The Librarian: Quest for the Spear (TV Movie 2004) Poster

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A thoroughly enjoyable TV-version of Indiana Jones
SaturnWings11 December 2004
I liked it. I admit to catching the movie only because of Noah Wyle, but the movie caught me. It was fun, not taking itself too seriously, and the feature character is an unlikely hero, which is always worth watching. The name librarian is misleading since Noah Wyle's librarian character is more archaeologist and artifact keeper than librarian, probably why he's the librarian instead of a librarian, a different Jane Curtin will have you remembering.

The plot here is pretty basic. Geeky guy needs to save the world with beautiful woman to help him. She's the brawn; he's the brains. If you like fun little action-adventure movies, this is the kind of plot you're used to.

If you're looking for something different, don't look here. There's very little originality to bed had, but then again, since when did people start expect originality in a made-for-TV action-adventure?

The acting isn't bad nor is it great. It's definitely good enough for a made-for-TV movie. On top of that, you get to see Bob Newhart as a magic marine who kicks ass and saves the day. If nothing else, you should watch to see old Bob Newhart learn a few new tricks. ^_^

The music is pretty standard stuff. Think of it as a cross between Stargate SG-1 and Xena with some random rock beats tossed in for fun. It's perfectly suited for this kind of movie and doesn't try to step outside the box. Granted the rock beats got a little jarring at times due to their unexpectedness but the overall feel was fairly cohesive.

As for the 'action' portion of the program, it's more than fair. After all, if you're going to cast Kelly Hu in a movie, you make good use of the flair that she's known for, a touch of martial arts found in a good old-fashioned fist-fight. Hu's much more of a natural at this than her good-girl counterpart, but that's only to be expected since we are talking about the woman who got to give Wolverine as good as he gave. As for Bob Newhart, I couldn't possibly say whether or not he was good at the action bit. It's too weird for my mind to wrap around, but at the same time, I really liked him in this role. Noah Wyle was the brains so his fight scenes mostly involved him getting beaten up.

Overall, this was a really fun movie. I found myself watching it again when it re-aired. I dearly hope they make a sequel. This movie was much more conducive to a sequel than many other made-for-TV movies. I don't know that this would make a good series, but I'd be willing to bet it wouldn't be too bad if they tighten the story a little. After all, there's got to be a reason why there were so many threads left untied at the end of this movie.
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Cheap, pre-packaged, easily digestible, artificial, predictable, made-for-TV, American cheese
Laakbaar18 May 2013
This is a movie "made for TV". For those who do not live in an English-speaking country, what this phrase means specifically is that the movie was produced by an American television network for broadcast on American network television, which is supported by private-sector advertising. It was not made for release in movie theatres, and should not be seen as being of the same quality.

This means that the producers and filmmakers were restricted by various broadcasting codes, a mass-consumer orientation and a very limited budget, and they were under no particular pressure to create a movie that would actually attract moviegoers to spending money for a ticket at the theatre.

So this is a cheaply made Indiana-Jones romp that takes us from an imaginary library containing all the world's great books and artifacts to the Amazon jungle and Shangri-La in Tibet. A major role is played by pseudo-mysticism borrowing very loosely and without much accuracy from Christian, Mayan, Egyptian and Buddhist themes (or at least American pop television renditions of these themes). And of course there is a secret brotherhood (two actually -- one to protect the library, one to, um, conquer the world.)

None of it is logical or realistic or believable. The cheap special effects are fake-looking. The acting and writing is all ham and cheese. The dialogue is ridiculous and even camp at times. I believe the relationships are not even meant to be believable. It's not really a movie for thinking adults.

And yet I sort of enjoyed it. This movie is on the same creative level as Xena: Warrior Princess. Once you accept that it is brazenly stupid, anodyne, camp, unrealistic and essentially cartoonish, you can relax and just enjoy it for what it is. The movie equivalent of orange Kraft Cheese slices. Served on white Wonder Bread.

Strangely, the movie includes performances by a handful of very well-known television stars, including Kyle MacLachlan, Bob Newhart and Jane Curtin. This movie is way beneath them, but I suppose the television studio has some kind of arrangement that gets them to participate in this.
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Entertaining Adventure
claudio_carvalho3 May 2009
The thirty year old nerd professional college student Flynn Carsen (Noah Wyle) has twenty-two graduation courses; lives with his mother and has no girlfriend. When his Professor Harris (Mario Ivan Martinez) releases him from his class and asks Flynn to find a job and face the real world, Flynn receives an invitation for an interview in the public library for the position of librarian. He succeeds and is hires, and finds a secret brotherhood that protects Excalibur, Pandora Box and other treasures of mankind. When a magic spear is stolen by the evil Serpent organization, Flynn is assigned to travel to Amazonas to retrieve a hidden part of the magic object. He teams-up and is helped by the sexy bodyguard Nicole No one (Sonya Walger) and together they face dangerous situations chased by the Serpent's agents.

"The Librarian: Quest for the Spear" is an entertaining adventure that follows the non-stop action style of Indiana Jones. The clumsy Flynn is very funny and shows a great chemistry with the athletic and gorgeous Nicole. Now I intend to watch the sequels of this enjoyable story. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "O Guardião – Em Busca da Lança Sagrada" ("The Guardian – Quest for the Sacred Spear")
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Good, light-hearted movie
techneonate5 December 2004
The Librarian: Quest for the Spear is a film that doesn't take itself too seriously. Though having a few minor errors in the proper names in legends, and having a protagonist that knows more and can put things together better than anyone ever really could, this movie is a very entertaining look at a work where every legend and fantasical story is completely true.

The basic concept is that Flynn Carsen (Noah Wyle) is a 30 something professional student with upwards of 27 advanced degrees. After his Egyptology professor graduates him early to force him into getting out of school and into the real world, he gets a job as the Librarian for the Metopolitan Public Library. Immediately after his interview he finds out that the Library that he is to be in charge of contains such wonderous treasures as the Ark of the Covenant, Pandora's Box, and the Golden Goose, as well as a fragment of the Spear of Destiny. Shortly after starting his new job the fragment is stolen by the nefarious Serpent Brotherhood. Flynn is sent to recover all of the pieces of the Spear with the help of Nicole No one.

While fairly predictable in resolution, this film offers light hearted romp though an interesting view on a more or less obscure legendary artifact.
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First entry of the Librarian trilogy plenty of action, adventures, emotion and amusing
ma-cortes21 February 2010
First part of the Librarian series with lots of entertainment and fun.This outing in the popular ¨The Librarian franchise ¨(1ª Quest of the spear-2004- by Peter Winther, 2ª Return king Salomon's mines by Peter Winther and 3ª The curse of the Judas Chalice-2008- by Jonathan Frakes) concerns on Flynn Carsen(Noah Wyle), the roughest, toughest,silly, and botcher hero with 22 university degree . Flynn receives a note from a strange book captioning that has been selected to an interview at the public Metropolitan Library. Flynn is appointed as the new Librarian and assigned missions around the world and recover priceless objects guarded into Metropolitan library where are the Sacred ark, Lance of Longinus, box of Pandora, Arthur's Excalibur blade, the skull of crystal, Saint Sheet of Turin, the magic flute, among others. Meanwhile Flynn is having problems , he just doesn't time for his life and relationship . Now he must find the lance of Longinus which holds supernatural powers and has been robbed by the serpent's brotherhood . He goes to Amazons jungle looking for tracks .Flynn accompanied by a beautiful adventurer (Sonya Walger) discover a Maya temple and later on they head to Himalaya where allegedly is the lance hidden by Tibetian monks. Our unpredictable heroes risk their lives against a set of the ambitious villains (Kyle Machlahan, Kelly Hu) you've ever seen.

Entertained TV movie plenty of action-packed,tongue in cheek, adventures, love story and extremely funny. This one has a little bit of everything : rip-roaring action, thriller,Sci-Fi,fantasy,derring do and an exciting score by Joseph LoDuca. Along with a sympathetic Noah Wyle appear the habitual secondaries, as a deadpan Bob Newhart,a serious Jane Curtin and his likable mother well played by Olympia Dukakis. Besides Kyle MacLachlan as former Librarian. This enjoyable picture combines splendidly ¨Riger Haggard's mines of King Salomon¨ with ¨Spielberg's Raiders of the lost ark¨. Spectacular final scenes with excessive and mediocre use of computer generator special effects, adding a colorful cinematography by Alan Caso. For utter spirit-lifting bemusing you can't do better than this television movie. The picture is lavishly produced by Dean Devlin in partnership with Noah Wyle and TNT and efficiently directed by Peter Winther. Rating : 6,5, worthwhile watching.
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Not quite Indiana Jones...
ChrisDaemon5 December 2004
At first, I could not decide if this movie is slightly better or much worse than any Ernest movie. This one is a comedy adventure which does not take itself seriously -- which we can only hope. If you are not looking for Matrix-style action or Shakespearean acting (or dialog for that matter), then you can actually enjoy this movie.

The visuals are fantastic, as well as the scenery. Money well spent on locale, props and special effects. The supporting cast is hilariously funny ("I understand Thorazine comes in vanilla now" by Jane Curtin's character), and well chosen for the picture. The history stays somewhat in shape if you believe in such things as the Bermuda Triangle as an accurate part of reality. But this movie is not meant to be totally accurate to the core. I can not feel much for the main character. Granted, the overacting seems to be on purpose, if not totally overdrawn. Wyle succeeds in his portrayal of the eternal (history) student who is incapable of actually working for a living. Sad as it is, this is where his acting capabilities seem to end, asides from presenting the impeccable hero-smile and nuisance character.

The story drags in the first act. Remember movie laws? You have to sell your story in the first 10 minutes, a very crucial element. We wait about 20 minutes until the main thread happens -- the mystical spear (important artifact) is stolen. The action picks up from here, and if you did not change the channel you should remain in your seat. You get the usual ingredients: Helping, beautiful opposite-sex character that just won't show affection towards the hero, an evil villain and his lesser evil sidekicks, helping "friends" that waited hundreds of years for the hero's quest, the list continues.

This movie does not try too hard to be another Indiana Jones rip-off (you may disagree here). Ever heard of Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders (classic Lucasarts game)? Look it up, the story has uncanny similarities of slapstick humor, and even Wyle's character reminds me of Zak.

LoDuca manages to amaze me. His musical queues are nice and original, but many times too overdrawn as well -- maybe intended. I leave the criticism of Director/Producer to others. Suffice it to say that I did not expect much from the folks responsible for ID4, Godzilla, Star Gate, or Eight Legged Freaks.

The movie is still easy on the eye (I do not mean brain). You can see the plot happening a mile in advance. But there are still plenty of laughs ahead, which sparingly but nicely distract from all the humbug and _un_reality. If you are a nit-picker, go and be happy with "1776". If you need action a la Tomb Raider, you won't find it here. This is a family movie without the blood'n'gore (ok, some minor), a decent but not exceptional story (not by a long shot), and the usual cliffhanger ending -- wait for part 2 if the ratings were decent?

Now, should I feel the urge to become a librarian? Is this movie paid for by the National Library Organization? Bah, Good clean fun, but not too Walt Disney.
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By the book, but could be worse
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews11 July 2008
I wouldn't say that I particularly enjoyed this, but I'm not going to claim that it isn't a fair piece of work. If you're into adventure, you may very well like this(I'm not, hence... yeah). The plot is OK, pretty standard, formula stuff, and at times, it's predictable. The pacing is adequate. The acting is corny and over the top, intentionally or otherwise. I've seen even Wyle be more convincing elsewhere(and I've only seen him in two other roles, from Enough and Donnie Darko). Hu isn't bad, but she barely has anything to do for almost(but not entirely) all of it. Newhart does get to do his thing a little bit, once or twice in this. The effects are quite the mixed bag... for being television, they are basically consistently good, considering, but you don't have to be looking to figure out how they did it, or what's CGI and what isn't(in fact, to not, you might have to actually close your eyes). There is some action, and it's reasonable. The editing and cinematography are sufficient. This tends to be unconvincing. The references to other titles may induce cringing. I honestly wouldn't worry about the violence or imagery in this, the entire ordeal takes place in the world of no blood(apart from S.W.A.T., I'm not sure I've actually ever watched a film so obviously avoiding such). This couldn't be more obviously made-for-TV if every other line of dialog mentioned it. I recommend this to fans of the genre, and fabled artifacts and whatnot. 7/10
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Some redeeming qualities, but on the whole didn't enthral me
TheLittleSongbird5 September 2012
I wanted to like The Librarian, I really did. I do like the action/fantasy/adventure genres, and thought it would be halfway decent. But apart from some nice locations, a rousing score and some good subtly deadpan performances from Bob Newhart and Jane Curtin, The Librarian just didn't cut it for me. The effects were excessively used and at best mediocre in their quality, and the editing could have been much more focused, at times it seemed rather frenzied for my tastes. The script is poor with unfunny in alternative to humorous jokes and a lot of the dialogue itself is trite beyond belief. The story is never suspenseful or enthralling, instead it is convoluted, derivative(of Indiana Jones except without the thrills and fun) and dull. It also never knows whether it wants to be Sci-Fi, adventure, fantasy or action, it constantly switches between all of those and it gave such an all-over-the-place feel. The action sequences are unexciting and not all that memorable, and the characters are clichéd and not developed enough to make us empathise enough for them. Of the acting, only Newhart and Curtin are close to good. Noah Wyle is stiff in the lead, Sonya Walger is sexy but not much else and Olympia Dukakis and Kyle MacLachlan are underused. All in all, a movie of its genre that doesn't have enough of what a movie of the genre needs and comes across as bland instead. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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I enjoyed watching this film with my grand daughter
derrick-481 January 2006
I liked the film, it was light hearted, didn't take itself seriously, (unlike some of the 'critics in here) It's a family film, which is as rare as rocking horse Poop these days, forget about the goofs, if you take every film apart you'll find them any where

If you want a film you can watch with a 4 to 80 year old, this is for you, just sit back and enjoy, I'd like to see a sequel to it (even if its just to see Sonya Walgar again, an unlikely heroine)

I know there are traces on 'Indiana Jones' here, but what the heck, every film can have traces of other films in them, why not this one, just enjoy it, my 4 year old grand daughter enjoyed it and its normally hard for her to sit through a film of any kind
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Not deep, but enjoyable.
corneliussenespen31 March 2011
So I just saw this movie; only 7 years after it's release...

As the last reviewer mentioned, it has a lot of typical Indiana Jones' "things" to it; riddles, conspiracies, ancient secret artifacts, and of course the same kind of humor, amongst other. All of which makes it a quite entertaining and enjoyable family movie. I must say that I'm a sucker for adventures like the ones the movies characters are going on. Probably brings me back to my childhood fantasies. You know: Being the brave and smart hero, saving the world, and getting the girl. All of these things make me forgive the extremely lousy fight scenes, all the fake studio-shot outdoor scenes, the unrealistic animations, and bad key-framing.

But for me a movie is fortunately not just a science in making the viewer believing that the story is true. It is all about bringing me into a wonderful new adventure, where everything is possible, and only hindered by the movie makers fantasies.

It is now 1.22 am, and I'm about to watch The Librarian 2. Hope I will enjoy jet another "cosy" reality flight.
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Too silly for words
jbl-36 December 2004
I was looking for a little light entertainment, and TNT's continuous plugs promised just that. But upon watching it I found it to be based upon a silly premise, with inconsistent problems and characters and pat solutions. Examples of the latter: our hero deciphers an impossible dead language during an airplane flight, and from then on can fluently interpret the book containing clues to the mysteries to come. Out of nowhere Nicole the wonder-woman appears to help our hero out of impossible scrapes he gets into. Another inconsistency is the presence of several other librarians, none of whom can do what our hero undertakes on his first day of work; and the previous librarian, who was supposed to be pretty smart, seems never to have had a clue about the answers our hero has uncovered. Noah Wylie was suitable as our hero, though I was most impressed by Sonja Walger as the brawn of the operation. Apparently Kyle MacLachlan just needed the money. In my opinion Bob Newhart would be funny reading the phone book, and he did his thing well here. But overall I felt I had wasted my time.
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MaYbE I'm just a NeRd
rainybklynight22 December 2004
I personally loved this movie, It was fun. Finally a movie where the smart guy/nerd is glorified and isn't the villain. It had hilarious moments and I guess I'm just weird that I like it so much. I mean, people take it way too seriously, People, ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS! It's just a good adventure and the characters are fun and funny. The jokes are laughable, as they are supposed to be, unlike in so many movies I've seen where the jokes are unbelievably corny. Obviously, these people know what they're doing.(referring to directors and screenplay writers, et...) I loved the main character, Flynn, he was a riot, and so was very lovable. There were many parts of this movie that I loved and will always love. Anyway like I said, maybe I'm just a nerd.
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Mehh, It OK
hiruthilanka21 February 2021
First you need to realize that this is not a movie with a good budget. It is a TV movie probably spent a few thousand bucks to create this movie. Just a simple story.

CGI and VFX are not good, But it's enough to get job done.

Acting of the main character is good. Others are mehhh
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One for under 10's without HD TV.
patrickramsdale31 August 2007
A disappointing transition from the small screen for Noah Wyle. Although he didn't let himself down with his acting, playing a slightly more knowledgeable Dr John Carter - but without the appeal to the ladies, was never going to challenge our protagonist. Even the script was fine, including comedy, romance and adventure....which ultimately must have been the reason for Noah to accept the part; Genius Indiana Jones seeks stolen Biblical Relic from evil predecessor to save world. What more do you want?..Indiana Jones -GOOD, fashionable Biblical Relic -GOOD, save the world plot - GOOD. Realistic production and set-Goo...NO....rubbish! I found all the cheap sets and over indulgence on computer generated backgrounds far to distracting to follow film as keenly as deserved, I'm sure even Noah himself was cringing into his popcorn at the premiere. Obviously budget had an impact on this production, but some imagination would have been refreshing, and less of a kop out. Overall, one for the kids, and if keen on good production, steer clear. A definite missed opportunity for a good film.
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This is a truly great movie.
metresa-od-Atlantis11 December 2004
This is a truly great movie. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes spoofs, and comedy. I loved the character development of Flynn, and Noah Wyle did a wonderful job portraying him. I also liked the way they made Nicole seem really snobby, but turned out to be really helpful. If you are looking for a good family movie you might want to try this one. This is one of my top 3 alltime favorite movies and even if it doesn't have real depth to it it's still a truly funny, great movie, and should be seen by all movie lovers. If you want a good way to spend an evening, this is a very good option, it has wit, daring, and a spastic librarian who has to hold his own against the bad guys. Truly inspiring.
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Cheap Indiana Jones film
fmbr-126 June 2016
Some of what the harsh reviewers say is true about his film. It is cheap, the FX are pretty bad and the script is not memorable. I don't think the acting is as terrible as some say, I think it was just done as a fun and friendly project so these fine actors weren't so much 'phoning it in' as 'relaxing and enjoying themselves'. The plot isn't original - nerdy, perpetual student is forced to confront the big, bad world and gets a job in the magical library (pretty much a Warehouse 13 rip off - depending on which came first). The library is robbed and he must try to find the other two pieces of the artefact before the villain does. He teams up with a great looking woman who at first despises him but then comes to love him. A great film this isn't, but I found it fun and charming - if cheap. Sort of the movie equivalent sweet wine that you get out of a cardboard box - it's not great but you don't mind drinking it either.
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Trust No One
ballpark_frank14 December 2020
Yet another of my guilty pleasures, I really like the "Librarian" series. For me, the best part is Bob Newhart in the role of Judson. His deadpan delivery, which he's perfected, just brings such a casual approach to the most menacing predicaments that you can't help but smile. The main "theme" music just has such a goofy lilt to it (and for some reason, reminds me of the "Benny Hill" theme) that it draws you along gracefully. Granted, as some others have noted, this is "Indiana Jones" on the cheap. But it strikes me that it was made with tongue firmly in cheek. The humor isn't forced, and helps to remind the viewer that this isn't your dead-serious "save the world" epic. I'd recommend it for casual viewing.
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Pretty Entertaining.
akinder_surprise4 January 2006
I found this on Sky One one night and thought I might as well watch it and most people judge it pretty harshly but I mean the movie doesn't even take itself that seriously so you might as well judge it as a comedy/adventure or something, if you see it on TV you might as well watch it cos its a fun movie with some funny moments. When watching it you might as well think of it as a spoof of movies such as Indiana Jones or National Treasure. The actors are good specially Noah Wyle who plays the nerdy forced into action hero really well. The bad guys are really corny which really just adds to the fun. I'm pretty sure this is meant to be a kids movie but if your a bored adult like I was then its entertaining enough to watch!
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Please, no more librarians!
szczesliwka5 December 2005
This is the first time I regret watching a movie. Though the plot generally seems quite intriguing at first, after the introductory part of the movie we face a terrible on-screen disaster including such stars as Olympia Dukakis! In short, the film is totally predictable with awful script that makes use of all that we've already seen. It's not even about laughable FX, which would probably look the same if I did it myself. It's all about "wooden" acting, especially the main female character. It seems that the script limited all the actors so much that... there was nothing else to do just to "be there"... better see "Army of Darkness" - at least there they don't pretend to be something more than just a nice Sunday-morning flick...
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Good Fun!
kat-31019 March 2006
This movie is light-hearted and fun. Shows that even intellectuals can be adventurous, and good guys can win. The historical and mythical artifacts were terrific, and their basic premise sheer inspiration. The various locations around the world added an interesting element with exotic lands and beautiful scenery. Also, the existing and developing relationships were handled in a believable fashion. Great work by the main character, who is versatile, entertaining and talented. Also appreciated the "side-kick" who had many skills and provided some counterpoint to the bad guys. Would love to see a sequel with the same characters, maybe picking up where this one left off.
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Family fun
ignazia20 February 2006
This was obviously intended to be the pilot for a series geared towards under-16s. While watching it I couldn't help noticing homages to a whole slew of family-friendly action flicks. I felt as if I was on a roller-coaster watching "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", Indiana Jones' "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Kill Bill, part 1" and the reality TV show "Beauty & the Geek" all at the same time. This is not to say that the story was not enjoyable - as a previous commenter mentions it was nice to see Bob Newhart as a Marine karate-chopping the bad guys and Jane Curtin is always worth watching.

Here's hoping they come up with a sequel.
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needs more cheese
SnoopyStyle15 April 2021
Flynn Carsen (Noah Wyle) is an overly eager college history student. He's in his 30's and still lives at home with his mother. His mother Margie (Olympia Dukakis) is desperate to set him up on a date. He receives a magical invite. He is recruited by Charlene (Jane Curtin) and Judson (Bob Newhart) to be the new Librarian. The Library has been collecting and safeguarding magical artifacts over many eons. He is traveling to retrieve the Spear of Destiny when he gets attacked. He is saved by Nicole Noone (Sonya Walger) sitting next to him. She has been sent by the Library as the Librarian's protector. They discover that the group attacking them is led by former Librarian Wilde (Kyle MacLachlan) who was assumed killed.

The sets and the CGI look pretty bad. It makes the whole thing looks like a cheesy B-movie. It has a bit of the self-knowing cheesiness. It could have done more to load up the cheese. It ends up alternating between trying to be serious and cheesy B-movie camp. I don't think Noah Wyle is that type of personality. Maybe he can grow into an irreverent actor. This is a marginal case.
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I'm A NeRd 2!
sccarnes132 November 2005
My kids and I LOVED this movie! It took me a few minutes to catch on to the tongue-in-cheek/spoof/parody character of this one. Once you get it, though, the sometimes less-than-great special effects and sometimes corny plot elements fall into place beautifully. And yes, there actually WAS a plot, complete with interesting characters, and a STELLAR cast. In addition to seeing Noah Wyle's funny side, you get to see comedy at its best with Bob Newhart, Jane Curtin, and Olympia Dukakis in roles that MUST have been written just for them. The chemistry between the Librarian and the bodyguard is terrific. Watch this one with an open mind and you won't be disappointed. HOPING FOR A SEQUEL!!!!
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psugirl3145 December 2004
It's an interesting premise that there is a place that houses "mythical" items. Beyond that, it was just sort of amusing if you don't take it too seriously. To summarize: Rip offs of Indiana Jones everywhere, clichés every time a character opened their mouth, just awful fight scenes, and we need to come up with another word for predictable. In spite of all of this, the movie is oddly charming.

Nothing wrong with the acting though. Noah Wyle (which is why I watched this movie at all) was fantastic. You could tell he was really into the role and that made the whole experience worth it. Sonya Walger and Kelly Hu were both great as well. Plus the thrilling Jane Curtis and Bob Newhart roles.

I'd watch a sequel... (hint hint TNT).
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Kids movie rated 15?
bjorn-898 April 2006
Kid's adventure in the style of Young Sherlock Holmes, but without anyone for the kids to identify with. I really wonder what the target demographics were... possibly immature college students, I guess. The effects were pretty horrible, the computer graphics were ugly and stuck out like a sore thumb. I can't believe they're actually proud of them in the "behind the scenes" interview... (Gorges galore!) Predictable storyline without any real depth. Kid's stuff, as said. Also, not too ashamed to admit stealing lots from the Indiana Jones movies. Female lead is a dead ringer for Lara Croft (Sonya Walger).

Only for those who have a crush on Noah Wyle. Kyle MacLachlan and Olympia Dukakis only has a couple of minutes in the movie. Overall, terrible direction and over-acting.

I'm totally dumbfounded by the age rating of 15. One guy gets stabbed by the Spear of Destiny(TM), otherwise it seems very appropriate for 7 year old rating.
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