow-burn pacing that lacks the typical 'jump-scares' that have become commonplace in thrillers. Despite some 'iffy' dialogue, the film is effective in isolating Julia and presenting the fear that women live with, while often having their feelings minimized. A strong ending sets up Chloe Okuno as a filmmaker to watch.

In theaters June 3, 2022 and On Demand June 21, 2022.
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About a 6 is fair
westy_captain13 August 2022
Enjoyed it, could see what was going to happen pretty early.. no big interesting twist or anything

Just another partner not taking his wife seriously 😅
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An above average suspense slow burner
ontheis22 June 2022
This movie doesn't want you to get your hopes too high - it is what it is, a nice thriller/horror that is a bit slow, but not boring. Has that style of old Dario Argento movies, which I love. It is better than most of new films, and has that old school suspense style, which is refreshing in the sea of new movies that are trying too hard to let you know they are "smart".

If you want to see something new, and there are not a lot of good options, Watcher is a good choice to... watch, for a quiet summer night.
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I loved this movie! The fact that you can step into her shoes, especially not understanding the language is brilliant in my opinion
Neptune1653 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if this film just resonated with me differently but I found this film really, really terrifying. I didn't find the movie slow at all, I felt like it expertly built the tension and I could feel my anxiety building throughout. There wasn't a moment in it I was bored and I was very invested in the story. Completely agree it is very Hitchcock and simple and serious in its execution. You could also really feel her isolation and loneliness which contributed to the anxiety and "chilled" feeling I got while watching it (if that makes sense). I saw it in the theater and really loved it. One of the best horror films in recent memory for me. Most of the time, I watched your reviews first before watching the movie, so I was very intrigued by this film. I also gave it 7/10 because I felt this movie is missing something remarkable in order to give it a perfect score. I love Jules' character. She tries to survive to that sociopath by her own which is admirable because she was alone. I hate her husband, so selfish thinking about himself and his work. He didn't care about his wife at all pretending she was imaging everything. The watcher obviously is frustrated with his life. He has to take care about his old father which is something that bothers him a lot. It took me by surprise the end because I was 100% sure Jules would not make it, however, there is a clue when she is crawling on the floor she sees the drawer where Irina's gun is kept.
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Silly ending
ftrebirth22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this movie but I'd have also felt like a kindergarten pupil if I did after seeing how it ended. Not saying the karma was undeserved but how could someone bleed out so much blood from the neck and still be able to hold a pistol.

Are we all kids?
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Not flashy. Purely, and compellingly, psychological.
benjaminskylerhill3 June 2022
By merit of concept alone, there really isn't anything new here. It's the writing and character work that causes Watcher to soar above standard thriller genre fare.

First-rate performances are given by the entire cast. They all embody their characters with humanity and make them instantly unique and often sympathetic.

Julia is a woman who has moved with her husband to a country where she does not know the language and has no personal connections. Her sense of loneliness is made palpable very early on and it makes the unease she feels extremely understandable as she becomes more and more convinced that she has a stalker.

This screenplay is astoundingly good. Each scene is written so carefully so as to ensure that both doubt and faith in Julia's perspective is built to equal degrees. The lack of clarity starts to drive a wedge through her marriage, and it's heartbreaking to watch. The writing makes for a thrilling, engaging watch, even in the slow-paced scenes.

I always like a good thriller, and I always LOVE a good thriller that also has smart writing and emotionally resonant character work.

This is one of those thrillers. It's not flashy. It's purely psychological, and I found it absolutely riveting from start to finish.
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Effective and chilling
cardsrock11 March 2023
Watcher is pretty much exactly what I hoped it would be. I love this type of thriller and find much more genuine fear and uneasiness from horror films that utilize atmosphere and the real world like this. Maika Monroe was an inspired choice for the lead as she has a very unassuming and endearing quality to her.

There are a few decision-making issues like with pretty much all thrillers like this, but the good far outweighs the bad here. Chloe Okuno commands her craft well here by conjuring up a tense, chilling thriller that leaves you with more to think about than you may expect with this type of film.
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JoBloTheMovieCritic16 June 2022
5/10 - if you are able to enjoy a slow (and I mean slowwwww) burn then Watcher may be for you; otherwise, you may find yourself straining to not be bored for the 90 minute run time (all for a conclusion that isn't enough of a payoff to make it all worthwhile)
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Hints Of Rear Window
stevendbeard9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Watcher, starring Maika Monroe-Independence Day:Resurgence, It Follows; Karl Glusman-Nocturnal Animals, The Neon Demon and Burn Gorman-the Pacific Rim movies, Game of Thrones_tv.

This is a thriller that has hints of Rear Window. Maika and Karl are a married couple that move to Bucharest-where Karl is from-for Karls' job. They get an apartment and while Karl is working all day, Maika spends time shopping or looking out her window. She notices Burn-across the street from their apartment-seems to be watching her. She goes to the movies or the grocery store and he follows her. He never makes contact with her but just follows her. Maika and Karl hear about a serial killer that is attacking women in the area-decapitating them-and Maika jumps to the conclusion that it is Burn. Is it him? Or is she just being paranoid or imagining it? That's what everyone keeps telling her. To be honest, she does do some dumb things, like following Burn-alone-into buildings instead of calling for someone to go with her. The ending is pretty predictable, too.

It's rated R for bloody violence, language and sexual content-including nudity-and has a running time of 1 hour& 31 minutes.

It's not one that I would buy on DVD but it would be alright as a rental.
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Mysterious Thriller that takes it's time.
eQuilibr1um25 June 2022
Maika Monroe's overall performance (+4 stars)

Keeping the viewer guessing between: Is it all psychological or is there true danger actually present (+2 stars)

The twist to the somewhat predictable ending (+1 stars)

7 Stars out of 10.
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