Walking Across Egypt (1999) Poster

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A worthwhile adaptation of a fine novel
cooprenner2 April 2000
Clyde Edgerton's novel, on which this movie is based, is one of the funniest books I have ever read. Some of that comedy is situational, which can be translated to the screen, and some is a matter of Edgerton's writing-- his tone, his word choice, his timing-- which can't be carried over into a movie. That said, this adaptation catches the heart of the story-- about an elderly widow who decides to accept a juvenile delinquent as a sort of foster son-- and Burstyn portrays the widow as feistily as Edgerton describes her. If this summary make the movie sound like a "Touched by an Angel"-style wannabe, it should not. The characters behave like believable human beings worse!], and their idiosyncracies both charm and irritate. By all means, rent this video. And then do yourself a big favor and read the book.
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Mattie and Wesley
jotix10028 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Arthur Allan Seidelman has worked extensively on television. This film, adapted from a good novel by Clyde Edgerton, with a screen play by Paul Tomasy, looks as though made expressly for the small screen as it has that certain look of well intentioned movies that usually turn up on Lifetime, or are made into a Hallmark special feature.

The main attraction for watching the movie is the casting put together for the project. Ellen Burstyn, a wonderful actress is Mattie Rigsbee, an older woman living by herself in a small community in the South. This well intentioned lady decides, after hearing her pastor read some bible passages, that she will bring food to one boy in a juvenile detention camp in her area. That's how she gets to meet Wesley, a boy that knows his way around the system.

The relationship between Mattie and the young man, is in sharp contrast with the one Mattie and her own adult children have. Mattie's son lives by himself; her daughter wants to send her mother to a 'retirement home', instead of helping her. That aspect of the novel doesn't come across too well in the film, which concentrates in Mattie and Wesley.

Ellen Bursyn's Mattie is the best thing in the film. Since she has been so isolated from the rest of the community, she is not wise enough to realize the possible danger in welcoming Wesley to stay with her when he turns up at her door. It's obvious that her kindness transforms Wesley, who for the first time is shown genuine affection.

Jonathan Taylor Thomas makes a good appearance in the film. Edward Herrman, Dana Ivey, Herve Pernell, Gwen Verdon, Judge Reinhold, Gail O'Grady and Mark Hamill are seen in supportive roles.

"Walking Across Egypt" is a heart warming tale about filling the generation gap between Mattie and Wesley with love.
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old-fashioned heartwarmer
"Walking Across Egypt" is a pleasant little film whose entertainment comes mainly from the dialogue and interaction. Yes, it's fairly predictable, but you almost can't help be charmed by the rich character development. The filmmakers did an excellent job creating a little Southern town where everyone knows everyone and everything. Fantastic starring role by Ellen Burstyn.
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Talk about Sleepers
Bob-3219 October 2000
I'd never heard of this movie, but I like Ellen Burstyn very much and rented the disk because she was the star. A couple of hours later I had tears on my cheeks and the feeling that I'd seen a film made in earlier, simpler times. That's a compliment. It's the story of a sweet elderly lady (Burstyn) whose faith and trust reform a juvenile delinquent (the fine teenage actor Jonathan Taylor Thomas). OK, it's a corny plot and it's been done a thousand times. And maybe not every question is answered here. But there are many surprises -- small story twists that are clever, reasonable and satisfying. Countless details show expert writing and film-making. Besides the two stars, the cast includes some solid names: Harve Presnell, Gwen Verdon, Edward Herrmann, Judge Reinhold and Mark Hamill. The title comes from the old-fashioned expression, "I could no more do [something impossible] than I could walk across Egypt." Incredibly, the rural, moss-draped locations were all found "in and around the city of Orlando." Florida, that is. Don't look for the travel-agency Orlando. Just do yourself a favor. Relax, forget the frantic concepts that some recent movie s have made us think are essential, and give yourself to "Walking Across Egypt." A handsome film, a superb cast, a heart-warming story. We're not often handed so many pleasures in a single picture.
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a great drama highlighting that "everyone deserves a second chance!"
mental_marci3 January 2006
This is truly a heart warming tale played very well by the handsome Jonathan Taylor Thomas and incredible Ellen Burstyn. It is a movie filled with faith, inspiration to not only help others but to see the good in people and to never give up one someone because everyone deserves a second chance.Through this movie i learned that a child needs to be loved, clothed, fed and educated and with those things they will aspire to be great. Ellen Burstyn's character does just that, she gives juvenile delinquent Wesley a chance because she knows in her heart that there is some good in him just like there is in everyone. I describe it as a forgotten movie that's not viewed by many but should be and is great for people like me who enjoy good dramas with a life changing message. It's truly a great movie where both characters truly develop and grow. It is not only the elderly woman (Burstyn) that helps the boy but also on a deeper level we're able to see how much the boy helps her and brings her back to life. A must see!
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simply beautiful
madseason10625 July 2000
This movie blew me away completely. I am a Jonathan Taylor Thomas fan, and had been waiting to see him in a new movie. Some of his others films were pretty corny, and I was afraid that he would not escape his "bubble gum, sugar-sweet" image, However, this film proves he can do drama as well as the next guy. Everyone in my family enjoyed the movie tremendously- especially me. Ellen Burnstyn is superb as Mattie, the elderly God-fearing woman practically looking forward her to funeral, until Wesley comes along. He brings youth and joy to her life, and she brings intelligence, truth, and God into his. Both sides benefit from this experience. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for a heartfelt, meaningful drama that is also sweet and funny.
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Pleasant but unremarkable
vanman24 November 2000
"Walking Across Egypt" is a decent, watchable movie--but there's nothing groundbreaking here. Burstyn is very believable as a conservative, yet unshakeable elderly woman who takes in a young, misunderstood juvenile escapee. The storyline and characters are completely predictable from the outset. But at the same time, they're engaging enough to make the movie worth sitting through. And, yes, that really is Mark Hamill--you might not recognize him.
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kyushu200224 July 2000
Walking Across Egypt is a GREAT movie! It is a classic but with modern manners. I don't know how else to explain. At first you may think it is a classic type movie, but then it changes to the real world. It has great acting and is one that everybody should watch sometime. It is a good, clean (except for the language, but it is a integral part of the movie) movie. It is great!
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struggling to obey Jesus' teaching
depaulubf10 July 2000
This film shows the beauty of a simple elderly woman's efforts to obey Jesus' teachings in Matthew 25. She has to struggle with her own misgivings about helping the boy, coming from her fears and common self-protection, as well as with the opposition of her adult children and even fellow church members. But her simple acts of love toward the boy prove to be a most powerful and effective way of reaching into his soul and reforming him. It is a profound critique of our tendency to institutionalize both the elderly and juvenile people in our society, and shows that basic humanity and love are still what life is really all about.
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jonfan_uk23 February 2001
Definately one of the best films I've seen all year with excellent performances all round. How this went straight to video in the UK is unbelievable. This certainly proves that Jonathan Taylor Thomas is not just a teen idol and has the ability to perform well in a challenging role. 10/10
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If life was only so easy to share with strangers....
mark.waltz28 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As is typical in films like this, a lonely senior citizen (Ellen Burstyn) feels patronized and neglected by her two grown children with too many issues to understand her needs, and finds comfort in a stranger. In this case, it is a 16 year old inmate (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) of a reformatory whom she learns about through the local dog catcher (Mark Hamill), the young boy's uncle. She visits him with pound cake and iced tea, and when he escapes, he visits her, and she agrees (unaware of the situation) to take him in for a few days. A devoted church goer determined to help those in need, the big-hearted widow is aghast when she discovers that he stole from her, but rather than confront him angrily or turn him over to the police determines to change him through her faith and the scriptures rather than the type of discipline he's received all of his life. An affection grows between the two until his whereabouts become known, and she sadly bids him adieu. But when she discovers a surprising action of his, she becomes conflicted. Will this woman, not even able to take in a stray dog, really do her Christian duty? Will she stand up to her spoiled children blinded by the rules of society that sometimes just don't work? Will she go against the advice of her preacher (Edward Hermann) and kind but judgmental neighbors? Is this a movie made for Lifetime?

The answer to that last question is "No", although this does seem very much like a TV movie made possibly with the backing of some church. But in spite of its very "Christian" plot, this has elements of films that might not appeal to all Christian groups. Wesley (Thomas) curses, steals and smokes, things that Burstyn's lonely widow definitely does not care for. She also hates his hair and is shocked by the fact that he can't swim. But her character of Mattie Rigsbee is not the type of Churchy lady you want to avoid being preached to by. Wesley first thinks that Mattie is his grandma, and even continuously refers to her as such, even though she denies that altogether. You get to see their relationship go from his using her, her determined to help him move into a new direction, and eventually the love that sometimes can be shocking because it is from a total stranger unrelated to the other.

Their performances are what makes this movie avoid becoming cloying, as well as the humor provided by many of the situations (particularly the sight of son Judge Reinhold standing on a ladder that suddenly splits in two after he has badmouthed Wesley to his mama). Then, there is the elderly couple next door, played by veterans Harve Presnell and Gwen Verdon. While these two musical theater vets don't break out in song and dance, they do share their comic talents. Dana Ivey has a "Margaret Hamilton" like role as the holier than thou preacher's wife, and every time she gives one of those pickle-pussed smirks, it is hysterically funny and real. Pat Corley ("Murphy Brown's" gravely voiced bartender Phil) adds some genuine heart to his typical Southern sheriff.

As for the sequences in the reformatory, there is a tension that flares up as Wesley and his young black pal deal with bullies and engage in a fight that lands the lead bully in the hole. This brings on fears of a violent end that adds some adult tension into the fray, as well as a warning to youngsters of what to watch out for if they get into trouble. It is nice to see a movie where a beloved veteran actress like the lovely Ellen Burstyn gets to share some heartwarming scenes with a young actor, and Thomas works well with her, obviously thrilled to having the opportunity to work with a living legend. Some of the minor plots, however, are not either explained or concluded, particularly the fate of the poor pooch on the verge of extermination or the issues with Burstyn's children. It is also not dealt with the issue of why Burstyn feels she must go out and buy a coffin, since it is never indicated if she is sick or dying. However, those minor blunders aside, this ends up being a sweet movie that manages to glue the generation gap shut and shows how different eras can come together in understanding and love.
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Great movie!
lubtxlady28 May 2000
Why was this not released on the big screen? It is an excellent, heart-touching, and funny movie, that will leave you laughing and crying. I am a big Mark Hamill fan and that was why I saw this movie. I rented it to see him but I will buy it because it is simply a wonderful movie. Members of my family, ranging in age from 8 to 47 have all loved it. I have already watched it 4 times and will watch it again whenever my spirits need a lift. Ellen Burstyn and Jonathan Taylor Thomas were supurb together. Rent then buy this movie...you will love it too!
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A movie to be seen with your heart
Soledad-217 January 2001
Everything is so real in this movie that you forget your viewer role and become part of the little town and the lives of the generous widow and the young man in the correction center. This movie teaches us a lesson about being a true Christian and help others. It leaves us a message of hope and understanding. Ellen Burstyn is a great actress and she deserves an Oscar for her fantastic performance. Walking Across Egypt is a movie to be seen with your heart.
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A heartfelt drama -- wonderful!
denisef500024 April 2001
This is probably the best dramatic film that I've seen in years. Ellen Burstyn is amazing (as allways). Jonathan Taylor Thomas proves that there is more to his career that Home Improvement! He really turns his character into a rich, developed lead. Probably one of his best efforts. This is an excellent film, its just a pity that it isn't distributed more prominantly. Definitely rent it if you can find it, you won't be disappointed!
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Touching human story
jdowling9 April 2006
The acting was excellent. These are characters that are very believable. There are a variety of ages and roles, so there might be a character in it you can relate to.

If you've ever lived in a small town in the south, it will be easier to relate to the characters and traditions portrayed in this movie. I'm from a small town in the north & I could still relate since some of the traditions apply, especially in a simpler time.

There are some details that are not believable, so if you have to have absolute realism, this movie is not for you. I've know kids without family & those who have spent time in a juvenile facility, so I believe this part to be pretty realistic.

I challenge people to watch this movie with the perspective of race relations in the U.S. There are African Americans in this movie who are portrayed in a respectful way, though all the main characters are white. What if the dog catcher was African American? This would mean his nephew would be, too. It might change the way you view it, but if this movie was shown in the context of a majority white church community and then a discussion followed which includes questions about "what if...", it could make for a very interesting discussion that could be very enlightening.
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I Love This Movie
bargerjr_1312 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK this movie is about an elderly women that takes in a teenager with a troubled past after he appears at her door. Over time they grow closer together and she teaches Wesley to be a good kid. Until Mattie finds out he escaped after the cops catch him. I love this movie. I watch it every time i get the chance(which is a lot)now I love the woman who plays Mattie(cant remember her name)she is so sweet. I also love Jonathan Taylor Thomas as Wesley(I love Jonathan Taylor Thomas also any role he does) This movie is so heart warming and i suggest if u like these movies then Watch It!!! Also Don't get the edited version(it cuts out parts a lot)
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A Vapid Christian Movie
angelcatsuki7 February 2009
I am a mother and I am all about teaching my child to see in others what is beyond the surface, but this movie was vapid and naive. The story line was old, weak and the dialogue was not well written. The characters were shallow and stereotyped, such as an old lonely woman reaching out to a troubled 'orphaned' teen. The dialogue did not allow for the characters to build a decent rapport, but everything 'clicked' with the characters accordingly. Even the pastor and his wife acted typical to what you would find in this type of story line. It was very predictable and frankly it was boring. I would never suggest this movie to my friends. If a person wants a heart warming movie about helping others in need and learning to see people for who they are on the inside I would suggest 'Rigoletto' a 1993 film for children.
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Ellen Burnstyn, as an elderly and caring widow, makes this movie.
TxMike13 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers

This is a film about Mattie Rigsbee, an elderly and religious widow, and how she cares for others in her life. The title comes from a scene near the beginning, after a stray dog shows up and her son (Judge Reinhold) tries to get her to keep it, she says, "I need a dog about as much as I need to take a Walk Across Egypt." So it is fitting that the title of the film is about Mattie herself and her attitudes. The theme is well-worn -- a good person follows his/her beliefs against advice of others and helps save an "at-risk" individual.

At church one Sunday, her minister preaches about helping the less fortunate. So, she starts visiting and bringing cake and iced tea to a 16-yr-old boy in the local correctional facility, referred to as "pre-pen" by the inmates. This young boy had a rough childhood and has become a grifter, with no real concern about anyone else.

He escapes and shows up at her house, saying he is "on leave". She takes him in, and the rest of the film is about how he tries to avoid re-capture, how she has faith in him, how she begins to teach him manners and the subtlties of human interaction.

A funny scene, they were fishing on a dock, she finds out he won't go in the boat because he is afraid of water, so she "teaches" him how to swim by pushing him in. After he trashes around for a minute, and finally realizes he can swim by following the motions she is making with her feet and arms, she says to him, "OK, now you can stop and stand up."

He gets captured, his nemesis is about to get revenge for an earlier fight, when Mattie shows up with papers to take him out and become his guardian. Again, this story is about Mattie and how she acts on what she believes in to make a difference. Ellen Burnstyn is marvelous in this role and carries the film. I rate it a solid "7" of 10 and worth a re-watch both for the fine acting and the entertainment.
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theapprenticesyed16 February 2007
You know sometimes when your browsing through DVDS, and your extremely eager to buy something, but you don't know what. Then you come across a film where you've seen the actors before, but you've never even heard of the film? Well, that's how I staggered across the film Walking Across Egypt. I purchase about two new DVDS a week and as soon as I laid eyes on the cover I read the description I decided to buy it. Despite only watching this film once, I believe this is a film you could watch with anyone and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. For those of you thinking of watching it I really do recommend you should. All of the performances are fantastic and I was especially impressed with Jonathan Taylor Thomas who plays a mischievous kid with a big heart.
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What a gem of a movie !
chasmilt77716 September 2006
Every once in awhile, one comes across a movie and they find it to be a real gem. This is one of those. I ran across this DVD in a pawn shop and bought it because I like Edward Herrmann. His part is very small as the town preacher. I found this delightful film to be very funny, touching, and entertaining.

It was Mark Hamill's role as the dog catcher that I found to be my favorite. He did such a great job with the country accent and he made me laugh out loud more than once. Ellen Burstyn plays the lovable grandma who everyone who sees this film will fall in love with. I also enjoyed Gail O'Grady and Judge Reinhold playing the confused grown up kids.

I highly recommend this movie to any one who wants to enjoy life. It is a story that shows that everyone deserves a second chance and that doing right by others is the key to true happiness.
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gentle, character-driven drama
DTaurean26 July 1999
This adaptation of Clyde Edgerton's "Walking Across Egypt" is a gentle, character-driven drama, made by a team that has honored the simplicity and integrity of the project. Ellen Burstyn plays a Georgia widow who crosses paths with a young grifter (Jonathan Taylor Thomas). The film includes light-hearted supporting turns from Dana Ivey, Gwen Verdon, and Pat Corley (Phil the tavern-owner in "Murphy Brown"). Tech staff have done a good job with the look and feel of the small Southern town and its variety of Old South/New South citizens. If there is any hurdle in warming to the story, it might be Jonathan Taylor Thomas's model-like looks; his perfect skin and teeth, for instance, do not reflect the hardscrabble background intended for the role. Even so, he works sweetly and sincerely in the part, and enhances the overall effect.
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Walking across Flordia.
morrison-dylan-fan31 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When thinking back to the films and TV shows that i watched in my mid-teens,i have very fond memories of watching the TV series Home Improvement on the UK Disney Channel with my family.

Having heard the one of the main kids from the series was in this film,i was keen on seeing how they would do,in a different type of role.And,i think that even though the story is disappointing,the cast thankfully raise the level of in enjoyment.

The plot:

Juvenile prisoner Wesley Befield is being kept in a Florida prison with his friend.When,he fights the leader of the main prison gang to protect his friend,Wesley,decides the it is time that they break out of the jail.Whilst his friend is caught very quickly,Wesley is able to hide at a house that his friend discovered,just before he got re-arrested!.

Alhough Befield has a very big risk of being caught,due to the house being occupied by an old woman (Mattie Rigsbee),whose daughter is trying to get her to leave the house and move her into a retirement home.This makes Befield determined to do everything he can to assist Mattie,by helping her out with anything that she needs (and making sure to tell her that he is out "temporary' for good behaviour to make sure the she wont phone up the cops to get him re-arrested,though Matties family are less then convinced,due to seeing a wanted ad for him on TV.)

Whilst Matties and Wesleys friendship develops and starts to become very strong,the police start to get closer to finding Wesley..

View on the film:

I feel that even though the film has a pretty short running time,the plot feels very drawn out,with the story taking a long time to really get going,though the film is massively in-proved by the very strong cast,with Mark Hamill,Judge Reinhold and Edward Herrmann giving very good performances,and making there supporting roles each stand out.

Although I have to say that the high light of the film are the performances of Jonathan Taylor and Ellen Burstyn,Who even with the pretty big age-gap,make the blossoming friendship feel surprisingly sweet.

Final view on the film:

A painfully slow film,the is saved by very good performances from the two leads and a great supporting cast.
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Jonathan Taylor Thomas works his genius!
kieran-116 March 2001
Late last night, suffering from insomnia, I decided to watch the Walking Across Egypt video I purchased over the weekend. JTT has such a magical performance in this film, I was actually watching the timer count down on the VCR as I simply didn't want this film to end. It is truly a gift, that I found this film in the "pre-viewed video" bin at one of the rental stores in Berkeley, CA. How I missed knowing about this film astonishes me, as it is must surely be one of the best films made in 2000. Both Burstyn and JTT give reserved, cool performances, but it is those calm, taking-my-time characterizations that allow for a real acme to surface during the film before the end of the story. I admit it, I've had a crush on JTT for years, but in this film I was even able to separate my belief that "JTT can do no wrong" from the truly brilliant acting of this fine fellow. I am only sorry that there are not more JTT films around. I have been completely unsuccessful in locating Speedway Junkie. As far as a recommendation on Walking..., run to your nearest video store to see this work of art! I promise, there is not a boring moment, and you will not be disappointed. Burstyn and Thomas absolutely sing with their synergy and sympathetic performances. The pairing of two of my very most favorite actors was someone's genius and my outstanding good luck. Speaking of luck, JT, if you are out there reading this - please keep with the films. You are an exceptional talent that needs to be seen and heard! Thanks to everyone for reading. Kieran O'Connell
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