Whipped (2000) Poster


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not very good.....
tripper019 August 2001
I'll be blunt and to the point. This film is not good at all. The film buff part of me hated the acting, script, story, direction and almost all of the editing. Amanda Peet has proven that she can act, as she was a high point of 'The Whole Nine Yards'. So she should have avoided this movie with a ten foot pole. However, the infantile part of me found this film to be very funny. If you can forget about how underpar the production quality is, and if you find smut jokes funny, then you should be all right. And for those of you who can't get off your pedestal, thats your choice. My inner child hasen't died, and I laughed a fair bit. Even then, only a 3 out of ten, because as a movie, it really does stink.
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Not the cream (DVD)
leplatypus9 April 2011
This movie tells the dating stories of male friends in New York. They happen to go out with the same girl, raising the tension between them. Even if it's a comedy rather than a drama, the movie drags too much. The directing is not up to the task: the four adventures are rather cut than blend together. Except the shy and expert wankker, the characters aren't interesting but highly unbelievable. Amanda is the only good thing here because she seems natural and brings her usual smile and kindness. The fan of the big apple would be happy too because there's a lot of exterior stuff. There are funny moments (the dreams, the fights) but it was not enough to convince me, all the more that i watched the American version without subtitles and i couldn't understand the dialogs.
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Potential lost in a morass of vulgar nonsense
=G=16 December 2001
Four best friends young male chauvinist pigs (with the emphasis on pigs) meet weekly at a NYC diner to recount their dating sexploits in this misanthropic and visceral comedy. Peet is the common denominator who dates the three bachelors in the group which leads to conflict and the inevitable "whipping". Although the film's premise has potential and there are some funny moments to be had, overall the flick doesn't work especially in the end where the girls are made to appear no better than the guys which runs contrary to the crux of the story. One of those one-man band flix with a dozen producers, "Whipped" is likely to be enjoyed only by the kind of young males who think "The Man Show" is Emmy material.
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Hate is not strong enough word for this piece of crap!
george.schmidt28 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert WHIPPED (2000) 1/2 Amanda Peet, Brian Van Holt, Jonathan Abrahams, Zorie Barber, Judah Domke. (Dir: Peter M. Cohen) Amanda Peet is a star on the rise and has proven to show true comic potential as previously displayed earlier this year in `The Whole Nine Yards' where she held her own with co-stars Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry with her own natural charm not belied by her prettiness. However in this debacle of the dating game wars between the sexes she is left to her own defenses in arguably the worst 'comedy' of the year and maybe the worst film of the year period.

Four immature moron buddies - Brad (Van Holt), a brogadaccio Wall Street slickster; Zeke (Abrahams), a downtown artiste wannabe; Jonathan (Abrahams) a seemingly closeted homosexual with apparently no occupation except his extracurricular mastabatory schedule; and Eric (Domke) the pudgy, married doofus - who meet for Sunday brunch in a downtown Manhattan greasy spoon to pontificate on their sexual prowess and the degradations thereof. Each tries to trump the other (all by the way having nothing in common except being egotistical jerk-offs) with their weekly exploits and embellishments that give bull***t a new meaning.

Then one week the three bachelors find what they each think is the perfect woman and declaring she's the one; this must be love. If you can't see the sub-sitcom level approach leading to the ultimate plot device of them all loving the same woman then you're about as smart as a piece of furniture (or in this case one of the male leads here).

That woman is Mia (Peet) who also isn't terribly bright or lacking any scruples when the trio stumble onto her apartment one fateful weeknight and bicker about who's going to stay. Somehow the foursome agree to continue dating one another only to escalate the testosterone stupidity several dozen notches which leads to a friendship showdown and.oh never mind! The `twist' at the end is that Mia turns out to be a player in her own right and the `lesson' is supposed to be that she uses them just as they have used women before. The film is such a mess and amateur filmmaking at its worst. The script is just riddled with expletives at the highest decibel with the four idiot buddies screaming at one another and just plain nasty overall. There's absolutely nothing funny about this attempt at a male `Sex and The City' approach with nothing clever, original (its bare-bones format is a la `Diner' which is likening `Citizen Kane' to `Porky's' which is `Citizen Kane' compared to this crap!) or memorable except Ms. Peet deserves better as do we all.

To quote Roger Ebert on his notorious panning of Rob Reiner's

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The worst film of all time.
bcalj11 July 2005
It just seems bizarre that someone read this script, and thought, "This is funny! I mean, it's so hilarious it just has to be made!" Who was this person? Is he or she the person really responsible for this? Are they the one's who owe me for my time, more so than the director/writer?

This film stinks in most every way possible. There's no one shred of good dialogue, and not one likable character. And the story...

I prefer the 2nd worst movie ever, Hulk Hogan's "No Hold's Barred" to this by quite a considerable degree. It seems almost Shakespearen in comparison.

The ending is padded out with several minutes of outtakes, and it's still under 80 minutes. The outtakes include cast members laughing at the 'hilarious' mistakes they've made, and things that went wrong on the set of this 'comedy.' Glad to see someone laughing in someway, with some connection to this 'film.'

Nothing in this film is funny. Nothing. It just goes on, and on. It's truly that lame. I love films that are so bad they're good. This is so bad it's...something, but I don't know what, and hopefully will never find out.

Amanda Peet doesn't suck outright, and is in fact the only half good thing about this wannabe film. But, that really means little.

Avoid at all costs.
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Lacks Romance And Comedy
thecoolestmike10 June 2001
A poorly written script with no likeable characters. As for it being a comedy, I forgot to laugh. It's about 2 conceited friends who scam to get women in too bed with them (no sex scenes) and another friend(who is semi-discustingly weird)who sometimes also scams but mainly is considered as being the guy who masterbates. The 3 friends separately meet and fall for the same woman (Amanda Peet). Somehow this is done without really any romance. The 3 guys stop being friends as they separately dated her. She scammed them out of their friendship because they scammed women. -- A bad movie
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atzimo8 August 2002
'Whipped' is a bad, uninspired movie created by a non-artist. The story is about three obnoxious, ugly (except for Brian Van Holt), annoying yuppies, who see women as trophies. Then they meet Amanda Peet and they start having this parallel relationship. What a genius idea!

The comment you see on the main page here at Imdb, was probably written by the director, who is an illiterate, shallow, pathetic excuse for an artist. The script contains such explicit material, that makes you feel uncomfortable, even if you watch the movie by yourself.

Some people should provide proof for their art skills, before they start shooting movies. And don't get me wrong, I loved 'Road Trip', Porky's and the Farreli movies, just because they had style, originality and substance.

This movie is almost as bad as 'Scary Movie' (and if it wasn't for Amanda Peet it probably would be).

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An award winner...
MovieDave5 September 2000
Ok class, repeat after me, thou shalt never see this movie again. The award this movie will ever so justly take home is the distinction of being the worst movie of the summer, or possibly the year. This movie was a typical Hollywood money making device. First you find a star,(Amanda Peet) coming off the success of a very popular movie, "The Whole Nine Yards". Then, you release a movie she made almost a year earlier to take advantage of her name. I often wonder to myself why I go to see these movies I call "hidden disasters". Most of these movies that were in the can for so long should be kept in the can. I would love to comment on the plot for you, but this movie forgot to put one in the script. The one bright note I can take from this movie is that Amanda Peet is a good actress when she has the support of a good script and accompanying cast. (see Whole Nine Yards) On a scale of 1-10, I give this movie a solid 2 for the amount of quality minutes this film contained.
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A poor man's "Chasing Amy"
Time Tripper3 September 2000
Imagine taking Kevin Smith's brilliant tribute to bizarre relationships, stripping it of all interesting characters, funny situations, or good dialogue, then maybe you'll come close to the stupid antics of "Whipped." The two movies do not share a plot, fortunately, but share a theme. That theme is the screwed up things people do when they're in love (or lust). All four of the main characters in the movie are boring, unlikeable idiots. The girl, played by Amanda Peet, might be interesting. We don't know. The film makers never bother to give her a personality besides the ones she displays when she's with whoever she's with in that scene. The jokes in the movie just don't work. Not because they're vulgar, but because they never seem spontaneous. Humor is subjective, though. Maybe you'll find it funny...but I sure didn't. (Frame of reference: recent movies I found funny were "There's Something About Mary," "Austin Powers," "South Park," and "Election." "Whipped" is no where NEAR as funny as those movies.) Maybe I would have liked this movie more if I knew how it was going to end (call it "Fight Club" Syndrome), since I didn't think it would make sense for this girl to like all three of these jerks until I saw the last five minutes. However, that would not have changed the fact that I had to sit through 75 minutes of their childish antics to get there. Ultimately, "Whipped" is just an excuse for be crude for the sake of being crude. There is a point to this movie, but that point wasn't worth 80 minutes of very unfunny toilet humor.
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The Dispute
claudio_carvalho29 November 2018
In New York, Brad (Brian Van Holt), Zeke (Zorie Barber) and Jonathan (Jonathan Abrahams) are wolves and best friends. They meet each other once a week together with their married friend Eric (Judah Domke) to tell theirs dates, affairs and sex experiences along the week. Brad and Zeke are greater lovers and Jonathan loves to self-masturbate. One day, each one of them discloses to the others that has met the perfect girlfriend. Indeed, they discover that their girlfriends is the same woman called Mia (Amanda Peet). Their dispute for Mia will affect their friendship.

"Whipped" is a feminist view of "American Pie" and the lead male characters seem to be the teenagers of "American Pie" that are now grown up men. The vulgar and scatological jokes of this low comedy and the male chauvinism of the group of male friends seem to be inspired in the American Pie´s style. However, there are many funny moments if the viewer shutdown his or her brain and will be highly entertaining for the fans of movies like "American Pie". A funny surprising end will conclude the plot. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Elas Só Pensm Naquilo!" ("They Just Think About That!")
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Define "misogyny"
Elitist Thirst24 February 2001
"Whipped" is one of the most awful films of all time. It is a mean, hateful piece of garbage that had me forcing myself to stay in the theater more than any other movie of 2000, besides maybe "The Grinch." It is not, as people have called it, an insightful portrait of modern relationships. That would be a little film called "High Fidelity." Whereas that movie was honest and sympathetic, "Whipped" is hostile, cynical, misanthropic cinematic poison. Avoid this like so many plagues, unless you want to see how truly bad a "comedy" can get.
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Quite good actually
darthtyranus15 June 2002
I had never heard of this film until I came across it by accident when browsing IMDB. I saw it had gotten many awful reviews containing very colorful expletives on how much it stunk. Of course this meant I had to see it. I was pleasantly surprised as Whipped is actually rather a good movie. I watched it with a group of friends and we laughed more than we had at many recent highly acclaimed Hollywood fluff comedies. This is an independent film and as such portrays its subject matter (sex and dating) without the usual Hollywood fakery. I distinctly suspect that people's opinion of this film will depend very much on their experience of life. If you've never dated or partied much you won't get this movie because you won't have met people like these characters. If you have, you'll recognize many of the situations that portrayed here in comedic fashion. The ending was also good, as it did not portray women as unreal, helpless, virginal romantics in contrast to many Hollywood movies.
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Good movie.
EAA12322 July 2018
Not sure why why this got such bad reviews. Pretty good flick. Great ending.
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Sooooo BAD.
forstneger8 April 2002
First and foremost, Zorie Barber (Zeke), might be one of the worst actors I have ever seen. As a character that's supposed to be a hip, Village writer into the martial arts and proud of being mysterious, why is he so hyper, over-dramatic, and plain horrible? Did he know anything about his character before they started filming? Did the director? Don't the martial arts teach discipline? Aside from that, this film misses the target with its lame jokes and seen-it-already gross-out humor. Hand in toilet? <i>Trainspotting</i>. Masturbation? Hmm. <i>Fast Times at Ridgemont High</i>, <i>American Pie</i>, the list goes on.. .Bad dialogue: In one sequence, Eric says "it's none of my business <i>but</i> . ..." and 30 seconds later Mia says "why is this any of your business?" Bad editing: At least five minutes worth of film are wasted on NYC traffic shots. <hr>It's also impossible to believe that the four main male characters would be a tight-knit group of friends in any world. I can't comment on what makes everyone laugh, but if you enjoy low-brow, basic bathroom humor and insults, by all means, enjoy. If you want something a little smarter but on the same lines, see <i>Boomerang</i>. If you want a solid what-goes-around romantic comedy, go for <i>The Tao Of Steve</i>. But anyone who thinks <i>Whipped</i> is witty and an accurate portrayal dating, well, I cannot agree at all.
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Ha to Blah
Mendo31 May 2000
Whipped is at it's best when it focuses on the three guys and their "scamming". Their dialogue and situations are, at times, very funny. However, once Amanda Peet's character comes into the picture, the film loses its momentum. The story is predictable, the situations are boring, and the film strains to get laughs. It ends predictably but offers a few more laughs. Whipped is a rental, at best. It's a good party flick, some good laughs, no need to pay close attention, and decent spaces of blah to talk or run out to get more beer. (6 out of 10)
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It's a good STUDENT film but...
swsteiner3 September 2000
Bad acting. Bad writing. This was a poorly written film. It's too bad because it had some potential. It's not even close to American Pie or Something about Mary as previous comments might have you believe. Rent it at dollar night from you local video store if you're kind of bored.
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Moronic Raunch -- should be rated x
bthe2 September 2000
This movie will be a hit with those that enjoy sophomoronic, mindless, explicit bragging about sexual exploits and F... in almost every sentence. Like a good plot? Like comedy? Like romance or other human values? Stay away from Whipped. It was so bad I left after about half an hour. I saw two kids slip in that looked to be about 10 -- very harmful -- this deserves an X.
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82 words on Whipped
keithsim12 September 2000
"Whipped" is 82 minutes long. This review is 82 words long. Three unlikable New York Lotharios, ruthless "scammers," end up wooing the same woman, played by Amanda Peet, with disastrous results. That applies to the story and the film. Too sophomoric to be misogynistic, flaccid and ridiculous, "Whipped" mixes the philosophies of shock jock Tom Lykis with Penthouse letter fantasies. Though technically proficient it's dated, grating, poorly written, mean, and obvious. People don't act like this. People don't talk like this. Really.
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Painful to watch
zgrossbart11 February 2002
I like movies about morally corrupt characters, but this was too much. The acting wasn't great, but that wasn't the real problem. The issue was the sinking feeling I got in the pit of my stomach about 20 minutes into the film. These characters were hollow. They had almost no depth, and what little they did have was devoted to the cruelty they displayed to each other in the guise of friendship. Exploring the darker sides of a set of characters can be fascinating, but you have to give those characters actual personalities or they are just cardboard cutouts. These characters were cardboard and the picture they gave was just ugly.
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What was THAT?!?
blakes-313 September 2000
This movie lacked... everything: story, acting, surprise, ingenuity and a soul. Fifteen minutes in, I was staring at the screen saying, "How could all of these guys get together and consider themselves friends (even without the girl)?" Another fifteen minutes in, I was praying for as much Amanda Peet as possible. When a bad movie quietly rears it's ugly head, eye candy is a nice consolation. But there wasn't much of that! Cheated on all fronts!
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When the Teenagers of `American Pie' Grow up
claudio_carvalho14 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Brad (Brian Van Holt), Zeke (Zorie Barber) and Jonathan (Jonathan Abrahams) are best friends. They use to meet each other once a week together with their married friend Eric (Judah Domke) to tell theirs dates, affairs and sex experiences along the week. Brad and Zeke are greater lovers and Jonathan loves to self-masturbate. One day, each one of them tells the others that have met the perfect girl. Indeed, they come to realize that the girl is the same, Mia (Amanda Peet). A great dispute among them will shake their friendship. A funny surprising end will conclude the plot. This is a film that looks like that is based on the teenagers of `American Pie', when they have grown up. The `low level' and scatological jokes, the concept of relationship with a woman, the focus on sex, the entire screenplay seems to be `inspired' in `American Pie'. However, it has many funny moments and will certainly entertain the fans of movies like…'American Pie'. My vote is six.
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Juvenile Junk
pinkeys14 September 2000
This film is not funny. It is not entertaining. It does not contain one single second of originality or intelligence, nor does it lead you to take the slightest interest in the characters or situation. Added to that it's about as juvenile a movie as anything in recent memory. It's as if a group of 14 or 15 year old high school kids who had never actually met or had any type of relationship with a real girl had sat down and wrote a movie based on their incorrect fantasies about what being an adult man would be like. This movie is boring, obnoxiously mind-numbing, and at times offensive and disgusting. At most, it contains one or two moments that make you laugh. Also, it seems twice as long as its 85 minute running time.
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Great Film
kyldesty8 November 2014
This movie is great. I have no idea why this has only been rated 4.4. I always recommend this film. It isn't a masterpiece but it is definitely entertaining all the way through and made me laugh out loud more than once. Don't let the low rating fool you, it is absolutely worth the watch. It is reminiscent of a Kevin Smith film. The stories the guys tell are actually quite hilarious. There is a perspective of both men and women. Bravo I say, Bravo. Don't be shy watch the thing! Baby baby baby, what's it gonna be. Oh baby baby baby, is it him or is it me. Don't make me waste my time, Don't make me lose my mind baby. If i told you baby that i was in love with you. oh baby baby baby if we got married, would that be cool.
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Don't understand why people seem to dislike this movie
sethbarnhill1 March 2001
Whipped is a funny look at three guys who always scam women and end up getting scammed by the same woman. The movie has some great, funny dialogue and some outrageous scenes and I thought that it was a very good rental. Looking at the voting on this movie, however, and I'm baffled to see so many people disliked it. Maybe, this movie isn't for some people who have easily offended sensibilities. For my money, it was an entertaining hour and a half. Not great, but good.
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Want to see this film? In a word - don't.
NFN8Dreams-14 March 2001
I just watched this movie last night, and I HAD to put a warning out for anybody else considering to see this film. In a word - don't. I seriously feel like this is something that a screenwriting student would have written in a Quentin Tarantino/Eddie Murphy phase, i.e. every other word was a curse word. I don't have a problem with profuse cursing, as in "Good Will Hunting", provided it helps to delve more into the characters. In this case it was just hollow banter with the attempt to draw an occassional *gasp* or laughter from the audience. The three lead characters are all their own unique stereotype, the wall street jerk, the coffee house jerk, and the "I'm-Not-Gay-Just-In-Touch-With-My-Feminine-Side" slightly-less-of-a-jerk. You just don't give a damn about any of them! They are all shallow, unredemable losers who you WANT to see lose. For those who dare, this film does have a couple funny moments, the very beginning, and the very end. The toilet/vibrator scene is funny in a sick kinda "Uh, yeah" way. Really though, I would only recommend this film to my worst of enemies.
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