The Sandlot 2 (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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SuperNewb28 August 2006
Don't go about with this 'it's a kids movie' stuff, because aren't kids supposed to enjoy a kids movie? Still a child, I thought that this movie was rather boring and if there were razzies for kids movies, this one could deserve one.

First off, the acting was bland and wooden. Instead of using talented children, they went ahead and hired a few good-looking or cute kids with no experience, or at least that's what it seems. The boy who played 'Smalls' was actually alright, but beside him the casting couldn't have been worse.

It's cheesy, too. Very cheesy. Just the things that happen, the script, just everything. And, apparently, because everyone got such a kick out of seeing a boy kiss an attractive lifeguard through pretending to drown in the sequel, the writers decided that everyone would laugh just as much this time. Not really.

The plot line takes too much from the original and changes it around, with the evil animals and such. Why not use some imagination, eh? But, you've got to give it a little credit. There were times when a smile lingered upon my face, and I find it fairly good that they included girls this time--except for the fact they made them pretty wimpy, sticking to stereotypes as boys being tough and girls being wimpy and finding even a worm disgusting. No 'tomboy' about them, which kind of irritated me. But, thanks for at least including a girl.

I give it a 4/10.
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crazierose-19 May 2005
I think that it was it's own new script, but not as good as the original. I agree that "David" Max Lloyd-Jones was very good and a good looking kid. Samantha Burton was the other new face that was good in the movie. I would recommend buying it just for the collection. The whole new twist to it with a different year, girls, and the new situation is good. I definitely think that you should see it for Samantha Burton and especially Max Lloyd-Jones. James Earl Jones was a very good part to have back in the movie, because it gave it the old feel. The new Sandlot is its own new gang, but as I said not as good as the original. Some of the new actors weren't so good in their acting except for Max Lloyd-Jones, Samantha Burton, and the brother of the deaf kid.
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It has been 12 years since the sandlot was this alive.
michaelRokeefe23 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a worthwhile sequel to THE SANDLOT(1993). A new group of kids, gravitating around David Durango(Max Lloyd-Jones), learn to share and make the best of the sandlot. This time a few girls prove to be worthy of playing with the boys...especially Hayley(Samantha Burton), who also has her mind set on David. This time around it is not a baseball that needs to be retrieved from Mr. Mertle's(James Earl Jones)backyard. A prototype model of a NASA space shuttle needs rescuing. And Goliath, the junkyard dog, still has his reputation. The summer will be remembered by this group of kids for its many changes. Sentimental and charming; scattered with 'potty mouth' language and a little romance. Lloyd-Jones and Burton show some real talent. Others in the cast: James Willson, Cole Evan Weiss, Brett Kelly and Sean Berdy. This is family fare and is narrated by director David M. Evans.
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Ruins the memories
KingMFreak16 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When you're tired of having fun on a Cruise ship and want to relax with the movie and the only thing on is The Sandlot 2, you take the opportunity. Hey, the movie is free, and I can sleep when the sun goes down (though that rarely happens in Alaska during the summer days).

At first, The Sandlot 2 looked like it could turn out to be a decent kid movie. Sure it was evident they had rehashed the first one based on characters (the smart-ass fat kid, the look-a-like brothers, the leader of the pack, and the nerd who doesn't fit in). And I don't remember what it was, but at first, the movie tricked me into thinking it was going to be good.

I have fond memories of the first Sandlot movie. I first saw it when I was nine and was instantly wrapped up in its story of one summer for kids in 1962. That movie also had some very un-clichéd elements, including the fact that it was a baseball movie that didn't end with the big game, but rather, a kid running from a "killer dog." What is so sad about this film is that it is a reconstruction of the first one scene for scene. The only new addition are female players, who are so annoying that you want the boys to win, especially when David (Max Lloyd-Jones) and Hayley (Samantha Burton) face off in a pitching-hitting match.

The movie also includes a character that is supposedly the younger stepbrother of the original film's narrator (the narrator in both films is director David Mickey Evans). His role is to get something (a spaceship model) lost in the "Great Fear's" backyard (this movie's The Beast). Why the model is so important is not something I will divulge, as it will take too long.

This sets up the movie to spend the next twenty minutes showing the kids coming up with improbably difficult ways to retrieve the item with no success, until finally the hero steps up and gets the item back, and ends up running (or in this case the wuss bikes) for his life (we even get a scene where he is running through an alley knocking over trash cans). Then the kids find out they just could've asked a blind James Earl Jones to retrieve the item, instead of putting us through all that pain.

Why did I endure the movie when I was on a cruise ship and had the option of turning the movie off and doing something cooler, like sit in a hot tub? I don't really know. I was drawn in to see how much of the movie was copied, and if you've seen the first movie, you no doubt already know everything was stolen. They even have a rivalry team that wants the Sandlot, and whom they have a verbal contest with (the insult "Plays like a girl," is even thrown in, though this time from the other side).

Overall, The Sandlot 2 is a terrible movie. Terrible. Awful. Dreadful. Appalling. Dire. Bad. And poor.
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Just Plain Insulting
Jonesgrl512 March 2007
I grew up on the first Sandlot and you know what? THEY SHOULD HAVE LEFT IT ALONE! The Sandlot is a fantastic movie(one of my top favorites) and it has been by itself for 12 years and now they have to go and make one of the world's worst TV movies for its sequel. Where should I begin?

1) THE PLOT IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE FIRST ONE! Group of kids lose something over the fence and spend their summer trying to come up with a clever plan to retrieve it because of some unknown "monster" on the other side. Also the feud between the rookie team and the league team. "You play ball like a girl!" That entire scene was exactly the same as in the original. Exactly the same...

2) CHARACTERS ARE BASICALLY THE SAME! One baseball hot-shot, a fat kid, one black kid, two brothers, Smalls (Scott Smalls younger half-brother) and they did mix it up a little bit, they threw in three girls who play softball. They only decided to give these characters different names. Like in the original, the dog was called "The Beast" and in this movie the dog is called "The Great Fear." What is that?

3) NOBODY IN THIS MOVIE COULD ACT! With the exception of James Earl Jones of course, he was awesome as he always is. I'm still trying to figure out why in the world he would take this role...

This movie is just plain insulting to anyone who has seen and has fallen in love with the 1993 movie "The Sandlot" because how they have basically taken every single scene and twisted it to fit the 70's. I'm afraid to even think about what "The Sandlot 3" is going to be about...

I give this 1/10 stars because that is as low as the scale goes.
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A hateful experience
Ronald_Mexico25 January 2006
Oh Dear Lord: somebody somewhere must have been offended by the original movie (which was obviously a fiendish plot to perpetuate the stereotype that a group of school boys could play sandlot baseball games without following preconceived notions of gender equity and politically correct behavior). The result of this brutish insensitivity manifests itself in "Sandlot 2", which is quite possibly the worst sequel ever made. Hey anonymous narrator guy who agreed to reprise his 'Sandlot 1' role for this atrocity...have you no shame?

This film's offenses to all of moviedom are far too numerous to adequately catalog. First and foremost, "Sandlot 2" is not so much a sequel as it is a B level remake of the original. Virtually every situation from the first movie is clumsily recreated by a far less talented cast and group of writers: the scene where Squints kisses Wendy Peppercorn is transformed into bizarre (yet utterly predictable) slapstick involving a kissing booth, another 'Beast' must be outrun (this time by the uninspiring Max Lloyd-Jones), another outfield wall get the picture. And what this shameless ripoff cannot steal from the original, it manages to plunder from other movies (such as the scene in "Bad NewsBears" where Amanda takes a cheap shot to the chest near home plate).

The cast itself is incredibly lackluster. Max Lloyd-Jones is an inadequate replacement for Mike Vitar's benevolent Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez, although to be fair, the writing doesn't help him any; whereas Rodriguez selflessly places his own reputation on the line to take a shy, gawky kid under his wing for the summer, Lloyd-Jones' "David Durango" has little concern for the plight of misunderstood Johnnie Smalls (yes, the little brother of Scotty Smalls) and appears far more interested in being aloof and ultra-cool while scouting out love interests. Brett Kelly's "Hamilton Porter" impersonation begins and ends with his physical appearance. Even little James Wilson sounds suspiciously like Marcy from "The Peanuts Gang" as Johnnie Smalls, and he was probably the most talented of the bunch.

And then there is Teryl Rothery appearing in a hackneyed feminist role that undoubtedly had Susan B. Anthony turning in her grave. No cliché is left unturned as she chides her husband for calling his daughter by a pet name ("Female children are every bit as good as male children" she pronounces, providing an unsuspecting Johnnie Smalls with a smarmy look just oozing with resentment and general creepiness. *shudder*) and responds to her daughter's romantic uncertainties by telling her that "women need a man like a fish needs a bicycle". Sadly, the writers did not manage to have Rothery work a single utterance of "Burn your BRA for the ERA" into the mother/daughter dialog, but perhaps they will correct this glaring oversight in time for "Sandlot 3: The Gloria Steinem story". Coming soon to a theater near you?

The rest of the movie provides a quick cure for insomniacs far and wide as the writers desperately try to make amends for the first film's over-indulgence of testosterone (the phrase 'Male Chauvinist Pig' was repeated, I think,about eighty-six times). The movie's objective can probably be summed up in a single line, where the insult fest between the sandlot kids and the little leaguers is recreated. "You play ball like a GIRL!" one of the kids snarls. "Ex--CUSE me?" chirps one of the newfound female ballplayers. The only thing missing from the moment was a scrolling disclaimer at the bottom of the screen with the producers not only apologizing for the original scene but for everything else wrong with the world up to and including dishwater spots.

Which is all well and good. My only question is, when will these same producers get around to issuing an apology for stealing ninety-seven minutes of my life that I can never, ever get back?
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Mimi_Oya_Dante31 January 2006
This movie was awful. Period. Anyone who had seen and loved the first Sandlot would be ashamed to see this movie beside it on the shelf. Firstly, the storyline is terribly predictable and almost exactly the same as the first one, only a lot worse because it wasn't nearly as funny. Secondly, the acting throughout the whole movie was terrible. The actors seemed to be picked more because of their body than because of their acting abilities. Character development was beyond embarrassing, a character would simply show up, spill their life story and all of the sudden we're trusting them with the fate of the movie? You could not pay me to sit through this movie again, the only reason I didn't turn it off in the first place was because I was amazed at how the film got progressively worse! I urge you strongly NOT to see this movie, not only would it be a waste of money, but a waste of time. I want an hour and a half of my life back!
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Painful. Just plain painful.
Gimmickthegnome26 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me just say that I consider the original Sandlot the ULTIMATE "boys of summer" movie. (Yes, even marginally beating out Stand By Me.) That said, I was disgusted to hear this was getting made. If you loved the first, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS ONE.

The single great thing that made the first movie a classic was the fantastic performances of all the kids. The kids in this movie are just annoying! It seems like they filmed each scene a piece at a time to allow the kids to remember EACH line! I'd blame the director, but it's the SAME one as the first!

*SPOILER*(Kind of) - What makes this movie an even more unforgivable sin is the BLATANT ripped off gags and story elements of the original: a retelling of an old story by lanternlight, a fast kid versus the beast, kids yelling for comedic value, and worst of all... they simultaneously re-use AND WASTE the line, "You play ball like a girl!" ARRRGHH!

What IS good about this movie? The only thing I can think of is: A) a different decade that added a different flavour and B) the heartbreaker-in-training Samantha Burton who was clearly cloned from the DNA of Rachel Leigh Cook and Angelina Jolie. And WHY is it Brett Kelly is still getting steady work!?

Please, I beg you, skip The Sandlot 2 and watch the original again. While you're cherishing THAT treasure and wondering if the sequel was a blatant money-grab, think about this... the end of this movie left room of another sequel. Sigh. Groan. 3 out of 10
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Thank God For Samantha Burton
jefahey-2369817 April 2015
This film carried the burden of following up an American classic in the original, therefore being set up to be considered a disappointment by those (read: everyone/non-terrorists) who enjoyed the first. What saved The Sandlot 2 from being a complete disaster was a magnificent performance by the delightful Samantha Burton. Throughout the 97 minutes, Hayley Goodfairer will have you laughing, crying, before leaving you with a newfound belief in love with a kiss so passionate it rivals (dare I say surpasses?) the iconic kiss shared by the Notebook's Allie and Noah amidst the pouring rain. It was one of those once-in-a-generation performances where an actress puts the entire cast and crew on her shoulders and says "I will NOT let this movie suck!" Her ability to take a bunch of no-name actors and save them from the mediocrity that is their own talent (or lack thereof) when it is all said and done may go down as the single greatest cinematographic accomplishment since the invention of the moving picture. If she can stay away from the failings that often do in child stars, drugs, alcohol, hipsters with man-buns, I can say with as much certainty as I can say that I am going to die one day, that Samantha Burton will have won 15+ Oscars by the time it is all said and done.
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Just awful.....destroyed the original
Italia_babe19 March 2006
I watched one of those blocks on ABC family that had both the original movie and the sequel back to back. I had never seen the Sandlot before, so I watched it and-lo and behold-it was amazing. It was original, it was funny, and it had kids, which at the time I could relate to. Therefore, I thought that Sandlot 2 would be almost as amazing. I was wrong. The acting was horrible, the plot was the exact copy of the original only with different actors. It was a cheap carbon copy of the original. Plus, a lot of it made no sense and had no purpose.

My advice: Don't see this movie. It will save you about an hour and a half of your time to do-or see-something else worthwhile

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Great family movie!
monkeytine1 May 2005
The Sandlot 2 is a cute and funny movie! I watched it with the kids I babysit and they loved it. My mom and I also enjoyed it a lot and I'm 17 and she's 49. It is definitely a movie I would purchase and watch again.

The Sandlot 2 takes place 10 years after the original Sandlot with all new characters. The plot is very entertaining for all ages. All of the actors in the movie are great and they are all so adorable!

I am glad that another great family movie was made. There is some slight cursing in it, but nothing major so just be aware of that if you have younger kids.

Everyone should give this movie a chance, even if they are fans of the original. It was made by the same director as the first, and it really compliments the original.
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What can I say? It's a sequel to a good movie...
crockett_jw3 May 2005
If you've seen the original Sandlot movie, you will recognize numerous similarities in this sequel. The movie takes place ten years after the events of the first movie and revolves around a baseball team, which plays its games in the same sand lot as the original movie. The many similarities to the first film include a main character who is very fast, a chubby, curly-headed kid, and Mr. Mertle's dog, which plays a big role in the plot (again). In many ways, the movie is almost like someone found the old script and re-wrote it for a modern audience, changing the characters and story enough to make it a new movie, but keeping it similar enough to be true to the original story. If you're looking for an original piece that compliments the first one, this isn't really it. Like most sequels, this one tries to appeal to the audience of the original movie and takes few risks in covering any new territory, unless you count the inclusion of Sean Berdy as Sammy "Fingers" Samuelson, a deaf boy who provides an original comic distraction to the plot on more than one occasion.

Despite its similarities to the original, as a stand-alone piece, this is a nice little story and well worth watching, especially for the younger audiences who really liked the original Sandlot. If nothing else, the movie is entertaining and doesn't get bogged down with a complicated plot.
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So....Wheres the baseball?
albinoblackdog276118 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
ABC Family was playing "The Sandlot", so I haven't seen it in awhile and I watched it. Still a great movie, but during a break they said that "The Sandlot 2" was coming on, well, I wanted to see what would happen if I'd watched it. Wow bad things happen, the movie is just the same as the first, except with girls and switch the baseball of the first with a Space Shuttle. I mean WTF?? The kids are stupid and un-funny, there are some "special effects" I guess to bring out the movie, but it dosen't work at all, there's also a strange romance thing that I guess is suppose to me like "Squint" and Penny. And also there is no baseball, 90% if the movie. So if you watched "The Sandlot" and liked it, stay away from this one by all means.
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i didn't like it
CMCyclones1926 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
you know, i really didn't like this. It was so much like the first one that it ruined it. The plot was almost exactly the same! i had watched the original right before it on some double play thing and at times while watching the second i thought i was watching the first! it was confusing and overall boring. To me, the only thing that made it different and ultimately okay was the girl/boy rivalry that turned into love. Ill admit, some of the things said and just implied between David and the girl were pretty funny. Plus, i didn't find the dog all that menacing. The one in the original was definitely able to scare the pants off you. The second...Goliath just seemed old. He didn't seem able to chase anyone down, let alone climb a gigantic wall.
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A sequel?!
Enchilada10525 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
More like remake.The acting was just horrible!Putting girls in the story was a bad idea because The original was about friendship but this version was about love (12 year olds don't need to know about love wait until there 14-15.).They where RACIST about tarquell.I mean he was the only one where Phychadelic clothing and was the only one with an afro.But the biggest thing was that they named him tarquell(you don't see Caucasian men named Tarquell).Plus everyone had a great future but Tarquell was abducted by aliens!Thats just racist!

The reason I said this is more like a remake because it has the:

1.same situation (when the object goes over the fence)

2.Arguement between the fat kid and the jerky kid

3.Trick kiss scene with the weakest kid and someone very attractive

It has Nothing to do with baseball.In the original it had to do a lot with baseball (baseball is my favorite sport).But this had nothing to do with baseball.It even said in he movie that it had nothing to do with baseball.

overall:A bad movie
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Start tearing this Sandlot down
Filmcritic62419 September 2005
Finally, it aired on FOX Family channel last night. So, what does a movie doer like me on a Sunday night with nothing to do, do? Well, other things other than watching this dreck.

Already into the opening scenes, there were cheesy lines, poor acting, lame catch phrases, and killed everything that made the original Sandlot a classical family movie. The infamous rival scene was completely tarnished by the lame insults, and the carnival scene was completely deranged. Don't even mention the lame attempts to try and get the "Space Shuttle" because that's more than enough.

I had high hopes for this movie, a movie that would at least make sense, and this one does not even portray that. Other than the pretty (and possibly has some potential) Samantha Burton push and shove through the lamest scenes, the rest of the cast (even James Earl Jones, who I was very disappointed), was atrocious. Never again had I saw such film that's original do so well, and this one? Well...

Let's look at more reasons why this film isn't worth the watch. The kissing scene was rearranged at the carnival where Sam gets a slobber over one of the kissing booth attendants. Completely stupid, wasteful, and so cliché. The respect over the boys and how they treat girls was treated at worst. In the beginning, with the reluctance to share the field together, made absolute no sense at all. At least try to make the hatred more interesting rather than just a kid grudge! See the original, you'll love it more, and get more kicks. I guarantee that.

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Why must Hollywood destroy the things I love?
Jicky_the_Mighty6 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original sandlot. Scratch that, I love it. Even now twelve years since I first saw it, I can sit down a laugh and be entertained by it.

When I heard there was a sequel, I was appalled. Why would someone make a sequel to a movie that stood so well on it's own? But nonetheless, when the movie played on TV one night, I decided to give it a chance.

This movie is horrible. And from here on I will provide an itemized list of some of my problems with it.

1. The Acting - Sure most of the kids haven't really been in anything else, so I won't fault them too much. But even the adults were awful. It seemed that most of them were in it cause they hadn't had a job offer for a while. Oh, James Earl Jones, what has become of you?

2. The Premise - The last movie made sense, a boy who know nothing of baseball grabs an autographed baseball to play with. This one... I don't know where to start. First off, I doubt NASA would house the development of one of the "most important engineering feats in the history of mankind" in one of their scientists garages. Secondly, why was it sitting in his garage, fully prepped and ready for launch? Third, the rocket makes it into orbit. That's right, the thing makes it to space. Yet somehow, a day after it launches, it falls back down to earth, not fifty feet from where it was launched. What follows from this point on is an almost exact duplicate of the last half of the first movie, including the exact same line Benny used before going over the fence, only poorly acted, and with the addition of a completely unnecessary love story. Not to mention the shameless corporate plug for Nike.

3. Useless scene - the kissing booth scene.. Why was it there? It served no purpose, didn't advance any of the characters, and only serves as a poor homage to the "Squints"/Wendy Feffercorn scene of the original. Hell, even he narrator of Sandlot 2 says "We never mentioned that night again", if you never mentioned it again, why is it worth telling the audience.

4. Baseball - Where was it? I counted two incidents of baseball in the movie. There might have been a hidden magic baseball scene after the credits, but seriously, why in a movie named after a baseball field is there no baseball?

5. The Ending - I won't ruin too much for people who might hate themselves enough to sit through this, but seriously. "Abducted by Aliens" when you are doing a "what's gonna happen to them" story, have it make sense. And the horrible open for another sequel text scroll made me curse at my television.

In summation, if you like the Original Sandlot, if you like yourself, or if you like movies, avoid this. Just rent the original, and pretend this was never made.
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Formulaic and boring
chris-nelson31 May 2005
It seems that 80% of the script of _The Sandlot 2_ is exactly the same as for _The Sandlot_. Characters, relationships, jokes, and sight gags are all common between the two. This movie is just a waste of time and media. If you liked _The Sandlot_ and are thinking about watching _The Sandlot 2_, do yourself a favor and just rent _The Sandlot_ again.

It seems that 80% of the script of _The Sandlot 2_ is exactly the same as for _The Sandlot_. Characters, relationships, jokes, and sight gags are all common between the two. This movie is just a waste of time and media. If you liked _The Sandlot_ and are thinking about watching _The Sandlot 2_, do yourself a favor and just rent _The Sandlot_ again.
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Not Great. Not Horrible
AlwaySmilingX143 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, Let me tell everyone now that I am one of the biggest Sandlot fans EVER! I watched the original when I was 3 and I am now 15 and it is STILL my favorite movie so I was very nervous when I rented this movie...I didn't have great expectations but I also didn't think that is was going to be horrible. I was right - It wasn't horrible but it wasn't great.

If you have seen The Sandlot then you most likely will be able to predict some of the things the characters will say and do (I could) If you have not then I think it is safe to say that you might enjoy this movie.

Like I said before, some of the scenes were predictable because they basically came right from the original Sandlot. For example, the name calling between two rival teams and saying "You play ball like a girl." Also, the way Davey retrieved the rocket was basically the same way that Benny retrieved the baseball.

To sum it up (and I know that this has been mentioned before) The Sandlot 2 was basically a remake of The Sandlot except for a rocket instead of a baseball and different characters (It is set 10 years later and Scotty Smalls's little brother, Johnnie, is the 'main character' and narrator AND there are girls)

There is also a bit of romance but not much so don't get worried. There is also not a whole lot of baseball playing like the original, but thats not really a big deal. Also the acting wasn't too good but it is still a pretty decent movie. I'd say give it a try and see for won't hurt.
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Tasteless Leftovers
dowdberry30 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmmm, The original Sandlot commanded a Million dollar story fee.... It looks like the original author (and director) should have just stopped working after making that movie. Unfortunately, he tried to "update" the story from 1962 to 1972. Actually, he didn't update the story at all. Instead, he just lifted the plot, setting, and some of the characters from the original and pulled up his stool next to this cash cow and started milking it for all it was worth.

The new movie does add the one thing that absolutely shouldn't be in a movie about 10 and 12 year olds.... Sex. (Or perhaps I should say puppy love.) And it took out one of the key things that made the first move great: realistic baseball. Sure, there was a lot of hokey baseball in the first movie--however this movie doesn't have any. And that's kind of pathetic for a movie set in a baseball sandlot.

The last bit (and yes, this is a BIG SPOILER) is that they have set this up for a 3rd movie in the sequel. Although I see the director/writer has another baseball movie in production, it appears to be unrelated to this one. This movie along with the Beethoven stinkquels compel me to pass on anymore David M. Evans creations.
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Better than I expected
bdawg063 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I first learned that David Evans was making a sequel to the Sandlot, and that it would not contain any of the children from the first film, I'll admit I hated the idea. My love and devotion for the original film inspired me to purchase a copy of the sequel, and I was blown away. I'm not going to say that "The Sandlot 2" is better then the original film, but it sure is close.

This film is set ten years after the summer of 1962 in the original Sandlot, those boys have grown up and are off fulfilling their dreams. New Neighborhood children battle for the possession of the Sandlot against an all-star baseball team. Being set in the 70's, the film pays tribute to the "women's lib" movement when three girls battle against the neighborhood boys on the subject that "girls can play baseball too". This time, the spawn of the Beast keeps the Sandlot gang riled up as they seek to retrieve an irreplaceable model rocket. There are many elements that tie this film together with its predecessor that do not turn this film into a re-hash of the original, instead, the similarities pay homage to the great film the original Sandlot is.

Max Lylod-Jones and Samantha Burton portray young left perfectly, and their performances will bring smiles to your face. The acting is great, and the film captures the seventies perfectly. The seventies hits will definitely take you back in time. If you were skeptical about purchasing or renting this film, because you're afraid that it will destroy the magic that made you love the original. It has owned it's place next to classic film. This is a must have for your collection.
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!!!Beware!!! Watching this will make your life waste away!
yoyodre200325 March 2006
This is not how a sequel is made. It completely lacks originality or continuity with the first movie. This is supposedly a small town. Isn't odd that during the 60s and 70s that none of the minority characters in either movie face any type of discrimination? And what's with the mixed message with the female lead being feminist but she needs the male lead to come to her defense? If they wanted to add female empowerment, then why didn't one of the other female characters stand up to that guy? And if I'm not mistaken Scotty said that his family only stayed in that neighborhood until almost through junior high. Did they move back? Either way, shouldn't Scotty, Johnny's brother, be about 21 or 22? I find it hard to believe that if he spent all that time with Mr. Mertle that his parents never were introduced to him. They even have a stereotypical black character based on the soul 70s blaxploitation era who dresses more 60s hippie with a dash of modern natural hair than anything remotely resembling the movie's time setting. This movie is a completely shallow rehash of the original done inferiorly.
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My children were glued...
lithodoray2k29 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I will NOT be comparing this film to the original!

This film entertained my entire family. My 8 year old son absolutely loved it and remained glued the entire time. Even my younger daughter remained interested throughout. Even my 50ish year old dad said, "it was all right." I heard him openly laugh during it though.

I didn't have to watch it but found myself doing so anyway.

This isn't a 'baseball' movie. There is very little baseball in it. Its a love story with coming of age and a little 'facing your fears' tossed in.

It may just be possible my son is in love with the lead gal in the film and who could blame him? What a little cutie.

My Rating 7 My Dads Rating 5 My Sons Rating 10 My Daughters Rating 8

My Familys Rating 7.5

These kids are all in their first (and only it looks like) film, I'm not holding them accountable for their 'acting skills.' I'll give them credit for having potential. While this may not be the greatest of films, we will be looking forward to seeing more of some of these kids. Not a Sandlot 3...
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Yeah....I don't think so!
gerrardgabriel2 May 2005
to be honest with you, I was not happy to hear that "the sandlot 2" was made. I was in the original. I was the first baseman for the "rich kid team" the tigers #8. (also all over in the movie from the first scene, to the movie theater scene). The great thing about being in this movie, was how pure and great this movie is. The cast and crew were a bunch of relatively unknown people. The only person on the sandlot team that had any acting experience was the twin Timmy (he had a small part in "my girl". The rest were picked out of their classrooms in LA, and everyone else was open cast in the salt lake and surrounding areas of Utah. A direct to DVD release of a cheesy revamped movie is lame. I am really surprised to see that David Mickey Evans (who was a really really nice guy) would stoop to this level. My opinion of Sandlot 2? SAD THAT IT EVEN WAS MADE!
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The Sandlot - Wannabe
jcam9050228 July 2005
Being a big fan of the original movie, which is a classic, I was extremely disappointed with this poor attempt at making a sequel. Almost every scene and piece of dialog that made the original movie so great was painfully duplicated with no success. Circumstances, events, dialog, and most characters were all duplicated with abysmal results. Each member of the cast of the original movie perfectly executed their character with realism reminding me of my own childhood, where as these young actors in Sandlot 2, have still have yet to learn that acting is more than just reading your lines. Even the classic "Squints Kissing scene" was painfully duplicated. However all is not lost. One character in this movie came out as genuine and worthy of the viewer's empathy. That was Haley Goodfairer played by the débutant Samantha Burton. Besides being quite the lovely young lady, she was quite adept at playing the "self-assured- head-of-the-liberated-cool-girl's-clique". I would compare her acting ability to the outstanding Sara Polley, and I look forward to her next acting endeavor. But the Sandlot 2 … you are better off watching the original over.
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