Returnal (Video Game 2021) Poster

(2021 Video Game)

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cmmill-6686418 March 2024
After reading some reviews on here I felt obligated to leave one of my own. This game is so misunderstood. Most people that gave this game low ratings are bad at the game and are mad they have to start over after every death. Just because you're not good at a game doesn't mean it's bad. On the contrary, this game is incredible. Great combat that gets more rewarding the more you play and adapt. Weapons become better the more you play and you unlock more powerful consumable as well. The story is up for interpretation, but the difficulty is that way for a reason. The main character is locked in a personal hell that she can never leave.

Give this game a chance and I promise you won't regret it.
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Fast paced Roguelike
hiwes43311 March 2022
A great game with a lot of variety with the weapons and abilities you can use. A fair amount of choices to be made when you decide what kind of build you want for different fight engagements.

There's something left to be said about the final boss when it is the easiest one to beat in the entire game, but the rest of them will give you a challenge on your first run-in with them.

A bit lacking with other activities to do in the game other than just moving down a lot of aliens. Could have added more optional challenges to overcome.

But overall a nice little challenging experience.
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goriknak30 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly this was a huge letdown and a waste of money. Interesting concept, but no save option and starting from scratch every time you die makes this a waste of time for me. Hope other people enjoy it, but I gave up after a few hours.

Good graphics and smooth gameplay, but overall a flawed game. Sad.
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Awesome game!
jaydrowley22 June 2021
Look this game is great it looks nice and shows what the ps5 is capable of but if you are easily annoyed and not a fan of Groundhog Day style games when you die and have to start over again then this isn't for you! But if you like a challenge give this game a go, lots of action also has a mysterious/creepy vibe 10/10.
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Absolutely stunning
moviebender13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is absolutely stunning, the rebirth, the design, the aliens. It is just like playing Aliens movie! Absolutely recommended and my favorite on PS5 so far.
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good enough
revieweranarchy756 June 2021
I bought this game for the PS5 because I wanted to try and diversify the type of games I played.

This game delivered in amazing ways such as the haptic feedback and sensations you feel on the dual sense 5 which is very reminiscent to what your character is doing in the game. There is also lots of unique and entertaining horror/sci-fi visuals and for that it deserves an 8.

The story is very mediocre and the fact that you have to respawn every time you die and it feels like you're not really advancing anywhere specific makes the game hard to enjoy for such a high price. However if the price does come down, it definitely is worth trying out.
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The dark side of rogue-like.
TMSN_878 January 2023
It's a very well crafted game with some welcomed historical influences and brilliant combat.

If you like rogue-like games, like myself, then you'll find it has a lot to offer in the genre, but it misses the mark by being too punishing in the wrong ways.

All rogue-like games require some kind of grind, but this is brutal and very unrewarding at times with very little, to no guidance. Other rogue-like games shine a light on what is expected, Returnal is just a closed book which can be exhausting to play after some time, it isn't a good thing. Games should be welcoming, not stubborn. Encouraging but challenging is the way.

The balance is a little out, and this game is set out to hurt you, but I do still recommend it a due to its overall design and bullet-hell combat. 7/10.
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Boring beyond belief Warning: Spoilers
You die, go back to the start of the game and replay the same level over and over again. You never keep you weapons so you always start with a crappy handgun(that can not kill everything). So play for 5 hours and get zero progress.

I don't know what the point is, there is no clear enemy, and that might have bin fin, but there is no reason no hints on what do do. Just, run die, return to start.

It's just has no variation to it, nothing. It's just one level one room, killing the same boring things over and over again.

Don't buy it, luckily I have have the disc version so mine is on sale as we speak. I can't understand how anyone can like this.

There is no mystery besides the music and the dark environment. And the environment is not ps5 jaw dropping. Feels more ps3...
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Dr_Grim_Slayer25 December 2022
Interestingly boring! Just a bunch of rooms appear randomly after each death. You have to start from the very beginning every time! It's amazing how a game can be so boring and futile in the year 2022! The idea of this reincarnation could be a good plot for a cheap Sci-Fi B movie in 90s! This game is ridiculous, not hard! I enjoyed every moment of Elden Ring, Dark Souls and many other difficult games but the vicious circle of this game is frustrating though it's not a difficult game per se. I wouldn't recommend it. To be fair, the idea of "dying equals losing everything" maybe funny for couple of minutes at the beginning but then you'll realize you had this feeling many decades ago playing Atari 2600 games!
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Worst game I've ever played and it doesn't make any sense
chefmarty-3483326 July 2022
How did this pathetic trash game even make it to green lite ? This game doesn't even tell you what to do nor does it have a quest item . This game got awards how ? Guaranteed boys are praising this game. Do not play or buy it. It's rogue like and you lose your weapons when you die, so the game is not worth it. Only way I'll play it is free on ps extra. Not worth $69.99. Avoid this garbage. Returnal is returned.
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Broken Co-op, Broken system.
RobTortureWright6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had so many emotions while playing Returnal. From excitement and adrenaline to sheer boredom and finally overwhelming frustration that made me finally uninstall the game.

Returnal goes directly against everything I love about video games, primarily progression where you can see your character gain power/upgrades/outfits etc and grow from a weak level 1 to severely overpowered. Returnal does the opposite, instead it punishes you by resetting you back to zero every time you die. This can make the whole process extremely frustrating especially when each "Room" is generated at random and can hit you with 15+ enemies in the very first room and zero in the 20th room. However I eventually got into the process of how things worked after a few hours and at the very least it gives you some very small permanent things once you progress far enough. It's small things like you get to keep the melee unlocked or a grapple hook.

The problem I have and the main reason I uninstalled is the co-op. It's honestly one of the worst implementations of co-op I've ever seen. For starters if you join your friends game, you don't get story trophies. Playing through and beating 4 bosses and you have nothing to show for it is really disappointing. This means you then have to ask your friend to replay the whole thing over again on your "save". Totally pointless. More than this, if you progress far into your game "cycle" and then your friend comes online and invites you, you lose everything on your save. Suspending the cycle is an option but not in co-op, only single player. Again starting over from the beginning is not exactly fun.

I managed to battle though constant restarts when switching from co-op to single player and progressed all the way through 4 areas and 3 bosses. I got to a point where I was happy to challenge myself and move on to the 4th and 5th boss after beating both in co-op. I believed I had reached a point where the story had saved and I could continue from this point. However when starting it up I was reset right back to the start and would have to spend at least another 40 mins to an hour going back through the same rooms I've wasted countless hours playing again and again for no reason.

Even if you try and speed run all the the way back through you are actively punished for getting that far, because it simply takes so much longer to get back there. I honestly feel like most of my time playing this game was wasted. While I did have some good feelings like beating a boss with very little health left, or adrenaline kicking in when you're close to not making it but find a sneaky little health pickup, However most of the time I felt like I was Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, and not the happy part at the end, the middle where he's given up completely. Not recommended unless you have the patience of a saint and the willpower to continually bash your head against a wall over and over for not a lot of reward.
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I really wanted to like Returnal but I can't due to these issues
lgikl4 May 2023
Returnal sounded great on paper but after playing it the game is just a mess. Everything looks the exact same from start to finish. I know it's a rogue like but that doesn't mean it has to look alike. It just makes the game feel empty. The weapons aren't to bad. They get held by the lacking combat. They wanted to make it all fast pace but it just feels uncomfortable. I don't know what it is. The bosses are where the game really takes a nose dive. From example 1 of the bosses has different attacks where you need to avoid it different. Throu dash or jumping. But they both look the same at 1st so you have to guess which way to avoid it. That is unless your lucky enough to be standing on further side of the sweep but if not enjoy getting hit for a mass amount of health. Also in-between each health bar you don't have any time before the next phase so why not just have 1 long health bar with lines in at each new phase. If your going to make it 3 separate health bars it makes you think your gonna have a bit of time in-between each phase to revive your friend or whatever. Which I think there should be during a long encounter anyway but that's just my opinion.

At 1 point there was a building which you can't enter. But later after seeing it I got a key and it said it was for the building but you still can't enter it? Why do you give me a key when you still can't enter? Surely someone would have picked up on how misleading and silly that is?

Anyway, essentially the game boils down to mindlessly running round the same looking rooms doing random stuff which you don't know if it's optional or its actually driving the progress forward. Eventually it will tell you that you can now open the boss room door. Also here and then it will tell you something about the story. But that's few and far between and you'll probably forget what's actually going on half the time.

I like the fact the developers tried something new. However this game would have probably been better if it wasn't a rogue like.
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Creepy alt universe roguelike with limited growth
heath-jeffrey24 August 2023
In short: Surreal setting and intriguing plot with roguelike die-and-start-over gameplay and fluid, polished FPS controls and camera.

Lacks the growth and progression of many roguelikes, making many play-throughs entirely wasted, and the game inaccessible if you lack hyper twitch skills.

More detail: Mystery right from the start, in a surreal world with a surreal premise, and the intrigue is cleverly built into the rogue-like gameplay, with gradual reveals as you slowly unlock more areas and abilities and discover more secrets. It's dark, creepy, and the lightning, soundtrack, and sound effects combine well.

It's the first FPS I've seen that's a roguelike, and I expected it to be poorly implemented. But the controls are smooth, both in movement and shooting, and the camera is easy to control. Areas where combat starts allow for a wide range of tactics, with natural cover, potential for chasms or other drops to maintain distance, and often ways to get higher or lower than the enemies.

You might have to be familiar roguelike, rogue-lite, metroidvania style games to properly enjoy the semi-repetitive nature of dying and restarting over and over and over again. But honestly, that's what makes them such addictive games. Most 'runs', you'll unlock just a little more to make the next run easier. It could be a stat boost, a gear upgrade, or a more unique ability that gives you access to shortcuts and new areas. Whatever it is, that constant little increase in achievement just feels so good.

Unfortunately, while it looks like there are going to be tonnes of different things to unlock and to discover... the difficulty level can be a significant barrier.

In most other roguelikes, the difficulty is extreme to begin with too. But in many, as you replay over and over, you grow in minor ways that ultimately lead you to reaching a level where you can manage. That makes each play-through feel rewarding, even if you die right near the end of a level or after getting tonnes of abilities and power ups - because you know that even though you missed out on that try, you're a fraction closer to success next time. In Returnal, each death just feels like a complete waste, because all the relevant investment and growth is reset each time.

Importantly, within each run most of the game mechanics are designed to only award perfection. Three primary examples are:

1) The healing items double as max health increases, except you only get that max increase if you don't use it as a healing item. That is, the only way to increase your max health is to never get hit, otherwise the items are wasted in simple healing instead.

2) All weapons have a 5-stage power up that is entirely dependent on not getting hit. One of the power ups is a considerable increase in the resource used to gain access to higher level weapons. If you get hit, the power up resets, so your progression will be too slow to ever reach higher levelled weapons.

3) Another of the power ups is having an additional weapon ability, such as firing off a range of homing pulses in addition to the main ammunition. If you get hit, it resets back to just the main ammunition.

In summary of those three points: if you get hit, you lose out on a range of benefits and bonuses that will prevent you from levelling up properly during that run, in numerous ways. As a result, you'll be more likely to get hit again, and the cycle repeats. The overall impact this has is that if you get hit once or twice, you can be sure that run will be wasted, so you may as well die right there and start afresh. Perfect play or restart, perfect okay or restart, perfect play or restart...

Final comment: Another in a string of games that are hard for the sake of being hard. Except in this case, it's otherwise an amazing, intriguing, addictive game. That makes it all the more painful to have to let it go afterixx cd you get stuck in an endless loop of dying with no benefit.
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