Anger Management (2003) Poster

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Jack definitely takes over Sandler, Anger Management is good for a few laughs
Smells_Like_Cheese23 November 2003
I saw this movie in the theater with my father and I have to say even though Sandler can annoy me most of the time, this is one of his better comedies. I think he owes that to Jack Nicholson's performance, since Jack can carry a film so well he also makes the jokes into perfect cues and great laughs. Adam does a good job as well, both actors worked very well together and actually have great chemistry. I think everyone would agree that their version of "I feel pretty" was just so awesome and beyond hilarious. It was also nice to see that this wasn't a typical Sandler film filled with predictable cameo's of his friends, so it showed that he could carry the film without doing the common predictability.

Dave is a man who designs cat suits for fat cats, he has a beautiful girlfriend, Linda, and seems to have it together, only he's actually pretty taken advantage of by his boss and Linda's ex boyfriend. He lets a lot of things go. One day when he is on a plane, he is accused of "assulting" a flight attendant and racist marks, despite the situation actually being the opposite. But he is sent to anger management anyways and is being mentored by Dr. Buddy Rydell, a bit of a psychotic, but this proves Dave's "internal" anger and turns out to prove that Dave does need help and who might be crazier in life.

Anger Management is sometimes a bit silly, but I love this comedy, it's always good for so many laughs. Buddy was just so awesome in that scene where he has to pull his car out of the parking spot, but there is another car blocking him and he just handles it "his way", you'll have to see. Adam and Jack were great together and I would recommend this film for anyone. Like I said, it's not a typical Sandler film and really works well.

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Sandler at his most restrained
winner553 September 2007
This is a pretty good romantic comedy with silly bits tossed in (like the squeaky toy bear). This is the first Sandler performance I've really liked a lot, and while Nicholson is really just tossing it off, let's face it, his throwaways are frequently better than the best from most other actors. Here the match - Sandler at his most restrained, Nicholson getting sloppy - works very well, as each becomes a complement to the other, which is wholly in keeping with the characters and their situation. The supporting cast is also doing very well. And the film is well-made: possibly even too much so, as for instance with the cinematography, which is of a high quality that would suit a heavy dramatic film.

There are definitely some laugh-out-loud high moments along the way, and very few low moments. Not a great movie, but definitely a movie you can spend an evening with and think it money well-spent.
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Amazing end
valadas15 August 2008
After watching nine tenths of this movie I was inclined to give it a very bad mark like a 3 or 4: an idiotic scenario and a succession of dull gags, episodes and scenes which not even the enormous talent of Jack Nicholson could save. But suddenly the manner of the movie changes in the last scenes which are gorgeous and even give a quite original meaning to the whole story. If it's not enough to compensate us for the dullness felt till then at least it brings the movie's mark a few points up in my opinion. The scenes at the baseball stadium and the final ones which follow immediately are indeed extremely good comedy scenes. Therefore if you go to watch this movie, have the patience of waiting for its last tenth because it's worth it.
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Thank god for Nicholson
tomimt20 September 2005
What is the funniest thing about this comedy? Adam Sandler? Hardly. The best thing about this movie is Jack Nicholson. he's the sole reason this movie is funny.

So, Dave (Sandler) is this geeky guy, who has never lost his temper in his life, who by fault of an mistake in an airplane is ordered by a judge to see a anger consultant Buddy Rydel (Nicholosn), whose unorthodox anger management methods soon drive this mosey man crazy. And then there's Dave's personal problems with his girlfriend Linda (Marisa Tomei).

As for comedy Anger Managment flows pretty nicely and the jokes are mostly in their correct places and it has very few awkward moments, which seldom plague comedies of this particular genre.

Can't actually think of anything extremely negative to say about it, I'm very pleasantly surprised by the flick, it gave me good laughs and it will probably last multiple viewings, thanks to Nicholson, who really keeps this movie above the gray mass of comedy sea.
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Good Management
kosmasp5 October 2010
This movie works especially because of Jack Nicholson. The gravitas he brings into his role (especially considering the really crazy things he's doing here) helps a lot improve a not perfect script. And even if some inconsistencies are explained (the airplane "incident"), it still would not make a lot of sense.

It actually doesn't. But with Jack, you just bare with it/him and suspend your disbelief, just like that. Of course many will watch it (or have so), because of Adam S. I myself am not the biggest fan of his "comedy" work. Though I have to say I loved him in some dramas he did. Here it seems, he get pulled into the movie by Jack, who has complete control of the movie ...
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Goosfaba ..... goooosfaaaabaaaaa!
greene-127 August 2003
I don't know why this film has had so many negative reviews.

I saw this movie several times while flying between Europe and Asia. On each occasion it had me laughing at the zany gags and characterisation.

Maybe it was the altitude!

Yeah there are weak points e.g. some of the plot.

But Sandler and Nicholson et al had the right 'chemistry', if you can call it that, to bring regular doses of spicy humour to the film.

If all else fails, try watching it at 45,000 feet.
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Better than I anticipated
TheLittleSongbird15 July 2011
I am not a fan of Adam Sandler, I find he is good in the more dramatic films(Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me are his best performances to me) and save a few exceptions(Spanglish, The Wedding Singer and Happy Gilmore) I find him irritating in comedy. However, Anger Management is one of the exceptions, Sandler is quite good here but Jack Nicholson outshines him. The script is funny likewise with most of the gags(the describing-who-he-is scene), the story intriguing, the pace snappy in the first two thirds and the characters fairly likable. What lets Anger Management though are one or two scenes that don't quite work such as the basketball scene and a final third that is not only a little draggy compared to the first two-thirds but rather clichéd and cheesy too. Overall, entertaining and a better film than I anticipated. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Okay remind me, was this suposed to be a comedy!
coolparkolay20 April 2003
Because I didn't laugh! It was one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. I was checking my watch for the time every five minutes! Sure Jack Nicholson was entertaining, but that movie need more than Jack to make it good! All I can say is it's a good thing that I snuck into this movie. To pay for it I just might have killed myself. Adam Sandler should rethink his humor!
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Hilarious, in bizarre way
jofitz273 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just say one thing, before I comment on this film: Jack Nicholson is a star. I've heard bad things about his personality, lifestyle, bla bla bla, but, the fact of the matter is (no matter what kind of selfish bean he may be) he is a remarkably good actor. The way he can put so much life into his character, how he can make you believe this was an actual event, is amazing. He made the terrible "About Schmidt" a watchable (barely) film. And in his earlier effort, "Anger Managemenet", he plays the most annoying man ever to be put on screen (including that utterly stupid Gilligan) but, this time (thankfully!) to a brain-bustingly hilarious effect.

Dave Buznick is played by Adam Sandler, a calm, relaxed, cool man (despite his "troublesome" childhood) who is, after a roll-on-aisles hilarious scene, given "Anger Managemnt" therapy for 20 hours, with none other than "the" Buddy Rydell. It turns out this two had a past meeting...

One great thing about this film, which is rare (sort-of) in comedies, is the acting. John Tutorro plays the hilarious "Chuck" anger pal to Dave; Allen Covert (star in basically all of Adam Sandler's movies) plays mr."big-weener" Andrew; Jack Nicholson is the unbelievably annoying Buddy, and John Mackenroe even gets off the Tennis courts to make an appearance as a hilarious client to the "therapy". Some of the most standout funny scenes include a bizarre male-prostitute car-scene, the gut-burstingly funny scene in the plane, and when Buddy and Dave go on a terrible, morally unethical (yet damn funny) scene in which they kick the crap out of a bunch of Monks. All in all, "Anger Management" is a hilarious, annoying, feel good film that deserves to be watched by all.

Overall: **** out of ***** (4 out of 5)
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Good Fun, even if it's a little muddled
mjw230511 February 2006
Adam Sandler (Dave Buznik) is a mild mannered and submissive business man with an apparent knack for getting himself into unfortunate and disastrous situations. After a very small misunderstanding aboard an aeroplane escalates out of control, Dave is sentenced to Anger Management at the hands of Jack Nicholson (Buddy Rydell)

Dr. Rydell is a therapist with a tendency for the unusual. As the therapy progresses things seem to get worse and after another huge slice of misfortune, Dr. Rydell is forced to move in with Dave and conduct 30 days of intensive Anger Management.

With good comic performances from Sandler and especially Nicholson and some hilarious interaction from the support cast 'Anger Management' is certainly not short of laughs; but it does seem to get a little muddled along the way. That said the movie finishes well (although totally unbelievable) and ends up as a comedy film you'd be silly to miss out on.

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Like an endless string of Miller light commercials..
moribana23 April 2003
Which you may or may not like. I hated it. I found it embarrasingly unfunny, trying to make up for its lack of wit with strained sexual outrageousness. If you can't charm em, brutalize em. An extremely nasty film, its target audience I suppose is adults who never matured beyond 14. Anyway, if your life is in your loins, you'll probably enjoy this piece of ignoble garbage.
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Funny comedy
dprincesspotter21 January 2005
This is a funny movie. When my husband and I went to see it in the theater we were actually laughing out loud. And it was not just us, it was everybody in the theater. Someone looking for a deep and meaningful plot will not find what they are looking for, however it is one of the best plots of all the Adam Sandler movies. It would also not be for anyone who would easily get offended by off-color jokes. Jack Nicholson is hilarious as the Anger Management therapist. He has some of the funniest parts in the whole movie. Adam Sandler is not to shabby himself as the not angry guy learning to be angry through a series of seemingly unfortunate and random events.

If you are an Adam Sandler fan or a fan of the screw ball comedy, you will love this movie.
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A bit ridiculous...but it has its moments
planktonrules19 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Anger Management" is a highly uneven film that seems ridiculously improbable. However, despite this, it's enjoyable and worth seeing--mostly due to the strange yet engaging work by Jack Nicholson.

The film begins with Adam Sandler playing a complete wuss. He lets his co-workers walk all over him and he will never stand up for himself. Oddly, however, after a very minor incident in an airplane (during which time he did NOTHING wrong), he's arrested and labeled as an angry man! And, as a result, he's sentenced to an anger control program led by Nicholson. However, it soon becomes apparent that Nicholson is a crazy sociopath. Instead of helping Sandler, through the course of the film he makes his life hellish. And, whenever you think Nicholson can't push his poor patient any further, he does--stealing his girlfriend and getting him repeatedly arrested for MORE supposed outbursts. What gives?! The plot is, when you think about it, totally improbable and stupid--more so than even films like Sandler's "The Water Boy"! The ending makes no sense at all (it does NOT explain so much you've seen through the course of the film) and Sandler isn't particularly distinguished in the movie. He's just too wimpy and unappealing most of the time and seems a bit lost. But, in a supporting role, Nicholson steals the film and makes it all worth your time. My only advice is that if you watch it, turn off your brain and especially try not to think during the last 10 minutes!!

By the way, while funny, many of the supporting characters made no sense at all and were NOT explained by the funny 'twist' ending. However the odd cameo with Woody Harrelson was pretty good. The John C. Reilly scene started out well, but soon became repellent--with jokes about a mentally ill sister that are about as funny as cancer.
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Definition of GASLIGHTING
dilloncamp20 May 2021
I have you ever seen people, heard people talking, not knowing who they are at all, yet just wanted to knock them TF out... Yeah that's everyone in this movie who thinks Dave needs anger management.
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Check your Anger on the way out
mick987g18 May 2003
Let me start off by saying that I am not a big Adam Sandler fan. But this movie was hilarious. Nicholson and Sandler work very well together.

John Turturro as usual plays his part well as Chuck.

Marisa Tomei part is good but as a Tomei fan it is not enough

How every Jack Nicholson is his usual psycho funny self in this movie. Pushing the envelope so far with Sandlers character Dave Buznik.

1 hour and 41 minutes passed like the wind.

And please keep watch Woody Harrelson like you have never seen him before. Try not to give too much away here with that one. But somewhere in this movie you will see what I mean

Hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did
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As Sandler comedies go, this is a good one
iKickstand21 March 2006
I first saw Anger Management on release in 2003, and watched it again recently. I must say it didn't feel as good as I remembered it, but I still found it entertaining on second watch and a cut above most Hollywood comedies of the last few years.

I think it is obvious (Even if you haven't seen it yet) that Nicholson makes the film what it is, but thats not to say Sandler acts his typical un-funny self (although I did also enjoy Big Daddy).

Some nice gags, watchable slapstick comedy, and another great Nicholson performance make this stand out as a good comedy of recent years for me. But then again, I'm not a massive ran of the genre.

Its performances like this from Sandler, which put my faith back in Tarrantino for allegedly casting him in his upcoming war movie (if you believe the rumours) And I didn't even mention how good Marisa Tomei and Heather Graham look in this movie..
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Good, but some ...
borisontherun13 May 2003
Well. Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson. Those two guys really rock together. Added with the everlasting hot Marisa Tomei and a good list of guest-stars, including Heather Graham, Woody Harrelson and John Turturro, this movie really keeps you laughing and interested. This Movie really is worth the money, except its way too cheezy and patriotic end.

I just can`t agree with this stupid PRO - WAR Statement in this Movie. Of course, since this is a comedy, the propaganda is very low and smart done.

Adam Sandlers House is shown quiet a few times during the movie, and there is always the huge advertisement "An Army of One" displayed.

Plus in the end you can see, Mr. Rudy Guiliani, the cool guy. Who is so smart and nice n stuff.

During the biggest crisis of US-Foreign Policy, this movie just needs to show a little bit of attention to its contributors.

And although I really love Adam Sandler as an actor, I really cannot agree with his Pro-War attitude.

But, so I go and watch "my" kinda Anti-War Propaganda "Bowling for Columbine" again.

I just hope this great country finally excepts this view, and starts to abolish actions that remind me too much of germany in the 1930`s.


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"Funny Movie, But Like Most Sandler Movies, Targeted Mostly For Teens, But Adults May Enjoy This One."
SuperDJB4 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I actually saw this movie kind of late, because I read mostly bad reviews for this movie. I saw this movie, and I actually found it a good movie, I actually liked this movie. Well, to say I am a teenager critic, I understand the fact why I probably found this movie very funny. I have to admit the plot of "Anger Management" wasn't well organized, but a plot doesn't need to be well written in a comedy, it just needs to be funny. Adam Sandler was really funny in this movie, but the funniest character was Jack Nicholoson. The plot was about a man named Dave Buznik, he works at a pet designer company, in the movie he is a very calm man (very ironic to the movie itself) he doesn't stand up to himself or anything. In the beginning he gets on a plane and gets into an arguement with a flight attendant(Because she claims that he is angry when he is practically whispering), then he eventually does get angry, he gets sent to Anger Management class where the teacher is Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson). As the movie goes on, these 2 become a comedy duo, at Dave has indifference about Buddy, then it goes to thinking Buddy is insane when Buddy moves in with Dave trying to get rid of his anger (Buddy is pretty nutty, but hey his techniques do have some effect on rage), then Dave thinks that Buddy is an OK guy after beating the crap out of his childhood enemy, Shankman (John C. Reily) who is a Buddhist Monk. Then it turns to hatred when Buddy starts to date his girlfriend, Linda (Marisa Tomei). Then it turns to friendship when the ending which I prefer not to mention happens. Those who saw this movie, you know what happens.

"Anger Management" had many extremely funny parts, there was a lot of profanity in there though talking about one guy named Andrew (Allen Covert) who Dave is jealous of because he has a big yin-yan. Andrew wants to date Linda. Some of the really funny parts included the part where Buddy forced Dave to be late for work when he wanted him to sing a song from "West Side Story" saying "I feel so pretty, I feel so witty, I feel very gay." It was funny seeing them sing that song and the bypassers screaming curses at them. Another funny, yet minor character was Chuck (John Tutorro). He was a guy with a lot of rage!! In the beginning Buddy assigned Chuck as an anger ally, until Chuck and Dave got into a fight and Dave accidentally hurt a cocktail waiter, of course starting the heck with Buddy moving in with Dave. The ending is an intersting ending which I will not mention. But it has a happy ending for most.

Rating: 7.5/10
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A complete failure at comedy. One of the worst films of the year
johnnybravo500516 January 2004
With Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson together I was expecting a sure hit. A sure miss is more like it. Poor Adam. He's been screwed in ever way possible by the "legal system" and forced into anger management. Throughout the irritating 106 minutes the story line keeps getting more and more unbelievable and Nicholsons character is not funny or interesting and I was hoping he would get his ass kicked within 10 minutes of opening up his mouth.

A real disappointment.
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Loved it
kittiwake-16 November 2006
Adam Sandler fan. Yep. That is me. I recommend this one to anyone who has a dark sense of humor. Or anyone who can appreciate the idea of Adam Sandler playing a guy (Dave) who just lets the world trample all over him. All because of one incident when he was a kid. How many of us spend our lives trying to prevent a thing that happened once to us from ever happening again? Dave has spent his life doing just that. Enter Dr. Buddy Rydell. He has quite a way about him that makes you wonder what on earth HE is doing as an anger management specialist. And why does Dave need anger management therapy? He's fully in control of his emotions. It really all was just a misunderstanding. But, somehow, innocent as he is, Dave finds himself railroaded into an anger management course with a man who seems to enjoy being a jerk. Well, Dave will just muddle through it all and wait for it all to end. Oh, boy. It only goes downhill from there. This is not for kids. Anyone with "homosexual issues" would not appreciate parts. The absurd humor is great if you like that kind of thing. This one is worth a ton of belly laughs. Look out for cameos. Delightful ones! Casting was great. Plot totally believable in an absurd kind of way. Watch it for the laughs, and share it with a friend!
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Nicholson any day...
Cephyran30 December 2003
Jack's back. And really good with comedies. Adam Sandler is still funny, in a victimized kind of way, but Nicholson has the real energy. He's funny in a respectable way, and has a flashy, cool attitude. Jack's the real reason to see this movie. His performance really outshines Sandler's. Also, for us guys, this was a particularly good movie for Krista Allen and January Jones, two members of the anger management group. It's funny, and decent. A birthday party kinda movie.
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I can't think of a single reason to recommend this film
xnhgdf5 November 2020
This is simply a terrible movie. It sits in a limbo between comedy and drama where it's got neither. There's no point. The storyline is riddled with completely unbelievable events. Outside of John C. Reilly, none of the side characters offer anything entertaining. The main couple has no chemistry. Halfway through the movie, I thought to myself, "Alright, now the comedy will begin," and it never came until maybe the final scene of the movie. Just don't watch this movie. It's not even 1 star "haha, stupid Adam Sandler movie" bad, it's bad to the point where it offers nothing.
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Nicholson, Sandler, what a pair!
comwhiz200217 April 2003
This movie is purely wonderful slapstick. Jack Nicholson as the quirky anger management therapist Dr. Buddy Rydell and Adam Sandler as patient Dave Buznik. It's amazing to see how insane yet practical Rydell's (Nicholson) methods are. A great movie to see if you're a Nicholson and/or Sandler fan.
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DrSamba3 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I know Citizen Kane. I watched Citizen Kane. This movie is no Citizen Kane. But I knew that going into it. Before writing this review, I read the discussion threads trashing this movie for its improbability and plot holes. So I'll bet those folks also hate "Ghost", "Wings of Desire" and its remake "City of Angels", "Titanic", all science fiction, and the Bible. To them I say, go watch a documentary.

This is a goofy, improbable comedy. For what it is, I thought this film was hilarious. Folks who watch this expecting a Casablanca, or even Dr. Strangelove, will be sadly disappointed. But if you want to suspend disbelief and just sit and be entertained, by all means, see this film!

I do feel that Marisa Tomei was relegated to a minor role in this film. But then I find it hard to watch her in anything and not remember her biological clock ticking demonstration from "My Cousin Vinny". On the other hand, how does *anyone* outdo Jack Nicholson?

*** SPOILER ALERT *** (for anyone who has been living in a cave)

Seeing Nicholson and Sandler's duet to "I Feel Pretty" was alone worth the price of admission.

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Being stupid isn't funny
danlen97517 January 2021
Just another in a series of absolutely stupid movies that pass themself off as funny. Adam Sandler is the king of dumb, along with the Olson brothers and others. God this country has moved past circling the toilet and is in full flush mode.
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