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Loving (2016)
The Loving documentary 2011
15 April 2018
C-grade actor Joel Edgerton is the reason I skipped this limited movie; couldn't correlate him as Mr Loving in The Loving 2011 documentary by director Nancy Buirski. Excellence highlights mediocrity.
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Mother! (2017)
Polanskis 1968 Rosemarys Baby & the dystopian High Rise 2015 by Ben Wheatley
14 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A very long build up to violence highlighting the feverish connection to extreme punishment.

Oh he/she was really nice person who nodded good morning every day , this is a quiet neighbourhood, they were generous, I can't believe something like this would happen next door, we never really saw them, we never had a conversation, nobody wanted to bother each other.

Admission - I left the room when the baby was torn apart, glass slashing & the brutalisation of The Mother. Religious metaphors abound from beginning to end.

There have been/are more sophisticated ways to tell The Mother but I'll give Aronofsky the benefit of the doubt. The power of film-making is just out of his reach and hes trying to get there.

Think Leviathan by Andrey Zvyagintsev ..........his next movie is Loveless, an extraordinary film-maker who should be absorbed.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
The biggest mistake of this director....
9 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After I'd seen 'A Quiet Place' someone asked me an intelligent question, 'Did you see the hunter/monster?'

My answer: 'Unfortunately yes.'

Revealing the 'hunter' ruined the movie from the very beginning. It looked like a combination of 'Labyrinth', 'The Shape of Water' & similar slimy creatures.

I assume the props, digital manipulation & unoriginal ideas are disposable.

A quiet place not to be quiet.
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Wilson (I) (2017)
walked out
1 June 2017
I walked out of Wilson; but I also walked out of La La Land obviously for different reasons.

Wilson around the moment he deliberately crashed his fathers car into another to meet a woman & La La Land when Sebastian & Mia (Gosling & Stone) began to awkwardly dance.

Wilson because I'm an optimist (glass three quarters full) & rejected bombardment by yet another old man raging against his/ the world.

La La Land because Gosling remains captivating/simmering in Drive, Only God Forgives, Blue Valentine......Goslings stillness echoes need for unoriginal musicals.
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walked out
13 August 2015
I couldn't write any spoilers because I walked out of the movie after 15 minutes. One dimensional, predictable, puerile & unfunny.

Perhaps I've been spoiled by so many good movies like 'Far From Men', 'Me, Earl & the Dying Girl', 'Inherent Vice', 'Wild Tales','Leviathan' 'A Most Violent Year', 'Birdman' and the extraordinary 'ex-Machina'....all movies full of visual surprise, gravitas, sophisticated humour and something to say.

Its very hard to eat junk food after prime fillet steak. I often wonder how below average directors manage to get the funding to churn out this dross.
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Happy Valley (2014–2023)
Go to Hollywood James Norton - right now
6 March 2015
Happy Valley - violent, nasty, confronting small-town or big city. Gosh too many people are awful.

James Norton just popped up on my screen advertised as a tipsy priest who likes to solve mysteries in the series 'Grantchester'.

Well James Norton I won't go there - I strongly believe you should cross the ditch to Hollywood because you're a seriously good serial, violent offender in Happy Valley just like Anthony Hopkins became Hannibal Lector and went on to have a sunnier, wealthier, sexier, happier life such is serial killing.

Forget my tongue in cheek - I've been instructed to write at least 10 lines, but I just wanted to praise James Nortons brave, unforgiving representation of the ugly, deeply disturbing Tommy Royce.

Certainly got my attention whereas a tipsy priest (very English)....won't.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
Under My Skin v Only Lovers Left Alive.
5 June 2014
I have a deep love of cinema. My favourite contemporary movie is Jarmuschs 'Only Lovers Left Alive' - I was swallowed by its sensuality, warmth, love of all art, composed music and sexy, original intelligent thought. Delicious. A full sensual, intellectual experience.

Interestingly, I arrived at 'Under My Skin' feeling warm and became colder & colder, not because of room temperature but the imagery. The brutally, cold, windswept landscape permeated my skin & imagination along with Glazers bleak portrayal of our world.

Scarlett didn't attract me as her acting is under-developed - Glazers film-making did. Glazers movie is about learning be human, experience feelings & real empathy for people

Jarmuschs movie is human, caring, loving, non-judgmental and driven by natural rhythms of life, not forced discordant sound or the desperate baby cries of Glazer.
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swallowed alive
1 May 2014
Mr Jarmusch

A very impressive painting titled 'Nobody & William Blake from Jim Jarmuschs 'Dead Man' dated 1997, 160 x 275cm created by Malcolm Benham is currently hanging in the Wollongong City Gallery, NSW Australia - a little south of Sydney in a retrospective titled 'Scrap Culture 1980 - 2014.'

Only Lovers Left Alive - I was swallowed alive by the music, the concept of visual art, the history of literature , the experience of place, the warmth, the intimacy of sexuality, the desperation to stay alive knowing its finite yet realising we are the sum of everything.

A seductive, beautiful, sensual movie about endless love.

I'm lucky enough to share that kind of deep love without fangs.

Only Lovers left Alive is breathless perfection. Thank you Jim & Sarah.
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Stoker (2013)
yes rather than no
17 September 2013
Yet to view a Chan-Wook Pak movie but chose this movie because of the directors reputation taking into consideration this was his move into a bigger pool and after seeing Kidman in The Paperboy a dirty, violent, gritty rendition of Pete Dexters novel. Kidman plays shabby well.

No doubt its a good movie and the actors embraced their parts to make this work for a director they admire. They are all good, well cast and yes Matthew Goode, you are really good, I understand the girls in the bus scenario - and yes gorgeous Jackie Weaver I understand your supporting role and wish Hollywood would give you more space and time. Mia you are the ultimate creepy kid.

Its a strange, uneasy movie full of regret, fear, love, disappointment building to a particular violence.

Visually splendid despite irritations like the clichéd metronome. The scene which stays is when hair is being brushed and turns into the subject of the dialogue. A fine segue...I wish this had happened more.

I'm conflicted. As I left the theatre someone questioned the violence and I suggested the gut- wrenching 'The Killer Inside Me' by Winterbottom - more brutal than 'Only God Forgives'.

Do our movies reflect us or do we reflect the movies.............
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beautiful absurd violence
18 June 2013
I don't like really violent movies. Walked out of Taratinos ham-fisted Django. Just managed to stay to the end of Winterbottoms beautifully stylised 'Killer Inside Me' and have not recovered from Hanekes brilliant 1997 'Funny Games' or Kubricks 'Clockwork Orange' and 'The Shining'. Believe it or not I've never watched a Schwarzenegger movie, recall Charles Bronson and Dirty Harry with affection, recognise the excellence of Scorseses 'Raging Bull'. Obviously I've seen quite particular violent movies and I'm toughened up - Cronenberg does that...............

Which brings me to Nicolas Winding Refns 'Only God Forgives'. Something in the back of my mind both visually and intellectually tells me this is a fine movie. It is very, very violent and I chose to 'shut my eyes' but its also exquisitely paced and all the actors seamlessly became part of this interesting composition.

How interesting that, over the years, American filmmakers like David Lynch have referenced European film-making and this contemporary European Refn references American film-making in so many subtle and beautiful ways. Is it too much to suggest Ryan Gosling was channeling the unique Robert Mitchum.

A slow motion movie which resonates into slow motion thought. Not for the faint-hearted.

Nicolas Winding Refn knows exactly what he's doing and is a fine filmmaker.
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why cinema is fabulous
4 June 2013
As soon as I saw the early credits running right to left I was grabbed by the intelligent Mira Nair, then the rousing singers, sumptuous visuals, disparate actors woven together in this complex, compelling story... wow. The Reluctant Fundamentalist is why I love cinema. This movies imperfections are perfection.

I read Mohsin Hamids exquisite book prior to viewing this fine movie and I almost side- stepped this movie because I didn't feel Hamids books subtle yet intense conversation would be translated onto the big screen. How wrong I was - thank you Mira Nair and all those involved.

I walked out of this movie and clicked my heels - the sun was shining and the world was travelling just fine in far more places than most realise.
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The Paperboy (2012)
apologies to nicole and zac
5 March 2013
I'm sorry Nicole but there were two reasons I did not want to go this movie - yourself and Zac. I changed my mind because I have read all Pete Dexters books and wondered if someone would ever be able to translate his words to screen; especially with Dexters novel 'Train' in my head. Lee Daniels 'Precious' was hard work but something twigged he might be the person to give a visual voice to Dexter and he did. I have a feeling all the actors combined to do the same - so apologies to Nicole and Zac. McConaughey better be careful as he's going into dark places - Killer Joe noted. Cusack scared me to stillness. I have a great love of cinema and want to be challenged. I caught my breath, popped out of Dendy Opera Quays cinema at 11:40am to the beautiful, sparkling Sydney Harbour looked across the way to Anish Kapoors installation outside our MCA and felt relief to be back in a safer, clearer more caring world.
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ouch took a while to comment
7 February 2013
During the Sydney Film Festival I viewed this movie in the beautiful Sydney State Theatre early morning. It was winter cold, pre-paid people waiting in line for free morning paper, good hot coffee or whatever. An elegant occasion. 'The Killer Inside Me' still stays with me as I had to look away from the imagery but stayed until the end. Everything about this movie was totally considered, the viewer was taken where the director wanted them to go like a fine writer. Did I want to go there - no; but I did because it is a meticulous cinema on all levels. A little over the top at the end but visually gorgeous, interesting casting, restrained direction and acting which creates tension and surprise. I'm filling in space here as I have to write more than ten lines.
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good start lost control
7 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tarantinos nostalgia for past movies visually inhabits all his imagery but he's so bloody annoying as it ends up cut and paste and 'heh that was a good idea'. I love Christoph Waltz (see Polanskis Carnage - delicious) so was thrilled when he shot Leonardo Dicaprio as he was miscast. I lost interest at the skull scene (probably sooner) and checked my watch. I don't walk out of many movies but left when Foxx was hanging upside-down and about to be de-balled. Saying this, I have sat through 'The Killer Inside Me', 'Killer Joe' and 'Drive'. Tarantinos 'Jackie Brown' wasn't too bad. There is a good movie in there somewhere if he could stop having to please everyone.
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Killer Joe (2011)
finger lickin good
6 January 2013
What a ride Mr Friedkin - congratulations. A bit of tongue in cheek.....Ike Turners 'Tease Me' from 'Risin with the Blues' would have been perfect for the finger lickin chicken scene.

Oops I have to write 10 here are my top ten 'seen' movies 2012 to show how wonderfully intelligent, strange, surprising and varied our cinema is today. If one loves cinema its easy to separate quality from the dross. Amour - Haneke, Cosmopolis - Cronenberg, Carnage - Polanski, End of Watch - David Ayer, Killer Joe - William Friedkin, Shame - Steve McQueen, The Tree of Life - Malick, This Must Be The Place - Paolo Sorrentino, Moonrise Kingdom - Wes Anderon, The Master - Paul Anderson.

By the way William Friedkin; Killer Joe along with most of the movies I have listed were not shown in mainstream cinemas, usually filled with 3D, XBox and Hobbits but if quality arrives one has to be quick before it disappears like the vanishing.
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End of Watch (2012)
wonderfully shell-shocked
4 November 2012
I loved everything about End of Watch. this is why movies should be made and watched. Sexy, funny, sad, perverse, dangerous, loving, laughing, caring, dying and living. Oops I forgot - exciting, really intelligent contemporary film-making.

Oh dear must be 10 lines of text so I'll tell a boring story. Sunday morning when everyone is bleary eyed, stretching, making love or I suppose going to church, shopping or discussing their latte preferences I chose to go to a local mall to see 'End of Watch' 9am session. Lucky day - had a free ticket. A seat is allocated. Inside the theatre it is totally empty. Take your pick. I'm alone in the theatre when a very small person arrives, in the dark trying make out his ticket allocation. Remember this is a large empty theatre. He looks around and decides to sit down right next to me. I want to move without being impolite and wonder how to make this move.........
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waiting for number two
8 June 2010
Director David Michod should be congratulated for his intelligent, quiet control over this strongly scripted, well-acted, distinctly Australian movie. All the parts came together with originality, which is not an easy task, especially with crime stories; but this one delves into the families & minds of criminals avoiding blatant stereotypes so often thrust upon the viewer. All the actors are perfectly cast and fine actors. Jacki Weaver, you nailed Smurf and Guy Pearce has become this wonderful chameleon & consummate actor who continues to surprise with his range. This is your first feature, David Michod, well I'm certainly looking forward to your second.
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hurt locker /stop loss
2 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure if this is allowed - a double review.

'Stop Loss' and 'The Hurt Locker' are equals.

So many good war movies have been made and yet both these movies have come from original angles even though it becomes harder and harder for filmmakers. In these cases; the bomb disposal expert thriving on danger/the reservist willing the end of rotation but returned as the regular army is exhausted.

I watched 'The Hurt Locker' today and can't imagine this movie could be improved. I had to bring 'Stop Loss' into this review because it was a movie which slipped into the ether - maybe too early....bad timing.....the war was still too raw. I hope the war/wars remain as raw as ever in all minds.

So many war movies telling the same story in different ways. So little difference made.

An aside - its a pleasure to watch movies with fine actors who are not 'movie stars' yet!
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Invictus (2009)
no apologies for the gush
22 January 2010
Today, I overheard someone saying 'I would go to a movie about a door opening if it was directed by Clint Eastwood'.

I feel the same although I am relieved Mr Eastwood has larger ideas, so it won't be necessary.

I almost chose to stay away from 'Invictus' because I have a natural aversion to rugby even though I have a Kiwi background steeped in All Black history. This is not a story about rugby. Rugby is part of the story.

Its a difficult story to tell to those uninformed about complex South African politics, the unique strength of Nelson Mandela, the strange game of rugby union which historically has created division & fanaticism.

The story is about a man who used divisive forces to bring about a sense of joy & hope. Its a movie about change and possibilities. Its about a man who thinks outside the square because of his own personal journey, using his power in the best way he can with a dignity and encouraging many to understand forgiveness & reconciliation.

For those who bemoan simplification; this particular movie demands specific, simple guidance for those unaware of this historical moment, but, I feel, many would be swept along in the current of a fascinating story in the steady hands of Mr Eastwood.

Clint Eastwoods development as a creative person is such a pleasure to watch, it will be the saddest day to lose his touch.
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Avatar (2009)
ham-fisted & ugly in more ways than one
20 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Collectively the media write the world of Pandora is beautiful. I ask 'to whom'.

Its a bit like being in a bad floral nightclub - quite ugly colour & lighting clashing together. The utopian animals are violent, exaggerated ie lets give them 6 legs and four eyes etc long way to go re special effects. This movie lessens the naturally exceptional world we live in right now.

Big big guns, really bad cartoon acting (I suppose this was directed), script to match.

Why did I the short straw! Best I say no more.
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Shine a Light (2008)
Charlie you are a painter........along with the rest of the band
16 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie, Keith, Mick and Ronnie............what an inspiration. Energy, expertise and sheer class along with Buddy Guy, of course. Little Scorsese is a big man who, I believe, wanted to present the Stones as an organic, intelligent musical force. I loved the way the overplayed songs have become reduced, abstracted versions. Musically & visually there are many highlights. Charlie you are a painter on a different canvas. Mick is the X factor (As Tears Go By) inextricably joined to Keiths child-like subversive pleasure (including 'Connection') and Ronnie can do no wrong with his instrument/s. Scorsese celebrated their individuality and affection for each other with insight and humour while revealing he is a 'fan'. Nothing wrong with that!

When Jack White choked; it revealed how overwhelming it must be to stand next to the powerfulness of experience and achievement as a young talent yet to travel such an unchartered road. It also showed that he cared.

Christina Aguilera shouted out her enthusiasm but seemed to be there for the conservative, sexless audience. How interesting....a fully fuelled naturally sensual, aggressive Stones against such bland, behaving spectators.

Lisa Fischer manages to fill the 'hot hot woman' all by herself and Daryl Jones (how good is he!!!) has always been considered a more than welcomed extremely talented addition. He's a Stone now isn't he!?! All the musicians were/are marvellous.

Champagne and Shine A Light.......
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Give Ridley an Oscar now - 71 and on a mission
16 January 2008
What a sumptuous, intelligent, snappy, sensual movie.

I feel Ridley Scott has a great eye for beauty; and I was pulled up recently when I said he has the capacity to make violence sexy. Ooops. There are often moments when I like to think he chooses to visually seduce his audience.

This is a movie when I feel he is on fire or perhaps Sir Ridley you may laugh at this comment and think "Phew, I'm a little tired.'. Of course, the actors are there and behave impeccably (as they should)because they are the sum of things and lucky enough to have a good guiding eye.

American Gangster is a beautifully paced, gangster/cop movie which manages to slide between intimacy, peoples, locations and intense emotions, not all violent. Violent people are capable of love, loving people are capable of violence and those on the take are capable of anything. It goes on and on and history repeats itself on all levels.

Its such a good experience when Ridley hits the nail on the head.
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Atonement (2007)
not good enough
16 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Yes I read and was very moved by the book quite some time before the movie (I read many novels) yet, its quite strange, because it wasn't until Briony was foundering as a nurse and giving the impression of wanting 'to atone' , that I thought 'oh my gosh I've already read this'.

This is a strange choice for big or small movie awards and rather disappointing the quality could not be upped from the usual British TV historical period pieces. The costumes are all there. Is it so hard to add personalities with which the audience would have some empathy? What a motley crew overall - generally reasonable functional, well-dressed actors in an elegant cinematic setting. Many in my theatre were looking at their watches and they don't go for bells and whistles.

I have a great love of the cinema and am bemused by the overreaction to such mediocrity.
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quick, exact and horrible
28 October 2007
Watched Cronenbergs 'Eastern Promises' today and feel it is a real gem. Visually splendid (lush), excellent casting, intelligent acting and assured direction.

The violence is quick, exact and horrible as it should be portrayed.

I enjoy watching all creative people going from strength to strength or discovering those who are as accomplished yet not as well known.

I must say, Viggo presents a brutality along with the simmering possibility there is possibly another dimension. All the actors have been tempered enough to show their capabilities.

All those involved in this movie should be congratulated.
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Black Book (2006)
Directors degradation
25 August 2007
The Lives of Others, The Downfall and The Pianist are quite exceptionally powerful yet subtle movies and then 'Black Book'comes along to undermine all prior intelligent thought.

This is a movie full of holes.

Was the directors usual proclivity for gratuitous violence, general humiliation and sad sex for all involved; hidden within the subject of war or was this subject matter way beyond his capability so he 'lost the plot'?

Whatever ones historical slant, to me, this was a thoroughly disappointing cinematic experience which cannot be packaged by overspending, miscasting, mediocre script and ham-fisted direction.
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