Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006) Poster

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I guess I have to be fair and admit I'm not part of this movie's 5-year-old demographic
TheMovieMark16 June 2006
Am I really expected to review this? Are there any doubts as to my opinions regarding the film? Seriously? Sigh. All right. Whatever. Here: If you loved the first one then go see this; otherwise you'll want to avoid it like Kevin Federline avoids work.

I just don't have the energy to tear this to shreds. It'd be the equivalent of beating up a five-year-old - way too easy to be any fun. After all, it's the five-year-old demographic that the film is targeting. Well, plus the old person audience who thinks all forms of talking animals are cute.

Little kids will likely enjoy it. I was in a theater full of 'em, and they cackled at every burp and flatulence joke, and they howled every time Billy Connolly (trying hard to summon John Cleese) got bit in the crotch by a dog or slammed in the head by a household appliance. Meanwhile, I just stared stone-faced at the screen, as if I were at a Paris Hilton poetry reading.

I'm sure some of you parents will enjoy it (it's a slight step up from the original), but the majority will most likely be bored beyond comprehension and should probably start trying to convince the wee one that he needs to see Cars again.

All of you fathers who think Jennifer Love Hewitt's presence will be your saving grace, well, bad news - she's hardly in this at all. She'll provide you a few minutes of solace but will quickly and cruelly be whisked off screen so that we can be entertained by such images as Garfield bathing in a bidet and a weasel climbing up Connolly's trousers.


If that sounds like suitable entertainment to you then by all means, slap those Hamiltons on the counter. It's your retirement savings that you're gambling with, not mine.


Eh. Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties is strictly for those who were fans of the first movie, die-hard fans of Garfield, or those two young to form completely coherent sentences.
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Not funny..!
max_1118 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i really like Garfield 1 and thought that Garfield 2 would also be good..,but i m sorry to say this movie was not up to the mark.. the scenes were quite enjoying.. i really liked the castle and the surroundings.. but some how i felt that the movie lacked in something..

i could not understand one scene.. when Garfield and Cody were moving to england with their owner john.. they packed themselves in john's bag.. they went through the airport security checking..bla bla bla

and how the hell..? they got passed through the airport without even been noticed by the bag scan.. i could not really understood this part...

overall the movie was very lame, boring, and it seemed as it was maked forcefully without proper planning etc.. i hope they don't think of making another part...DUH!
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OK family comedy...
dwpollar9 July 2006
1st watched 7/6/2006 - 5 out of 10(Dir-Tim Hill): OK family comedy with the obnoxious over-eating computer-animated cat "Garfield" playing a dual role, sort of. The real Garfield is accidentally switched with an uppity prince-like cat in England which brings many fish-out-of-the-water scenarios for both cats(called "Kitties" in the title). To myself as an older person familiar with the other mediums used for Garfield(aka. Sunday papers and television), the computer animation was a deterrent when you're used to the cartoon character as well as not having the original television voice(Carlton the Doorman on Rhoda) in the role of Garfield, who was "purrfect". But Bill Murray doesn't do a bad job and it's fun for the kids for the most part. Some of the best scenes include a song where the animals cook up a batch of Lasagne for Garfield and some adult-focused quips from Murray added to the fun. There were some early scenes that were supposed to be funny that fell flat for both the kids and adults in the audience. There were times in the theatre where there was complete silence which seemed a little odd when there was supposed to be laughter. This was not a good sign for the movie right off the bat. It did become better later but there seemed to be too many attempts to emulate other popular animal movies like "Babe" by adding many animals having talking parts as well as what I've already mentioned to make a unique experience that could have been had if more attempts were made to follow the original cartoon concept.
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really bad
crukeg22 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am among the large minority of people that actually hate this movie. Lets face it people setting it in a different country wasn't good enough to beat the first one.

Garfield 2 starts of in Jon arbuckle's home, and after he fails to pop the question to his girlfriend, she travels to england. Jon follows her and so does Garfield. Garfield then travels around London and gets mixed up with an identical cat. The other cat lives in a castle and Garfield ends up getting pampered. The evil new owner of the castle, lord Dargis, tries to stop the other cat and Garfield from getting the palace back.

The setting, as i said before was rubbish, the acting was wooden and Garfield was annoying. Not good
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This film will give you an allergic reaction
eichelbergersports11 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose if I had cared anything for the original live-action "Garfield" (based on Jim Davis' once-popular comic strip, from 2004), I would have liked this one better. Suffice it to say, however, if you have children, there are certainly worse movies you could take them to.

I can't think of any of those right now, but I'm sure there are worse ones.

Plus, it always grated on me that while the title character was a (very cheap) CGI creation, all of the other animals in the movie were real.

What was THAT all about?!

Anyway, since it's difficult for a an adult critic (as I have been accused of being at times) to judge a picture like this, I brought along my daughter to see this one with me – just to be fair. When she only laughed at a few parts of this movie, I knew my assessment was not wrong.

This is a ridiculously stupid film.

Based on the much better Mark Twain story of the "Prince and the Pauper," the animated feline (voiced by Bill Murray) somehow gets mixed up with a pampered cat (voice of Tim Curry) living on a huge English estate.

There's trouble afoot, though, as British stand-up comic, Billy Connelly, the nephew of the late owner, wants his share of the property and will do anything to get rid of the animals which inhabit the place, including trying to drown the Prince, shoot a duck and threaten his lawyers with a crossbow.

You see, he wants to build a resort on the land - Oh, why even go on?

Just because they move the location to the British Isles doesn't mean that any more class or intelligence was added to this stupid series. The dialog is silly and humorless, the situations are absurd (even for a goofy movie like this), and there's no chemistry between the two leads, Jon Arbuckle and Liz (Brekin Meyer and Jennifer Love Hewitt, even though the whole adventure revolves around Jon prosing marriage to her). Fortunately, we see very little of this tepid couple throughout, so I suppose it's not all terrible.

But the biggest crime of all is wasting the talents of Murrary, Bob Hoskins (a bulldog's voice), Curry and Connelly on this enterprise which smells like a full litter box in July.

In fact, as allergic as I am to the meowing beasts, I'd rather spend 90 minutes in a room full of them than to ever have to see another "Garfield" flick again.

Cat got my tongue? No, just my brain - for the duration of this movie, at least.
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Everyone involved should see their careers destroyed
bourgeoismarc-124 June 2006
I don't know what to say!!! The plot was rehashed-badly. The character-Garfield-has no positive character traits. The actors look embarrassed playing in this. Garfield should only be taken three cartoon frames printed in a paper at a time. My four year old was bored finding no interesting story lines or enjoyable characters, plots. It was absolutely humourless. I've never signed up to a forum like this but it was bad enough to get me to sign up. Save your money and do something else with it. I find it horrible that studios initiate their future clientele with such horrible waste. Someone in Hollywood must listen to the public and cease investing in this type of rubish. I will regret spending money on this for years to come.
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A huge improvement on the first film
TheLittleSongbird6 February 2009
This is an entertaining film, and is it better than the first movie? Yes, much better! The stunning location of the English castle was a delight, as was the lovely Jennifer Love Hewitt. Don't forget the adorable dog Oadie, who was one of two reasons(Jennifer Love Hewitt being the other) for watching the first film. Billy Connelly was too OTT, but it didn't help with the material he was given. The script was still a tad uninspired, but an improvement. Bill Murray is a lot more bearable in this movie, but he does sound a little bored. The supporting voice cast do a commendable job too, Tim Curry the standout with his aristocratic voice, he was perfect for the voice of Prince. I laughed a lot at this movie, its predecessor is a far cry from that. There are a few cheap gags such as the dog Rubble and the trousers, and some clever ones such as the mirror sequence, inspired by I think the Marx Brothers. Thank you for an entertaining movie, and it doesn't deserve the low rating. 7/10, Bethany Cox
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Better, but still bad
rbverhoef6 March 2007
I did not like the first 'Garfield'-film, and although this sequel is an improvement I didn't care much for this one as well. Too many talking animals and a story involving a mix-up, which is too simple to begin with, make a boring movie out of elements we have seen many times before.

The mix-up is between Garfield and Prince, a London cat who just inherited a whole castle. The inhabitant of that castle, Lord Dargis (Billy Connolly), thought he would have it all. Only after the cat is dead and buried the place will be his. He gets rid off Prince, but the loyal butler Smithee (Ian Abercrombie) finds him back, only it is Garfield instead of Prince. Now owner Jon (Breckin Meyer) finds Prince, thinking it is Garfield. He is in London for a subplot involving his love Liz (Jennifer Love Hewitt) who he wants to marry.

As in the first film it is Bill Murray as the voice of Garfield who can bring the occasional smile to your face. Again the dancing sequences, one repeating a famous mirror scene from the Marx Brothers, belong to the highlights. 'A Tale of Two Kitties' contains some more laughs than the first film, but should be seen as another failure. I am not sure whether a good film about this character can be made, but better than this seems quite possible.
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HUGE surprise...
intelearts28 December 2006
I braced myself for 90 minutes of unfunny and weak cat jokes.

We were totally, and I mean totally, surprised: a really well-made film with lots of genuine laughs and the kids were all enthralled. Talking animals, a great turn by Billy Connolly (Who got my wife's vote for best dressed man in the movies this year - whoever did the tailoring on this really did a good job). Excellent sets (Castle Howard is perfect for this), and just plain fun all round.

Garfield and his doppelganger are very well animated: you really can't fault it.

Nothing too scary, nothing too rude, and lots of pratfalls, good one-liners, and fun to had by all. A nice dose of sentimentality -- all in all, and I hate myself for saying it, one of the most enjoyable films we've seen in a while - whether for kids or not.
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The cats bril't.1st film was better. Should make a 3rd to rectify this.
swaddicott2 September 2006
Why do people hate Garfield? The overall story of the first film was better than the second, I admit that.

It's about the cat and as long as the cat is brilliant, which he is. Then I think it's an alright film.

1:-Billy Connolly shouldn't have been the lead bad guy.

2:-Bill Murray is excellent as Garfield. So is the animation.

3:-They should take Garfield back to America and make a 3rd.

When Garfield stopped the train in the first film. Someone behind me said "Thats far fetched". Like everything up to then was realistic.

Don't get me wrong people can hate films what other people like. But it's people who say comments like that above. That us Garfield fans have to put up with.

"When in a rush dress slowly". Don't know who said this, but I like it.
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Life changing
mariannepolin20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Until I saw this movie, I never knew that Garfield had such a cool twin brother (spoiler alert). This movie changed my life. I never knew that a bond between brothers could be as strong as homemade lasagna. This movie takes you on a whirlwind of emotions, from laughter to crying. I remember when I misplaced the DVD for 6 months -- the darkest 6 months of my life. What got me through was the fact that I had the first one on DVD to get me through.

As well, the bond between Garfield and Odie can never be broken <3 What an amazing duo.

This movie is a cinematic masterpiece.
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Nice for what it is. Silly, good hearted, for kids and parents. Bit slow for adults
bopdog22 July 2006
I did not know this was a children's movie. After all, Shrek, Monsters Inc., Toy Story, etc., appeal to children, but are also squarely aimed at adults. Garfield, Tale of Two Kitties is squarely aimed at younger folk, with a few mild chuckles for the parents. It was colorful, well done, excellent quality, etc. but let's face it, by being designed for 5-10 year-olds, it also had to be really sloooooooow.

Brekin Myer is a charming actor with good vibes. So is the chick--- Jennifer Love Hewitt. Likable people. The British supporting cast (note that the movie starts in America, but moves to an English location soon enough) is also excellent. Billy Connoly plays an odious villain; I find that comedian rather odious in person, myself. But I must confess he seemed to be a good actor--- maybe his odi-osity was due to great acting ability? Anyway--- Bob Hoskins is a hoot as the bulldog, and the other animal voices are good, too. Tim Curry was an amazing counterpart to Garfield, playing the ultra-posh aristocratic English cat, Prince. But again, the jokes are NOT multi-leveled. They are simple, aimed at 5 year-olds. If you take your kids, you'll like it too. If you go with adults, you'll have a lot of cognitive capacity left over whilst viewing it to accommodate virtually any daydreaming task.
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Let me tell you a story...
terraplane1 September 2006
OK, I admit that I watched this movie. But thankfully I watched it on a pirate DVD bought for two dollars from a dodgy looking bloke on Sadovaya Triumfalnaya in Moscow. He liked my girlfriend's red shoes and said they looked like the shoes of a Princess, which she is of course. I like her red shoes too, they are very nice shoes. They have embroidery and flat heels, but they got very wet when we got caught in the rain the day we went to Novospassky Monastery. Neither of us had a jacket or an umbrella so we got pretty wet but it was worth it because the monastery is beautiful. If you ever go to Moscow you should pay this place a visit, it's stunningly beautiful. Go to Taganskaya on the Circular line and it's a five minute walk along Kamenshiki Street, or at least it should be if you go with someone who knows how to read a street map. Still, it was a nice walk in the rain and we got there eventually even though the red shoes got very wet. Now, being that Novospassky is a Russian Orthodox monastery, women must cover their heads and must also cover their shoulders and should not be wearing trousers or short skirts. Red shoes are OK. So just inside the main gate there is a big box of scarves, shawls and wrap around skirts for the use of any women that may be unsuitably attired for entry into the church, and I must say that my beautiful girlfriend looked rather wonderful wearing all these things. I have pictures if you would like to see them. The inside of the church is decorated with painted walls and ceilings and there are stunning golden icons that look fabulous in the candlelight. There are no electric lights. The Russian choir sings and the priests walk around among the congregation, who stand and chant, there are no seats. It is one of the most spiritual experiences you'll ever have. Quite extraordinary. It is almost like being transported back to some medieval age. Anyway, why am I telling you all of this? Quite simply because it is much more interesting than talking about this movie. As I said, I, or should I say we, watched it on a dodgy pirate DVD that was on sale the day after the movie opened in Moscow. This, as it turned out, was a very good thing because it meant that I couldn't see or hear the movie very well so we turned it off after 20 minutes and that's the best way to watch it in my opinion.

The red shoes still look great though.
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A sad waste of writer talent and viewer time
wallisdj25 September 2006
It is bad enough to rip off most of Mark Twain's Prince and the Pauper content, but where Mark Twain was tweaking the noses of the British (a popular theme during his time), the script writer were tweaking the noses of the American viewers. Stereotyping British upper class has become so passe that it has become insulting to viewers on both sides of the "pond," as well as the weak-kneed Willy who can't ask the woman he loves to marry him, whom, by the way, is too caught up with her own world to listen. The dialogue was morose; acting: Connolly was fun to watch; Hewitt needed more cleavage (in both respects); and Meyer's screen time could have been deleted. My children rating: boring.
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very disappointing
Floated210 October 2008
Garfield: a tale of two kitties is a very disappointing movie compared to the first Garfield. I like the first one much better. It had more funny jokes, better moments and a much better plot/setting. This movie was very predictable and really boring. The weirdest part of all is how all the animals could talk but no humans understand what they're saying, that just sucked and was a big disappointment.

This movie also isn't funny at all, all the "jokes" Garfield says aren't funny in the least bit. He tries so hard to act funny and cool it just doesn't work. This movie is only about 90mins but it felt like i was watching it for hours. Its really boring and not that great. This movie may be good for kids but is completely dull for teens and adults.

I wouldn't recommend this movie at all, its a waste of time and day..."Good day sir, cheerio"- very gay line from the movie.
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Dull and disappointing
Gordon-119 July 2008
This film is about Garfield and an identical looking British Royal cat being mixed up in identity.

"Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties" is not so entertaining even as a children's film. The plot is entirely predictable, and is not so interesting either. Garfield is portrayed to be unsympathetic and even annoying. Breckin Meyer's character looks entirely silly and redundant, and he could be cut away without much effect on the story. Bill Murray's voice over a Garfield is monotonous, dull and un-energetic. The lengthy scene where animals cook reminds me of "Ratatouille", but only 10% as adorable, entertaining and fun as "Ratatouille". Ian Abercrombie's character as a Smithee the butler is the only interesting and likable character in the film.

"Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties" is dull and disappointing. It fails to transform the magic from the original comic strips.
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A full litter box is more entertaining...
cyclone2596 April 2007
My six year-old daughter chose this movie from the fairly limited offerings available from Blockbuster's mail order service. I have to admit that I'm a bit bias because I never cared too much for the comic strip and felt that the first film was absolutely horrible.

All of that being said, my daughter wanted us to sit down for a "family evening" so I did so, not getting my hopes up too high. All I can say is pure, excruciating boredom. My daughter lost interest about fifteen minutes into it and even though we were about twenty minutes from the finish of this "masterpiece" we thankfully turned it off to watch something more interesting, like paint drying.

I will give it credit for being a safe haven for puerile, mostly non-offensive material. It has its loads of 'fart' references and other bodily humor to entertain the wee folk for a few minutes and a dull, uninspiring romance that even those turned-off by such fare will easily be able to sleep through.

Many reviewers and fans of this movie may say that maybe I can't give it an honest rating since I dozed off and on for part of its running time (plus we shut it off early), so all I can say is if what I slept through was a awful as what I saw, at least I'm partially redeemed for catching-up on much lost zzzzzz's.
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jackmargulies21 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Tea tea tea average average average crumpets queen
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It was okay.
webhead173117 June 2006
I'm a fan of the Garfield comics, I saw the first movie and enjoyed it. The second movie, "Garfield's A Tail Of Two Kitties", was about the same. I didn't like it any better or any worse than the first film. It wasn't a "laugh out loud" film. The funny parts make you smile or make you laugh a little. The special effects for Garfield looked a bit better than the first movie's. The story was pretty good, I thought it was clever at some parts. The movie could have been better, but it was enjoyable. It's a good family film, if you want to spend some time with your kids or family then see this.

My score: 7/10
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Double trouble. Garfield is living high.
michaelRokeefe17 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely better than the original...funnier anyway. Garfield(Bill Murray's voice)follows his owner Jon(Breckin Meyer)to England, where Jon's girlfriend Liz(Jennifer Love Hewitt)is there on business. Jon wishes to propose marriage; but there is a major problem. Garfield is mistaken for a look-alike cat Prince(voiced by Tim Curry)who has just inherited a castle. Garfield really likes being the king of the castle; Prince learns to like lasagna. Lord Dargis(Billy Connolly)is hell-bent on getting rid of Garfield posed as Prince in order to turn the castle into a resort. A few fart jokes and situational comedy keeps you entertained.

Ian Abercrombie and Roger Rees provide support. And you will probably recognize the voices of Bob Hoskins, Jane Leeves and Sharon Osbourne.
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I have no idea why is it rated so low!
utkarshonly25 April 2013
It was FUN!

I had a good time watching the movie. I didn't get bored, I laughed more than a couple of times. I truly liked Garfield. I mean that cat has really good a sense of humor.

The plot was fine, the dialogs were brilliant. Garfield was fine. Even, Odie had his moment.

The animation could have been better but it really wasn't that bad. I can watch is again. Everything someone looks for in Garfield was there. So, I wasn't disappointed and I have no idea why people were.

If you ask me, watch it. Cause it is fun and that is enough.
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If you like Garfield, you'll enjoy it, otherwise...
buiger5 May 2007
This is nothing more and nothing less than a typical sequel. Meaning it is very similar to and also slightly worse than the original. Having said that, I cannot but repeat what I mentioned in my review of 'Garfield 1': This is an entertaining movie that doesn't aspire to be anything else. Garfield's characterization is very good, albeit rather simplistic. Bill Murray is the one who actually gives Garfield his soul, he once again does such a great job with the voice, it's perfect! On the other hand, once again I found the main flaw of this film to be in the fact that the director concentrated on making a movie for kids, rather than for adults which would be more befitting for a Garfield movie. The plot is so simplistic it borders on retarded, and so is most of the "humans" acting.

Thankfully though, Garfields' character and his gags and lines (as well as the excellent computer animation) lift the movie up just enough for it to be on an acceptable level of decent, watchable entertainment.
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Very good sequel,I love the idea of two Garfields.
lesleyharris305 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Garfield two is a very good sequel,and I love the idea of two Garfields,I think this film is underrated,the film is about a cat who is prince of an estate and gets everything he wants,and John is trying to have the guts to ask Liz to marry him,he then finds out that Liz has vet job to do at London for a while and asks John to come over so he so he decides to ask her there and puts Garfield and Odie in a place were they mind pets but Garfield somehow finds a way to escape and follows John on the airport to London and gets to London,meanwhile down at the castle a dead Queen gets the cat to take over and the Quenns nephew grows jealous and then drives the cat down town and trows him out of the car and drives off,and then the princes butler finds out and drives down town and sees Garfield and thinks that hes the prince and drives back and Garfield gets all the food he wants and starts to enjoy being treated like a prince.
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A concept that doesn't work
raymond-massart24 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see the movie with a five-year-old and an eight-year-old youngster.The cinema was crowded with kids and what intrigued me was to register their reactions. Reactions? There were hardly any cries of sheer delight and the general attitude was one of great expectations that were not fulfilled. The concept of combining animation with real people doesn't seem to work with children. Their fantasy world is based on imaginative processes which in this case were hindered by the combination of true-to-life humans and cartoon figures.The concept doesn't seem to work too well with adults either.Furthermore the storyline is rather weak and it is difficult to experience any form of empathy with either the real Garfield or his double
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Garfield 2: A Tale of Two Kitties
jboothmillard1 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first film based on the popular Jim Davis comic strip wasn't great as a film but it was a financial success, which would explain why this sequel followed, it was rated a little better by the critics, but I wasn't enthusiastic about it, directed by Tim Hill (Muppets from Space, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Hop). Basically, Jon Arbuckle (Road Trip's Breckin Meyer) is planning to propose to his veterinarian girlfriend Elizabeth "Liz" Wilson (I Know What You Did Last Summer's Jennifer Love Hewitt), who is going on a business trip to London, England. Jon follows her, bringing his pets, lazy greedy cat Garfield (Bill Murray) and dog Odie (not animated), to surprise her. Meanwhile, Lord Manfred Dargis (Billy Connolly) is wanting to inherit Carlyle Castle and the fortune of the late Lady Eleanor Carlyle. But he misses the opportunity to the regal cat Prince XII (Tim Curry), who bears a striking resemblance to Garfield. Dargis traps Prince in a picnic basket and throws him into the river. He survives and is found by Jon who takes him home, while Garfield is found on the street by Prince's butler, Smithee (Ian Abercrombie), and taken to the mansion. Garfield lives in the lap of luxury with everything he could want, including a gang of farm animal followers who he teaches how to make lasagne, while Prince learns how to be an ordinary cat. Despite initially enjoying their new lifestyles, both Garfield and Prince long to return to their former lives. Eventually, Garfield and Prince meet each other face to face and plan to return to their respective homes. Garfield convinces the farm animals to help him, and Jon and Odie discover the mix-up and go to the mansion. Garfield and Prince manage to defeat Dargis as Smithee alerts the authorities and he is arrested for his crimes. Garfield, who was previously against it, is happy for Jon to propose to Liz and she accepts. Also starring Roger Rees as Mr. Hobbs, Lucy Davis as Abby, Bob Hoskins as Winston, Sharon Osbourne as Christophe, Joe Pasquale as I, Claudius; Jane Leeves as Eenie, Jane Horrocks as Meenie, Richard E. Grant as Preston, Vinnie Jones as Rommel, and Rhys Ifans as McBunny, with Roscoe Lee Browne as the Narrator. Murray again has his moments being sarcastic, but again cannot compete with Lorenzo Music, Meyer and Hewitt are fine, Curry is alright, Connolly is average as the pantomime villain, and the various recognisable names as the voices of the farm animals are all fair. The jokes are average, the mistaken-identity plot could have gone a bit better, and the CGI special effects don't do too badly, the kids will have fun with this follow-up, but it is just another less than average comedy. It was nominated the Razzies for Worst Prequel or Sequel and Worst Excuse for Family Entertainment. Okay!
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