
267 Reviews
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Not what it could be
30 May 2022
The movie fails to focus on what really matters for a story like this. The weird mixture of an English speaking American production with Chinese people playing Japanese characters makes it for a confusing unimmersive cultural storytelling. The real potential to tell the true unknown worlds of geishas is thrown out the window only to be substituted by pretty dresses and good actresses. And that's where the movie shines, the locations, set and costume design, make up, etc.. but they don't have anything to carry on them.

Story of a girl, who trains her whole life to become the most popular Geisha.
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A visionary movie
30 May 2022
It's not a shocking revelation in this day and age to realize and speak about how much various media outlets have influence on our lives. Butsince this movie is from 1951 and I honestly do not know how much people knew or cared about questioning these media outlets at the time, I think it may have been a brave and visionary movie. It has a simple storyline and I admit it felt stretched out in certain moments but it was still entertaining to me because it gave me a lot of Nightcrawler vibes.

An arrogant journalist who had a fallout with his boss, decides to go to extreme lengths in order to try to completely oversell a boring story and revive his career.
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The Favourite (2018)
My favorite of Lanthimos so far
24 May 2022
This movie manages to tell a historical story with a touch of comedy and Lanthimos style darkness. It looks amazing throughout and has near perfect acting performances by the three lead actresses. The cinematography, set and costume designs are also brilliant. If I had to find something negative to point out about this movie, it would be its' ending but for me since this type of ending is a recurring theme for this director; I digress.

Story of the turbulent relationship between the Queen, the queen's current best friend and that friend's newly arrived cousin.
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Unlikable character
31 March 2022
It does a few things right but for me this movie never became likable enough. The vintage sets, set design, costumes and the overall production is on point but that was it. The main character of this biography movie was portrayed in a way that she was just a spoiled, annoying person. Knowing the movie was about a significant person from an industry I don't know much about, I was interested to learn her story. But now I'm not sure if she was very uninteresting or the movie portrayed her this way. Either way I was pretty bored in the end.

Story of Coco who is the founder of Chanel.
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Bombshell (I) (2019)
Interesting true story
31 March 2022
Top actors give you these top performances. It was great to watch them really delivering with their individual characters. I knew about this story but it was still enjoyable to watch it in more detail in a film format. Also it has great costume design and make up work.

The story of women who decided to take action against the perverted head of Fox News after they realize they are not alone.
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Land of Mine (2015)
A different subject from WW2
16 March 2022
This movie talks about a subject which is not talked about very often within the World War 2 topic that birthed maybe thousands of movies. That alone makes this movie an interesting watch. Also I really liked that they hired younger and/or young looking actors to play the parts of these captured German soldiers to really make us remember who does the actual fighting, who is forced to clean up the mess and who is ultimately affected most by these wars. Very memorable movie.

1.5 million landmines were planted by Germany during World War 2 on the Danish coastline as a defence strategy. But when the war ends, somebody needs to clean them up.
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Interesting true story
14 March 2022
To be perfectly honest, the fact that this was a true story makes it hard to make a bad movie about it. If you have the budget to cast great actors and make the movie pretty looking it will be a decent movie. But for me that was about it. It was a decent movie. It's hard to say that tackling racism related issues that took place in the 70's United States is a brave or controversial one anymore. Nonetheless it is an enjoyable but slightly long movie.

An African American manages to infiltrate a KKK branch with the help of his coworkers.
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Snowden (2016)
Important movie
11 February 2022
This movie will be very informative and enjoyable if you actually do not know this man's story. To be honest I haven't seen the Oscar winning documentary Citizenfour (2014) that is also supposed to be really good but oh well. Whichever you get a chance to view first, you should definitely watch it. What this man did has a bigger impact on the current world (not just the US) than you may think.

Biographic story of Edward Snowden. A whistleblower who exposed how much governments rape your privacy.
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
9 February 2022
For what seems like a typical horror/thriller movie, it had a really nice first half that gets you really invested into the story and characters. I can't speak as highly about the remaining half as it went more towards that path of generic movie it was trying not to be. It was enjoyable nonetheless.

A single mother with a strange disease must travel to New York from Germany with her son. Terrorists hijack the plane so she has to intervene.
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The Forest (I) (2016)
Doesn't deliver anything
28 January 2022
It has a simple and memorable plot but it completely fails to do something with it. It probably would've been lost in a sea of abysmal horror movies if it wasn't for Natalie Dormer's appearance. It created a sense of intrigue and curiosity but was not able to provide any answer to the questions it raised.

The rebel twin sister was last heard going into the suicide forest in Japan so the other one goes in there to find her.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
Worth watching for Gary Oldman
26 January 2022
I understand that this is a movie but it is still based on a very well known and important moment in world history so when certain characters are portrayed in a more likable or witty way it just doesn't feel quite right. You just end up wanting to watch a proper documentary of the real thing. That said, there are elements of this movie I think that are very good and also open to criticism, but it's still a worth a watch just for Gary Oldman's amazing performance.

We follow Winston Churchill and his decision making process leading up to the war against Hitler's Germany.
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Meh for an unnecessary sequel
24 January 2022
I was sad and disappointed when I heard that they were making a sequel to the first movie. Because these sequels almost never can be equally good or better, but also slightly ruin the memory of the original. So I went into this movie with little to no expectation. And in the end; it was just an unmemorable creature horror movie that tried to use the same premise from the first movie. But it doesn't quite work without the power of not knowing something as that's the most key element in horror.

After the events of the first film, the family keeps trying to survive in this new world infested with sound sensitive aliens.
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6 January 2022
It's a very nicely paced and informative movie about a topic I didn't know much about. It really helps put things into perspective learning about these historical events in the US and how they shaped their current political environment. Sadly, it makes you realize that there have been very little (if any) significant improvements around the world about social injustice, corruption and class eliticism. Great cast of actors and an overall enjoyable movie.

During a protest that turned violent between anti-Vietnam war protesters and security forces, 7 people find themselves in the middle of a political trial.
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Very valuable
16 December 2021
Listening to this guy talk about his life was something I honestly didn't know I needed. Not knowing who he really was, I started watching in a half-interested mood but it was quickly established that this guy had a huge impact on world politics during the Vietnam and Cold War era. And here in this documentary, he talks about some of the decisions, his mistakes, his succeses while giving some valuable life lessons for anyone doing any job. I think it's a must watch for any history fans of that period.

Eleven life lessons from Robert McNamara; the US secretary of defence during the Kennedy presidency.
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Not engaging enough
9 December 2021
It generally feels like a road trip movie that focuses on friendship and overcoming challenges, when compared with traditional western movies. I can't say Tom Hanks' job in the movie as a news reporter adds much to the general story but I guess they had to give him a reason to travel around. I think the movie could benefit it more if they focused more on the bonding moments.

Story of a news reporter volunteering to take a little white girl who was raised by natives to her actual family.
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Mank (2020)
Skip it
7 December 2021
As a person who is not a fan of Citizen Kane, I initially did not let that steer my expectation in any direction, since I just wanted to watch the interesting story of the writer of a very celebrated movie. But this character is so far from being interesting with his random anectodes and alcoholism that there was no appeal left for me in this movie.

The story of Herman J. Mankiewicz, the original screenplay writer of the movie Citizen Kane.
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Greyhound (2020)
Feels flat
3 December 2021
This movie generally lacks that sense of excitement and ww2 drama we are accustomed to in Hollywood productions. It feels like a story that the filmmakers weren't particularly crazy about telling and that makes the movie feel just kind of flat. Everything is just mediocre and no aspect of it really stood out to me.

The inexperienced captain of a US navy ship must manouver their way out of German U-boats.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Solid action
2 December 2021
It is a super solid action movie with a simple story. The combat/gunfight sequences are very fun to watch and exciting. Ultimately that is exactly what you would expect from this type of movie. Jason Statham delivers again with his typical character and he fits really well to the story.

A very skillful man becomes a driver for a cash transportation company but in fact he has a different motive.
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Molly's Game (2017)
Interesting true story
26 November 2021
The fact that this movie is based on an actual person's life is the primary reason how it manages to be interesting. If it was a fictional work, I can definitely see myself finding it very mediocre and filled with poker, gambling, mob, alcohol and drug addiction cliches. The acting is good and the overall pacing of the movie feels nicely balanced with back and forths between current moment and flashbacks.

The true story of pro skier Molly and how running illegal high stakes poker games got her into trouble.
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A Masterpiece
22 November 2021
There are many many things this movie does incredibly well. It feels overwhelming in my head, thinking about how all of these perfectly crafted individual aspects come together as a whole to bring us this very complete movie.

Visually it looks absolutely stunning in every regard. It almost feels like the entire movie is a handmade painting in motion. The locations, colors, sets, costumes, lighting... They all work so well in an amazing harmony. It has a simple but very immersive story which unfolds in a cascading way through the painter's struggle, female friendships and sensitive romance. It has incredible foley/sound design which makes every scene feel more intimate and more realistic and that is accompanied by extremely scarce but powerful diegetic music which is a direction I personally love.

A painter is tasked to paint the portrait of a bride-to-be who doesn't want to be painted.
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Decent thriller
17 November 2021
I would have to say that the young Jodie Foster's rebellious child and Martin Sheen's mega creepy pedophile acting performances outshines everything else in this movie. If you took them out, you wouldn't have a worthy movie. It has some pacing problems i think which made the movie feel longer than it actually is. But its an overall enjoyable thriller.

A girl living alone in a big house facing problems created by the adults living in that town.
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Mean Creek (2004)
Nice bully drama
15 November 2021
It really has that classic 90s high school feel similar to the other popular movies of this genre. Amazing acting all around especially from the bully kid. I feel like we all encountered a similar person at some point in our teenage years. His character is very realisticly portrayed that you initially hate him but later you just feel bad for him. Much like how it goes down in real life.

A group of friends seek revenge after they've had enough of the school bully.
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12 November 2021
What do you expect when you go into a Bond movie? Some thrilling spy stuff, exciting action sequences, touch of comedy, some drama and a purposeful villain. Well.. they managed to make a movie that has none of them. It looks really great, especially the lighting was phenomenal and they have an amazing list of actors playing small to big roles. But that's obviously not enough.

Retired Bond is forced to make a comeback in order to save the world.
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Good oldie horror
11 November 2021
This is one of those movies that just has a weird haunting vibe to it. Starts out with a tragedy right off the bat and we follow the main guy and his sadness throughout the entire film. Really nice use of sound and music. Its slowly escalating into the super chaotic finale at the end with the help of the subtle sounds of the house early on.

A composer loses his wife and daughter in an accident. He moves to giant house to keep on with his job. But the house has a history of its own.
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An interesting ambiguity
2 November 2021
This is one of those movies that feel badly packaged. The name and the poster of the movie immediatly feels like some sort of gory creature slasher. But it couldn't be further from that. Literally nothing comes at night. However, if you manage to oversee this weird marketing mishap, there is a decent movie here. The overall atmosphere and the cinematography is really solid. There is this inviting ambiguity created about the world that they are in that made the movie feel very realistic and interesting to me.

A family of three shelter themselves in their cabin in the woods in order to be protected by an unknown virus.
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