Sorceress (1982) Poster


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Good campy fun
fryguy-886684 February 2019
I'm watching through a wave of 70s to 80s low budget movies, fantasy genre right now. This one is pretty fun. Will spare the plot details you can find them in other reviews. The story is fun and the lead actresses are better than most in these films if still far from good. Contains several humorous scenes, most of them intentional! And has a good amount of t and a which is why most of us guys enjoyed this genre when we were 12. Fight scenes, effects, and costumes are classic 80s camp.
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Swords, Boobs, Sorcery and... Stuff
These ultra-low-budget Sword and Sorcery films from the early 80s sure tend to be awful as hell, and yet I find them so amusing that I always watch them once I get hold of them. "Sorceress" of 1982 is no exception. Au contraire, it is actually the epitome of the 'so bad it's good' type of Sword and Sorcery flick that makes this fantasy sub-genre so trashy and yet so fun to watch. This is actually even quite a bit worse than most other zero-budget genre efforts of the time (such as "Deathstalker"), but then again, the immensely high trash factor makes this especially recommendable to lovers of trash cinema and/or a good laugh. This awfully amusing flick is also the last flick by a director I personally admire. Jack Hill will always enjoy a cult status amongst exploitation fans for absolutely awesome flicks such as "Coffy", "Foxy Brown" and "Switchblade Sisters". His take on the Sword'n'Sorcery genre sadly cost Hill his career, as it is his last film up to date.

The central characters are two super-hot blonde twin sisters, Mira and Mara (played by Leigh and Lynette Harris). Mira and Mara, were hidden after their birth in order to save them from their father, an evil warlord willing to sacrifice them to his deity in order to achieve more power. Years later, the sisters have grown to become two hot and busty blond babes with superior fighting skills and exhibitionist tendencies...

"Sorceress" is full of genre-typical characters, such as a faun (a guy who is half-man half-goat) or a huge bearded barbarian who looks like a dwarf from "Lord of the Rings", only bigger and crappier. The performances are ridiculously awful, but who is going to watch a film like this for good acting anyway. The storyline is extremely stupid even for low budget Sword'n'Sorcery from the early 80s, but I don't think anyone will watch this expecting a clever plot neither. "Sorceress" is extremely stupid, but highly amusing trash. If you like trashy low-bud fantasy from the 80s give this a try and be amused. Otherwise avoid!
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Dumb entertainment.
lost-in-limbo26 July 2008
There's so many bottom-barrel, schlock and obscurely minor sword and sorcery efforts that were being pump out after the success that was 'Conan the Barbarian (1982)'. This bargain basement production only caught my eye because of exploitation filmmaker Jack Hill ('The Big Bird Cage', The Big Doll House', 'Coffy' and 'Switchblade Sisters') being credited as producer. As for everything else, what else do you expect from something you just can't help but marvel at how bad and scrappy it is. Well bad films can still entertain, and 'Sorceress' fulfils that promise even if it's in an unintentional manner. Amateurish, crude and juvenile sums it up. But this kitsch quality amuses even with such stiff performances and a terribly dodgy script. That's the fun, as you got to make it up in some shape to cover up your restrictions. Just look at the out-of-this-world special effects. Primitive, but authentically animated… ah what a light-show of colours (the glowing eyes were pure magic) and walking corpses. Actually the latter isn't badly done. However some of the murky night sequences had you rubbing your eyes. But your vision soon comes back with the constant topless shots and a hilarious organism sequence courtesy of the fetchingly gorgeous twins Leigh Harris and Lynette Harris. Their acting left a lot to desire, but you can see why they were picked. The story (by Jim Wynorski) moves along, but doesn't really grip or leave a mark. As for the action, it's quite a stop and go affair with director Jack Hill's sloppy, but spirited execution. You'll find yourself snickering at it than anything else.
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An absolutely terrible movie, but DAMN, is it entertaining!!!
EL BUNCHO7 December 2001
In the fall of 1982 (which is the correct release date) I went with a friend to see this film simply because the poster looked so cheesy. For some odd reason this was the second half of a double bill with WITHOUT A TRACE, a serious film about child kidnapping! Including my friend and I there were about eight people in the theater when SORCERESS began to roll, and I dare say that the eight of us got at least $100 worth of laughs for our $3.50. This is one of the most inept films from the short-lived barbarian flick cycle, and that's really saying something! It appears that they lost the dialogue track and had to re-dub, giving the movie the look of a foreign film. I won't go into the plot since the previous review really nails it, but you simply haven't lived until you see the "epic" battle between gods Calgara (a giant Mexican woman's head with oatmeal on half of her face) and Vitaan (a seriously fake foam-rubber winged lion/man.goat?). As bad as this is, it is never boring, and is so crazily entertaining that I honestly rate it among my ten all-time favorite movies. VIVA SORCERESS!!!
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Gender confused twins Mira and Mara do something or another, as the movie does its best to wedge a tent spike into your soul.
Pando16 November 1998
I initially purchased this movie, along with two others, in a used bookstore's `Our Owner Is Dead Sale,' for the hefty price of one dollar. One must beg the question, of whether perhaps I got ripped off.

Sorceress is bad. Astronomically bad. Not the kind of bad that we're used to. No, not mediocre Hollywood bad. It's so bad, it's almost a religious experience.

The plot boils down to this: King/wizard Traigon promises his goddess, Kalgara (a big floating head that hisses and spits green lasers) to sacrifice his first-born child, for no apparent reason. However, he is quite bemused when his wife bears twins, making it difficult to discern which is the first-born. Deciding to resolve the question of their hierarchy later, he is about to seize the two infants, when he is killed by a Moses resembling, kung-fu fighter named Chronos or Chrona or some such. Chronos drops the twins off with some peasants and leaves. Years later, the FEMALE twins, named Mira and Mara, have been raised to believe themselves boys. A falsehood that is neither seen through by themselves OR the other characters in the movie, presumably because they wear hats. Anyhow, Traigon comes back from the dead (again, for no apparent reason) and orders his minions to find the `two who are one' (the twins.) An order which they fulfil almost instantaneously. After murdering the twins' adoptive family, the minions are made short work of by the plucky Mira and Mara, who are armed with big sticks. They also glow blue (once again, for no apparent reason.) After the evil minions are defeated, Baldar the big red Viking emerges from his hiding place behind the bushes to compliment the two young `men' on their fighting prowess. Then Chronos shows up and immolates himself in a bonfire (say it with me now `for no apparent reason'.) Anyhow, the remaining characters go on a quest of some sort, and are joined by Erlich the half-naked, befroed imbecile and the horribly perverse Pando the goat-boy (perhaps the most hateable character of all time.) Memorable scenes include: Mira and Mara emerging naked from the lake, to discover Pando the goat-boy grinning and "bah"ing at them in an entirely unwholesome way. (`What's that?' asks Mira or Mara `Which he carries there. Hanging between his legs. Is it a horn?' `A weapon perhaps?' adds Mara or Mira. `But how would he use such a weapon?' Then they beat the crap out of Pando and he runs crying.) Erlich's witty repertoire with the big, hairy, gravel-voiced gambler. (`Well, barbarian,' scoffs the semi-shaven wookie, in a dubbed on voice resembling a broken radiator, `don't dogs have ears? Don't they speak?' `We have ears,' replies Erlich, grinning like a lobotomy patient and holding two fingers on the sides of his head, `And we speak. Arf! Arf!') Mira and Mara's discovery of their actual gender. (`You're girls,' gasps Erlich as he sees the naked twins. `What do you mean?' asks Mira or Mara, confusedly. `I mean, you're not boys,' explains Erlich. `We're not?' wonders Mara or Mira. `Not boys? Are you sure?') Krakinon, the soldier who needs to cut down on the coffee, screaming with his eyes bugging out. (You really have to see it. It's a riot.) A butt-naked Erlich, sliding down a greased poll, where a sharpened stick waits for him in a VERY bad position below. (I… cannot describe the horror of this scene in mere words.) Mira or Mara feeling the effects of Erlich and Mara or Mira's `love boogey' miles away and reacting to it, causing Pando to become `excited.' (`Now I KNOW its Erlich,' comments Baldar as he stares at the moaning Mira or Mara, leaving us with the question of just HOW he knows. Suddenly, Pando rushes towards her and is stopped by Baldar. `She's under my protection,' warns Baldar. Frustrated, Pando begins to jump up and down and `bah' as he… as he… AAAAH! MUST GET THE MENTAL PICTURE OUT OF MY HEAD! NOOOOO!) A "battle between the gods' that consists of a poorly constructed winged lion and a floating head growling and hissing at each other, until one blows up. Two words: horny undead. And Pando leading an army of goats and goat herders into Traigon's palace, where they… just kinda mill around for, you guessed it, no apparent reason.

There are so many more memorable scenes, but I don't think I have the stomach to convey them to you. However, I will add that the movie ends on a pro-polygamist note, as Erlich rationalizes, `Hey, these two ARE one.'

I heartily recommend this film to masochists, as well as perverts who might find Pando's `antics' arousing.

Did I mention that this film declines to feature any kind of `sorceress' whatsoever?
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When is this set?
nightroses20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't be sure what time this was set in for the variety of mixed era clothes. The twin girls in this are good fighters, but not intelligent. They didn't even know they were girls! Okay. So what happened when they got their periods? Naive script and making of the film. This kind of portrays women warriors as dumb. There is a creepy looking faun that doesn't talk. The orangutans were all super intelligent and plotting together. The bad guys keep getting killed easily. The central antagonist makes daft mistakes and even he lacked any sense. Special effects are simplistic and childish but entertaining. A really cheese fest film very similar to other fantasy films. Other reviewers giving this rather naff flick such big star ratings is because they saw some boobs! Just goes to show really.
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This is worth a viewing and a fun film to kill time
kevin_robbins21 July 2021
The Sorceress (1982) is a movie I recently watched on Amazon Prime (it's also available on Tubi). The storyline follows twin girls who were given powers a sorcerer needs to complete a conjuring. The twins are orphaned and hidden as boys to avoid the sorcerer. As the twins get older and more...busty, it becomes harder and harder to hide their identity from the ever searching evil sorcerer . This movie is directed by Jack Hill (Coffey) and stars Leigh & Lynette Harris (I, The Jury), Roberto Nelson (Okay, Mister Pancho), David Millbern (Gods and Monsters) and Bruno Rey. The storyline for this was a poor man's Lou Ferrigno's Hercules movie with better breasts. Can you believe these twins were born in Milwaukee? Who'd believe that? There was nudity throughout this film, probably the highlight of the movie. There were some great costumes, props, character design and set-up, but Red Sonja this isn't. The acting and writing is choppy and inconsistent and the story is fun, but not good. Overall this is worth a viewing and a fun film to kill time, but I'd have to score it a 5/10.
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I rate this film as a guilty pleasure.
crimsonguard-9760917 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is truly terrible. It came out the same year I graduated high school and when you compare it to many of the other sword and sorcery films that came out about the same time, it is easily one of the worst. The story is bad. The acting is bad. The special effects are bad. The fight choreography is bad. I was shocked to see that this was a Roger Corman film. He usually does better model work than this. The creatures in this film look like ugly toys! How two girls could be raised in a small hut alongside a sister of about the same age and not realize that they, too, are girls and not boys, can only mean that they are simpletons with the intellect of slugs. Supposedly given the gift of sorcery as infants by a semi-divine being, they blunder through the entire film falling for one deception after another and solving nearly every problem with their fighting prowess or lack thereof. Still, their run in with a satyr is amusing, as is their first confusing trip to a brothel as young men, and the exasperation of their Viking friend when he tries to find a way to explain the difference between men and women to them. There are many of these brief yet funny interludes scattered throughout the movie. If you are offended by nudity or there are children present, then skip this movie by all means. Bare skin abounds as does plenty of ribald humor. If these things don't bother you, or if you enjoy these things, and if everybody present is mature enough to watch the movie, and you have some time to kill. Then by all means, give it a try. You will probably have a few laughs, cringe a few times, and kill a brain cell or two.
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I am unsure about what to say...
acedj10 March 2020
I rated this a 5, because I am unclear if it was intended to be so bad that it is good, or if the makers of this film were actually trying to produce something worthwhile and ended up with (?).

This is the story of twin girls, who were raised to believe they were boys, that vow revenge against an evil man that slew their birth mother and adoptive family. Along the way they gain the help of a barbarian (no where near as barbaric as Conan), what looks like someone that is supposed to be a dwarf (a far cry from Gimli) and a Faun (half man, half goat, all very weird).

The twins that star in this vehicle were once playmates, though I did not find them very attractive from the neck up. As one might expect they are quite buxom and not shy about showing off their assets. This is where the "Surprise, you're really women" shtick lost me. Perhaps if they were played by twins that did not have at least a C cup that would be more believable, not to mention that they were the only "men" in the film that shaved their legs and pits. There were scenes where the guy playing the Faun was breathing too heavily and you could see the mask being sucked tighter to his face. It also seemed like half the actors were speaking a language other than English and the dubbing was terrible. Also, the fight scenes were very poorly done and one could definitely tell that everyone was pulling their punches. This movie was made in 1982, so I can forgive a lot, except for the fact that the special effects in the Star Trek television series that was made in the 60's were so much better.., or The Terminator, which came out two years later, seemed like it was made a century after this.

I am normally quite forgiving in many of the areas that I pointed out here, but for whatever reason this movie, though it kept me watching, raised my hackles on so many levels. So, back to my 5 star rating. If this movie was made with the intent that it be so bad that is us actually good, then 5 stars is far too low. However, if it was made this way with the production team thinking they were making a masterpiece, then 5 stars is far too generous.
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"Death is only death, SWINE!"
Hey_Sweden20 September 2014
Sleazy sword-and-sorcery fantasy as only Roger Corman can produce it, "Sorceress" is good fun provided that you're not too demanding. It delivers a generous amount of amusement and fun, especially when it comes to the ridiculous dialogue, and its delivery. For the most part, it doesn't do that much to stand out from the pack of other, similar films during this time. But that all changes when it gets to the climax, a full-on assault of cheese and spectacle, complete with light shows and otherworldly creatures.

A large part of the charm, of course, lies in the casting of luscious twin sisters Leigh and Lynette Harris, playing warrior women Mira and Mara. It seems that one of them needs to be sacrificed by power-hungry villain Traigon (snarling and hammy Roberto Ballesteros). They take the fight to him, aided by such characters as the hunky young Erlick (Roberto Nelson) and the proud Valdar (Bruno Rey), a guy who wouldn't look out of place in a Lord of the Rings feature.

That's really all you need to know, so you can discover the silly pleasures of this lowbrow feature for yourself. John Carl Buechler handles the creature duties, creating a likable "goat man" sort of character as well as a variety of ape-like beasts. The music is liberally borrowed from the earlier New World productions "Battle Beyond the Stars" and "Humanoids from the Deep". The action scenes are basically decent. The Harris sisters aren't exactly very good actresses, but this viewer can't imagine many fans of this type of thing caring all that much.

The sad postscript is that this turned out to be the final directorial credit for exploitation master Jack Hill ("The Big Doll House", "Coffy", etc.), who had a falling out with Corman over the matter of the editing. In the end, Hill retained a producing credit under his name but the direction was credited to a pseudonymous "Brian Stuart" (the names of Cormans' sons).

If you like fantasy features to be on the cheesy, sleazy, low budget side, watching this will be a no-brainer.

Seven out of 10.
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So BAD it wasn't too BAD!
darreth6 September 2020
OK... I am a BIG TIME mythology FREAK... and that includes "REAL" mythologies (called RELIGIONS by some) The word "Kshatriya" is a Hindu WARRIOR caste... and adding "Sri" to someone's title is a form of respect... the acting in this is SAD! The COSTUMES are laughable... the faun (the guy with the goat outfit on) who keeps BLEATING is... well... different! The DWARF uses many Norse mythology terms... and they're at LEAST used properly. So if you're looking for a little "ESCAPIST" FANTASY with a little T&A mixed in... this isn't a COMPLETE waste of time! 😀
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Better than I expected!
pabstcanrocketship21 December 2018
From the reviews above, i expected an ultra low-budget, creatively bankrupt titty-palooza.

What I got was something at least marginally better than all that. Sure, it's sword&sorcery on a budget, but it's far from ultra-low! On the contrary there are numerous sets, tons of costumes, exotic animals, even some animatronics! They obviously had real stuntmen, fight choreography, and all the trappings of an actual movie production. What I'm getting at here is, if you've seen many sword & sandal films as I have, just know that this is far from the cheapest. It has more production value than an episode of TV's Xena, for instance.

Yes, there is plenty of nudity. And sex in general has the importance of a subplot throughout the flick, but it's also far from those films that are blatant excuses to show some boobies and nothing more. The movie has a story that's understandable and fable-like, and it's interesting enough to stand on its own, titties or no titties.

If you like the Sword & Sorcery genre, just know that you could do a lot worse.
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HaemovoreRex14 February 2008
Hmmmm, picture this if you will; a pair of sexy twin sisters who have a delightful tendency to bare their (perfectly formed) breasts at any given opportunity, barbarians, boobies, cruel torture routines, boobies, monsters, boobies and magic..... Yep, everything any self respecting, red blooded male could ever want for in a film in fact, feature in this highly enjoyable sword & sorcery outing brought to us by director Jack Hill.

The film never makes the mistake of taking itself at all seriously and is chock full of tongue in cheek moments and double entendres in addition to the requisite action goodies.

Highlights of special note include some particularly well rendered and creepy looking zombies, a cringe inducing scene where a main character narrowly avoids suffering a wickedly sharp spike up his back side(!) and a super hammy main villain.

Tremendously fun if you approach it in the correct frame of mind (and probably even better when one is drunk). Oh, did I happen to mention the beautiful boobies on display in this?
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joujounyc-14 April 2020
" Does it have to do with this feeling in my loins?"

Horrible script... horrible actors .. so bad I actually cracked up

Was so dumb every time went to change channel something entertaining kept me watching
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why can't I find this film anymore?
jonah hex3 August 2004
This film is so enjoyable. It's one of those movies you could only get when there were privately owned video rental shops, probably bought at a discount rate from some video wholesaler that gives people the opportunity to purchase large grab bags of cheap films instead of one or two expensive ones. When I found this one back in the late eighties, I was on a bad fantasy film kick, and this one beats 'em all. It's better even than any installment in the almighty "Deathstalker" series! If you can find it, have fun with this one. I'm sure the film makers did. I'm still trying to figure out if it's not one of the greatest movies ever made.
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Worst Fantasy Adventure Movie EVER!!
Blackace2 November 2002
Let's see..this movie came out in 1982 so I was...17yrs at the time. cousin, who was only 12 at the time, had saw The Sword and the Sorcerer with me just a few months earlier and we were looking forward to the sequel to that movie. Unfortunately Lee Horsley decided to do Matt Houston instead. Anyway..we were looking for another Fantasy Adventure movie that was similar. After seeing the trailer of Sorcerer and watching those HOT twins Mira & Mara snatching some arrows out of the air, we just had to see this film. That turned out to be the biggest mistake of our lives. Not only was ALL the action sequences shown in the trailer, but the whole movie was just over 70 mins. long. People who have reviewed this movie on IMDb didn't mention that. The plot was just stupid and the special effects were the cheesiest I've even seen. The final battle with the Griffon and Huge Head was silly and dumb. I was so angry when I left the theater and my cousin was like, "That's it? That movie was terrible." Hopefully you will not be able to find a copy of this video on VHS. It's not even worth 5 cents to see. The people who created this film should be force to watch it for 36 hours straight as a lesson to not release HORRID movies to the public. Stay far away from this stinker. Rent a copy of "The Sword & the Sorcerer" on DVD instead. A much better film with decent action and an understandable plot.
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Beyond a doubt, the worst film I've ever seen
SteverinoAlaReno9 July 2002
If there were any justice in the universe, the creators of this movie would be rounded up and burned alive on top of all existing copies of this incredibly stupid waste of celluloid.

The ONLY good thing in the movie is seeing the twins topless, but even that couldn't make me watch this movie again.
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Goofy and Fun
diamondarrow22 September 2021
This is one of those movies you just watch on a day where you don't really want to get deep into the lore or anything just a movie to relax and enjoy. I thought some things about this film were better than others. I thought the story wasn't very clear (or I just wasn't paying attention) and I really disliked the weird goat character. But I did like the whole 70s/80s I guess vintage movie it's was decent but definitely not Oscar worthy. I did think some shoots were pretty good but the acting was terrible.
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"Tired" and "Dubious"--there's your "two who are as one."
I_Ailurophile11 December 2022
One could perhaps make some allowances on the basis of the low budget, Roger Corman's involvement, and what I'm given to understand was a production plagued by difficulties. "Could," maybe, and "some" is a key word; "should" is another matter. The screenplay is mostly just awful, particularly the dialogue and scene writing but much of the characterizations and plot, too; some aspects of the tale aren't actually explained. That all lines were dubbed over is peculiar; that they were dubbed so poorly is confounding. The actors themselves aren't excused, however, for the acting at large is equally unconvincing - though in fairness, the same goes for the direction, so maybe the cast isn't entirely to blame. Some of the costume design is altogether terrible, especially for any non-humans, but this pales in comparison to astonishingly gratuitous nudity, and pointless and unnecessary treatment of women as little more than meat. Any post-production effects can in generosity be approached with an ethos of "Okay, sure." And so on, and so on: to say 'Sorceress' is a laborious viewing experience is a considerable understatement.

It's not all bad. Though constrained by the minimal financial resources and flailing production, more than not I think the contributions of crew behind the scenes are just fine. With exceptions this does include costume design, production design and art direction, and weapons and props. Practical effects are fine, and any stunts and fight scenes are either suitable themselves or at least good on paper. I'd go so far as to say that there are some good ideas in the story. Those ideas, however, are employed in an altogether dubious way, and even the stunts and action sequences don't always come off well. This would almost be funny, a deserving source of mockery, if it weren't so plainly bewildering. I can't say it's not entertaining to at least some degree, but "entertaining" and "worthy" are not the same thing.

I'm sure there are probably worse sword and sorcery pictures out there, though in this moment it's hard to imagine. What's so strange about 'Sorceress' is that those elements of it which are most troubled would have been very easy to fix. Director Jack Hill had plenty of experience heretofore; why was his guidance here so weak, and pacing broadly so lethargic? Why was dialogue dubbed? Why all the nudity, and such poor treatment of women in the script, to the point that this is all but exploitative? Why is the plot development so flimsy? It would have all probably been fine had those on hand endeavored to produce an earnest fantasy flick on the cheap, but it sure seems like the goal all along was questionable, half-baked schlock. That goal was most assuredly achieved, with the unfortunate result that the finished film is an unbelievably flailing, sloppy, almost problematic mess.

What fun this has to offer is too minimal to actual deserve exploration. There are many other genre titles of this ilk from the same period; any of them are certain to be more worthwhile. 'Sorceress' is an oddity, but not one that any movie-goer specifically needs to see.
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Absolutely horrible, but hilarious to watch
dwremy12 September 2019
Here is yet another Conan-influenced film from the 80s. Horrible in every way, to laugh at with friends. Period!
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Five against the evil sorcerer
unbrokenmetal13 January 2015
The evil sorcerer Traigon dies in the attempt to perform a sacrifice to his evil goddess. Not easily discouraged, he swears to return in 20 years and try again. His twin daughters have meanwhile grown into 2 skilled fighting ladies. Mira and Mara fight against Traigon with the aid of a barbarian red-beard, a little faun with a flute and a gambler turned swordsman.

'Sorceress' is a hilarious piece of 80s trash with a rare sense of humor. For example, when the sorcerer summons an army of zombies, they don't fight for him, but instead steal the temple virgins and run. "You know, they were buried for a thousand years", the barbarian explains. Among a wave of 'Conan' imitations I missed this one back in the day, but fortunately now got hold of the Blu-ray with interviews, from Roger Corman explaining the casting of 2 Playboy playmates ("they looked good in the nude scenes") to the special effects guy remembering how he spent even less money on masks than Corman expected, to the writer who was asked to "write a script by Monday". Low budget film-making, an adventure for itself.
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Jerghal23 November 2014
Nice poster. One might think it wouldn't be too bad. Maybe a little bit like Conan...Well it's NOT. This film is unwatchable. The English dubbing is horrible and off sync (the film was shot in Mexico with mexicans I presume). The optical FX are ridiculous (because Corman wouldn't deliver the promised budget) and the story and dialogue are just plain stupid. I've watched this 'movie' for 17 mins before it got to me. I couldn't waste any more time on it (even though it's only 82 mins long). The only plus about this film are playboy models Leigh & Lynette Harris who's boobs you can admire quite often but even that isn't enough to keep you interested. Just avoid this garbage I would say!
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An enjoyably inane piece of early 80's sword and sorcery trash
Woodyanders3 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Busty'n'lusty medieval twins Mira (Leigh Harris) and Mara (Lynette Harris) vow to seek revenge on the evil sorcerer Traigon (a constantly snarling Roberto Ballestros) for both murdering their mother and attempting to kill them when they were little girls. Assisting the lovely ladies are horny barbarian Erlick (hunky Bob Nelson) and portly warrior Baldar (chubby wonder Bruno Key). Said mission is naturally easier said than done because Traigon has many tricks up his sleeve and is obsessed with sacrificing one of the beautiful'n'bountiful babes so he can become powerful enough to rule the world. Director Jack Hill, working from a blithely dopey script co-written by Jim Wynorski, loads this laughably tacky sword and sorcery fantasy romp with all the necessary ingredients to make it a so-dumb-it's-fun high camp howler: a constant fast pace, gut-bustingly bad dialogue (favorite line: "Death is only death, swine!"), hokey (far from) special effects, terrible acting from a lame no-name cast, an outrageously overwrought conclusion, a few nifty monsters (I especially dug the satyr which nays like a goat and the winged lion), and, of course, a decent smattering of gratuitous distaff nudity courtesy of the absolutely delectable Harris sisters. As an added bonus, we even get a thrilling score from future Oscar-winning A-list composer James ("Titanic") Horner and a last reel appearance by an army of zombie swordsmen. Sure, this flick is goofy junk, but it's still quite entertainingly silly schlock just the same.
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Goatboy, twins sisters exposing themselves and zombies! Need I say more?
bclivesinme20 September 2016
When I came across this film my first thought was "Ok, another Deathstalker knock off fantasy". But after watching the entire film I realized that this film did set its own pace and by pace I mean lots of BOOBS! It was the 80s and Fantasy Sci-fi films were being published by just about every production company at the time. Rating system back in the 80s was pretty much anything goes. And I mean anything! This film follows two twin sisters that have magical and physical powers given to them by a ancient wizard/god at birth to assist them on there journey. The two sisters meet a Goatboy and punch him square in the FACE! But later realize that the Goatboy and viking are both there to help them on there journey to defeat Traigon the evil wizard. Over all the movie is pretty fun to watch and gave me some good chuckles. I would recommend to anyone that enjoys low budget 80s fantasy films. I have to admit that this movie does have a lot of boobies scenes in it so that is always a plus for me.
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a_baron3 January 2019
At first glance this is a fantasy film for kids, but the murderous raid near the beginning followed by gratuitous nudity soon disavows the viewer of that notion. Let's just say it's a film for kids of all ages who are old enough to consent to you know what. The plot has a bad guy, a couple of good guys - one of them a bit of an idiot - and two good girls. No, not good in the sense of well-behaved. They are played by real life twins Leigh and Lynette Harris, who are not averse to taking off their clothes in other films either.

Where were we? Yeah, there is plot, of sorts, but if "Sorceress" scores for anything it is for special effects. Sadly, there could have been more. One should also wonder how it got its title since the sorcery is done by the bad guy, who happens to be their father, but not the doting Dad kind since he wants to kill the firstborn in order to complete some kind of bizarre magic ritual that will magnify his already considerable power. How sad is that? Or maybe it's just plain wicked.
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