Renegade Force (1998) Poster

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Delivers the goods.......
merklekranz5 July 2009
"Rogue Force" delivers what it promises, and then some. You would be pressed to find more action per minute in a movie. While character development is minimal, obviously some thought went into the script, and that overcomes somewhat the undeveloped characters. Special mention must be made of the excellent, creative camera work, which greatly enhances the film. Michael Rooker, and Robert Patrick are both believable as the leads, while the supporting cast is merely adequate, and mostly just "cannon fodder". There are a few surprises along the way to the bang-up conclusion. If you enjoy action films, especially those with outrageous body counts, I highly recommend "Rogue Force". - MERK
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Brilliant action flick
bizz-212 August 2003
This film is quite entertaining, lots of action, good cast, naked chicks and even a decent script!

It's not the usual B-action flick,is quite more, for the first time real SWAT tactiques on the screen and lots of realistic shootouts that will put you on the edge of your seat.

What more can you ask for?
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Poor justice system forces police into vigilantism
bonsaisamurai20 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie also, Robert Patrick doesn't do any roll by half, gives it his best. Rooker also was good in it. What still interest s me is the general theme of the movie - I haven't seen it in years but I find it very interesting how "The Law" took the law into there own hands because the "Justice system" wouldn't. Maybe not to the extent and level of organization the SWAT and Police officers went to in this movie but you can see Police officers snapping and taking out drug dealers etc. as they can't stand to see someone they know is guilty get off on technicalities or because of good lawyers etc. They want justice for their hard work and to know that there is a purpose to their work - not to have ivory towered judges and slippery lawyers undoing it.

I know the FBI characters where obviously the good guys... but I was hoping the Vigilante SWAT guys would win out in the end, we could use guys like them really.
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Pleasantly Surprised
wally-7013 May 2004
I watch a LOT of movies and about 1 in 20 has any redeeming qualities. This one is one of those, even though it is flawed. The first half was excellent, scenes loaded with little details that showed a lot of thought went into them, like, the FBI agent is grilling a bad cop in his office, then lifts his coffee cup to drink and it has a big smiley face on it. The smiley face comes back later in the movie as it's tatooed on the battering ram used in a later scene.

I have always considered the running street battle in Heat to be one of the best scenes of all time in movies. This movie has at least 3 scenes done just as well EXCEPT for the sound which is not as realistic as the sound in Heat.

This movie has a lot of firsts also, like, the sniping scene is done at 2000 yards and the bullets take 3 seconds to arrive at the targets. I've never see that little detail accurately portrayed before. I wanted to give those targets advice: Serpentine!!

The attempt to portray ALL the little details involved in sniper activity, and SWAT activity was incredibly enjoyable. I don't know if it was realistic but it sure convinced me. I just love that s***. This movie could have been a contender for top 10 in my book if the story hadn't lost momentum halfway through. It almost seems like someone told the producer to chop the film short because the ending is rushed and repetitious as there is no need to show the same tactical problems and solutions over and over again.

Anyone who likes action films won't be disappointed with this but don't expect Sleepless in Seattle ladies. No, this sure isn't that.
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Noisy, Violent Mess
sassheckscher27 October 2001
Yikes, this was not quite what I expected. Granted it was well depicted, good script. But the two leads were the coldest pair I have ever evinced a disinterest in. You really didn't care what happened to them. That closing line from the dying renegade, the one about himself and the FBI man being alike. Spot on the money. You sort of wished they'd killed each other and then only two people would be dead.

Graphic, but detached. You couldn't involve yourself with the characters they were all so cardboard.
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So Real, So SWAT!
sprivateryan23 June 2000
I never heard about this movie before, but I was traveling through Blockbuster trying to find something I have not seen before when I came across the cover of Rouge Force. I have to admit the cover does make the movie look like one of your average t.v. movies. And the stars Robert Patrick, and Michael Rooker don't help. Besides that I rented it. I loved it! I love all the SWAT action in it, and Michael Rooker and Robert Patrick were great! What a great movie. I highly recommend this movie if you like serious SWAT action. It's got a ton of it!(7 out of 10 stars)
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Ultra-violent,derivative,poorly acted mess.
coop-1619 March 2000
I had the misfortune of watching this film in a hotel room in Texas two nights ago. It began in seemingly promising fashion with a quote from Aristotle" the rule of law is preferable to the rule of any man', then went down from there. I counted about 17 dead in the first five minutes alone. A lot of people get killed and the f-word is used repeatedly. Worse, its used as a substitute for any writing that might be used to convey emotion.The previous reviewer had good things to say about the acting. Sorry, I could not see it. The two male leads , Patrick and Rooker, are nothing more or less than cigar store Indians with automatic weapons. Also, the sheer nihilism and cynicism of the film was profoundly depressing. ALL the (few) sympathetic characters get wasted, in gratuitously bloody fashion. Then the producers have the temerity to dedicate this rip-off to the men and women of Law enforcement! In short, I am deeply puzzled as to why the Mayor of Cleveland allowed this bloody, violent mess to be filmed in his city...the loss of the Browns must have done more harm to the City of Lights morale than I thought.
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"You need to go now. You're scaring the fish"
hwg1957-102-26570413 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A renegade group of policemen are killing various nefarious characters and Matt Cooper of the FBI and Helen Simms of the regular force combine to bring them down. Decent enough movie with Michael Rooker as Cooper and Robert Patrick as the leader of the rogue force Jake McInroy , two fine actors but the scenes between them are not that well written which is a shame. The action is well-staged (the airport shootout particularly) and the mobile camera work is great, giving some excitement and tension. The moral of the film is support due process unless you can shorten it, as the 'hero' does!
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Unpleasant (spoilers)
unlikelyheroine3 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is a deeply unpleasant film, with no redeeming qualities other than the presence of the undoubtedly talented Michael Rooker, an actor who has been unfortunate enough to spend his career languishing in roles, and movies, far beneath his capabilities.

The movie lacks the drama and tension of a thriller and is simply a succession of ultra-violent scenes. By the final reel the violence has become so over-the-top as to be sickening - the final battle is nothing but blood and guts galore. The lead female character is blasted to death, quite unnecessarily, and no other character seems to care. Her body is dragged out of the way and the boys carry on with their shooting of each other.

Quite horrible, and not to be recommended.
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lukem-5276021 March 2021
6 Angry Men aka: Rogue Force or Renegade Force is a tough, gritty & hard 1998 DTV Action Cop Thriller & although a low-budget B-movie its a film of real life relevance & tackles real life tough stuff & the idea of a team of Rogue Vigilante Swat officers becoming a team of Exterminators that's eliminating the Crime of the city is such a Cool idea & something i wish was really happening as too much evil happens in real life & too many evil pieces of shi# get away with it!!!

The opening sequence is excellent & well paced & was copied by Schwarzenegger's Sabotage years later but this is a way better film than that Terrible mess.

The scum that get EXTERMINATED here all deserve it & we know this from the brutal opening scene where our Vigilante Force take out an entire mansion of scum that are making kiddie porn & doing all sorts of vile stuff & so the executions are well & truly justified.

One of my all time favourite actors ever is ROBERT PATRICK (in my top 5) this guy gives one of his best performances ever here as the hard as hell & take no nonsense leader of the Vigilante Team of Executioners & is fantastic, he's smart, cocky & brutal & completely believes in what he & his team are doing is absolutely right & i agree!!! It's a role that's raw & full of rage & Patrick is in full control & comes head to head with another great & underrated actor like himself with Michael Rooker (Cliffhanger, The 6th Day, Guardians of the Galaxy) & he's the FBI agent on the case of these Executions & is on Patrick's trail & both are truly great on screen & both have that tough anti-hero quality & roughness to themselves & to me this is a face-off more exciting than Pacino & Denero's In Heat!!!! Two underrated B-movie stars getting the leads in a quality if low-budget Thriller that's packed with bloody scenes & a dark subject matter that is very relevant even more so in todays tough times.

The Justice System doesn't work & the evil Criminals get looked after more than the victim's & all this is true!!! This Rogue Force are the people's Champs, these Vigilantes are doing what needs to be done & i loved that & it's all portrayed in a dark realism & of Course things get out of hand & more deadly as the film goes on.

I love the idea of the Executioners team taking out the scum & i loved Robert Patrick's performance & Rookers toughness & performance too & i think this is some of their best work & that shows what excellent actors they both are to give it their all in a movie that is low-budget & destined for t.v or DTV but that's a testament to their quality of acting & skills & i love them in this movie.

Its a shame this is almost completely unknown & forgotten but i found it years ago on video when i searched for Robert Patrick films but only just got it on dvd.

Been a Robert Patrick fan since his Iconic turn in T2 & then the Awesome sequel, From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money, CopLand, The Faculty, The X-Files, Zero Tolerance, D-Tox, Double Dragon, Hong Kong '97 & his greatest work ever in The X-Files series as Agent John Doggett. Robert is great in most things that the he has starred in & yes some things aren't good & some are great but Patrick is always a welcomed presence in any movie.

All in all SIX ANGRY MEN is a well made dark & brutal Action Thriller with solid acting throughout, a real GEM.
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Ugh, except for the action
M_Jason15 May 2000
My brother rented, and forced me to watch this movie, "Rogue Force," on video this week. New title for video, I guess, eh?

Anyway, A promising opening, but that was about it. Okay, I lied. A promising opening, midly exciting firefights, and Robert Patrick in a cop suit again (remembering Terminator 2) made it mildly enjoyable.

But the story wasn't there, the scriptwriting far behind the story, and -- okay, when I'm not a film editor and I can tell bad editing, I think that says something for a film.

On a good note, they used true SWAT team tactics and weaponry. And -- if not dramatically exciting (whatever that means) -- the action sequences were quite realistic.
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Pretty good action movie
Ivan Ravenous21 June 2000
Rogue Force was a violent, interesting, and sometimes silly movie. I have to admit though, a big part of the reason I liked it is because it stars my favorite actor, Michael Rooker. Rooker is typically great and entertaining, and Robert Patrick is up there too. The violence is pretty gory, which is a plus, and the plot was interesting enough.

It's a low-budget action film. You could do a LOT worse.
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Dull Force
CHUDtheBUD12 November 2006
Well, this is what you get for fishing movies out of the bin. I didn't pay much for the DVD so I guess no real harm was done. I kind of had (high) hopes when I purchased this disc because the movie had Michael Rooker and Robert Patrick in it. I mean, how bad can it be with those two together in one movie? Sadly neither Michael Rooker or Robert Patrick could save this extremely dull and boring film. Watching this I felt like doing something useful, like, jump out of my bed and do a few sit-ups or something. Yep, that's how boring ROGUE FORCE was. On the plus side, ROGUE FORCE looks decent for a movie of this type and one can see that technically some effort went into it. However, it's lacking heart and soul and that's a serious cinematic crime and a big no-no. Final verdict: not worthy.
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Finally real tactics and not a bunch of fake YAHOOS
amiker29 May 2001
Ok this movie doesn't have a 100 million dollar budget, so what. At least the S.W.A.T teams are finally using REAL S.W.A.T tactics, equipment, weapons, training etc. and are not just a bunch of gung ho yahoos in blue jump suites with baseball caps on pretending to be an elite force like I have seen in most low budget films and even high budget films of the same nature. The Renegade Force looks like the real deal . Patrick and Rooker look like cops and act like... well cops. Yeah, the movie does suffer from a few plot holes but it makes more sense then some of these so call effects driven no story line and don't even ask about good acting multi-jillion dollar Hollywood block busters. If anybody is interested in a good authentic police action flick check this movie out. If you want unrealistic, lots of explosion really bad acting action, then rent Speed or any Dan "The Dragon" Wilson flick.
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"He was Guilty!" Wha...?
briar_A6 August 2006
As the credits rolled I sat, bewildered and a little disappointed. Rooker and Patrick are two actors who are very talented and seem to shine in supporting roles, but, boy, as soon as you make either of them the lead, watch your movie jump the tracks and burst into flames. It seemed the filmmakers took an already tired concept (ie cops who go outside the law to inflict their own brand of justice) and did not really try to go someplace new with it. If not, I ask, then what's the point? This is the worst kind of movie: mediocre. Just dead on the screen. This is one of those movies you see in the rental store, give the cover a quick glance, and keep walking. That's my advice, just keep walking.
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What the heck was this!!!
KevinFr21 December 2000
As soon as I looked at the cover I knew this movie would be a real winner. Not!!! The only reason I rented it was to see some SWAT things and cheesy action. I was disappointed in the SWAT stuff but the cheesy action was hilarious. The end fight was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. The SWAT movement used by the FBI was pretty funny also at the airport. One would think that they would contain the area so no terrorists would escape but i guess not. Also why was a FBI agent investigating bad cops. Doesnt internal affairs do that. This seemed like a big city (they must be if they have a FBI office) but why was there no internal affairs. Doesnt the FBI deal in federal crime not investigating rogue cops. This had to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It reminded me of Search and Destroy which I fell asleep during one of the many action scenes in. Please spare yourself and don't watch this movie unless you want some good laughs.
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Magnum Force with a SWAT Team
Joxerlives21 December 2010
Very interesting film and showing how much you can accomplish on a limited budget. Best points? The vigilante sniper shooting the FBI sniper through his telescopic sight, as later featured on Mythbusters. The smooth-as-silk raids carried out by the vigilantes and of course the final shootout between the two police firearms teams (interesting to compare this to Deadliest Warrior's GSG9 vs LAPD SWAT). As has been commented on by others the plot never plays out as you might expect it to. You think that Cooper and Simms will end up together but instead she's killed in the City Hall shootout and he's forced to unceremoniously abandon her body on the floor and flee. After Cooper and Roth talk in front of the civil war memorial ("Brother against brother, it's no good that way") you expect Roth to come good and betray Jake to Cooper but instead his loyalties remain with the vigilantes. I would like Roth to have asked Cooper in return what the civil war veterans would have made of the modern justice system, was this the country they fought for? One of the best scenes is where there's just Jake and Roth left and Roth considers surrendering. "You made your choice" Jake tells him and Roth realises he's right and goes out in a blaze of glory. The sniper scene at the golf course is a brilliant and the extreme range aside highly realistic. Bad points. The vigilantes seem to have found a way to silence a shotgun which is technically impossible. The surveillance photos show that the FBI have been watching Jake for a long time, how did they get onto him and how did they miss him carrying out the mansion raid? Although you can't really feel sorry for the gangsters, arms dealers and child pornographers the vigilantes kill you have to wonder exactly why the adult porn actors at the mansion deserved to die? The film also blatantly teases us with loads of gratuitous female nudity both during the porn shoot and the strip club shootout (amazing how many cop films/TV series eventually end up there?). It's impossible to blow up a car by shooting it in the fuel tank as Mythbusters proved. The effective range of of an M14 is officially 875 yards so the idea that it could hit three man sized targets at 2000 yards takes some swallowing. Even if you're the best shots in the world you couldn't fire over 400 rounds during the mansion raid and not miss once.

One important scene that's in the DVD but not the TV version is where Jake during his patrol duties arrests a man for beating a woman with baseball bat. Yet the rules say he's not allowed to give her first aid in case the Police Department get sued, enraging him. It's a key scene, portraying Jake as a guy who actually does care about people and believes in what he's doing for the greater good rather than just some fascist out to kill those he dislikes. When the vigilantes make their final Butch and Sundance style charge into the waiting guns of the regular police/FBI you get the impression that this is actually mass suicide.

Another good factor is that you're never quite sure whose right and whose wrong. Jake genuinely tries to make Cooper understand why he's doing what he's doing and how it's justified "It's what the people want". In the end Cooper and his FBI team break the rules themselves to bring the vigilantes down. A dying Jake tells Cooper that he'll become just like him and Cooper replies he's right and executes him in cold blood. Do we want a police force that is lethally effective as Jake and his gang or one that let's the criminals go free in order to preserve the greater freedom of the individual? As the quote from Plato states at the beginning 'The rule of law is preferable to that of any one man'. Much as the woeful LA Takedown was transformed into the superlative Heat, you really get the idea that a big budget Hollywood remake of this film would be terrific! 8/10
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Great hard as nails movie
Drugstore-Cowboy23 May 2003
I really enjoyed this film having caught it on Channel 5. Both times it was on I missed the start.

Please note this film was also known as "Six Angry Men" over here in the UK.

Michael Rooker is a really underrated actor and this is another underrated film. It's as hard as nails. SWAT Cops kill bad guys, FBI HRT Kill SWAT Cops not before lots of SWAT Cops kill cops and FBI Guys.

You have to see this movie its as Rooker is as hard as nails and Patrick is the perfect choice for the leader of bad guys. This film will have you on the edge of your seat all the way through.

"Your Honour, I rest my case." Drugstore-Cowboy 02
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Vigilante force from the inside.
searchanddestroy-122 December 2019
That TV movie belongs to my all time favourite concerning the vigilante cops schèmes. I nearly prefer this one before MAGNUM FORCE, and NE REVEILLEZ PAS UN FLIC QUI DORT, starring Alain Delon. What I crave for in this feature is that you can hardly say where the actual bad guys are. Not so many clichés, and many surprises in this movie where everything is pretext to testosterone sequences, and not always useful. I liked at the beginning of the movie, the scene where Bob Patrick's character does his best to save a lying on the ground woman who is bleeding. This creates some ambivalence in his role.
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My favorite movie ever! SPOILER ALERT
pureanalog4 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Let me begin by saying that I'm not one of those that goes around commenting on every movie I've ever seen. I hardly watch movies, mainly due to the fact that so many times they are so predictable. This is why I love Rogue Force.

Simply put, this movie will turn out quite differently than you expect. The director builds up each character as if they are going to play a large part in the movie and then terminates all of them except one in the last few minutes of the movie. When one of the main characters die, there's no sad music played or anything, the movie just moves on to show the next character getting killed. You've gotta love that.

I really developed a hatred for Diane DiLascio, who is just an ordinary street cop that saves Michael Rooker, the elite FBI agent, repeatedly. The first time I watched it, I knew that she and Michael Rooker were going to fall in love. Typical Hollywood. However, I was pleasantly surprised when she is killed violently and Michael Rooker doesn't even seem to care. He just says "She's dead! Leave her!" and thats it. Wow!!

The SWAT team tactics appear to be very authentic, and always leave me wanting to play Rainbow Six or SWAT 3 on the computer. The sniper scene is the best, where the sniper and his spotter make bets about whether he can hit his targets or not. This is undoubtedly my favorite movie ever, although it doesn't really appeal to a large number of people because the love story never develops and the ending leaves you hanging. However, if you like random violence and a plot that is atypical of the Hollywood cheese factory then you'll like it.
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Go Rogue!
tarbosh2200012 May 2010
"Rogue Force" is brainless action at it's best. The plot: FBI Agent Matt Cooper (Rooker) has to stop renegade cops who are killing mafia members and other assorted bad guys. It doesn't seem like a problem, but they have gone too far, because innocents are also being targeted. He is saddled with a partner: Helen Simms (Diane Di Lascio) to bring down the ringleader Jake (Patrick).

What "Rogue Force" excels at are the action scenes. All the action is brisk and exciting. The climax in particular is the best. It's just non-stop bullets and mayhem. Rooker, Di Lascio, and Patrick put in good performances too.

In the end: "Rogue Force" is 90 minutes of cool FBI\SWAT action. The plot is routine but who cares when you're having a good time.

For more insanity, please visit:
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Writers and Directors need to consult REAL weapons and tactical experts
mocopperhead-112 May 2004
I saw this movie for the first time two evenings ago on HBO. I guess my critcism of this movie is a culmination of seeing so many of the same mistakes in almost all movies. Even on a movie set some of these safety mistakes can be very dangerous. You'll never see a tactical team "SWEEP" their weapon across another officer. Even blanks can kill or seriously injure if discharged close to an individual. Entry teams will never walk in front of a window while approaching a building either.

I also couldn't believe the bad choice of camoflage they use when filming the sniper scene. Not to mention that they show a gross knowledge of the capability of their rifle when they over estimate it's effective range not by just a little bit. In this movie they "overshot" it's effective range by 1000 yards, which is double it's capability. An expert marksman couldn't have made two of the three shots with a .50 Caliber BMG, much less a .308 Winchester (7.62 X 51mm NATO). One thing that particularly sticks in my craw is that the gas tank on a car WILL NOT explode by simply putting a standard bullet through it. The mistakes and misconceptions in this movie go on and on and I can't go through every one of them with the room I have here. I think Michael Rooker and Robert Patrick were victimized in this film by shabby writing and directing. Both of their acting skills are far above what their parts in this movie offered them.
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jimmyzhengwang28 July 2001
Very realisticly depicting real life Terrorists & Counter-Terrorists Forces. The good aspects of this movie is that it focuses on a semi-realistic situation in the world of Counter-terrorism. It shows a lot of moments in which the protagonist and antagonist come into conflict with each other, each presenting their own ideology of how the system is supposed to work.

Recommended age group (13-25) or if your a die hard fan of Half-Life's Counter-Strike.
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Reasonable in action terms but really badly written and never more than passable (MAJOR SPOILERS)
bob the moo2 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
FBI agent Matt Cooper joins police officer Helen Simms in her investigation into a series of hits on criminal types including drug lords and the producers of child pornography. Each hit is timed with clinical precision and carried off with ruthless efficiency. Cooper believes it to be the work of cops, frustrated with the apparent lack of justice in the legal system.

The idea here is one that will be familiar to anyone who watches action movies that go straight to video - the idea of cops taking direct action in `unofficial' units. The idea was also used in Scarred City, Most Wanted and many others come to mind. So it is here and this is acceptable to me as a basic plot. What lets the film down is the delivery and the writing of the film. If all you want is men with guns running around and shouting `go' or making tactical signals with their hands then you will find that this pretty much gives you what you need. However if you are looking for tension, excitement, characters or a script then I'm afraid that this will pretty much leave you annoyed and frustrated for in the midst of all the noise they forgot to include any of these things. The action is noisy but is never really exciting or tense, things go bang, people fall down and that's it - the finale is a fine example, it is just overblown and silly.

The characters lack any meat whatsoever and the film never makes any effort to get the audience to care about any of them - again hurting the chances of creating tension. The worst example is when Helen is killed - there is no feeling in the film and no dignity in her passing. I wanted to care but I found it impossible to give a toss. The film tries to create a John Woo style relationship between Cooper and McInroy but it fails spectacularly - their main meeting is spoilt because we have no idea (and never do) how Cooper has come to assume that it is McInroy doing it. This is also a problem of the script - it makes huge jumps in logic and it just seems to be unconcerned with the many, many holes that are dominant in the film.

The cast is average but the traditional `video action movie' stars are here and they attracted me as all I wanted is noisy action. Rooker is ok, he has a good screen presence and he does better than the material deserves - however you can often see it in his face that he knows he is better than this. Patrick is pretty poor, although you never feel that he is better than this stuff. DiLascio is ok and it was quite bad just how carelessly the film treats her. The rest of the cast are not very good and just sort of try not to be bad, however Kisicki is awful and his wooden delivery of even simple lines would have been funny were it just not plain sad.

The film manages to completely miss any clever writing that would challenge the viewers to support the actions of McInroy - a feat that even other genre films of similar values can achieve even a little bit. However, when the film opens with the slaughter of men with their arms up and women making adult porn (who are shot for making porn with animals - surely they are as much victims as anyone, albeit paid victims?) then it immediately puts the audience on the side of Cooper and never allows for the interesting blurring of morals in the same way that the TV show `The Shield' did. Yet again this is evidence of a script that is lazy and lacks ambition - all it wants to do is make noise, nothing more.

Overall this is a bad film but I'm sure that it will be passable for people who come to it just looking for men running with guns and nothing more. Although, having said that, I came to it just wanting some good action and I went away annoyed with it for failing to deliver any actual excitement, tension or involvement. This is enough but add to that a lazy script, illogical plot, average acting at best and zero characters. A really unengaging and uninspiring film - how low do your expectations need to be in order for this to be enjoyable to you?
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what a fiasco!
bpress5421 April 2004
why do film directors always insist that actors portray fbi agents as dickheads? also, with the research facilities available to film makers, why do they make idiotic mistakes that mar their professionalism? case in point: in the court room scene where louis mandylor's trial is being held, his character is in full police uniform, including radio and sidearm. why? when the fbi guy walks out of the courtroom, he goes to a lockup to retrieve his sidearm. why was the person on trial allowed to have a gun in the courtroom but the fbi guy had to lock his up? at the scene where the fbi is preparing to storm the building where the baddies are hiding, one scene shows a cop loading the clip for his automatic weapon. that's utterly ridiculous! a cop would have his mags fully loaded before he showed up at an operation. it would be like a soldier loading his weapon at a battle.
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