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You look like you robbed a dead clown.....
FlashCallahan5 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have a particularly strange penchant for American comedies that were released between 1991 and 1998. These comedies had a few things in common. They starred someone who was quite big on TV at the time, and a movie studio decided to give them a contract to star in some low budget movies to see how they'd do.

The first one did OK business, then the other sank without a trace.

Damon Wayans, Pauly Shore, Phil Hartman, Sinbad, and a few other actors were in these, and although they never really gained an audience here in the UK, I have to see every one of them, because they all have the same narrative structure to them.

And here's the method of that narrative.

We have our star, who has some sort of wacky trait. They are in close proximity to someone who doesn't like them very much. That attitude eventually changes. They bond and become friends. Something happens that cause this friendship to finish abruptly, either someone loses their job, or our hero has been double crossed.

But rest assured, all will be good come the end, the hero will get the love interest, the the hero and main plot character will bond, and every one will laugh come the end.

There is always an Obi Wan type character in the film, here it's Robert Guillame, and there is always someone who wants them to fail, here it's Art La Fleur, but guess what, he warms to him come the end.

Sinbad is watchable enough he's likable, and the concept here is that he's assigned to look after the Presidents son, who's a little bit of a cheeky chappie, why, in the first scene, he gets a member of the Secret Service fired, I wonder where that plot goes too?

So Sinbad teaches him how to box, how to talk to girls, and things are going smoothly, until the bond ends abruptly. Even though you know what's going to happen the minute the film starts, these are my kryptonite, I'll always go back to them, because they are so easy going.

They are not brilliant by any means, m sometimes embarrassed to watch them with other people, but they are comfort movies, and so entires that's what you want a film to give you.
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The plot is what lets this down
r96sk6 October 2020
My expectations for 'First Kid' were very low, in that regard it's actually marginally better than I thought it would be. Still, it's a film I most certainly wouldn't recommend.

Sinbad gives the most noteworthy performance of the cast, in his role as Simms. Even so, it isn't anything great or memorable from him. All of the others aren't worth mentioning, though it is cool to see Rafiki himself, Robert Guillaume, make an appearance - I didn't actually know what he looked like before watching, but in one of his early scenes he laughs and I knew instantly it was that man.

The plot is what lets this down. Just a quick glance at the cover gives off negative vibes, while the opening few scenes don't give you any more confidence either. It's extremely predictable, as well as being rather messy - you don't see the villain until the final 20-25 minutes, so are waiting for around 70mins for the obvious to come to fruition.

I've seen worse from live-action Disney, but it's still a poor attempt from the studio.
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A Family-Friendly, albeit forgettable, 90s Comedy
MinistryofDoom27 June 2020
In the 90s, Sinbad was doing pretty well for himself in the family comedy genre. First Kid falls into that genre. It's a safe harmless comedy for all ages. Though it has, unfortunately, aged like milk. Watching it in 2020 is a challenge. Although it still has it's funny moments, it's just can't compare to other films in the same genre that have come out since. Where as films like Home Alone, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, or The Sandlot are timeless classics, First Kid definitely had it's expiration date. Brock Pierce was an OK child actor but he definitely needed Sinbad to prop him up. He hasn't done any films since 1997, so perhaps Hollywood was well aware of his limited acting chops. It's OK, child actors in the 90s were a dime a dozen and most of them have since moved on in their lives, Pierce among them.

If you want a safe child-friendly family comedy to kill an hour and a half, there are much better films to choose from, but if you've seen them all, give this one a chance. It is indeed entertaining.
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Good rental
neoprene12 December 2001
I thought I'd stumbled upon another cheesy movie. But no, this is one of the good ones. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised why it's getting such a low rating.

Sam Simms (Sinbad) is hired to be the personal Secret Service agent of the President's son Luke Davenport (Brock Pierce), after the current agent got fired. No wonder, too, because Luke is a pain in the neck who pulls all kinds of stunts and practical jokes - for fun or for attention? You'll find out.

Sinbad and Brock Pierce work wonderfully together, and the scenes with the two of them are good. The scenes with them and Dash (Blake Boyd) are even better. I must say that I particularly liked Dash's (however brief) dancing outside the school hall - seem familiar? Oh, yes.

They could have left out the kidnapping plot, but it does make for an interesting addition.

A great movie. Worth the rental.
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First Kid Out of the Theatre is Hopefully the Most Ticked Off.
anaconda-4065811 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First Kid (1996): Dir: David Mickey Evans / Cast: Sinbad, Brock Pierce, Timothy Busfield, Blake Boyd, James Naughton: Part family film and part really bad skit. Sinbad plays secret agent Sam Simms assigned to protect the President's son. With his wild ties and sense of humour he attempts to win the boy over. After failing attempts he decides to teach the kid how to box, dance and ask out girls. The only thing he left out is teaching the screenwriter how to write a decent story. Simple plot travels formula with little or nothing original to be found. It is disturbing how the villain got to his current state. Director David Mickey Evans does what he can with the cardboard material but he is dealing with recycled nonsense. Sinbad is basically reduced to formula doing everything expected. Brock Pierce is hardly likable as the kid. In fact had he not been such a snot nose brat then none of this would have happened. Timothy Busfield plays a former bodyguard who is mistreated by this miserable brat. Blake Boyd provides no personality as the President. He is played by James Naughton and is the basic father who is absent but learns lessons of fatherhood by the conclusion. What a total crock. Film supposedly stresses the importance of good adult role models but comes off as a juvenile James Bond that should be locked away and never heard from again. Score: 1 / 10
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You are not guarding the President...but his kid!
michaelRokeefe28 June 2003
Comedian Sinbad plays a Secret Service agent that is assigned to protect and entertain the President's obnoxious, pain-in-the-butt 13-year-old son(Brock Pierce). Breaking rules and having fun seems to be priority with the affable agent and his charge. Timothy Busfield actually does the best acting in his small, but pivotal role. Also in the cast are: Robert Guillaume, Lisa Eichhorn and Blake Boyd. It was not my choice or intention to watch; but found it humorous, childish and an escape. It helps to be a Sinbad fan to get maximum enjoyment.
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studioAT4 April 2017
'First Kid' is one of the many kid friendly live action films that Disney churn out featuring a popular personality of the time. In this case it's Sinbad. If it were made today it would probably be The Rock.

It's not a good film, I'm sorry to say, with a weak plot and weaker performances.

The only funny thing I found was the sight of Timothy Busfield of 'West Wing' fame walking around a White House not governed by Martin Sheen's Jed Bartlett.

Apart from that this is an unfunny mess of a film.
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Give it a try!
Andreas_N9 November 2005
Okay, okay. The movie doesn't aim at high quality. It's not meant to be. It is meant to be funny and entertaining. It is shallow and sometimes oversubscribed. However, I thought that a) Brock Pierce did a wonderful job, b) I could deduce some messages of life, c) the plot was nice and d) the interaction between Sinbad and Brock was rather substantial and well staged. Brock Pierce showed how lonesome and frustrating the life as the "First Kid" can be, how isolated he is and how much he suffers from this isolation. Sinbad - I mean, he is a clumsy guy, but he did fine in here. I never thought that he was constrained or fake. The movie as a whole lacks a realistic storyline, but that didn't matter to me. I was rather attracted by the scene in which Brock told him amid tears how outcast he felt, and I thought it was witty how Sinbad showed him what to do about it. Definitely not a masterpiece but surely above the average.
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A mash-up of Guarding Tess by way of the conventions popularized by Home Alone that has its moments but is ultimately forgettable
IonicBreezeMachine26 December 2022
Secret Service Agent Sam "Sammy" Simms (Sinbad) is a lighthearted field agent who wants to work protection detail. Simms is given an opportunity to move up to protection when he is assigned to Luke Davenport (Brock Pierce) the 13-year-old mischievous son of President Paul Davenport (James Naughton) who has made a habit of irritating whatever agent is assigned to protect him. As Sinbad accompanies Luke through the course of his very rigidly structured life and school schedule enduring Luke's various pranks and insults Simms eventually learns that Luke is lonely as his position in the White House often leaves him by himself with his parents always busy and no real friends to speak of which Simms tries to help with.

First Kid is a 1996 Disney comedy created as a vehicle for comedian Sinbad who began working with the company in the early 90s on projects such as The Sinbad Show and 1995's Houseguest. Purchased for around $500,000 by the Walt Disney Company the movie falls well into the mold of established family comedies of the time with the kid centric premise inspired by the likes of Home Alone and its various imitators as well as Disney attempting to cater material with seemingly more "edge" to appeal to the 90s youth culture that favored independence and rebellion as cultural foundations. Made for a modest $15 million, the film was a modest success at the box office taking in $26 million during its late august release and proving successful enough that Disney briefly considered turning the concept of the film into a TV series (that ultimately never came to be). Critical reception was pretty much what you'd expect with many pointing out the similarities to the glut of family comedies that had tried to recapture the success of Home Alone to diminishing returns but there were some who praised the chemistry between Sinbad and Pierce. First Kid is certainly a better vehicle for Sinbad than his outing in Houseguest, but it's very safe material that feels like it would've been at home in that sitcom that never happened.

I actually rather liked Sinbad as Simms as despite being slightly unorthodox with his running gag of garishly colored ties (both neck and bow varieties) or his introduction of using his position to get free coffee and donuts by pretending the pastries and beverages are somehow a threat he is rather likable as an eccentric Secret Service agent whose energetic personality clash with the rigidity of his colleagues. Brock Pierce is also good as Luke as he does have charm during the comic scenes and is sympathetic during the dramatic scenes, but the character is written pretty inconsistently as we do sympathize with him in some circumstances, but then there's others instances where he'll do things like blackmail Simms to get his way using something Simms did to be nice as Leverage that really isn't addressed in a way where we can overlook it. Outside of the dynamic between Simms and Luke we get pretty standard stuff for this kind of movie including 90s bully archetypes, not one but two blandly written love interests who don't get to do much, and of course animal shenanigans aplenty.

We also get a healthy dosage of product placement with scenes of the characters eating with prominently displayed McDonald's bags or a lengthy slapstick sequence where Simms has to dress up in a Coca-Cola can costume on roller skates (don't ask). We also have prominent displays of an attraction Virtuality's VR game Dactyl Nightmare in a relic of the 90s brief fascination with the very young VR technology. The movie also has a surprisingly dark climax that's framed almost the same way you'd film something like In the Line of Fire and while part of me wants to applaud the movie for the sheer audacity in having something this dark in a what's advertised as light family fare, the other part of me thinks that maybe there should've been some massive re-writes put to work in refining the third act to something more tonally appropriate.

First Kid is a very middle of the road film from the 90s that features decent chemistry between Sinbad and Pierce, but also isn't funny, charming, or clever enough to make up for its indulgence of 90s formula and gush of product placement. The best way to view First Kid is as more of a time capsule than a movie and I suppose if you want to see pure undiluted peak 90s you'll get all you can handle and then some.
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Good movie!
Miss_X19 August 2002
The movie is about Luke a 13 years old boy but he´s not a normal kid, he´s the first kid! Luke is very difficult kid because he has no friends and not a normal life so he annoys his bodyguard. When he gets a new bodyguard they are getting friends soon and Luke learns some things like normal kids like dance, boxing and about girls.

OK the story from the rich misunderstood kid isn´t really new but I liked this movie. It´s simple a fell good and have fun movie. Brock Pierce and Sindbad did a really good job, I liked the dialogues between them. I worth to see it!
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An OK movie I suppose..
RightonNicole1 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I first came across this movie when I was ill and had to stay in bed. I happened to be on the Sky Disney Channel and this popped on, I hadn't seen it so I figured I would watch it. As soon as I saw the intro, I knew it was going to involve a kid who was either going to be really likable or really annoying...this kid was really annoying.

In the first half of the film I felt that his old bodyguard was right to lose it at the shopping centre (or as you Americans call it "the mall") since he was misbehaving and seemed to not gain that much punishment apart from a calm "You're grounded" from his parents. I was also on the side of the kid bullies and felt myself nodding when they said "I don't think you're better than anyone" and clapped when "The First Kid" got punched in the face, because all I saw was a bratty spoilt brat that didn't know when to stop and needed to learn a lesson. This was a major problem for me when watching this film and it still bugs me today as I have experienced kids like this before. However, on a more positive note, he was more likable in the second half of the film when he was learning how to be normal and such, though that's not saying much, I still find him one of the most annoying kids in movies.

The best thing about this movie was the performance from Sinbad, as the newly hired bodyguard. His character made me giggle at every joke and none of them fell flat, could be because he's a comedian but still. He saved the movie for me because if he hadn't been a major character then I would have straight away changed the channel.

Storywise, it was OK I suppose I mean the concept of the kid being lonely is believable enough, though I personally don't think acting bad would help him receive positive attention. Also, it would be only natural for him to want to make a friend online and meet up with them. I have to say that I was NOT expecting the old bodyguard to be the online friend at all, I thought it would have been a brand new villain that would have kidnapped him and held him for ransom or some generic thing like that.

Overall, this movie is OK, if you can tolerate an extremely annoying brat for about 85% - 90% of the film then I would recommend giving it a look. If you can't then definitely skip it, it's not a total loss if you don't I'm just saying that you would be missing out on a great performance from Sinbad which is why this movie gets a 5/10 from me.
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Sinbad is HILARIOUS!
yamsrus4 July 2002
I am not a big fan of Sinbad's movies, but he made me laugh more than once in this movie. I recommend it to people of all ages! The other actors are OK, but it has a good plot and strong ending. Don't let the Disney fool you. I think that this is one of the best childrens movies I have seen lately.
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Sinbad brings the laughs as usual
tdavidson-6082221 June 2022
I'm very surprised I didn't see this movie around the time when it came out. I was always a fan of Sinbad's work. He will go down as the funniest clean comedian imo. Definitely an entertaining watch between Simms and the president's son. Being able to see how they couldn't stand each other at first and then see a friendship blossom. I'll def watch it again soon.
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Sponsor ridden
timothyhilditch13 February 2022
Follows the son of the president who can't connect to the real world. He gets a new body guard who likes cutting corners. Chock full of ads for various products. With poor slapstick humour mostly, littering the scenes and a generic plot. Has some charm but doesn't appropriately change the characters from the terrible selves they started as.
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Not a movie for the resume
view_and_review3 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They couldn't have been more predictable if they issued every viewer the script. "First Kid" was a by-the-numbers movie without the least bit of imagination

Luke Davenport (Brock Pierce) was the First Kid aka the POTUS's child. He was everything you wouldn't want in a president's kid: spoiled, petulant, and an embarrassment. In one scene he moons the press and all the onlookers. No, that's not an impeachable offense, but can you say "one term president." That's embarrassing for any parent regardless of his occupation, but infinitely so for the POTUS. If Luke hadn't caused enough shame, he let his pet snake loose in a big party. But we were supposed to feel sorry for poor Luke because he couldn't be a normal kid.

Sam Simms (Sinbad) was the secret service agent assigned to Luke and he was the heel. Think Richard Pryor in the movie "The Toy." It's a common role that spells, "I need a job." Furthermore, it wasn't a good use of Sinbad's talents. This movie was after his heyday, but Sinbad was a funny guy. This movie was a complete disservice to him.

So, what did we expect from the movie? Kid would mistreat his new agent, agent would befriend kid, agent would lose his job, agent would sacrifice himself for kid, agent would get his job back. Every last detail was foreshadowed. In fact, in one scene they told us the climax. Early in the movie Simms was asking Agent Wilkes (Robert Guillaume) about his sacrifice for the president. Wikes said that he didn't think he just acted, but nothing to worry about because no one is going to want to shoot this kid. So obviously, there would come a point in which Simms would have to just act and take a bullet for the First Kid.

There were other foreshadowed parts which were exasperating to watch: Simms giving Luke a tracker so he could track him at a critical time. Simms teaching Luke to box so that Luke can fight his bully. Simms warning Luke about chat rooms which meant that Luke was chatting with someone who wanted to harm him. Simms wanting very badly to protect the president, which meant he'd be offered the job but turn it down because of his affinity for the First Kid. The first agent losing his job for manhandling Luke, which meant that he'd be the one to try to shoot Luke for Simms to then sacrifice himself.
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Not as terrible as I was expecting, but also not that good
cricketbat21 August 2023
I didn't dislike First Kid nearly as much as I thought I was going to, but I also didn't think it was that funny. Most of humor depends on whether you find Sinbad to be entertaining or not. He mostly just seems to riff on the scene and improvise his lines. Sometimes it works. Most of the time it doesn't. I found the titular kid to be highly annoying for the first part of the film, too, but I guess that was kind of the point. The story also takes an oddly dark turn at the end, which I wasn't expecting in such a lighthearted movie. I don't regret watching it, but I probably won't watch it again.
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Enjoyable flick
lisafordeay18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First Kid is a 1996 teen comedy starring Sinbad, Brock Pierce,Blake Llyod,Timothy Busfield,Erin Wiliby and Zachery Ty Bryan.

A 13 year old named Luke Davenport(Pierce), is the son of Paul Davenport(Jakes Naughton), the President of the United States, and first lady Linda Davenport(Lisa Eichhorn).

He is protected by former Agent Woods who later gets fired after mistreating Luke in front of the press. Woods is then replaced by former boxer Sam Simms(Sinbad), who won a boxing title in 1977. Sam is eager to take the job - even though no one else wants it.

Everyone thinks that Luke is just a spoilt brat when the only thing he wants in life is to just fit in and be like every other kid at the Georgetown Academy school. However he gets bullied by Rob MacArthur(Bryan) and Sam decides to help Luke by teaching him how to fight. Luke even asks a girl named Katie Warren(Williby) to go with him to the dance.

Later Luke befriends someone online,but could this person online be someone to seek revenge on Luke ?

Overall it wasn't a bad film. I enjoyed it.

Also stars the late Robert Gullaume(who voiced the bamboo in The Lion King) and Bill Cobbs(Night At The Museum)
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First Kid
IceCream-5716 February 2024
I thought this was a good family movie to watch with the kids. Its silly but not horrible. Sinbad of course steals the show. He is great in this comedy. The story is centered around a spoiled, and somewhat ungrateful young boy that is the president of the United States son. He is wanted more attention. Meanwhile a Rouge officer is now assigned to guard him at the white house and drive him around. They form a very good bound. They become very close as he teaches the young man many life lessons: like how to fight and how to ask a girl out. This film is good family fun. Not much too it just a good clean film.
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Nostalgicly fun!
discofrog5726 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I used to love this movie as a kid, rented it quite often from our local video hut.

Sinbad is always a delight and was such a fun 90s treasure. I do have to say though, watching now as an adult, I can 100% sympathize with the ex_agent who wanted to shoot the kid! Holy man what an obnoxious kid at the start!!!!! I get it, that is how he is supposed to be, and how the character arc goes, but give me some kind-of a weapon and I would gladly whack him myself. And the parents too. They are the ""my child can do no wrong"" type people that drive ypu absolutely nuts! Anyway, give it a watch without expecting too much.
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Very cool and very funny!!!!!
sethn17215 September 2006
Why does this movie get such low reviews; it's terrific!!!!! I love Sinbad and he is very funny in all of his movies such as this, "Jingle All The Way," "Houseguest," etc.; he's DA BOMB!!!!! LOL Anyway, it's about a kid who lived in the White House. No, he can't be qualified to run our country just yet, but still... Anyhow, he likes to get spy gear, talk with his buddy Mongoose_12, and use his pet snake to trick people into thinking he's doing homework and stuff...LOL Some parts range from serious (seeing one of the "Home Improvement" kids as a bully; watching the "baked bean" fly out of that bad guy's gun) to LOL (Laugh Out Loud) fun (the spit ball the size of ice cream!!!!!; the pizza/Coke mascot, etc.)!!!!!

Anyways, I've seen this in the theater in 1996, and have seen this a lot on the old Disney Channel after that. "First Kid" is a cool movie!!!!!

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RosanaBotafogo18 September 2021
Too cliché, for normal times, traditional rich white family, misunderstood spoiled son and a roguish black coast guard who becomes an angel in the life of the playboy, cuddly, cute, however cliché... Always cute movies about friendship relationships and standard affection needy and unwise employee, despite necessarily sounding fake, cute...
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First Kid
dukeakasmudge25 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoilers Ahead, Most Definitely*** I bought this movie because it was only $1 on VHS at the thrift store.I wasn't expecting all that much to be honest with you but I enjoyed First Kid WAY more than I ever expected to.First Kid was a great movie, it was worth the $1 & then some.I can't think of 1 complaint I had with it.They goofed when Luke was on house arrest.Instead of putting the bracelet on his ankle, they put it on his wrist.Not a complaint, just something I noticed & found weird.I wonder if it was done on purpose or what? I wish I knew why they did that.Another thing I found weird/strange is the shooting at the end.This is the 1st Disney movie I've seen where somebody gets shot.Anyways....... I don't have any particular favorite part of the movie that stands out for me because I enjoyed First Kid from start to finish.Sinbad & Brock Pierce worked well together.In fact, the whole movie worked.It's a very heartwarming movie that you can enjoy by yourself or together with the whole family.I'f you ever get a chance to watch it, check it out.I got a copy of First Kid on VHS & now I want it on DVD as well
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Great Family Movie
shenry25526 February 2005
This is a wonderful Family Movie. We ALL loved it and it leaves you with that "feel good" feeling that romantic comedies leave you with. It doesn't have all the violence that you see in today's movies on television but yet it hints at the cautions of the violence that kids need to be wary of so that it makes you think about it in terms of being cautious. It also hints at a little puppy-love with the thirteen year old kids. The phrases that they use are current so it makes the movie believable in today's times. It is just the right length and also ends very nicely. It's a great all-around movie that everyone can enjoy watching over and over again. I'd see it again and again because I liked it so much.
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Fun 90s Flick for the Family
eaglefangs21 November 2021
I was 10 years old when this came out and loved it. Sinbad is a crack up and it's a fun, comfortable movie to watch on "family night" for those of you with kiddos.

I have a hunch the negative reviews are from past millenials that think Amy Schumer is funny. Watch it for yourself to for your own opinion.
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