Sex and the City 2 (2010) Poster

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Costume changes drive the story
Legendary_Badass27 May 2010
A lot of people exercise their brains with puzzles found in the newspaper. Sudoku is a prime example. The variety published by a typical paper can usually be solved in less than 5 minutes, or at least that's been my experience with them. The goal for me was to grab an issue of The Kansan, take a seat in class, and have the Sudoku finished before learning was to commence. I didn't have class every day, so when I didn't need the Sudoku I kept the paper. A small pile sits next to me as I type this review. I never got to working a single puzzle after graduating; I found that writing and talking about movies was a more suitable exercise for me. It seems that the worse the movie in question, the more mistakes there are to find. For that reason alone, Sex and the City 2 is a good brain teaser.

The adventure begins when Carrie Preston (Sarah Jessica Parker) and friends Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), Charlotte (Kristin Davis), and Samantha (Kim Cattrall) attending the wedding of their best gay friends. Since this is based on a long running TV series, I'm sure fans of the show found more significance to the scene than I did. In my eyes it was the most logical way to present Liza Minnelli as herself singing Beyoncé's "Single Ladies". It's a scene that can't be unseen, and I knew instantly that it would haunt me for the rest of the summer. Everyone at the wedding makes Carrie feel bored with her life now that she's settled down with Mr. Big (Chris Noth). The most bizarre way this is accomplished is by having a random couple tell them they will be lonely if they don't have children. Then wouldn't you know it, something ridiculous happens and the girls get flown to Abu Dhabi where they are treated like royalty all because some sheik wants Samantha work a PR campaign for his property. But don't worry, our leading ladies forget about any logical objective and proceed to flaunt what they got in the desert.

I realize this movie didn't have me in mind when it was created. This is my first experience with the girls of Sex and the City and from what I gathered I can see why an hour-long TV program running on premium cable would be a hit. These girls are rude, and vulgar, but they play off of each other like champs. When they are seated at a table gossiping is when Sex and the City 2 shows any hint of a shine. The problems then smudge that polish.

I've never seen so many costume changes. I'm convinced it's the driving point behind the narrative. Every scene is constructed to show what Carrie and the girls can put on then lead to another situation for them to dress up. No movie should be so shallow, and even worse they look flammable and toxic. I wasn't sure if the running gag is that Carrie doesn't know she looks like a low rent streetwalker, there's a sign of trouble if ever there was one.

No care is shown with the characters. Samantha sleeps with absolutely any guy regardless of the situation, and the outcome is too much to stomach. Miranda has a subplot about needing to balance work and family which gets lost in a sea of plunging necklines. Charlotte frets about her husband cheating on her with their nanny every 10 minutes. Lastly, Carrie is simply too selfish to be likable. She has a husband who seems to be doing a fantastic job by everyone else's standards. To her, he needs to do more and this sets her up for a lamebrain, and oddly predictable, encounter with an old flame.

The wanton excess of this movie leaves no doubt as to why the world hates us. Sex and the City 2 is a better terrorist motivational tool than it is an enjoyable time at the theatre. These girls are easily living the life in New York before the film takes its sweet time to send them to the Middle East where everything is ratcheted up to 11. They each get a personal Maybach 62 S so they can be chaffered to and from locations where they can offend locals and change clothes. There's an occasionally clever line but that won't vindicate watching it.
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facts are facts, you should not be offended by them
aishasocial29 November 2019
Let me start by saying I'm an Arab woman and I certainly know that what this movie presented was facts, and I really appreciate seeing a movie talk about the real lives we arab women actually have to bear with. .

Before watching the movie I read the comments and I expected to be offended, yet I laughed, seeing this much of reality does please me, I'm a proud Arabia woman but the truth must be told.
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If you don't expect much, enjoyable enough
lotusflower_cam10 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I was the fan of the original SATC series. When I saw the first movie I had high expectations and was left extremely disappointed and appalled, at how spoiled and selfish the four women I had loved and looked up to in the original, came to be portrayed as. I felt betrayed and angry then. So by the time this second movie came out I knew better - not expect much at all. I watched it simply to enjoy seeing their colorful lives once more, and to satisfy my own curiosity for what more the writers had in mind for the continuing lives of these four girls.

That attitude worked for me, and I enjoyed it for what it was. I chose to ignore the elements of the movie that many people here are saying as offensive by not taking this movie seriously; it's not worth it. It's like when a movie is made out of a book, it's best to not compare the two but see them as two separate entities; the SATC movies and the original series on HBO... are two different things.

Expect this to be a movie to be watched purely for entertainment purpose, for passing time, and not something that will teach you valuable life tips or inspire, as the original series did. If you go into it with high hopes you'll most likely end up feeling betrayed. If you choose to see it not so much as a movie but as a silly two-hour long reality escape on a DVD, it is not so bad.

The movie does not have much of a storyline, but there were two things I appreciated: the plot on Carrie with her doubts about her happy-ever-after, and the exchange between Charlotte and Miranda about their motherhood. Carrie's acting out on her fears and her subsequent coming-clean to Big, was true to her character - fallible, and still lovable. The way Big handled their little crisis at the end, showed well in the short scene, that he had matured as a man from the once perpetual bachelor. Charlotte and Miranda sharing honestly with each other what they felt as their own flaws and shortcomings in their motherhood was touching, and true to their bravely honest characters from the originals. As for Samantha, well, unfortunately her over-sexed character lies flat and boring; her integrity and intelligence that was once well-deserving of respect in the originals, is forever lost in the two sequels.

Final verdict: if you can see past all the flaws in this movie, and choose to see it just for fun, it can be enjoyable enough. If you have a hard time detaching the sequels from the original series in your mind... it might be best if you skip this one (or the first one).
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Lawrence of my labia
electryshian-566406 July 2020
Anyone watching this in 2020 cause of quarantine just to see if its as cringey as you remember? No? Just me? Ok
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Worse than I ever could have imagined.
tpaladino4 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This could be the worst movie ever made. Certainly its the worst I've seen in a very long time.

Now, before I begin I have to say that I'm not a fan of the series to begin with. It had its moments, but as a lifelong resident of Manhattan I mostly blamed the series for the unbearable influx of wide-eyed moronic girls from all over the country who flocked to the city en masse, thinking that upon arrival their lives would instantly revolve around cosmopolitans, rich men and $1000 shoes, and who very quickly became insufferable basket cases once the reality of city life actually set in on them.

Of course, I saw this movie with my girlfriend, as my good deed for the week. What I was not prepared for was how horrible it actually was.

The first ten minutes contained more cliché, stinted dialog, corny jokes and general awkwardness than I had previously thought possible in such a short time frame. It was embarrassing. It also involved Liza Minelli. I thought it couldn't get worse, but oh did it ever.

Next came the foundation for the entire film, which was that the ladies were in a funk and needed to get away for a couple of weeks. The funny thing about that is how they all have impossibly great lives, especially by NYC standards. They live in massive apartments, have high-paying careers, plenty of money and for everyone but Samantha, loving husbands and families. And its not like there was some substantial existential crisis underpinning their dissatisfaction to legitimize their feelings and generate sympathy on behalf of the audience. It all amounted to 'Boohoooo we used to partyyyy all the time but now we're all grownups waaa pity us'. Literally, that was it. Sorry, I don't feel bad for you guys.

So Carrie starts a whole big fight with her husband because he doesn't feel like going out to some stupid party after working into the evening and providing her with a lifestyle that includes what appears to be a $15 million apartment, two luxury cars, an unlimited decorating budget, a truly massive closet with hundreds of thousands of dollars in clothes, enough leisure time to write her stupid books AND her old apartment to write them in. Then he had the NERVE to not buy her jewelry for their anniversary (she actually said that). It was completely effing nauseating.

The rest of the women's 'problems' were no better. Charlotte has kids who drive her crazy. Really groundbreaking stuff there. Especially since she too lives in a multimillion dollar apartment with a full time live-in nanny and housekeeper. Pathetic. Miranda has a new boss who doesn't like her very much, OBVIOUSLY because she's a woman, duh. There's no other reason for a boss to not like a subordinate other than their gender, clearly. And finally, Samantha is old and needs to take hormones for menopause now, stop the presses. Is your heart bleeding for them yet? No? You must hate women, you sexist.

Moving right along. Samantha somehow is a mega-PR agent at this point (in Times Square??), despite the fact that I've literally never seen her do any work resembling PR (and I know lots of PR people). She meets some sheik at a party who simply MUST have her work that imaginary PR magic on behalf of his new hotel, and as a perk of this great new account, conveniently gets the girls invited to Abu Dhabi. Hooray! Their dreary despair comes to an end as they're flown ultra-first-class to the glamorous 'new' middle-east, shuttled to the luxury hotel in individual Maybach limousines (one for each of them!) and given two weeks all-expenses-paid in the hotel's premier $22,000/night penthouse suite, because that is totally standard treatment for PR flacks. Naturally.

All is well in this paradise for like a week, until the icky middle-eastern customs of female oppression begin to rear their ugly head and Samantha is inevitably arrested for being a giant whore and having sex on the beach with some Dutch dude, at which point they're politely informed that Samantha's PR expertise would not be needed after all, and that they'd be personally responsible for another night of hotel charges unless they vacated the hotel in one hour. So now these four extremely wealthy women proceed to freak the hell out because if they don't hurry they may be liable for (gasp!) $5,500 each to cover the suite. Makes perfect sense to me too. Never mind that they're millionaires, particularly Carrie, whose couch alone in her living room is worth upwards of $30,000. Never mind that they could have also asked to be moved into regular rooms for the night so they could leave at a normal pace the next day. But on the other hand, if they had been logical, we wouldn't have been treated to a madcap scene of the girls packing and then inexplicably getting into trouble at the local bazaar (again related to Samantha's inability to keep her clothes on), followed by a quasi-insulting scene of burqa-clad women revealing designer clothes under their robes and reading a Susanne Sommers menopause book, for some reason.

Ultimately they make their way to the airport in a horrible little gypsy cab (because between the four of them they couldn't afford a limo of their own too?), and before you know it, they're off to America again. Oh and Carrie hooked up with her ex boyfriend at some point in there and told her husband about it for no good reason.

Predictably, they get home and everyone is as introspective as they're capable of (not very much at all), and they realize how wonderful their lives really are (no they don't). The end.

Now you don't need to see the movie. You're welcome.
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The Emperor has no clothes on
Florentyna2330 May 2010
My sister and I were so excited about going to this movie. With the recession, the loss of jobs and general pessimism of late - the thought of dressing up, drinking cocktails and watching a great movie in the company of a whole room full of women like us was excellent. We desperately wanted to love the movie.

Initially, everyone seemed to be in good form – a bit of a cheer when Mr. Big came on screen; gasps and giggles in response to the first few jokes….then uncomfortable silence. My sister squirmed in the seat beside me through the horrible 'I am woman' song. Having visited the Middle East myself (and enjoyed the cultural experience and friendly people; albeit with a different outlook on life) I was pretty appalled at the blatant lack of propriety exercised by the four.

I have to admit when the movie ended, all the women around me turned to each other and said it was 'great' – I don't think we were ready to admit that it was possibly the biggest disappointment ever. My sister and I had planned to talk about the outfits and scenarios after…we completely avoided the topic. We had all looked forward to this movie – we couldn't admit to ourselves (never mind anyone else) that it was awful.

To say I loved the original show is an understatement. As I enter my late twenties/early thirties, the reruns are even more relevant. The characters in the show discussed sexuality in a fresh, exciting way. They were women you could look up to – intelligent, confident, self-assured. They bear zero resemblance to the four self-indulgent, disrespectful, two dimensional creatures I had to watch.

I doubt any fan will take my advice and not go – I would have ignored it myself. The movie seems to symbolise everything that has gone wrong lately – by blindly pursuing materialism we lose what's really important. This movie spells that out – and leaves you feeling ashamed for having loved them so much in the first place. Having said that, I watched an episode in the series a night later and realised that, actually, I'm not an idiot – they used to discuss interesting, relevant issues – just in fabulous clothes.

As an aside, I spent an hour with my sister getting all dressed up to go, two hours chatting to her before we watched the horror show and four hours after dancing our socks off. Maybe the fact that was the best part means I have my priorities right after all.
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Stinky and Ugly
chant32028 May 2010
I AM female. I love to watch a good chic-flick. However, I was so disappointed. This movie has little to offer except constantly changing 'bizarre' costuming presented as high fashion and thoroughly embarrassing 'ugly American' scenes of over-indulged, entitled and rudely written characters. I went to the theater to enjoy a fun movie. I came away shaking my head. The movie was disrespectful to me as an American woman. Who acts like Samantha when in a foreign country, the Middle East or otherwise? As I watched the characters make total asses of themselves I was embarrassed for them simply sitting in the theater. It's no wonder other countries believe Americans lack respect for everyone and everything. Hollywood apparently does and wants everyone to know it. Unfortunately, the general public is judged by Hollywood--the American delivery system. It's not worth the money to see it. If you can get it on DVD for a buck, then judge for yourself.
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Possibly the worst film I've seen all year
janetgoodman7 July 2010
WARNING: a few *small* spoilers.

The previous review says it all - but I still feel it necessary to add my two cents.

I, too, was a huge fan of the series...if only because the characters were interesting, and it was so refreshing to listen to realistic female characters discuss taboo topics such as sex.

I forced myself to watch the first movie. That was bad. This one...even worse. The characters have become utterly superficial, materialistic (in a way that's practically nauseating given the current state of the economy) - and completely 2 dimensional. The writing - cartoony and juvenile. Honestly, Carrie's the worst - the way the character acted in the film, I would personally have recommended that Mr. Big file for divorce. (Complaining because he wants to stay home and watch movies together, then forcing him to leave a party--that she dragged him to--early because he had a conversation with another woman?) Jeez.

As for Samantha - that character's gone completely over the top - sex crazed in a way that went way past racy and into plain vulgar.

Combine that with the incongruity of throwing the characters into a completely unrealistic situation (heading to Abu Dahbi?), and then disrespect that they show to Arab culture....well, this movie COULD NOT have been worse. Thank goodness that there's no way they'll make STC3. At least, I really, really hope not. How this ever could have been green lighted for production is totally beyond my comprehension.
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Gaudy, superficial, tasteless, overlong, offensive, and full of missed potential and bad ideas
bob the moo24 August 2010
I watched the first film as someone who had only ever casually watched the show and didn't really care to do more than that. The first film didn't get the wit of the show but did try to have a bit of substance to it in some regards, even if it didn't work. The second film feels like someone has taken the decision that this should be more of an "event" than a film so instead of worrying too much about story and characters, what we should have is just an endless OTT parade of wealth. Very much like the wedding that opens it, the film is constantly excessive, gaudy and unnecessary. Some will love it for this as some sort of guilty pleasure but I'm not sure if it is what fans or casual viewers will warm to.

My understanding of the show was that, while it did have the wealthy and free of the NYC fashion world as its main characters, it did keep itself connected to reality for the majority of viewers so that, while some of it was big city fantasy, it did still have a realism and wit in regards friendships and relationships that viewers could relate to. There is none of that in this film, instead the characters (themselves living in comfort and wealth) are granted access to a world of extreme luxury that takes them far from reality and makes them pretty unlikeable and patronising for the majority of the time. In terms of plot there is not a lot going on. Each character has their own little thread and mostly they amount to very little since the majority of the time is spent with them enjoying their luxury. There are some smaller moments of potential (Miranda and Charlotte being honest about motherhood with one another) that are good but they are lost in the luxury and the long run time as our characters just run from one glamorous location to another.

Anything that is close to a plot is handled badly whether it be a device or a relationship theme. The loss of Carrie's passport is "put out there" in the middle of the film only to be resolved within seconds and used for a terribly pointless conclusion. Her relationship quandary (about not seeing her husband a few days a week) is nonsense (since she has issues with it the day before jetting off for weeks) and is also discussed in the most patronising way, with Carrie drawing from the example of her private butler having joy in only seeing his wife once a month (missing that he can only do this because he has to work all the time, serving people like Carrie, as opposed to it being a relationship choice). The thing about the nanny goes nowhere and is resolved with a piece of throwaway titillation (excuse the pun) that is as vapid as the character.

Although the majority of viewers will not be offended by it, it has to be said that SaTC2 is an incredibly insensitive film considering where it was made. In principle I have no issue with the "these women are just like us" message but when it is made in as clunky and unrealistic manner as it is in this film then it is hard not to scoff at it. Likewise the constant suggestion that the women of the Middle East are oppressed is badly done and only made worse by having Western "liberation" "celebrated" by having Samantha wearing a revealing outfit, simulate sexual intercourse in a crowd of men heading to morning prayers – I'm really not sure what part of that scene was not designed to cause religious offense.

The cast go with it but outside of the brief moments some of them get to be characters (eg discussing motherhood) none of them do anything of note. Much has been said of Parker's looks that is unfair and irrelevant to the film – her job as an actress is not to physically appeal to the viewer. However, it is hard to overlook this aspect when the film spends so much time troweling her in makeup to the point where she looks ridiculous. Her narration musings are so superficial that her delivery only sounds the same. Cattrall tries to be the Samantha she always was but it doesn't work and the material misses the chance to do anything smart or progressive with her; she is also hurt by having the lions' share of the culturally and religiously insensitive material and having to sell it as her being "right". Davis and Nixon have even less to do than these two, which is a shame because they both come over as the more natural and realistic of the four. The male cast are again mostly plot devices, although I thought that Noth's Big was a better character than normal – although maybe I just felt sorry for his situation here? SaTC2 doesn't have the decency to be a car-crash of a film, the sort of thing that you watch aghast, but nor is it any good whatsoever. It is gaudy, superficial, overlong, offensive, and full of missed potential and bad ideas. Removed from the City of the title and placed into a world of extreme opulence the film also pushes the fantasy so far that it prevents any meaningful connection for the casual viewer (which the show used to be able to do). I doubt that even fans of the show will be happy with this film.
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Not as good as the 1st movie but still alright
valisiii28 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Summary: Good not great. If you miss the ladies, you'll want to see it regardless.

The 1st sex and the city movie was a gem to me. I loved it, I thought it was bright and all us SATC fans were dying to catch up with the characters and where they'd been since the series. There were also surprises in it Steve cheating!, the way Carrie gets left at the alter, Charlotte pregnant.

SATC2 had none of that in my opinion.

NO SURPRISES: I really wasn't surprised about anything. Aidan is back (OK we all knew that), Charlotte gets a nanny, Miranda quits her job, nothing really earth shattering here.

WHY: I had heard about Penelope Cruz being in this movie for a while now and that she would be a potential other love interest for BIG. While I don't care much for her I thought, hmm OK, interesting twist, I can see a good complication there for Carrie. Nope. She was there for 1 scene -maybe 5 mins and poof no more Penelope. I ask myself, really? Why was she even in the movie? They could have hired any good looking woman with decent acting skills to play that role. I kept thinking she would pop up again later (possibly BIG cheating on Carrie with Penelope after hearing her Aidan news) but it never happened. Pointless.

SMITH: Why tease the audience with Smith reconnecting with Samantha if he wasn't going to even be a real part of this story? Other than him helping Sam connect with the guy wanting to build hotels he wasn't really in this movie. Again, huh? Pointless deux.

A PLUS: SATC2 does have something going for it that the original did not. The characters were more themselves this time around--or rather more in line with the personalities seen on the series were. I always felt the 1st movie was great but the characters were a wee bit different, almost too evolved. I missed these girls more--they were funnier.

The Clothes: I'm not sure why I've seen repeated reviews about the clothes sucking in this movie because I have to disagree. I thought they were great. Fashion is ever evolving and I happen to think Pat Fields did a great job keeping these girls looking great but all with their distinct personal style. Great to see Miranda not looking 100 percent perfect all the time and having some casual attire moments. She was way way too dressy in the 1st one (although stylishly so). And Carrie back to wearing see thru dresses with visible panties, tacky but that was the Carrie I remember, glad to see that part of her still exists!

BIG and Carrie: Loved seeing them together more and their domestic issues. I think the best part of their scenes came when he picked her up at her old place. There was a collective awww in the crowd. Loved it. Though I think BIG forgave her too fast for the kiss, but whatever. And is it me or is Chris Noth looking 50 million times better than the 1st movie. He lost weight and is looking great!

General Plot: A bit all over the place in my opinion. I think they were trying to do too much at once and I don't think it always worked. I also think that most of the fans, love the New York of SATC and would have preferred to spend most of the time there versus abu dhabi. I would have also loved to see Carrie writing more. Did we really see her writing much at all in this movie? Blink and you missed it.

Lastly: Was anyone else wondering why those Liza Minelli scenes lasted so long? And was anyone else as disturbed as I was? No offense to the Liza fans but eh...I think we could have done without most of it. Just like the girls singing. It was cute, but did it need to go on so long?

In Short: Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate the movie but I'm not sure it lived up to my expectation of what I had hoped it would be. The ladies themselves were in fine form though. Personally better than they were the 1st go round. They may want to take more time creating a better script (as with the 1st one) if they decide to do a SATC3.
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A massacre. An insult to the fans' intelligence
maya-stephani28 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As a longtime fan of the series I was seriously shocked and appalled that the 4 women that were initially portrayed as intelligent, fun, sexy New Yorkers are shown here as self-obsessed, over- sexed idiots that are not able to travel anywhere without offending the locals and looking ridiculous. The plot of the movie is non-existent. It all looks like a really long compilation of advertorials with not much connection between the scenes. And I am not speaking about the horrible inappropriate styling and the so-old looking women - it would be fine, if they at least were styled and made up properly: Carrie has this weird tan, looks about 10 years older than she actually is and has none of the coolness that made her so likable. Charlotte is losing it and in spite of all the makeup, looks tired and has totally lost her perky personality. Not only Samantha also looks much older than she is thanks to the terrible makeup, but her behavior is erratic and really not consistent with what has been shown in the series. The only one who was more or less OK was Miranda. And don't get me started on the Abu Dhabi stint - the Middle-Eastern country is ridiculed, wrongly portrayed and I frankly think that it is shown in a racist manner. It's a shame, really, that they have taken a social phenomenon and turned it into a shameful mess. I will choose to ignore this movie, pretend I never saw it and keep on watching the series.
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Ignore the bad reviews...
jizzjazz6930 May 2010
I took a break yesterday to see SETC2, and I have to say, the reviews have it totally wrong.

I thought this movie was great fun, and I actually think it was much more true to the spirit of the series than the first movie. I thought the script was classically well crafted. There were dashes of politics mixed with a Carrie-esquire look at the challenges that arise in maturing relationships, and the whole thing was wrapped in the high-fashion confection we've come to expect from the show. I felt the characters, who had wandered off to weird places in the first movie, were back in fine form--especially Samantha.

There are cornball turns of phrases, insider jokes, and winks and nods, but again, this is all very much in keeping with the original HBO series. If you're expecting Fellini, then this ain't the flick for you. But you should have already had 10+ years to figure that out.

If you want an eye-popping 2-1/2 hour joy ride with some old friends, then go plunk your money down worry free.
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Not the best sex I've had, but at least I didn't fake enjoying it
Smells_Like_Cheese30 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I guess you could call me a late fan of Sex and the City. A couple of years ago when the first Sex and the City film was released, I never saw the series, but I was working at a movie theater. When I saw the trailer for the film, I thought how strange it was that a movie was coming out a few years after the series ended and that it would probably flop. Now if there is anything I learned from working at the movie theater that I worked at the time, DO NOT underestimate Sex and the City fans. That weekend was crazy like no other for a female leading movie, not to mention a Rated R film. So I saw the movie without knowing the series or the characters and actually enjoyed it, so I decided to go out and buy the series on DVD. I actually was surprised how much I enjoyed it, it's a well written series with interesting characters. But it's a fantasy world that a lot of women want and I think that's where we have our down fall and why a lot of people hate the series/movies. We have four very confident older women who have sex, admit it and are not ashamed of it, it's very off putting. So I was one of those evil girlfriends that took the boyfriend with to see this, he owed me a favor lol, but it turned out that he actually had a good time watching the film too because of it's mindless fun.

Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda now have lives that are more stressful than before: All are married except for Samantha, who is now 52 and trying to keep her libido with hormones alive while dealing with menopause; Charlotte's two children are a handful and Charlotte is worried that Harry is attracted to their nanny, Erin, who, as revealed at the end of the film, is a lesbian; and Carrie's marriage to Mr. Big has settled down, though they differ on how to spend their spare time: she always wants to go out, he would prefer to stay home and watch television some evenings. Meanwhile, Samantha is approached by an Arab sheikh to devise a PR campaign for his business, and he offers to fly her and her friends on an all-expenses-paid luxury vacation to Abu Dhabi. While in Abu Dhabi, Carrie runs into her former lover, Aidan, and agrees to a dinner date. Meanwhile, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda run up against a culture clash in the Middle East, as their style and attitudes contrast with Muslim society.

Now this film does have some real flaws, there are a lot of pointless moments. Where Carrie loosing her passport to get it back to get the other girls into another shenanigan, that was a little silly. The film is a bit long and could have been a bit trimmed. Wither I think it's racist or not, I honestly don't see it as looking down at the Muslim culture. A lot of American women are surprised to find out about other cultures, not defending that it's right, but a lot of Americans are very closed off to the world. As for the Muslim women revealing that they loved fashion and showed that they conveniently had designer clothes underneath their robes I found unnecessary and a little disrespectful. But however, if you let these silly situations go and just try to enjoy the film, I think you'll find yourself laughing and having a good time. While the film has it's flaws, it's enjoyable, there are some really funny moments as well as touching. I loved the scene between Miranda and Charlotte talking about the hardship of motherhood, it was one of the most honest scenes in the Sex and the City story. Also Samantha screaming at the Muslim men at the end on how she does have sex was really a blast to watch. Carrie was a down fall, her character is very self absorbed and not likable in this story. It's the side characters that bring this movie together and for the fans I think this is totally worth the watch. As for the haters, of course you won't enjoy it, so I suggest you just ignore it, it's mindless entertainment. Give it a break, it isn't hurting anyone.

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The Good and The Bad
jullashanghavi30 May 2010
After seeing the first Sex and the City movie, and finding it OKAY, I decided to take a stab at the second film. I am a huge fan of the HBO series, so i was naturally excited...

THE GOOD: Yes, there were some funny moments, and some nice things to look at (clothes, design, men). I liked most of the music choices, and I did enjoy the first 20 minutes or so of the film because it seemed as though it would be building up to something interesting, but just these few things alone could not have made a good enough movie for one of the best shows to ever air on television.

THE BAD: This movie had a lot of downfalls. Lets start with the plot (or lack there of). The audience was treated to four women that constantly complained about their "problems". I am not saying that their issues were not legitimate to regular women, but they did not present these issues in a way that would create an interesting plot..they were just seemingly simple problems that were over dramatized and annoying to listen to (lackluster marriage, boring job, declining hormones, having children...) In the middle of these "problems" we get to see how rich they are with their maids/nannys, change of expensive clothes every 4 minutes and fancy homes. All these things made it hard to sympathize with them. Yes, in the show we saw their lavish lifestyle, but this film was rubbing it in the audience's face, and it was a main part of the "storyline" when it really shouldn't have been. (plus, a lot of the clothing choices were NOT good)

It seemed as though they threw in the idea of going to Abu Dhabi just to make things interesting, but it just made things worse. I felt as though there was a mocking/ undermining quality to the way they portrayed middle eastern customs... But more importantly (to me) is the fact that when i think of the show and its title "Sex in the CITY" I think of that city as NYC, NOT Abu Dhabi (really, what were they thinking?)

Overall, i felt like this was a poorly executed film that had little resemblance to the show... I feel cheated.
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Like my best friend just slapped me and stole my wallet
hkramb-129 May 2010
Went into this not expecting much, the premise seemed off but wanted to see my old friends. I told myself everything you're telling yourself, well the fashion will be fun...there should be some funny stuff...might get to see a hot naked guy. I had no idea I'd robbed of my ticket money and insulted for 2 1/2 hours.

I loved the series, seen every show at least 6-7 times. I thought the first movie was a little disappointing, not very much depth, just wallowing and moping for most of it.

The new movie is just an exercise in self indulgence and complaining about problems that aren't really problems. Charlotte complaining about how hard it is to be her when she has a nanny AND a housekeeper. Miranda complaining that her boss doesn't like her. Carrie complaining that Big puts a TV in the bedroom. Samantha complaining about her hormones. I just kept thinking "are you kidding me?? This passes for dialogue??". That's all in the first 8 minutes and it's just downhill from there. I'm just disgusted.

Best part of the movie? The preview for the new Rachel McAdams film that came on right before it.
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Some bits are so offensive I couldn't watch
roryhughevans8 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an English person of no religious faith at all, but the way this film treats Islamic culture is so deeply offensive I literally couldn't watch at points. The four characters we have learnt to love over the series are made to be characters I literally despise in this hideously misguided sequel. They come across as ignorant, brash and horrible tourists who flagrantly disregard Islamic modesty laws while on holiday in Abu Dhabi and show little respect or courtesy in a foreign land. The scene where Samantha goes insane and starts throwing condoms at braying men is particularly embarrassing, followed by the girls rescue by a group of women in burkhas who then whip them off to reveal designer clothes beneath. The film doesn't set to dispel any myths about Middle Eastern culture, instead it actively enforces these stereotypes and makes them seem laughable and stupid, and worse encourages them to be disregarded and mocked by Western audiences. We are never given a sense of what Aby Dhabi is actually like; like stupid American tourists the girls spend little time outside of their luxury five star hotel and when they do eventually leave the Moroccan souk they visit couldn't look more like a studio set if it tried. The girls walk around with bare arms and legs as if this would have no repercussions in an Islamic country; the sad reality is this behaviour would see them swamped with lecherous men as happened to my friends during a visit to Morocco.

What makes everything worse is the way the characters have been turned into grotesque parodies of their formers selves. Before the love of clothes of materialism was balanced by a sense of friendship; now the girls have simply become rich, ungrateful, moaning middle aged annoyances. Their gratuitous love of wealth is pathetic and stupid and the comparison of Carrie having to spend time away from Big when directly compared to an Indian hotel worker being forced to spend time away from his wife is insensitive. Charlotte struggling to look after two children when she is a stay at home mum with a full time nanny is also extremely insensitive seeing as she has it so easy.

A horrible film that ruined the heartfelt and intelligent series. Complete and utter horror was my only reaction.
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mrrogers2427 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Despite having almost not plot line at all. I did chuckle in my seat a few times. That is, until they decided to travel to another country and start offending other cultures in a manner that should be frowned upon. I have no idea how people of middle eastern decent will view this movie. I'd imagine that they would be highly offended as I am. Going to another country to visit and enjoy culture is one thing, going there and not having the slightest respect for their laws and telling them to "Fuck You!" while flicking them off because you disagree with their customs is another. I expected a little better for such a well known series. They really showed their true colors on this one. They showed how sensitive they really can be when interpreting middle eastern culture and way of life. Horrible movie.
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How is this not in the bottom 100?
reeseslightning16 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to begin because this movie is so awful but let's start with the plot shall we? Carrie and Co. are so exhausted from their spoiled lives that they decide to have a girls vacation (all expense paid of course) by way of Samantha's business agenda. Where does this vacation take place? Why the only place where girls aren't allowed to show an ounce of skin, speak without permission, and wear burka's: AKA the Middle East.

There, the ladies insist on acting like spoiled brats, which they can't help considering that's exactly what they are. But let's consider what makes these women want to take a vacation.

1. Carrie is getting away from her terrible husband of 2 years who buys her TV's instead of jewelry, wants to come home and relax after a hard day while she wants to party like she's 20 instead of 45, eat Chinese food rather than go to some pricey restaurant, and lets her keep her apartment in order for her to "get away" from the pressures of her horrible life. Oh and he's so horrible that he decides to make her happy and go out anyway even though he's tired.

2. Samantha is aching for some new male attention after sleeping with the entire east coast and looking to expand her clientèle (the one that pays for her services with actual cash rather than nature's credit card).

3. Miranda needs to get away from her loving, attentive, and adoring husband and their child that she never sees, her boss who is sexist (of course), her terrible job that pays for her wonderful home, and her terrible nanny that takes care of her sick mother in law, child, and the house.

4. Ah Charlotte. We all know she's had it very rough over the past eight years in the course of the series and these 2 movies: her never ending trust fund, her Upper East Side (or one of those fancy places) apartment, her perfect husband that loves her more than the air he breathes, her two children that she wanted more than anything, and of course, her full time live in nanny. After a breakdown from having so much stress of this terrible life while baking cookies, Charlotte decides that her life is just *too* stressful with a perfect husband, full time nanny and all the time to herself to drink with her friends.

Yes indeed, these women have it ROUGH. I'm surprised they haven't complained to the government about the unfair turn of events their lives have taken. How dare those husbands give them everything and love them so much! How dare those hardworking husbands want to relax instead of reliving their youth! To alleviate their dreadful lives, they go to Abu Dabhi...because that's the Las Vegas section of the Middle East you see. Only, it's not.

Their perfect vacation goes awry when they learn that skimpy outfits, particularly midriff baring tops and fluffy skirts aren't considered cute especially on a middle aged woman. And who knew that having sex in public was against the law? Apparently not Samantha - she thought it was oppressive and sexist. So what does she do? She wears tiny outfits and yells "I HAVE SEX!" in the middle of a market place while humping the air.

I know, I know. Classy.

In the end, the ladies are kicked out for the lack of respect for another culture. Shocker right there. Oh! But not before Carrie conveniently runs into Aiden and kisses him because we all know that she needs drama to survive (we have six seasons and another movie as evidence). However, that lapse of judgment could be because she had an "argument" which Charlotte about something.

Now, this is the point where Miranda and Charlotte have a toast and bitch about their horrible lives with those pesty full time nannies. Keep in mind that Charlotte has no job and doesn't need one.

Samantha of course is trying to give a guy - who she barely knows - a hand job in the middle of dinner. She's then arrested and that brings us to when the girls are kicked out and Sam has her meltdown in the middle of a marketplace.

Somewhere between the bitching and non needed drama and the boredom is a lot of clothes changing that remind me why middle aged women should stop wearing clothes made for 20 yr olds.

I was a fan of the series, although looking at it now I'm not even sure why I am. The characters are selfish, materialistic, and spoiled; this film amplifies those characteristics to the point where I am genuinely embarrassed for the cast and crew of this...thing.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for these characters or something? Because all I felt was absolute disgust. These women have *everything*: full time nannies, husbands who love and worship them, wardrobes that cost more than a house, houses that cost more than country, jobs that earn them more in one week than I do in a year, and children who love them.

No wonder why foreigners have such a bad opinion of Americans! These women are so disrespectful and it's infuriating to see. How could anyone even be allowed to produce such a stupid movie? I'm not even talking about the "so over the top even Liberace would be embarrassed" gay wedding and a random but painful rendition of Single Ladies by Liza Minnelli (seriously, what is this? The "We pity over 40 yr old women" movie?).

Just...bad. It's almost traumatic to see.
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Carrie On to See a Different Film
StevePulaski3 July 2010
The popular TV series Sex and the City has ran from 1998 - 2004, spawned a movie adaptation of the series in 2008, and here's the sequel that will most likely bring it to a close in 2010. At this point, the girls are old enough for fans to not care what happens to them. But we keep coming back to see them every movie and every episode. We're so used to these characters we need them in our lives supposedly, but after this movie, my love for this show is drastically decreased. My hope for this film to be a successful follow up was brought to a tease when watching the first hour of this film.

To begin with, the film has a miserable run time. Two hours and thirty minutes may work for a superhero film or LOTR prequel, but who the hell thought it would work for a Comedy about four women? The first film had the almost the same run time, though it was entertaining and it was fun to see the characters do what they did in the second film like struggle with wedding plans and try on dresses. This is jam packed with racist, stereotypical jokes about homosexuals, Jewish people, and Middle Eastern people as well. I'm sure if Prince of Persia didn't steal the subtitle, The Sands of Time, it would belong as the subtitle of SATC2.

The plot is all four women are struggling with their marriages. Carrie (Parker) wants more "sparkle" with her man "Big", Charlotte (Davis) has trouble keeping her two children under control and frets the nanny (Eve) is getting too close to her husband, Miranda (Nixon) is stressed with work and not there for her kid when she needs to be, and Samantha (Cattrall) is still sleeping with the whole town. All knowing their stressed, Samantha books a vacation for the girls to fly in n extreme first class condition to the Middle East where jokes take the route for stereotypical, and the lackluster level plummets straight into the ground.

Its sad to see a once brilliant series take the route of crap, but if it were to keep going on and maintain the same jokes as seen in this, it's better off dead. I said before the first movie was just as long, but interesting to see the characters get into fun mischief and have fun, intelligent talks. In this sequel, an intelligent and interesting talk is hard to come by. Every talk is followed by some bad joke or stupid sexual comment, no talk is perfect in this film.

Overall, the film is mediocre and just a bore. There are some humorous scenes by Carrie and Big, but with a big name like Sex and the City, it should've been extraordinary and have been on many critics "Best of the year" list. Instead it makes the "Worst of the year" list and probably will earn the title "The worst film of the year" by most critics. Wouldn't surprise me if the cameo by Miley Cyrus is nominated for a Razzie Award. Lord knows the film will be too.

Starring: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, Alice Eve, Chris Noth, John Corbett, David Eigenberg, Evan Handler, Miley Cyrus, Penelope Cruz, Jason Lewis, Lynn Cohen, and Liza Minnelli.
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They're back!
AgedInWood31 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. A ten? No, but fun nonetheless. Loved the clothes, loved the location, loved seeing the gals again. As usual it was over the top in parts and some of the one-liners fell flat. I have read that people are upset that Samantha was disrespectful and to me the only clear disrespect was wearing shorts and dropping the f-bomb in the market but that was part of the plot albeit a little too Keystone Kops for my taste. To counter it, Miranda served up cultural tidbits throughout the movie and they all tried to keep Samantha in check.

The Big, Carrie dilemma of the two of them being enough for each other for the rest of their lives is a great question. As is the acknowledgment that even with marriage and children (Charlotte and Miranda), how do you make time for yourself without feeling guilty? All in all, the movie was entertaining. Not as good as the series, but how will they ever be able to top that work?

On a side note, what I find interesting about some of the men's reviews here is how they use the word kill so freely. "The actors, producer, director, and whomever OK'd and bankrolled this movie should be shot in the stomach and then killed!" "Who green-lights these types of decisions...and is there any way to have those people rounded up and savagely killed in a public setting?!" Are you kidding me? Even tongue in cheek, who makes cruel remarks like these?

That is far more offensive than four pairs of breasts, Samantha in shorts, and the mention of the word labia.
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Awful Mistake!
brasslotus28 May 2010
I feel like I was robbed. This movie was the epitome of bad movie sequels. I cannot believe that the Sex and the City girls would stoop so low to make this film. They must be desperate! Despite the tacky clothes, plot and totally obnoxious take on the once really hip, cool and classy girls from New York, the cinematography was horrendous.

I can't believe no one on this site had mentioned the fact that you could see the microphones above the actors heads in almost every scene! It was so distracting in addition to being tortured by their senseless complaining. I don't think I have ever seen such bad filming in my life! I don't make films but I certainly would make sure I didn't get any of the filming equipment on camera!

This movie was awful!!!!! I want my ten dollars back!
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Loved the movie
samyase-samyase2 June 2010
I have just been to the Cinema watching Sex and The City 2. I must say I am originally middle eastern.

To all the negative reviewers saying it was offensive to middle east, I must say I enjoyed the movie so much and it wasn't offensive at all. In my opinion, it only shows how open-minded USA is in accepting women sexuality and how close-minded Middle East is with regards to accepting sexual freedom to women. At the same time, I think they made middle east look much more glamorous than what it really is. Thanks to the power of Hollywood.

With regards to the movie itself, I think it was funny, very colorful, glamorous and beautiful. I loved loved loved the clothes, the material and the fashion they used were astonishing.

Yes, they magically solved all the issues without creating too much drama, but is that really that big a deal? What's wrong with knowing that sometimes, the dramas that we make for ourselves aren't really that big a deal, and there could be happy ending??

I don't think they showed Carrie as a bad character and Big as a good character, they showed that men become boring after marriage, and also showed that Carrie was honest enough to admit even the slightest fling she felt with Aiden.

I am not a fan of drama myself, I have loved Sex and the City TV shows for years, I own the DVDs and watch them all the time. I personally didn't like the first movie that much because I think it was very sad,, ,but the fun came back with the second movie.

In my opinion: Samantha was fabulous as ever, she didn't want to change herself for anybody else, and she had the courage to stand up for herself in the middle of angry men. Miranda was brave enough to quit her job and show the hand to her abusive boss, and at the end, after taking some time off for herself, she found a better job where the atmosphere was more accepting to the person she really was. Charlotte as usual was her sensitive self, and Carrie was creating her own rules.

Love the independence in these women and I hope one day I could be that independent.
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Unsexy and the City
samuelding8528 May 2010
Once upon a time, there were four fabulous ladies from New York City who charms the world with fashion, love and sex. Thus, Sex and the City was born.

In 2008, the girls had a reunion on the big screen, and it puts to an perfect ending to the series.

However, in 2010, another reunion on the big screen was created, which this time round, the reunion does not seems to be enjoyable compared to the previous reunion, which brings love, trust, faith, hope and ever lasting friendship together.

Welcome to Sex and the City 2, which brings fails to deliver the high expectation from fans of the popular HBO series. Love and sex remains, together with more exaggerating comical sequences, posh nosh and time consuming plot, which not only bores and sometimes frustrates audience, but also, a disappointment to the fans of Sex and the City.

Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Samantha (Kim Cattral) are back together on the sequel, which begins with a list of problems they are facing in their daily life: Carrie is in doubt with Big (Chris Noth) on their marriage; Miranda faces the pressure of a chauvinistic boss; Charlotte unable to handle her two daughters growing up together, and Samantha is tackling menopause. An unexpected invitation to a holiday at Abu Dhabi for th girls allows them to enjoy themselves, and at the same time, clearing about their thoughts on their love life and marriage.

Sex and the City 2 promises to be another fashion parade. However, girls don themselves with clothing unsuitable for the weather and environment in Abu Dhabi pulls the movie down, since it makes the girls looks lavish and filthy rich, rather than stylish and chic. While the latest fashion fits in perfectly in New York City, the crew has failed to consider creating clothing that fits into the environment and culture of Abu Dhabi. Thus, it does not bring out the charm the girls ought to get from wearing them, which has been displayed in the previous series.

The plot seems like a typical episode of Sex and the City, but such typical plot are good for the drama series rather than the movie. The paper thin plot can be seen as a form of extension from one of the episodes, which looks rather dull and draggy. Sub plots were added in to keep the movie going, which fails to point out some of the points that can be discussed further in the movie. Instead of keeping the spirit of Sex and the City going strong, the second half of the Sex and the City 2 seems to be a farce.

Discussion of culture and religion in Abu Dhabi has also diverted the spirit of the series away, which at some point, could be offensive and uncomfortable to some audience who are not prepared for it. For fans, this might be seen as a sequence that has no relation to the girl's usual talk over the coffee table.

The strong support for each other and the friendship is the only saving grace for the movie, which not only ends haphazardly, but also fails to end with a big bang.

In summary, director Michael Patrick King and Parker can do more to salvage Sex and the City 2. Remedy must be done to save this broken pieces of anticipated reunion in order to keep the spirits alive.
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A big let down
laensch27 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard some pretty bad reviews but nevertheless I took my thermos of Cosmo and a girlfriend to see the midnight show. I wanted to like this movie so much but I feel like I didn't have a chance - the girls looked terrible- the clothes looked cheap and badly put together- the camera angle was so unflattering- all the expensive tack they went nuts over was designed by someone who clearly had much more money than taste. And the story, well- what story? What did actually happen? Nada. The husbands (including Smith and excluding Big) looked like they were only in the film because they signed a contract 3 years ago. The "story" with Aidan didn't really go anywhere and the 5th "girl" NYC was merely in the opening credits. Nothing happened - except for me feeling the same way I do when I see Madonna these days - uncomfortable a bit embarrassed and really glad my mum isn't like that. All the sparkle and the love that used to go into this show was no were to be found. I hope they make enough money with this one tho - so they can make the 3rd movie with all the plots we wanted to see in this one.

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I'm not really sure what that was
lisa-62917 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Had there been a way to give this film a zero, I wouldn't have hesitated whatsoever. This movie, from the terrible beginning to the God awful end, shouldn't even be shown under the guise of a "film." First of all, I enjoyed the television show. The comradery is endearing, and all women dream of a perfect life, with perfect friends, lots of money, men that love them, amazing clothes, movie star friends, red carpet premiers, etc etc. SATC has created this dream into a likable series that most women enjoy. Now turning any series into a film is tricky, 30 minute stories every week isn't really in depth story telling. Venturing into this realm the first time was ballsy, but the second time around was simply egotistical. The film contains a various stories, all hoping to appeal to its mostly female audience, #1, Husband and wife fight over the TV, wife wants to go out, husband doesn't. Carrie wants to go to the premier, Big wants to stay in and watch TV, very relatable matter to most women right? #2-Menopause, seen as a chastity belt by someone like Samantha. She is taking any known medical serum hoping to prevent the inevitable. Aiming to guarantee her worn out body the ability to be enjoyed by the other half of Manhattan she hasn't already banged. #3-Not enough time with family, job too time consuming....yes, I are trying to grasp how women with money, maids, and nannies deal with such trying issues, but I haven't told you the final story line...#4-A stay at home, uber wealthy mother with a live in nanny is trying to deal with being a mother!!! Are you on the floor? That one should've put you right over the edge. So, here we are, four extremely wealthy women, dealing with problems that you and I deal with every day. Except they have live in nannies, drivers, extra homes to hang out at when they want to "get away," closets full of couture, and oh yeah, did I mention they're millionaires? So how much crazier can this story get you ask, well here it is, the writers/directors decided to throw these women into a culture that is the total opposite of everything they stand for-THE MIDDLE EAST..(gasp, hand over mouth, tears streaming down your horrified face). So they send these spoiled sluts on over to the Middle East, now this is where the story literally takes a nose dive into the Red Sea. The writers/directors thought it would be humorous to have these women confronted with a culture so unlike their own, and then have them mock it, very ignorantly I might add. If there is ever the stereotypical view that Americans are stupid and ignorant to foreign cultures, that assumption would have been reached upon viewing this film. The SATC sluts dress provocatively, then mock the local women for choosing a life of piousness to one of shallow days filled with shopping. The culminating shot was Samantha's purse being spilled onto the streets of a marketplace and her stack of condoms falling out. She then screams into the crowd that yes, she likes to have sex, all while gyrating her hips and pumping her fists. Are we to assume that the writer/directors were hoping that you would side with Samantha? Hooray for America, for women having sex, wearing whatever they want and being proud of it? Not that there is anything wrong with that, but they are placing the Muslim lifestyle under the DON'T column of this list. Upon picking up her stack of condoms, the women are helped by a group of Muslim women that take them to a back room and pull of there niqab's to reveal they are all dressed to the nines like the SATC ladies!! Hooray, this culture of women dressed so terribly, but underneath, they want to be just like us Americans. Heartwarming right? Well it's not, it is terribly arrogant and embarrassing. I feel there is always something good that comes from most movies, good looking guys/girls, cool clothes (btw-the women were all dressed terribly in SATC2), some humorous dialogue, but this movie has nothing. If there is a God, then this movie will surely end up in hell.
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