Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (1989) Poster

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The best thing about this film is it's title.
sNate8715 November 2019
I expected there to be a fair amount of slapstick humor in this given the film's title, but it is actually quite reserved in almost all aspects. It may be a Troma flick, but do not expect Lloyd Kaufman-directed levels of absurdity. The humor is bland. I only managed to laugh at two gags throughout the movie's entirety.

For a zombie flick, it is also very lacking in blood and gore. There is some (barely), but those looking for a gut-ripping gorefest will be very disappointed. Like on a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being Dead Alive, this would maybe be a 2. 2.5 at best.

For a flick with "chicks" in the title, it is also severely lacking in showing any skin! There's some sex scenes but absolutely no nudity. ...actually, I take that back. You do see Don Calfa's butt, but was anyone really hoping for that?

So you have a biker/zombie exploitation film that's not gonna make you laugh, won't please gorehounds, and won't please the pervs hoping for some nude scenes. So what are we left with? Well, not much at all really. The title is cool. You get to see Billy Bob Thornton in one of his first roles, and get to see him take a knee to the groin. Um... There's a midget? (I'm sorry, dwarf). It's watchable, just boring, or at least not nearly exploitative enough to my liking.

This film does seem to have some sort of cult following given a few of the reviews here, but it wasn't my thing. There's way better (but also way worse) Troma movies out there.
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Only about half as fun as it sounds.
Coventry20 December 2009
Not bad, at least for a Troma production, but far from great or even remotely memorable. That's pretty much the consensus on "Chopper Chicks in Zombietown" and I have very little to add to that. I expected something far worse, that's for sure, but I really can't say that I intend to recommend the film to anyone else. A bunch of wannabe rough and tough biker chicks, respectably calling themselves the Cycle Sluts, passes through a secluded little desert called Zariah with a population of 127. They stick around for some reason, presumably just to shock the hillbilly locals with their bad girl attitudes and parade around in leather pants. Five miles further down the desert, however, a wacky mortician is developing a serum to bring the dead back to life. Basically, this nut creates zombies by drilling a hole in the cadavers' heads and filling it up with radioactive goo before lowering some type of antenna in their brains. He doesn't do all this for the sake of glory or money, but just because he's completely crazy and that are his own words. Suddenly, a truckload of zombies break through the door of an old abandoned mine and slowly begin to wander their way to town. From then on, you would expect an exciting zombie showdown horror movie, but no, understandably it takes an enormously long time for the zombies to reach Zariah. Also, whenever they are shown dwelling through the desert, a really absurd little country and western tune plays. Meanwhile, back in the town, the biker chicks are adapting to small town life. As to be expected in an all-girls society, there's rivalry, jealously, arguing and eye-scratching aplenty as well. When the zombies *finally* come marching in, the townsfolk actually hire the biker chicks to exterminate them, because the walking corpses are all deceased family members and/or highly respected former community members and killing them would be just too painful. That's actually one of the few really interesting little twists in the plot. The comical parts in the script are not exactly funny, with the exception of the zombies attacking the bus of an orphanage for blind children, but the zombie action (at least when it finally kicks in) is quite cool. Referring back to the part with the blind orphan kids, I really laughed hard with that. Defending themselves from danger they cannot even identify, one of the kids says: "Great… Blind, no parents and now this happens!". The evil mortician has a creepy dwarf as an apprentice and the isolated desert setting definitely contributes a little something. Unfortunately, however, the film is generally lacking. For example, it takes the chopper chicks ages to establish that it takes destruction of the brain in order to effectively destroy a zombie. I guess they were too busy being tough all those years and never watched a horror movie before. There exist very few good reasons to seek out this obscure 80's film, expect maybe to witness one of the first roles of Billy Bob Thornton as one of the chicks' hard- drinking rednecks. Watch Billy Bob getting beat up by a biker girl!
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Great B-movie title, but a disappointment
Thosle8 July 2003
I was excited to find CCIZT on DVD. Unfortunately, the movie is mediocre B-movie fare. All the elements that make a great B-Movie are here--a soap star(Jamie Rose), a great character actor (Don Calfa), a future star (Billy Bob Thornton), and Lewis Arquette as a cop. Other elements are sadly missing--over the top camp, extraneous gore, even gratuitious nudity. There is a hidden easter egg (Cannibal Lesbian Hoedown) on the disc that contains all of these The casual 80's slasher fan would do better to check out Slumber Party Massacre. For a celebration of zombie B-Movies, check out The Dead Hate the Living. Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town is a great movie title and the disc is a must have for the B-movie collector, but not a great zombie film or a great B-movie.
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I love B-Movies
kittyjeff21316 August 2001
Ok, this is not a movie for everyone. This is a B-Movie, which means low budget. However, I really enjoy movies like this. The actors aren't over paid for bad acting. It is kinda cheesey but that just adds to the flick. It will also give you something to laugh at! The Chopper Chicks are a riot and the doctor that creates the zombies is too funny! Like I said this is a B-Movie, if you don't like these types of movies you won't enjoy this one.
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Best Zombie film ever????.... Not even close!!!!
akp05838 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town (1989)

Starring: Jamie Rose, Catherine Carlen, Lycia Naff and starring Academy Award Winner Billy Bob Thornton

Synopsis: A female biker gang riding around America come across a small town where recently a few accidents have taken place and the residents have killed. The funeral undertaker has been experimenting on the recently deceased and sees an opportunity to kill off the 'Cycle Sluts' gang, use their bodies for experimentation or to feed the zombies. Review: From the title and synopsis, you'd be right in thinking this isn't a high valued film or even a serious one, it is a comedy-horror and it is in fact let down by its own writing. The film opens of the gang making their way down an open highway, just outside a small village a boy breaks into a deserted mine entrance and finds a room of zombies who feed on him and escape to slowly make their way to town, there 'homes'. In the town the biker gang go for some food, a garage to fix one of the bikes, stumbles across an ex-husband (Thornton, who didn't win his Academy Award for this film) and generally looking for a bit of fun and get themselves into a fight all before they leave. Jamie Rose (E.R, Chicago Hope other TV appearances) plays Dede a former resident of the town and once married to Donny (Thornton) who first discovers what is happening in town and to one of the biker's. Lycia Naff (most famously the three-breasted alien in Total Recall (1991)) is a former groupie turned 'cycle slut'. I don't recall any over the top funny moments except there is a particular song playing when the zombies are marching into town, it reminds me of Nightmare before Christmas, when Jack Skeleton is getting ready for Halloween. If you see this on any digital streaming website or horror channels of satellite ever… challenge yourself to sit through it… I dare you!

Verdict As an Zombie movie it's poor, as a spoof it's poor, as a straight to DVD/VHS/TV movie, I've actually seen worse, wouldn't make my top ten worse films of all-time list, although I wouldn't remember it after a couple of days…

See this if you liked: Any B-movie….
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Nice cast
Son_of_Mansfield1 July 2003
The music in this movie is annoying. The plot is not great. The cast is interesting. Ed Gale from Child's Play and Howard the Duck re-unites with his cast mate, Don Calfa(Weekend At Bernie's!), from Return of the Living Dead. Linnea Quigley did not return, but would have been perfect for the biker's leader, Rox. Earl Boen(Dr. Silberman from the Terminator trilogy), Billy Bob Thornton(redneck in many movies), Lewis Arquette(father of Patricia, Rosanna, and David), and Hal Sparks(from Queer As Folk and Dude Where is My Car?) all appear. Earl and Lewis in small roles with Billy and Hal as more important characters. I have never heard of five of the six biker girls with the exception being Lycia Naff(Dixie from Lethal Weapon). All six are memorable, although I enjoyed army/coitus girl the most. This is not a bad movie for lovers of 80's B movies. Do not expect much.
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Fun to Watch, But not for my Date!
minuteman-511 October 2006
I first saw this little gem a couple of years after it was filmed. Many of the Zombies and few of the townspeople were cast in my home community So it was a real kick to see such a zaney plot scurrying the "lifeless" all over the hills and what not. To bad the plot wasn't a little more developed, I just didn't find myself rooting for anyone in this flic and it was a bit predictable. I do like the use of effects being kept to a minimum; computer generated effects have never impressed me much. Had the profanities been kept at bay then this could have been OK for TV around Halloween maybe. The make-up and wardrobe are what really made the illusion of realism work here. The odd mix of characters and a sort-of "way backwoods" aura make me think twice before traveling the unmarked fork in the road when I'm far from home! Will probably have to see this one again. Michael
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One Word Sums This Up...
The Terminator26 February 2001
Bad. No, two words actually - bad and diabolical. In fact, every negative word in the dictionary could be used to describe this movie. This has now overtaken Motorcycle Gang (1994 TVM) as my all time most hated film. Anyway, lets at least start with the positives - it has a relatively low run time, meaning the torture is somewhat quicker, and that's about it actually. Regarding negatives, well.... The beginning of Chopper Chicks seems pretty cool - a half decent song playing to bikers, until we get a closer shot and see that these are women who have never ridden a bike in their lives. The acting from the entire cast is dull, the plot is the most vague and dismal I have yet to see and the zombies talk! It amazes me how people can make films as bad as this, my fifteen minute college zombie flick creams this, and that was on a budget of £2. It is a typical late night movie, I suppose those who bother to stay up to watch it are half asleep anyway, which numbs the pain a bit I guess. To conclude - watch this film only if you know for CERTAIN that you will die within the next few hours, otherwise, avoid it at all costs. I have never wasted so much time, it's only when you watch garbage like this that you realise how precious time is. Even those Fulci and Romero fans out there (me being one) will hate this, even Zombie 4 beats it. If one film were to be deleted from our shelves for the rest of time, may this be it. PURE HELL.
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the worst of the worst!!
krnrocks16 September 1999
The people behind this movie should be butchered like the zombies in the film. What a waste of time. I cant believe Troma disgraced its name with this god aweful movie. Just when i thought id seen the worst of the worst someone gives me a copy of Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town. Five minutes into the movie i knew it was going to be one of the worst horror films id ever see. NOTE TO FILMMAKERS: A GOOD WOMEN BIKER MOVIE CANNOT BE MADE!! The acting in Chopper Chicks was HORRIBLE! The only interesting characters were the dwarf who was a zombie in Return of the Living Dead and the guy who played the embalmer also in Return of the Living Dead. If it wasnt for those two characters i would have to call this the worst horror movie ive ever seen. Stay away from this one!
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One-liners and outlandishness make this movie fun (not scary) for those of us sick-minded individuals in the world.
Hayden2822 February 1999
There are some movies that have a novelty that is undescribable. Chopper Chicks in Zombietown is definitely one of those movies. Although the movie is not necessarily intended to evoke laughter, it does so with relative ease. This is one monster movie that won't have its audience engaging in "let's wake the dead" scream fests (no pun intended).

One liners are essential to this movie's hilarity. "And for the record, I'm the dyke. Blow me." "If you were supposed to do normal things, God would have made you look like a normal person" (in reference to the ubiquitous midget...a necessity for a funny movie!). And of course, a slide whistle theme song brilliantly used during the zombie scenes is essential as well.

So, watch the movie. Be entertained by its outlandishness. Or rent it just because of the title. After all, that's why I rented the movie in the first place.
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tigervispa6 September 2005
Absolute crap. One of the most boring and pointless movies I have ever seen. I really had high hopes for this one, the movie title promised so much, but, alas, it was not to be. Why? Because everything about this movie is so lame and boring. The chopper chicks are a laughable bunch of wimps, my grandmother is tougher. The zombies are lame and in no way scary. My grandmother is tougher than them too. I can't even say something about the plot, because there is none. None at all. The chopper chicks come to a town, and they are lame. Then some zombies come to the town, and they are also lame. Some people die. I don't remember their names because there are no memorable characters at all. I do not remember how long this movie was, but it felt like four hours. Four depressing, long hours. The movie is clearly shot on a shoestring-budget, but that is never an excuse for being BORING. It is just bad, in a bad kind of way. Avoid it like the plague.
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Just get into the spirit of the thing
gch-514 June 2005
Just looking over some of the other reviews, and if I may humbly suggest, I feel like maybe you're missing the point. It dosen't say "Citizen Kane" anywhere on the box. It's "Troma" for God's sake, what do you expect?

This is just a big, dumb, loud, stupid movie. But how can you not like a herd of zombies chasing down an ice-cream truck filled with raw meat? Or a bus load of blind kids who act like real people instead of just some sympathy factory? If nothing else, the pure inventiveness of simply stapling a zombies mouth shut (He can't eat you if he can't open his mouth) is one of the best things I've seen in ages!

The plot is, at best, thin. Most of the acting is so wooden the actors/actresses should be sprayed for termites. A group of thirteen-year olds with a $50 budget could do better special effects.

But...this film always makes me smile. It succeeds wonderfully in what it was made to do. That is, be an exploitation/horror/comedy/b-movie joyride. Just check your brain (and your good taste) at the door.
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Haven't Gone Wrong With Troma Yet...
MrNefarious15 March 2003
Well, what can I say about this film. I can say that it was entertaining for the most part. I thought it could have picked up a little earlier in the film than it did. However, that didn't dissapoint me so badly. I enjoyed watching this film. I am yet to find a Troma movie I haven't enjoyed watching. I gave this an 8.
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Trashy, but not trash
ebiros212 April 2011
There's a fine line between trash and trashy, and it takes some creativity to make a movie that's trashy to the max but not trash. This movie is about as trashy as you can get, but is good entertainment.

Very athletic and slightly mannish but not butch women ride into town on their very nice looking motor cycles, not knowing that this town's mortician is making zombies out of corps. Soon they find out the gory truth when they encounter the mortician and the zombies that have escaped from the hidden cave.

Plot is really thin, as there are not much more to it than what the title suggests, but there's story to each scene, and they play it to the max. I liked the humor of the story and the gusto the chicks displayed at every scene.

This was pretty good entertainment, but definitely not for everyone. It's unique escapism, and you can get away from reality for 90 minutes because there's nothing resembling reality throughout this entire movie. I loved the energy that the actors and the maker of this film put into this movie.
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Everything that you'd expect from Troma – cr*p
bob the moo13 November 2003
The Cycle Sluts roll into a small town to stop and get refuelled before hitting the road. Not only do they find that one of their number has a husband in the town (and was a home-coming queen in her day) but they also find that something is going on in the mine. A man has discovered valuable radioactive material in the mine and has been using zombies to harvest it. However when the zombies escape the Cycle Sluts might be the only ones able to stop them.

I didn't know anything about this film when I taped it. To be honest I was drawn to the title as much as anything else. I didn't expect a great deal from it, but my heart still sank a little when I saw it was a Troma flick. I have never seen a film from this stable that has risen above the low standards that have become synonymous with them. From the cheap, nasty opening credits through to the rubbish special effects and laughable `undead' this film is trash in every sense.

Sadly it hasn't got the sense to really send itself up in the way enjoyable trash usually will. Instead it just seems to wallow in it's own low standards with no desire to actually improve any part of it. The plot is meaningless and is made up of poor gore, no scares and no meaningful themes at all. Add to this a really cheap look, direction so poor that `lack of direction' is not so much a criticism as an aspiration and a total product that cries out to be labelled `banged out'.

Against all this, the acting of the leads isn't awful – they look good in comparison! The `chopper chicks' themselves are actually pretty cool and mostly pretty sexy/good looking – Gretchen Palmer being the cutest and most fresh faced (definitely not a woman who has ridden a motor bike across America!). The zombies are a total laugh – just walking slowly with basic makeup and groaning. The most notably actor (but not for his performance) is Billy Bob Thornton, who must look back on this now and thank God that he has risen above this type of work.

Overall, anyone watching Troma films should be ready for the low standards and lack of spark that generally come with them. I was ready for something poor but even still I was caught off guard by just how poor the whole thing was. Worth watching if you've never seen a Troma film, but other than that it's not worth the bother and is about as sh*t as you'd expect.
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It's a Shame
Uriah4329 December 2012
This is yet another movie, in a long line of films distributed by Troma, that was destined for failure. And it's a shame because there were some good elements to this film that just needed to be more fully utilized. For example, it had some new talent that have since gone on to distinguish themselves in the entertainment industry in Billy Bob Thornton (as "Donny") and to a lesser extent, Jamie Rose ("Dede"). It also had a wicked concept of a female motorcycle gang fighting against zombies. Not to mention that some of these women weren't bad-looking either. Like I said, it had some good ingredients. Unfortunately, while Jamie Rose was definitely worth watching, there was simply no way she was going to save this film all by herself. No way. Essentially then, all that's left is a low-budget movie with a bad script, bad acting and no real humor to speak of. And it's a shame because this movie definitely had some potential.
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You either like this kind of thing, or you have taste.
BA_Harrison17 November 2009
With a little (and I mean 'little') help from his assistant Bob (Ed Gale), mad scientist Ralph Willum (Don Calfa) has created a zombie workforce to toil in his mines. When the undead escape from their confines, and not only threaten the townsfolk but also a bus-load of blind orphans, The Cycle Sluts—an all-female gang of bikers—tool up and kick zombie ass.

Chopper Chicks In Zombie Town is a fairly typical slice of late-80s garbage from Troma, where once again it seems as though more effort went into thinking up the title than in making the actual film.

Rather than an awesome, action-packed tale featuring scorching hot, leather clad babes unleashing gory hell on legions of the undead (which would be very cool), writer/director Dan Hoskins gives viewers a rather motley gang of big-haired greaser chicks who spend more time bickering amongst themselves, having casual sex, randomly breaking into song (the Cycle Sluts' lesbian leader Rox, played by Catherine Carlen, performs an impromptu number), and arguing with small-minded locals than they do actually fighting zombies.

As is the case with most Troma flicks, the script is absolutely dire, the characterisation non-existent, the special effects cheap and nasty, and the acting third rate (even from the film's 'star', Billy Bob Thornton). Furthermore, there is a dreadfully irritating comedy soundtrack that accompanies the zombies (a nod towards Dawn of the Dead's mall music, perhaps, but still very annoying). And if all of that isn't enough to deter you from watching this dreck, then the sight of Don Calfa's bare ass should do the trick!

If you're already a fan of Troma's output, you might as well ignore this comment: you're a lost cause. However, if you're a casual trash-movie fan finding yourself tempted by the outrageous title, be warned: watching this kind of stuff can do more damage to your brain than a hungry zombie.
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definition of a "Z" Grade film
BloodTheTelepathicDog22 March 2005
The "Z" grade was invented by Troma Studios because of their uncanny ability to produce the most unwatchable garbage ever to be passed off as cinema. To be a B-Rate film, one has to be entertainingly campy. Although this film doesn't fail in the campy department, it never once elicits a single entertaining quality.

The plot centers around eight biker women, with only one of them able to passed off as a "chick", who stop in a small town for some "meat", but become meat for a group of zombie miners.

It was interesting to see a pre-Simple Plan Billy Bob Thornton, but he looks and acts exactly the same as he does now.

For quality campy horror/comedy entertainment, visit all of Charles Band's friends at Full Moon Entertainment. Movie's like Head of the Family and Hideous are clever, witty and most importantly, entertaining
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Trashy enough for a Troma movie, but not trashy enough to be a good Troma movie
cheekyfilm20 January 2022
So Kathy Griffin (not actually) and Billy Bob Thornton (actually!) play the leads in this small-town biker-zombie total schlock. There are tons of biker chicks, zombies, rednecks, a midget, an evil scientist.... but it's all somehow uninteresting. The zombies are goofy and nonthreatening, the actors all seem bored, and there's no horror to speak of. You'd think it would be easy: zombies vs biker chicks with townspeople caught in the middle. But instead the plot is very thin and hard to follow - overwritten characters with overblown monologues explaining their past, a town of people gone mad, and plenty of biker chick drama, all with a bad 80s guitar cheese soundtrack and maybe the least threatening zombies in movie history.

But the movie comes together to have a "strong" second half with some great goofball/offensive characters all interacting with one another, trying to survive. There are a few memorable scenes, a couple decent special effects, and one or two laughs to be had. For fans of this type of movie, you'll be slightly impressed. For all sane people looking for quality, be sure to avoid.
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the title says it- if you want bikers and zombies, you get bikers and zombies, albeit at discount
Quinoa19844 September 2006
I didn't expect much from Chopper Chicks in Zombietown. Actually, that's a white lie. I did expect something from the thing, at least something that did not take itself in a SECOND as really being serious. It's not to say that this isn't a flawed movie, or with inanities that could make someone who wants total coherence, fully plausible characters and, say, a 'message' have an aneurysm. It's got the word camp almost inherently in its consciousness. I wondered halfway through (having a tape and not DVD) what the trailer must be like. How do you string together scenes of take-no-s*** lesbian bikers (some at any rate, others you-know-what), cheapo zombies, blind orphans, a dwarf, an incoherent mad scientist, and effects and side characters with only face-value interest? The movie itself plays out like, basically, a biker movie with zombies, where plot- though there- never gets in the way of a trashy killing scene, and establishing shots of the dead ones put to weird carnival music (kazoo included).

To describe the different character relationships would be moot; all need be known is that one biker is domineering/cowardly, another very attached to his man (Billy Bob Thornton, yes, ol' Billy Bob) up to a point, and one that doesn't get past any point becoming, basically, zombie bait. It is of note that the man who starts up the zombies in the town, played by the great Return of the Living Dead alumni Don Calfa (included with fully weird eyes and a hick accent amid his Frankenstein mode), basically can't seem to control these things, even as the townspeople almost don't give a damn ('eh, they're family' they say). In the end the Cycle Sluts end up saving a bus full of abandoned orphans (what they're doing out there don't even ask), and finally muster past the reluctance to save the town. It makes me grin seeing the back of the cover, perhaps in an all too ironic way, at seeing this movie compared to Seven Samurai, even just in "shades" as the critic says.

Along with being camp it's really an example of flawed but pure exploitation film-making. And coming from Troma, a film company that will churn out almost anything in similar capacities that porno movies do, it's definitely not a bad entry. The biker chicks are convincing enough, even as writer/director Hoskins does a flair for the dramatic (i.e. long close-up on the lead biker chick as she prepares to flame up some zombies in the big brawl in the streets), and the oddities help bring so much to laugh at, unintentional or not, that it's hard to find stuff wrong with it on such so-bad-it's-good grounds. It's far from being exactly memorable as a genre film, but for its time it does deliver some stupid fun, with a 60's or 70's biker movie formula wedging in room for both cool and ludicrous living-dead movie set-ups. In short, a terrific premise given decent treatment, no more or less (well, maybe less depending on your point of view).
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Horrible...Simply Horrible
Movieman-1575 November 1999
This film, despite its pretty cool title, is a stunningly awful film which does not deserve to be viewed by anyone. This film features horrible-looking zombies and hardly any blood. How it ever got an "R" rating in the first place is beyond me. Maybe Troma aficianados will find this film hilarious and bloody. But for normal folk like myself, this film is downright stupid and a waste of time. Should be used as a form of torture worldwide.
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Wild blend of genres to good comedic effect.
fhabets9 May 2000
Midgets, blind children, biker chicks and zombies. Throw them all together and you get one heckuva fun movie. A deft mix of parody, gross-out humour and hokey melodrama makes this one of Troma's better efforts. Watch for Billy Bob Thornton in an early screen appearance.
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Utterly stupid, but utterly entertaining!
antony-152 March 2001
Right. Let's just get the "plot" out of the way. The 'Cycle Sluts', a bunch of rowdy, western style bikers, arrive in Zombie Town. The beginning of the film is slow and takes a while to get going, but when the 'zombies' (which look like they are just people the crew pulled of the street) go after the girls, after being let out from a Cave (Believe it!) you can't help but laugh at the stupid ways the 'Cycle Sluts' kill the creatures. Look out for the grenade munching zombies! Any film with a midget shooting zombies and an unexplained buss-full of blind teenagers who help save the day has to be seen to be believed! I also think the second half like BRAINDEAD (1992) to a small extent. Where the HELL do Troma get their ideas from? 7/10 :-)
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Troma trash from beginning to end
Leofwine_draca23 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Another great exploitation title, another boring film from the Troma stable. You'd think that it would be difficult to make a film containing not only biker girls but a dwarf and a busload of blind children boring, but the producers and director of this film succeeded in their job admirably. The poor acting, over-reliance on dated '80s rock music and lack of budget in terms of sets/costumes/special effects/actors help to sink this one from the beginning.

Now, you may have noticed the word "zombie" in this title's genre description. While these zombies are reminiscent of the dead in Romero's popular trilogy, here they are played for laughs rather than chills, in much the same way as RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD 2. I never thought I would see a film that made ROTLD2 look like a work of genius by comparison, but here it is. Every time the zombies appear on screen, comedy music plays in this film, complete with a sound effect of someone laughing uproariously. While this does create a skewed, absurd atmosphere successfully, it's this kind of humour that also killed off the zombie film (noticeably, only a handful of such films have been made since then, most of them on a low budget).

As a reason to have all these dead shambling about, the scriptwriter threw in some baloney about a mad scientist, but his sole role is to provide a human opponent for our good guys to fight. Sadly, the lead characters of the biker girls are some of the most obnoxious and grating females ever seen on screen, and the poor amateurish acting of the actresses doesn't help either. Fittingly, the entire cast is also packed with unconvincing amateurs (especially in the place of those playing the zombies, I hasten to add). The only fun comes from spotting a pre-stardom Billy Bob Thornton in a supporting role (looking embarrassed) and THE TERMINATOR's Earl Boen in a cameo as a mad zombie butcher.

The first hour of this film consists of many melodramatic confrontations, disagreements and fights between the biker girls, which really cause the plot to idle in neutral for a very long, boring time. Some shots of zombies are interspersed with these actions but again, the zombies don't do much. There is a slapdash battle between the girls and the walking dead at the end of the film, which delivers a few unconvincing splatter effects (bouncing heads, spraying arterial blood, severed arms and legs) which sadly come too late to make this any good. The inclusion of the blind children (oddly they also happen to be excellent shootists) is an interesting, unexpected plot twist but nothing is done with their characters either. Although this film is comparatively short, it seems to go on forever with no end in sight. A disappointment all round.
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