Pterodactyl (2005) Poster


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Educational video for our military
doom-of-our-time27 August 2005
This movie is proof that our Army just isn't ready for a war against dinosaurs. And we should get ready, because terrorists around the world who have access to this fill now know our weakness. The guys in this movie shot so much led into the air i found myself wondering why some of it isn't raining down on them and killing them. So many of the characters were narrowly avoiding death and i hated them all so much that i started to make up fantasies in my head about cool ways they could die, their own bullets coming down being one of the best.

During the course of this 2005 summer blockbuster you see these peaceful winged dinosaurs get some really bad press. Now i myself have only once met a Pterodactly so i can't speak for all of them but what i do know is that they are not found of eating people. Don't believe me, you could always google it. They ate fish. They cannot fly fast enough to rip off a man's torso from his legs, and if their wing hit a guys head i assure you both the guy and the dactyl would be on the ground screaming together rather then the guy's head coming off. That aside, i really like it when people come apart in movies. As for the bullets, dinosaurs came from a time before bullets, they don't believe in such things. The power of belief kept them safe from man's weapons. That is one theory i have. The second one is that they had on bullet proof vests. The dinosaurs were terribly rendered so they could have been wearing dresses and it would have been a struggle to tell.

Why didn't i rate this a one you ask? I hope your asking cause i'm gunna tell you. Because Coolio is in it. Coolio is the only rapper turned actor i like in a movie. After watching his performance in Dracula 3,000 (see my review for that if you dare) i can't hate anything he touches. I take that back, i can hate them, cause i sure hated both this movie and Dracula 3000, but i won't ever rate one of his movies a 1.

So Don Rumsfeld, this movie better be playing 24/7 in the pentagon as a warning to you all... get ready for Muslim extremists riding unstoppable dactyls into things. Bullets can't stop them, nothing can. Nothing... except coolio.
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not the worst movie I've ever seen, but pretty close
june_t1 September 2005
I gave this movie 2*'s to save the rating of 1* on the chance that there are worse movies out there. It's possible. The acting was horrible, but I've seen worse (usually when they decide they need *real* athletes to play roles). The special effects were bad, but I've seen worse (they're usually 50 years old though). The dialog was ridiculous (trying to remember when I've seen worse, but nothing comes to mind -- oh wait, maybe some of the dialog in the recent Star Wars movies). As giant-monster-terrorizing-helpless-people movies go - they're not known for deep character development - this one stood out as being exceptionally bad, as none of the characters behave at any time in any way that a normal human would reasonably be expected to behave under the circumstances. That's quite an accomplishment in itself. This movie might have been funny with a roomful of good friends and lots of tequila. Unfortunately, I had neither at the time.
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No, it really was that bad....
dwetzel29 August 2005
The characters were terribly written, I never did get their names, they were just "generic nerd" or "stuck-up drama queen". They were all cardboard cut-outs.

The plot was completely unbelievable. Why did the us special forces bother trying to save the American students and then try to argue that no, they can't help them out of the forest? Why bother saving them if you're not committed to the idea? The Generic Professer was relying on these kids to help him save his career? He would have been better off looking for another position.

And the CGI was obvious. I don't have a problem with good CGI, but here it was impossible NOT to notice how fake everything was.
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Prehistoric birds attacking human beings on the Turkish-Armenian border
ma-cortes15 April 2008
The movie is developed on the Armenian-Turkish frontier where a students group(Amy Sloan, and a gorgeous Mircea Monroe, among them) and their professor(Cameron Daddo)undergo an archaeological expedition. In a dormant volcano closes an incredible secret, a nest of pterodactyls eggs, accurately preserved, are ready to hatch . Meanwhile a contra-terrorist team led by a tough commander(Coolio) tracks down Armenian dangerous terrorist. Then Pterodactyls spontaneously attack and the humans try desperately to escape and grisly death happen, while the soldiers use their technological weapons.

The movie delivers the goods with hair-rising chills and noisy scares when the Pterodactyls appear savagely stalking its prey and attacking. This is an OK amusing juvenile with thin characters and contrived plot but quite entertaining . It's remarkable for FX recreation the ferocious and carnivorous beast developing a bloodthirsty hunger for human eating. The actors give vigorous physical performances dodging the prehistoric giant birds recreated by the prolific computer generator, as usual. The Pterodactyls, themselves, of course, are the real stars, and they're marvellous terrifying astounding, and quite convincing. The motion picture is professionally produced and directed by Mark L Lester. He's a cool director and producer-American World Pictures- of B movies , his greatest success was during the 80s, when he directed hits , such as ¨Commando, Firestarter, Showdown in Little Tokio and Class of 1984¨ . No for small children for realistic, gory and violent attack scenes. Rating : Average but entertaining.
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ianmutimer18 April 2006
Don't get my wrong it's not all bad – there is a good few minutes when a scantily clad blonde runs through the jungle.

Here's the story line, I will try to give it to you straight, with an unbiased approach – a bunch of annoying US students and their dumbass lecturer are for some unknown reason in Romania when they decide it is a super idea to explore a volcano deep in some forest. Only when they arrive, they spend their time running away from CGI Pterodactyls, which have just hatched (probably out of an N64). But that's not all they do, they also produce incredibly annoying dialogue, for example after many of the students have been eaten by these winged Nintendo-graphics beasts, the lecturer sighs 'what am I going to tell their parents?' and in another scene, when the blonde hottie has had enough of all the fun and antics that always accompanies running away from Pterodactyls, she expresses 'I just wanna go hooommmee!' and talking about a missing nerd - 'you won't find him, a Pterodactyl took him, I told you 10 times, why don't you believe me??!!'. Hmmm, i wonder why, doesn't the word extinction mean anything to you?!!

Soon after getting into a spot of trouble with the old dino's, the idiot students and their lecturer bump into US 'Special Forces Team', more like 'Special Needs Team'. Unfortunately for them the Special Forces Team are just as lame as themselves, it doesn't appear that the producer spent a lot of time casting for this movie, as the team looks like a bunch of store clerks. Sure their people skills may have proved invaluable if the dinosaurs could actually converse in English, but unfortunately for them - that wasn't the case that day. The team may have been lead by Coolio, but this flick is no gangster's paradise. I'm sorry, I had to sneak that one in.

After a romance is born between a student (Kate) and the lecturer, there is a scene where the a Pterodactyl flies away with the student and the lecturer does what any caring, loving partner would do, he picks up the nearest gun and starts shooting rapidly in the general direction of the beast and the student, whilst shouting 'Kate! Kate!'. Hilarious stuff. After another student has been sliced up a little, the others go and see if she is OK (obviously not, being attacked by a dinosaur and all)but anyway, her eyes are still open and you can see her chest rise and fall with breathing, but they shout 'she's gone, leave her', a few minutes later they unsurprisingly hear her release a loud scream, then one of them brightly announces 'it must be Kate!' and another adds 'yea, I know I can hear her screaming!', Please! Are you serious? who writes these scripts?! – a 3 year old kindergarten kid with an over-active imagination?

The Special Forces Team spend their time shooting the Pterodactyls for hours on end, they may as well have been shooting water pistols or cap guns as the bullets had no effect, but as they are under-cover store clerks, who can blame them for their naivety & false optimism? Finally, if you have chosen to ignore all the reviews, and do decide to view this monster-rosity of a movie, pay close attention to the scene where they are making their way across a ravine simply by lassoing a sheep.....yes, i said a sheep, and using a rope to climb/shuffle across. Isn't it amazing how an adult can have all their body weight hanging from a rope, yet the rope is slack and their muscles non-flexed? I thought so.

At the end is where Coolio puts the cherry on the cake where he releases this humdinger of a line: 'It is time to dance baby, and I am your DJ', but instead of dancing, he breaks his promise and at the same time lives up to the song - guns don't kill Pterodactyl's, rappers do.
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tongue in cheek
rosebug_827 October 2007
Like Tremors this is not meant to be art it is fun take it as such. it is a parody of this genre which i happen to like.

only downer is loss of the geek and goofy blond so early.

dialogue is simple and predictable yet watch it for the fun of it and enjoy.

when was the last time you saw pterodactyls? the special effects weren't Star Wars but the flying dinosaurs at least didn't look like they were little clay figures.

over all this is a movie to watch on a cloudy afternoon and talk back to the characters.
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Asteri-Atypical28 August 2005
Well, for a supposedly "SCI-FI" film, it was certainly missing the "SCI", which stands for science.

If you consider "I" to stand for "Imagination", then it's missing that, too'.

So all we got when we got this movie was F.

Despite the fact the corporate shills are at it again, giving supposedly good reviews to this ugliness, this movie is yet another piece of trash being offered by the so-called SciFi Channel.

This movie featured some of the worst, over-stereotyped characters I've ever seen. If I hadn't seen them so much I would have laughed. But the punchline of this joke is quite stale. The acting was just as bad.

Stories like this aren't clever. They don't entertain. There's no eye candy. Only someone with the mentality to laugh at a human body being transected by a cheap CGI effect and say "hey, dude, look at all the blood" would enjoy any part of this movie. Why make things like this?

Anyway, something REALLY made me mad in this movie. There was a comment by a character to the order of "I haven't seen so much white since someone streaked at a Farscape convention". How DARE SciFi Channel make fun of Farscape? How DARE they? SciFi Channel took away a beloved series to replace it with this seemingly endless string of decrepit, brain-dead movies aimed at morons, despite the clear proof that Farscape had an audience and was economically viable. What audacity to foolishly mishandle a wonderful show and then make snide remarks. I've heard it said before and now I'm having to agree. The goofs who run the SciFi Channel at present hate SciFi and hold contempt for its viewers!

Avoid this trash.
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matthew-24427 August 2005
A great cast is what saves this CGI cheap. Cameron Daddo does the best he can with what he has to work with. Amy Sloan is always interesting to watch. Come on Sci-Fi, give us some deeper plots. Don't underestimate our intelligence..The Sci-Fi channel is pumping out these 2 million dollar movies, and they still can't find the balance between scientific and campy. I have to assume the execs at Sci-Fi think the visuals trump the story, which is too bad. Who watches Star Trek for the effects? I don't even mind bad special effects, I just wish these Original Sci-Fi flicks had more depth and less clichés. A bigger budget is not required, only inspiration.
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Typical SciFi Channel movie
romana-122 October 2005
The SciFi Channel loves movies about resurrected prehistoric beasts and other monsters. The methodology is always the same: not only are they bulletproof, but bullets hitting them do not even make them wince. The characters, even out in the wide open spaces, never see any more perspective than the audience. They can be surprised by the sudden appearance of a dangerous creature, even when they should have seen it coming a long way off. These animals also always have endless appetites and agendas of death and destruction. This would be an unlikely and unsafe lifestyle for any animal.

Here we had Pterodactyls, actually Pteranodons to be more precise. While all dinosaurs were somewhat fragile and susceptible to injury, flying reptiles were extremely fragile. They probably ate fish, rather than risk tangling with any size of land prey. Human beings would have been extra large prey. To them, we would resemble a two-legged predator, and they would likely avoid us, or at least treat us with great caution.

If one want's to see more realistic dinosaurs, series such as "Walking with Dinosaurs" are a much better bet. In "Chased by Sea Monsters," naturalist Nigel Marvin is show feeding a simulated Pteranodon. There was no movie mayhem here, just a realistic flying reptile.
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Pteradactyl (2005)
jazza92322 December 2005
3.5/10. Just what you would expect it to be, a bad sci-fi horror film, cheaply produced. For some inane reason, I get a kick out of these kind of films. That doesn't mean i think they are good, I just relish in the badness of them. Some of the special effects are decent, but I am not a big fan of these computer generated special effects. This acting is poor overall,but a couple of the actors do fine. Not much here to recommend. It can be quite gory and gruesome at times, and the special effects in this area are very poor. Mark L. lester's direction is minimal to say the least. The score is very obvious and even distracting at times. Cheesy sets. Yuk.
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Come on - this is a fun movie!
alexrogan10 August 2005
You don't tune into a movie called Pterodactyl expecting it to reshape your notion of high cinema - you tune in hoping to see a well-made creature feature! And in this regard, Pterodactyl is a guilty pleasure indeed.

I admit, I'm a SCI FI Channel movie junkie, and normally because they're so bad they're good. But this one surprised me - it's actually just plain good! Okay, so yes, the military leader is... Coolio. But believe it or not, I thought he did a great job. Overall, the cast is very solid, especially compared to other comparable films - the Raptor Islands and Sabretooths of the world.

But what really sets this movie apart is the direction. I wasn't surprised to find out later that a guy with actual credits made this film, and it shows. Mark Lester also directed Commando, Firestarter, and a slew of other films you've no doubt seen and enjoyed.

I mean, it's all relative. Is this Jurassic Park 4? No. But is it a lot of fun? Should you watch it if you tend to like these kinds of movies? Does it deliver the requisite gore, thrills, explosions and unrelenting gunfire you'd hope from a creature feature? Hell yes. And it has the greatest special effect of all - hot chicks.
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It is not so bad it is fun. It is so bad it is hilarious.
Enchorde18 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: A landslide has unearthed an ancient volcano in Turkey and professor Lovecraft, in desperate need of some publishable results, goes to explore the potentially fossil-rich volcano with a postgraduate and some students (read cannon-fodder). At the same time a team of American special-ops is on the hunt for a rebel leader hidden in the forests. Unknown to all of them, the landslide has not only unearthed fossils, but also a bunch of eggs that start to hatch (grown up pterodactyls obviously). The soldiers find their target and on their way home run into the professor's team, now caught by angry rebels in search of their leader. And all this under the watch of a flock of pterodactyls that decide it is time for a snack. The pterodactyls attack repeatedly, and in the confusion they abduct the postgraduate Kate, who now is the love-interest of Lovecraft. He must now rescue her, and the soldiers decide to help her because she apparently is the daughter of a war-buddy to the captain leading the soldiers.

Comments: It is all about expectations. If you expect a coherent, serious and above all a thought through movie you are in for a big disappointment. But if you expect a b-movie that will entertain you and make you laugh, this will be all you can wish for. It starts unexpectedly bad (or funny if you will) and then goes on to surprise every scene by making something even worse, silly stuff. To begin with, why put the location in Turkey? This is in no way crucial for the story, but is ridiculously obvious that they are nowhere near Turkey, and no Turkish people are in sight. Why not put it where they obviously shot the movie in the Czech Republic? Further more the CGI special effects are really bad, the so-called soldiers have no more experience of being in the forest than scouts, and obviously no experience being soldiers either. For example, why would a team of covert soldiers, under normal circumstances, with a hostage, be strutting around in the middle of a field, when there are forests all around. And when threatened by big flying man-eating that attacks from the air it becomes ludicrously stupid. And really, did they just climb a rope over a deep and steep ravine tied to a dead sheep?!? And don't forget the computer-game guns the soldiers carry around.

The only part of the production that isn't bad is the acting, but that may be due to the surface thin story and characters cut from cardboard. But it should still be said, the actors playing the students (the dead meat) do it nicely so that the stereotypes that they portray are crystal clear. Coolio is nowhere near credible as an army captain, but he delivers his lines in a good manner. I haven't much to say about Daddo or Sloan, though this might be the best accolade possible.

To conclude, a hilarious, ludicrous entertaining ride with a lot of laughs. If you didn't expect too much that is.

6/10 (Sure, I had a blast, but honestly, this project shouldn't be near a green light or funding, therefore I can't give it more than a six)
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How many loop wholes can you have in one movie?
black_wolf_197010 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First, the babies hatch and yet have no food except each other but yet grow to adults in large numbers. Second the volcano has been dormant for a few million years plus and yet it is called Mt. Arat which has been explored many many times but yet never were found any of the eggs, the nests, or bones of any of the adults that laid the eggs.... Then we have a group of college kids none of which would have been taken on any kind of expedition with as limited amount of supplies they had. The we have a rip off from "Starship Troopers" with the cutting in half of some and decapitating of others with there wings. For one their bones are hollow and the impact on the the human body would have snapped them like matchsticks. Then we have them over and over crossing OPEN land when they the experts on the Pterasaurs and a covert SPec Ops unit that would always stick to the cover of the trees, being attacked over and over, DUH. Then comes their flying Pterasaurs were gliders, they would have had very limited fling abilities, let alone able to hoover, fly backwards etc. Then we have T-Rex hatching in the same area as the Pterasaurs, No animal will make its nest with in snacking distance of another predatory species. And again we have more eggs and babies with nothing to eat but each other, let alone learn from. Plus T-Rex was not a social animal and yet it looks like a few mothers laid their eggs in the same area as at least 30-100 eggs were implied. Take out the science, lack of basic sense, a lack of real military actions, then it might be worth it as a time killer, if you are desperate.
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the baddest movie I've ever seen...
thanquol8827 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have to warn you about this awful movie. The story must have been written on a laundry receipt. The character names are even less thought up. They have names like: Lovecraft, Heinlein, Clarke... Yep, all our favorite SciFi/Horror writers. BE WARNED!!! *spoiler* a group of scientist seek out a mountain which should contain artifacts of early dinosaurs. First screen shot is a badly done special effect with almost visible smoke machines and fake eggs dropping down. Second stupid thing is a group of American soldiers (special ops) are searching for a rebel leader in Turkey without any reason. All characters are so incredible predictable, that it isn't even funny. Even the 'heroic' parts are so straight forward, you already know what is going to happen. Shame that somebody paid money to create this movie.
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"Do you know what a Condor looks like? A Vulture?"
Anadrol6 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers

Where do I begin? The 2005 Paleo-Jurassic-Coolio Thriller "Pterodactyl" really took my breath away. It is certainly a "B Movie" or a "Broke Movie." Unintentionally good, horrifically bad, grammatically awful, and overall, a great experience if you have several witty friends and a good amount of beer.

We begin the movie with one of the most horrific monster movie deaths I have ever seen. A man gets ripped in half at the waist, and his lower body continues twitching for A GOOD amount of time. Merely an attention getter you may ask? Well, that's what I took it as. That is, until this SAME DEATH WAS REPEATED 5 DIFFERENT TIMES! Pterodactyl involves a team of scientists who are exploring a volcano. The main hero is known only as "The Professor" and he has awkwardly round boobs that show through his shirt. His love interest is a pale read head with freckles, his assistant is a college kid that eerily resembles Corey Haim, and the rest of his team doesn't have names. They serve only as bait for the Pterodactyls. In fact, there was one point where a girl got killed, and I would've sworn I had never seen her before in the movie. OK, so there you have your heroic team of dorks who are in search of God knows what on a volcano. Oh, and I almost forgot, they bring a really hot girl with huge ta ta's. It is never explained why she is invited on this scientific expedition, but I'm glad she's along for the ride.

Along the way, the science students encounter a US Special Forces team, lead by Coolio himself. Coolio's highly trained squad of military task soldiers also employs the services of a really hot girl who is not only stacked beyond belief, but also wears make-up....on Special Forces Missions.

Once the scientists and army guys team up, the Pterodactyl attacks start happening.

The Pterodactyls are extraordinarily inconsistent in their actions and reactions to the activities that go on. Sometimes a single shot will kill a Pterodactyl, but most of the time, they are absolutely impossible to hit. I mean, we're talking thousands of rounds from several fully automatic weapons, and the Pterodactyls are untouched. Additonally, there are moments that would have you believe that a Pterodactyl possesses the sharpest, most deadly claws known to the universe. They are often capable of severing entire bodies in pieces in an instant. However, if the attack is on an important character, the Pterodactyl will either pick the person up and carry them away, or simply knock them down for fun.

This is a terrific movie to make fun of and analyze.

Just a few fun facts: -Pterodactyls had very small teeth, and they weren't large enough or strong enough to carry away small children, much less adults. They relied on updraft to fly, so carrying heavy weight while in flight would be impossible. Pterodactyls were carnivores, but their prey did not include any animals larger than some medium to large fish. They were not dinosaurs, as this term refers to an upright reptile, not a flying creature.

-US Special Forces ops do not shoot guns sideways like 2Pac.

-US Special Forces is an elite group of highly trained individuals who earned their status through hardwork and dedication. They do not allow hot, big breasted women to join up, go on missions with make-up on and let their long, beautiful hair flow carelessly beneath their army helmet.

-Coolio dies in the end, and you see his body lying on the ground for a few minutes, and he is BLATANTLY breathing. No attempt whatsoever to act dead.

-A girl is holding hands with a puny little 4-eyed rat scientist and a Pterodactyl takes her away by her shoulders. Her arm is ripped from her body, and the little scrawny dweeb kid is left holding her severed arm. How hard was he holding on to that arm??!! -There is a complete lack of character development. By the end of the movie, you don't like the good guys and you don't hate the bad guys. The only emotion you may feel is when the hot girls get killed. That's it.

-Coolio is a terrible selection for an Army Commander. He lacks leadership abilities, focus, coordination with weapons, intensity, and all the other aspects that make actors good at army roles. He makes one famous lewd insult towards the Pterodactyls that will last in my memory forever. It contains a terrible grammatical error that I'm sure he wishes was edited out, but the producers said "hey, it's Pterodactyl, we're not editing much." -In the end, Coolio's final suicidal attempt to kill the remaining Pterodactyl was both idiotic, unsuccessful, and absolutely unnecessary. He dies for no reason. He is not a hero, he does not accomplish his goals, and you don't feel sorry for him. It's just a shade below Mel Gibson's performance as William Wallace in "Braveheart." -There is simply no way that a heavily armed team of US Army Special Ops would have any trouble killing a thousand Pterodactyls, much less 20. If you're in the army, this whole concept will really bother you.

-The main character, "The Professor," brought a 9 with him on a science expedition. Why? You don't strap yourself before exploring a mountain. Did the guy that granted him the funding say, "Yo dawg, here's the cash for your experiment's and such. Now get heated, and head for the volcano to study some insects. I repeat, get heated. Don't go without the chrome." All in all, it was a 2 out of 10 in the real world, and an 8.5 out of 10 in the "Let's go rent a terrible movie and make fun of it" world.
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drax31931 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, Perodactyl. With fine acting from Captain Coolio, man of glass. Who can not survive a 5 foot fall into a bed of grass. Who can shoot homing rockets out of his machine gun. Who demands to be left behind for no reason, who can only shoot while the Perodactyl is holding him. There was also a stirring speech given by one of the actors but there wasn't any to hear it. The special effects were amazing. The fact that a pistol can shoot over 50 times without reloading. The man having a C4 in his stomach. This was a visual masterpiece. It puts all other movies to shame. I have to say Coolio should give up everything raping and stick with acting he is very good, who knew that your eyes rolled back when you die?
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i can't believe someone thought this movie was good
cassal31 August 2005
This movie WAS NOT worth the money spent on it. And I can't believe someone actually thought it was worth their time to view it, then recommend it to others. PTERODACTYL was contrived. The characters were utterly clichéd. And the acting was worse than watching President Bush give the State Of The Union address. If you're going to spend a couple of million dollars on a film (and clearly horror movies make their money back like SAW), why not make a GOOD one? Something unique but familiar. Something with a little more class and fun like TREMORS or the EVIL DEAD series. But film companies make mediocrity because they believe the viewers will accept it. That must change.
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If you like silly, then I guess this is for you
maremoo28 August 2005
Was this movie supposed to be a spoof? Or was it just made by really untalented wannabes who thought they knew what they were doing? I can't believe, in this day of technology, that the effects, writing, and acting were as bad as this.

The attack scene at the lake, when the pterodactyl was "fishing" for the blond bimbo. All that was missing was the two-year-old boy's hand, as he clutches the toy model of a pterodactyl, and stomps it up and down on top of his sister's Barbie doll as it floats in the bathtub. That's exactly what the effect looked like. In fact, pretty much all the attack scenes looked like that.

Or how about when the one soldier was going across the rope bridge to rescue the damsel in distress, supposedly with his full body weight on the rope? At one point, he is repositioning his hands on the rope. The rope that is supposed to be taunt from his weight is slack, and its obvious the actor is just standing on an unseen platform with his hands stretched over his head grabbing the rope.

Another silly part, when the soldier played by Coolio (I guess that was him) was sitting in the jungle, and about 3 of his men are standing off to the side and behind him. Then another one comes walking up behind him. The character does one of those commando type things where he senses someone coming up on his back, so he draws his weapon and whips around, prepared to defend himself. Then of course, he admonishes the guy for coming up on him from behind. Plot intent of course is he is a super commando-type guy whose senses are sharpened to the point he can tell if someone might be sneaking up on him. What I want to know is, did he not see his other men standing there in his peripheral vision? Or did he not trust his men to have his back?

And the blond screamer/whiner that just wants to go hooommmmme. Ugh! I would have fed her to the birds first thing!
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This is ridiculous
lordofilm30 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe there is anyone out there that thinks this is actually a good movie. I can understand if you like it because it is bad, I understand, but it is in no way a good movie.

First off, Coolio is the worst actor ever, and his "thuggish" special forces CAPTAIN is the most unbelievable character in a film of unbelievable characters. You would think that the least that could be done is some research on actual special forces procedure. And when Coolio dodged a bullet that was fired downward at him from two feet away I about vomited. His death scene was about the worst I have ever seen. And the attempted dramatic tension through idiotic, misused, misplaced shouting was appalling.

To the person that suggested that the biology and physics of this film were sound, think again. Whether it was the way the beasts repeatedly and impossibly ripped people in half while standing, or the eviscerated soldier who was alive way to long, or the sheer plummets that that would but didn't immediately kill people (a fact that I would overlook if the characters had any dramatic dialogue in the time before they die, but they never said a thing. They were alive just long enough for someone to run over to them and they died) or the way that soldier "crossed" the ravine on that rope.

However, most of the major problems were issues that had nothing whatsoever to do with budget. The size of the plot holes in this film are mind-boggling. First, this "covert" operation Coolio and his band of merry men (and a women, who in the US military are not allowed in combat) are on is never very covert, what with the enemy always spotting them, the fire fights and the fact that they make themselves and their mission known to a group of scientists. At one point one of the soldiers says, "We are ghosts." I believe that is ghosts were really that loud that there would be far more sightings. Plus the fact that their mission was a resounding failure. And why did the professor give a gun to the bad guy? What did he think would happen? Second, at the very end when just the professor and Katie are left alive, they seem very happy and pleased with themselves as the walk off. Well, everyone that they came into the forest with died. And they were all their students. It's not like they were all people who were responsible for themselves and, oops!, they died. No, HE was responsible for them and he will have a lot to answer to. Plus, they lest the medic woman and that dorky guy in that house so they would be safe, right? Wheel, they did in fact die (some safe-house that was) but the professor doesn't know that they dies. Shouldn't he go back for them? There are countless other problems but not enough space to site them all. And I will end with the fact that this film has the worst, most ridiculous, and unrealistic action sequences ever and that is a result, not of the effect, but of the acting and directing. Where the hell are these people shooting half the time? If you think this film is in any way good, you need to get fixed whatever is wrong with you.
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Another pile of dinosaur dung from the Sci-Fi Channel
Helen_Kay28 August 2005
Sci-Fi Channel. Home of the worst movies imaginable.

Sadly, these movies aren't bad in the "so bad they're good" way, despite what the fools who run the network might want you to believe. They are just BAD. As in "a pain to watch". "Without value". The only way to make movies like this remotely entertaining would be to make them utter comedies. Sadly, though, movies such as "Pterodactyl" are not comedic, just pathetic.

Were these characters and was the acting supposed to be funny somehow? They were utterly abominable! From the stereotypical diva actually looking at herself in the mirror for minutes at a time and saying "I love you" to her reflection to geeks who are like Urkel without the charisma. Was it supposed to be funny? Were we supposed to laugh? Maybe the first 1,000 times we saw such exaggerated stereotypes they might have been mildly amusing. Now they're just lame and tired. Can't laugh at them. Can't hate them. Can't like them. We can only hate watching them.

Send these flying dinos after the management of the Sci-Fi Channel. Now THAT would be funny and elicit great cheering from the fans of the Sci-Fi genre!
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Wings of Terror... well, not really
Vomitron_G4 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'll say it right away: I'm a sucker for monster-movies. I just have to see them all. The good and the bad, I don't care. And PTERODACTYL is definitely one of those baddies, although not completely beyond redemption I might add. It's almost as entertaining as, for example, Gary Jones' SPIDERS. But I do say 'almost'. Don't think for a minute that it's a terrifying movie, 'cause it will mostly have you laughing at the edge of your seat.

The story is highly un-original (but who gives a damn?). Somewhere near the Turkish border a volcano erupts, hereby setting free a horde of hungry pterodactyls. A scientist and some students (unaware of our flying critters) go in to study the environment. Meantime, a group of American soldiers is hunting down a Turkish terrorist in that same area. Eventually, the two groups will meet and join forces to fight off the horde of beasties.

The characters are just a bunch of clichés piled together (so are their actions, as a matter of fact). The scientist and the senior student becoming romantically involved near the end of the movie; there's the nerdy guy with glasses; there's the annoying blonde bimbo, there's the dudes from special ops acting real tough, etc... As to be expected, the acting's rather bad, with the terrorist bad guys probably being some of the worst actors I've ever seen. And Coolio is completely unbelievable as the sergeant. Casting a blunting rapper from da hood as a military sergeant is pure genius. Come to think of it, casting him as a pot-smoking cop in THE CONVENT was perhaps even better.

With its title being PTERODACTYL, this movie delivers the goods. Even to that point that it almost becomes boring seeing the pterodactyls fly around all the time. I couldn't believe how many (un-stylized) gunfights this movie has. They keep on shooting the bastards, going ratatatatatatata left and right, and still missing almost every target. So everyone must be a real lousy shooter. Either that, or our winged serpents are nearly bulletproof. I loved the rocket-launcher; made me feel like I was in a shooting-game. But they didn't seem to have to re-load the thing. And for being a soldier or a scientist, I must say they're all pretty stupid too. Because, while under attack, they keep on running into the fields, instead of taking cover in the forests. Oh, well, I'm only trying to say here that this movie will have you laughing quite a lot.

And what about our pterodac-babies? Well, the CGI isn't exactly Jurasic Park-stuff, if you know what I mean and in some shots they even briefly use (not too impressive) puppetry. The abduction-scenes, with the actors hanging on (invisible) ropes were rather well-made. The attacks of the creatures are fairly bloody and gory (bodies cut in half, decapitation, dismemberment,...) and we get a few shots where we see them hungrily chewing on some bloody intestines. The ravine-scene at the end had me laughing because of its rudimentary portrayal of the action and its hockey special effects. It had me thinking of the ravine-scene in Peter Jackson's KING KONG, remembering how it should be done and nodding my head. It was also highly unbelievable that only one explosion killed of all the creatures at the same time(except one). And I really liked the last shot of the movie, which seemed more like a preview for a new PlayStation 2 game than a part of the movie, actually.

So this movie is bad but also a lot of fun. Perhaps even more fun is watching the 'making of'. I had the slight impression that director Mark L. Lester was on drugs or something, because of his enthusiastic ramblings about the political issues and entangling romance this movie has. He even compares PTERODACTYL with Hitchcock's THE BIRDS. Come on, man, this movie is about a hungry horde of prehistoric creatures. Very much fun indeed.

You can see this flick, like I did, together with CURSE OF THE KOMODO, which is even a bit worse. But I did have a fun evening with this b-movie double feature. Like I said: I'm a sucker for monster-movies.
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unintentional comedy at its finest
famguyfan727 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
totally amazing. the fact that some of yall were actually expecting a good movie is beyond me.

1) its on sci-fi 2) its called Pterodactyl

that told me all i needed to know. watch this movie while drinking a few beers and laugh my butt off. and that i did.

the scene at the ravine near the end is pure class. "lets tie a rope around a sheep...and use that as an anchor. surely that will work!" somehow the weight of a 30 pound sheep supports the moving weight of a 190 pound man. awesome.

and its coolio for God's sake. coolio. the dude must be crazy struggling for money. poor fella. hopefully he got a cool couple thousand for this amazing performance as an army sergeant. bang up job. nobody can shoot thousands of rounds into the air at flying dinosaurs and miss with the intensity you put into it.

and the horrible CGI of the birds is just top class. them flying is just hysterical. the awkward flapping of their wings had me laughing from the very first time to the very last. unbelievable. total genius work by jonny mcclueless.

and WHAT HAPPENED to the kid they left behind in the house?!?! that bugged the crap out of me. sure, he probably got eaten, but it was never confirmed. maybe he sacked the hell up and fought off those dactyls. you never know. the chick that. then the dinos were crashing through the house. and yes, he totally looks like he just pooped his pants in fear, but maybe that was the moment that he decided that he needed to become a man. who knows? certainly not us, the viewers, as that is a part of the plot that was forgotten about. tragic.

all in all, this was amazing. so horribly done, yet so fantastic. how someone couldn't see the humor in this is beyond me.
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Quite enjoyable creature feature
chris_gaskin1233 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched Pterodactyl for the first time after a mate taped it for me off the Sci-fi Channel as I don't have this. Despite quite a number of bad reviews, this movie I thought was quite enjoyable.

A group of scientists head for a dormant volcano but end up confronting terrorists and a group of Pteranodons even though they should be extinct. Also in this area, there are some American soldiers who are hunting a terrorist and manage to catch him. These soldiers eventually team up with the scientists and together, they battle these Prehistoric beasts. One of them picks up a woman and feeds her to the young, where we see loads of Pterodactyl eggs ready to hatch. She is eventually rescued after most of the party have been ripped apart and eaten. The creatures are burned at the end but something else is lurking up the mountain, **SPOILER** a T-Rex...

This is quite gory in parts, especially the scenes of the Pterosaurs literally tearing people in half.

I'm not really familiar with any of the cast which includes Cameron Daddo and Coolio.

If you like movies about Prehistoric creatures, you should enjoy Petrodactyl. Not too bad.

Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
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maybe if I was a pot head, it might be better
farie_blue13 February 2006
Horifficly bad, I would wait till it come out on TV to watch it, and even then I wouldn't advise it.

Its something you would see on CBC late night, very late night- the 2am time slot. The 'special' effects were very funny but i don't think that was the affect they were going for. Bad acting, worse writing, makes you wonder if this was a year-end project for a college film program, and the actors were just trying to help out some friends. I love Coolio, (he was great in Muppets Tonight) but was a stinker. If I were and actor/actress in this I would ask that name be put in the credits as Allen Smithee.
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A Craptastic Delight
Crap_Connoisseur7 March 2006
Pterodactyl is one of the funniest action films that I have seen in a long time. From the hilarious pterodactyl puppet that emerges from a rubber egg during the opening credits, to the climactic fight incorporating some of the worst use of blue screen technology committed to celluloid, this film raises poor film-making to an art form.

The plot revolves around an interesting, if unlikely, premise - a group of pterodactyl eggs somehow survive the last few hundreds of millions of years in a dormant volcano, only to be hatched when the volcano becomes active. Add into the mix an American scientist, on expedition with a group of students, and a US army squadron. These two very different groups forced to join together in order to fight the killer pterodactyls. I have the feeling that this may have been a pretty average dinosaur movie with a bigger budget, however the lack of polish has imbued the film with a Z-grade monster movie charm that I just love.

Mark L. Lester has directed some great action movies - "Class of 1984", "Firestarter" and "Commando" come to mind, so Pterodactyl is by no means sloppily constructed. The direction is snappy and the action is well paced. The biggest issues with the film are the afore mentioned terrible CGI effects, truly awful dialogue and some horrendous acting. However, through some bizarre stroke of luck, all of these flaws actually make the film more enjoyable. I haven't seen creature effects this shoddy since the 80s. The director seems to realise this and ups the gore content as compensation. We are treated to a great beheading and a series of bodies being bitten in half. The script is consistently so terrible that it verges on the hilarious and the film is littered with memorably bad one-liners.

The actors deserve a special mention. Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce and Eric Bana can rest easy, I seriously doubt that former dating TV show host Cameron Daddo will be challenging them for the title of best Australian actor in Hollywood any time soon. Cameron is as wooden as a store dummy and appears even less interested than co-star Coolio, possibly the least talented rapper-come-actor in the history of cinema. The supporting cast are just as bad and their nonchalant reaction to the pterodactyls just make the film all the more funny. I have my fingers crossed for Pterodactyl 2.
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