365 Days (2020) Poster


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Don't watch for the plot
Calicodreamin21 June 2020
There is no plot to speak of, the dialogue is disjointed, the storyline is disjointed, and the ending is a joke... but don't kid yourself that you're watching for any of these things.
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Spoiler alert: it's pretty bad
ciprianhanga8 April 2020
I don't remember if I have reviewed another movie so far, but seeing so many 10/10 reviews determined me to log in to write this, to ballance things up a bit.

The movie is pretty bad. The plot (if you can call it that) is mostly absurd and the events are cliche and totally predictable (try to remember what somebody did or said in all the bad movies that you ever saw: yes, it's exactly what's going to happen), the events don't make a lot of sense, the dialogue is cringe, the characters are very cartoonish and unbelievable. What they say don't make a lot of sense, and also nobody reacts to events in the way a normal person would do. These are comic book characters, not people. When they try to suggest some of these people are crime lords it's hilarious, you can't help but chuckle. Real mobsters would have these guys for breakfast. Ironically, the fly girls in the movie are actually more believable, because the way they live it is more close to some girls I know.

I never saw any of the "Shades of Gray" movies, but for a good part it felt like a relative of those movies. The sex scenes are pretty convincing, I'm still unsure if the oral sex was actually simulated or not.

The good things I can say about this are (and each gets a star from me):
  • the photography is pretty good, at least the cinematographer knew what he was doing
  • the actors are generally pretty easy on the eye, the costumes are also solid, there are nice and diverse locations, hence there is always something appealing to look at on the screen
  • the sex scenes are pretty good if you're into that kind of thing (I am)

Should you see it? Well I don't know, even with the low score that I gave it, I feel like people should make up their own mind and not take someone's else opinion on it. Besides, I think people should watch bad movies from time to time, to be able to understand better why other movies are good, and to be more appreciative of those, as a consequence.

So yeah, go watch it, but keep your expectations ridiculously low.
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schmillamedsch8 June 2020
Probably one of the worst movies of the century so far
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What did I just watch?
nourasoussa15 June 2020
I honestly can't believe this is an actual movie and number 1 on Netflix in my country.
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Money buys love.
petranickcg15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A kidnapped woman is smiling less than 24 hours after being fed and taking shopping at a high end botique by her captor. 3 days into her captivity spent jetsetting to VIP clubs and on private yachts she blows him and falls in love. A true romance tale for the ages.
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I made an account to give this movie a bad review
barbaraschum15 June 2020
This was probably the worst movie I've ever seen. The dialogues between the main characters are unbelievably cringy and the plot literally doesn't make any sense. Don't watch this movie unless you wanna waste 2 hours of your life just to give this movie a (probably) 1 star rating too.
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Polish boyfriend with short cargo pants
pataati7 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Girl's boyfriend wears cargo short pants on her birthday. If that is not a red flag, I do not know what it is.
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Are you lost baby girl?
enwright30 April 2020
The cringe levels runeth over. The English is almost as bad as the plot. If you want to watch this movie do so as a drinking game. Did you cringe? Then take a shot my dude. You will be wasted by the end.
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Neon_Gold16 June 2020
I honestly don't know who thought that this movie would be a good idea. It is a complete train wreck for multiple reasons.

One of the biggest issues is the plot is just nonsense. It is inappropriate to have a man deiced that he will hold a woman captive and she will love him. That is just not ok and i don't know why they made a movie romanticising this idea. The male character is a creep. He assaults the female character multiple times and it is not shown as a bad thing. It's just like he is a man and he has power so he can do what he likes. It is really really bad. Beyond that they just do variations of the same scene 6 different times. This movie is just the same scene over and over again broken up with random montages with a song played over it.

The actions of the characters are nonsensical too. She has been kidnapped in a foreign country and then the next day there is a shopping montage where she is just like "woo lets go buy some new clothes". Like that just wouldn't happen, you would be terrified and she just acts like fine with it. I feel like they try to get the audience on side by making her current boyfriend a horrible person. I think they think the audience will be like "oh that's good she got away from him". Yeah she did get away from her bad boyfriend...by being kidnapped by an Italian mobster who is holding her captive????

The second issue is the leads can't act and a lot of the movie is just them interacting so its like watching an amateur dramatics troupe half of the time. Now i can't work this out but this woman who is kidnapped never seems scared like at all. I can't deiced if this was the direction she was given or she just can't act or the script said she isn't scared. She literally wakes up after being kidnapped and tried to open the door to get out, can't because its locked and is just like "Yeah fair enough" and just sits down like this happens every day.

On top of that the scenes with the male lead pushing her against walls and stuff she pulls like "Posing, modelling" faces and is not like "Jesus Christ the man is assaulting me help". Once again was this the direction or was it the acting who's knows?

It also relies heavily on "Pop" songs that are really loud and unnecessary. They constantly play one after the other and then when reading i found out the male lead sung like a big chunk of them so i guess production was just like "well he will give us them cheep let's throw them all in".

I could go one about all its problems but it all circles back to the directing, acting and the script. It was just a perfect storm.

Believe it or not it is watchable but in a way that you want to watch it to see the disaster. It is the no1 viewed film on a large amount of different countries Netflix's at the moment and i believe this to be the reason.

So its really up to you if you want to watch it. It is very boring but also a train wreck.
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Straight up porn- no judgement.
tbyrd-5008815 June 2020
I do not even know where to start. Look, this is nothing but straight up porn. The plot is ridiculous, the chemistry between the two leads is nonexistent, and the acting is even worse. Trust me when I say, you will watch this in fast forward. It is that horrible!
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You are watching this movie wrong
murilovidal14 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
365 days is about a successful but unhappy young woman whose path crosses with that of a young, handsome mafia boss. He kidnaps her and gives her a deadline of one year to fall in love with him. Despite the rough introduction, she eventually gives in to his charms and falls in love with him. The central core of the movie is domination, or how the male protagonist uses his raw masculinity to completely overwhelm the girl until she eventually gives in to her lust, so, this movie is a very obvious copycat of 50 Shades of Grey.

Now, this movie isn't exactly bad. It's not good either, mind you, but once you understand why it was made in the first place, you can at least understand its motivation. There are two ways of looking at this film:

1. You try to look at this movie at a normal light, and you immediately notice one thing: it draws a lot of inspiration from 50 Shades of Grey, but it adds a completely ludicrous kidnapping scenario. It's like if 50 Shades collided at very high speeds with Beauty and the Beast, then someone filmed the tragic, messy aftermath and sold it as a movie. The first act seems pretty straightforward: the young girl is deeply frustrated with her love life and is set to meet the handsome, assertive gangster. But how the meeting goes is where the craziness starts: he intentionally snatches her off the street and holds her captive. Then tells her he will only let her go if she manages to not fall in love with him in one year. This already feels like a plot picked straight from a Law and Order: SVU episode. The explanation he gives for why he went after her in the first place just adds another thick layer of insanity to the bananas cake. The events that follow are so astoundingly bizarre that they boggle the mind. It doesn't take too long for her to accept her predicament, and after what appears to be no more than a day, she is already playing flirty games and teasing him. Once she gets her cell phone and her laptop back, she never bothers to, say, call the police, or tell her family what's going on. For half of the movie, she acts more like a girl just teasing and trying make her crush jealous, than like a woman who has just being abducted for sexual purposes by a deranged murderer. In any other context, seeing her giving in, sleeping with him and start a relationship with her kidnapper would be a horrific story of a poor woman being forced against her will and, after getting completely broken inside, accepting her fate. Seeing her mistake her inevitable Stockholm Syndrome for truly falling in love is not only tragic, it almost insults the intelligence of the viewer. The ending doesn't help either, because it tries to be somber and serious, but by the time the film ends, those two words have already flown through the window long ago. This movie seems even more baffling and out of place in our current times, the era of the fight for gender equality, the struggle for greater respect for women and the MeToo movement.

I know you are thinking this is incomprehensible and bizarre. I sure thought that way myself for the first half. But then you realize you are simply looking at it wrong. This is still no Citizen Kane, mind you, but it has a very simple reason to exist.

2. This movie is a complete fantasy. The female lead is in an extremely relatable situation: she has a vaguely defined but supposedly successful job, but her love life is a mess. Her deadbeat boyfriend is an amalgamation of many things that are collectively considered very bad traits for a male partner: lazy, makes tasteless jokes about her in front of their friends, doesn't pay attention to her feelings and needs and, (shocking), leaves her behind on her birthday, to go see a place they had previously agreed to go to together. He also seems very indifferent to her sexual desires, and this is the crucial part I'll get to shortly. So far, very generic romantic movie stuff. The next step we the audience expect is for a knight in shiny armor to appear and save her from the dead relationship, but this is where the normal movie stuff ends: her savior just outright kidnaps and threatens her. He takes her to his house and doesn't allow her to leave. This dangerous criminal turns out to be an extremely dominating man. He grabs her violently, thrashes her around and menacingly states that she will cave in to him. He also turns out to be very rich. He lives in a gigantic castle. He takes her to shop for expensive clothes in luxurious stores, gives her refined dinners and procures any dish she desires. He is also tall, muscular, with a gruff beard and a generous amount of chest hair. Even when she tries to tease him and gain the upper hand, he turns the tables and subdues her. He is, by and large, the textbook definition of an alpha male. When she tries to make him feel jealous by dancing with another man in a nightclub, our hero responds by shooting the offender in the hands, and frowning at her until she apologizes. And when they finally make love, it is implied that it was everything she ever hoped for - he makes her feel like a Woman, dammit. This is the moment when something clicks in your mind. This movie takes a lot of influences from 50 Shades, but they didn't come from nowhere. Let's get a little dirty here. How many of us here have played, or heard about someone who plays, fetishes and fantasies with their SOs, and how many of those fantasies usually include popular, silly scenarios like the boyfriend/husband roleplaying as a police officer, catching the bandit played by the wife/girlfriend, and taking her into custody for "interrogation and full body search"? Then it hits you. This movie doesn't make logical sense because it doesn't have to. It's just two hours of a bland, female lead who's a stand in for the woman watching the movie, and living the fantastic, outlandish fantasy that I suppose many girls and women out there enjoy thinking about: being seduced and dominated by an otherwordly alpha male who then vigorously sates their sexual desires. This movie just uses a "girl gets kidnapped" scenario, 50 Shades simply went the more niche route with BDSM. Simple, nonsensical plots that serve purely to let the female viewers vicariously live a sexual fantasy.

I'm going to say it out loud: this is a porn movie. It's a porno made for women. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. This is nothing more than a pure, sexual guilty pleasure that obviously would never work in the real world. Nothing different from a "traditional" porn movie. The only real difference is the public it is aimed at. A normal porn movie for men is going to cater to men's fantasies: ludicrous setups, gorgeous women gladly doing everything the man demands, explicit images of intercourse. This porn movie (and 50 Shades as well) caters to fantasies that are more common for many women: a strong, dominating male figure that takes them on expensive trips to majestic locations and is completely focused on pleasuring the woman, not himself. The only thing this movie really does wrong at this point is being marketed as a normal, traditional movie when it so clearly is not. If you are a woman, you are probably going to enjoy living this fantasy, and there is no shame in that. It just makes me realize how grossly biased the movie industry is when it comes to porn: we are okay with all the millions of silly porno flicks and videos aimed at men, but when we see a silly sexual fetish movie aimed at women, the moviegoing public collectively pops their monocles in outrage.

I watched this movie with my wife and while we were trying to take it seriously, we both complained how bizarre the plot is. But once we understand what is actually at play here, we see it in a whole different light. This is a porn movie, and don't let the lack of explicit imagery fool you (there is lots of nudity however, so beware). If you are still not convinced and will still watch it thinking it is a "traditional" movie, don't bother, and save the disappointment. If, however, you understand and accept it for what it is, then go ahead at enjoy it.
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True Erotic
sh_rabat888 April 2020
It's Garbage if you're looking for great storyline but if you want to enjoy pure erotic romance yes it is a consummate time pass for you.
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Obviously '#metoo' hasn't yet made it to Poland...
euroGary20 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Laura is an attractive, ball-busting Polish hotel executive who fights her corner in board meetings then goes home to her slobbish partner and collection of dildos. Massimo is a gangster - but the young, sexy kind: he's described as having "a body sculpted by God... and a dick sculpted by the devil" (which is a pretty erotic line until the viewer unwillingly starts picturing said protuberance with horns and a little pointy beard). Having caught a fleeting glimpse of Laura some years before and been obsessed with her ever since, Massimo is delighted to discover she is holidaying on his native Sicily. He promptly kidnaps her and tells her he will hold her for 365 days while attempting to make her fall in love with him.

Personally, I would have thought not kidnapping her in the first place would have been ample proof of his honourable intentions - as would not promising he will not touch without her permission whilst nonetheless pinning her to a chair and grabbing her tit. But then this film - based on a novel - is hardly politically correct. The main problem, of course, is Laura's ultimate falling in love with Massimo (c'mon, you knew she would!): although she is allowed a scene of berating herself for so doing, there is no effort to examine whether she is suffering from, for example, some form of Stockholm Syndrome - although that would have made this a far deeper film.

Other flaws are the many dangling plot-threads: for instance, Laura's weak heart is mentioned several times but nothing is ever done with it. When she is offered a job as "general manager of Preston" (presumably not the football club) we have to guess that she turns it down; and when Massimo is told "they" want to kill his sweetheart we are not told who "they" are, despite the fact the preceding scenes have identified at least two likely candidates. On the plus side, one plot-thread that I thought it a wise decision to leave dangling was the final scene involving a tunnel: we know the outcome of what happened in there, but we are not told exactly *how* it happened, which adds a pleasing air of mystery.

As for the acting, leads Anna Maria Sieklucka and Michele Morrone deserve credit for delivering much of their dialogue in English, which is presumably their second (at best) language: this does mean, however, that some of their lines sound a bit clunky to those for whom English is mother tongue. As often in this kind of production, the supporting characters - not encumbered with the requirement to be romantic heroes - are more interesting: there are fine comedic turns from Magdalena Lamparska as Laura's exuberant friend Olga, and from Otar Saralidze as a bemused young gangster.

This film is, I imagine, an attempt to create a Polish version of 'Fifty Shades of Grey'. It does not match the latter's theme of women's empowerment (for all the whips and chains, Anastasia is in control in a way kidnap victim Laura certainly is not), but - with apologies for shallowness - there is more nudity and sex in '365 Dni'. But it *is* similar to 'Fifty Shades' in the attractiveness not only of its cast, but also of its locations and clothes (there are several shopping scenes); and as a piece of escapist entertainment it certainly hits the spot.
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Nothing says romance like a kidnapping and sexual assault!
planktonrules23 April 2021
A mobster has a woman he's never met kidnapped and when she awakens from the drug given to knock her out, he informs her that she'll be living as his prisoner for 365 days. If after this period she hasn't fallen in love with him, he says he'll let her go. And, this weird rape fantasy ends up proving that in the end that the woman DOES want to be dominated, abused and forced to be a sex slave because the man is so sexy hot.

I honestly think that the folks responsible for "365 Days" know they created an evil and dangerous film....and that was their intention. Sure, it's irresponsible to make a movie promoting kidnapping and sexual assault...and I cannot imagine any normal person thinking this is a good thing or that it would make a good movie. No, I think the filmmakers knew the film would get a lot of hate and anger...and as a result, it would get a lot of attention. In other words, if you can't make a good film to get attention, make a terrible one to get attention. And, not surprisingly, this film has earned a spot on IMDB's infamous Bottom 100 List.

So is the film good in any way? The plot that is pro-rape and pro-kidnapping certainly isn't good. Technically speaking, the film also has a few issues.....though it is slick and 'hip' much of the time. While they do a lot of gimmicky cinematographic techniques to make the movie look good, it also often falls back on the tired use of the shaky cam. Additionally, the film turns out to be disappointing even as pornography, as you really don't get much enjoyment or sexual energy from most of the picture. You'd do much better just looking at porn online or just making consensual love with your own partner! Overall, a smarmy little picture...one that unfortunately DID get the negative attention they filmmakers wanted but which also contributes nothing positive to this world and is rather boring.

In real life, I am trying to imagine an offender in court telling the judge "I was just doing what I saw them doing in "365 Days"...is that so wrong?!"....and promptly being sentenced to 104 years in prison!
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Absolute garbage
cardsrock13 July 2020
This hardly qualifies as a film. It's basically porn with some random cringey lines and scenes stringed together. The actors can hardly even be called that and the direction is below amateur. The film essentially romanticizes kidnapping and rape too, and for that it should be ashamed. This is truly the bottom of the barrel for 2020.
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deepzdeep8 June 2020
Such stupid, worthless, toxic story line . Glorification of relationships where the sole role of a woman is to be a slave and fulfill the desires of a harsh , egotistic ,rich male character.
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I wish there was zero star
bikas-katwal1012 June 2020
Never seen such horrible movie in my entire life. The concept, acting, scenes, basically everything is wrong in this movie.
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Softcore Porn Rape-Fantasy
jrd109317 June 2020
This movie is porn for Karens who think they're too good to watch actual porn, so they watch this ridiculous rape-fantasy garbage instead (another example being 50 Shades of Grey). Of course, filmmaking wise, it's an insult to everyone's intelligence and has some of the worst production I've ever seen. I can't believe Netflix is paying money to stream this. I've seen pornos that are legitimately better films.
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"Are you lost baby girl?" Yes I was..
janiev-8409222 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a horrible movie. I do not understand how it's at the top on my list on Netflix? Crazy. I just created an account just to review how horrible this movie is. I agree with all the bad ratings that other users have posted. I'm not sure if this is what they think women want and I guess you would consider this to be like every woman's wet dream? But there's no plot, the dialogue is terrible, and sure women like being dominated from time to time but not to that extreme and the guy isn't even sweet or gentle as he claims. He is only sweet or gentle after he gets his and i feel like that's kind of backwards. I felt like I was just watching porn and that's it. I did enjoy the main actress, I think she is just stunning but I found it funny how they kept putting her in the same low cut black dress with the same hair. *Spoiler* When it came to the ball scene, I expected a even more beautiful transformation with a flashy dress and hair done but nope.. just stuck to the same style she's been wearing. Another *Spoiler* when she falls in love.. what is she falling in love with? He hasn't done anything redeeming nor has a redeeming quality. Don't confuse lust and good sex with love.
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Just terrible
esuwem15 June 2020
This movie is legit the third worst movie I've ever seen. Incoherent plot, stupid characters, completely illogical in every sense of the word. My advice would be to avoid this hot mess at all costs.
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When a 12 years old writes a movie directed by his classmate
aya_a-fawzy15 June 2020
Wow, how corny can a movie get and what were they thinking, it's so corny it can be rated as a comedy movie. They collected every cliche from the book of cringe and romance and shoved them in a movie. I can't even humor the movie by listing the things that are bad with it, doesn't even deserve the time or effort, the two hours I wasted watching it were more than enough.
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Dont see this movie
carmenagg15 June 2020
Ugly....for any women....................nothing else to say..i had to shut down this stupid video, its a shame on all women today and a shame that its on nb 1 on netflix...tells all about our comunity
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a really damn good erotic movie
typicalminah7 April 2020
I don't understand what's the bad reviews all are about. i think this is a good erotic movie, the cast is on point, the acting is good, the plot could've been better tho i mean wtf is that ending?? i am dying. i need a closure dammit. but overall this is a really good movie flicks
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Mafia themed 50 shades of grey
mattmayakeller7 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What do 50 shades of grey and twighlight have in common. The lure of the bad rich handsome bad boy. I'd say this movie took it too another level, because instead of just seducing her he literally kidnaps her, handcuffs her, and forces her to fall in love. Stockholm syndrome taken to the next level. The crazy thing is that this is still a chick flick and frankly I was a bit bored. It was a relief that the end was so abrupt because the story really didn't seem to have anywhere to go. The only reason I made it that far is because girl is attractive.
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What on earth did I just watch
grimreaperrr7 June 2020
Such a rip off from fifty shades of grey. The plot and character development is all over the place. Some things didn't make any sense at all. The ending was horrible. Where's my 2 hours gone?
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