Green Lantern (2011) Poster


Ryan Reynolds: Hal Jordan, Green Lantern



  • Parallax : I feel your fear growing. You will be dead soon...

    Hal Jordan : [moaning]  In brightest day, in blackest night...

    Parallax : ...and when you are gone, I will destroy everything you ever loved...

    Hal Jordan : evil shall escape my sight...

    Parallax : ...your family, your home, your planet will be no more.

    Hal Jordan : ...let those who worship evil's might...

    Parallax : Your entire human race will be wiped out, because you, Hal Jordan, were afraid.

    Hal Jordan : ...beware of my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!


  • Hal Jordan : I know that humans aren't as strong as other species, or the smartest. We're young, we have a lot to learn. But we're worth saving.

    [the Guardians don't answer] 

    Hal Jordan : This new weapon of yours, you can't use it. Once you've crossed that line, once you've given into fear, you'll never go back. I've seen it. Look, I know right now you're afraid.

    First Guardian : You dare accuse the Guardians of feeling fear?

    Hal Jordan : Yes, I do. And that's exactly why Parallax is beating you. Because you're afraid to even admit you're afraid! I know. I spent my entire life doing it. You know, we have a saying on earth. We say: "I'm only human." We say it because we're vulnerable, we say it because we know we're afraid, but it doesn't mean we're weak. Help me save my planet. Don't give in to fear. Fight it. Fight it with me.

    Female Guardian : Your words are compelling, young human. But as immortals, we must measure our actions over billions of years and the fate of the universe. We simply cannot risk losing everything on the chance you might be right.

    Hal Jordan : Then don't. Don't risk anymore lives. Just mine. Let me go fight for my world, and I'll show you that will is stronger than fear.

    Sinestro : There is no way that you could succeed. You will die, Hal Jordan.

    Hal Jordan : Then I'll die trying.

    Sinestro : Good luck, Green Lantern.

  • Green Lantern : Evening, ma'am. Didn't have chance to say goodbye. Are you okay?

    Carol Ferris : Uh, yeah, no, I'm glad I have a chance to thank you.

    Green Lantern : Just doing my job. No thanks necessary, miss.

    Carol Ferris : No, it is. You saved my life. You saved all of our lives. That was a very...

    [looks closer at him] 

    Carol Ferris : Hal?

    Green Lantern : Miss?

    Carol Ferris : Hal? Oh, my G...! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Hal!

    Green Lantern : How did you know it was me?

    Carol Ferris : What do you mean? I've known you my whole life! I've seen you naked! You don't think I would recognize you because I can't see your cheekbones? What is this? Why is your skin green? Why are you glowing? What the hell is with that mask?

    Green Lantern : It came with the outfit. Cool, huh?

  • Hal Jordan : [trying to charge his ring]  To infinity and beyond!... By the power of Grayskull!

  • Hal Jordan : They said that the ring wouldn't have chosen me if it didn't see something. Something I don't see. Yet.

    Carol Ferris : I see it. I always have. The ring didn't see that you were fearless. It saw that you had the ability to overcome fear. It saw that you're courageous. Which you are. Just like your dad.

  • Hal Jordan : [recites the oath]  In brightest day, in blackest night / no evil shall escape my sight / Let those who worship evil's might / beware of my power, Green Lantern's light.

  • Hal Jordan : Anything I see in my mind, I can create. I've just got to focus.

    Carol Ferris : Anything?

    [Hal creates a necklace constuct on Carol] 

  • Hal Jordan : You know, I used to know this kid. Was a funny looking bastard. One day, he's standing on the mound, and he throws a perfect game.

    Jason Jordan : That... that was me.

    Hal Jordan : That was you? Thought you looked familiar. You were totally in the zone that day. Remember?

    Jason Jordan : I still dream about it.

    Hal Jordan : I bet.

    [grabs a baseball] 

    Hal Jordan : Take it. Close your eyes. Go on. Now, can you remember exactly how you felt that day? That's how I feel when I'm flying. Like that plane is a part of me. No, it's like, no matter how bad things get, there's something good out there just over the horizon.

  • Hal Jordan : A talking fish...

    Tomar-Re : Actually, my race is Xudarian. Our DNA does some what resemble your own ichthyological species. I am Tomar-Re, protector of Sector 2613 and home to...

    Hal Jordan : 80,012 galaxies, 2.34 million sentient species. How do I know that?

    Tomar-Re : The induction process. It activates the ring's higher functions, including a working knowledge base. In truth, we were curious. The process has never been attempted on a species as young as humans before. As you are the first to be chosen, I've been sent to welcome you here.

    Hal Jordan : And here is?

    [Tomar-Re shows him an alien metropolis] 

    Tomar-Re : Welcome to Oa.

  • [Hal sees his ring on Hammond's corpse] 

    Hal Jordan : Stay here!

    Carol Ferris : No problem!

  • Hal Jordan : He said the ring chose me. He was it was a great honor, responsibility...

    Thomas Kalmaku : Responsibility? You?

    Hal Jordan : Yeah.

    Thomas Kalmaku : Well, maybe on their planet "responsibility" just means "asshole."

    Hal Jordan : Let's hope so.

  • Hal Jordan : [points the ring at the Lantern]  I, Hal Jordan, do solemnly swear to pledge allegiance... to a lantern, that I got from a dying purple alien in a swamp.

  • Sinestro : The Corps is only as strong as its weakest link. And I am tolerant to no weak links, you understand?... Are you afraid, human?

    [pokes Jordan] 

    Sinestro : Are you afraid?

    Hal Jordan : Don't do that.

  • Hal Jordan : Hey, Carol. Was gonna do a little flying today. What do you think?

    Carol Ferris : I think you're late.

    Hal Jordan : Yes, that's only because I slept in.

    Carol Ferris : I used to sleep in. Then I turned 11. Let me give you a little heads-up. I've gone up against these Sabres all week and they have smoked me every time. There isn't anything you can do that they can't do better, faster and without disappointing woman everywhere.

    Hal Jordan : I, uh, think we both know that's not true.

    Carol Ferris : This is exactly why I didn't want you for this. My father did. I would've gone with Jensen.

    Hal Jordan : I'd have gone with Jensen too. But unfortunately, he's busy not being good enough.

    Carol Ferris : At least he shows up. Hal, this test today, it's important.

    Hal Jordan : I got it. I'm gonna make you look good up there. Don't worry, okay? Now let's get these pants off and fly some planes.

  • [from trailer] 

    Hal Jordan : [to his one-night stand]  Sorry, I'm late. Help yourself, there's water from the tap!

    [rushes off to work] 

  • Thomas Kalmaku : A racetrack?

    Hal Jordan : Yeah.

    Thomas Kalmaku : Hmm. That's the best you could come up with for your first big appearance, a racetrack?

    Hal Jordan : Oh, I'm sorry, did I disappoint you? I materialized a track out of pure energy, saving hundreds, and you're disappointed. I'm sorry about that.

  • Thomas Kalmaku : Let me get this straight. This thing that's out there, attacking planets, is connected to Hector?

    Hal Jordan : Some how it infected him after it killed Abin Sur.

    Carol Ferris : Well, you're just gonna have to stop it.

    Hal Jordan : Oh, just gonna have to stop it! Well, I tried that and I failed and the Senator died. I told you the ring made a mistake.

    Carol Ferris : Wait, go back. How did the ring make a mistake?

    Hal Jordan : The one thing that a Green Lantern is supposed to be is fearless. Fearless, is the job description. That isn't me.

    Carol Ferris : So you're just gonna walk away again? Explain this to me, Hal. Please explain to me, just once, why?

    Hal Jordan : Because I'm afraid!

  • Hal Jordan : I'm done. He's right, I'm only human. We're not ready to defend the universe. Up until a few days ago, we thought we were the only ones IN the universe.

    Tomar-Re : The ring chose you. It wouldn't have done so if it hadn't seen something in you.

    Hal Jordan : Oh, yeah?

    Tomar-Re : Something you yourself don't yet see. The ring never makes a mistake.

    Hal Jordan : This time it did.

  • Carol Ferris : Wait, go back. How did the ring make a mistake?

    Hal Jordan : The one thing a Green Lantern is supposed to be is fearless. "Fearless" is the job description. That isn't me...

  • Hal Jordan : The ring chose me for a reason... and this is the one.

  • Hector Hammond : [referring to an unconscious Carol as he levitates her with a syringe floating by her throat]  She's beautiful, isn't she? I loved her from the moment I first saw her. But she could never see me, cause you were always in the way. But not anymore.

    [Hector uses his power to bring the syringe closer Carol's throat] 

    Hal Jordan : No! No! Don't! Don't do this, Hector! Please. Please. I know how you feel.

    Hector Hammond : Come on! Look at yourself!

    Hal Jordan : No, I know what it's like. To not live up to expectations. To feel like nothing that you do will ever be good enough

    [he takes off his ring and the Green Lantern costume is gone, he's back in his own clothes] 

    Hal Jordan : I know what it's like to be afraid. Let me help you.

    Hector Hammond : Hal, you've changed. How wonderful that all it took for you to grow up was the end of the world.

  • Thomas Kalmaku : What happens now?

    Hal Jordan : I go looking for trouble!

  • Hal Jordan : [flying against the X-97 Sabre IIIs]  Tom, what the hell do you feed those things?

    Thomas Kalmaku : F-35s, what else?

  • Senator Hammond : Hal Jordan. Worst pilot I've ever seen, or the best. Not quite sure.

    Hal Jordan : I've been called both, sir.

  • Tomar-Re : Since time immemorial the Green Lantern Corps have served as the keepers of peace, order and justice throughout the universe. To be chosen to join its ranks is the highest of honors - the greatest of responsibilities.

    Hal Jordan : Yeah, that part I think I heard about...

  • [Parallax attacks a city] 

    Carol Ferris : You can never beat this! You'll die!

    Hal Jordan : At least I can get it away from here.

    Carol Ferris : How do you think you're going to do that?

    Hal Jordan : I don't know! Maybe I can outthink it... dogfight!

    Carol Ferris : You beat only a couple of jets!

    Hal Jordan : Unbeatable jets!

  • Hal Jordan : Do you think I'm irresponsible?

    [Carol bursts into laughter] 

  • Sinestro : You dare enter this chamber?

    Hal Jordan : I need your help! You gotta help me save my world!

  • Hal Jordan : Hector, what've you been up to?

    Hector Hammond : Same old, same old. You?

    Hal Jordan : Yeah, me too.

  • First Guardian : Our new weapon is ready.

    Sinestro : [receives the yellow ring]  Once I have mastered its power, I'll be able to train the Corps to do the same. Though Earth will be lost, we will be able to make a stand against Parallax before he reaches Oa. And the power of the enemy will be ours...

    Hal Jordan : At what cost?

  • Hal Jordan : Now, pay attention...

    [puts the ring on his finger and suits up] 

    Thomas Kalmaku : Whoa, green, wow!

    [both laugh] 

    Hal Jordan : I know, right? Not bad, eh?

    Thomas Kalmaku : You're a super hero! Don't they always get the girl?

  • Hal Jordan : [sees the Central Battery]  What is that?

    Tomar-Re : It is the energy generated from the central battery. Its power comes from the will of every living creature in the universe. This in turn charges your lantern, which in turn charges your ring. Even your suit is comprised entirely of energy.

    Hal Jordan : What's with all the green?

    Tomar-Re : Green is the color of will. The guardians harnessed will because it is the strongest source of energy in the universe.

  • Tomar-Re : [makes a constuct]  Your will turns thought into reality. To master the ring you must learn to focus your will and create what you see in your mind. The ring's limits are only what you can imagine.

    [the construct fades away] 

    Hal Jordan : Do that again...

  • Kilowog : The human. Ain't never seen one before.

    [sniffs Hal, snorts] 

    Kilowog : You smell funny.

    Hal Jordan : Ugh. I smell funny?

    Kilowog : Yeah! I've heard about humans, think they're the centre of the universe. You wanna be a Lantern? You gotta commit to the Corps!

  • Tomar-Re : The ring will inform you when there is an imminent threat.

    [Hal gets blasted by Kilowog's ring] 

    Tomar-Re : This particular threat's name is Kilowog. He'll be your combat training officer.

    [Kilowog lands in front of Hal] 

    Hal Jordan : Whoa!

    Kilowog : Never let your guard down, poozer. Welcome to Ring Slinging 101. Or as I like to call it: The worst day of your worthless life.

  • Jack Jordan : Just help me out here, because because I'm really trying to understand this.

    Hal Jordan : Mm-hm.

    Jack Jordan : Do you wanna be like him so bad, you need to die like him, too? Is that it?

    Hal Jordan : You just assume it's my fault.

    Jack Jordan : I talked to Carl, Hal. You pushed the plane so far past its limits...

    Hal Jordan : That's my job. It was an accident. Everyone walked away.

    Jack Jordan : Like your motorcycle accident, the one that put you in the hospital for a month?

    Hal Jordan : You know, I miss all this quality family time. Good talk, Jack.

  • Abin Sur : Your name...?

    Hal Jordan : It's Hal. Hal Jordan.

    Abin Sur : Hal Jordan, I am Abin Sur, protector of Sector 2814...

  • Tomar-Re : We're going to fly now.

    Hal Jordan : Fly?

    Tomar-Re : Absolutely.

    Hal Jordan : All right. I can do that.

    Tomar-Re : Join me.

    Hal Jordan : I can do that.

    [Hal steps off the platform... and falls] 

See also

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