Invasion (2020) Poster


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originaliko26 July 2020
I did like the first one. Not a great film a but an enjoyable different kind of blockbuster. The follow up, Invasion is in the same vein. It doesn't make a lot of sense but it's really fun to watch. the main difference between your average run of the mill american blockbuster and this is mostly in the way the human antagonist are portrayed. There's no evil or villain and you understand why people act the way they are. Most people are not black and white, they're grey.
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Visually amazing
diescobarmdq4 January 2022
I had no idea this was a sequel, so that little montage at the beginning of the movie was very confusing to me, I didn't know what was going on and when I figured it out I was kind of uninterested in seeing what would happen next, but I kept watching and was surprised by the action sequences and special effects in the final act of the movie.

I need to see the first movie to fully understand what was happening and to get the whole picture, but as a sci-fi, alien invasion movie, it was ok. Again, a bit confusing for me but I was invested in the story till the end.

The whole water dome sequence was amazing, the best part of the entire movie.
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It's ok, there's better and worse around
chewer303 October 2020
Don't let the negative reviews put you off. If you're running out of sci fi to watch like me you will be glad you found something
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I have a home, a job, and a garden.
nogodnomasters19 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the sequel that takes place a couple of years later. In case you missed the first feature there is a quick retell during the credits that may be a little hard to follow. Hakon the alien is back alive again. Ra's algorithm has decided the Yulya must die in order to save humanity. Hakon, her father, and ex-boyfriend don't want that to happen and go to war with the alien.

It was decent science fiction. They built characters in this Romeo and Yulia tale. It has "Fouth of July" elements. I like the special effects. It seemed long.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Not a masterpiece, but an interesting film!
jp_9113 January 2021
"Vtorzhenie" is an interesting film with a messy script, but not bad. The special effects and the cinematography are wonderful, an excellent sound design and a cool music score. The direction is fine and the acting is good. The opening credits are totally great. Back to the script is messy sometimes but with good points, there is some James Cameron's influences as some similar scenes to "The Terminator" and "The Abyss". "Vtorzhenie" could be better, but it's an interesting film.
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Terrible writing, worse than the first film.
Top_Dawg_Critic9 June 2020
134 minutes of dragged out plot and technical issue riddled writing that felt like 5 hours. You'd think they would've learned from the first films' mistakes. Nope. The first film was written by 5th graders. This one by 5 year olds. These writers need to go back to high school. Pretty sure the subbing was also done by 5 years olds. Acting was ok, and the score surprisingly good and fitting. The cinematography was excellent and the S/VFX were stellar - which is the main reason I'm giving this film my very generous 5/10
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An unnecessary sequel to a good movie
nlo-3570912 April 2020
This movie joins a long and honorable list of sequels that should not have been made but were made anyway because of the success of the originals (think Pacific Rim Uprising or Independence Day 2 ). The sequel dropped the deeper philosophical elements of the original entirely and filled the remaining space with even more action scenes. And if you throw enough action scenes in a movie, some of them will end up being good. Unfortunately this yields a poorly paced, loud, and ultimately derivative movie, though Michael Bay would probably approve it.
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A mix of previous American movies
spanishlatam6 March 2020
1) Take some ideas from Independence Day, Minority Report, The Day After Tomorrow, Titanic and some Youtube videos about Japan's Tsunami. 2) Mix them thoroughly 3) Ignore all the rules for writing a screenplay that works

Enjoy the result.
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A good movie with great effects
english_artist5 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read some of the reviews on this movie saying it was rubbish and not as good as the first etc and I nearly didn't watch it. I am pleased I ignored them and watched it as its a good movie. I actually preferred this to the first one but both are worth watching.

The effects are top notch and the water effects are really good. I loved the whole idea of using the internet and our addiction to social media against us that was a really clever twist

On the whole a good sci-fi movie that is worth a watch. Don't listen to reviews watch it yourself to see
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You won't miss much If you pass on this film....
sashazim25 June 2020
I have watched it in Russian with English subtitles, and being a native Russian speaker I can say - whoever made the subtitles translation for this movie has no language proficiency whatsoever. Pathetic. However, this is not this movie's biggest problem - it is simply a dull, talentless (talking about the screenwriters and film directors) mediocre mess. Big names, some good actors, Columbia pictures and all, and I felt simply embarrassed about my birth country producing such a wretched parody of a movie. To be fare, using big names and indeed very talented actors, who have delivered some solid acting for the movie, helped to offset some of its miseries. But the plot, the ideas, the pompous drama of the plot has turned it into a pretentious farce, a circus. Russia certainly has talent and creative potential to make good movies, it's a shame this one has been such a waste of good capable actors and such a disappointment for the viewers. If you pass on this film, you won't miss much.
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Smarter than you'd think
vytrolenec11 October 2020
It seems most of the rewievers missed a certain point of both films. 2 Points to be exact. By the title "attraction", one would think they would understand that it is supposed to be a love story. And the second one, the more important one, is that both movies are supposed to say how easily are we humans convinced that something has happened when the media tell us, in other words, how completely and utterly are we dependant on digital technology, infomation technology and how easily can negative emotions and lack of information sway us to acts we otherwise would not commit.

The writers of this movie made a solid research into human psychology, and I like that. 9/10.
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Good Second Movie
jnst-1691625 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved the first move and so I had high expectations for the second one. While the CGI continues to be on par with big budget movies, the story line was a little bit of a letdown for me. I mean the logic that the AI would violently kill thousands of innocents to get to its targets just doesn't line up with the philosophy of the first movie. I mean the AI in the first movie was very considerate and the aliens followed a strict no intervention code. If you can look beyond that the movie is a solid effort to continue the story of the first movie. I also like it that it shows how dependent humans have become on their digital gadgets and how easy it is for an AI to fool people. This is definitely the strong part of the story that I enjoyed. However, I doubt that a real AI would just use such a head-on approach. In summary, the movie is much more action heavy than the first one, but if you enjoyed the first movie, you will like this one as well. Have fun!
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I wanted this to be good!
gp-4815921 January 2020
Last 30 minutes looked like Independence day, although with no excitement, just like the first movie (Gravity (not the Gravity with Sandra)) - characters are irrational and dull, movie is boring, CGI is kinda good, can't they get better writers? Overall, turned out to be a waste of time, nothing original here, just bad...
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A more solid movie, but a worst overall experience
siderite13 July 2020
The first film, Prityazhenie, was clunky, but had some very captivating scenes and the story was original enough. I was noting then that Alexander Petrov made the movie happen, even as he had just a supporting role, with his emotional range and energetic acting. The ending, too, had a lot of emotional impact, with both Hakon and Artyom dying for the same human woman. The sequel pretty much erases everything: everybody is alive again, Artyom has a brain aneurysm that does nothing to the story - I even googled a bit to see if the actor didn't have this affliction that they inserted in the film, and the galactic water ecologists now attack Earth because (mathematically!) it's the best solution. Oleg Menshikov gets a deserved larger role, but all the others are reduced to cardboard props.

The production value is greater, the actors are doing a good job, the film is more solid, but the story and the way good actors were wasted makes it a poorer experience. It's a decent film, for a Russian sci-fi production, but they have a long way to go still.
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A huge improvement compared to the mediocre 1st film. Enriched scenario with AI thriller, lots of suspense and great effects! Recommended to all fans of the genre!
Mivas_Greece10 April 2021
Fantasy/invasion movie. Surprisingly, Attraction 2: Invasion I liked and enjoyed much more than the first. The first film, although it had started promisingly, was then very mediocre, meaningless and the script was all over the place. The second film, however, implicates developed artificial intelligence that targets the protagonist girl as a potential danger in the future and tries to annihilate her. Besides, however, it clearly shows the power and influence that technology has on humans and from them wins a lot in the script from my point of view. Extraterrestrial artificial intelligence completely controls digital communications on earth, but also all audiovisual media, producing fake videos and speeches such as to incriminate the protagonist and execute it themselves. This alone could become a film in itself, a technological thriller about a not-so-distant future (AI made fake videos are already a reality). In addition, the extraordinary effects, the whole suspense of being chased by all the protagonists and the action, raise the level of the 2nd film by far compared to the meaningless first. In the negatives obviously the meaningless good alien who is essentially human and by coincidence speaks Russian, a necessary negative since it is a continuation of the first, but also the completely disliked and unnecessary rival who is also continuation from the first. Of the protagonists, only the young woman was good but also her father. Maybe in a 3rd movie things will improve even more and that film reaches the top. Remarkable effort to overturn the mediocrity of the first. It is recommended to all fans of the genre, but unfortunately you also have to watch the very mediocre first film to understand the protagonists and the case.
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Rushed boring mess
WatchAndSmile8 March 2020
4 that I gave is for CGI and some acting. But not all actors were good. Some characters were certifiably stupid and other things made no sense unless you just accept them as part of the story and don't attempt to question it... It felt as if the budget was too big for the studio and they rushed through the editing and filming process. Major, major fail because of it! I didn't know which characters to like or hate as almost all were dis-likeable, which should not happen!

Overall, I found the movie pretty boring. It took me 15 minutes of trying to remember what happened in the first one(shot a few years back) to even understand what was happening in the beginning. I heard other people asking each other what is going on. Basically, if you haven't watched the 1st one, you will have some trouble understanding the 2nd(this one) as the movie does not go about explaining everything, other than very light details. But even though I watched the 1st one, it was still a bit hard to follow not only because I couldn't remember some details, but also because of the very bad script/story which never helped. Some dialog was very "theatrical" and fake. Nobody likes that. Viewers connect better to real dialogs. 1st movie was much better imho. It was flawed,but it was better nevertheless.

SFX: 8/10 Acting: 6/10 ( some were good and some really bad) Script: 2/10 Story: 4/10 Directing: 0/10

Overall: 4/10
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Have you seen the Visuals?
dummiejo-909187 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get it. How you can give this movie a one or two star review with such stunningly beautiful visuals. They are worth 3 stars alone. Some you haven't seen ever again before, so it's worth watching for that alone. I remember some viewers gave Avatar 2, 6 stars reviews for the effects alone, so this one deserves a fair appointment of those too.

The story has more flaws than the first movie, but not to the extent you want to turn off your TV. The actors again perform a decent job and all are back in this one. I again, liked the thoughtful messages shared, the moral lessons provided and the subtle jokes made. Actually, the story writer/director got more courageous with his jokes in this one and wanted to create a more lightweight atmosphere.

Then, spoilers alert...

With the recent hype of Artificial intelligence, it's astonishing how well made this movie portraits the danger of it becoming a controlling force. Here, the Alien AI decides, that to limit casualties, Julia who knows too much and has developed powers through the bracelet, has to die. The AI uses every trick, from voice imitation, media manipulation to using humans who got brainwashed to achieve its goal. When this fails, the AI becomes a War machine in brute force style, controlling water...

I found this one to be entertaining popcorn kino and didn't felt bored at all. Sure, it could have been done better, but have you seen the recent Hollywood productions?
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The plot is bad
m-a-pozhidaeva11 January 2020
The plot contains a lot of holes and too little logic, the actors' motivations don't exist. So many moments that deserve a palm face. I don't know what's worse: this movie or the first part of this movie. Watch and laugh at how you can spend 6 million dollars to make the bad movie ever.
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oops I slipped... Warning: Spoilers
INVASION 2 2020 (spoiler-alert)...from Russia, pretty-much story-line is from the first movie, Focusing-on the tech capabilities rather than any real physical alien creature invasion, making it predictable as they draw-insperation from this first movie instead of them using there imaginations and taking it a step-further! Everything else was good and if you are a sci-fi fan you may not care, but if you are like me...ya like to see some effort and some Alien beef-on!
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Some of the best CGI ever + the worst storyline ever = s***!
derek-a-charette1002 July 2021
The saying that ''You can't polish a turd'' is fitting here. It's actually worse than the first one. This movie is a paradox. The visuals are simply incredible, yet the story is about the very worst. They must of had 1,000 computers working nonstop for a year to get all these stunning graphics, only to be destroyed by the most ridiculous plot ever. As the saying goes, ''They've lost the plot', can't even be applied here because the is not even a plot to begin with.

PLEASE DON'T MAKE THIS INTO A TRILOGY, so help me God, just make it stop!
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ajhdettmer15 March 2020
Both parts of Attraction are fitting seamless into todays high tech popcorn cinema. They are not better or bader than ,say ,most of the marvel movies. The story is rather simple,the cgi is fantastic and the pace is right for a enjoyable watch.
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Like a videogame
deffnews6 May 2020
No, it is not remix of prevous american movies. Yes, they used many things from other plots, excluding sci-fi novels for teens, hmm like a "Guest from the future" by Kir Bulichov. This is not serious sci-fi like "Salyut-7". Anyway, "Invasion" smells like a real war. Russians have a ability to made their action movies with feeling it is a real war, not just a movie war. "Invasion" is like a videogame.
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Some super cool visual effects and action with a lot of wacky writing :-(
stevebondi12 January 2022
It is unfortunate that the writing was not stronger, since the nonsensical dialog and story points take from the awesome visuals and action :-( The first one held up a bit better.
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Skip and never remember
allpavel26 July 2020
The main problem of this film is that there is no sane narration, sane plot. The complete lack of acting tries to be compensated for by the loudness of the sound and visual effects. But to no avail. The complete victory of form over content. I do not recommend to watch.
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Decent job for low budget action movie.
elpidiovaldez-865825 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts better than it finishes.

I love how earth has increased its Space Defence since the arrival of alien life in the first movie. The government tells people that aliens will never again come to earth without being detected. Meanwhile a humongous alien ship is sitting in Earth orbit using some kind of cloaking shell. It is also fun to see how the ship's AI effortlessly subverts phones, cars and any kind of digital technology.

The AI now wants to kill Yulia because she acquired water control powers in the first movie. They want to do this with minimum collateral damage and loss of human life, and use digital media to set the population and government agencies after her.

Unfortunately the second half of the film seems to lose its way. The attempt to kill Yulia fails and the AI now appears to want to destroy half of Moscow. This does not seem to be a minimal use of force (couldn't they just send a battle suit or a drone ??). Also, the use of water as the basis of all their technology strains my suspension of disbelief. It does not really make sense anymore.

I wonder if any themes of this movie were inspired by Iain Banks' Culture novels. Similarities include huge space ships with AI minds; a predominately non-aggressive, super high-tech civilisation; subverting digital technologies with 'effectors'; 'Field' technology used by the ship; the 'capsule' used to leave the mother-ship (called a 'module' by Banks).
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