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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Scary movie
29 October 2023
I liked this because it was scarey without all the gore. There wasn't cut up body parts & decapitations, no blood & guts spewed around everywhere. I also appreciated that there wasn't women or kids screaming their heads off all the time & you're not going to believe this but there's no gratuitous sex scene. No nudity at all! None! The boogeyman is horrifying to look at. It has a skull-like head with huge jaws & it makes scary gurgling shrieks. It moves like a spider on long skinny legs & it can pick up littlr kids & flies around the room. The kid has a glow in the dark ball she rolls into dark corners, down dark hallways, & under beds to look for the boogeyman. My only complaint is it's too dark which is a common problem with horror movies. I don't know why directors of horror films don't lighten the scenes up so we can see the monsters better? There's a lot of scenes with so little light the screen is pitch black for several minutes.
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Not very good
18 June 2023
The people all have mouths on the side of their faces which looks odd & you'll find yourself staring at characters' mouths. When they talk their mouths move on the side of their face. It looks bad. Their hair also looks odd & unnatural. The background looks like a piece of decoration with the characters placed & moved around on top of it. It's very remedial kindergarten level animation. I tried to understand the story but couldn't figure it out. This cartoon is centered around a grandmother who lives with her grown married daughter, son in law, & grandson. Grandmother goes out picking blue flowers that she uses to make a potion that temporarily stops the aching in her hands. After she picks blue flowers she hangs out in a back hut where she has a little laboratory set up. She pounds the flowers down, puts them into a beaker of water, & lights a fire underneath it to heat it up. As the potion heats up it explodes in a big poof of smoke. When the smoke clears she says she knows what to do differently next time for the next batch so it won't blow up & she starts all over again.
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Why isn't this recommended more?
12 May 2022
This was an excellent movie! I like a good Western but even if it's not your cup of tea I think you'll like it. I have watched all the recommended Westerns & my favorite stars for this genre are Randolf Scott & Gary Cooper. I never saw this listed as a good Western & just stumbled on it today. I read the favorable reviews, looked at some photos of the movie on IMDB & saw they were crystal clear & the color wasn't burnt out so I watched it. There wasn't a dull moment. I don't see how anyone could watch this & not like it. It's about a Sheriff who's married to an Indian woman & they have an 8 year old boy named Pete. One day his wife & boy are out in the horse & buggy running errands & two bad guys run them off the road & rape & kill his wife. Pete runs home & tells his father. The rest of the movie involves the Sheriff tracking down his wife's killer, arresting him & bringing him in for justice. Great movie of good & evil battling it out with the good Sheriff winning in the end.
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There's no way this is a 7
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely impossible for a movie like this to get above a 4 rating. This picture is blurry, the sound is low, & the story is booorrrrring! Wife (Sally Gray) comes home with another man. Husband (Robert Newton) is supposed to be away but he's sitting in the house in a dark corner waiting knowing his wife cheats on him. He surprises them by coming out of the dark corner with a gun. She goes to bed in a huff & the boyfriend gets lead into a secret hidden room & chained to the floor. Things go back to how they were, & the wife thinks the boyfriend is either staying away or was killed by her husband. But he stays chained in the room growing a beard with the husband bringing him food & water for 4 months. The dumbest part of the story is this: wife loses track of her dog while out walking it one day & gets it in her head that her husband stole it to get even with her for cheating. She reports the lost dog & her suspicions to get this - - to Scotland Yard ! Come on! And Scotland Yard sends an inspector out to question the husband about the dog. Pleease. The inspector gets the license plate number of the husband's car from Sally asks the police to keep an eye out for the car. A cop follows a cat into a garage & finds his car & calls it in. When Inspector gets there & the light switch doesn't turn a light on, he follows the electrical line from it to find the hidden room, the dog, & the boyfriend. No exciting scenes following a Scotland Yard inspector around & finding clues. Everything is handed to him already pretty much solved by the wife. No violence. No bedroom scenes. No nudity. No deaths. No one gets shot. No one gets hurt. No romance. No love. No music. No pretty scenery. Nothing menacing or scary. Nothing. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. I cannot recommend this.
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Encanto (2021)
Too much singing
27 January 2022
I would of liked this a lot more if there wasn't so much singing. This was an animated musical. I love animated Disney & Pixar but I've never been fond of musicals. This had gorgeous colors & animation but the story was so bland & sad. The main character is a girl born into a family who has special powers but she was somehow skipped over & is dumbfounded about it. Nobody understands why she's without a power. It's a HUGE family that for generations everyone has been gifted with a magical power that has benefited the family in some way. So the whole movie shows various different young members of the family coming of the age (around 7) when the family holds a ceremony & awards them with a magical door that they must open to find out what that power is. The day of the ceremonies she sees everyone getting ready & so of course she is constantly reminded that she doesn't fit in because she never got a power. Her door vanished when she touched the doorknob. The family all tell her to stay out of the way when they hold their ceremony because it's the most special day for them & everything must go perfectly. She's a bit of a clutz this poor girl with big owl framed glasses. So the movie made me feel sad. I'm not going to watch it again.
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None of the original cast is in this
24 December 2021
Where's the handsome middle brother & the sexy older brother who plays the drums? Where's Steve Zahn who plays the Father? They make another Wimpy Kid but don't have any of the original players? That's just too harsh. Too different. Too hard to adjust to. I couldn't watch the whole thing.
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Very warm & funny
24 December 2021
I didn't think I was going to like this. The only reason I watched it was because I loved the animated Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie. The movie that was just a replica of the animated Wimpy Kid wasn't good in my opinion. So I didn't have much hope for Rodrick Rules. But I found myself really getting into the story. I honestly enjoyed it & recommend it. The two actors who played the brothers did an excellent job. You'd swear you were a fly on the wall watching a typical family of 3 brothers. Rodrick Rules is a very realistic portrayal of three brothers interacting at home & in school. The younger three year old fortunately wasn't in many scenes. The oldest brother is fine with a sexy look that works for being a drummer in a garage band called Loaded Diaper. The middle brother also has a handsome all American look. He constantly worries about fitting in at school & it makes you fall in love with him. I appreciated the good clean humor. No sex, nudity, violence, drugs, or foul language.

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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Good except for the lead woman detective's whispering.
22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The blonde detective in charge drove me up the wall with her mannerisms especially the way she talks so low in a whisper to everyone you can't hear what she says. I didn't appreciate that one bit! Or the way she took every new young policeman in her office home to her bed. She hit on every single young male detective who was assigned to her department. Why couldn't we have a lead detective with morals who followed protecal about no interoffice relations? This lead detective is a loose woman who has issues with men & behaviors that give her a bad reputation. Realistically this wouldn't be tolorated by her boss. She also ridiculed men & would say things to them like the thing men fear most about women is being laughed at by them. Besides her the other actors were just fine. The serial killer was fantastic! He made the show! I think the ending could have been better. It was unrealistic because a real serial killer would of made a break for it & tried to escape a psychiatric hospital once he had the chance! And he most definitely could of escaped.
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A really good drama
16 December 2021
Four people accidentally meet on top of a high rise skyscraper on New Years eve. Each of them were planning on committing suicide by jumping off but their plans are spoiled because it's something they each feel they need to do alone. Pierce plays a guy who had it all; happily married with children, famous actor, his own popular tv show until he fooled around with an underage girl, went to jail, his wife left him. Tony Collett plays a single middle aged mother with a 20 something year old paralyzed son who's brain damaged & completely dependent on her. She has no life but taking care of him 24/7. Another actress I didn't recognize plays the daughter of a politician who's not dealing with the loss of her sister who ran away. And the fourth one is Aaron Paul a young guy who is depressed. So their plans are ruined so they all leave the roof. Pierce is driving away & sees Tony Collett standing in the pouring rain so he pulls over & offers her a ride. Turns out he's the only one of the four who has a car & so all of them end up in his car together. They introduce each other & start talking & explaining why they're suicidal. The girl who's missing her runaway sister asks to be dropped off at a club where there's music & lots of people dancing (it's New Years Eve). As Pierce starts to drive off Tony mentions that maybe they shouldn't be leaving her because she shouldn't be by herself so soon after almost committing suicide. So Pierce parks the car & the three go looking for her inside the club. So it takes off from there as these four suicidal people slowly become friends & learn about each other. I highly recommend this movie. It is a down to earth story involving four people with touching senarios, each of them struggling to hang on. There's quite a few funny moments, & they all make a pact to be there for each other & meet again on Valentines Day at the top of the skyscraper. It has a feel good ending. There's no nudity, graphic sex scenes, blood, or violence. Just a nice drama involving four depressed people becomming friends.
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Irreversible (2002)
Horrible awful film
13 December 2021
Thank goodness I didn't pay to watch this. The picture spins around in a circle to give the illusion of chaos which made me sick & dizzy. As the picture spins there's an odd whaaaaHHHHaaaaHHH sound going up & down with it to further the sense of lunacy & madness. The sound starts off low deep baritone & then increases in volume & pitch & then back down again. The picture is fuzzy & too dark in the Rectum gay club but it's just as well because it's where someone gets killed. This movie should be rated X. Rape, sodomy, full frontal nudity, hookers, transvestite hooker lifts up dress to show she has male genitals, women getting punched & kicked in the face multiple times after being violently raped, disgusting degrading verbal abuse. I hated this gross movie.

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Brother Bear (2003)
Good movie except for the music
11 December 2021
The only thing holding this back from getting better ratings is the Phil Collins music. It doesn't work. Why didn't they just have some new age Indian type stuff without words when music was needed? And then put in the usual 1 or two short songs? That would if put this right up there with Beauty & the Beast and all the rest of them! Instead we have a cool Disney flick ruined by Phil Collins singing all the way through the whole thing. It wrecks the whole experience. The animation is tops, the story is great with a good morals & a happy ending, the characters are fine (the two moose are hilarious).
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Kitty Foyle (1940)
10 December 2021
I didn't like this. I tried 3 times all day to get through this without falling 😴 asleep. I thought Ginger Rogers was stoic & off. She kept this odd look on her face during romantic scenes, staring without blinking, no expression, just blank. This isn't what you want to see when her love interest asks her to marry him. She kept the same blank look throughout the soapy love scenes. You can't read anything in her eyes - they register nothing. I think something was off in this movie. Ginger looked like she was on drugs, prescription or marijuana or something because her express & reactions weren't normal. This movie made me realize that Ginger isn't a good pick to be the main actress in a serious, emotional, soap opera. She needs to stay in slap happy dancing & singing type movies.

Wasshe didn't seem into her role.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Started out great
9 December 2021
I really like the first season but expected to see how the serial killer gets caught. By the middle of the second season I was getting too exasperated waiting & waiting. I liked all the the actors & thought they did just fine. The characters were interesting except for my usual distain for kids & teenagers in movies - this being no exception. The 15 year old conceited flirtatious teenager babysitter was hard to watch & the serial killer's daughter was a brat. I appreciated that there wasn't any graphic sex or nudity. I didn't finish the 3 seasons because in the middle of season two they hadn't caught him yet & started involving the babysitter. Even though she threatened him he doesn't kill her & starts being friends with her. That's unrealistic. Then when babysitter started doing crimes for him I thought that was way too over the top unrealistic. Aren't serial killers loners? Plus it's taking too long to catch him so I gave up the show.
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5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a horrible long, slow, boring movie. I specifically went on here to check ratings. People rated this high, & the critics rated this high. It has one of my favorite actors in it Robert Duvall. So I rented it. From the moment it started I was wanting to fast forward. Long scenes of nothing but her in her car driving-seen from a distance. How boring is that? Then all these scenes of her at pay phone booths calling her husband. How much more boring can a movie get if for the first 20 minutes you see nothing but a car driving from a distance? Then you see her pull over at a pay phone & call her husband who screams & yells at her to come home. Then she picks up a hitch hiker who turns out to be a guy who's brain damaged from football. No good conversation will come from him. They drive around aimlessly neither one has an idea where to go or what they want out of life. Booorrrring. The last 10 minutes are the only bit of excitement you'll get out of this. She gets a speeding ticket & the cop (Robert Duvall) asks her out. She goes to the cop's moterhome & they get all lovey dovey. She decides she's made a mistake & tries to leave. He says he's not letting her leave. The next thing we know braindamaged ex-football star breaks in & saves her from getting raped. The cop has a little girl who finds her Daddy's gun & shoots ex-football star who's beating up her Daddy. The end. Depressing boring movie. Do yourself a favor & watch something else.
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Broadchurch (2013– )
Pretty good
1 December 2021
This was an okay movie. I appreciated that there was no graphic sex scenes or nudity in this especially since the subject is a murdered 11 year old boy. I liked that it involved a very small beach town where everybody knows everybody. It seems like the perfect community & the Pastor even comments that there's very little crime & they've never had a homicide before. You get to know each of the residents & as the detective digs into their lives, jobs, criminal backgrounds, you get to see their hidden dirty little secrets. It's fun to watch the detective go through each person one by one, bringing them in asking "where were you Thursday between 9pm & 7am?" You get the front row seat to hear their alibis, & then to watch the detective check them out. My only complaint is that this could have been tightened up & done in fewer episodes. I was getting a little impatient for the killer to be revealed toward the last two episodes.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Episode 2 is entirely too dark
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The plane crashes & the most of this episode takes place in a forest at night. I couldn't see what was going on. The other smaller parts were in people's homes but also at night: people in bad moods sulking in dark bedrooms, a couple fantasy role playing in a dark bedroom, a lesbian black couple with a kid -1st in front of a tv in a dark living room, & then making shadow animals with hands & flashlight in a kids dark bedroom, & a meeting in a dark bar. Every part of this episode except for maybe 10 minutes was TOO DARK to make out what was happening.
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United 93 (2006)
Our military is not prepared
29 November 2021
This movie was heartbreaking. 4 planes were hijacked on 9-11. Three of them hit their targets. The fourth one is United 93- it didn't because the passengers were brave & they acted together. They uses their head - there's more passengers than hijackers so they overpowered them. The problem was once tgey had control 9f the plane the military was not around to help them land the plane. The ending of the movie tells about the facts behind it. The control towers were not prepared. The Vice President & whoever else in charge chose not to get the military involved. This movie made me realize that our government is not prepared for emergencies. Look at the flood when people died in Louisiana sitting on their roofs. Look at every single emergency - our government is lame. I don't see why United 98 had to crash land. One of the passengers was a pilot. All he needed was direction & clearance to land.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
The movie was too dark
23 November 2021
I couldn't make out what was happening most of the time. It was awful when they used special effect like when the prince discovered something in the rocks & he talks to a snake & bees came out. There were men who had been turned into creatures stuck in the rocks & a main creature that I never did get to see because it was too dark. Most of the movie takes place in the dark jungle under the moon, underwater & in dark caves so you can't tell what's going on. I turned my brightness settings all the way up & it didn't help. They do this in horror movies a lot but not in a movie like this. Of course if you can't see the movie because it's too dark it will ruined the whole experience.
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Extinct (2021)
No consistant theme...just a branches out into a mesh mash of stories
23 November 2021
The main fault with this is that it's like a bunch of 5th graders made up a bunch of stories. What I mean is 1 little kid made up the first 15 minute story then another kid made up another 15 minute story ..on & on until they had 90 minutes worth of stories. Then someone figured out how to connect all the stories & wah-lah it's an houv& a half animated film. Do you get what I mean? The story doesn't flow nicely & it isn't just 1 story. It branches out in too many different directions without a main theme holding it together. ANYONE can make a diary collection of a bunch of nonsensical stories.
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The Command (2018)
High anxiety
8 November 2021
I'm so mad at the low ratings people gave this! My God I was biting my knuckles, clenching my toes & teeth, & holding my breath the whole time they were on the submarine! It's an awesome drama about a submarine that gets stuck on the bottom of the ocean. I watched the Command on my phone & when the missiles blew I jumped so hard that my phone flew & shut down Amazon Prime. I found my place in the movie & continued watching. My point I'm trying to make is this movie is really REALLY GOOD & you won't regret watching it. I am a fan of good submarine movies & this one is now added to my top 5 list! The historical aspect is interesting. We see the run down ghetto housing that the Navy familes live in but the tight commorodity they share. We see the men working on the docks & then taking off to get their paychecks. They are told the Govt can't pay them. A couple is getting married the next day which is right before they all leave on the submarine. The groom needs his paycheck for the Champaign for his wedding so the best man & a few others trade their expensive Navy watches for crates of Champaign. The wedding & celebration dinner are well stocked so the Couple has a happy traditional church wedding. A Russian Navy Captain says Russia used to crank out the best submarines but were chintzy with parts so they fell apart quickly. All of them turned into rust buckets. Three are still running- the one they're on in the movie, one's used to deliver cabbage, & the best submersible takes rich Americans down to see the sunk Titanic for $20,000 a ticket. The submarine they're on has lots of missiles on it & so I was nervous from the get go. Of course one of them immediately has a temperature issue & starts rising real quick. I don't want to give any more away. Just watch it but expect to have High Anxiety!
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Trouble (I) (2019)
The songs ruin the movie
5 November 2021
Really horrible songs ruined this for me. I had to keep fast forwarding every time a song popped up which was too often. The story is pretty good- a pampered dog had to find a new home when his owner dies. The problem was the actors who did the voices of the dogs weren't that great. It just didn't have that Disney/Illumination 5 Star appeal to it.
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Hammer House of Horror: The Mark of Satan (1980)
Season 1, Episode 13
It's supposed to be scary
1 November 2021
The acting is good but where's the horror in the story? There isn't one scary scene. Nobody gets hurt or killed, no eerie ghosts appear, no demons possess, nothing moves by itself, nothing spooky happens! The guy just becomes more & more unraveled at numbers that are present in his life. You watch him constantly looking at addresses & other things with numbers. He's adding & subtracting outloud to himself or anyone who has the disfortune of being there. It would of been so much better if something spooky happened along with his number discoveries. Instead your stuck with a man losing his mind and watching the poor people around him act confused & uncomfortable as he rants & raves to them something about numbers.
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Old (2021)
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this but a lot of it could've been tightened up. It didn't need the 15-20 minutes beginning intro showing 1 of the families long drive to the resort. It was pointless & you have to listen to them sing in the car. Also pointless was the hotel scenes of people ordering food & drinks. I could of done without watching the parents fight in the hotel room while their two kids were scared & hugged in the other room. Who wants to watch a couple talk about their marriage problems, whether they should tell their kids they're separating & stuff like that? All you want is to get to the beach scenes where they get old!! Once you get to the beach it starts getting good. I liked watching the skinny blond model grow old. She has a calcium deficiency which made her grow a hump on her back. She's not used to looking old & ugly & neither is her husband the doctor. When her face starts loking haggard he yells at her to go put some makeup on. She can't deal with it & goes to hide in the rocks. That's when she really starts aging. Her arms & legs start breaking. It's intense. I could of done without the doctor going mental. He kept talking nonsense about a movie. I really liked this though & think almost everyone would enjoy it. I can't see anyone getting bored & turning it off. Just fast forward thru the first 15-20 minutes until everyone's at the beach. The aging process is so fast. People age like 50 years in 1 hour. The kids are fun to watch grow from 6 years old to 50. There's an interesting scene of two 6 year olds playing in the sand together a boy & a girl. It switches to the adults & then when they show the kids again the little 6 year old girl is pregnant. That was weird because who thinks about kids that age sneaking off & having intercourse? So she ends of having a baby on the beach. This movie will freak you out. Watch it!
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The Mercy (2018)
Most depressing movie I ever saw.
11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was so disappointed in this movie. Why mislead people into thinking he sailed around the world? The movie was voyage into madness & trickery. Destruction of a family - wife, children, their home, property gone. No answers in the end. Just empty. Sadness. Depression. I had to immediately watch something uplifting to kill the horrible mood this out me in.
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Queenpins (2021)
10 October 2021
How much more unrealistic can a movie be ? I was grimacing throughout the whole story. I kept thinking that it would get better as in more true to life but it never did. I kept fast forwarding thru ridiculous scenes and on to the next but it just kept getting more corny and unrealistic the further into it I watched. I cannot recommend this movie.
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