The Oval (TV Series 2019– ) Poster

(2019– )

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Like a car accident....
jonbushdc18 June 2020
... horrible, but, for some reason, you can't take your eyes away from it.

I also wanted to like this show, but the writing, acting, directing, and phony White House are all sooooo bad. That said, it's badness is mesmerizing, so I keep watching.
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Really bad.
artjonessr3 November 2019
I personally don't think Tyler Perry's materials are stellar in any way, but this mess here? I can't help but say that it's really bad, yet like a train wreck I can't turn away. The acting, the writing, the's all over the top and lacks any type of sense. There are too many scenarios in this show that will make you laugh out loud unintentionally because YOU KNOW as a normal human being you wouldn't react that way. There's no way, without giving too much away, that you would allow an incident in your home KNOWING the outcome would be unfavorable. There's no way, after an incident occurs, your reaction defies all logic and reasoning. There's no way, after you finally decide to get help, the help feeds you a bullcrap reason why they can't help. Also there are numerous occasions that the dialogue is so cringey, with unnecessary silence between the acting, it make you wonder if it was written by amateurs.

This is just the tip of this mishmash, jumbled mess trying to come across as engaging television. Will it get better? I highly doubt it. I have seen some decent work come from Mr. Perry but this, so far, is really disappointing. It's truly unbelievable and you, the viewer, deserve something better.
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nmayes-3299912 December 2019
Could not get bye with more than 10min into E1 to know I was not going to watch this show!! It's too Phony and very poor acting. Women look like men.!! In drag!! Sorry TP. LIKE MOST Of his shows but this, no no no..
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Wish there was a negative rating for this mess...
DE17914 December 2019
I am tired of TP and his poor excuses for quality scripts and storylines. Now don't get wrong: I applaud this man's hustle and his come up, but his writing is atrocious and some of the direction he chooses to go in is only an attempt to draw in people of color so we can say "Well, at least Tyler Perry puts people of color in primetime!"

This show is HORRIBLE. I watched the first two episodes and couldn't stomach any more. I am not a prude but the unnecessary sex scenes, the unnecessary profanity at every turn and the unnecessary twists and turns was ridiculously bad. From the gate there were 5 different issues going on and this was on the very first episode! No build up, no history of characters, no substance.

Please TP, just stick to mindless Madea movies and leave the serious dialogue and dramas to writers and directors who actually care to take the time to bring about real drama with real actors who offer real talent. Take some time to study shows like Queen Sugar, How To Get Away With Murder and Scandal. These are shows that are not perfect, but they are quality programming with great storylines and great actors who care enough about their craft not to throw together a show just because they can.

It's great that TP has the money and power to do what he does, but it's so sad that he won't grow beyond where he is to bring us quality television. No wonder this is on BET. And as a black woman, I am disappointed that this is even considered 'Entertainment.'
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Horrible piece of pulp
pgooden25 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am sure there will be a target audience in this deplorable series, but for me, I found it sensationalized with sex, stereotypical. Characters ( who is to believe the First Lady and the petulant daughter) . WE can see where this is going with the plot- POTUS will have a mistress, son will be gay , meddling mother in law, and cult member ex wife ,and we have to wonder how POTUS ever got elected. It is not The WEST Wing, or Madame Secretary for sure.

The opening scene is beyond belief . Please put this thing out of our misery.
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Total Garbage
mtjohnson-1854927 October 2019
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This is his show The Have and Have nots come to the Oval office with new faces and characters. The same old tired script over and over again but now dressed up in the White House. There are those who will worship anything Tyler Perry puts out but this is just bad. Its hard to believe this was able to find a place on television.
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Should've known...
smashley00725 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what possessed me to waste an hour of my life watching this. In typical Tyler Perry fashion, this was completely predictable and filled with terrible dialogue. My question is, how the fork did this get picked up for 25 episodes? Aside from being able to see where the show was going within minutes of starting the episode, the storyline was absurd and over all the show comes off as a poor forgery of "Scandal" with the addition of random and unnecessary plot lines (i.e., the butler's son's crazy ex and her participation in a bizarre cult). Furthermore, how did a maniacal first lady and her cheating husband even get into the White House? Then there's the First Lady... I don't even know what to say about that. Worst of all is the dialogue... I don't want to blame the actors or their performance, but ohmygeez! There is no substance to what they say, it's like they were just trying to fill the silence. Whoever dubbed this as a "ridiculous ratchet fantasy," got it right. If you want a show with a terrible plot line that is absolutely predictable and lacks any substance, then this is the show for you, if not then don't waste your time. And to Tyler Perry, do better.
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This doesn't deserve one star
denise-dargan3317 February 2020
I agree with all the other comments worst programme I have ever seen in the UK
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This Series is Ridiculous But I Cannot Stop Watching
daddygracenyc3 January 2024
I have to admit, as a college educated Black man, I first thought this series was garbage. However, after continuing to watch it over the years, I love this series and some of the characters because it is entertaining and make believe. My favorite characters are Max, Donald, Victoria, and Bobby. People need to lighten up because this is entertainment and not real life. I live weekly to see the interactions between Donald and Victoria because they're girlfriends as Victoria stated to Donald. LOL The Oval is on my weekly watch list. Although, I enjoy watching Sistas, I enjoy The Oval over Sistas. I have to admit, the male eye candy on The Oval is sexy, hot, and attractive. (Max, Donald, Kareem, Allan, Eli, Officer Brian Heller, and Antonio. If you want to escape all the depressing crap in the real world, I recommend watching The Oval for laughs, entertainment, and the male hot eye candy.
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An inventive Black Telenovela though somewhat Misogynistic
zxtdzx28 May 2023
It's a soap opera. If you think of it like a telenovela, you will better understand the show within this genre. I find it an entertaining guilty pleasure. The plots are so outlandish but in some ways art mimics life if you think about the shenanigans of the orange bozo in the White House and all of the havoc he brought upon this country. After a long day of putting out fires for others, it is wonderful to take a break and see what new creative plot twists have sprung from Tyler Perry's genius mind. It's still always a treat to see fully embodied multidimensional Black leads and supporting characters.
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If I could give the show a zero I would.
winnied-205382 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show is absolutely ridiculous! The aesthetic is very cheesy and looks like a lifetime special. The acting is dramatic beyond belief. The lines are repetitive and shallow adding no true depth to the characters. Too many storylines happening at once for one episode. So you know in TP fashion it's going to take 2 seasons just to resolve an issue, because his favorite thing to do is drag them out unnecessarily. There isn't one likable character with an iota of sense. The only apparent protagonist aren't even front and center they just act as secondary characters. And even their actions are silly. Like the young man who's baby's mother is a crackhead turned cult member. After she shows up to his mother's house uninvited, where he and his new girlfriend or wife are living with their daughter, he tells her to stay away from the house and away from the child. His mother tries to help and after disobeying her son's orders, invites the baby's mother over anyway to visit the child, to which by the end of the episode the child is kidnapped by her mother and other cult members. Who in God's green earth would be that stupid to allow that to happen knowing this woman's history of mental illness? And you bring her into your home? Why not let her see the child in a public place, if you were going to let her see the child after your son told you not to? Aside from that ridiculousness, the main characters are just as bad. The opening fight scene between the First Lady and President is one the worst things I've ever seen in my entire life! I laughed the whole time because it was that terrible! If you can't take a domestic violence scene serious when it's being unraveled in front of your eyes, it's time to go back to the drawing board and try again. I wouldn't recommend this show to my worst enemy. In all fairness I only tried it out because I wanted to support the actress who's playing the first daughter. But I won't be watching again.
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Yes, It's a Soap, and Yes, It's over the top
drewreason2 January 2020
I'm not a fan of comedy whether it's Tyler Perry or anyone else, I rarely watch comedy, so I've only enjoyed a couple of Tyler Perry movies and I fail to understand why people looooove Madea because I just don't find it funny.

However, I seriously enjoy "The Oval." as much as I enjoy any city in Vh1's "Love and Hip Hop". "The Oval" makes me laugh out loud and it also makes me say "oh, damn". Yes, it is just like watching soap operas: the dysfunctional family, the woman married to a powerful but abusive husband, and the impact that hate raged relationship has on their children is a right now reality; moreover, it's worth examination. A lot of marriages are hate-filled and damaging to children, but I enjoy watching this particular fictional script of grown people's foolishness.

I hear the comments about the acting, and all I can say is: this is the very same level of acting we got with soaps like "All My Children", shows that we learned to watch with our grandmothers and babysitters. There is a reason that Susan Lucci, the infamous Erica Kane, took years and years to finally win an Emmy for her acting. Like actors in 'The Oval", Lucci's role was over the top.

There are only a few innocent characters, and viewers fear for them when the wrath of exceptionally powerful. but morally bankrupt people falls down. When minor characters intersect with major White House players, you are highly aware that their fates, their economic livelihood (their entire lives really) are dependent on two people (a president and a first lady) who are crazy as hell.

That's frightening, but anyone who's had a madhatter boss can relate. If this show didn't revolve around the White House, then it would be just another soap about a family that refuses to divorce and chooses to live in hatred together. We see civil service and government officials on the telly in cop, medical, fire, and law dramas often. But "The Oval" deals with their messed up commander in chief and it's hilarious. I love that part.
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Love it so far
carollwaambakabanda18 November 2019
It's a different story, refreshing but if course me glued to TV, my goodness I enjoy it.
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Dreadful > Lifetime Script Hallmark Actors
Ladybbird-269-94514626 October 2019
Was looking forward to this New Series, but plop after 10 mins of Ep1.... I continued watching but it, the acting and the script just got worse. Such long pauses after some actors delivered their lines that I wondered if even the useless Director had nodded off. It was that bad..
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somsakkevin23 July 2020
Painful to watch. How on earth it was renewed for 2nd season? Should be illegal. CIA can use it during interrogations. I would tell them everything. I would probably rat out my own children just to make it stop. Anyone watching it should seriously seek medical professional.
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Pap and rubbish for the undiscerning
geoff-17825 October 2019
If you're expecting something of the calibre of the West Wing, Designated Survivor or Commander in Chief then you're in for a B I G disappointment. Within the first five minutes there's a fight scene so bad you can openly see that the blows and slaps do not land and the sound of flesh-on-flesh contact is badly miss timed. Then there's a romantic encounter on a bed with simulated action and moand and groans so bad they could have come from a 70s soft movie about a German plumber and his toolbag. All this combined with wholly inappropriate and overly loud background music.

Could not bear to watch any more. No. Just no.
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simbamabhiza23 July 2020
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mimiybyazphil26 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was giving Tyler the benefit of the doubt. Then I saw this hot mess of a show!! Totally unrealistic even for TP! After making it, I guess he feels if his name is on it, we will buy it! Sorry Tyler but evidently your cheese had slid ALL the way OFF your cracker if you think this AWFUL series is acceptable. Yes you cater to an urban audience, but we are not STUPID!! It was embarrassing to watch, knock down, fist fights, wild nude sex, and a nymphomaniac/ alcoholic first daughter! May be you do need to let someone else write for you!
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Watched first 3 minutes of episode one....
sharron-denice1 March 2020
And stopped watching. I honestly don't know how he gets away with making such horrible movies and he swears it's just black people tearing him down. No brother, these shows suck! No one is hating on you the shows suck. It's so sad that Oprah keeps that crap on OWN!
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Surely isn't The HAHN
ayeaaron11 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's a bit sketchy at first, mostly because a few of the actors/actresses are amateur to say the least. But honestly I've seen more seasoned actors do just the same in many pilots, it's a fresh thingtakes about a few episodes to get use to. However in the second episode it picks up, and takes a pretty interesting yet sickening turn. The plot is basic drama however I feel the story is going somewhere so pay attention because this will be "the show" just like HAHN (although nothing can replace HAHN)
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New comers
serenityserenitymoore8 January 2020
I think the show is great an it keeps you on your toes, wanting more but that fact most of the actors are new comers some of them need a little more training. To me they try to hard instead of letting things flow. Nancy the mom, is not convincing in her scenes. I know as actors you have to start off somewhere, but as actors they need to relax, have fun or the audience can pick up. I believe that's the problem.
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Just NO to The Oval
syd99076 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just NO! I'm extremely disappointed in Perry and how he's portrayed Black women in The Oval. It's filled with every stereotype known to humankind. It is wretchedly ratchet, and a nauseating Black woman-hating nightmare of a show. I would have loved a drama about Black people in power in DC and in The Oval Office. But Black people modeled after Barack and Michelle Obama, who carried themselves with class, dignity and respect, with a little intrigue and a peek behind the public image, showing how the First Family handles being Black in the highest profile office in the land. Not this hot mess of an embarrassment with Shaquita and Eminem. And the acting is atrocious. I have rode with Perry for years with Madea because I thought those movies were funny. Even against the prodding by family and friends to not watch them. But as I've matured and evolved, I just can't support shows or films that cast Black women in such an unflattering light.
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Hair and make-up
qechevarria22 December 2022
Attention: Hair and make-up I know everyone on set are working long hours and im sure you all are extremely tired. But I'm gona need Priscilla's lace to not show (season 4 episode 11). She is thee & my black barbie doll of the show, so my girl needs to be snatched at all times. BTW , love the show hope to have many more seasons to come. I am all the way in for the roller-coaster ride y'all take us on every week! Thanks for giving me something to watch B. E. T during this holiday month besidesthe holiday movies. All ready waiting on next weeks episode. Keep up the good work! #wherethehellisbarryat.
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I got hooked after the 1st episode
dediebee31 January 2020
I don't always watch Tyler Perry's projects and I almost didn't give it a chance because of the low ratings but I really believe that is due to haters. Who would watch this show thinking it would be similar to the West Wing!?!? This is a Perry special filled with drama, intrigue, wtf moments, and a lil comedy that left me on the edge of my seat wanting to know more by the end of every episode. The acting probably won't win the next Golden Globes but they have a fan in me. Kudos to Perry & crew for bringing a whole new world of the White House to the screen.
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casper_janeway19 February 2021
The worst TV series EVER! surely they must give out some kind of an award to a show where all the actors are so bad that at least one is trying to get it right...but wait NONE of the actors are qualified. I stuck it out for 2 episodes. I should slap myself silly but I was punished enough...after all I did sit through a second episode and I'm riddled with shame....whyyyy..... You, out there, can do better
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