Friends & Lovers (1999) Poster

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OK for what it is.
wayne-29 February 2001
I didn't think this was such a bad movie. I've certainly seen worse. As for Robert Downey Jr.'s accent, it was supposed to be bad (his character was from New Jersey!). I like Danny Nucci, and I wish I could see him get better roles. All in all, I think this is a fair movie. 5/10
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what a waste!
Clever Jones3 January 2000
So much talent, and such a letdown. Robert Downey jr., who is usually in fine form delivers a less than stellar performance as a would-be German skiing instructor.

The only plus is George Newbern who has made career out of playing lovable morons.

By the way, if Claudia Schiffer was given the right script, she could really shine.

What a waste!
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smatysia16 June 2019
There are some good things and bad things in this movie. The worst is probably Stephen Baldwin, the least talented of the Baldwin brothers, and that's a low bar indeed. Robert Downey Jr. was also insufferable, and I'm not even criticizing the accent. George Newbern was decent, as was Claudia Schiffer, a non-actress. Impressive were the performances of Alison Eastwood and Suzanne Cryer. There are worse ways to spend 1 3/4 hours.
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Not my "Friends"....
EdRooney11 May 1999
Warning: Spoilers
"Friends And Lovers" Trashed by every critic, and deservedly so. This comedy features the oddest tone of a feature film in some time. It's silly, it's deeply dramatic, it's sexually explicit, it's shockingly amateurish... It's everything!

Stephen Baldwin, Allison Eastwood, Danny Nucci, George Newbern, David Rasche, and Claudia Schiffer head the cast of friends who gather at a ski chalet during the holidays. The share life lessons, deep secrets, and raging hormones over the course of two days. It's real easy to see why actors would want to be in this. "Friends" is the type of film that's very actor friendly. Director George Haas lets his cast have free reign over their performances, often resulting in self-conscious acting. I was drawn to this for two reasons, Schiffer being the first. I was curious about her acting (this being her second starring role, the first in a Able Ferrara film that has yet to find American distribution - actual proof that there is a God). Needless to say, she stinks. She just doesn't have the chops for the big screen. The other reason I attended this was for Robert Downey Jr's hilarious performance as a German ski instructor named Hans. He's the lone bright spot in this bizarre film. Some dramatics between Newbern and Rasche work well too, they just seem from a different movie. The locations are nice, and the technical credits are appropriate. Plus when isn't it a good thing to see a schlocky old fashion 1987 ski montage complete with squealing guitars? Anyone? This wasn't terrible to sit through, but it is a bad film. Just one of those movies that come around that makes you think just how much blow was passed around to get it made.------ 3
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Wow. That was bad.
FiveSecondStare22 April 1999
What can I say but that I agree with J.C., this one was bad. Generally, Robert Downey, Jr. is a good actor. He was very good in "Restoration" and was funny in "Two Girls and A Guy." But in this movie he was terrible, he didn't even fake the German accent well. Stephan Bladwin was also in this film. I enjoyed his performance in "The Usual Suspects" and liked him in "Fled". But in this movie, he was just no good. Perhaps if the screenplay was even close to decent this movie could have been o.k., but that's really pushing it. Badly acted, badly written, and badly directed. This movie violated most of the laws of movie making.
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This movie is retarded with a capital "W."
DennisH13 November 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Read that as 'Wee tah did.' Robert Downey Jr. has a disgusting, fake German accent, and the rest of the movie is worse. I did manage to finish the movie, but I didn't see every scene because I was rolling my eyes continuously.

Every line in the movie was superficially 'acted,' if you can call people facing the camera while engaging in a monotonous, boring dialog acting. Save your money.
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This might have been the worst movie ever made
FiveSecondStare21 April 1999
Warning: Spoilers
There is not much I can say about this movie other than it was bad. It has talent with Robert Downey Jr., and Stephan Baldwin, but the screenplay is so bad that De Niro or Pacino couldn't have made this film work. I know not many people will see this movie, because it's an independent film (and a bad one, none the less) but I feel that as a service to others who might consider it, STAY AWAY!!!!!!! Save a couple hours of your life and rent a good movie.
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Heart-rendingly bad
drodger12 December 1999
This movie was pretty much the worst I've seen in a long, long time. I was actually hoping for something tragic to occur to the characters, I hated them so much. I'm only sorry that I didn't read these reviews before I watched the movie.
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insipid, vacuous and pathetic...Do NOT rent this movie!
Greg-9416 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to believe that actors/actresses of this caliber would lower themselves to be associated with a "film" such as this. It's essentially a flick for 35-year-old "Porky's" fans. Problem is, "Porky's" was funny when you were 16, and when the actors were playing teenagers, too-- It's NOT funny when the actors are playing 30-year-olds. Everyone involved in this movie should be punished and forced to spend a great deal of time hanging out with junior high school kids during an unsupervised weekend...that's what I was forced to do watching this movie.
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Chuckles, Splits, Happy
ramsri0072 September 2015
'Friends & lovers' is not all that bad to deserve this low a rating. It may not be iconic but it manages to make you chuckle throughout. I probably would have given this movie a miss had I not been reading Downey's biography. I just got curious to see the pre-Iron Man movies of Downey & I am not disappointed.

The plot is simple. Friends decide to go skiing when one of their dads invites them over. In this journey they find their partners and mend their bonds. Finally all is well that ends well.

Robert Downey Jr's role, although brief, keeps your eyes glued to him. This is probably one of his most sassiest yet cheesy performance. I guess the role required him to be that. His German accent is quiet funny. The highlight of the movie is when Downey reveals that he is from New Jersey & not Germany. That explains the fake accent I guess. I quiet fell for his funky hairdo.

Worth a watch. You will enjoy it better with like minded friends.
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holy bad man
FiveSecondStare22 April 1999
I have to say that this movie was bad, real bad. I have normally liked most of the movies I see. I even thought that the "Mod Squad" was enjoyable. But this movie is terrible. It gives the independent films bad names. Claudia Schaffer should stick to day job, Robert Downey is just no good and Stephen Baldwin doesn't help the casting at all. Not much to say because lord knows I don't want to repeat the poorly written plot. .5 out of 10.
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What a mess, what a mess, what a mighty big mess...
Trinity83-212 December 2001
Gees, what a film. Basically, a lot of friends (and enemies?) on a skiing holiday togheter. The result of the film is pretty much that all the wrong people end up in bed together. You wouldn't think this would make a good film, but it does! At least I think so. It's a complicated movie, but still it doesn't require much thinking. (hm...) Most of the thinking cosists of trying to keep all the different characters apart.

Personally, I think this is a basic case of "we're-on-holiday-so-we-can-do-what-we-like" and maybe it's not the best plot ever. Still, you can't help but enjoy it when Claudia's character dumps her arrogant, but good-looking, boyf. for Robert DJ's rather silly (but charming) character. Sends out a message that looks don't really matter. Any guy (or girl) who's ever wanted anyone "outta their league" probably feels the same way.

So, in my opinion, a GREAT film... Sorry other people don't feel the same way.
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If you like Robert Downey Jr., Stephen Baldwin, Leon & The Rest of the cast, you'll enjoy this movie.
Big Ed The Assassin8 January 2001
I came to check out a few facts on this movie after watching it. I saw too many negative comments to not make a comment of my own. Critics review this movie very harshly. I thought this movie was awesome. Downey, Dasche, Baldwin, and the rest of the cast will make you laugh for sure. Though Leon wasn't in the flick as much as I would've liked, I still thought it was a great performance. I found myself being drawn in and very interested in this movie. In fact as soon as it was over I immediately rewound it and watched it again. FIND THIS FLICK, AND WATCH IT!
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Slum of a Movie!
tanya197629 May 2008
Terrible! Robert, oh Robert, why did you slum it up by doing this movie? With his acting caliber, I really don't get his need to be in this film? Was it a favor to a friend, or a desperate need for, um, something else? I love you, RDJ, but stay away from crap feasts like this in the future, please!

First of all, who can honestly believe any of these actors to be twenty-somethings? Second, Stephen has proved why he's the least talented of the Baldwins. Finally, well, the previous posters had said all that needed to be said.

It is a stilted, B-movie disguised as an indie film. I was disappointed.
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Just when you thought it was safe to go to the movies!!!
dillon0925 April 2000
With a cast like this, you figure the film shouldn't be that bad, but believe me it is. The cast are fighting a losing battle from the start, Robert Downey Jr, should kick himself for getting wrapped up in this film, and as for his accent, the Bavarians have probably put a Fatwa out on him. Claudia Schiffer, shows some potential, but the gag that she falls for a guy with the line "Have you ever considered being a model?" is so thin, it makes Twiggy look over weight. Alison Eastwood also shows potential, but again drowns in the watery story. If this was a kids report card, the phrase 'Can do much better' would be the the one that stands out
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Not great, but not THAT I just REALLY like Robert Downey Jr.'s tush..
sunnyfox12 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is not supposed to be Citizen Kane. It's a fluff piece. If you're locked up on a rainy day--or better yet, in a cabin during a winter snowstorm--with a couple of friends, some rum & a board game, it doesn't hurt to toss this on in the background, if for no other reason than to watch RDJ's fine derrière, easily the best part of this whole thing.

Having said that, the one thing, if nothing else (and seriously, I'm not doing that much of a review here anyway...), that needs to be pointed out to the several people who have commented on RDJ's "bad" German accent--it's intentional. His accent is supposed to be cheesy like that because he's from New Jersey, not Germany. If that accent was supposed to be spoken by a genuine German character, bet your rear that Downey would have nailed it. It's a silly little bit of comedy that's not intended to be Shakespeare, and if you can just look at it that way, and try to enjoy the scenery, i.e. RDJ's man-tastic buns and the mountains, it's not a bad little flick, and it's mildly entertaining.
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It's simply bad, boring and ridiculous
tigger-2111 August 1999
I can't understand why Robert Downey Jr. wasted his time with such a tasteless sex comedy. I only finished it to prove my theory that the second half was worse than the first one. Guess what? I was right. I can only say BEWARE, BEWARE and BEWARE.
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A lame story but not that bad a movie
bsinc2 July 2003
I have to admit I actually liked this movie. Once I got pass the very pathetic first 10 minutes or so, the sometimes extremely banal dialogues and jokes and the painfully predictable and stereotypical everybody-gets-what-they-wanted ending, "Friends And Lovers" comes out as a fairly decent movie about, well friendship. Plus I enjoyed Robert Downey's character a lot and got to see Suzanne Cryer's right boobie. Besides being very sexy and attractive she also delivered the best performance in the movie(the weeping scene).

It is sort of weird to write yourself a scene to show your penis, but hey, whatever rocks Neill Barry's boat. I wondered how they chose the actor(is there an audition for these things), it turned out he was dying to show his pride. If you watch it on TV you just might get pass the bad points and enjoy the movie for what it has to offer; some funny and touching moments, full frontal male nudity, some female nudity, Claudia Schiffer almost nude(not my type, but still) and a decent list of celebrity names you thought you'd never see in this type of movie. 6/10
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self indulgent, derivative and abjectly awful
jsm-23 June 1999
Friends and Lovers is a meandering and pointless story about a half dozen depthless characters finding love and sex in a luxury ski lodge. The characters don't seem to have any past but thanks to a talented product placement director, they do have very expensive cars and clothes. Tedious themes (son estranged from father, insensitive Lothario who can't find love) aren't helped any by a gay story line that suggests the writer has never met a gay person in his life. In an industry where producers have to struggle to piece together the funding for a film like "The Opposite of Sex", its upsetting to see such a waste of human effort and money as "Friends and Lovers".
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Good romance comedy and character development
TadW26 August 1999
Friends and Lovers is a fun comedy about romantic chemistry. It goes a little to far on the explicit side and takes the next step in putting your average conservative person a little further in the closet; but that comes with the turf when you want to laugh at issues other film makers are afraid to broach. They did a good job of developing a group of characters. I especially enjoyed Cryer's character, a single pregnant woman had fun with the girls, had everyone in awe, and fit in with the group. Cryer made me feel good for her character. If you rent alot of videos, make sure you include this one.
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A Bulemic Companion
glgioia6 April 2003
So cliched stupid, that even the nudity fails. The capping scene when the father and son let it all hang out and bury their emotional hatchets into your poor headached viewer skull, while a string quartet nearly drowns the dialogue, is offensively bad in the offensively bad extreme. This is one of those movies where you can tell everyone onscreen is having the time of their lives, and that fact all the more irritates you because you are being tortured while they are up there making merry millions. Whose son or nephew is George Haas for pete's sake?
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deejay_bill4 September 2000
Okay, this movie isn't necessarily as god-awful as many of these reviews would suggest, but I have to agree it is a waste of time and talent. A group of reasonably engaging performers (Robert Downey, Jr., George Newbern, Stephen Baldwin and the amazingly sexy Leon) are on display here, but the movie suffers from sitcom-like superficiality and terribly amateurish direction (from George Haas, who may never work again after this mess.)

Basically a sexed-up romantic comedy about a groups of friends vacationing at a ski lodge, "Friends and Lovers" has its moments of fun and frivolity. But the film is full of ludicrous "anatomy" jokes and pointless nudity, and the aforementioned direction by Haas is sloppy and laughably inept. The echoing effects in the ski slope scenes are preposterous, and the blocking of the performers is straight out of a high school play, with the actors facing the camera talking sideways to each other.

Perhaps in the hands of a competent director, a good movie might have been made. This isn't it.
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Full Frontal Male nudity has never been so boring.
mcoca30 November 2001
I rented this flick on the strength of Neil Barry's nude scene. I had a silly crush on him from OC & Stiggs, a terrible Altman film from 1985. I ran across a full frontal nude shot of Barry on the Web and it mentioned Friends and Lovers as the source. The image was so odd, Barry brazenly naked, except for a heavy winter coat and surrounded by snow and a Baldwin. This wasn't some sideways dark shot, grainy screen grab. I'm talking 'Blueboy Hits the Slopes - Special Issue' quality shot. What the heck? He's not much to look at now, but I had to know how any American movie worked in such blatant full-frontal male nudity. Dear god, I have paid for my sins. This was one of the worst pieces of thrash I've ever seen. Long story short- There is a juvenile discussion of the characters penis that makes the girls all twitter. Then, continuing in the cheesy-teen flick vein (mind you, all these folks are in their 30's), The Baldwin tries to get the girls to strip for the Jacuzzi which leads to, 'Boys first! No Girls First!' Then the boys concede and Barry drops his towel to show off his healthy endowment. The girls all run away, supposedly never having seen a penis of any size before. When The Baldwin complains, Barry gets to smirk and say, 'It was your idea, dude.' Gee, why did the screenwriter think it was necessary to ask an actor to do a full frontal shot? Did they place an ad in Variety looking for well hung actors? Did Barry have to 'measure up' at the screen-test? And I wonder if Barry was comfortable with such exposure as it was completely irrelevant to his character. Oh, wait! Barry was the co-screenwriter on this crap! So that means the writer/actor actually wrote in a scene where he gets to expose himself and show the world what a big wiener he has. Lord knows that Hollywood is just a big tinkling contest but to actually write a scene for your own exhibitionist tendencies is too weird.
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A stepping stone for how movies should NOT be...
Big D-200110 October 1999
There are three kinds of bad movies: movies that defy reality but still entertain, movies that so bad that they're funny, and unforgivable pieces of cow dung that you watch in disbelief as it approaches badness from all directions. "Friends & Lovers" fits the last category like a wedding dress. It is one of the most jaw-droppingly bad movies I have ever seen. This film has, virtually, no redeeming qualities. The acting is wooden and unrealistic, notably by Claudia Schiffer and, surprisingly, Robert Downey Jr. One person I did like and care for was Danny Nucci's character, but he couldn't have save this film if his life depended on it. The characters carry on, endlessly, in boring, silly and uninvolving conversations. This cast could have had a lot of potential had they had a script that wasn't found in a garbage dump. I was never really fond of Stephen Baldwin, the only role I accepted him in was "The Usual Suspects." There was a moment in the film where is a graphic close-up shot of a man's genitals that is, not only gratuitous, but it ruined what could have been a semi-chuckle on my part. I don't know. All was lost on this film. "Friends & Lovers" ranks in the same field as 1997's worst film, "Gone Fishin'."
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marcbina10 January 2002
Ok, ok, this is not a masterpiece. There are thousands of "good" movies and this one is certainly not one of them. But come on! If you rent a video like this you are NOT expecting any intellectual experience or to see award-winning performances (fine, you don't expect to see pointless frontal nudity, either. I've got to give you that). "Friends and lovers" was perfect to help me spend two hours of my time I had nothing better to do with. If that's your case, then rent the video - it can be funny of you don't expect too much.
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