
62 Reviews
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Hercules (I) (2014)
21 October 2023
Yawn.... Honestly this was really boring.

I was looking forward to finally seeing this after years.

I knew it did t have high ratings but I assumed this was part of the genre that gets a bad rating from the majority just because they do t like the style or genre.

Not going to knock the actors, they were fine with what they were given. Just a really boring movie. Action wasn't bad but it was generic and tired.

I would love to say that "this could have been great if only they... or if they did... or if it wasn't for...." But I'm not sure what they could have done. It just seemed it was a boring story and somehow they got the green light.
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The Cobbler (2014)
Totally surprised
23 June 2023
Totally surprised - I really enjoyed this movie.

Unexpected, thought it would just be another silly comedy, which is fine, just didn't expect much.

It's worth the watch.

- Totally surprised - I really enjoyed this movie.

Unexpected, thought it would just be another silly comedy, which is fine, just didn't expect much.

It's worth the watch.

- Totally surprised - I really enjoyed this movie.

Unexpected, thought it would just be another silly comedy, which is fine, just didn't expect much.

It's worth the watch.

- Totally surprised - I really enjoyed this movie.

Unexpected, thought it would just be another silly comedy, which is fine, just didn't expect much.

It's worth the watch.
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Morbius (2022)
I Should've Seen it at the Theatre
29 April 2023
I probably took on too many critic reviews and ratings, so I didn't go see this at the theatre. Wish I had. I really enjoyed this movie. Was expecting very little but was happily proved wrong.

Seems there's a lot of people who agree with me here on IMDB.

Absolutely worth a watch and a worthy addition not only to the Sony/Marvel franchise but also to the MCU and to super hero movies in general.

Jared Leto can act. This character may not be his most difficult role to conquer or even a very complex character, but his does well. A great choice of actor for the movie. I do hope they continue with Morbius in future movies.
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Black Adam (2022)
Big budget, violent, nonsense movie
27 April 2023
What could have been a great movie for DC, but sadly not. Poorly pieced together. Some Terrible dialogue.

Black Adam and the Justice Society meet and just start fighting! Nothing is thought out. Or if it was, it's been edited out so no one else can understand the reasons and logic behind what characters are doing.

Shazam was an enjoyable movie. Black Adam, even trying to be a more serious movie in the same universe, is just hard to enjoy. It just had me sighing and shaking my head over and over.

The only reason to endure this movie would be to bridge the gap between the Shazam movies and other DC movies.

Really a poorly edited, directed and executed movie.
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Really not great
31 July 2022
Didn't even hold the attention of my 8-year-old.

Nothing wrong with the acting, was fair. The story was pretty bad and the effects were worse.

...And how is it that in "200 years" a whole town couldn't find the treasure but, these kids find it in one day - and the door wasn't even locked.

Won't be watching this again on a family movie night.
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Still bad, no matter the version.
13 July 2022
A fan of the Highlander (1986), I recall seeing this sequel in theaters with my brothers when I was a teenager. We all hated it. Made no sense and was just a badly put together film.

Decided to finally watch the Special Edition Renegade Version. Yes, it's better. Now I'm giving it a whole star. Before I wouldn't have.

Just stay away from this movie. It's honestly so bad.

If you watch the first movie and want more, move straight to Highlander III: The Sorcerer, much better film.
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Classic Trek idea, but very boring.
27 June 2022
Haven't we learnt from this in the past? Holodeck and other such episodes from Next Gen and TOS.

Really is hard to sit through.

I have been enjoying SNW so far but, this is really disappointing.

I recommend skipping this episode.
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Event Horizon (1997)
Dated / horrific.
26 June 2022
I saw this once at the theatres in 1997 and decided to watch again 25 year later, recalling it was horrifically scary but interesting.

Has haunted me since. I hated this movie. I liked the idea - and the plot was executed pretty well. Sam Neill was great. But I did not enjoy what I was watching or experiencing.

Supernatural horror that I thought I would be fine with.

It comes across quiet dated, effects are average by todays standards. But the content is just disturbing to the core.
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Great movie - but for a few scenes
16 April 2022
I wasn't aware of how good this film was going to be. I loved it for the most part. Throughly entertained.

There was a lot of bloody violence though, that was over the top and not really necessary to the story. Some of it stylized and some very well, obviously for the great shock factor. I would have given. The movie a 8 or 9 out of 10 if it wasn't for the unnecessary off putting sexual references and moments toward the end of the film. It was just a total extremely left turn from the film. Wasn't needed and want funny like I'm sure it was intended.

Rest of the movie, pretty much brilliant and didn't take it self too seriously.
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It's OK
25 March 2022
More like a long TV episode that has aspirations to be a blockbuster sci-fi movie. I still liked the movie. Have watched it a few times over the last 20 years. It was an OK attempt at making a first Star Trek movie.

The following three sequel movies were far superior.

This movie really is for the die-hard fans of the franchise. Not a bad movie. But not as great as it obviously could have been, judging by its follow-up movie.
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Christmas Again (2021 TV Movie)
A slow start but, surprising
21 December 2021
Watched as a family.

Was slow to start. Some obvious similarities to Ground Hog Day and possibly some melodramatic moments but, it ended up being quite charming.

The family ended up really liking it. Even the teenagers.

Christmas Again had been added to the prestigious and very cut-throat list of family Christmas movies .

It's not a 5 Star. It predictable. But it's worth a revisit.
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Appallingly Bad.
17 December 2021
Poorly edited and put together. Boring story that just plods along like a grandma doing 30 under the speed limit on the freeway.

The characters are so cliche and one dimensional delivered with some pretty average acting.

I would say avoid this movie - It's not even worth laughing at how bad it is.
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Pretty poor script and delivery
12 November 2021
Pretty poor script and delivery. Terribly written script, poorly edited and put together.

May have scored an extra star if they had come up with original characters instead of using all the character names from the original movie with new actors but different background and family circumstances.
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A slow start but a great finish
3 April 2021
Totally different movie to the 2017 Theatrical release. This was satisfying and like overindulging on your favorite dessert.

This Cut is the legitimate and rightful sequel to Batman Vs Superman (ultimate version) and Man Of Steel.

Yes, It's long. It's a slower pace start but it gives much needed background and depth to Cyborg, Aquaman and also Flash.

The story feels well told, unlike before.

A great finish leaving me wanting more.

I really want more.
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Totally satisfied!
12 September 2020
To be honest, my expectations were not very high at all. I grew up on the first 2 movies. Saw Bogus Journey at the theatres. I realized that my nostalgic love for those original 2 movies probably wouldn't be met with a new addition to the fold - but, I found my self enjoying it. I had fun and just loved seeing the characters again. Glad I watched it and glad I wasn't sitting there picking it apart in a bitter way, telling myself it's not as good as the first 2. Maybe it's not as good As the originals, hard for me to say. But I liked it & I'll watch it again and probably laugh more - and start quoting dialogue from some scenes like I do with the original 2 movies. Just don't take it all too seriously. It's Bill & Ted. It's great.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
May not win new fans but, it's great.
16 August 2020
Being the only open-minded person in my house to the Star Trek universe, I can understand this isn't going to invite many new fans to the franchise but, I think for those who have enjoyed any of the Star Trek films or TV series, this is up there with the best of them.

I loved the season-long story arc. Great story and although not always fast paced, it held my attention and was thought provoking. No re-hashing of ideas or relying solely on past characters.

Will happily await the next season.
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Hated it in '97. KIDS LOVE IT.
12 April 2020
I remember seeing this at the cinemas, I was 20. I wasn't expecting much as I didn't like Batman Forever. Loved the first 2 Burton films though.

But.... my kids love this movie and Batman Forever. I get it. It works for them. They are 7 and 11. And my eldest one of 15 loved this when he saw it as a 9 YO.

They want to see Batman that isn't a cartoon and seems real to them. These 2 Schumacher movies Work perfect for that.

As a Batman fan I give it a 4 out of 10. But for my kids I give it an 8. So we will meet that in the middle with a 6/10. It's a family superhero movie.
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What happened?!
6 April 2020
I don't know why this is part of the Fast & Furious franchise! Maybe it helped get it noticed. It really should have been a stand alone movie separate from F&F. Bio enhanced humans? What!? That's when you lost me really - which was very early on. But I watched 'til the end.

Now Statham and Johnson did perfectly fine. They played their roles as expected. They do them well. And the action was good. But the directing and story just made it hard to swallow. Maybe if it was just an Action/sci-fi/spy-thriller with different character names I could take it in a lot easier. It's got as much to do with F&F as putting Roger Moore's James Bond in space and surrounding him with girls in silver space suit style bikinis who work for a villain in his secret space station - and it's the 1970's.... Remember that one!

I felt some of the effects looked rushed and not real but for some reason people praised them.

And the end stand-off; Why did Hobbs "have" to go home to Samoa? He didn't want to but he thought it was the best place for a last stand!? To make the enemy follow them back to his family he hadn't seen in 25 years. That was just decided and moved on very fast.

Now the final fight scene started before dawn, so it was dark. Then it became day and sunny very fast. A helicopter falls off a cliff, it was day. But at the bottom of the cliff it became night and it was raining. Looked great and added atmosphere but... what!? How!? It was dawn 5 minutes ago.

Anyway. This isn't a review. It's just disappointment at what could easily have been a decent action movie that too easily falls into the B Grade Action movie category due to an unbelievable story. My teenage son loved it but even he said he was confused by the cyborg like bio-human aspect.
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Grey's Anatomy: Some Kind of Miracle (2007)
Season 3, Episode 17
What was that!?
7 March 2020
The most un-Greys Anatomy episode I've seen. Sorry, it was slow and drawn out and the stuff happening inside Meredith's mind was ....well, it just was not winning me over. Next episode please.
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Pleasantly surprised!
10 February 2020
I expected this to be horrible. Took me 4 years to finally get around to watching it because I read all the reviews and no-one liked it. I appreciated its slightly darker tone. Maybe it wasn't incredible but it sure kept me involved most of the time. The origin/back story went a long time, which I actually like in movies, but it did make the second half of the movie feel a little rushed. It wasn't a long movie so they could have put a little more in the second half after all the origin was done with.

I don't want to compare it to MCU movies and amazing films like the Dark Knight trilogy, it's a stand alone film that should be credited in its own merits. A decent to good movie. I preferred it to the previous two F4 movies, as I found them a little childish (adventurous and still fun) but this was a different take on F4 and I personally appreciated it.
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Silly but, the family love it.
11 January 2020
It just silly humour but, it's not stupid. It's enchanting and just a bit of fun. My kids have loved this for more than 10 years. My youngest is the latest victim to its charm, allowing us to watch it all over again. And again.
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Beowulf (2007)
Slow and Irritating
15 October 2019
It's very slow paced and that makes it some what boring. The CGI gets frustrating as the movie goes on. Yes, it's a marvel of its technology, but the CGI is so distracting from what the characters are actually doing or saying. So irritated by the end of the movie.
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Pleasantly Surprised
10 October 2019
I didn't expect too much. My kids have been watching this movie for years. I had noticed a scene now and then but never took much notice. Watched it for a family movie night at the kids request. Thought it was great. My 15 Year-Old still laughs himself stupid with it. I don't understand all the low ratings at all - what kind of movie are people expecting here!? It's a lot of fun.
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Does not translate well
25 September 2019
Very poor delivery. I know it's a German made film, but even with that in mind, it really is not very entertaining or well executed.
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So terrible
1 August 2019
It's embarrassing how bad this is. Does not translate very well. I don't think this is for English speaking audiences.
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