Life as a House (2001) Poster

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A good ol' fashioned Hollywood product in a modern wrapper
=G=4 April 2002
"Life is a House" tells of a dying architect (Klein) who razes his dilapidated shanty and builds a new home. The house in "...House" is a metaphor..tearing down the old, building the new, putting asunder old regrets while erecting a legacy for those left behind. Entertaining though contrived, "...House" sports a solid cast, doesn't get too weepy or sappy, is full of poignancy, and sanitized for audience protection. In the final analysis, "...House" delivers good old fashioned three star Hollywood entertainment which will be enjoyed by all but the most cynical.
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The good and the, well, not so good
bigryguy8518 April 2005
Actually, that's a 7.5. Let me break it down for ya: The good: Kevin Kline... oh, Kevin Kline, he plays this part so naturally, and he definitely holds the entire movie together (which is needed, as it has a lot of loose ends). In fact, I could watch the movie again just to see his performance. Every word he says (even if it is a contrived "revelation" about living life to the fullest or something like that, which is the writer's fault, not his) oozes with humanity, and the scene in which he destroys his models after being fired will go down as one of my favorite scenes of all time...that's right... all time. Watch this movie for Kevin.

Scott Thomas: excellent actress, plays the part well, you struggle along with her during the emotional roller-coaster (sorry for that cringe-inducing cliché, and the one I just used to describe it). Her and Kline make quite the on-screen pair.

The metaphor: The house... it's SO obvious and in your face but I love it anyway. Tearing it down (as well as a lot of tearing down/coping with family history that is explored well in the movie, especially in an unbelievable scene between Kline and Christensen that ends beautifully like this... "Build this house with me.") Incredible.

The not so good: Christensen: I know, I know, everyone and their dog praises him in this role...I just don't see it. Whiny to the point of nausea...not in that "playing the character well" way but in a, well, nauseating way. He is saved by Kline in most scenes. Nothing much to see. And his character changes so quickly and unnaturally, which leads me into...

The writing: The first 75 minutes of the movie are, for the most part, so beautifully written... witty, touching, bloody emotional. The rest is filler (in my opinion). All issues are resolved easily and predictably. And the ending... I mean come on, why? In my head I pretend it was never there,it makes the movie better in hindsight, which, if I may quote the movie, is "like foresight without a future." Yeah, that was in the first 75 minutes.

I DO recommend this movie. Most of the performances are great, and there is some very good dialogue all over the place, just look out for the occasional giant heaps of maudlin fodder being crammed down your throat (alright, alright, it made me cry a little so it did its job.)
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Good movie, great acting
JoannaRobinson6 June 2005
When George (Kevin Kline) is diagnosed with cancer he wants to take care of his son Sam (Hayden Christensen) for the summer. His ex-wife (Kristin Scott Thomas) married another man and has two sons with him, and she doesn't really keep an eye on Sam. Sam has a bad life, he is a drug addict, is a prostitute and doesn't give anything about his parents. George doesn't know all this and wants to have a good relationship with his son, by building a new house with Sam.

The movie has a good story, some great actors, Kevin Kline is very good in this one. Very different than his roles in A Fish Called Wanda and I Love You To Death. He is very good in dramatic and serious roles. And I really enjoyed the performance of Hayden Christensen. His acting seemed very real, and I think he is really hot in this one, with his make-up, black hair and clothes and his chin piercing. The script was very good and the movie has some great filming locations with very beautiful looking scenes.

If you are a Kevin Kline or Hayden Christensen fan, or you just like good drama movies, you should definitely go see this movie.
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From a Different Perspective
lawprof19 November 2001
As predictable as this film is, it moved me in many ways. I am a single father, 58 years old, whose life largely revolves around a wonderful twelve year old boy. He'd better not go down the road of Kevin Kline's teenage kid or I'll kill him! (just kidding-don't call Child Protective Services just yet).

California Cinematic Dreamin' aside, the people here are real. Their vulnerabilities are in the open and they deal with each other as best they can. Kline's son is confused about more than his sexuality, far more. His first girlfriend accepts him and, more importantly, her own sexuality, with a maturity in no way undermined by a delightfully playful demeanor.

As in similar films, the viewer has to suspend reality when the doomed character accepts his fate with no mention of palliative, much less curative, medical intervention. His condition is never fully described but a quick, distant shot of murmuring doctors examining x-rays (x-rays? No MRIs, CAT scans or PET scans in a CA hospital?) brings home that the architectural model builder has hit a brick wall.

The cast is first-rate - everyone plays his/her role convincingly.

The message of the film is, of course, the enduring need for community. And this celluloid community is moving and loving. A truly fine film. (Yep, I cried into my popcorn.)
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About Putting Your "House" In Order
jhclues12 May 2002
Somebody once said that `life' is what happens when you're not looking. And it's so true. Too often we let the years slip by, and the important things slip right along with them; and it's only when something happens that we start to pay attention, and by then it's too late to do anything about it. The good news, however, is that as long as you're still breathing there's still a chance to make amends, or at least try to. You can try, not to make up for past mistakes (and we've all made them), but to make `today' count, which is what a man at a particular juncture in his life discovers and sets out to do, in `Life As A House,' directed by Irwin Winkler, and starring Kevin Kline.

George Monroe (Kline) is an architect, a man who can design anything, with the exception of that which is the most important: His own life. He has a failed marriage-- now divorced for ten years from Robin (Kristin Scott Thomas)-- a failed relationship with his now sixteen-year-old son, Sam (Hayden Christensen), he's getting on in years and he's unhappy, which is driven home by circumstances involving his job and his health that make him abruptly sit up and take notice. His `house,' literally and figuratively, in not in order. And he decides to do something about it. He's determined to tear down his old house and rebuild a new one, and he begins by arranging for Sam to come and live with him for the summer. And it will be a summer that will affect, not only George and Sam, but Robin, and a number of others, as well; a summer in which the trivial things of life are put on hold; and for once, the important things are embraced.

Working from a well written and insightful screenplay (by Mark Andrus), Winkler delivers a drama that is thoughtful and poignant (at times, even poetic), wonderfully acted and beautifully filmed by cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond. Rich in metaphor, it's an engrossing film that works on a number of levels, and will appeal to a wide audience-- many of whom will relate to George and his situation, others who will identify with Sam; and for some, it may hit strikingly too close to home. Whatever your personal situation is, it will fall somewhere within the emotional arc Winkler creates here; and if it doesn't now, it will eventually. Because, as this film so trenchantly points out, `life' happens. And the most important thing is knowing what to do with it-- if not the first time around, then at least before it's too late.

He received an Oscar for his portrayal of Otto in the comedy `A Fish Called Wanda,' but Kevin Kline decidedly hits his stride in dramatic roles: As Nathan in `Sophie's Choice,' Mack in `Grand Canyon' or Ben in `The Ice Storm,' for example; and now here, as George Monroe. Kline brings George believably to life, with a performance that hints at who George was, but most importantly tells us who he is now. With understated subtly, he conveys his inner-most feelings in a way that enables the audience to make that all-important emotional connection with the character. He makes you feel as though you know him; and once you do, and once you meet Robin, it's hard to understand what went wrong between them all those years ago. One can only assume that somewhere along the line youth and a lack of focus took it's toll-- understandable in a world that bombards us daily with endless stimuli. And it's one of the subtle perspectives that makes this film so effective.

Kristin Scott Thomas gives a convincing performance, as well, as Robin, a woman who has moved on with her life, but in whom you can discern a certain dissatisfaction with her current situation. On the surface, her life seems agreeable, but we see through her portrayal that it is still lacking in some regard. She seems happy to some extent, but it's more like the unfulfilled happiness that comes when one has `settled' for something. You get the sense that what she has with her current husband, Peter (Jamey Sheridan), is somehow less than what she had with George, at least at some point or other. Thomas does a good job of indicating the complexities of her character, dipping beneath the surface to make what could have been a one-note character alive and interesting.

One of the real rewards of this film, however, is found in the wonderfully affecting performance of young Hayden Christensen, as Sam. With but a few TV appearances and a handful of unremarkable films to his credit (the exception being a part in Sophia Coppola's `The Virgin Suicides'), Christensen is virtually an unknown, but comes through with some extremely impressive work here. He not only finds, but manages to convey, that turmoil of confusion and need for personal identity that every teenager experiences, and he presents it quite naturally and effectively. There's nothing feigned or pretentious about him; the Sam he delivers comes from somewhere deep down inside, and working from the inside out makes him very real and believable. It's a performance that should jump-start his career, which is about to be catapulted into high gear/high profile status when `Star Wars: Episode 2, Attack of the Clones' hits the screen, in which he plays the role of Anakin Skywalker. And because of the magnitude of that film and all that goes along with it, he will never receive the acclaim he deserves, no matter how good a job he does in it; so it's important that he has this film under his belt, which demonstrates what a truly gifted young actor he really is, a fact that may be overlooked once `Clones' hits (which is what happened to Leonardo DiCaprio after `Titanic'). And Christensen's performance here is a big part of what makes `Life As A House' a winner. I rate this one 9/10.
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Incredible movie
solohiker227 December 2005
I am a college professor and teach a variety of psychology classes, general, adolescent, child, human relations, etc. I have shown this movie to every class and it never fails to grab everyone's attention. Every time I see it I find something else to admire...usually a line I've missed previously. It took about 10 times for me to pick up on "Thinking of jumping? No, pushing." Granted, I'm slow. It is a film that every parent and child should see, together. The acting is meticulous. Hayden Christensen is so good as a troubled teen that I hated him as Darth Vader. He will always be Sam. If you aren't crying or fighting back the tears than you obviously were born without a heart. Oh yes, I'm a father.
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I swear I'm macho, but...
djbell4 November 2001
I weeped like a child. Not at the end like everyone else, my manliness was able to get it all out a little before. I'd say this is a good movie, but it's all been done before. There was one slutty character that didn't make any sense, which I found distracting. The partial focus on the adolescents was a nice change for tear-jerkers. Guys can relax- let your girlfriends/wives take you to Life as a House- you'll get points and you'll enjoy it, too.

Excellent and realistic humor to boot.
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A Superb Movie About Relationships And Reconciliation
sddavis6311 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It was the title that first intrigued me. What could this be about? I had never heard of it. Then I noticed that it starred Kevin Kline. With a title like that and Kline as the star I thought it was perhaps a comedy. I started watching it without really knowing what to expect. It was not what I had expected, and I was not disappointed. This was a superb drama, with Kline playing a man who has one last chance to reconnect with those he loves, and especially with his teenage son Sam (Hayden Christensen), who has become rebellious and disrespectful and drug addicted and who is tempted to spend his summer as a male prostitute to make some "easy" money.

The story revolves around George's decision to tear down his old shack and to build a beautiful new house. He enlists (commands?) Sam's help for the project, and we watch as the house (and the relationship) begins to take shape. The journey toward reconciliation in this family is captivating. Kline was absolutely outstanding as George, in what must have been one of his finest acting performances, and one of the best I've seen in a long time. Christensen was almost as good as Sam. The movie also has a strong supporting cast to help out, with folks like Kristin Scott Thomas, Mary Steenburgen, Jena Malone and Scott Bakula all adding to the story.

I found the very beginning of the movie just a bit hard to get into for some reason, but once I was into it I was absolutely hooked. There are times of joy and times of sadness, and the theme of reconciliation running through the whole movie (and dealing not just with the relationship between George and Sam but with various broken relationships) is a powerful one. This was a very, very pleasant surprise.

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Looking back all I can say is 'woah'
soccer6425 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
'Woah' not necessarily being a good thing, or a bad thing.

In my opinion the characters in this movie weren't realistic enough to even begin to believe that it could maybe be happening. Kevin Kline's character George, goes from almost randomly deciding to step outside his shack in his underwear to pee, to taking in his junkie son for the summer to build a house. Hayden Christensen's (may the force be with him) character Sam, goes from trying to hang/suffocate/drug himself to death (What kind of mother, when seeing this, would just leave and shut the door behind her and not do anything about it?), to being "tricked" to love his dad. I would have to say if I could have chosen an actor who I think would be ideal for this part, I would have chosen Shane West, because he did such a great job playing the "bad boy/conflict with father" role in A Walk to Remember. (Of course the people who hire the cast wouldn't have known this because A Walk to Remember came out one year later-I'm just saying, we have seen that he can do it.) These days I think he could have done a much more convincing job than Christensen, who so many people now know as "little Ani". Jena Malone's character Alyssa goes from showering with Sam, to kissing George, then kissing Sam some more, and sleeping in the same bed with him. And I have to ask, what kind of mother would allow her - what? 16 or 17 year old(?) daughter do this?

I thought the first half hour of this movie was pretty bad, but if you can make it past that, I think it really turns out to be a decent movie.
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Depth of Characters is Superb
tolerford-122 January 2011
Though Kline and Scott-Thomas are the leads and show their chops that made them stars, Christensen shines so brilliantly that his talent is breath-taking. Each role is so well-portrayed that you're completely comfortable understanding the plot. The movie is challenging, thought-provoking, and intensely human, well-worth the attention of men who may presume that it's a chick flick. The action and adventure is in the challenge to deal with the plot. It's gut-honest, everyday life, involving situations we all deal with: intent, marital disharmony, second-guessing decisions we made, seeing the light, and desperate substitutes we use to deflect pain.
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some compelling sentimentality
SnoopyStyle4 September 2015
Sam Monroe (Hayden Christensen) is a mess and doesn't get along with his stepfather. His mother Robin Kimball (Kristin Scott Thomas) divorced from his father George Monroe (Kevin Kline) 10 years ago. George gets fired from his hated architectural job. He's dying from cancer and decides to tear down his shack to build his dream house. He has a combative relationship with his next door neighbor Colleen Beck (Mary Steenburgen). Her daughter Alyssa (Jena Malone) is Sam's schoolmate and she likes Sam. George forces Sam to spend the summer with him building the house. School drug dealer Josh (Ian Somerhalder) recruits Sam to prostitute himself and they're arrested by the police.

I am not a Hayden Christensen fan. Other than 'Shattered Glass', I rarely like his performances. For this movie, he's well cast for this whiny bitter teen character. He has a pathetic self-indulgent streak that is perfect for this role. This movie can be overly sentimental. I would rather not have some of the sappy talk between Sam and Robin. It needs to stay focused on the father and son relationship. There are also a few too many people sleeping around. That cul-de-sac turns into orgy central all of a sudden. There is a solid foundation of a sentimental movie in the middle of everything.
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Easily my favorite film.
caitfrisko21 January 2020
I was 12 when I discovered this film, after Attack of the Clones came out.

I am now 30 years old, and I have yet to find a film that speaks to me the way this film does.

The story is filled with believable characters and relationships. The dynamics between Sam and his parents through the film definitely reflected my relationship with my family as I was a troubled youth (though my problems were vastly different and caused by abuse). As a 12 year- old watching this, I saw in Sam what I didn't want to become. Sadly, the events in my life parellled me to him. The movie was, at one point taken away from me, as it was blamed for my rebellion (by my abusers). I didn't see the movie again until I was 18, and survived my own battles with depression and drugs. As I movied into adulthood, I figured my ability to identify with the film had waned. Surprise! I relate to it now more as an adult. I relate with not only Sam more, but with George, Peter, Allyssa, and Robin. Especially after loosing my mom to Cancer.

This is a film for the ages, and I look forward to watching it with my children as they move into their teen years.
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Felt like a TV movie.
PsychoKeetyLowki17 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't watch these kinds of movies, I'm definitely not their target audience. But Hayden Christensen was so good as Anakin, we had to rent this movie. There was one thing I didn't like about this movie.

***Somewhat of a SPOILER***

I didn't like how Sam was "bad" when he wore makeup, listened to Marilyn Manson, and had piercings. And when he was "good" be looked completely normal. I think the movie would've been better to have the parents grow as well, realizing that makeup and blue hair means NOTHING about your could've just as likely been a "jock" acting the same way as Sam. I think it helps perpetuate the "prejudice" against people who dress like that, who aren't doing drugs or anything bad. Not all of them do. Some people just like it and it has nothing to do with what kind of person they are.
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I took my Cleanex back to Store for a Refund.
poliglot4 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!! I guess I am just an old geezer. Jeeze you know, I like a tear jerker as well as anyone else. Probably Better than most, if the story is really moving and poignant, But GET A GRIP folks This is formula sniveling at it's frame by frame worst! First of all this little "Tear Jerker" started off with the every lovely & required and by now delightfull URNAL SCENE ...Only this was even more clever than most. The Urnal of choice here was the Pacific Ocean, How Creative!....Eat your heart out Orson Wells Now, Lets see what else do we have here, Start with-A Boy (young man) who is so obnoxious that from the first moment on screen you want to put him in a bag and take him down to the river and drown him like a rabid rat. Our hero also does drugs, sniffs glue, any and all medication that he can get his hands on, has every orafice in his body pierced, is totally defiant and angry, Wears Eye makeup and lipstick, spending most of his creative time laying on his back in his locked bedroom (7 locks or so on his door) listening to Acid Rock. And for the frosting on the cake he can't get a handle or quite know his sexuality. Oh yes forgot to mention he works part time as a homosexual male prostitute --So...quite naturally his father wants him to stay and do some male bonding through the summer, (probably becuase his is such excellent company)...also so doubtlessly so that He, the father can snivel to this charming boy about his own abusive father. Well O.K....lets push on.

Now then, every one in the story is schtupping everyone else...without exception, All the central characters have slept, or will soon have sexual intercourse with each other. UmmmmHummm, o.k. so the movies not ALL bad, but moving right along. - It's true that the Father does have terminal cancer and he did once have his moment in the Sun, with his little boy (this same charming boy age only then 5) holding him in his arms in the ocean (We know because we have the video tape provided over and over)...."The high point of the fathers life" Yada Yada Yada... O.K. so one hankie almost comes out of the box....But then you have the shower scene with the boy and the young femme fatal...he climaxes prematurely...while screaming "I'm Not Gay!" A Scene or so later, The same young girl then goes and sticks her tongue full down the numb and over medicated sleeping throat of his Cancerous Father, to what end I am still not sure. Can it Get any Better than This Folks? Oh my...we haven't even started yet. Now finally after knocking down a few walls, Sawing a closet in half with a chainsaw (Yeah right) so that the son can take a "dump" (since the toilet is in the center of the living room) The son then in anger breaks into a chorus directed at his father of "You Made Me Love You!, I didn't wanna do it, You know you made me do it" Runs off to pout. Finally more stuff happens ...more sniviling and so on...But not to worry folks....The "Tah Dah!" Cliff Hanger- This is great! Yur gonna love this! I thought I had seen every cowboy and every heroic ending concieved...But this one was just Fab! -It seems one of the neighbors (the dedicated villian) who's been abused by the Cancer guys dog lo these many years takes revenge by calling the city inspector....and eventually the police because the newly constucted house built by the sorta now bonded son and father is 3 inches taller than code....But...Prepare your self for the greatest cliff hanger ...the greatest hero to the rescue scene ever! Man This one wowed me. It seems that he (the mean neighbor) was one of the guys who had previously given oral sex and three hundred dollars to our young hero, and the boy recognizes him, or at least the top of his head, and or his black Lexus.....Tah Dah!......Hoppilong Cassidy where are you when we really need a hero? I wonder how many cowboys Blew Hoppy before he ran off to save the day?....Oh Yeah, sorry I forgot it is 2002. Anyway he (the villian) cowers off mumbling about his indiscretion telling the cops to forget it....and the movie ends as the son and father.....Ah HELL who cares how it ends. MERCIFULLY IT DID. That is what really counts and was indeed for this old grump the best part of the film. I took my box of cleanex back to the store. I am prepared to cry a bit. Honestly! But your gonna have to do better than this Silly stuff....And if you are going to do wanna be, coulda be, shoulda be homosexual theme least Greag Kinear, in "As Good as it gets" and John Ritter in "Sling Blade gave convincing meaningfull portrayals of likeable people that you were interested in. This kid should have jumped of the cliff (at the land fill side of the ocean) during the first 5 minutes of this film.
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Surprised this didn't get more recognition
rantinghuman23 September 2004
"Life as a House" is not an easy film to watch. Its story is piercingly poignant, sometimes depraved, and unbearably sad. If you insist on flashy amusements and naive happy endings in your films, this is not for you. If you are "real" though, about the dynamics of our troubled lives, then it is for you. And if you are sensitive, then this is a film you can only watch about once a year.

It is well written, directed, and acted, especially by Kevin Kline and Kristin Scott Thomas. Hayden Christensen gives us the same believable anger, sullenness and pathos as his Anakin Skywalker character did in Episode II; maybe better. He makes a good troubled teen. And Jena Malone is good with the script she is dealt.

I'd recommend this film to anyone.
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thcatburglar31 May 2005
Sense I've seen this move it has been my all time favorite! Not only do the actors play wonderfully, but the storyline of the movie is exquisite! It's about a Man(Kevin Kline) and his struggle in life with his job, family, and health. Through the move he gets in touch with his troubled son Sam(Hayden Christensen) and ex-wife Robin(Kristin Scott Thomas) a lot of anger in the beginning of the movie that transforms into smiles and laughter, it's amazing to see how the characters change so much. If you like to laugh and cry and all that good stuff you'll love this movie, Watch it, NOW! Although it truly is an excellent movie, I would not recommend this movie to anyone younger than 13, a lot of cursing, some drug usage and sexuality.
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Life as A House was Amazing, Touched the Heart
jlneale-114 July 2005
Life as a house was a spectacular movie in my opinion and surely in a million other's opinions as well. Kevin Kline and Hayden Christensen were brilliant together and truly made this movie Excellent and Amazing. This Movie was Harshly Rated, I do not believe it should have been Rated R, and I hope that the rating has not discouraged anyone from watching it. It is a terrific movie that deals with very real problems in life and the miracle of Change. You have not seen a truly great movie until you have watched this film. Although this movie is an incredibly well-made Drama, it contains lots of humour and comedic elements that make you smile and laugh through-out the film. This movie will leave you with your heart a-flutter in your Chest. And the Desire to know more and see more. You Will Truly be left with a feeling of Supreme satisfaction and Dazzlement at how the film played out before your eyes.
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This a classic example of a well-made bad movie.
kpw-522 September 2008
LIFE AS A HOUSE is a classic example of a very well-made bad movie: well photographed, largely well-acted, sequentially clear. But, in the end, absurd, pointless, and a dreadful waste of time with a character who is not simply vacuous, but almost totally without interest.

And it contains one prodigious goof.

Kevin Kline is followed throughout the film for a period of several months. In every shot he has a two-day growth of beard. We never see him shave. The beard never changes in length, but seems to be slightly whiter at the end of the film than at the beginning. Is this deliberate??? They can not not have noticed!

In summary: This is one of those movies that is annoyingly spoiled by a small and seemingly inconsequential flaw. It is like that thing in so many movies where people go out of a house and don't shut the door behind them (real people normally close the door.) Distracting and irritating.
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Should of won an Oscar or Oscars.
axismladen9 May 2008
I think that the best way to put it would be that Life As A House is a movie that is telling a story about a life that many families are living throw today.I would of said that its a story of life it self.It don't says only about drug problems in some families,i think it says about a lot wider concept of life.A father discovers that he has a cancer so he decides to catch up the lost time with his kid which has problems with socializing which he replaces or cures with drugs.So his father wants that the last thing he does in life is that he builds a house with his son which he wanted to build since he was a young man and to help his son to get on his feet again.Life As A House is in my top twenty and its one of many movies that at my opinion deserves Oscar an the haven't got it.This is a movie that the entire family will enjoy at and watch it more then once.
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A Good, Sweet Film
CrowBat200512 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished seeing this movie an hour ago and I'm actually pretty satisfied with it. I heard from this website that it was a good movie so I decided to rent it. I was also curious about Hayden Christensen's performance and after seeing it, I thought he was great. He played a totally believable miserable teen with a lot of inner problems. In a way his character, Sam, and his father, Kevin Kline as George, are similar in the sense that they both are alone. Sam purposely shoves away affection and his family. George lives by himself as a divorced man. At one point he tells a nurse that he hadn't been touched warmly by another person, family or friend, in years.

I've always enjoyed watching Kevin Kline but in this film, he was different. I'm used to a more comical and happier character portrayal. Here, he is miserable and alone. I think that, from what I'm used to seeing from him, this was perhaps one of his best performances.

At first, it is a little slow moving, but it picks up. I found it sad to believe that the mother had absolutely no control over her son. Kline and Christensen were good together. A father trying to find love from his son before he dies and keeping that from his family for so long shows that he wasn't so much selfish as he was selfless. It is very easy for someone to regret not patching problems up with a friend or a loved one before it was too late. His decision to build a house was what saved he and his family.

It was a good, sweet film that I recommend to anyone with family issues, even minor ones. Appreciate your family and know that it's not too late to help a person change.
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Truly amazing performances!
Travis_Bickle013 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw "Life as a House", I was pleasantly surprised. I expected the movie to be good, but it turned out to be great. The story is wonderful. It's not completely new, but on the other hand, it's not that cliché either. The thing that surprised me the most, was the acting. It was truly breathtaking. First their was Kevin Kline, who gave an excellent performance as the dying George who wants to heal the relationship between him and his son. The son is amazingly performed by Hayden Christensen. His acting performance was without any doubt the most outstanding performance of the whole movie. His character, Sam, is introvert, extravagant and completely messed up.

George's plan for the summer is the built a house (a plan he has been postponing his whole life) and to do this with his son in order the "heal" their relationship. This movie has a brilliant cast. Besides Kline and Christensen, there's also Kristin Scott Thomas (The English Patient), Jena Malone (Donnie Darko) and Mary Steenbergen (Philadelphia). Furthermore this movie has a lot of brilliant scenes. For example, there's the scene where Sam asks his father how you can become something that you're not. Really amazing scene! Actually the whole movie is a sequence of brilliant scenes. I'm not going to mention them all, because that would take too long. The only thing I can add is: watch this movie! It's certainly worth your time!

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Decent movie filled with great performances
Floated229 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I found the film to be pretty good, not as emotionally wrecking and heartfull as many made it out to be, but nonetheless it was still pretty good. The film is filled with some clichés but in Life as a House it works for the most part. Although the film is predictable, it was still pretty entertaining to watch. Though, I found there to be many things that were somewhat unnecessary in the film that didn't add much or didn't need to be in the film. Some of them were quite awkward. Things such as Alyssa taking showers with Sam after only a few visits (her not really knowing him). Colleen (Allyssa's mother) sleeping with Josh (Alyssa's boyfriend). Alyssa later on kissing George (she said that he looked like a good-kisser??). I also didn't like the ending with the narration of Kevin Kleine's voice-over, also the family giving the house (that they spent a lot of time building) to the little crippled girl. It sended a bad message.

But the film makes up with the mistakes with great performances all around. Kevin Kleine as George the protagonist was great, along with Hayden Christensen as Sam (troubled teen in the start to nicer kid). The supporters were great also.
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the sadest, but most instructional and uplifting movie...
ops-5253518 June 2018
Ever made to a grumpy old man that hasnt made all his moves the right way all the time. And you may like or dislike kevin kline, i disliked him until i saw this movie, and its one of a few films that makes my tears flow,and throath get dry leaving me making promises to myself what i shall do the rest of the time ive left as a grumpy old man

its a film about building relations in love,family,life and death and of course tearing down and building a house. It is a cudlingly funny movie,where it seems like much of the action has been done with a one take-strategy,and shows a spectre of qualities i never knew mr kline had. The undertone are just majestic,the way the photographer has caught the light are just magnificent, the sets and extraordinary location of the filming , its like i want to die on that cliff at sunset!. It has a weird start but ill guarantee youll have a crush on this on.

The rest of the cast are also awsome, its an unforgetable film.

Wanna cry.... try this one is the recommend from tgom.
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Kevin Kline's continuing saga
lee_eisenberg4 August 2005
"Life as a House" is one of those movies that looks like it should be a total stinker, but actually comes out quite good. Architect George Monroe's (Kevin Kline) life is going down the tubes. He's totally alienated from his ex-wife Robin (Kristin Scott Thomas), while his son Sam (Hayden Christensen) has gotten addicted to drugs. To crown everything, George is plagued with guilt from having injured someone in a car wreck. So, George decides to build a house as a metaphor for his life. While some people find it a little strange, he clearly has some good intentions for everyone.

Kevin Kline has been my favorite actor for some years now, and "Life as a House" reinforces that. Some parts of the movie may be a little sentimental, but it's overall pretty good.
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Cliché, cliché, cliché
operdoc25 February 2013
A totally predictable movie with a whole lot of fake emotion. Worth watching if you are a big fan of Kevin Kline or Kristan Scott Thomas. Movie starts out poorly with an unbelievable suicide attempt, and gets worse from there. The tone of the movie is all wrong, the music making it more so.

I wish Kevin Kline could get better parts. His talent dwarfs this slick piece of Hollywood hokum. Same goes for Kristan Scott Thomas, although she seems to find good roles in European films.

Certainly, the movie has some humor that rises above most Hollywood fare, but it can't save the movie from its phony and contrived emotional content.

Here's hoping that Kevin Kline and Thomas get roles worthy of their talent.
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